TJIE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 18. 1834. OPEN SAhc ! EVENINGS 13 a THE MOST USEFUL CHRISTMAS GIFT WOULD BE SOMETHING IN FURS. i II 14 HOMDAV 3 ft a c: No. i, Alaska Seal Saccules, - No. 2, for - n No. 3 for - No 2, Electric Seal Sacque, No. i, Electric Seal Sacque, No. i, Astrakhan Jacket, No. 2, Astrakhan Jacket, Russian Lynx Circular Capes, length 30-inch, at Electric Seal Circular Capes at - Astrakhan Circular Capes at Monkey Circular Capes at - Mink Circular Capes at Brown Marten Circular Capes at Stone Marten Circular Capes at Beaver Circular Capes at - Otter Circular Capes at Seal Circular Capes at - $250.00 200.00 1S5.00 85.00 05.00 00.00 80.00 13.00 25.00 15.00 35.00 75.00 05.00 55.00 00.00 75.00 00.00 worth worth worth wrorth formerly formerly formerly formerly formerly formerly formerly formerly formerly formerly formerly formerly formerly $300.00 250.00 225,00 125.00 125.00 115.00 18.00 35-o 25.00 48.00 100.00 S5.00 75.00 80.00 90.00 120.00 10 dozen 10 dozen 10 dozen 10 dozen 10 dozen 10 dozen 10 dozen 10 dozen 50 dozen Electric Seal Astrakhan Monkey Mink -Beaver Stone Marten Brown Marten Nutria Beaver American Seal MUFFS. $1.49 each, 1.49 each, 2.98 each, 8.49 each, 8.49 each, 8.49 each, 8.49 each, 2.49 each, 1.49 each, formerly formerly formerly formerly formerly formerly formerly formerly formerly NECK SCARFS WITH ANIMAL HEADS. 20 dozen Electric Seal - - $1.49 each, formerly 20 dozen Brook Mink - 1.49 each, formerly 20 dozen Brown Marten - - 3.49 each, formerly Children's Fur Sets 50 dozen different styles of Children's Fur Sets at 51.49. Children's Carriage Hugs at $1.49. A special oiler after 6 o'clock in Ladies' Neck Scarfs with Animal Heads at y8c. Gents' Seal Caps and Gloves at lowest prices $ 3.00 3.00 4- 50 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 5- 50 4.00 $ 3- 3.00 6.00 SS) S One lot of Coats, formerly sold for $25.00. Your choice for $17,49, LOT No. 2 Formerly sold for $15.00. Your choice for $11,50. LOT No. 3 Formerly sold at $18.00. ' Your choice for $13,50, LOT No. 4 Formerly sold from $12.00 to $2o!oo. Your choice for $7.00, LOT 1 In Cloth Capes, formerly sold for $25.00, we offer for $15,00. LOT 2 Formerly sold for $15.00, we sell fc $10,00. OFFERING MACKINTOSHES for $3.50 ; formerly $5.00. These Prices Will be Good for Saturday and Monday Only. II Oil! MILLINERY DEPARTMENT " We offer you the handsomest Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats and Bonnets for less than cost, We can also show you an elegant line of Children's Silk Hats and Caps at half price. Will close out the balance of our Feathers, Birds, Jets and Ribbons at prices that cannot help but please you. Feather Boas, $2.49; formerly $4. The newest thing in a Child's School Cap, 79C; formerly $1.50. )1 YOU WILL ALSO FIND A FINE ASSORTMENT OF SLEIGH ROBES AND COACHMEN'S CAPES, 1 THE ONLY PRACTICAL FURRIER IN THE CITY. 13S WYOMING iLlTEHTJE. 3 I I II 513 m (a 11 S Why fh? West flsks for Fre? Coinage Interesting Trcsentation of the Other Side of This Question. JUDGE C. C. GOODWIN EXPLAINS The East, Even Mure Than the West, lie Contends, Is Interested in the lies toratlon of Silver as a .Money Mctul. ' 'At the time of Senator John P. Jones' Onnounced withdrawal from the Re publican party, of which he had long been an able and distinguished leader, The Tribune, In reviewing his reasons for that step, took occasion to say: Let It even be assumed that the mosses Of tho Republican party of today enter tain beliefs Inimical to freo colnaKe. Is the prospect of continued Democratic ad ministration more auspicious for the pros perity of the silver states than the re turn to power of intelligent and reason able Republicans, upon whom manly ar gument and rational explanation uro sel dom lost? The position of tho great ma jority of the rank and lile of the Republi can party upon this coinage question may tie expressed without recourso to bewil dering figures or recondite discussion. It is ono not of preconceived hostility to silver, but simply of profound regard for the honor and stability of a currency "every dollar of which," In the forceful Words of General Harrison, "shall bo the purchasing equal of every other dollar," end have behind It, if necessary, the quivalent of a dollar In real value. "We, In the. east, do not believe it to be feasi ble to open the nation's mints to the sil ver of the world; but few of us are so In sincere In our dovotlon to protcctlon as to Wish ill fortune to come to the silver pro duced In American mines by American capital giving employment to American labor. The use of silver as a money metal, up to the limit of the safety of the national credit and up to the limit of tho Solvency of the American treasury, Is conceded to bo wise, right and proper; but we submit, for tho consideration of our western friends, that this limit will be sooner reached under Democratic su premacy than it will be under the wine control of experienced and prescient Re publican statesmen, to whom the for mulating of progressive linanclal legis lation Is not an impossible task. Among the numerous letters which this expression elicited was ono of par ticular merit from the pen of Judge