The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 18, 1894, PART 2, Image 13

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    CI IT! p ,11 L JSi
The Edge Moor Bridge works, whose
bid Is the lowest for the Linden street
bridge, Is one of the largest bridge
manufacturing companies In the coun
try. For pin-connected construction,
whldh Is the style of construction to be
used on both Linden street and Roaring
Brook bridges, their facilities are un
surpassed. Their works are located on
the Delaware river about twenty-four
miles south of Philadelphia, at Edge
Moor, a suburb of Wilmington, Dela
ware. H. G. Morse, their president, and
William Sellers, their vice-president,
ere old and familiar names wherever
first-class bridges have been built
The methods used In these works In
the manufacture of their bridges are
of the best, and their plant Includes
every appliance required to secure the
mo3t approved product. From the
rlvatlng, which is done by. the strong
est of hydraulic riveters, to the finish
ing of Che work at the shop, every de
tail Is taken care of by the latest ap
proved machinery, Insuring a reliable
structure in part and as a whole. In
the manufacture of steel eyebars this
company Is the pioneer in the methods
now universally specified as to their
treatment. In our two bridges the eye
bars are a most essential part and It
Is a matter of congratulation that at
least one of these bridges will be built
by this company.
' While Edge Moor stands at the head
of the list as far as Its shop manufac
ture la concerned, In its field depart
ment, that department of the company
which has charge of the putting the
steel in place on the piers, it stands yet
higher. They use only the safest and
Corbutt and Reddy were only two of
of the thousand of raffed, dlrty-t
faced and keen wltted youngsters who
live nobody knows how, come from no
body knows wheo and disappear no
body knows when.
Corbutt received his title by reason
of his ability to whlp anything of his
weight and Inches In the lileecker street
district between busy Uroadway and
old, colonial Washington square. Here
he lived and had his being. Tradition
Bald his first name was Michael Garrl
gan, but tradition was either amiss or
else Corbutt would have none of Oar
rlgan in his he was strictly Corbutt by
custom, nature and reputation. He
was a little weazen-vlsased chap whose
narrow, pale face, almost hidden with
freckles, never changed In expression
even though his stomach was empty or
his bloodless little body was chilled
with cold. With true Corbettlan pluck
ho suffered the deprivations in silence
or fought an Arab twice his size in a
fashion which made him king of the
g-amins of lileecker street bailiwick.
The title had been disputed, of course,
but always to the physical sorrow of
ithose Who dared question Corbujtt's
right tp rule.
With Iteddy It was different. Reddy
was one of those overgrown and phleg
matic boys who followed where some
one else led, whose cheeks were red,
who snivelled if he was hungry or cold
and who couldn't or wouldn't fight. In
fact, Reddy's slouchy and timid nature
brought upon himself many a severe
drubbing. Iioys who had a grievance
against Corbutt would pummel poor
lleddy when ho was caught alone, and
then little Corbutt would have to hunt
tip the gang and trounce them separate
ly or collectively In order to vindicate
himself and maintain his dignity as
lord of them all.
The affinity of Corbutt and Reddy
was never exactly explained. Their
friendship displayed a fatherly care on
the part of Corbett for his big com
panion, who In turn was as faithful as
a dog in doing menial service for his
It was on Christmas eve that the
oddly mated pair stood on the corner
of Uleecker street and Uroadway. The
air was biting cold and forced Reddy
to prance about and blow upon his
dirty fingers and thump his chest in
a frantic endeavor to keep warm. For
once Corbutit's snappy dark eyes were
lnanlmated. This night he only used
them once every minute to see If his
common enemy, a policeman, was pre
paring to give him a shovo and im
peratively order them to move on.
Corbutt was solloqulzlng. The cold,
bltlngalr flitted about through his shat
tered cap and brought a faint flush to
the usually wan face but Corbutt solil
oquized. Reddy, the protege, knew
that something awful was going to hap
pen. When the king of the gamins
thought so deeply something always
happened; but Keddy would sooner
have awakened a sleeping "peeler"
than disturb the weighty meditations
of little Corbutt. ,
Broadway was comparatively de
serted by pedestrians; Us particular
evidence of life was the hum of the
cable cars, heavily loaded, and the
Bwlrlof hurrying cabs taking merchants
The Proposed New Linden Street Bridge.
most reliable methods, which result In
the least liability of accident to men
or property. From the peculiar condi
tion governing the erection of these two
bridges, crossing as they do so many
tracks and buildings, it is very essential
that the work be done by a Arm whose
reputation for careful work in this
line is unquestioned.
