18 gmiiiaiiiHitiii3iiiiiiiiiHiiHH8iiiiiiuiiiiiiii5iiiaiiiciiii iimmiiiiiiiiin3tiini8inniiiiinini iimiaKiinKiiiHiiii Si 110 o Staple and Fancy Dry Goods laiaiBHiHattataananiaaaiaaniBaaaaaaKaiaaaianiiaiaaaaaiaiiBaaaaaaaaaHaiaaiiBmBiiaaBBaaaaaaaiaaiBHaaiiinanaaiiaaaaaaaiaa mniim:nm ;ii;i;n5iiiiii;inntmi ML., ft: IT I wiiy unnese nave Been fitonRiliafed Superior Discipline of the Japanese Troops Is Vividly Illustrated. CHINESE MEX AND METHODS KcvW. W, Show, M. A., of Archbald, Pa., Graphically Describes Some Personal Impressions of China, from Which lie Has Recently Returned. ' "Out of sight, out of mind," Is an old ndage, and a true one. If Instead of China and iJapan, 'Canada and the United States, or even England and France, were at war, a much keener In terest would be taken In the struggle. Hut It Is hard for one to be deeply In terested in that which is going on at the other side of the world, between two comparatively unknown nations, and in an unknown country. True it is, one-half of the world knows little of the other half. The present war arose on account of Korea. China declared she had an au thority, dating back many centuries, over Korean affairs; but this Japan dis puted. The "Hermit nation," as Korea was called, has latterly been opening to outside influences; and Japan, amongst others, has taken advantage of this to enlarge her trade. China, however, with her stolid conservatism and over weening conceit, objected to Japan's advances, and constant friction led to open rupture. Lying between the Kor ean peninsular and the northern part of China Is Manchuria. Under this name are comprised three provinces Feng ttenor Shlng-KIng in the south, Klrin in the middle, end Tsltslhap in the north. For many centuries the southern prov ince, Fengtien, has been subject to Chi nese control; and since 1644, when the Manchus gained the upper hand in China, -all Manchuria has come directly under the government of Pekln; and any outward difference there is between it and any part of China proper is being rapidly lost. It Is a Populous Province. The population of Manchuria, accord ing to the latest estimate, is about 20, 000,000, more than half of this being in Fengtien, the southern province; while the area is aver 300,000 square miles. On the east Fengtien is bounded by the river Yalee, which divides Manchuria from Korea; on the south by the Gulf of Llao-Tung; on the north by the prov ince of Klrin, and on the west by Mon golia, except at Shan-hal-Kuan, where the Great Wall ends, and China proper begins. The capital of the province of Fengtien is Moukden, a large double walled city, with a population of over 250,000. Next to Pekln, this is In some respects the most important city In the Chinese empire, from the fact that it was the original home of the reigning dynasty. - Every state document in Pekln must have a duplicate deposited in the archives at Moukden. One of the only public roads of which China can boast is the great highway from Moukden to Pekln; a distance of COO miles. " . It will then be seen that if Japan were t to advanoe overland from Korea v towards Pekin,' her first' object would be to occupy Port Arthur, and then pro ceed against Moukden. and thence nlnnir the great highway to Pekln. The first is now an accomplished fact. After a stubborn resistance, Port Arthur has 'J'JIE .' . AND 112 Market Street PROVIDENCE SQUARE. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, fallen. Inasmuch as it was the strong est naval port of China, this is an im mense blow to the Chinese, and its loss may be the means of bringing them to sue for peace. If terms of peace are not agreed upon, it is probable that the Japanese forces will march upon Mouk den about 300 miles from Port Arthur and having captured that city ad vance towards Pekln. Facts About LI Hung Chang. Li Hung Chang', tho Bismarck of China, placed great reliance on Port Arthur, or Lee-Shem-Kow as the Chin ese name it. Immense sums had been spent in making it a second Gibraltar in appearance. Unfortunately for the Chinese, the details of their defences would not always bear close scrutiny. Sand for powder, and balls of mud and coal dust for cannon balls are not at all unknown. Hence when the critical moment comes, the defence breaks down. And as such subterfuges and trickery are well known to both officers and privates, there is a mutual lack of confidence, which has deplorable re sults when they are face to face with an enemy. If that enemy be well drilled and, well armed, the average Chinese soldier is apt to think of the battlefield that distance would undoubtedly lend encharitirient to its view; and he hur ries off to seek such enchantment. And one can hardly blame him. Antiquated bows and arrows, the glng all an ancient muzzle-loading blunder buss, which it takes two men to carry, a miscellaneous assortment of muskets and Enfield rifles, discarded by western