THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE TIT KSD AY MOllNING. DECEMBER 18, 189-1. 3 .nans Is now ready for inspection at the temporary new store, 15 Wyoming ave., near the Globe. Books, the best of Rifts, in our usual large variety, To please all tastes and e( ndilions All the desirable new 1 ooks As w ell as the standard ones In various styles of dress Suitable for Christmas presents, Hooklets, calendars and diaries, Prayer books and hymn books, Bibles for pulpits, teachers, the home, The pocket and Sabbath schools, Fancy stationery and art kudu's, Leather lap tablets, wallets, Portmonies, Odd pens, pencil cases and novelties, All at popular low prices. Open evenings until Christmas. At NORTON'S GOOD BREAD USE THE FLOUR And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED ANO FOR SALE TO THE TRADE E!Y e Weston III Go. Eli Of HB Punch Cigars Kgve THE ,'rilTlfiLS G. B. &CO. IfflPIMTED 01 EftCH CIGftR. Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's Court House Square. PERMANENT CURE OF RUPTURE AH forms (if Ilorni.i ft fuwiiilty. Vi'o.l known Si'i-anton tihyMcinns in charge. SCRANTON GERI3AN RUPTURE CORE CO., LIB!., , ' 203 Washington Avenue. IX LOCAL THEATERS. A return engagement by the "I'rin Cfss lloniiie" company will be played nt tin' Academy of Music mi Thursil.iy night. Tiio opera wan seen hen' a fc.v weeks ago and was received with gnat favor. The music of "I'rincess Umi nle" la of a light, melnillnus chnractor on the order of thai which the author wrote for the "Little Tycoon." There 1s a waltz f-oiiK, "Dream of Love," which runs through the work, and Mr. Spenser claims it Is superior to the famous "Love Comes Like a Summer Slffh." Other numbers are, "My Hark Canoe," "Konnlo My Queen," "I Told You So," "Love, First I. l'i" and "I Am Just a Little Indl J NuMiinjr More." The "Princess Hi lilo" com pany comprises among I . members Eleanore Mayo, Frank Ia.nielB,Malell:i Baker, Robert Kroderick, William Armstrong, Joseph (ireensfelder, N. S. Burnham, Mountjoy Walker, Frances Itousdeau and Lillian Swain Marion. This return encasement has been es pecially arranged so as to give all who ltsire an opportunity of hearing this excellent company, and it was on the strength of so many demands for a re turn of 'this company 'lihut the manage ment secured them for this date. II II II Work and Vokes, the fa roe comedy brilliants, will be the Christmas attrac tion at the Academy of Music. They will be seen both afternoon and even ing. Rhea will on Wednesday night produce her new play, "Napoleon." Thursday night Ghauncey Olcott will be Been In the "Irish Artist." Mrs. James Brown Potter will also be Been at the Academy In the near fu ture. I! II II Marie Jansen In "Delmonlco's Rt 6" will be the Christmas attraction at the Frcithlngham. She will appear both afternoon and evening. Tuspuycrs Tukc Notice. That your city and school taxes are now due: Councils, by resolution, cx tcndd the tlmo of collection-Until Jan uary 1, lS'J'i. If not paid within the time allowed a penalty of 7 per cent, on the city ahd & per rnt. on the school will be added, pnd an additional 1 per cent, each and every month until piiid.j Don't put off payment until the last .' y, as It may be Impossible to receive It. , U. Q. lillOUKS, City Treasurer. Gold Ten ' , Prang's T. thing for 1 Stewart's, ' Oxford.? nan's I!lb ,d Penells. HATT'S BOOK STORK. - Poisonous Paints, Just the 111 H 1 leu' h Xmas presents, at CU. O. A. building. - national, BagHter and llol RATT'S IiOOK STORK. Arc Vot -ioing to Iluy an Opera Glass? ' Dr. Bhlmberg Is Belling how line pearl l.nmler opera glasses, for $3.86, worth J7.W), 3UG Spruce street. 0 A Fob to Dyspapsia mm nil 15uanl of Trade Anxious to Secure It for This Citv. ONE 0If THE BEST YET OFFERED Manufacturing Committee Directed to Act-Sccretnry Atlicrton Hc-Klcctctl. -Mr. Pal no's Suggestions About Wider Wheels for Wagons. A regular meeting of the board of trade rus helfl last evening. 