THE RCIi ANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 18, 1894. ffi. M'BRIDEJS ELECTED Will Succeed Mr. Gompers ns Presi dent of Federation of Labor. NEXT MEETING IX NEW YOKK h'Ue Denver Convention Chooses the Prcs ident of lotted Mine Workers us Their Lender Gompers Hot ires lluppy und Hill liemuiu Patriotic. Ey the United Press. . Denver, Col., Doc. 17. Tin? first mat ter to come before the Federation of Labor this morning was the selection of the jilace for headquarters, the con vention having decided to remove the same from New York city. The cities of Washington, Brooklyn, Detroit und Indianapolis were placed In nomina tion. Indianapolis was selected by a majority vote. The convention then proceeded to the election of ollleers. The balloting resulted In the defeat of President Gompers and the election in his place of John Mcllride, the president of the VniteU Mine Workers; The vote was: Gompers, 037; McHride, 1,102. Presi dent Gompers moved that JfcP.rlde's election be made unanimous, but, a deli-Bate objecting, that vote failed. Mr. Gompers wired his successful tompetltor as follows: "John Mclirlde, Columbus, O. Congratulations upon J'our election to the presidency of the federation. None will be more loyal than I to aid In making your adminis tration successful. Samuel Gompers." Vice presidents were elected as fol lows: First, P. J. McOuire, Philadel phia; second, James Duncan, Balti more; third, Roady Kenehan, Denver; fourth, T. J. Klderkln, Chicago. For secretary, A. MoGralth, of Boston. John H. I.cnnan, of New York, was the unanimous choice of the convention for the office of treasurer. Mr. Gompers. speaking of the election of MeBride, said to the convention that lie felt grea'tly relieved from a burden of enormous responsibility. The posi tion as president had made him prema turely old. He had stood for principle and had fought & hard fight. Standing thus, he preferred to be moved down anther than surrender to opposition, lie regretted this official action and could recall nothing in his past ad ministration for correction. He prom ised the same devotion to the cause of labor in the future as in the past. If defeat had come til him in the Chicago convention 'he would have gone out broken hearted: now he left It with a reputation as clear as the noon day sun. (Applause.) He proposed to support MeBride and would defend any attempt to drag him down from his high posi tion by the enemies of the American Federation of Labor. He thanked the delegates for their loyalty to the federa tion and panted from them with the test of wishes for a united effort In fa vor of the labor cause. New York wis selected as the place for the holding of the next convention and then a recess was taken. INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. The new Maxwell. No. 20, breaker p.t Ashley will be opened to the public this afternoon. The rumored reduction In the Jersey Central coal crews on Tresckow branch has been enforced and three men In all have been suspended Indefinitely. , The new branch which Van W'Ickle recently constructed from Tresckow to his Coleralne colliery has been handed over to the Jersey Central company to keep In order. A Wilkes-Barre dispatch says that on Saturday next all the mines now in operation in the Wyoming and Lacka wanna regions will shut down work for the balance of the year. The report Is not credited in Scranton. ., A new tunnel to catch what Is sup posed to be the Lykens Valley coal vein, which was tapped in the No. 10 slope at HJeaver Brook over a year ago, has been etarted from the east No. 5 lift. It will be completed In ten weeks. The Delano shops are now working the busiest In their history. There are elxteen engines in the shops to be re paired, besides a number In the round Jiouse. The repair and frog shops are (working sixteen hours a day. All the mechanics employed at the Coleralne colliery received notice on Saturday