Many of our readers were no doubt
in Chicago and saw the massive arches
for the World's fair manufactures and
and liberal arts building in process of
construction. This work was done by
the Edge Moor company in incredibly
short time, and that without the slight
est accident. Any accident in that
work would have resulted in delay and
Edge Moor's reputation for careful,
quick work no doubt was a large factor
in inducing the World's fair innagers
to place the contract for that immense
building with them. During their en
tire career they have no accidents
which careful foresight could have pre
vented, enjoying an immunity from
such as no other firm has which has
done the heavy, difficult work which
they have. A repetition of their record
in this line would fill a volume, and
they can point with pride to many ex
tremely difficult contracts which they
have executed. It certainly would be
unwise for us to have these bridges
built by uny one who cannot give an
assurance by their past record that no
flimsy, unsafe methods will bo used.
The people of this city are anxiously
awaiting the completion of these two
structures and we want them when
completed to be a source of pride to
our citizens.
and high salaried officers home from
the wholesale district.
Suddenly the chimes of Grace church
sounded in one grand outburstlng peal
of Christmas carol of melody. Keddy
halted in the midst of a double shullle
Which Iliad been keeping his blood ihalf
moving; with his head shoved partly
down Into his ragged collar and one foot
poised where It had stopped In the
shullle he liked at Corbutt.
Corbutt looked at Keddy.
Some unusual emotion was occupying
Corbutt's quick-witted mind. His
black eyes were rapidly opening and
closing, and, as lleddy afterward ex
pressed the sight, "de bone In 'is troat
wuz goin' lip an' down like de walkin'
beam uv a. ferry boat." The fuct Is,
Corbutt's tough little heart was rebell
ing over all the evidence tind show of
the coming Christmas Day; he never
was Inside a happy home, but his gamin
perception told him of the many con
tented hearts thuut night and all the
gamin in him arose against his own
Inability to enjoy the event. After
looking Reddy over from head to foot,
Corbutt said:
"Reddy, did yez ever 'ave 0, Crlsmus?"
The he.)vy Intellect of Reddy and his
lack of comprehension prevented his
answering such a momentous question
offhand, so Corbutt specialized:
"Aw, did yez ever dance 'round a
green tree all covered wld tings de
tree, I mean an' ptok toys oft de tree,
un' ctuff yerself full uv candy, an' eat
pudilln' an' sing tunes, an' Jump 'round
do tree a' slngln' all de time, an' have a
clean face, an' "
This last was too much for Keddy.
"Say, Corbutt, now on de level w'at
yer glvln' us; hew yer got cramps agin,
or "
. The reply, was a smart slap across
Reddy's round face which sent him In a
heap upon the Icy sidewalk and against
the side of the corner building. He
made no effort to arise but sat with his
back ngalnst the wall while Corbutt
enlightened him on Chrlstmastide and
gave him an occasional kick to empha
size some Important sentence.
"Got cramps hev 17 W'at am I glvln'
yer? Don't yer know w'at 'tis to fill
yer dirty, blubberln' face wld candy an'
puddin', an' wear nice does, an' smell
good, an' be .warm? Now, see "ere, yer
snlv'lln' chump, we're goln' tor 'ave a
Crlsmus. See! I don't know how we're
goln' ter get 'It but we'll get it. See!"
Corbutt made the' conclusion of his
speech more forcible by placing his toe
on some ixjrtlun of Reddy's lower, anat
omy, taking hold of his collar and pull
ing him to his feet.
Two hours later Corbutt and Reddy
were locked in a Jefferson Market po
lice cell. They had made a raid upon a
Sixth avenue fruit stand and when ar
rested after a chase of two blocks were
relieved of a large quantity of nuts,
oranges, candy, raisins and divers other
holiday goodlvs.
After being placed In the cell Reddy
threw himself on his face and for sev
eral minutes fihook the bunk with nobs
and groans. Under ordinary circum
stances his companion would have given
him an admonitory cuff upon the ear
and a kick to bring him to a philo
sophical consideration of the situation;
but Corbutt himself warn engaged In a
retrospection of the aiot which fiad
caused their arrest and for the moment
paid no heed to Reddy's sniveling.
Corbutt was mortified. He, the leader
of a hundred successful raids, had
failed; what would the other follows
think of him, he thought. The confine
ment didn't worry him, but the dis
grace of being caught by a "peeler"
was quite too much. Soon after mid
night ha igave Reddy's. 11 hulk a
The designs of the bridge are, we bo-
lieve, generally recognized among
bridge builders to be the very best, and
now it remains only to secure the best
and most approved manufacture in
order to secure bridges which would be
a credit to Scranton.
