THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MOQXING, DECEMBER 18, 1894. 5 A pure cream of tartar, powder. " Pure The true composition is published on every label, information not given by other manufacture-s. You know what you are eating when you use Cleveland's. Norrman & Moore FIRE INSURANCE, 120 Wyo ming Ave. THE 1 SUBURBAN Aiv uml Ineiui- dc'Bnt Lights in ne.irly nil parts of tile city. oi i ici: : Comnionwjalth Building. Our Ini'iiudcsccnt Systom is absolutely saf:s No Oriental opium-scented linen frayed, fretted and worthless, but all returned fit for wear, ironed with care, and all of it there. LACKAWANNA AUNDRY. 1 iiUBPenuAve. A. B. WAR MAN. A GREAT SALE BABY CARRIAGE ROBES, Hupr niul Sweepers for the IMiday tiiide. "Gold aIpiIhI'' Sw-c)ur In twelve fancy woods for C'hr tstiuun Gift! WILLIA3IS&MCASULTY 127 WYOMING AVENUE. CITY X01ES. ray your poor tuxes and save costs. Today excavation work will be started for building the western pier of the Spruce s'rect bridge. The F.lectrlcal Workers' union of this city will run a ball ut Turner hall on Christmas night. The eleventh annual ball of the F.xcel slor Athletic club will bo held at .Music hall on Christmas night. The regular monthly meeting of the Venn Avenue Haptist .Men's league will occur this evening ut 7.30. Sheriff John J. Fancy yesterday moved from the jail to a house on Jefferson ave nue, between Fine and (Jibson streets. The sale of seats for "I'rlncess Hon nli!" will open at the box oihee at the Academy of Music at 9 a. m. this morn lug. The Keystone Social club will run n so rlal at St. Itavld's hall Thursday even ing, Dec. 20. A waltz contest will take place. Ordinances providing a permanent man find horses for the William Council Hose company were yesterday signed by the mayor. The most complete cottage doll house ever on exhibition to the public can be Been at Williams & McAnulty's, Wyom Ing uvenue. The Woman's Christian Temperance union of Green Itldge will hold its regular meeting this nfternoon at 2.30 o'clock nt 615 Green Itldge street. Kvangelistlc work will bo the subject for consideration Hev. A. Grillln, secretary of the Meth odist Kldscopal Inllrm ministers' fund, de llvercd an excellent address before the Methodist r&stors' union nt the Kim Park church yesterday. At the Woman's Christian Temperance . union meeting this afternoon ut their rooms on Spruce street, the superintend ent of departments will deliver interesting reports of their work. Sir. McGee, of I'hlladelphia, the vepre pentativo of tho carpet industry pro posed to bo located in Scranton, Is ex pected In tho city dally to Inspect the sites which have been suggested by the board of trade. Judge Archbald mado an order yester day committing Thomas H. Smith, of Jermyn, an Incorrigible youth, to the house of refuge. Smith was In tho house before, but was released last June. lie Is 14 yeurn of age. The regular monthly business meeting of the Womun'a Christian Temperance union will be held in their rooms, 303 Spruce street, this nfternoon nt 3 o'clck All members are urgently ..Ited to be present and being friends wf them. Mrs. Cornelia Peplllo began an action In trespass yesterday against Mrs. Mario Cnpona to recover $5,000 damnges for de famation of character. On Nov. 30 Mrs. Caponu made charges that seriously re fleeted on Mrs. Deplllo's reputation for chastity. Wlllam Bevers, tho Delawnre, Lacka Wanna and Western brakemnn who was injured last Tuesday and died after on operation In the Moses Taylor hospital did not die before recovering from th effect of an anaesthetic as was erron eously stated in Tuesday's and Wednes day s papers. An entertainment under the auspices of the Kpworth league of tho Simpson Meth odist lOplscopnl church will le held Thurs day night nt the church. One of the fen Hires of the entertainment will be a grand stereoptlcon exhibition by Professor K SH Call und A. K. Vorhls. The price of admission is nxod at ID cents. At ti meeting yesterday afternoon of the executive committee of the Home for the Friendless It was decided to Indefinitely .postpone building 1 operations upon the new structure on Arlington heights. The foundation walls, nave been erected, but the committee hesitates to eontlnuo build ing until the way for procuring