to the effect that on and af ter that date their wages would be re- duced 25 cents a day. The reduction Is eald to be due to the dullness of the coal trade. The National Drilling company, of Scranton, on Saturday completed their contract of sinking an artesian well for the Diamond Water company, of Ilazle ton. The well has reached a depth of COO feet and flows sixty-five gallons of Water per minute. The return of W. K. Vanderbllt re- news Interest in the Lackawanna. It Is paid he Is not satisfied with President Sloan's attitude toward the trade, being so unreliable in the matter of restrlc tlon as to constitute a disturbing factor. He has Instructed his brokers to add to his holdings of Lackawanna which he thinks Is another way of improving his Beading securities. Calvin Pardee, the new Navigation president, is a solid business man, a careful financier and occupies a front position in anthracite. He belongs to a family of operators, his father's part nershlp with J. J. Gllllngham Fell being one of the oldest In the trade. While Calvin was a member of the firm of A Pardee & Co. his brother Frank suc ceeded his father in this company though he was superintendent of It for over twenty-one years. For the past twenty years he has been the lead ing .member of the firms of Pardee, Bros. & Co., Calvin Pardee & Co., and Pardee, Sons & Co. Statement of shipments of anthracite coal for the month of November, com piled by the Bureau of Anthracite Coal Statistics from returns finished by mln-3 operators, not only shows a total out put for the month of 4,493,281 tons, which Is an Increase over the same month last year of riS7,7i4 tons, but an Increase in the stock of coal on hand at tidewater shipping points of 142,641 tons, the total on Nov. SO being 874,900 tons, against 732,205 tons nt the end of the preceding month. The heavy out put last month was unquestionably due to the desire of several of the compa nies, including the Heading and the ,ehlgh Valley, to make as good show ing In their annual reports as possible, their respective fiscal years having ex pired Nov. 30. STOCKS AM) BONDS. By the United Press. New York, Dec. 1". Trailing: at the Stock exchange was lifeless today, the pules aggregating only 114,4(0 shares. Of this total Sugar llgurcd for ll.ttiO shares ml Chicago Gas for 20.71HJ shares. Tne opening was very Irregular with the ten dency downward, because of the engage ment of $1,7!H,000 gold for export to Eu rope tomorrow. It wns said at one time that 8,2tK).(H)0 gold had been withdrawn from the sub-treasury today, but ollleliils utter the close of the business gave the amount at S2.0Un.CMM. Chicago lias was es pecially weak and fell to (ill's. The rumors of reduction in the dividend and a big floating debt were again revived and again denied. Sugar was heavy in the early dealings, falling to tfi'G. but quickly rallied to WiaU2. The decline In the railway list was confined to the fractions. Northwest and Burlington, which made the greatest losses, having sold down only per cent. each. In the afternoon trad ing a llrnier tone prevailed. The market left off steady in tone. Net changes show losses of 'k to r"K ier cent. Sugnr gnlned St. Paul Vi. Distillers New Knglnnd and Heading In the Inactive list ,nke Shore fell l'i to VMM. The range of today's prices for the ac tive stocks of tho Now York stock mar ket ore given below. The quotations are urnlshed The Tribune by O. da H. Dlin- mlck, manager for William Linn, Allen & Co., stock brokers, 112 Spruce street, Sera li ton. ,ti-i , Where Science ends Common Sense should rule. .Persons of sedentary habits are liable to indigestion or dy pepsia. These in turn, will bring on nervous disorders, kidney complaints constipation, etc. This is especially the case with merchants, students and scientists. They will give you the ex act dimensions of Jupiter, the distance from Saturn to the sun, to a foot, but they cannot or will