THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE -TUESDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 18. 1894. PUBLISHED DAILY IN 8CRANT01T PA . BTTH1TR1BDM FUBUSHIHO OOMPAWT. C. P. KINGSBURY, Put. no Gcn i Man. C. H. RIPPLE, Sic'v and Tm. LIVY 8. RICHARD, Editos. W. W. DAVIS. SuntiiNTcNocNT. w. w. youngs; ao. Man . Biw York offici : tribuni bdildiro. Frank & OKAY. UANAdkR. :(TSRID AT TH1 rOSTOFFIOB AT 80RANT0K, FA.. AS SIUOND-ULAS9 HAIL IIATl'BR. " Printers' Ink," tho recognized Jonrmil for advertisers, rutcs THK SCKANTOS '1 KIIUMi us the best advertising medium in Northeastern l'ennsy lvuniu. " l'rimeru' Ink" knows. (HCIIAMTOX, DECEMBER 18, 1804. THE SCKANTON OF TODAY. dome and Inspect our city. Elevation above tho tide, 710 feet. JOxtremely heulthy. Kstimnted poiulntion, 1S9I, 103,000. Registered voters, 20,."iil9. Value of school property, $"50,0X. Number of school children, 12.0U0. Average amount of bank deposits, $10, fcoo.uuo. It's the metropolis of northeastern Penn sylvania. Can produce electric power cheaper than Niagara. No better point In the United States at W hich to establish new Industries. See how we grow: Population In 18(H) '2-3 1'opulation In 1S70 3-un" Population In 1 SSi) ti.h'A Population In lHlit) ?".-15 Population In 1891 (estimated) MW.U'JO And the end Is not yet. Scranton Is too big a city to be bound down to the standard -of curbstone statesmanship represented in the pres ent common council. It would be dol lars In Scranton's pocket to Ret good, clean business men into this body. , j The Christmas Tribune. The impression which prevails In pome places thu.t thin is a poor year for business does not receive corroboration from this Issue of The Tribune, tho twenty-four pages of which are laden with Invitations to holiday merry-mak-iiiK and adorned with bright helps to thf season's gayety. We call attention to the general character of the busi ness announcements represented In this Imposing Christmas display, and proud ly believe that in no recent Issue of a morning newspaper In Northeastern Pennsylvania has such a distinguished number of high-class advertisers found tquully conspicuous representation. Wliile the bargain-Oiunter and tho barg'aln-provlder naturally have prece dence In this happy season of holiday gift-purchasing, it Is not amiss to call our readers' attention also to the varied literary menu provided for their delec tation in today's Tribune. The special articles in this number are not com posed of boiler-plate material pur chased In New York at ton-rates: each lias been written or edited In this office; put In typt? by the expert manipulation of The Tribune's staff of linotype opera tors and illustrated by our own artists. When It is said that this extra labor iha.s been performed simultaneously with the getting out dally of the best tnorning newspaper In Northeastern Pennsylvania, the regular issues of which have not been slighted, an femple eneonlum Is pronounced upon the fidelity and Industry of this jour nal's force of erriployesr The past year,, although one of busi ness depression which -this paper has felt In cum moti with cither enterprises, has 'been a year of steady progress for The Tribune. As It draws nigh to Its end, It brings us constantly nearer to a correct realization of the indomitable energy, pluck and resources of this growing city of ours resources which (have carried It In safety across the panic and landed It securely upon as cending, solid ground. In wishing each and every reader and patron the com pliments of the season, we beg to assure them of our determination to push on to yet greater achievements, kex-plng pace with the advancement of Pennsyl vania's foremost city. The grade crossing evil Is none the less an evil for being very common in Lackawanna county. Good men In councils would possibly have been a better Investment at a period in the city's development before all the valuable franchises were given away; but good men are yet desirable in those 'bodies, and ought next spring to be put there. An advertisement in The Tribune is read by a class of persons who are In variably attracted by enterprise and new ideas. The East and Silver. We commend to our readers' atten tion