O. C. Goodwin, editor of the Salt Lake Trl bune. The increasing interest taken by all classes of people, east and west, in what may be conveniently called the currency problem, and the apparent certainty that this question will ilgure more largely in the politics of the com. ing eight or ten years than it hus fig. tired in the past, Induce us to give rpace to Judge Goodwin's letter. At the same time, we throw our columns open to a general discussion of this sub Ject, conditional, of course, upon space limits; and Invite contributions from thoBe of our readers who may wish to supplement or refute statements in tho following expression of western opin ion: Judge Goodwin's Letter. "You are entirely right when you ny that you find no provocation to flip pancy In the loss of comrades like Sena. tor Jones. When you say, 'We cannot bring ourselves around to the radical belief that they are less honest and less patriotlo than the inhabitants of other places,' you make people in the west smile, because, If you knew something of the hearts and the heads of the west ern men, the motives that prompt their private and their public actions, you would never talk about there being any question about their honesty and their patriotism. You declare that from your standpoint 'they are mistaken, and from this distance they have acted unwisely.' That is possibly true. In Jones' case I think it Is quite true, ex cept that Senator Jones desires to suc ceed himself, and to do it he will have to have a majority vote of the legisla ture of Nevada, and the men of Nevada have grown tired of waiting for the men of the east to devote a few hours to the study of the silver question, because they know If they would, the east would be as clamorous for silver as the west. You misunderstand the motive of Sen ator Jones and the other men who, like him, wander away from the Republican party, because their real position is that they do not believe that either the Republican or the Democratic party will do Justice to silver. They believe a new party will have to be started. In that I differ from them, because I believe that enough of the prominent Republicans of the east will see be tween now and nomination time in 1S00 that unless, they begin to do Justice by silver they will be utterly overthrown In the presidential election, and that with that overthrow, their party will gu where the Whig party went. The Value of a Dollu r. "You state the position of a great ma jority of the rank and file of the Re publican party upon tho coinage ques tion. Are you sure that what you stale is true? Y'ou assert that It Is not one of preconceived hostility to silver, but simply a profound regard for the honor nnd stability of the currency, every dol lar of which, In the forceful words of General Harrison, shall be the purchas ing equal of every other dollar, and have behind It if ncces.sary the equiva lent of the dollar in real value. Did you ever Btop to think what made the value of the dollar? Did you ever stop to think that neither gold nor silver has nny intrinsic Value; that dt Is only the recognition of the nations of the world of these metals as money that gives them any value? If you were dying of thirst on the desert and had $1,000 in gold in your pocket, you would gladly give that money for a pint of cold water. That shows you that gold of itself Is not of any account. "Now, up to twenty-one years ago gold and slWer in our country were both held as 'money of ultimate re demption, and when so recognized, sil ver In our country was worth a per centage over gold. In that year, the government of tho United States, by a statute, declared that silver was no longer money. That Is, It made a Blngle standard of gold, and everything had to be measured by gold, everything had to be redeemed In gold. You know the effect of that. Was It not to reduce tho money of this world, so far as our government could, one half? Did you ever realize the effect? Some Pennsylvania History. "I do not know haw old a man you are, lut df you cun remember back far enough you will recall that gold lost half its purchasing power in Pennsyl vanla between 184!) and 1859. That Is, measured In anything like property, it took twice as many dollars to buy any thing In 1859 as It did In 1819. Why? Pimply because the placers of Call fornla and Australia had doubled the money of the world, and property Is valued by the amount of money In any country of the world. Now, when our government, Joining with Germany, did what Great Britain did In 1810, re fused to recognize silver as money and put nil the burden of the world's work on gold, the natural results followed; gold began to appreciate. If you look around you In Pennsylvania you will see that it has appreciated 50 per cent. That is, measured by anything that you gentlemen In Pennsylvania have to sell, it takes twice as much to buy $100 worth of gold as It did In 1872. There Is no exception to this, whether It be wheat, 'iron, coal or anything that you have to sell, or, stated the other way, anything you have with which to buy gold. You kmiw that the products of Pennsylvania nre worth more every year than all the products of all the silver states combined. That being true, then