not tell themselves what will cure this train of disorders. For ailments resulting from seden tary habits inactivity of the liver, habitual constipation, etc., the cntin medical fraternity of Europe and Amor ica almost unanimously recommend the genuine Carlsbad Sprudel Salt and the Waters of Carlsbad. Eisner A Mendelson Co., Sole Agents, 153 Franklin Street, New York, Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. In if. Am. Cot. Oil !M:4 a.1 m IK Am. Sugar He'g Co. fl:ii Itlij '.Cr:n A. M. T 98 US ilT'i. 97 li Chicago Gas 7"'.i 'J" 70 Chic. K- N. V 99 99 HS i 9S'J, Chic., B. & Q 7i 75i 72 72'. C. C. C. & St. h 3S4 Shi SS'i "S 'i Chle., Mil. & St. P... fSVi f!l'8 W'i 9' Chic, H. I. & P Ii2'a a", liWi US'k & C. F 9 9'!. 9 (Ion. Klectric "A"n ."'" Sl-'i K Lake Shore l.'Wi :Wi W4 IWi'i Louis. & Nash SP.-'i Kl M Manhattan Kle IW'i W'i I'M'i U Mo. Paeillc 28' 2Hi 2V4 !Ni Nat. Cordage., 8'j 8'i 8i Mi Nat. Lead .19 39 119 H9 N. J. Central 91 94 91 91 N. Y. & N. E 3li Ki'i 31?, S2'4 N. Y L. K. & W.... 4 ion 10..(, Nor. l'acltic 4 ',4 4 4'i 4'i Nor. Paeillc, l'r...... 17'i 17' j 17'i 17'i Ont. & West 15'i K.I3 lfi'4 l"i'-a Phil. & Head 14, IMs 144 Hlch. & W. P Hi',!, ) Hi! HS'.i Texas Pacific !" ' !( Wabash, l'r Mis II'A IP It' West. Union Wa 8 tW RS'fc CHICAGO BOABD OF TRADE PrtlCKS. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. Ing. WHEAT. May iwi rat r.s', r.s'. December Ells Gils t4!4 OATS. May W 324 S2'i "'2'4 December iXl'i 29'-i 29' 4 29' January 29! i 29',i 2!i:,i 29' CORN. May CO'i fia'4 4flff, December 4'e 4ii" 4'i' 3 4ti'i January 47,,'ii 47S, 47 17 LARD. January fi.9fl G.90 (1.87 fi.90 May 7.13 7.15 7.12 7.12 PORK. January 11.90 11.90 11.85 11.S7 May 12.22 12.25 1 2.17 12.20 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quo ta t Ions. No. Shs, HI 10 Par Val. 1(H) 50 Ask 120 SO 110 &0U 175 351) OKI 130 10 110 Bid. Scranton Packing Co .... Providence & Alding ton Turnpike 75 Scranton Glass Co Traders' Nat'l Bank Mt. Jessup Coal Co.. Moosie. Mount'n Coul Co CO CO Laeka. & Montrose Railroad Sera'n Savings Hank Third Nat'l Bank.... First Nnt'l Hank Laeka. Trust & Safe Deposit Co Scranton Trac. Co Walker Automatic & Steam Coupler Co Allegheny Lum'r Co Scranton Glass Co (Bonds) 450 Wyfiluslng Water Co (Bonds) Stevens Coal Com'y (Bonds) Sera'n Jar and Stop per Co 20 CO Dime Dep. & DIs. Bank C2 CO Scranton Axlo Works .... National Boring an Drilling Co Econ'my Light, Heat and Power Co 4 25 Crystal Lake Water Co ino 100 100 Laeka. Lumber Co... 100 Lackewanna Trust and Safe Deposit Co. stock sold at $130 on Saturday. 10 25 10 6 490 30 30 8 7 2 1 20 100 100 11KK) CO 100 100 100 100 CO 100 100 coo 100 coo 100 100 1U0 100 100 coo 20 100 Word. WANTS OP ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADH, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED. WHICH ARB INSERTED FREE. Poor Taxes Are Due ALL UNPAID JANUARY 1, 1k9o, WILL bo collected with costs. AUJA WILLIAMS. Collector. Agents Wanted. rpo MAKE ItlO MONEY SELLING OUtt .1 Kleetrie Telephone. seller oa enrtli. to set up. lui4 of any Kloetrie 'J'elonlioiiu. Our agents mining S"i to SKI a luy ensy. t very body buys; Hur money without work. I'ricoH lxiw. Aiiviiuuetin make S75ner month. Address V. P. Harrison & Co., Clerk No. 11, Columbus, O. Sent all eoiuiiletu reiidv distance. A practical Kluetrie AGENT WANTED EVERY W1IEKE TO IX Full the latest aluminum novelties, enor mous profits, sells at sight, delivered free, se cure territory. Sample in Velvet lined ease with full information. Me. Cntulngue. fro. Aluminum .Novelty Co., 335 Broadway, New York. U'ANTI I) - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO bundle our line, 110 peddling. Snlurv, J75 per mouth and expenses paid to ull. Goods entirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. Box, DIKM, Huston. Dfaso. Help Wanted Male. UN IN EVERY position, (iood pay. Kxperloneo unnec essary, (.liautauuuu ursery Co., 