funds seems more favorublo than at present. , There was a pronounced decreuse dur nrnTnin ww ymzm r r h XT ing the past week In new cases of con 0 S ltmnirm " and " Sure: IhkIous diseases and deaths. Eighteen dentils resulted from all pauses and the report of the hoard of health shows the following record of infectious and con tagious diseases: One new case of ty phoid, li new cases of srnrli'l fever, 2 new cases ami i deaths from diphtheria, '1 new cases and 1 death from whoo;dntf coush. l'repuratlons are bcini? made for the Youns lien's Christian association an mial reception, which will he held on New Year's day. Last year over 5.01) visitors Were supplied with refreshments und participated In the proceedings. It Is ex pected that this year the number will b.i Increased.) (In the evening of Pec. 2!) the drama, "Hand and Glove." will be stntfed at the Academy of -Music by the Coyne-Hanldn Dramatic company. .M. .1. Coyne, of I.o cust street, who has dlstiKuished him self in comic roles, will play the leading part. The rest of the company Is weil selected anil they have been carefully rehearsing for the production. Tim 7.-0 south bound passenger train Sunday night on the Central Kallroad of New Jersey struck a cow near the cross ing at the Kim jitreet bridge and the ani mal was thro' n to the side of the track with only a broken leg. She was still in the same position at supper time yester day evening and her piteous moans should have interested the people living near there. John Hanlon, of the Cifv Hoarding house, who was arrested by Officer h'la hiity for mulling a charge of blackmail ing against him, and also for disorderly conduct, was brought before Alderman ! uller yesterday morning. No further evidence was offered, but Hanlon was held In ?jeo bail to appeur at court to an swer the charge. J. I,. Hauling became his bondsman. I'lie eighth annua! dinner of the New Kugland society of Lackawanna county will be served at the Terrace hotel, on Wyoming avenue, Friday evening. Among the guests will be Key. Joseph H. I'wlchcll. of Hartford, Conn.; Itev. Klhcl- bcrt I). Warlleld. president of Lafayette ollege. ot haslon: S. . Nnrthway, con gressman from the Garlicli! district of Ohio: Key. W. H. l'earce, und Attorney T. V. i'owderly. n Interesting meeting of the llaptlr.t I'astors' union was held yesterday at the I'enn Avenue Haptist church, when Hev. li. 1 1. Williams, of lilakely, gave a splen- lld address on Schleman's excavations at Troy. Several of the pastors took part In a discussion wlih K followed and com plimented .Mr. Williams upon the schol arly manner in which the address was de livered. At . the next meeting Itev. I). C. Hughes will read a paper on vThe Dlr- pcnsatlon of the Logos." Plans for ventilating and heating the new high school were examined by the school committee of the board of control last evening. The system Is the Smith Healing and Ventilating system and the Inventor, Frederick Smith, of New York city, was present at the meeting of the committee. It Is estimated that the cost will approach SL'H.tiOO. At the meeting of the board Friday evening the committee will recommend that advertisement bo made for proposals to erect the system under the supervision of Mr. Smith. Pabst's Milwaukee Beer, cool and spark ling, at Lohmun's, Spruce street. ANOTHER CITY HUILI)IN(i. Plans for It Approved hy Joint Ituiljing Committee. Plans and specifications of Architect Walter for a lire department and police tillice building to be erected In the rear of the municipal building were lust night approved by the Joint pul.lio buildings committee of councils. When completed the structure will have cost $22,000. It is to be built of native sitone with Nicholson blue stone trimmings and will be two and a half stories high with a hose tiwnr for drying purposes on the northeast corner. Three double doors will open from Mulberry street Into a large space octu pled by a steamer, hose carriage and chief's wagon und stables forslx horses, On the same lluor and In the rear with entrances from the alley will be located the police patrol wagon, fuel wagon, stalls for the police horses und an apart ment for washing apparatus and tem porary housing of vehicles. On the sec ond floor in front will be contained