In this connection it may not be amiss
to note that in case this work is awarded
to the Edge Moor company that the
handralllng or fence will be manufac
tured and set in place by the Scranton
Fence company, who, we mny feel sure,
will not discredit the city and their
own good name by a fence such as we
have on some of our bridges now. In
addition this insures the placing of
quite a large contract for this clas3 of
work among our own citizens.
Uelow we give a few of the structures
which have been manufactured at
these works:
Kentucky River Bridge The first
cantilever bridge built on this conti
nent; length between abutments, 1,138
feet; in three spans of 375 feet each;
height of rail above river bed, 2S0 feet.
East River Bridge Main suspended
superstructure, about 7,000 tons of fit
ted steel work. Longest span in Amer
ica. Sixth Avenue Elevated Railway in
New York City Double track half
through pin connected structure.
Pennsylvania Rairoad Elevated
Structure and Schuylkill River Bridge
The approach to Broad Street station,
Susquehanna River Bridge, Pennsyl
vania Railroad Longest double track
railroad bridge In the world; -'I spans,
156 feet 6Ms Inches; 2 spans, 151 leet 2
Northern Pacific Railroad Bridge-
shove to the side of the bunk, curled
himself upon the front side and was
soon dreaming of eanUy, fruit and nuts
suspended In the air, but Just out of
The next morning some kind-hearted
women of a nearby mission served a
Christmas meal to the prisoners in
Jefferson market. The outlay consist
ed hot reasted turkey, cranberry sauce, :
vegetables, coffee, pudding and pie.
Ry concealing a large portion of their
allowance benent'h the bunk, Corbutt
succeeded in getting an extra supply
and when they were led up to the
eVurt room about 2 o'clock their object
of the evening before had been ac
complished. They had had a "Crls
mus" and, with protruding stomachs,
stooit ibefore the .mild-faced justice
ready to be sent to the Island or eter
nity they didn't know which and
cared less.
Corbutt acted as ppokesman when
they were npked what they had to say
in answer to the charge preferred
against them.
"Well, boss," said Corbutt, "yer see
it's dls way; ma an Reddy I'm Cor
butt, you know wanted ter 'ave a
Crlsmus; yer see, boss, der lights were
shlnln' an' everybody was happy an'
warm an' buyln' things but me an'
Reddy. So we thought as how we'd
feed our faces, same's the other folks,
an' Well, me an' Reddy 'ave 'ad our
Crlsmus, boss, an' I don't guess der's
anytln more to say."
The two lads were discharged from
custody, and, happy over their release,
made tracks for their old haunts.
They tramped down Sullivan street
through the snow and were scurrying
across nn intersecting street in order
to get clear of a huge beer truck drawn
by four horses, when Corbutt slipped
and fell. In an Instant the driver could
not check the progress of his horses.
Some one shouted; there was a scream,
and when the wagon was halted Cor
butt's form lay motionless on the snow.
One leg was bent under him and from
a gash In his scalp the blood had
formed a pool, In which rested his un
kempt shock of hair.
Reddy followed the ambulance to the
Chambers street hospital and, when
refused admittance, showed for the
first time In his timid life a pretense of
rebellion. He went sorrowfully away,
but came every day to make Inquiries
about his protector, who, he was told,
would recover from the effects of a
broken leg and a serve scalp would.
On New Year's Day Reddy's plead
ings for admission were granted and he
was permitted to Bee Corbutt. Reddy
held the tips of his friend's fingers and
blubbered violently for a moment; he
cried because he was overcome with joy
on being allowed to enter, and because
Corbutt's face was so thin and drawn.
As his glance, however, took in the
huge soft pillow, blankets, white sheets
and night robe, and the flowers and
fruit on the medicine stand, his grief
was transformed into awe.
Corbutt wns weak, to be Biire, but his
fox-vlsaged countenance had taken on
a new and contented expression, which
Reddy couldn't understand; It didn't
seem natural, and Reddy was discon
certed by the air of comfort and cheer
which hung over the little iron cot.
The flowers and fruit, too, seemed out
of plai in their proximity to Corbutt's
clean face the face which Reddy could
not ally to the dlrt-begrlmcd and
nmulity countenance of the Corbutt of
Weedier street. However, ' the lads
soon began to talk and In a half hour
the one had been Informed of the do
ings of the pang uptown, and the other
had been told of the kind nurses, com
fortable beds and the sights and scenes
of the more beautiful side of hospital
life. .