1'ortluiiu, N. Y. ? ANTED (iOOD SOLICITOR TO SOLICIT V tho printing trade of Serimton and vi' cinity. Apply to. I., Triliuiio olliue. ANTED AN EXPERIENCED BOOK canvasser. Address T. U.. cafu Tribune ofllce, Nerantnn. Pa. Board Wanted. UrANTED-HOAKO AM) LODUINO FOR young married couple. Address 11. II. V.. Ti iliuno office. For Rent. I'Oll RUNT-TA'O SINlll.E IIuUSES, I lnoiliirn improvements, with or without hnrn. Apply to FRANK BUIFFER, 138 l'r.iukliii avenue. TX)It RENT FURNISHED AND UNrUR X nislied rooms nt 51)0 Lackawanna avenue. ."OR P.ENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST I Lackawanna avenue. Address THOMAS E, EVANS, aeur 1132 Luzerne, Hydo I'ark.. 76r RENT-NIC'l-.LY FURNISHED HALL 1' JilYN, 119 Wyoming nvonue, For Sale. 1MJR SALE CHEAl'-TOH BL'UOY AND 1 linrness: nlao three horses. Rfar 1110 Capouse avenue. 1 ROUND OYSTER SHELL BONE', ALSO v X bono dust and ground meat for poultry. HASLAN'S, 1H Cliirstrtet. I.'OR SALE CHEAP A GOOD WORK r horse. Apply to 1 RANK BUIFFER, 13il rrniiKlin Avenue. Special Notices, L"1 LECTION NOTICE -THE ANNUAL .1 J meeting of the stockholders of the Scran ton StLive Works will bs hold at tho ollieo of tun company In bernuton, Suturday, January 12th, ls'j,', at 2.30 p. m. A. C. FULLER, Secretary. Scranton, Pa., Dec. 10, 1KH. I AM NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH EX 1 hibitlons and leetuio upon any subject de sired. TheSe exhibitions will bo illustrate:l, having in my possession tho inost powerful dissolving st'jreoiitieons made. E. II. CALL, Tribuno Ofllce. VOU WANT THIS RELIC - REPRINT I Frank Leslie's Illustrated Week y War Illustrations )Mil-l8(i5. Two Volume Fnlli 810.51); jiayable monthly, S2.U0. Delivered by express eninplot.e, Prepuid. Addioss P. O. MOODY, tils. Oilwon streot, Scranton, Pn, LANK HOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAOA- zinns, etc., bound or rebound nt Tim Tiiiiil'NU otlice. Quick work. Rensoniililo prices. fEAL TICKETS CAN UK HAD AT 111 ill cornor hprueo street and rrnnklm nv line. Twenty meal tickets for ?J.50. Wood talile board. Charter Applications. ATOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN 1 anolicutio:! will lie made to tho L'overnor of the Stato of Pennsylvania on Thursday, tho -'.til Hay or iiooemuor. js'.ii, by Henjnniin H. Tiiroop, Oeorgii C. Jac kson, John M. Ash, Hank Dierrlllelil aim r.dwnra c. Dlmmiik under tho act of assembly of tlio Com. aionwealth of I eiinsylvanla, entitled, "An act to rrovido for tho incorporation and regulation of eerlaln coruoratiem." npprovi d April 29, 1S74. and the siiiilemonts tljereto, for the clinrter of an Intended cor poration to no called. ' Tim Tiiroop Novel ty Iron Manuraetiiring Cninpany.'' the char acter and object of winch is tlin mauuraeturo of stoves, furnaces an 1 other urticles of com merce from metal or wood, nnd for these jnirposes to liavo, possess and enjoy nil tho riirhK brnelits and piivllegt-s of saul net oi nssemoiv ami in supplements. 'i'llos. H. WEi l.S, Solicitor. Orphans' Court Sale, OHPHANS' COURT SALE BY VIRTUE of an order of the Orphans' Court of Lackawanna county, tho undersigned, execu tor of the sstate of J. B. Link, late of the town ship of North Ahtngton, county of Lacka wanna, Btate of Pennsylvania, deceased, will expose at public aalo at the bouse on the here after described premises, in said North Abing ton township, on Saturday, December 2Wth, t 10 o'clock a. in., all that piece or parcel of land aituato in the township of North Abiugton, county of Lackawanna and state of Pennsylva nia, bounded and described as follows, to wit : Beginning at tho corner of Stephen w hit man's laud, thence by lands of N. S. Whitney north forty-six degrees west one hundred anil twenty -five ml tivn tenths! 