you men in Pennsylvania are much more Interested in having silver restored than are the men of the silver states, ns what you have to sell Is worth more than what they have to sell. And when you say the great rank and file of the Republican party In the East believe tin you do, can you tell why they do? Have they ever studied the question? Is It not true that they get their opinions manufactured for them In tho great press of the East? Is It not true 'that that press Is controlled by the creditor clans of this nation, and that the great musses are being out rageously robbed all the time without knowing that fact? As to 1 arm Mortgages. "If you have time, go up to the coun ty recorder's odlce and n:ik him how the mortgages on the farms will com pare with what they were twenty years ago, and see If they have not doubled. Investigate a little and see If the farm ers will not tell you that their farms have fallen 50 per cent. In value In the last fifteen years. Go beyond that. Write to the keepers of the Insane nsy- lums and the prisons of Pennsylvania, and see if the ratio has not increased 50 per cent. In that time. Investigate the matter thoroughly and see If really Pennsylvania is not slowly going Back to barbarism, because that Is the effect when, In a piwperous country, the volume of money Is stricken down. 'You have one gentleman In Penn sylvania who understands tho ques tion. It Is your senior senator. Send to him and nskliis Ideas. "You talk about silver as a money metal up to the safety of the National credit and up to the limit of the sol vency, of the American treasury! Did you ever think that perhaps It was a little Btrnnge that the world used sil ver, all they could get, for 4,000 years, and that the safety of no nation was ever Jeoparded by tho amount of it? Do you know that it was .silver from Nevada which Bteadled this nation through the war of the rebellion and enabled the government to meet Its in terest churges? Do you know that the trade of this country Is 87 per cent, domestic, and that If something can be done to make that prosperous, we will not have to worry about the 3 per cent, that goes abroad? Charges Tliero Was a Conspiracy. "I mean no disrespect to you, but I beg to tell you that you are groping simply in the rudiments of this ques tion, because you have never tried to understand It. You have taken the word of the great press of New York and Philadelphia, and perhaps of some money-loaner dn Scranton, and believe that because tho money-loaner deals In money, he must understand the question, and you do not know that this condition oama because there was a conspiracy organized by some men beyond the sea to destroy' half the money of the world and put the tollers of the world in perpetual bondage. "Do you knw that we have to pay dn Interest and dividend to Great Bri tain every year an amount of gold that Is equal every twenty years to all the gold In tho world, and do you want to wait until England shall agree to re duce that gold one-half In Us value? "The mil estate of the United States, according to the last offlclal statement, was mortgaged to the amount of $6,000, 0(10,000, drawing interest at an average of CO per cent. That involves all the workers of this country. The proceeds go to the few money-loaners. Can you not Bee how much to their Interest it Is to keep men like you declaring every day that every dollar must be as good as every other dollar? Try to take other views; that what our government says is good is good, and that If our government would open an unlimited demand for silver, it would be worth as much as gold in a week, and that that change would be like a transfu sion of new blood to all the shrunken nrterles of business In this country and It would be us though we had discov ered a new mining region from which $3,SOO,000,000 could be exhumed In a year. "Finally, let me tell you that unlws you people of the east make this dis covery and act upon It, in '90 there will be no Republican party west of the Mississippi river or south of the Ohio, and you will have Democratic rule or some other rule until there will come such an upheaval as will be to our government what the cataclysm whloh is known as a geographical period is to the earth." Scnotor Jones' Views. , Accompanying a copy of the pub lished statement In which the senator from Nevada .explained tho reasons which dictated his withdrawal from the Republican party, Senator Jones, In a, personal letter to the editor of The Tribune, written soon after that sever ance of political ties was completed, snys; "I thank you very much for the kind ly tone of your article, and the sense of fulrness by which It Is pervuded. I have not been equally well treated everywhere, I can assure you. 