11. K. Paine vhairmnn of the committee on legislation and taxation, presented a re port from that committee recommend ing that councils be asked to enact a license tax of J6 per annum on all wagons used for hauling heavy loads In tiie city and that the proceeds of tlio license tax be expended under the di rection of the Ftrect commissioner In maintaining and keeping In repair the unp.ived streets of the city. The com mittee further recommended that when the owners of any vehicle so licensed shall place on their wagon wheels tires of a width of not ltw than four Inches tint the tax be remitted. S. J. Jlerr raised the question of coun try wagons, but It was pointed out that the city authorities could not exercise any control over them. A. V. Dickson Haiti he scarcely thought the report went far enough in its recommenda tions, but liiipported the suggestions. Colonel Hitchcock advocated tha.t all Vehicles be taxed regardless of width of tires. John Kemmerer advocated a cer tain length of time being given to busl ness men to make the change before the ordinance would be in operation. Luther Keller thought 'that business men were already sulliclently taxed and that the water which was allowed to How In tin? middle of the street did as much ("anuige in many instances as the chicles. He moved as an amendment that the tax be not levied until the ex piration of eighteen months, in order t give hiudiuss men the opportunity re ferred to. t'pon a vote being taken the report of the committee was received and the recommendations adopted. Secretary Atlicrton Kc-i lcctcd. D. B. Atherton was re-elected secre tary at an annual salary of $1,SOO. V, H. Peck, chairman of the special com mittee on exchanges, reported the work done by the committee with regard to publishing stock quotations and ex plained that all the business transacted would be cniilid.'ivtial and names of bid ders and se llers would be known to the secretary alone. The following delegates were elected to attend the national convention at Washington, D. C, on Jan. 9: Presi dent May and W. T. Smith; alternates, Luther Keller and Secretary Atherton. The following applications for member ship were received: C. P. Jadwin, Thomas Aubrey, J. W. (Sucrnsey, J. K. Williams, J. J. Taylor, J. J. Van Nort and It. A. Zimmerman. In tvrponse to an Invitation from the Manufacturers' association, the meet ing held elected J. A. Lansing and the secretary, as delegates to attend a national meeting of that association at Cincinnati, O., on Jan. 22. In compli ance with a request from the Balti more board of trade for the co-operation of the He ran ton board In securing the Baltimore plan for a "safe and last ing currency," the meeting appointed W. H. Peck, Third National bank: Samuel Hines, Traders' bank, and James A. Linen, First National bank, as a special committee to report upon the matter, r J. K. Williams wrote a long letter to the board as to the city directories, now being compiled, but no action was taken. William Council was re-elected trustee of the Albright, library, and the following were nominated for olllcers: President, Captain W. A. May; vice president, Luther Keller; treasurer, A. W. Dickson; trustee, W. H. Perkins. That Tin Plate Industry. A report was presented by the com mittee on manufactures, In which they favorably recommended the proposi tion of L. K. Torliet, of Cincinnati, O., to organize a company, with a capital of $-'00,0110, for the purpose of manu facturing tin plate In Scranton. The company would employ 1(10 bands, with a pay roll of $20,000 per month. Mr. Torbet, in an Interesting speech, ex plained the details of the proposition. Luther Keller supported the propo sition and urged that It was one of the best industries offered to Scranton, and that, as $20,000 would be subscribed by Mr. Torbet, the remainder ought to be subscribed for In a week by Scranton men. Mr. Council had spoken to him as to the matter and bad described It as "one of the bes t things ever offered to the city." Kventually the