the article elsewhere In this pa per entitled "Why the West Asks for Free Coinage." Without Indorsing It unreservedly, we bespeak for It a fair perusal and invite comment upon lit. This question is obviously of such growing Interest and magnitude that to confine the discussion of it to what Is generally regarded as the eastern side, which is to say the Bide of the gold monometalllsts, would be both unjust and inexpedient. The aggregate com mon sense of the American people, once faJrly enlisted tin (!ne consideration of this currency problem, may be depend ed upon to reach a safe and wise con clusion. Therefore, we begin our part In such a "campaign of education" by offering a free field to 'all who have opinions to present. The views of Judge Goodwin In tho Article just alluded to contemplate, if we understand them, the throwing open of our mints to the silver of the entire world. We fail ito perceive in his argu ment sufficient warrant for such an ex (reme step in international philan thropy. The primary duty of this gov ernment. It occurs to U3, is to legislate for the beat Interests' of Americans. Its obligations to mankind in general are subsidiary, to Its home obligations. We therefore believe it possible and practicable notwithstanding the de nials of tho gold monometalllsts, to of fer free coinage to American Bllver at a fair ratio, provided a high tariff on foreign, sliver shall protect us from be ing swamped by it. This wo under stand to be the policy of the more liber al and progressive Republican leaders, notable among them being Thomas IJ. Reed. To this compromise policy we have no doubt the mass of eastern Republicans will ultimately yield their assent. If the conservative western friends of silver will be satisfied with this proposition, well and good. If not, let them reflect a second time before enter ing, with Incongruous Populistic allies, upon a sectional fight that offers small hope of ultimate success and largo prospect of needless bitterness. The best men in every ward are none too good to send to councils. It takes a better grade of brains to govern a city properly than it does to govern u nation, because in city' gov ernment the resources are fewer and the people more critical. Very singu larly, though, people as a rule make twice the fuss over the election of one congressman than they do over the choice of ten councilmen. It Is tlma tills abnormal ratio were changed, if It Is possible to change it. An interested public Is eager to hear from Superintendent Byrnes. Robert Louis Stevenson. Among judges of good literature, the death of Robert Louis Stevenson, in far Samoa, suddenly, by apoplexy, will pro duce a shock such as would be occa sioned by the death of no other writer of English, fiction. There are writers, although not many, who possess greater popularity than was possessed by the author of "Kidnaped," "Unvid Bal four," and "The Master of llallyntrae." There are writers, this time many, who have managed to be more talked about. P.ut there has been no English writer since the day of Scot who possessed more thoroughly the artistic spirit es sential to historical romance, combined with the rare power of Investing his torical characters with real human in terest. And there has been none other in any age possessed of a superior style or with ear more keenly attuned to the nicety of his language. In this latter detail the name of Stevenson will take rank at the very head of English novel ists; nor are we aware of many defeots which would seriously jeopard his chance of primacy along other lines of comparison. There Is but one missing gift which we recognize ns threatening his taking foremost rank among the masters of creative fiction, lie lacked the saving resource of humor. Satire he unques tionably possessed a polished, genteel kind of satire it was; illustrated at its best in the little sketch, "Prince Otto." He was also master of sarcasm, al though it was a resource sparingly em ployed. I3ut of humor, In the mellow and unctuous sense In which that word Is associated, for example, with the writings of Fielding, with those of Smollet to a less degree and Dickens most of all, Stevenson had none. Ills characters, in the main, are