THE SCUAXTOX THITJITXE TUESDAY MOTTNTXtt, DECEMTlEtt 18, ISO?. GORMAN'S II II We show a Rror.t variety of beautiful and useful urtleles, suitable for Kifts nml (uliiiitecl to every tuste ami every A tour of In.'iieetion through oir 1p liarlijirmx would doubtless migest np lu'opriate Kit Is. When desired, pun-lmscst will be re served fur careful delivery on IJeeeni berZitli. RIBBONS There'll be fancy work to do. Finest llibbonVi wore never before so cheap. Christmas Dress Goods "Christmas" because there's so murli happy surprise in them third, some times half less than last year. And more styles, better styles to choose l'rum. Fine wool und new weaves. Give Her Gloves they're always acceptable, they are at bargain prices. and here Holiday Handkerchiefs I'necpmlled assortment I, inen, Silk, no inonj.rels. Not a price amoim them that Isn't away below anything hereto fore. And there are very special lots, too. LADIES' HOSIERY LADIES' UHQEBWEAB fS HOSIERY KEN'S GLOVES MACOTGSHES GAPES BLANKETS, QUILTS m COMFORTABLES FANS. A full line of French ami German Fans, Feather, Silk, Gauze and Lace, In white, black and all desirable evening shades. 5!H'., 73c. and $1.00. SOMAN'S GRAND DEPOT. DR, -:- REEVES, 413 Spruce Street, Scranton. Pr. Heeves has had Ions and varied ex Tieiii nce In bo.ipilnl and private -practice. ami treats v.W acute nnd chronic diseases oi Tricn, women and children. COUSULTATO im EMMTIOH FREE. I!e, v.ith his assistants, treat all dis eases of he nervous system, diseases of llie eye, ir, nose anil throat, dyspepsia, ricuriuit it-la, lost vitality, premature weakness ir der-uy In both sexes, nervous l bully, catarrh, tumors, canc ers, erup thiiis, bloiMl-pulsoniiiK, lits, epilepsy, III discretion and errors of youth, lost man hood, eizeina, scrofula, St. V'tus' dance asthma, diseases of the heart, lunijs, mer, moneys, uiaimer, siomacn, etc. Young .Men Positively Cured Offer to the 1'nhllc for ( atarrh. Any one sufferim with Catarrh who TVi.-iiics to be permanently, quickly and cheaply cured may receive three months treatment for only FIVK nui.l.AHS, The doctor had discovered a spcciHe for this dreaded disease. You can treat and cure yourself and family with It at home. It never falls to cure. A trial treatment Ilcl. OFFICIO IloritS-nnlly, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.; ouimays, iu 10 ic unci z to 1. CHAIRS, OTTOMANS. HASSOCKS, CARPET SWEEPERS, 9 RUGS, MATS, ETC. Special prices on all the above goods for the Holidays. J.Scott Inglis Carpet and Wall Paper, 4!9 UCKftWAilNA AVE. four doors abuvo Wyoming Uousa. YAM) LING. Dr. T. C. Fltzslmmons. of Carbon dale, was professionally engaged here, Sunday. ' The new Congregational church will tie dedicated On Jan. 1. Henry Carter and lleorge Young were (lit Carbondale, Sunday. . Mark, of Carbondale, was a .Visitor at the Lavln house, Sunday. Willie, 7-year-old son of William liar it'holomay, Is 111 of scarlet fever. Mrs. David Price has recovered from I GOODS her laito Ulnet:a. SEWS OF THIS ViCIKlTY wit wii 4 xxtuMC Xov3 romes from Say re that u little Kill liaby lias arrived at 'the home of 11 r. and Mrs. Albei t ISarber. J. K. II. Hill will attend the meet ing of the Interstate Medical society at UinKhanvton today, and the session of the Homeopathic Medleul society of Northeastern Pennsylvania at Wilkea Harre Thursday. Miss Winnie Barnes Is visiting at PHtHton. The fuiK-Restioii is made that the out- lying districts on Gravel Hill and up j Turnpike street be taken Into the boi- j oush and constitute the Third and Fom'th wards of the town. The Idea Is a new one, and these extremities of the town, which topether comprise near- ' ly one-half our population, have been warmly invited to come in out of the wet several times, but have always re sisted the appeals. Conditions have changed in latter years, however, and It would seem that the lisadvanta(res, if there were such, have been so far re moved as to make it of mutual interest i the town people to combine and work under one local uovernment. The