Over the Mississippi river; 2,245 feet D.
T. spans; 1,054 feet D. T. viaduct.
Minnehaha. Bridge. C. M. & St. V. R.
R. Over the Mississippi River; 2 spans
270 feet; 1 spar. 324 feet; approaches 2S0
Sabula Bridge, C, M. & St. P. R. R
Over the Mississippi river; draw span
300 feet long.
Sibley Bridge, A., T. & S. Fe R. It.
Over the Missouri river; 3 main spans
of 400 feet each; length of main bridge.
2,000 feet; length of Iron viaduct, 1.K00
Rulu Bridge, C, B. & Q. R. R. Over
the Missouri river; 3 main spans of 375
feet each; 6 approach spans of 125 feet
Omaha City Bridge Over the Mis
sourl river; length of bridge, 1,500 feet
length of viaduct, 1,200 feet.
Wheeling Railway Bridge Over the
Ohio river at Wheeling, the channel
span of which is 525 feet long, double
track; length of bridge, 2,110 feet. The
heaviest railroad bridge on continent
James River Bridge, R., F. & P. R. R
At Richmond, Via.; 11 spans, 107 leet
each; approaches, 500 feet long; length
of bridge. 2.2M feet.
Norfolk and Western Railway Bridge
Over the Ohio river at Kenova, W.
Va.; channel span, 521 feet long; 4 side
spans, 304 feet each; viaduct aip
proaches, 2,100 feet long. Erected In
less time than any bridge across the
Ohio river.
Main Exhibition Building Covering
30.5 acres, Columbian exposition; 22
roof spans covering the central court,
3C8 feet long each. Longest roof spans
in the world.
Main Exhibition Building Centen
nlal exposition; length, 1,880 feet;
Width, 464 feet.
Capacity of works, 40,000 tons per
year. Adv.
Corbutfs final speech to Reddy, as
the latter departed, was:
"Why, hully gee, Jefferson market
an' 'avln' a Crlsmus aint in It wid de
hospital racket, Reddy. Now do w'at I
tell yer. See! Get yer leg broke."
Prom the Chicago Record.
The street was silent, save for the
occasional cry of a newsboy calling the
names of his morning papers. The
handsome residences stretched down
the avenue on either side, their stone
fronts bright beneath the morning Bun.
Ever and anon a nurse girl would pass,
wheeling a baby carriage, Suddenly,
as the clock in a neighboring tower
tolled the hour of 9, the door of a beau
tiful Gothic structure opened and a
gentleman stepped forth.
For a moment he paused, drinking In
the cool autumn air. Then he stepped
Into the street, turned sharply to the
right and at the next corner entered
the small shop of a harnessinaker.
"Is that leather sUlt ready?" he asked.
"Yes, sir," said the obsequious at
tendant, presenting to view a thick
leathern cuirass lined with steel. The
man took it and departed.
The scene shifts. It Is the large, well
lighted store of a dealer In weapons.
Gun barrels nnd Damascus blades glit
ter on the walls. A man enters. It Is
our friend of the avenue.
"Give me two revolvers, one express
rifle and forty rounds of ammunition."
Taking his deadly Implements, the
man turns and departs. '
Again the avenue and again Its gen
tlemanly occupant. Carrying his steel
and leathern cuirass he enters the
house and summoning his twq trusty
watchdogs, both of enormous size and
great courage, he called for his servant.
"Have the detectives come?" he
"Yes, sir."
"Rid them follow me."
Issuing ngaln from the house In his
new apparel and followed by his faith
ful dumb servants and two brawny de
tectlves he turned Into a side Btreet and
walked with resolute demeanor toward
the polls. .
"Now I am going to vote," ho said,
clinching his teeth.
A Triumph,
From the Chicago Record.
"Ladles and gentlemen," Bald the pro-
.fesMonal hypnotlBt, us he introduced
Waysldo Rhodes to the assemblage, "I
will now give you a remarkable. Ulustra
tlon of hypnotic power. I will lend the
subject here before you 3.
"That's no trick," said a voice.
"And, men," said the Professor In the
firm tones of assured triumph, "I will
muke nun return the to mo.
True In Politics as Elsewhere.
From Ram's Horn.
The Devil wins many a battle by getting
liod a troops to lire into each other.
Huppy on the Way.
Partrldtres a-callln',
lllck'ry nut u-fiillln'.