nations, with spears, such form their weapons of defense. And their field ar tillery Is in keeping. With the exception of a few batteries, nearly all of their guns are of the old muzzle-loading style, useless in modern warfare. And to add to their inefficiency, a large proportion of the soldiers is employed carrying huge banners, which float gaily enough on the breeze, but do not perceptibly In crease their fighting powers. I have seen regiments marohlng along the highway with aa many bannermen as riflemen. They make a fine show un der review, with their many colored gigantic banners, it takes a man's whole strength to hold one Hut flags are a poor thing to lean upon in a fight. An Unappreciated Statesman. LI Hung Chang, backed by a few of the most liberal-minded of his country men, has done what he could to bring the Chinese army up to the modern standard; but lthas been rglgantlc and well-nigh hopeless task. For one thing he has arrayed against him a powerful combination, backed by thellterati.that powerful class over the country, which opposes these foreign innovations; and amongst the rank and file of the army Itself there is a deep Ingrained spirit of conservatism, which Belzes every oppor tunity to draw them back to the old ways and methods. As an officer in the British army, the late Captain Gill, R E., wrote: "Prompt action, readiness of resource, ability to seize on the smallest advantage or to neutralize a misfortune, and the power to evolve fresh combinations, these are the quali ties which make a Boldler, and these are the very qualities that cannot co-exist with Chinese -want of originality and reverence for antiquity." Supposing the Japanese forces now to advanoe from Port Arthur to Mouk den, what kind of country would they have ,to pass through?. For the first part of the way, it would be rocky, hilly and barren; the road winding in and out of the mountain defiles, crosfl' lng chasms, and over bleak stretches bare of everything save stones. At this time of ' the year, ' too, , there would SCEANTON TRIBUNE GEN UITABIvE GIFTS will evidently be the order of the day this year, and you can do no better than inspect our stock of General Merchandise. You will find many serviceable articles from which to choose. a 9 probably be a foot or two of Bnow on the hills, making "traveling all the more difficult. For in the sea-board province Fengtien the winters are se vere; though milder than in the north ern part of Manchuria. By Christmas time at Moukden, the thermometer will go below zero daily, registering any where down to twenty degrees Fahr enheit, though further north it goes as low as forty-five degrees. The atmo sphere is intensely dry; and, when the wind does not blow, most healthful and exhilarating. , When the north wind does blow, however, as one re marked, "the less said about it the better." I have walked along the banks of the Llao at Newchwang the port of Manchuria clad in furs from head to foot, both inclusive and al most felt the wind whistle through my bones. The river Llao about 600 yards wide at Newchwang Is closed to navi gation from the third week in Novem ber till towards the beginning of the following April. When the winter has set In the lee on the river is about three feet thick. AChlncso Winter. The only advantage, therefore, which the Japanese army would have in marching through the enemy's country in winter would be that the rivers and creeks would all be frozen over, and the country bare, so that, when no mountains intervened, they could make a bee line for their destination. Trees near the coast and for miles inland are conspicuous by their absence; a few stunted willows being the sole repre sentatives of their kind. One reason of the this is the fact that tho land has gradually risen, and Is still rising, along the northern shore of the gulf. Haicheng, a large walled city, forty miles northeast of Newchwang, means "City of the Sea;" and about three cen turies ago was a flourishing seaport. Now it is forty miles from the sea- coast. Having been thus reclaimed from the ocean, the soil is salt, nnd trees will nut flourish, nor, Indeed, other vegetation to any extent. "Live and let live," is their motto. On the whole I believe they would as soon see a Japanese as a Chinese army march through their country. For u large part of the Chinese army is re cruited from Honan and other distant provinces, and to the unsophisticated countryman In Manchuria these sol diers are almost like foreigners. The dialect they speak is about as different from the Mandarin spoken in Man churia as French is from English. More than once I have acted as Interpreter between a native of Shanghai and a Chinaman from the north; they could only communicate by signs, " I Once across this barren stretch, tho country improves, farms are plentiful, and mountains clothed with forest, add to its beauty. Immediately In the