1255 HI) porches to a corner in lino of Davis Dean; thence by land of said Davis Dean north forty-four degrees oast 0110 hundred (100) perches to a corner In tlio read; tht-nce by lands of Cyrus Colvin south forty nix degrees east one hundred and twenty-live Mid five-ten tlis (l'i 5-101 porches to a corner ill line of said Stephen Whitman: and theueo by land of said whitman south tortv-tour negroes west one Hundred (run perches to tho nlaco of beginning. Cont i ning seventy-eight (7n) acres and seventy O"0) percnes o land, more or less. It being part of ft tract of land, patented by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the iiaiiioof Hannah Woodrulf; the same land as eenveyod by Oeirge Clymer, by his attorney in fact. S. Mylert, to (leorga Whitman by deed dated Iho 22 1 day of December. A. D. l."45. mid recorded In the Recorder's Office in and for the county of Luzerne, in Deed B.toIc, No. 43, at panels, etc.; also, it being tho same tract nf land conveyed to said J. B. Lisk by said (ieorgo Whitman by deed dated tho fifth day of April. A D. ISO I. and recorded in theoftleo for recording of deeds in and for tho said county of Luzerne, iu Deed Book No, ION, at page 4.1, etc. This farm is l icated about 124 miles from the citv of Scranton. nnd one nnd one-half miles irom tho D.. L. & W. R. R. station. It is well watered, having a stream running through it, and three never-failing sprin;s thereon. It is well fenced with stono wnlls, lias a young apple orchard, a first-class farm house and two gisid barns thereon. Tho soil is in exetllent con lition, nnd tho farm is ouly one fourth of a 111II0 from the school house. TERMS OF SALE SHU down on day of sale; 25 per cent, of the I alanen ou final confirma tion of sale; 25 per cent, ill 0110 year from duto of sale, and tho remainder in two years from the date of Bale. All sums unpaid altirflnal confirmation to bo secured by bond and mort gage. B. F. V N STORCH, Exucutor. euwakd MILES. Attorney. Peal Estate. I, Aiimo jjAijiiAiiMi.i' ron neunr.n J houses exclianu'ed for farms. R. ER NEST COMF.OYS. Real Estate Agont, 12S Washington. Prire Building. onno ho Wallace INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS FOR THE HOLIDAY TRADE The five following numbers are tlie Greatest Value we have ever been able to obtaiu We offer them at the following :CUT PRICES NO. 1. 50 doz. Fine Lawn, hem-stitched, put up doz. iu a box. Price, 75c. a box. NO. 2. 40 doz. Pure Linen, hem-stitched, full size for gentlemen, 25c. each; very fine letter. NO. 3. 40 doz. Pure Linen, hem-stitched,in ladies' size, 25c. each, or $1.35 for box of j4 doz. 4. 100 doz. Jap. Silk, hem-stitched, size adapted for either ladies' or men's use. The greatest handkerchief bargain ever offered iu Scranton. 29c. each.or $1.50 for lA doz. -50 doz. Jap. Silk, large size, for men's use, or for ladies' mufflers, 48c, worth 75c. Every letter represented iu above lots. NO. NO. s. CONNOLLY & WALLACE 209 QL?g Ave. Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED A POSITION BY an experienced ongineor as practical engi neer on luenmotive or stationary engine. Tlio best of reference given. Address R. A . cave Tribune, YOUNG MAN (Vi), GOOD HABITS, ABIL ity, and six yenrB practical experience, wishes a position us bookkeeper or collector with a good flim; first class roferouco and if required. Address w. L.. Tribune. Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here in Scranton by the FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. BEST AND CHEAPEST IRON BEDS IN THE CITY. ANT PI ftp With Modern improvements and 40-foot lot for nine hundred dollars ($900.00.) WHERE? On Race street, near entrance to Driving Park. HOW? HI OF I HUNDRED to our patrons: WaKhliurn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pat rons that thev will this year hold to their usual custom of milling S I RICTLY OLD W1IKAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers arc of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Oosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s Hour far above other brands. Jfew York Produce Market. By the United Trcsa. New York, Dec. 17. Flour Pull, wenk; winter wheut, low (trades, $2.0;"ai.