G THE SCRAXTON T1U15UXE TUESDAY MORNING,. DECEMBER 18, 1894. PEACE ON EARTH TO MEN OF GOOD WILL" L x 'mm'- fit A H - 1 It! To the Greeting: iHf .mHoics ox &crini ton Si 2? :0 0 Pi That peace which is won by good will and affection is God-given and lasting. It is the peace of the home, of he -friends the peace that brings God's blessings upon those who have won it. It is for such peace we rejoice at this season of the year. The hand that rules the babe is the hand that commands the peace of nations. It is fitting and customary for the victors to annually show their gratitude for the peace that is given us. The Christmas tree that the wise and prudent wife . 0 will decorate is the man who honors and protects her. Anything that is spent in clothing or dressing him is a profitable in vestment, and one that he will appreciate more than anything else a wife can give. And mothers, how much better you will enjoy the gladsome season if you put on your son something that will keep away winter's blasts, and at the same time make him as neat and handsome as the other young men of the town. Money invested in clothing is money wisely spent. Of the ' J? a - vJ uuu v- i w v. x Liii luii uuu iv.iuiiji vvv nui uv. ii iniuuiiit iui uuiu iiiin., v i.hjv .iijf vvuJ.ll ptOLUlo lJ L IHC11 husbands and sons. We know sweethearts want presents for their beaux, and that sister wants some token of affection for brothers. We have been giving your wants some attention for months. Now we want your attention and your presence at! our store during the season. Respectfully, 4 COLLINS & HACKETT, FINE CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. 220 Lackawanna Ave. rssa f IE ARE B ITLMS WE WANT TO CPU YOUR I1IMII0N TO : MlllllltA AAAAA A ITEM NO. 1. Ol'R GOODS are the best, and the prices well, you can see for yoV self. If you wish to spend only fifty cents, well and good; wc have a score of articles at that price. If you wish to spend fifty dol lars, we can accommodate you at that figure also and whether fifty ! cents or fifty dollars, we assure you a hearty welcome and fair treat' j ment. A. A ,. A. A A A ITEM NO. 2. kCKIIAPS you think nothing presentaiile can lie had for half a dol lar. That is a mistake. We have scarfs innumerable at that price. Some as low as a quarter. Fifty cents you can et something better; for one dollar the best anything more expensive in the way of neckwear is extravagance; but if you will, w hy, we cau give you some thing at two dollars, or even three. Come and look them over. We have all the latest shapes and effects as well as the old stand bys ascots, four-in-hands, juifl's, bows, etc. Ready made ties and ties you tie yourself. Law n ties for evening wear just the thing for Christmas and New Year parties. Three, in enam eled pasteboard box, fifty cents. . I I II II: ITEM NO. B. WHETHER a man smokes or not, a Smoking Jacket is as comfort able a garment to lounge about in after dinner us one could desire. We have them in all styles and at all prices. Your choice of jacket from S4.00 to $15. 00. Dressing (low ns, some very handsome ones, quilted silk lining. These arc really elegant presents, if you wish some- ! thing costly. . j ..!.;ri-S.. ' 0. I S Jt l.W E ITEM NO. 6. HOSIERY. I HRISTMAS would not be Christmas without the stocking, and I hosiery seems about as appropriate anil useful a gift as one could wish for. .i.x , ri 11 .. A If ... C .rt (V)v-. j For steady everyday wear we have the plain unbleached socks and solid black, color guaranteed fast. We can shov you alsu a line vari ety of fancy colors and designs. All materials, cotton wool, lisle thread, silk, etc. Prices, like the goods, are right For $2 you can get half a dozen pairs of heavy woolen socks, just the thing for winter wear, or if you prefer it you can expend thcsamc amount on a single pair silk, of course. . . 1 1 . -- n -TO ITEM NO. 3. COLLARS AND CUFFS. rE have these in as great a variety as the scarfs. The price whatever you like to pay. Good collars at sixty cents a ' dozen. Letter ones at one dollar and a half. Cuffs from twenty-live cents a pair upward. . Make a note of the size collar you want and the Htyle, whether "standing" or "turn-down." Cuffs also, the size, and whether the old fashioned "but- . tuned" cull's or the more stylish ' link" is desired. HEADQUARTERS. ! I t.t.tA.AA; fT, A. ! ITEM NO. a. SHIRTS, NO more acceptable gift than shirts could be thought of. N'o man ever had too many of them. We have them in all styles and of nil materials. Open-back shirts, shirts that open in the front, and shirts that open back and front. Plain shirts and fancy shirts; cotton, linen and percales. VTVT ' GLOVES AND HANDKERCHIEFS. THESKare, perhaps, the most 'popular of all Christmas gifts arti cles that make a good show for a little money. For 1.50 we can give you as good a pair of gloves as a man would care to wear. For the same money half a dozen hemstitched linen handkerchiefs, with embroidered initial or without, just as you like. The handkerchiefs we put up in a pretty card board box w ith ".Merry Christmas" embossed in giit on the cover. SUSPENDERS. At any price you like from 25 cents to ones at 1.50. Some very handsome ITEM NO. 7. UNDERWEAR AND NIGHT ROBES. USEFUL presents these, for husband, father, brother or son, aad we have some real bargains to show you. Heavy flannel at $1.00 per suit. Woolen underwear at '2.oo per suit. Camel's hair at 3.00 per suit. There are some good things to be had in the way of night robes also: Cotton, .... Pure linen, embroidered bosom, Silk, . . . . Sanitary and hygienic underwear a specialty. r . If" "V 1 o a 1? i i ITEM NO. O. UMBRELLAS AND JEWELRY. LARGE assortment to select from. Imhrellas from $1.50 to , A first class tvcnlv-cilit-inch Gloria for fx. You can make no mistake in selecting any of these goods. A FINE CLOTHIERS, . . 9 GENTS' FURNISHERS, ETC. '0 ' Lackaw'anna Avenue, Scranton, Pa, '1 ' k m iPDiiopfjii t - ... . -.' ,