'If you havo read my speech of 1S90 on the protective policy I need not ex press to you the extreme regret with which I have seen the Republican party sever all connection with silver money In this country. The party which stands for an Independent Industrial Bystem for the United States should not be afraid of a monetary system which, If it did nothing else, could keep every man at work In this country, letting the people of other countries to attend to their own monetary affairs. The Re publican party favors, of course, Inde pendence of Europe, bo far as concerns our industries that is, so far as con cerns the production of commodities in this country, yet in so far as concerns money, with which alone our indus tries can be conducted, It appears we can only use such material as Is used by the people of Europe! A protective policy can be but lumely protective while so Incongruous a monetary sys tem prevails." THE . . . LOVE OF A THOUSAND YEARS. A CHRISTMAS FANTASY. BY E. T. SWEET. A New England Parson. It shall be said of him, ho found A Mower In every human face; In pathways where most thorns abound He lingered for some hidden grace. For those who sang of sunny days And those who sorrowed he hadcheer; Yet could ho walk through lonely ways And find communion ever near, Tho world was sweeter for his care, The heights were won he sought to win: For love through him made all things fair, And all things fair through love are kin. -Charles K. Bolton. Twas Christmas eve, and Kitty and I sat before an open grate watching the dying embers, Just as they do In all stories where lovers sit up late and make remarks that would appear very Hilly In print. It Is needless to Inform the reader that Kitty and I had been "keeping company" for several months, and that the progress of our affairs had been so marked that no youth of the town had ever ventured to offer to escort Kitty home from choir practice or prayer meeting, or, In fact, any of the after dark social gatherings when I' was In the vicinity and I was gener ally on hand at the proper time, As we sat by the fire on that Christ mas eve It seemed as (though we were both controlled by some strange in fluence. Kitty was unusually non-communicative and there was a far off, dreamy light In her round brown eyes as she gazed steadily at the coals upon the hearth that occasionally brighten ed or died away as the breezes of ithe night shifted and turned In their mad waltz through the leafless branches of the forests, or over the barren snow mantled Holds. "Kitty," said I, ns the conversation began to lag, "It seems as though I had meit you before." "Why, of course you have," replied Kitty, "lots of times." "No, I mean that I feel as though you and I had known each other long ago; that when we were Introduced at the church fair last year, we were resum ing a friendship that had been discon tinued herotofore." "I am sure that Is very strange," mused Kitty. "I know that we have never met before and yet I have often been surprised at myself to think how eoslly I I learned to like you, almost before we were even on familiar speak ing terms. As the theosophlsts say, perhaps we were the nihilities of some other age and have again been united on our progressive march toward a higher state of being. It Is strange, very strange," said the girl dreamily, "and mysterious but hark! what Is that?" And she sprang to her feet ex citedly, as a sound like the clashing of cymbals, accompanied by hoarse cries, was heard outside the door. "Christmas serenaders, probably," I remarked as I prepared to go out. "Oh, do not leave me!" pleaded Kitty tearfully, as I reached the door. "I will return In a moment,".! replied as I stepped out. And whait a strange sight greeted my astonished eyes! Before the door was a horde of sav age looking men, armed with Bpears and axes and clad In armor and carry. Ing shields. By a mysterious unseen force I was Impelled to yield to their wild gesticulations and Join them. Al most before I was aware of it I felt that I was encased In the glittering armor; a shield hung upon one arm while a shout, double-edged sword was In my right hand. A strange exuberance took possession of me, and as I waved the sword over my head in response to the wild shouts of approval from my fierce-looking companions, it felt like a feather In my hand. On we mardhed, I knew not whither. Nor did I care. The spirit of reckless bravado itliat pervaded the band was upon me and I longed for an oppor tunity to test the steel in the terrible weapon that I carried. Suddenly a moving mass of humanity appeared before us, and the cries of my companions were answered by shouts of defiance from the enemy. We pressed on unflinchingly. The blood-curdling yells of the 'barbarians In front of us only seemed to whet our desire for gore. Soon we reached them, and the great hairy brutish creatures dressed in skins and armed with terrible looking clubs and Javelins rushed upon our army. One veritable giant, who seemed to be the leader, Blngled me out for a combat. As he approached I felt It would be a battle to'the death, yet I was not afrlad. His great bleared eyes seemed to emit lire as our weapons clashed In mortal combat. At last I succeeded In reach ing an unguarded point and my sword went crashing into his skull and he fell with a groan. As their leader went down the bar barians retreated sullenly and shouts of victory from m'y warriors rent the air. The battle was ours. Joyfully we turned our faces homeward and accom panied by many prisoners marched In the direction from whence we came. As we approached a strange walled city the gates were suddenly opened and lovely maidens, dressed in flowing