the firemen's quarters, olllco of the chief of the fire department, bath rooms and dormitory. Further to the rear and connecting with the municipal building by an arched passageway will be oftiees of the chief of police and sleeping apartments fur reserve policemen. The plans include details for complete fire quarters equipment and the build ing will be known, as "Headquarters of the Scranton Fire Department." Stewart, the Wyoming avenue Art Dealer, is headquarters for tine picture frames. Call and inspect his large line of White lind Gold, Oak Gilt, Sliver and Gold Mounted. Tho New Webster Dictionary, bound in Leather, for 60 cents, at REYNOLDS BROS. .Magnesia and Mngnuhestos Sectional Coverings. Orders for breakers, houses nnd steum plants generally, solicited. O. F. RKYNOLDS, Successor to Macan & Co. J. S. REYNOLDS, Manager, 321 Center street. Excelsior Diaries for 1893. RKYNOLDS 13ROS. All kinds of Etchings. Engravings and Water Colors at Grtilln's new studio, 203 Wyoming avenue. Finest line of Davis' Automatic Ink stands ut REYNOLDS HUOS. I am prepared to receive a limited num ber of piano pupils. For terms, etc., nd dress Hlrliurd F. Lindsay, ' S22 Mulberry street. Or at Towell's Muslo Store. Beautiful Water Colors, Fac-slmlles, Photogravures und Etchings, Framed am: I.'nframed. PRATT'S BOOK STORE. mi;i. BROWN.-In Factoryvllle, Dec. lfi, 1801, Mrs. Hurrlet A. Brown, wife of James M. Brown, uged 07 years. Funeral ser vices from Methodist church at Fac torvvllle, Wednesday, Dec. 19, nt !1 o'clock. Interment in Evergreo cenic tery. ' HEWKTT.-In Danville, Dec, 1C, Mrs. F. H. Hewett, aged 72 years. Funeral Wednesday nfternoon ut 2 o'clock at her residence, 1123 Diamond uvenue. Jn- terment at Forest Hill cemetery. SCANLON.-In Scranton, John J. Scan Ion, at the home of J. J. Getting, WcBt Luckawanna avenuo, aged 21 yeurs. Funeral, toworrow morning at 9 o'clock from Bt. Patrick's church. Interment in Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. 1 HiyCU AGAINST Opinion mi the Subject Handed Down by ,liidc Gimstcr. HEY WOl'LU HE DAXGEK01S Traction Company -Must Cross the lcla- ware und Hudson Tracks nt Moosic by Means of an Overhead Itrijjjc or Not At All. Judge fiunster handed down his opin ions yesterday disposing of the Injunc tion case between the Scranton and Pittston, Tructlon company and the Delaware and Hudson Canal company. The matter ut Issue was the right of the Traction cuinnaiiv to cross the Hacks of the Delaware and Hudson 'anal company at grade at Wyoming avenue and Spring street In Mooslc. Judge Gunster decides that such a grade crossing would be extremely dan gerous and that the Tructlon company must cross the railroad company's tracks at these points by means of an overhead bridge. About 150 trains pass over those cross ings every day, nnd under these circum stances the Judge believes It would not bf right to allow the grade crossings ii be established. The fact that equally as dangerous xrude crossing exists In this city at Carbon street and West ackawunnii avenue was no reason why additional grade crossings should be made, the judge said. The opinion loses us follows: . . Overhead CrossinR Practicable. It has been suggested that overhead rosslngs are not practical because they are not practiced. That Is a mistawe. They are practiced, and, as I have shown, grade crossings are not only to be dls- ouraged, but whenever It Is reasonably pracllcalilo to avoid them It Is our duty to prevent them. The evidence does not dls- lose how often or how frequently the traction company proposes to run Its cars over these crossings, but It Is reasonable to suppose that they would do so as often us public travel warranted It. It Is common experience that If a grade cross ing is once established It is to all intents and purposes established forever and neither the company whose road Is rossed nor the public at large can rid themselves of the Inconvenience und dan ger caused thereby. After a careful examination of all the evidence In the case I am of the opin ion that It would be extremely hazardous and dangerous to permit the defendant to ross the plaintiff's road at grade, and that it is reasonably practicable to avoid such grade dressings nt both of the points in question by an overhead