matter was referred to the manufacturing committee with Instructions to act. Tree! Fred tree! For n holiday compliment to our palrons vc will present with every pair of La die' Shoes, costing J2 and upwards, a pair of cloth ovcrgniteis. ULOBK SilOK STORK, 2-7 l.aeiaiw.oina avenue. FOR THE 11 Hi We Are Showing Complete Lines of Silks. Ki k.ia (wash), Fancy Taffetas (for waists), Haskell's Black. DRESS PATTERNS AND SUITINGS Fancy Handkerchiefs and Fans, Pocket Books, Kid Gloves and Gents' Furnishing Goods. Store Open Evenings. M EARS ; & , HAG EN, 415 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. THREE BOLD HIGHWAYMEN. Hrutul and Paring Attack I'pon u Farmer in Puninurc. A daring and brutal highway robbery was perpetrated in Dunmore Saturday night by three toughs, two of whom were arrested. C. Noack, a fRrmer from near Mos cow, after a game of cards with the three strangers In the Forest House, left the place and was followed. He had gone but a short distance when he received a stunning blow on the head nnd was dragged behind a billboard adjoining the hotel. The robbers se cured a gold watch and $20. Thomas Phllbin and Timothy Par frey, were arrested for the crime and at a hearing yesterday Noack consent ed to the release of the men If they would pay him H' each. Philbln paid over that amount, but bis companion was unable to do so, and was commit ted to Jail. II AS HATEMAN "CONFESSED? A Humor to That I.l'fcst Is in F.ircu Union. Credence is given a report that W. O. Bateman has made a confession of bis connection with the fire In the building occupied by Howley Bros, und the Scranton Knitting company fin Oct. 22. Bnieman and John S. Luce were ar rested Friday evening and Saturday the hearing was postponed until 2 o'clock tills afternoon before Alderman Fuller In police court room. Luce was released under $2,000 ball and liate man was taken to Jail by request of his counsel,, John F. Scragg. - - HEALING THE SICK. To relieve human suffering seems to be not only a gift, but a comprehensive knowledge of the means to employ. Kvery day since Dr. Andrew and his nss.icintcH came to Scranton, they have b;-cn pel forming perfi st revelations in .healing. - Some of their cures, both at Music ilall and at their private ollice at the Hotel Westminster, seem nl rnost too remarkable for belief. The case of Charles Campbell, who was treated in public at Music Hall for seven years ithls man had nut been able to do any work, and for Hf toon moi'.ths had nut left his door he says that the (b.-;rlor treated him only once, and that now he Is a well man. Mr. Henry Hrown -was last week cured of a very distressing disease of the kidneys and Joints. lie had not walked for over three years without the aid of crutches. He says that the doctor gave him sonic kind of medi cine and oil'; magnetic treatment, when he left their ollice carrying bis crutches on his phoiilder and has not used tlum since. Mr. II irrisi.n had .been deaf twelve years. He has been cured and can now hear perfectly. Jasper Johnson says that he bad been nfllicted for about nine years viih n distase of the kidneys, and that, after only ten days' treatment, ho went to work at his trade that of a stone mason and has not lost a day s-inee. On last Sunday afternoon, among the number who calh d, was a line old Irish lady who was all crippled up with the rheumatism. She was assisted up the etaiis and Into itlieir rooms, where she told her K.irrovful tale of suffering. 