stern and serious men, tinged with melancholy and not infrequently bordering upon the shadowy domain of monomania. Perhaps upon the whole he Is closer to the Imagination of people than to their hearts or fancy. He fascinates, where he does not induce sympathy nor ob tain reverence. We regard it as a Just criticism of Robert Louis Stevenson that he signally failed to catch the true note of womanly character. The men in his stories are admirably hit off some brave, some cowardly, some grand, some mean and pitiable. Hut the women name one that reaches the plane of nn immortal character! They are, for the most part, mrre, genteel creatures of ludo and linen, introduced because women are a necessary part of life, and politely es corted off the stage at the earliest con venient' opportunity." Possibly had our author possessed a better fund of humor, this failing would not have been so noticeable. As it is, it Is his most serious bar to first place In English fiction a plain which he would occupy without question of his title were nil his powers as well developed as are his gifts of describing somber, romantic und terrible scenes, in language livid with the fires of his consummate genius. The only "pull" which should land a man in councils Is the "pull" of honest fitness and honest popularity. Un luckily, such pulls are scarce. The mayor of a third-class Pennsyl vania city, however good, Is largely at the mercy of councils. When one of the branches of councils is made up, either in vfholc or In part, of venal or Ignor ant members ready at any time to sell or trade their votes, what can a mayor do? If the taxpayers of the represent ative wards of this city should elect as good men to common council ns they elect to manage their individual busi ness enterprises, there would be decid edly less cause for complaint at the way Scranton Is governed. Cleanse common council. We know, you know and they all know that common council needs cleansing. Why, then, not cleanse it? Judge Qunster and Grade Crossings. The ruling of Judge Gunster In the Injunction proceedings of the Dolnwnre and Hudson Canal compuny ngalnst the Scranton and Plttston Traction com pany denying the defendant company tho right to cross the former's tracks at grude because of the danger of such grade crossing to the public establishes a valuable precedent in tho county. The court's condemnation of grade cross ings as inimical to the public welfare is really simply an expression of wide spread popular opinion. When it says further that overhead crossings, while costly, are thoroughly practical, It expresses a familiar fact, which car rier corporations should more generally be made to recognize it. A grade crossing, once authorized, means, generally speaking, a grade crossing permanently. If a grade cross ing is dangerous, tho proper time to guard against It very obviously Is be fore it is built. While the decision In this particular case will in all proba bility interrupt for some months the progress of the electrical transit rail ways .that seek to connect Fores.t City on one extreme with Nantlcoke on the other,. It is much more Important to tho genera1, public . that this connection should bo made properly and safely than that it should be made without de lay. There is already a disposition among newly born trolley corporations to claim the Bame sweeping monopoly of public privileges once coolly assumed by the steam lallronds. The people,1 In their innocence, sat quiet under the audacity of the steam railroads; but having learned, upon that occasion, the value of self-conttdence there is reason to believe they will be more earnestly in evidence while the trolley companies are spider-webbing the country with their Interlacing wires and rails. We regard Judge Ounster's decision as a very timely expression of cour ageous common sense. It is unfortu nate that other trolley companies prior to this have established grade crossings in this county. Where such crossings could be avoided rhort of the Impossible they should have been supplanted with overhead structures, voluntarily if pos sible, but compulsorlly if necessary. The fact, however, that upon oilier occasions: other Judges have been b'Ss outspoken in this particular direction Is no reason why Judge (Sinister should shirk his full duly. That his opinion Is sound in law we do not assume to say. In all probability an appeal to the su preme coi.rt will be necessary for a determination of that point. lUlt the finding of the local court Is certainly orthodox common sense, which in the judgment of laymen Is even more im portant, upon the whole, than is tech nical soundness. Scranton, It is true, is not the only American city which penults some men to make laws for it whom no cltr.'