mat ter Is worth consideration, at least. S. Trucey Huberts, the well known ittston engineer, spent Sunday with friends in town. Arthur Harder, a former Tunkhan- noeker, but now of Coxton, has been promoted from freight conductor to anlmaster at Lackawanna and Unoinshurg Junction. H. F. Lobeck spent last week In Scranton. The prisoners at 'the jail are allowed to kick foot ball about the Jail yard for xerclse. Unfits P. Northup has gone to Sala manca, N. y., on a business trip. Frank Chaffee, clerk at O. S. Mills & Go.'s hardware store, had an escaoado with a gasoline stove Saturday night that he Is not likely to forget. It wis a large stove with a feeder tank at one .nd, and by some means the gasoline at the side fat-theft from 'the tank over flowed the burner 'and enveloped the stove in flame. A lively fight to keep It from communicating with the tank ensued, and he was victorious just as he was "about to give un in despair and take to his heels. His hair has scarcely got settled down to its normal condi tion yet. TIil? annual gathering of the Knapp faxmlly will occur at 'the residence of Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Kniuii). Dec. 25. Dr. I'. K. Dornsife, a student at Jef ferson Medical college, Philadelphia, will be home Friday for . his holiday va .itlon. The union service at t'he Methodist church Sunday evening, ob servant of general peace day, was very pretty and Interesting. The exerc-iSes , were in charge of airs. Theodore Street- or, president of the Women's Christian Timpei'.ince union. Mrs. Scull led in prayor, Mrs. Cm-nell read the Scripture, ind Mrs. C. J. Heed and Mrs. L. T. Burns each read excellent original es- The responsive service was led by Mrs. Streoter. while Miss Mamo Williamson, Mrs. Samuel F.yscnbach and Miss Pace very beautifully ren dered a trio, ''Glory to God in the High est." Mrs. O. I). Stebblns made a few impromptu remarks that were received with many 'a nod and wink of approval, md then called for a collection In a way that brought a Tiearty response. A few closing remarks by Rev. N. G. Parks, who happened to be present, and bv Ilcv. W. M. Hiller, closed the meeting. Mrs. C. A. Little has returned from her 'trip to New Jersey and New Yolk states. .Mrs. A. R. Puck entertained her cousin, Miss Martin, from Wyalusing, over Sunday. C. J. Heed writes from Fort Mead, Fla., that he Is Improving In health and Is delighted with the climate dmvn there. He has purchased an orange grove, nd has seat for his wife and s. in, Sjiencer, to come down. J. M. Still-well was down from Me- shoppen this morning. -V judgment for $110,000 was satisfied, according to the records at the court house, a day or two since. It was held by t'he Mehoopany Mining nnd Manu facturing company against Calvert Carey and Sherman I!. Davldge, and was given for lands up on the Dutch mountain. Interesting services were held at the Presbyterian church Sunday morning in memory of the late Dr. Lane. Rev. N. C. Parke, of Pittston, a college chum of tlie deceased, preached the sermon. Dr. L. H. Meade a ttended the funeral of his father, Stuart Meade, at New Mllford Saturday. The remains were brought to South Montrose for burial. Holicf in Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Hlacldcr dis eases relieved In six hours by the "New Greta. South Amtulcan Kidney Cure.", This new remedy is a great surprlso on account of Its exceeding promptness in relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, hack nnd every part of the urinary pas rages In male or female. It relieves re tention of water and pain In passing It almost Immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris, Druggist, 123 l'enn ave nue, Scranton, Pa. UONKSDALE. Mrs. John Flnnerty died suddenly while going up the steps of St. John's church early Sundaf morning. Mrs. Flnnerty was "8 -years old, born In County Galwuy, Ireland, and came to this country forty-eight years ago. She Is survived by two sons; Thomas and John. Funeral from St. John's church today at 10 a. m. Miss Kmma Harris, cf New York, Is the guest of the Misses Fuerth. Mrs. Leopold Fuerth returned -home yesterday, after several weeks' visit In New York city. Mrs. Renjaniin Gardner and Mrs. W, M. Gardner visited relatives In Wilkes- Uarre, yesterday. Adam Mctzger, Jr., is homo for a few days. Rheumatism Cured In a lny. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures In 1 to .1 days. Its action upon the system Is remnrkable nnd mysterious. It removes ut onco the caiiFO anil tho disease Immediately disap pears. The first dose Rreatly benellts, 75 cents. Hold by Matthews Uros., Drug gists, Scranton. PECKVILLE. Regular communication of Oriental Star lodge, DSS, Free and Accepted Ma sons, will be held this evening, and the election of olllcers for the ensuing ma sonic; year will take place. Mrs. Richard Uren, of the West End, who has been Indisposed for the past week, is convalescent. Invitations are out announcing the marriage of Miss Elizabeth Swales to John Jayne, which will take place on Monday evening, Dec. 24, at the homo of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mr3. Thomas Swales, on Hickory street. ' Mrs. William Goyne Is sick at her home on Main street. The lioso of our new hose company has arrived nnd la In readiness In ca-o It is needed, at the Hotel Wilson liarn until the hose house has been fixed In proper shape. Irwin Humes will leave next Monday to'joln his mother In kansiis. CLARK'S tiUEEX. Mrs. A. J. Stone, of Scranton, called on friends here on Sunday last. Electric Star Indge, No. 4!TO, Inrte pendendent Order of Odd Fellows, will confer the first degree upon two can didates on Saturday evening next. They will also erect several new shodn ! on tile liaptist church grounds tins week, Mis. W. V. Good Is convalescing from her recent Illness. Mrs. Alice P.catty, of Newnrk, N. J., will spend the holidays with her par- ents here. Several of our esteemed young ladles have been seriously affected by epi demic, but are now "on the Improve, thank you." Mr; Roberts, of Waverly, called on his uncle, Kdwaivl Luisey, on Sunday last. Airs. Edward Lutscy was called to Hie home of her aged mother, Mrs. Lee, of Wllkes-llarre, who has been ill. G. F. Spencer, of Thompson, was here on a business trip last week. Will'ard Mathews was a caller 'here on Wednesday last. Frank Phillips has just purchased of Mrs. M. J. Mead the beautiful and de lightful country residence on Main strent, and will Improve and occupy it in the spring. A Christmas entertainment will be held under the auspices of the Method ist church at the Summit in their cha pel on Christmas eve. Nelson Nichols has changed his place of knowledge acquirement from Key stone academy ito the Wyoming sem inary at Kingston. The Baptist Sunday school will hold their Christmas exercises in 'their church on Monday eve next. Miss Mary Northup, of Scranton, vis ited her uncle, J. C. Clark, last week. J. S. Wagner has made great im provements m his tenement house on Summit street, which Is now occupied by Mrs. Lizzie Wells. A:-x A. Nichols' family havo been severely nlliicted by epidemic cold and sore 'throat, but are now convalescing. Rev. P. II. Parsons preached a strong sermon from Matthew, thirteenth chap tor, thirty-eighth verse, setting forth the missionary work of the Methodist church, .n Sunday afternoon. Richard Grillin. who is now erecting an elegant residence for Mr. Schoon over, in Klmhurst. called on friends here on Thursday last. Miss I.taio Frace, a seminary ftu dent at Kingston, spent Sunday with pareii't here. The Literary society of Our Public school, No. 1, will bold an cntertaiii- ! ment In the Dymond hall at the Sum- mit on Saturday evening, Dec. 22. Ad- j mission, members of the school, 10 1 cents; all others, l.'i cents. Proceeds to j be expended ito increase the number of volumes of their library. The election of olllcers of the Method ist Sunday school took place on Sunday afternoon last, with the following re sult: H. S. Stone, sperlntendetit; J. W. Mullen!:;, assls-tant superintendent; Miss Kmma