Country Jest a-Rmilln' all round;
Cattle bolln a-tlnklln',
Silver frost a-sprlnklln',
I Splcy-llko, an' sweetenln' all the ground!
By dny, the sunshine streamln'
l)y, the sweetest dreatnUi'
Country JeBt as happy as can bel
Not a bit o' trouble
Single-file an' double.
The Juicy Joy Jest rains on you nnne!
- Atlanta Constitution,
KRUNO & BACK Others .
Also a large stock of first-class
"Spectacles !"
Yes sir ! We
have a specialist
here to fit you who
does nothing else.
Sit right down
and have your
f I F eyes fitted in
1 ' scientific manner.
Oil) 11
M. W. COLLINS, M'g'r,
The Finest in the City.
The latest improved furnish
ings and apparatus' for keeping
meat, butter and cggs.
223 Wyoming Ave.
The goods are yours at your own
price, if you happen to he the
lucky bidder.
of C. V. Freeman's valuable and
high class stock of Diamonds,
Watches, Jewelry, Silverware,
Bric-a-Iirac, etc
as the store is rented, the fixtures
for sale, etc., and Mr. Freeman
positively retires from business.
a.30 AND 7.30 1 M.
Private sales at less than cost
price (lut ing the intervals between
If you would Lave the
Amount of heat from the
Amount of fuel, you nius
have a i
Howard Furnace.
Foofo I SSioar Go.
11 H 5
ivjir-.i) w v7s ;w-t 1 "3 "
Jewel ry, Silve rwa re,
Watches, Clocks,
Diamonds a Rinos, Scorl Pins, elc),
Opera Glasses, etc.
Also an exceptionally fine line of
Our stock embraces everything in the way of desirable
and appropriate
We can supply you with,
and make it scarcely noticeable to yourself. Call and ex
amine our stock, and you will
you want.
Our reputation for reliable dealing: is still maintained
after thirty-seven years' business in Scranton, having; been
established here in 1857.
We will be pleased to show our goods, whether you buy
or not.
107" Wyoming Avenue.
Is receiving daily all the lat
est novelties' in
When in need of something
late in the Jewelry line call
and see Rogers' stock before
making your final selection,
as he can show you the latest
and a large assortment to se
lect from.
China Closets reduced 13 to 10 por cent.
Dec. 17, 1891.
Flue Dressing Tables greatly reducod lu price
Including tho painless extriotinr of
tooth by on entirely now proooit.
S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.,
an elegant article at little cost
see that we have just what
Have now completed their arrangements
for the holidays, Knowing the lurKest and
most complete stock they have ever dis
played, consisting of
Which they have In great variety. All
groades in Gold, Silver and Gold Filled
Cases. Having had numerous concessions
from manufacturers, they have given,
their customers the full benefits of them.
making the prices of tho best watches
nearly as low as are asked by others for a
very Inferior quality.
Having mado our purchases before the
lato raise of 15 por cent, in tariff and hav
Ing been VICKY PARTICULAR in select
hlg only perfect stones of a line color and
cut, wo are sure wo can satisfy the best of
Judges as to price or quality. We have
them mounted In Urooehes, Rings, Ear
rings, Studs, Scarf I'lns and In nearly, all
articles of jewelry.
Is now very cheap. We have It In a
thousand shapes, from a cake basket to a
toothpick. A WONDERFUL variety.
People are ASTONISHED when prices;
are mentioned.
A brilliant and dazzling display. Low 1
prices for labor and perfected machinery '
have done wonders with the prices.
Tho finest on earth.
Hundreds of styles of
New and beautiful
Opera Glasses.
Chains, Lockets and Charms.
And Onyx Top Tables. All new and ele
gant designs. Art Porcelains, all brought
in since tho new tai l it went in ertgoU
Torcelaln, Onyx, Warble and Gilt. We
have BIG BARGAINS In a lot of Marble
Clocks, Just received. Less than half
price. They are fitted with tho best Amer
ican Jeweled movements nnd ure about us
cheap ivi a good common clock. They are
well worth looking at.
All are invited to look at our display,
whether purchasing or not. At the old
A PMldod Move In the Bkntes trade has set
tn snd It will pny you to examlno the stock of
JUK18CH'S, st ills Kpruou attest. Fino litieof
miportor pocket cutlery, razors, etc.. for llolt.
dny trade. Guusund smmunlt'on at bottom
fliuros. Also some second bund heels at
pricos tbst will astonish you.8eelng is believing