.cn would employ hi an equally responsi ble private relationship, liut tills is no reason why Scranton should continue to make a victim of Itself. The New Yolk Sun struggles bravely to defend Taiiiniany:m and sneer at tlic! Lexow findings, liut nut even this able paper's unequalled mental equip ment can stay for an the popu lar uprising against Gotham's official I a visiters. From pre.teiit appearances peopl-? hoivabouts will be obliged to content themselves by reading poems on the beautiful snow on Christmas. SOME X.MAS NUMBERS. The Scranton Republican last Saturday Issued a IS-pane I'hrir.tmas edition, Includ ing a 4-page lithographic cover. The num ber contained many interesting special ar ticles anil was a creditable Scranton pro duction. After it was printed, J. A. Scran Ion & Son, the publishers, tendered a ban quet to the Republican employes und a pleasant occasion was pleusantly com memorated. There are two newspapers on Tre Trib une's exchange list which are having a merry rivalry the liulTalu Express and the Rochester Post-Express. Roth are In variably so bright, newsy and good that It Is a difficult mailer lo award the pref erence; and Ibis difficulty is Increased by the magnificent illustrated Christmas numbers tliut the two Journals have Is suedthe former comprising twenty-eight pages, sixteen of which an of calendared paper beautifully Illustrated with half tone engravings; und the laller thirty-six pages, with a handsome Illuminated cover. Without deciding between them, we congratulate the readers of both pa pers upon the splendid bargains they get, not only on special occasions, but also every day of the year. Our esteemed Albany contemporary, the Tltnes-l'uion, last Saturday Issued a Hi-page spi cial number replete with bright miscellany and enterprising advertise ments. The Times-l nion Is a wholesome, trustworthy and readable newspaper ev ery secular day In the year. The Sunday Free Press this week greeted Its readers with sixteen well-edited pages, many of which were devoted to holiday advertising. Politics apart, the Free Press is a clean, able and enterpris ing Sunday Journal, lelleetlng most cred itably upon the uniform skill and judg ment of Its editorial manager,' E. J. Lynelt. We wish it unbounded success. The Ilazlcton Sentinel several yours ago set for Itself a metropolitan pace, under the control of John McCarthy; and now It confirms this characteristic by printing a liu-puge holiday annual. The Sentinel Is fearless, uggrcssivc nnd untriininu leil. May Its Interesting shadow continue to I'Xpund! One week ago Sunday the . Milwaukee Sentinel was GO yours old. It commem orated the occasion by Issuing a "S-pugn papercontalnlngiiri elaborate history of its successive managements. Every eastern render of newspnprs knows that the Sen tinel Is one of the representative dally journals of the northwest; its growth In Inlliieiice and prosperity Is, therefore, a subject of general congratulation, That veteran Journalist, K, A. Nlven, of Wllkes-llnrie, unnounces the appearance next Thursday of a Christinas annual, entitled the Cricket. Prominent mem bers of tho Luzerne bar have contributed signed articles, and the schedule of eon tents gives assurance of a lively chirping on the Cricket's part. The Lancaster New Era Is one of the few Journals In Pennsylvania which will not uooopt a cut In its advertising do. partment nor shade n. card rule In behalf of a foreign advertiser. The result is that tho the merchants of Lancaster swear by the New Era nnd. frequently onublo It to print lli-pago special numbers like that of last Saturday, which babble over wilh good reading and attractive business nn nouncements. The New Era