Coon, secretary; Miss Lu- ella Frace, assistant secretary; J. W Rhodes, librarian; W S. Frace, treas urer; Miss Clara Smith, organist, nnd Mrs. Klla Chapman, assistant organist, The board of teachers consist of J. C. Higgins, W. S. Frac, Mrs. A. A. Davis, lira. F. S. Re.nodict, A. A. Davis, J. li. Austin, huclla Frace, Clara Smith, Guttle Stone and J. W. Mullenix. The Kpworth league held their elec tion on Tuesday evening last, with this result: President, II. S. Stone; first vice president, Mrs. Klla Chupman; sec ond vice president, Mrs. Cassie llcne- dict; third vice president. Miss Clar Smith; secretary, Kmma Coon; treas urer, Mrs. LIlliansMullcnlx; chorister E. J. Chapman, and organist, Mrs. Eila Chapman-, Grant McDaniels has moved his fam ily to SliiekshinhVy. Services were held Sunday evening by the Kpworth league of the Methodic Kpiscopal church In memory of Will lam Kastlake, jr., nnd George Harvey. Among those who will return from school this week for the Chlrstmas holidays are Gertie Vail and Genie Hur- rctt, Mansfield; Mary Shields, Slroitds burg; Kliza Osborne, Frank Winter Richard Gemini!, Ralph Rymer an' George Dyer, Kingston; W. J. and A. J Raker, ISaltimoro; Naboth Osborne Syracuse, and J. H. Crilliths, of Middle- town, Conn. Aurora lodge, M.I, Free and Accepted Masons, will elect olllcers at the meet ing tonight. There will also be Work In the F. C. and M. M. degrees 1 lie marriage of Phillip Tucker am Mary Owens will take place Dec. 25 at the home of the bride. Arrangements are well under way for the fair of the Sacred Henrt church during Christinas week nnd that of the Citizens' band beginning Jan. 10. Rurglnrs again entered the Ontario and Western station, taking nothing however, except a few hams from lot consigned to one of our merchants, As usual there Is no clue. I'ay nig'.it C. E. Helmes lost $S0 by the lllght of a young man who 'has been hanging around the store nnd doing oe caslotial jobs when extra help was re quired. A warrant was Issued by Jus tice of the Peace Jenkins and one or two private housc3 searched, but noth lng was found of the thief, who Is said to be In New York state now. FOREST Miss Stella Allen and Miss Bertha Dunn are home from the Mansfield State Norman schoool on their holiday vacation. Miss Pearl Westgate, of Unlondale, visited her sister, Mr3. George Ksmay Sunday. Miss Frankle Lewis, of the same place, was also a guest of Mrs, Esmay's. . A very enjoyable entertainment was given In Maxey's 'hall last Saturday evening by Ella June, Meado Cake und Lu li. Cake. It was a rare treat. Beccliam's pills are for bill oiisness, bilious headache dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick headache bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appetite, sa low skin, when caused by con stipation; and constipation is the most frequent cause of a' of them. , Book free: pills 2 t;c. - A drugstores, or write B. F. A' leu Co., 365 Canal St., New York. CAKKQXDALE. James Farrcll, a resident of PSko street, died Sunday morning at 11 o'clock in the Lackawnna hospital, Scranton. DeceaS'Hl was born in this city April 4, 1:05, in which place he al ways resided, he Is survived by seven children, who are: Mary, who entered a novitiate at the convent of St. Rose of Lima last May; Katie, Maggie, Kllen, Lucy and John. Funeral will be held on Wednesday morning at 9.30. A solemn high mass of requiem will be celebrated la St. Rose church. Inter ment will be made in St. Rose ceme tery. Mrs. Mary White, widow of Michael H. White, died at her home oh Salem avenue, Sunday evening, at the age of C2 years. She was a native of Ireland, and is survived by three sons, William, Robert and Henry. Funeral services will be held in St. Rose church this afternoon at 2.:)0 o'clock. At an early hour Sunday morning the store of Abe Salmi, on South Main street, was discovered to be on lire, and before the blaze was under control the ulire slock was damaged by (lie, smoke anil water. Mr. Sahm had In one of his front windows, lor an at traction, a