cross ing. This conclusion muy, and no doubt will, work hardship to the defendant. The net of 1S7I Imposes Important and delicate duties upon our--ourts of equity We cannot do less than perform them In the spirit in which they are imposed, and that Is, that the public Welfare Is para mount to any private or corporate In terests. The rule Is made absolute and the in Junction heretofore granted Is continued until otherwise ordered. , That Road to .Mooslc. This opinion will put a werlous oh stacle in the way of the completion of the electric road from this city to Pi Ms- ton. It is now completed and cars are running us far 'as .Mooslc and a portion of the road between Mooslc and Pitts ton is laid. It only required the laying of these crossings to practically give a connected line of electric roads running from Simpson In the upper end of this county, to Nanticoke in Luzerne. Lieutenant Governor Wat res and At torney Lemuel Amerman.who appeared for the Traction company -at the In junction hearings, were seen last even Ing by a Tribune reporter, but said they could not tell what action the company would take with regard to the opinion handed down by Judge Gunster. meeting of the stockholders will be held In a few days at which the situation will be discussed. PAID FIRE DEPARTMENT. Plan for llourd of Commissioners Muy lie Abandoned. It Is possible that the Idea of estab lishing a board of fire commissioners In connection with the proposed paid lire department will be abandoned. Never theless, City Solicitor Torrey was yes terday consulted upon the' manner of creating the commission In order to facilitate the creating of the commis sion If such a board Is decided neces sary. Regarding the paid call system, which It Is proposed to embody In the creative ordinance, but to whlcJi there seems to be some objection, Chief Ferber said yesterday: "San Francisco, Jer sey City, Hoboken, Easton, Erie, Lan caster and a number of other large cities, many of them larger than Scran ton, have found the call system a de cided success. It Is better than volun teer service, no matter how good that may be, and for that reason is worthy of support. Statistics show that call systems in the cities mentioned have proved a saving; I .cannot believe that those In authority will deny Scranton the privilege of Improvement." According to the ordinance two of the existing companies will be aban doned. It Is proposed to have seven hose companies, five engine companies, one chemical company, and one hook and ladder company. Which particular companies are to be abandoned can not be determined until after the pass uge of the ordinance. MEETING OF COMMITTEE To Consider the lHJs for tho llrldgcs tonight. There has been one week of delay In awarding the contract for the ' Iron work of the Linden street bridge owing to the difference of opinion between common and select council members of the street and bridges commit ten upon the resolution providing for the award lug of contracts on the two proposed bridges. Tonight tho committee will meet. Wrhen the members of the committee met a week ago the common counc members broke the quorum by leaving the city clerk's office before the meeting wrts formally called to order. This ac Hon was based upon their inability to convince the selectmen that one com pany should be awarded the contracts for the two bridges provided the total of Its two bids Is lower than the tw bids of any other one company. It .Is the opinion of City Solicitor Torry, Mayor Connell and Rlr. Lauer, who drafted the resolution, that the measure provides for the contract on one bridge to be awarded to the lowest bidder In dependently of the bids on the other bridge, the contract for which should separately be awarded to the lowest bidder on that particular bridge. The commoners have half gained their point by delaying action until to night. Since the evening the committee failed to meet It has received the bids on the Spruce street bridge which have been read in council and will be consid ered along with the Linden street bridge tonight. Unolliclally, the Edge Moor Bridge works, of Wilmington, has made the lowest bids, Including either an nsphalt or plank flooring, for the Linden street bridge; on the Spruce Htreeet bridge the