has won lis r.oy to fame nnd fortune by keeping fuitli with every patron. POLITICAL POINTS. Eckloy n. Coxe is reported to have with drawn his opposition to Jlaule county. Major Everett Warren, of this city, de nies the llarrlsburg dispatch which said he hud been appointed u member of Gov ernor Hastings' stuff. Richard V. llaywurd, of Philadelphia, night watchman at the r.tato arsenal, re ceived a letter last wool: from Governor elect Hustings assuring him Hint he would bo retained under the next administration. It Is understood that Governor-elect Hustings will not appoint a successor to Recorder of Deeds Curloy, of Philadel phia, until after the February election. Then tlfe Democrats wil dispute tho le gality of the appointment nnd enrry tho case to the supreme court for final settle ment. Willi Coroner Snm Ashbrldgo out of tho Philadelphia mayoralty contest, Senator Penrose has a clear Held for the Repub lican nomination. Inasmuch as a nomina tion on the Republican ticket Is equiva lent to an election, It Is not premature to proffer congratulations to Mayor Stuart's brllllunt successor. According lo the Patriot, Governor elect Hastings Is overrun with applica tions for positions on his stuff. The only selection ho has thus far made are those of Col. Fred W. Reynolds, of Hellefonto, an aide on the stuff of Governor I'attlson; Colonel James L. Spnnglor, of Hullefonte, a loading Democrat In that section and a member of the slull of Governor Heaver, und Henry Hall, the populnr nnd versatile correspondent of the Pittsburg Times. According to the Pittsburg Commercial-Gazette, there Is a prospect that Governor-elect Hastings will, In his messngo, favor tho movement that has boon under way for some time to oonoentratu tho au thority of certain state departments In responsible heads, Instead of allowing them to remain In the hands of boards, as at present. It Is thought if this plan Is carried out that one of the first of tho boards to be abolished Is the Mate board of agriculture, and another Is the state board of charities and committee on lunacy. Republicans hereabouts view with favor tho effort of Pittsburg to secure tho next national Republican convontlon. Thcro la obvious geographical JUBtlco In Pennsyl vania's expectation or recognition In that convention, and Pittsburg is well located for the adequate reception und entertain ment of delegates. Hy all means let tho convention meet In Pittsburg. According to Editor (ieorgo W. Turner, of the New York Recorder, who has been visiting ex-President Harrison at bis In dianapolis home: "Nothing Is more re pugnant to Mr. Harrison than a third nomination, anil he would much prefer to remain at his home here In lndlanupolls unci practice law. lie needs no vindica tion, for the Inst years have abundantly vindicated him und his policy, and for li i tn to undergo the Hying ordeal of a presidential campaign with Its subse quent turmoil und trouble would be u severe hardship." General IiurrUou's earnest wishes in this mutter will In nil probability be respected. n Ik What a queer World this would be if Quaker Oaf, were buried at the bottom of the sea! Millions of ruined breakfasts! Sold only In a lb. Packages. Christmas Presents . Useful and Ornamen tal goods for the holi day trade. LADIES' DESKS. CABINKT3. BOOKCASES. LADIES' DRESSING TABLES. TEA TABLES AND LIBRARY TABLES, BRASS AND ONYX TABLES AND CABINETS (OF A GUARANTEED QUALITY'.) AN ELEGANT STOCK OF PIC TURES AT MODERATE COST. FANCY BASKETS AND LAMPS. CALL EARLY AND MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS WHILE OUR AS GORTMENT IS COMPLETE. Hill & Corinell, 131 UNO 133 WASHINGTON AVE. We arc now sliow ins the larg est line of Dinner Sets ever dis played in this city. A splendid variety in HAYILAND & CO., CHAS. FIELD HAViLAND, R. DELENINERES & CO,, . tin, CARLSBAD AND AMERICAN CHINA, PORCELAIN AND WHITE GRANITE WARE. If you want a Dinner Set examine our stock before buying. Coursen, Clemons & Co. Ti c secret is out. - Not only do they say we do washing for a living, but that we do it well. So keep it going. Fell everybody you see, but tell them not to tell. EUREKA LAUNDRY, 322 Washington Ave. THAT WONDERFUL WEBER S $ a O GUERNSEY BOEJ WE HAVE ' , ' ' ' Taken