neighborhood of Moukden the country Is comparatively flat, tho nearest hills being a day's journey away. The roads through this district or what do duty for such are simply tracks, good or bad according to the ground they pass over, the bad decidedly predominating. At this season of the year, however, this would not matter so much, as once the crops are all cleared away, the traveller is allowed to strike out cross country, quite Independent of the usual route. There - being no stone walls, barbed wire or any other kind of fence,' this Is not so difficult as it might seem. The Chinese in the north as a rule never fence In their land. A mnn counts his fields by so many furrows, these being of the same breadth from time immemorial. Cattle . ere not raised for their milk, a with us, and but little for food; and those that ore TUESDAY MORNINl. oHaimiaaiaaiiimiiimimiiniiiimiiniiiimiiiuiiiiii mmiininnaiSHHmsiisaiiniEimsaiiti laiaaaatmangnaiittHHiESiaaHaHimaaainiaaiamB , : ' -c ERAL p.n s PnrnishiMs ) an m 110 AND 112 WEST MARKET PROVIDENCE SQUARE. kept for draught purposes are allowed to graze where they please. A China man never touches milk, and will only milk his cattle when some "foreign devil" will buy the milk. They are also largely vegetarian in their diet: strict Buddhists being entire ly so. And when they do depart from vegetarian principles, they prefer pork to either beef or mutton. One great feature of the country is the pig; large, black and uncomely to a degree; and the scavenger of the neighborhood. Chinese pork is not a delicacy likely to tempt the foreigner. In spite of Charles Lamb's deliverances on tho subject. The people of this district are kindly, hospitable, and of a peaceful disposi tion; for the most pnrt agriculturists, an unenviable reputation all over China as being desperadoes, with whom tho less one had to do the better. Even their officers at times are powerless to control them. To show, the spirit of these men, let me recount an incident. In the winter of 'SO a large number of these southern soldiers was disbanded at Newchwang. Their pay being ns usual in arrears, and their homes over 1,500 miles away, they became desper ate, and applied their energies to thiev ing. Three of them attacked a house one night close to where I was living, but meeting with unexpected resistance they had to beat a retreat. Two suc cessfully jumped through the window, but the third man, in attempting to fol low tho others, was caught by his feet by the men of the house. A tug of war immediately followed, the two soldiers trying to drag out their comrade by the arms, while his legs were held by those within. Seeing that those inside were too many for them, on the prin ciple that "dead men tell no tales," one of the two outside, with one of the long knives they always carry, quickly se vered the head of his comrade from his body, and then made ofli with his com' panlon in the darkness. Contrary to what generally happens, these two were caught later and beheaded, not for the murder of their comrade, but for the attempted robbery; and for some days afterward their heads adorned the en trance gate of tho city, as a warning to all would-be thieves. , Tho Japanese as Soldiers. While, therefore, the Chinese soldiery are often brutal and utterly without discipline witness the murder of tho Rev. J. A. Wylle last August In a city forty miles from Moukden, the soldiers of the Mikado have" been trained more In accordance with civilized nations; nnd are less likely to harm either coun try or people as they pnss through, than would the same number of Chinese troops. There are no mountuln passes between Port Arthur rand Moukden which could easily be held against them; and If the Chinese attempt to stop their advances it would be more In the nature of guerilla warfare than anything else. Between Moukden and Pekln there are many points at which a few well directed troops might do much tifward stopping a whole army. Before, however, the Japanese forces get so far, China may have had her eyes effectually opened and her pride humbled; and peace been concluded. That the war may Boon be ended can not but be the wish of everyone; for war in any shape or form seems but a rella of barbarism. W. W. Shaw. A Natural Hcsult. Superintendent (moodily) We will have to abandon our trolley to Branehvllle. President What's the matter? Superintendent No passengers. The peoplo living along the line huve all been killed. New York Weekly, DECEMBER 18. 1894. 