Phenix Bridge com pany has bid lowest on a structure with an asphalt floor, while the Penn sylvania Bi ldgecompany has bid lowest on n plunk tlooivd structure. Nineteen thousand dollars will remain over from the bridge appropriations urter about $10 are transferred from the Linden street bridge appropriation to cover that probable shortage on the Spruce street bridge. CYKKNi: AM) COMPANY Onvc mi Excellent Entertainment at Davis' Theatre. Cyrene uppeared with her high-class audevllle company at Davis' theater, yesterday, and In her remarkable slack wire act, which he performs In an or dinary stret t costume, shows the per fect method of training. She also gave a line exhibition of dancing. Her per formances should be seen to be appre ciated. The uudience was delighted with the original comedy-sketch, "Grandpas Darling," by James Campbell and lit tle Annie Robinson. One of the chiet attractions of this powerful company, however, Is Albert Sylvester, In his sen sational aerial contortion performance, In which he was loudly applauded by the audience. Charles and Lottie Fre mont, the comedy couple, are excellent artists and provoked much merriment. The entire company is good and quite worthy of a visit by the patrons of this popular house. THE CHURCH AND YOUNG MEN Professor Weston Will Kelivcra lecture on This Subject Tonight. Professor Weston will deliver a lec ture at the Penn Avenue Baptist church tonight noon "The Church und Young Men." The lecture, although delivered at the Invitation of the .Men's league, will not be con lined to the members. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all friends to attend. Professor Weston has n wide and varied experience In connection with young men's organizations in many large cities and his fund of information is as valuable s It Is practical. As the admission is free, there is no doubt that a large audience will gleet the professor. . ANNEXATION MATTER. Common Council Committee W ill Report Favorably on It, The petition of the residents of Minooka. and Greenwood, who want the South district of Luckawanna town ship unnexed to Scranton, was consid ered last night by the judiciary com mittee of common council. The peti tion was attached to a favorable reso lution which Members Godfrey and Moir refused to sign on the ground that the locality Is too far distant to permit of practical or desirable annexa tion. Members Untile, Noone ami Hlckey signed the resolution, which will be reported to common council Thursday evening. KLEHERG'S HOLIDAY HAZAAR bountiful Imported Goods for HoliJuy Presents nt Mm Spruce street. Owing to lack of space to accommo date the large stock of beautiful goods purchased by Mr. Eugene Kleberg on the occasion of his recent visit to Europe. I have opened the store, 20S Spruce street (old postollice building) with the rarest stock of imported China, vases, lamps, bisque goods, etc., ever brought to Scranton. These goods were all selected with exquisite taste and are admirably udapled for holiday presents. Tliey must be sold and prices have been marked exceedingly low. Remem ber the place. CharluK Tropp, Coinmltttee, 80S Spruce street. . - Please place your orders as early as possible, our candles received fresh daily. We have a large line of HCYLIORS In I, 2, 3 nnd 5-lb. hpxes and In beaullfiil boxes.. We offer good mixed nuts, 3 lbs. for 25c; 7c. per lb. In qnnntlty. E. G. COURSES. Wholesale and Retail. Fancy Waste Paper Baskets. PRATT'S BOOK STORM We Arc Very llusy but have a large force of extra clerk!). Everybody will be wulted on quickly and goods delivered promptly. Please order us early In the week us possible. E. G. COCRSEN. Oxford Bibles und Family Bibles at RKYNOLDS BROS. Plllshury's Flour Mills have a capacity Of 17,000 burrela a day. Engraved cards at REYNOLDS BROS. Episcopal Praver Hooks and Hymnals. PRATT'S BOOK STORK, T. K. MeUintoek. has Just received a largo lot of Pulms, Ferns, etc., for holiday presents and In terior decorating. Catholic Prayer Books, largest line In the city ut . REYNOLDS BROS. Leather Traveling Cases, Collar and Cuff Boxes. PRATT'S BOOK STORE. Every year wo try to improve our X mas Candies. AVe niako a specialty of Hand Dipped Boa 1'ous and Chocolates; not crystalized. This year our fin est, with