()(t; do. fnlr to fancy, $2.GOa2.; do. patents, $2.7ri 3.21); minnesota olenr, $2.iu2.7D; do. BtralKhta. $3u:t.3.i; do. pntenls, JXIOiili.'J.i, low extras, $2.O5a2."0; elty mills, $-'Ufi; do. putents, 1.90a4. Wheat Moderately ue tlve, easier; No. 2 red store and elevator, Wle.; aHont, mVn:; f. o. h Wl'iniJlVse.; uiiKraded red, Ma(i2e.; No. 1 northern, 6',4c-; options closed stendy at '.knVic un der Saturday with a moderate trade; January, r9o. ; February, iloe.; Mnrrh, fillic; May, (BUc.i June, 2e.! July, (Blip. ; Uecemher, Dil'o. Corn Dull, easier; options dull, lower, steady; December, 34'liC.; January, 34'ie.; Kehruury, STie.; May, Me.; No. 2, .H'saM'ic. ; No. 2 white, SHVtc; No. 2 fhieaKO, WMttMAc. ; No. 33'jO.; No. 3 white, 37'4r.; mixed western, 84',4H3iiV4c. : white do., 3u41Vie.; white state, 38n4H4e. Iieef CJulet; family, $ltmll.Gn. ex tra mess, J7.50n8. nwf Hams Quiet, $17. Tlereed lieef Dull; elty extra India mean, J10al7. Cut Meats Unlet, easy; pickled bellies, 12 pounds, nr..; pickled shoulders, lk; pickled hams, S'.iaSc. ; middles, nom inal. Iard Quiet, firmer; eastern steam, $7.20; city, $c; December, $7.20, nominal; January, $7.25, nominal; refined, dull; continent, 7$.0O; Bouth Amerlcu, $7.1X1; com pound, 6MiUuc. Pork Dull, steady; mesa, fin.25ul3.7o. Uuttcr Dull, fancy creamery firm; state dairy, I2a21c; do. creamerv, 17a23c; Pennsylvania do., 17a23c.; western dairy, lO'ialfiC. ; do. creamery, l.rin241,4c ; do, factory, lUallic; KIkIiib, 24a2l'ic.; imitation creamery, 13nl8c. ; Juno creamery, li;ii21c. Cheese Dull. Kkrs Quiet, weak; state andPenn sylvanla, 2ric. ; rcfrlRerator, Kia 21c; western freBh, 24c; do. per case, $2al; southern, 21a23Viic; limed, 15al5Hc Sealed Proposals, UALKD PROPOSALS WILL UK Itli celved lit tlio office of the Sen. n ton Bonril of Ilenlth until Knturdny, Dee. 20, 1MI4, at 12 o'clock, fi r furnl.-d lint pea coal delivered lit tho crematory; tho oontrnct to continue from Ian. 1, 1M, to April I, lMW. 'i no board will lie d between twenty ami thiitv tons nr niontli, and ri'sarve the riht to reject any or all tiitmi.B, Werietary, ($200.00) and the balance in one, three or five years with payments weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly. FULL PARTICULARS CAN BE HAD at the office of IT. B. Reynolds, Republican Building, and map of Lot and Floor Plan can be seen at the office of the Greeu Ridge Lumber company. READ THIS AGAIN It's no dream, but it is one chance in a lifetime to procure a home for so little money. Orphans' Court Sale. ORPHANS' COl'iiT SALK-K8TATK OF Philip Hopkins. Into nf tlm township ot liunton, Lttukawaiina county, Pennsylvania, deceased. By virtno of tin order of tlio Orphans' court of said county, there will bo exposed io public sale ill on tho promises to be sold on Friday, the Ixth dny of Jnniiarv, irvr,, t ID o'clock s. in., tlio following described real es tate, to wit: Ail that certain pioco of land i Itiinti in the township of lieiitim. county of f,n kauuium und state of Pennsylvania, bounded und de- mrilii 1 ns follows: lieelm i'it at a coi nor In lino of lands sold to William N. Orcen. thence north 7,y deir wist KU-Jli rods tn n post; thonce until 1:1 ilenrers. east 121 l-lo rods to a coi ner in tin thiicenter of the rind leading from Hunton C'entor to Nicholson; thencu iiiont; said nail south 41 destreis, east l;l rods to u lust; tli.'lico south ItllJ desreni', oust 4 rods lo a cor er in said ro d, uf lot i f land so d to William linker; tlienco s iuth four decrees, west II 3-PI rods to lino or hind formerly owned by K. Haver; thenco north st) dettr.oi, west 3ti 10 rods to a pest; thence north Ml ilu Itrecs, west 23 roils lo a post about I rod from lln leilRe of rocks: thencu souih 27 deurees, west 3H -1-10 rods to th'J place of bcgliinliiij; cnntalnhiR 41 seres mid 102 peiolms, be