8 0 bh ilium i laiaaanaiaa laaaaaana HouJ to Prepare Eellenf Bread 0 iMrs. Rorcr's Tracheal Talk at the Philadelphia Pood Exposition. THE DANGEK IX THE MEAD FAN Dyspepsia and Insanity Are in Many Cases Caused by Had llrcad, Mrs. Ho rcr Says-Kcccipts That She Gave tier liccoraincndatlon. Mrs. Rorer delivered the following ad dress, recently, on bread .making at the Philadelphia Food Exposition: "Housework," she said, "Is the euslest work in the world when thoroughly understood, and any woman wllo has no more than ten or twelve people to cook for,has her lines cast In very pleas ant places, but I do not mean a cook who does not mix brains with cooking and runs down cellar fifteen times to make one article. To make Boston brown bread take one cup of cornmeal, one cup of rye meal and one cup of whole wheat flour. Mix all together and add one teaspoonful of salt. Mix half a cup of molasses and two cups of either sour milk or buttermilk, and dissolve one tablespoonful of soda in two tablespoonfuls of water. "You use soda because molasses con tains acid, but if the molasses should be deficient In acid add a little baking powder. A good baking powder is nothing but an acid and an alkali, no matter in what form it comes. Take a brush and grease the Inside of the mould carefully with melted butter and pour In the batter. Put the lid on, tie it down, put in boiling water and boll continu ously for five hours. Let it stand in tho water until cold. Warm In an oven be fore using." Importance of Details. "To make a Vienna loaf, said Mrs. Rorer, "take half a pint of boiling wa ter and pour Into It half a pint of milk. When lukewarm add half a teaspoonful of salt and one yeast cake, dissolved. It Is Important that the yeast should be fresh and in perfect condition. To test an yeast cr.ke see that It Isquiteflrmand and solid. It should be devoid of any odor except that of yeast. A single yeast taike contains 10,000 times as many yeast germs as a cup of brewer's or home made yeast. It is possible to make eight or nine loaves of bread from one cuke of yeast when it would require several cupfuls of homo made yeast to do the same work. "As a rule.theyeast plant Is thorough ly killed by baking, but it Is not always so, and that accounts In a large measure for flatulence and incipient symptoms of dyspepsia sometimes felt after eating a meal. It the yeast perms are not killed. In the baking the bread is not a healthy food. If the germs are not all killed bread soaked In water and kept In a warm place for twenty-four hours will turn to yeast," How to Mnko It White "Add sufficient flour to make a dough. Knead the mass constantly until the dough is soft and elastic. Use as little flour as possible in the kneading, to prevent the bread from becoming hard and dry after baking. It is the knead ing that it makes It soft and elastic. If very white bread Is wanted, pounding the dough while kneading It should be resorted to, as a good pounding will make the bread ten shades whiter. Put Etc. Roots Mm m mwn isiiiiiiiiDtiiaiiKUiiiiiiiiiaiiiaiiiuBiiiiiiBEiiiiiiaisiiiiBsaiiiiSBiBaiaiBBiisii the dough in a greased bowl, cover with a napkin and stand It away In a tem perature of about 70 degrees for two and a half to three hours. Divide it in to two loaves and mould each into a long round loaf. Put in a greased Vi enna bread pan and stand in a moder ately warm place for one hour; then bake In a quick oven for thirty min utes." "To make corn bread," said the lec turer, "stir one cup of white corn flour into half pint of boiling water. Add half a teaeupful of milk and half a cup of cold water, and beat with a paddle until smooth. Add half a teaspoonful of salt and one yeast cake, dissolved into two tablespoonfuls of water. Add sufficient wheat flour to make a dough; knead un til softand elastic; then stand aside for three hours until light Mould Into two loaves and put into square pans that have been greased, and let stand for one and one-half hours, after which bake for one hour." Whito Bread Denounced. The next recipe was for mnklng"whole wheat bread." "Hyglc-nlsts," she said, "dislike white bread, because It has been robbed In large part of its nutri tious qualities." She rather startled her audience by declaring it was no mean factor n producing Insanity. White bread 'also makes people fat, which is not a sign of health at all. It Is away out of proportion, the starch and gluten being In excess of the nitrogen. White bread is beautiful to look at, but It Is demoralizing to the brain and stom ach. A diet of corn bread and whole wheat bread is far preferable If you care at all for your health or wish to live long. White bread, as we have it, Is not the "staff of life" the ancients know, and does not contain the phos phates necessary to Sustain prolonged brain action. Our mad houses and luna tic asylums are proof enough. Continuing she said: "To make whole wheat bread pour one pint of boiling water into one pint of boiling milk, dissolve one yeast cake into two table spoonfuls of water, add to the liquid and then add one teaspoonful of salt and sulllclent whole wheat to make a dough. Knead carefully until the dough loses all of Its stickiness, then stand aside for two and one-half hours until It Is double its bulk, mould the dough into four loaves and put them