The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 18, 1894, PART 2, Page 20, Image 20

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'i i ISsii
ill '
$10.00, Reduced to $7.00.
$33.00, Reduced to $30.00.
$1.00, Reduced to 50c.
$.0.00, Reduced to $10.00.
$22.00, Reduced to $17.00.
The accompanying Guts and
Prices stive a Fair Illustration of
Sweeping Reductions we
have made for our Removal Sale
Our stock embraces a Great Variety of Furniture suitable for Christmas Gifts.
Remember, this stock must be sold before our removal. This is your opportunity.
S4.00, Reduced to $2.50.
$2.50, Reduced to $2.00.
$6.00, Reduced to $1.50.
dMWmMUl OH-jalJimm HMW5
205'AND 207
Scranton, Paa
$1.50, Reduced to $1.00.
Waary Willies
at Nightfall
A Tribune Reporter Interviews Spec
imens of the Tramp Fraternity.
HEY TALK 01' better days
trcd Members of Sernnton's Chain Gang
Discourse I' pun the Terrors of Labor.
Shocking i:pcricncc of a Tramp
in Search of Work.
' Vpon entering the police station one
evening a Tribune reporter wus hailed
with a gruff request to "shut that door
quick," and found that the command
manated from one of the tramping
fraternity, who explained that every
time the door was opened it gave him
the chills.
The spectacle presented by Chief
Flmpson's lodgers was unique. On this
particular night fifteen dirty and un
washed representatives of tho frater
nlty were lying higgledy-piggledy
around the cells. Some were snoring in
Wonderful are the experiences of
these wandering Willies. One member
was exceedingly well-spoken and had
evidently seen better days, and alleged
that he had practised as a most suc
cessful lawyer. His prospects were of
the brightest, his rooms were the ren
dezvous of all the young and gny spirits
of his circle and spirits became their
chief attraction not etheral, but sub
stantial spirits. He neglected his busi
nessthere was a lady in the case and
from $1,000 a year he had descended to
a member of the chain gang of the city
of Scranton.
Another related that he had earned
his $100 a month as a mechanic anil hud
a comfortablo and snug little home
With a wife whom he adored. She eloped
with a cousin he -went on the road.
Another who appeared a tough member
very candidly remarked that he had
never worked, but he did subsequently
and on the chain gang.
One pale, emaciated fellow, whose face
rotalned trace of refinement, attracted
the attention of the reporter. There
was an indefinable something alout
him, albeit his nose resembled a wot
sunset, which indicated that at one
time In his career he had deserved tho
title gentleman.
Ho was lithe and tall, but nlmnlv In
I the extreme, indicating along continued
"Where wus I born? Well, I don't
know dat it's any of your biz, but I
ain't goln' to hold it against you be
cause you wear collars, so Just between
me and you I don't mind tellin' you dat
It was on the Erie canal.
"Yes you wus," chimed in another
tramp. "De next thing you be sayin'
dat you slept in Aster's. You're a
beautiful liar, Bill. If you'd my face
dor's no tellin' whmt you'd be yet."
"(), turn off t'he gas, fresh. I'm talkln'
to dis gent whait's a friend of mine and
If you don't want to bo separated from
you're breath you'll close dut wheeze.
I was born on the Erie canal, I said, and
dat goes. Me mother wus a bird, a real
lady, and don't you forget It. I used
to push the pall when we tied up at
Syracuse, Buffalo or Troy, 'nd many's
the time I'd get touched up because I
didn't bring back full measure. The
old gal wanted the bucket so you cud
float a fly on It. Oh, dese were great
days, llust'," he declared, turning to his
Why lie Didn't Work.
"Do I ever work? Naw, I can't. Why
it is? Well, you're purty Inquisitive, but
It wus like ills. When the old gnl dat's
me mother, you know was dyln' she
called me to her and said, 1)111, be good
to yourself, l'ou was brought up easy
basso-profundo on the bunks, which
were spread on the floor, some had to
be content with the concrete floor as
their downy couch, and some had wan
dered into the cells which happened to
be untenanted.
The majority alleged that they were
tramping from the lakes to New York
In search of employment, a modest walk
of 600 miles. Others were' well known
loafers in tho city and were too lazy to
carry a bunk on which to sleep, and by
some physical exertion were able to
fall down and stretch themselves on the
floor. Some of the wanderers were hor
rible specimens of unwashed humanity,
and one of the fraternity admitted that
four months ago he had had a change of
linen, when he traded shirts with a
pard. He was the man probably who,
proud of his cleanliness, averred that
he always took a bath once a year
whether he required It oriot.
A Group of Chief SImpso j's Lodgers.
diet on pork that was rightly passe.
His eyes, large, pale and clwy, were set
wide apart, giving his file nn odd ex
pression that was helghteled by a beard
that might be termed a Inosalo of the
chromatic colors.
Here, thought the reporter, Is a miser
able hulk of better dayj; a man with a
history that would tell of an Inviting
home, comfort and lulury before the
reverses set In that brjught him down
to the level of the dns of society he
now made his bosom fiends. It was all
a mistake, as the reynrter discovered,
as soon as Willie openid his mouth.
"I'm onter you, young feller," he said,
as soon as accosted. "I don't want
nuthln' to do wld Jou, see! You're a
purty fly duck, so yu thinks, but I got
did lamp on you right, all right.
