ri- S7 i Meaaroee Bros. THE LARGEST GENERAL Paper Warehoui: in the State, 130 N. Washington Ave., 8CRANT0N, PA. On&ANIZED XOVJ2. ..Third National Bank.. OF SCIRnSTTOIN", T?. CAPITAL, - $200,000 SURPLUS, $260,000 WILLIAM CONNEIX, President. GEO. II. CATUN, Vice-President. WILLIAM II. PECK, Cashier. II you were Going to Dim a House SWm. Conneu., Gko. II. Catun, Henry Beun, Jr., Alfred Hand, Luther Keller. James Archbald, Wji. T. Smith, News, Blasting and Wrapping Papers a Specialty. Headquarters for PaJr Bags, Millinery Bags, Clothing Boxes, Ice Cream Fails, Oyster Pails, Berry Fails, Butter Dishes, Flour Sacks, Pass Books, Pie Plates, , Toilet Papers, Note Tapers, Twine, Printers Ink, Cut Cards, Card Board, Envelopes. The paper used in the Tribune is furnished by us. This Bank offers to Depositors every Facility warranted by their Balances, Busi ness and Responsibility. Special Attention Given to Business Accounts. THE LACKAWANNA Trust and Safe Deposit Co., 404 Lackawanna Ave. CAPITAL, - - $250,000. SURPLUS - - $55,000. WILLIAM T. SMITH, President IIKNRY BEUN, Jr., EDWARD B. STURGRS, WILLIAM CONNELL, OFFIOEIIB: HENRY J. ANDERSON, Vice-Prcst. DinECTOIlS: HENRY J. ANDERSON, WILLIAM T. SMITH, GEORGE SANDERSON, P. J. HORAN, R. T. BLACK, CHARLES H. WELLES, JOHN W. FOWLER, Treasurer. CONT.AD SCIir.OEDER, J. BEN DIMMICK, T. C. SNOVER. and could get a nice, new, brown stone the same size on the same size lot, in the same location for about the same price you would have to pay for an ordinary wood house, which one would you take? You have already decided you would take the brown stone, or, in other words, the best. Now, how is it about Flour? Why, you walk over to the grocer and say "Send me a barrel of flour," forgetting to say "send me the best," Washburn, Crosby & Co.'s Gold Medal or Superlative. There is as much difference in Flour as there is in houses. The Washburn, Crosby & Co.'s Gold Medal and Superla tive brands are always the best. Do not be so indifferent about what you eat, but when ordering (lour see to it that you order one of the above brands. f Business and personal accounts received. Savings deposits received in any amount and interest paid on sums of $1.00 and upwards. This Company acts as Trustee, Executor, Guardian, etc., under appointment by the courts, cor porations or individuals. Designated Legal Depository for the Courts of Lackawanna County. Safes of Desirable Sizes in Fire and Burglar Proof Vaults for Rent at $5 to fjo per annum, and convenient Storage for Valuables for the Summer Mouths. Megargel & Connell, Conrad iroeder, contractor and Builder T H E ..Dickson Manufacturing.. COMPANY, WHOLESALE AGENTS, SCRANTON, PA. That Wonderful Weber Tone is found only in the Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Hessemer Steel Plant Machinery; Stationary Engines, Horizontal and Vertical; High Pressure Condensing and Compound Automatic Cut-oir Engines, and CAI1LE MACHINERY. LOCOMOTIVES FQR ALL K I IN" IDS OF SEBVICE. BLAST ENGINES FOR IRON AND STEEIj WOIIKS. Hoisting Engines, Drums and Machinery, Colliery Machinery, Coal and Phosphate Breakers with patent remova ble steel teeth. Pumping Engines of high duty types, Cornish Pumping Engines, Pumps and Boilers of every kind and size. Heavy Machinery of all kinds. FOR IRON, BRICK, WOOD, STONE BUILDINGS. y . Commonwealth Building, SeWJTOfl, PA. General Office, SCRANTON, PA. lj IIhI 7 T7" : i'SSSjlS lull' W. u Get your Holiday Skates from FOOTE & SHEAR CO., 513 Lackawanna Ave., SCRANTON, PA. Weber Piano. Others may be good but the Weber is better. If the very best is wanted for a CHRISTMAS PRESENT the Weber is what you are looking for. If some thing cheaper will answer, wc have that also. Just now we have a few great bargains in pianos which have been for a short time in the hands of some of our smaller outside dealers, and which have been returned. These pianos have never been used and hardly soiled; still, the price is greatly reduced. They are all regular goods and reliable. A Sten ciled Fraud was never seen in our store, nor a piano offered for sale on which we did not give a first-class guarantee by the manufacturers. A call Must prove to nil Tliat we are fur below the market price, And yet, in quality can beat nil competition twice. GUERNSEY BROTHERS 224 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, Pa-