or w ithout fruits, 35c,; equal to Candy sold in mauy Candy Stores from GOc. to )S0c. Chocolates, 15c. to 25c per lb.; Fancy 5Iixture9, '25c per lb.; Plain Mixed, Sc. to lie; Crys talized Bon Bona, Iflc, to 25c; Glace Fruits, 25c. to 35c." Everybody to look all around and then como In. You will very soon DKC1DE where to buy your CANDY. E. Q. Coursen WHOLESALE AND RETAIL THE BRIDE OF A CHINAMAN i Miss l'linlinicr of Wilhes-Harrc Weds Jim 'ah of the Same I'lacc. CEUEM0XY, PEKF0KMED HERE Alderman I ltsiinmous Tied the Knot Thut.Mudc Them Man and Wlfo-Slio Wus Formerly Employed In Wuh's l.uundrj . One of the dark chapters In the ebb and Mow of the tide of life was enacted In Alderman Fitxsimmon's office yester day afternoon at 4 o'clock. A few min utes before that hour four persons ar rived at the olllce and were ushered Into tlle private room. Two were men und two'women. The former were Jim Wall and Slug Lee, two Chinamen, und Minnie Plummer and Annie Murdock were the women. Alderman Fltzslmmons looked aghast when the first named Mongolian pro duced a marriage license und intimated that he wanted to be joined In wedlock with Miss Plummer. She lifted her veil und assented, and her face revealed features once handsome, but strongly marked with the undeniable lines of dissipation. They had just been up to the court house and w-ere granted u license by Clerk of the Courts John H. Thomas. The Chinese groom gave his ng? as 411 and the bride-to-be admitted that she was 22 years old. Alderman Fltzslm mons questioned the girl closely about the matter and When he was convinced by 'her answers that It was a bona fide agreement on her part to become the Chinaman's bride, he Instructed them to get ready for the ceremony. Wall caught the girl by the hand and summoned her to stand before fhe al derman and with a nod of his head ho urged his male friend to stand by his side. The girl's companion took her proper place and Alderman Fltzslm mons pronounced the words that made the contracting parties man und wife. He Did Not Kiss Her. "Kiss the bride," said the alderman to the perplexed groom, but the newly elected bride with a look of disgust and contempt mingled, warned the China man to. hold off. They left the office and both Chinamen turned toward Spruce street and ' the women went toward Lackawanna avenue. The Chinamen went their way and turned toward the laundry under Ryan's drug store at Penn avenue and Spruce street, the women walked down Wyoming ave nue to Lackawanna and up Penn to the laundry which they entered a few min utes later. Wall told the story of how he met the gill and how rthe consented to be his wife. He Is In the laundry business In Wilkes-ltarre at 120 Market street. He has been In this country for the past twenty-eight years, nineteen of which he spent In Wilkos-Bnrre. He says that he Is worth about $5,01)0, besides owning the building where his shop Is located. He was married before 1io left China but ho left his wife In the old country and she has been dead for the past twenty years. Bus Known Her Ten Years. He became acquainted with the girl Who married him yesterday when she was only 12 years of iige. Her story from this out Is that ut the age of 12 her parents drove her out on the streets to earn her living and she was em ployed by Wah to wash clothes. Her treatment ut home was so cruel that often she had to seek shelter on the street, and eventually she drifted to a life of shame. The Chinaman lost sight of her and one day about four years afterward he located her in a house of ill fame on Canal street, Wllkes-Harre. lie asked her to abandon that career and live with him but she refused. He persisted and tit length she agreed to marry him. That was two years ago. When they were about to get married she got sorry and left the town, going to ftlnghamton. She made a tour of New York state nnd a week ago returned to Wllltes Uarre nnd ngaln met Wah. He re newed his proposal and she again ac cepted. Shu was poorly dressed and he furnished her with money to buy new clothes. One of her companions in shame, Miss Murdock, was told of her Intention fund she argued with her that Is was better to be even a Chinaman's bride than an outcast upon the world. Gave Them Twenty Dollars. After the ceremony