robes and with garlands of fragrant blossoms In their hair ran out to meet us, chanitlng 'hymns of thanksgiving and praise. They were followed by hosts of strange looking people of every age who welcomed the victors with tokens of admiration and respect. While I stood gazing upon the bril liant scene In wonder, a pair of arms stole about my neck and brown eyes gazed Into mine. It was Kitty. Like the others, she was attired In a white robe of some clinging material; her hair was confined by a band of gold and wide gold bradets of curious design encircled her plump bare arms. "Oh, my hero!" she exclaimed, Im pulsively. "They say you were the bravest of the brave. The victory was due to your efforts. I am so proud of you!" "But where are we?" I asked as my wonder increased. "What means this strange gathering?" "Why, don't you remember, you said lost night that we had met before. So we had. Once In a thousand years the world moves backward and spirits that have been blessed by a second com munion with each other then. If they so desire, may resume their former ex istence. We have returned to our old life. Time has moved backwnrd thou sands of years since we sat by the lire HgM. I am again your wife and you you are the conqueror; the hero of many bloody wars. At your frown na tions of the earth quake with fear. "Your last act in slaying the barbar ian chleftlan Is but the crowning of many deeds of valor. But come, let us to the feast that awaits you and your sturdy warriors. Sweet muslo shall fall upon the ears of the brave; red wine shall flow In itorrents, and I I will be ever near." "But how can this be?" I Bald. "Theo sophy teaches progress. The world should not turn backward. We are lauR'ht to look for something higher ait each stage) of our spiritual existence." "Ah! thlsls because Inst night, instead of looking forward to a higher state of existence you seemed anxious to recall the scenes of past nges. You were dimly sea roll Ing for the clue that would bring back some forgotten dream. The time was right for the transmigration. You desired to unveil the past at the instant that one of the thousand year lapses of our alllnlty had expired, and your wish was granted. When you Joined the army of wild warriors, our souls were released from our bodies of the nineteenth century, and we have now begun again our pilgrimage to the state of perfection which we were sev eral thousand years nearer last night than we are at present." "Where are our bodies now?" I asked. "Come with me and I will show you." In an Instant we were again In the dimly-lighted room before the flicker ing fire. Two forms were faintly out lined sitting side by side In front of the fireplace. Kitty's head rested upon the shoulder of her companion, whom I recognized as myself. Both were ap parently asleep. And yet Kitty still stood by my side arrayed in Uie garb of centuries gone by. "When It is again day here," said Kitty, solemnly, "they will be found dead. No one will know why they both were suddenly cut off In the bloom of youth. 'Heart failure' perhaps some will say, others may suggest poison. Tost mortems may follow, and sorrow ful scenes will result. But the mystery of their Btrange death will never be solved. "Come, let us away. We must not IiRik upon the house of sorrow. We will begin our existence again, and seek for greater spiritual achievements later. Come, my hero! a thousand noble lords would bend the knee in thy presence. Let us away. "I cannot! I cannot!" I groaned. "Oh, why did I thus turn the scale of our progress. Curses upon my folly I Cur" "Merry Christmas," rang a voice In my ear. "Why, Tom, what's tho mat ter with you? Do you know that we have both been asleep? What made you groan so?" "Why I It was our transmigration, you know," I gusped. Then I discov ered that my armor and sword had dis appeared and that Kitty's arms were encased In large sleeves of the prevail ing fashion; her head dress, too, was decidedly up to date.; and I further ob served that we were sitting side by sido In the chairs. There is no doubt that my counten ance wore a ludicrous expression of Blckly bewilderment as I related the foregoing to Kitty. "Well, you are my hero, any way!" said Kitty Impulsively," even If you did not slay the barbarian." And ns the clock tolled the hour of midnight I be gan to feel proud and warlike again. By the way, I am employed during business ihours as superintendent of tho ribbon counter In old Ben Serge's dry goods store, and In our courtship ut least Kitty and I are progressing. SOME NEW "DOX'TS.' Don't make your own dresses unless you cun do It really well. Don't dress your head at tho expense of your hunds and feet. Don't wear feathers In your hat and patches on your boots. Don't wear a Bailor hat and a blouse after your 40th blrthduy. Don't pinch your waist. Fat, like mur der, will out somewhere Don't clothe yourself In man's apparel and expect the courtesy due to a lady. Don't forget that although veils are be coming to most faces, feet veiled in lace stockings do not look well on tho street. Don't emulate the ostrich; the new flower In your hat does not divert attention from the ragged condition of your skirt lining. .. k-A-A -A. AAA. A