1 lie dontor listened to her complaint and then F.ild: "Madam, do yon v.bli to be cured?" She replied: "And in daiL I do, doctor." When before rhe could count ten the doL'tor made a f.w passes over her body and limbs, took lier cants and threw them in the corner and til. n ti '.tl her to gut up nnd wall:, that she was all right. Slowly the aid lady aros. from her chair, stretched her limbs, worki d them back and forth, und then began to walk and run, and shouted, "That's the f-tuff! that's the stuff! Before find 1 am cured; bless you doctor, t!od bless you. But won't the children be happy when I get home; this will lie great for Christmas," and away she went down Hie stairs and out upon itlie street shouting, "See! 1 am cured, the doctor has cured me." This list of remarkable cures mUi'at be extended to fill columns of ibis pc.p: r and then not the half told. All sick, cripph d and du.if people and those who have pi vert up all hope, can consult tin se docitors entirely free from a. m. to S p. m. d iiiy. Tii y h. :il both with and without medicine an 1 are per forming the mm.', marvelous cure; ever witnessed in Scranloii. Police Court Jottings P.oxcy .'or.iM, a resident of Raymond court, and ''. It. Hunter, a piano-timer, were charged with ilghtingut the residence of Nellie Bly and continuing to tight ill the ii lit y. Alderman Fulkr lined Jones i and ii miter S.'i. Ollleeis Lewis und Feeney arrested n men iumip.1 Ade'ii'' wlov ' ln-;ul l .id lv u cut ut the Windsor hotel yesterday, ov ni:f tu tommg in i ui.W'.cl v.itii a cieu: which was swung by an unknown per son. Adams anil another man will be given a hearing this morning upon the charge of ii".iukeiine..3 und disorderly conduct. Hugh Malloy, nn old visitor at the police station, was yesterday arrested for steal ing an overcoat from Collins & llaekctt'a store. Davis' Automatic Inkstands. PRATT'S BOOK STORK. ARGUMENT CGORT G?Ei Application for a Xcw Trial in Din, Water Case Withdrawn. THE CASES THAT WERE ARGUED Action That Was Taken In the Cases I'usscd t'pon Injunction In the Sil ver Creek .Mining Cases Dissolved, Withers Case Settled. Argument court opened yesterday with Judges Archbald, Ounstur and Ed wards on the bench. Attorney Joseph O'lirlcn, of counsel for the Lackawanna Iron and Coal company, .withdrew the reasons for a new trial in the case of the Scranton Clas und AVater company against the Lackawanna Iron and Coal company. A few weeks ago the ac tion was tried und a verdict of U'.-M returned in fr.vor of the plaintiff. It Is probable that the application for a new trial has been withdrawn that the case may be taken up to the supreme court at once. The cases argued yesterday were: C. L. Ulce vs. Fidelity and Casualty In surance company, rule to amend dec laration; M. M. l;aird vs. W. 1!. Curtis, rule for new trial; L. J. Leonard vs. C. Smith, rule to relax costs; C. A. Huir, committee, vs. John Kase and II. SPmo, rule for new trial; J. J. Costello vs. Hubert K. (till, rule to open judgment; Thomas vs. D. V. Kearney, rule for a new trial; IS. Ferris & Co. vs. Merrill & Johnson, rule for security; Lazarus Mover vs. Horton A.. Lee, rule to set aside appraisement; city of Scranton vs. Ilk liael Hm us, rule for judgment. In the case of Thomas McCourt against John Conway, a rule for new trial was discharged. Similar action was taken in the case of Alex. Ma-slow-sky vs. It. J. (iallagher, rule to take off non-suit. The following were stricken from the list: City of Scran ton vs. John Doyle, rule for set off; Oil more & Duffy vs. Hannah A. Uoche, rule for judgment; II. 11. Hoard man vs. Francis S. lioarilnian. rule for uilmony. The Injunction Dissolved. Judge (Uinster handed down nn opinion yesterday in the injunction case of tlie Silver Creek Mining company .against David K. Taylor and V. W. 1'attersoti. The proceedings were for the purpose of restraining the defend ants from operating the Johns breaker in Schuylkill county and from mining coal from the Harp tract which adjoins the breaker. It was alleged that these properties properly belonged to the Sil ver Creek company Instead of to Taylor & Patterson as Individuals. Judge Cunster did not take that view of the case and dissolved the Injunction.. V. H. Taylor, president of the Silver Creek Mining ciimpany, was not in the city yesterday and what further steps may be taken in the matter could not be as certained. A settlement was effected in the in junction cave of V. II. Withers against L. J. Sie'oeeker and others, and by per mission of court