the wiine more or loss; it beiiii; ih sninii iand conveyed to said Philip Hopkins ilui'lni; Ii s hretmio ny nron rniuips. jr.. nnu i ru. Ills wife, by deed of March I7lh, lc!l, recorded In tho office lor recording deeds in nnd lor mid rount y, deed book No. 112. paao 4."i, etc., im proved with k 2-story frame dwe.l ng and out buildings. Term of snlo: Twenty-five per cent, rn day of sale, 2o per cent. iip,in ecnllrniiition and de livery of deed and buliin e in siit innnilm from ci.nllrniatlon of sale and delivery of deed with interest rroiuuay oi eoniiriiinwon ot sale. t HAiiLKS OAbliNEK. Ailmnii tiutor FRED B. STARK, Attorney for Estate. Philadelphia Tullow Market. Dy the United Press. Philadelphia, Dee. 17. Wo quote: prime. In hdds, inic. J country, prime, in bbls, 4c; country, dark, In bbls, 4'i 84.; cakes, 6c. j grease, 4c. City Oil Market. By tho United Tress. Pittsburg, Dec. 17. Oil opened and low est, U3c. ; hiyliuBt, t)uc. ; closed, iic. i Ladies Who Valuo A refined complexion mast nets Pouoni'e Ten der. It produces a soft and beautiful pUu. Chicago Stock Market. By the United Press. Union 8tock Yards, 111., loc. 17. Tattle Receipts. lli.fXH) head; market opened firmer, closed easier; common to extra steers, CI.DUaO.STi: Htockers nod feeders, Wa 3.50; cows nnd bulls, $I.Ku;i.4il; calves, S!a 5. Hokh KecelptM, 8.WM head; market firm; he.ivy, t,4()a4.KO; common to rholce mixed, ?4.2.".u4.oT: sholco assorted, 4.i"ia 4.B5; light, $4.rial.ri; pigs, i'.2.-ia3.!)(). Bheep Kecelpts, 15,tnlu head; market firm; In ferior to choice, Jl.25uC.G0; lumbs, 2.J3a 4.31). Scranton MEGARGEL k G ULL Wholesale Agents. We have.the following supplies of lumber secured, at prices that warrant us in expecting a large share of the trade : Pacific Coast Red Cedar Shingles. "Victor" ami other Michigan Brands of White Finn anil White Cednr Shingles, Michigan White and Norway Pine Lum ber and Hill Timber. North Carolina Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pine. Juniata County, Pennsylvania. White Oak. Sullivan County Hemlock Lumber and Lath. Tioga County Dry Hemlock Stock Boards. Elk County Dry Hemlock Joists and Studding. COMMISSION MERCHANTS IN Swift's Chicago Dressed Beef WYQniNG AVENUE and PINE STREET. TELEPHONE BELL, FRANCOIS & CO., Managers. M. SCHWARTZKOPF, 243 PEN N AVENUE, WHOLESALE DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors. Agent for the Celebrated 81. Equal to any Imported. TELEPHONE 4862. Goods delivered to any part of the .city. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Rails, Mine Ties, Props and Mine Supplies in general. Mine THE RICHARDS LUMBER COMPANY COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, SCRANTON, PA. SHAW, . EMERSON, KRAKAUER, NEW ENGLAND, ERIE. ii IB f CLOUGH & WARREN, CARPENTER, WATERLOO, CROWN, I PALACE. J. LAWRENCE STELLE, Music Dealer, 134 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton, EVERY. WOMAN 8omGttawneedimllable,monthly,riralitli!t medlclnn. Only htrmUnlE the purest drugs should be ukU. if jou want the bu.1, fet Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal Pills Ther are prompt, .tie tea onrtain In result. The eonlne (Pr. Peal's) nerer JUip. ualut, eentuj'vlerltl.U0. Address i'il Muucuia Co., CleT.k od, O. For Saleby JOHN H. PHELFS, Pharmacist, Cor. Wyoming Avenue and Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa. 1a TORED WHOOO mum ml I O Thefrentremedr omerTon prntlntlon ond nllnrTmillwe" of & tbe nunemtlTo orvens of oIlhiT tax. such as Norvou. PntTlk'n. hell" jiai1- vV ing or i.nmi ManniiMi. iinviuviicy, niirniif unnisinni. 1 uuwmui nv-iv Zirlyvltl Mvntel Worrr.exaeMlTO "o of Toburonr uplsin.nhlchlrnii tot.on' ifiSi' sumpuon and lumnlty. Willi Terr 5ord;'i w0frtniBwrlltnitiir Aui ik'Tk-w iik'nii. anien lopureorwiunu me umneT. mi n it iM.en pcrpy. UfciOWIiAilDAHlliHUtuHU. l0r85iOo. jii,MO,rr'Jll'ElllCAJUtU..i'iolttall. for Sole by C BL UAKUIS, UruKitlstj 11 !'" Avenue.