into squaw greased pans, stand aside for one hour and then bake for one hour in a moderately hot oven.". A Corporation Kindness. From the Indianapolis Journal. "I notice they are putting fenders In front of tho trolley cars," said young Mr. Fltts, as he sut down to dinner. "Oh, how kind," twittered Mrs. Fltts. "They will bo so nice for the poor motor men to warm their feet on when the weather gets cold, won't thpy?" THE DAY AFTER. Ah, distinctly I remember it was In tho chill November, And each separate dying ombor wrought a shadow on tho floor; What I read of tho election party treason and defection Ground the Iron of dejection deeper in my heart's red core; So I rose up, loud exclaiming, all my soul with passion flaming, "Bird -,or beaRt, of what thy naming, perching on my chamber door Quail or buzzard, crow or turkey, roost ing on my chamber door I shall eat you", If you're living, for my dinner next. Thanksgiving, Shine or blizzard, bonus and gizzard, I shall eut and call for more Steeped In gall and hellebore from the night's Plutonian shore" Quoth tho raven; "Evermore!" Chicago Record. r O STREET, DOMESTIC POINTS. Fresh lard will remove tar. To purify a cistern tie charcoal In a bag and drop it In. To effaco scratches on furniture rub on some linseed oil, and then follow with a little shellac, dissolved in alcohol. A silk dress should always be brushed with a soft camel's hair brush, as whisk brooms are too harsh, and cut the silk. Prevent your pretty new ginghams from fading by letting them lie forseveral hours in water in which has been dissolved a goodly quantity of salt. Tack little rolls of cotton batting, cov ered with a dark cloth, under the rear ends of the rockers of the chair that makes a practice of "tipping over." Try ironing nil lace and embroidery on tho wrong side, and iron until perfectly dry. Calicos that are opt to look too "shiny" should be Ironed on the wrong side. When anything has been spilled on tho stove, or milk has boiled over, and a suffo cating smoke arises, sprlnklo the spot with a little salt, and it will quickly dis appear. When cane-seated chair bottoms have "sagged," you can often make them as tight as ever by washing them with hot soap suds and leaving them to dry In the open air. Wash teapots thoroughly with strong soda and water, and then rinse well and dry perfectly each day, If you would pre vent the curious hay-like smell often no ticed in a teapot. Soiled black garments may be cleaned by sponging with clear black coffee, with an equal quantity of water added, and a . teaspoonful of ammonia and alcohol for each pint of the liquid. To make excellent glue, cover pieces of glue (as it comes In tho dry state) with vinegor; keep In a warm place and shuke occasionally until dissolved. For mucil age, thin it with more vinegar. When you are through with wash tubs or wooden pails, turn them bottom side up on the floor of the wood house or cellar, and set a can of fresh water under them to keep them from coming to pieces. Delicate glasses may be prevented from breaking when hot lemonade or other hot drinks are poured In them, by standing them, while they are being filled, on a folded napkin, and placing a spoon In each glass. Brush the teeth up and down rather than across from one tooth to another, as tho particles to bo removed are generally between the teeth. Tho lnsides and tops of the teeth need brushing as much as the. outside. In these days of bacteria let the sunlight have free access wherever Its poison scattering rays can reach. In other places use boiling water and copperas, or chloride of lime where the water Is unde nimble. A fine restorative Jelly is made by put ting Into a Jar three ounces of isinglass, two of gum arable, two of pure sugar candy, and a pint bottle of sherry. Cover closely and let it stand all night. In tho morning set the jar in a sauce pan of water and let It simmer until dissolved, then Bet aside to harden. If a hair mattress yields all the comfort k that It Is capable of, It is quite necessary that tho hair should come out of It and be picked over and aired every two or thre years at least. If It Is one that Is In con stant use. As a matter of cleanliness, too, tho mattresses need to be made over fre quently, though not perhaps as often as they are by the European peasant women, who always make the work a part of their yearly house cleaning. Here l the recipe for cleaning delicate laces, wnlch an old lacemaker, who ha woven many a gossamer for the great connoisseur and lover of laceB, Mme. Mo djesko, gave to her pupil and patron: Spread the lace out on paper, , cover with calcined magnesia, place anothor papr over it, and put it away between the leaves of a book, or other pressure, for two or three days. Then all It needs Is a skillful Bhake to Bcatter the powder, and ii a rtpiicntn thrniids are as fresh wid clean as when first woven.-Phtla. Keeo(d. 1 1