tl'.e case was discon timif d. In the case of the Pancoast Coal com pany against the Wlnloii Coal company permission was giveit the former t. take testimony "TTf witnesses who ar old and Iniirnied and may die before the case comes up for trial. variety of Sleds, Clipper Wagons and Doll Cairiares. l'KATT'3 HOOK STOHH. Standard Diaries for ISti.'i. PRATT'S HOOK STOKS. The $10,000 School House. for Cubnnbia uvenuo has been let nnd will be commenced Immediately. There ure Btill a few niorfc lots left at a low price. Arthur Fiothlr.gham, Ollice, Theater Lobby. I'.rush and Comb, Manicure, Toilet and Shaving Sets. PItATT'S HOOK STORK. NOVELTIES FOR THE Ewiks, Kooklels, Art Calen dars and Xniiis Good of nil descriptions. Hlprh class Framing a specially. PRATT'S, 212 Avenau.anna lifer lip ST We've had a big trade on Smoking Jackets during the past week. Folks say our' prices are lower than other dealers ask. Our styles are all new. They make very appropriate gifts. Materials are Flannels, Cheviots, Tricots, Velvets and Im ported Figured Silks, lined with Silks and Satins, some quilted, others plain. Drop in and look at 'em. No charge for that. F? -.Hl-A 137" AND 139 PENN AVENUE, S. L GALLEN, Complete Outfitters. rHD KTBHt PDFCPHK 10 InuOu l d You iutend to make some one a Christmas Present. DO Not Worry Do not lose your temper, but make a bee line for As they have such an array of Goods suitable for Gift Making that it will be a pleasure instead of a worry to make such selection. SILUERWflRE, DINNER,' TEA , and TOILET SETS. Bric-a-Brac, Cut Glass, Lamps, lablcs, Lhaiing Dishes, 5 O'Clock Teas, etc. WE1CHEL S fill 116 Wyoming Ave. gCIIANK CHAXK jCIIANK CIIANK vjciIAXK CIIANK jCIIANK jCIIAXK gCH AN K gCIIANK CHANiC gCIIANK CHANK VpIANK CHANK jCIIANK jCHANK CHANK gCIIANK NEW. MEW STORE, NEW GOODS, NEW PRICES. You buy your shoes of Schank you wear the lat est styles. rr d' ft I V oil t il i 4i0 Spruce St. Of course you are in a quandary what to give for a Xmas present. Now j our mind will be great ly relieved by visiting either of our stores, where our lines of Bath Robes, Canes, Umbrellas, Leather Goods, Neckwear, Gloves, Suspenders and Night Shirts are complete. - Our assortment is cer tainly the largest and best in the city. Eiiistiai! THE 5 HATTER 412 SPR'JCE ST. AIJD 205 UXX.AVE. (V'l. . B m& M mm We're pleasing an China Hal EMI nnun 1 i t B u B ubii k SU80EST 0 y777m i 1 LARGE VARIETY, GOOD STYLES AND LOW PRICES. We want to show you our MEN'S STRICTLY ALL WOOLEN Colors, Grey, ARTIN & Custom Tailors 4 0 If THF FRSHinNl l-'l MR! M HI. BEUHUSEI 308 Lackawanna Avenue. GUI REVOLUTION II PIES, MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Felt Hats, worth 49c, for - 25c Velvet Hats Trimmed with Jet and Tips, worth $5.00, for - $2.98 Frosted Egrets, worth 39c., for 15c CLOAK DEPARTMENT New and desirable goods in Jackets, Plusli and Cloth Capes, Fur Capes, etc., arriving daily and are sold at the Lowest Cash Prices. Something nice for a Christinas Gift. Chains made out of your own OC some dear friend's hair. Leave orders as early as possible. E. Rfl. HETZEL, - 230 Lacka. Avo, mm F03 SSNTA CLAU3 mill Is taking no olianoos on not having a rtM'iitui'U' large enough to liulil 11 imlr or those SkntcM that he Binv at C. M. I-'IjOKKY'S, or even a SloJ. We have n nice line of Oilmen, Magic Lantern, l'oi lo t t'mleiy, Sweaters, Air Uuns, etc., for the Holidays. 222 WYOMING AVENUE, Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. army of boys with Jim vw Lf i mMHt m p I 1 rm&i mm Jw feM sm w m rm&y ISM DELANY, and Clothiers, WYOMING AVE. Black and Oxford Mixed. II BS11I PRESENTS. I NEW STORE, 133 FRANKLIN AVE. We are now doing a general Drug, Taint nml Oil business nt the ahove location, (lining tne erec tion of our store building recently destroyed by Are. IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. OUR TELEPHONE CALL. NO. All orders promptly tilled aud delivered to uny part of the city. 133 FRANKLIN AVENUE our gift presentation.