I'm over seVen, youtg feller.
and ane not strong. Don't work if
you can help it.' I promised her I
wouldn't and I'm goln' to stick to that
promise if I never do another thing. Do
you blame me? You do? Well, your
a bloke and you got no sense of honor
fall. I'd die before I'd go back on
what I said to me mother before she
"Well, on de level, Hill, you makes
me 'dead tired," Interpolated Rusty
again. "To hear you orate no one 'ud
ever believe you'd , work a can on de
sidewalk in de morning. Dat story
about yer mother Is a (forker. You'll
be wrlt'.n' stories about India or China
or some old place like his Klpllngs de
flrst thing we know. Oh, your a buto,
BUI, and ougliter to be In de senate."
Hill at once began to pay his respects
to Rusty in language strange but forci
ble, nnd the reporter withdrew. He
looked for no more signs tt better days
lnthephyslognomiesof the tourists. Bill
had dissipated the hope of finding any.
Some of the wanderers are objects
of compassion but the majority are
born idlers. As an Instance, one, who
was compelled to Join the chain-gang,
entered the house of a well known citi
zen, situated on the upper end of Lin
den street, and Intimated that he had
called for his breakfast. The lady of
the house was of a charitable yet prac
tical turn of mind and listened to
Weary William's tale of woe. He had
not eaten for two days; could not get
any employment and was willing to
work off his finger ends to get a dry
crust for his children. The lady there
upon promised him a mibstantlal
breakfast and a sum of money if he
would clean the stove. The tramp
stood ughast, and said nothing: the
lady threw down the brushes and told
him to set to work, when ho made a
record In the history of tramps and ac
tually ran. Other 'Instances could bo
related to show that the only energy I
they display is at a meal, they are al
ways tired betwepn meal times they
were born tired, and cannot help them
selves. It Is a Haven of Tramps.
Scranton seems to be their haven of
refuge and, except when the chain
gang Is organized, they manifest their
preference of the Electric City. Unduly
generous people of the city relieve
these fakirs nnd harm themselves and
the community. The question should
not be, How to relieve the tramps? but
How to keep them entirely out of the
A visit to the police station will soon
put the" matter at rest. The men
are the filthiest aggregation of humani
ty that ran be found, and are spread
around the cells, where women prison
ers, and at times fairly respectable
citizens are somotlmes compelled to
pass a night in company with these
parasite-carrying wanderers. The ques
tion of supplying a place of rest for
them should not be discussed, as they
are not In search of employment, but
merely bent on the prowl for anytlMng
they can put their hands upon. The
number of honest tramps in search of
work and without money to pay for a
lodging Is so few trnit their visits would
be a rare event. T. Owen Charles.
Norwich Union I ire Insurance Company of Norwich and London.
Incorporated 171)7.
Albany Insurance Company. Incorporated 1811.
London and Lancashire Insurance Company of Liverpool.
Continental Insurance Company of New York.
Manchester Fire Insurance Company of Manchester.
American Central Insurance Company of St. Louis.
Hritish American Assurance Company of Toronto.
Palatine Insurance Company of Manchester, England.
From tho Washington Star.
"It's no use," she said dejectedly, "I'vo
simply not to Buffer."
"What's the matter?"
"Young Mr. Blogo called last night. I
endured his society patiently until in self
defense 1 was forced to remark, 'Really,
Mr. Slogo, I'm very much afruld It is
Getting late.' "
"And what did he do then?"
"lie Blmply smiled and said that wo
men are naturally timid."
O one magician blest by Heaven,
Ono fay down-borne by angel wings.
Last prophet In the world's love even,
True herald from the King of Kings!
Still dost thou tench Immunity
How sorrow's hosts afar are hurled,
How God has given to Joy, through Thee,
A leowe eternal In the world.
How honey-sweets we still may draw
From thorny brakes of circumstance,
And In rude life read all wo saw
Writ on the puge of old romance.
Thy sainted hand a wonder sea
I'nvellcth to tha spirit's sight,
O'er whoso weird wave bright souls set
Ball to their natal Infinite.
-W. .P. Ryan.
Brooklyn Life Insurance Company.
Employers' Liability Accident Insurance Company.
And General Distributers of Advertising Matter.
Our patrons are Riven the bcncOt of the very choicest hill board locations in
Scranton and vicinity. If you have any bill posting to do, or any advert'sing
matter you want put out, call upon us and you will have your work douc to
your entire satisfaction.
322 Linden St. Reese 8c Long.
' To Be Sold at a Sacrifice
In Order to Make Room for Extension.
TEOINNINO TO-DAY all Kottleil nnd Case Goods, containine all the
j3 Leading Brands of Wines, Whiskies and llratulies, will be sold at Half
rnce lu order to make room for extension to our present buuuing. mis
will be a great opportunity for those who wish to purchase for the Christmas
Holidays. (
The Purest and Best always in stock, amount which Intake a Specialty
of tue following Noted JJrauus:
RYE WHISKIES-Gibson, MeadviUe, Wilsau, Hoffman House Club, Old
McBrayn, Mercantile Club, Dougherty.
GINS Old Tom, Geneva, I ure Holland.
BOURBON WHISKIES Old Darling, and all other first class brand.
BRANDIES Imported nnd all Superior California Brauds.
RUM Jamaica, St Croix, Purest Brands Imported and American.
CLARETS Imported of all kinds and all the Leading American Brand. b
if '
Every Razor Fully Warranted or
Money Refunded.
312 and 314 Spruce Street.
The Most Complete and Finest
lino in the city.
rocket and Table Kulves, Razors,
Shears, etc.
FEll'S, 301
Cor.PennAve. SprUC0