Mrs. Wall und her companion called the foolish old Clilnnman one side, whispered In his car a few words, und he opened his pocket book nnd gave them $20. After going to the laundry and re maining a few moments the girls started out and visited several of the hotels in the central part of the city to celebrate the marriage. Husbund Wah nnd Slug Lee were allowed to re main In the laundry while the young women Imbibed cream de mint. Wuh is an exceptionally homely Mon golian and his bride has evidently neither love nor respect for him. . . . Wood and Brass Easels. PRATT'S BOOK STORE. l'ur ("apes und Clonks. Our assortment for Christmas Week Is very complete. Fur Capes, $7.00 to $50.00. Jackets, $5.00 to $311.00. Also lorge assortment of Fur Scarfs and Small Furs. (!. W. OWENS, Cloaks nnd Furs, 60S Spruce St., Court House Square, Foontuln Pens, Gold Pens nnd Pencils at REYNOLDS BROS Finest line of Calendars ever shown in the city at REYNOLDS BROS. - - Catholic Prayer Books. PRATT'S BOOK STORE. CZARINA BUCKLES TIIL LATEST FAD. Now Is the Time to Look for Your W.W. Berry THE JEWELER, lias a larger stock of Novelties than ever before. 11IG1IT IT TO DATE, with everything new A17 Lackawanna Avs m TOfflffl'S GREAT- HOLIDAY U IS ON We had thought that with a store four times the size of our old one that we could accommodate ev eryone, but we find that even now we are crowded afternoons and evenings. We would ask as many as can to I . C, S. W00LW0RTH 319 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Green and Gold Store Front. SCRANTON CASH STORE, 24 lbs. G. Sugar, $1.00 31 lbs. C. Sugar, 1.00 Fresh Eggs, per doz. Choice Mixed Candy, lb., .07 Choice Mixed Candy, 41bs., .25 Mixed Nuts, ' .09 Mixed Nuts, 3 lbs., .25 Peanuts, 3 quarts .10 Walnuts, per bushel, .60 Butternuts, per bushel, .60 Almonds, per pound, .15 Sweet Florida Oranges, .13 SweetFloridaOranges, 2 doz .25 Per Box, - - - yo Tangeriens, per dozen, .15 Per Box, half size, 1.75 Malaga Grapes, per lb., .20 Fine Chocolates, llon-Bons, French .Villus, Tali'ys, French Fruits, Xttt Can dies, Butter Cups, Etc., Etc., iu excel lent quality and yteat variety. We are unquestionably Hca'dquarters this year iu this line of goods. F. P. PRICE, Agent Bl -- '-J HATS mm AT Dunn's Will be open evenings until 8 o'clock. COME IN KIN 1IHG We can suit you in Shoes and will deal lightly with, your pocketbook. BANISTER'S, More Clodl(s to select from in our store than five ordinary stocks; in fact we have too many Cloaks, and as the season is advancing rapidly we must re ditcc our stock or carry over a yrcat many garments. We have there fore decided to reduce our-prices now, giving you stylish, well-made, good fitting Cloaks at February prices, which means about one-third off, "A word to the wise is stiflicient." Buy your Cloaks at our store. Al most forgot to mention that we have just received a handsome line of Umbrellas, mounted with beautiful handles of Silver, Gold, Dresden, Ivory, bone, etc., any of which would make a desirable Holiday Present. 224 LACKAWANNA AVE. OPEN EVENINGS. HOLIDAY SALE Astrakhan Circular Capea $i).98, worth $18.00. Wool Seal Circular Capes, worm au.uu. Electric Seal Circular Capes $19.00, worth $35.00. Persian Circular Capes U5.00, worth $95.00. Brown Marten Circular Capes $35.00. worth $50.00. 50 dozen Fine Neck Scarfs with Ani niul'B Heads at $1.49, worth $3.00. 50 dozen Baltic Seal Muffs $1.49, worth $3.00. 50 dozen Children's Sets at 98c, worth $2.50. 3 dozen pairs Electric Seal Gloves for uentieuien 2.49, worth $5.00. The balance of our Cloth Coats and Capes we will oll'or for 50c. oa the dollar, IN OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT We will sell for less thau 50c. on the dollar. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. Have your Furs repaired by the only Practical Furrier in the city. House Coats AND Smoking Jackets OF Fine Tricot Cloths I11 Colors Browii, Blue and Garnet ony.$U5 AND $6 BETTER ONES AT $10 AND ll And as High as $20. ASK TO SEE THEM. Clothiers, Hrft6rs,& furnisnera 123 WYOMING AVENUE. GLOVES At Greatly Reduced Prices to make room for entirely new stock of FALL - AND - WINTER - GOODS during tlie mouth of December Corner of Lackawanna and Wyoming Avenues. vr new T 11 Jll nviui 1 HIVE, 1