the Town By storm with our magnificent display of Holiday Goods, and with the extremely low prices we are sell ing them at. If you are wise you will do your Holi day shopping now, and you will do it right here. Use ful Holiday presents of all kinds, Umbrellas, Neck wear, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Smoking Jackets, Jew elry, Leather Goods, Celluloid Goods, Silverware, Toys, Games, Books, Booklets, Pictures, Rockers', Cushions, Lambrequins, Linen Sets, Rugs, Curtains', Carpet Sweepers. ' ' ' : E AND SEE OS 001 Special Holiday department, second floor take elevator. Articles selected now laid away for customers until wanted. We will discontinue giving away Crayon Portraits after December 31st, 1894. those who are entitled to them are advised to order them now. 1KIIU Tbe Lackawanna Store Association, Limited. Wo will soil (or the next thirty days, preyi ens to cur inventory, Kdwin C. Burt & Co'.s FINE SHOES FOK LADIES, nt a reduction of 10 por cent, from regular prices. Every lady In Scranton and vicinity uliould avail them Eulvea of tliin opportunity t,i purchase these coliibratcd Shoos at tho prices usually paid for ordinary Roods. We havo several other lari;niiiH to offor. Hoe our new novelties ill KOOTWEAU KOR THE HOLIDAYS. We liavo oritfnal styles and designs. A full line of LegiiliiRn and Overenitem. Our stock of the J. 8. TURNER CO. '8 HIGH GRADE SHOES for (rent's wear is complete. ou will bo p eased with our goods ill all departments, having a flue line of Groceries, Hardware, Dry Goods, Gent's Furnishings, i:tc. Examine the new "Kaysnr," Patont Fin der Tipned Cashmere GLOVES, for Ladies: perfect fitting. With each pair you will find a guarantee ticket, which entitles you to anew pair if the tips wear out before tho Gloves. We Arc Ready To Show You Our ELEGANT LINE OF Holiday Goods Comprising Dressing Cases, Jewel Cases, Glove Boxes, v Cigar Boxes, Sterliug Silver-Mounted Card Cases and Pocket Books, Bill Books,Pliotograph Albums, Photograph Frames, Prayer Books, Family Bibles, Ox ford Bibles. The Most Elegant Line or Ink Stands Ever Shown In the (It). ENGRAVING In All Its Branches. REYNOLDS BROS. Stationers and Engravers, 317 LACKAWANNA AVE. DR. HILL & SON ALBANY DENTISTS. Pot teeth, J'l.nO; best cot, 8; for gold cops nnd teeth without plutes, called crown and brlrtKO work., cull for prices nnd refer cticoM. TONALCIA, for extracting tootlj without puln. No other. No gas. OVER FinST NATIONAL BANK. 0 TONE IS 0O BROTHERS, WYOMING AVE. IN HOLIDAY ATTIRE BIG CUT IN AT THE. FATCORYSHOE STORE, 411 Lackawanna Avenue. IMMENSE STOCK Of A dollar saved Is a dollar made, nnd you can certainly Have a dollar In pur chasing your holiday footwear from tin. Our .Men's department Is complete, from 11 French culf patent leather und Kngllsh enamel lo a Die. shifting t-hoe. NOTE THIS: Men's Vine Calf Welt Shoes, former price Si: thin month S'i. 1 lot Men's t'ulf Welt Shoes, full value at S3; December price, $2.25. CORK aul.KS, 12.23. Yes, you gener BOOTS FACTORY SHOE STORE, 411 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. SCIENTIFIC EYE FOUND ONLY IN THE WEBER PIANO ally pay more for them, Come and sea them. LADIES' SHOES. Never before were we aide to show you such 1111 assortment of the latest In ladles' shoes. Ladles' P"lne llund-turn Shoes from S2..10 upwards. Ladles' Extension Sole from S2 up wards. our line of Ladles' $2 shows you the same stock and style as shoes you pay 2fc. to Sue. more for. CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS. We have prepared for tho holiday trade and plnced In stock a superb lino of SIJI'l'KRS, for the lurRcst man or the tiniest child. See this handsome line. Nothing mukes more appropriate Christ mas presents. TESTING FREE BY DR. SHIMBURG The Spf oialist on tho Eye. Haidsehe. iid ness relieved. Latest and Impr. d. B.W f W!Z and Bpeotaclfs at tho Lowest Prices. Bul Artificial Eyes Inserted for la. 30S Spruce Street, Opp. Old Postofflct. HORSE SHOEING. HAVING the 1 1 stock aud rented the Shoolug Forge of William Slues A Bcs, I shall no give constant attention to ahoeinp horses in a practi cal and scientific manner. Quick work aud good is the motto. HN HAMLIN, DOCTOR OF VETERINARY SURGERY.