miniature city, and It was from this point the lire originated. Kdward Lewsley calkd on friends In ittston yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Stansbury, of Provl- lenee, were the guests of their son, W. li. Stansbury, of High street, oved Sun ny. , Christmas exercises at the P.aptlst mission on Park street will be.observed Christmas eve. All the ladies of the Rerean Baptist church who recently pledged a dollar to the "dollars fund" for the purpose of reducing the church debt are re quested to bring or send the amount to the pastor's residence on Wednesday ifternoon at H o'clock. Miss Klla Hyland Is the guest of her cousin, Miss Maine Coyne, of Scranton. George Gillies is assisting at J .W Dlinock's store during the holiday sea son. Miss Lottie Reynolds, of Forest City Is visiting Miss Sarah Davis, of South Terrace street. H. O. Likely and G. F. Mills spent last evening In Scranton. Cottage prayer meetings will bo held this evening at the homes of Robert lirodle, fill South church street, nnd at William Carroll, on Thorn avenue. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Mrs-. Wlnslow a Soothing Syrup has been user! for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers fur their children whllo tec-thing, wllh perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, nnd is tho best emedy for diarrhea. Sold by druggists In every part of the world. Le sure and ask for ".Airs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take, no other kind. Twenly-livo centu bottle. A Story of Middy Morgan. From Kate Field's Washington. Once, while taking care of a friend's acant country house In a remote corner of New Jersey, two tramps appeared In the doorway. "tome, have you anything for us, old woman; asked on of them. Oh, yes," was the answer; "just wait and I'll bring it down." .Miss Morgan went quickly upstairs, and In half a minute returned wllh a seven- shooter. 'This Is what I have for you," said she. 'How do you like It?" The tramps did not wait to answer, - . Lord Uiissell's Kusc. From the Westminster Hudget. The Lord Chief Justice was too smart for the juryman who on Saturday sought to be (xeuscil from serving, "tin what round?" asked his lordship. Tho man approached with his hand to his ear and ild: "I'm deaf, my lord, und cannot hear the evidence." You can go." said Lord Russell In a whisper. "Thank you, my lord, replied the juryman, taken off his gua'd. Rut the learned Judge bad not tlnisfied his sentence, and he pternly idded, "Into the box ami do your duty!" The man quailed and obeyed In some con fusion ut the failure of Ills ruse. tienius. From Harper's Kazar. "Mv wife Is a wonderful wmnnn " Kiild iai-ley. "Give her time and a shoe-but ton, and, by Jove, she'll make a bonnet out of It." CSSlE2E9ka58EIISIEE!aEECSIiaiaiSEaiaB:ECEIE;EE8gaSISa!lIBSaSBaEZS8:HEE&&SaESS3aB93BS(:3K iioisimiir'nu" THE CF.Ll only and alone had tlie stocks, us S The Woarwell Suit Co., -s lirodck Fri'iidcndinl & Co., Hyde Turk (lolliing Store, Tlie stocks of the lust two mentioned consisted of the very best and choicest grade of Clothing and having limiyjit them for less than half their actual value, we are now offering them to the pulilic on the same hasis S One Lot Hoys' Kilt Cnpe QQC uvercoaiH, leuuitir price iz -j u jjj Boys' Double Breasted Union Cassiuiere and Cheviot Suits; S also Boys' warm and Humble Cape Overcoats, regular price, $2.00 aud $3.00. . . . . . ' 3 Boys' Fine All-Wool Cheviot and Cassimere Reefer Suits; also Kj Boys' Melton and Kersey Ulsters, value $3.00, at 5 Men's Sinplo and. Double Breasted Cassimere and Cheviot i S S Suits; ulso Men's Black aud Blue Overcoats, value $8 and $10 iilJ S S Men's All Wool Cheviot and Cassimere Sack or Cutaway Suits; S also Black aud Bluo Kersey Overcoats, valuo $12.00, Men's Extra Fine Blnclc and Blue Clay Worsted Cutaway or S3 Sack Suits; also Fine Blue and Black Kersey aud Me'lton S Boole Overcoats, value $20.00 i Sign oi the Bell ma w U:EaEC25E9:SES32SSSISEH333ISSEniiaESE23i.EEGBIIBai3ESSlilEEIIEIBC!lSSI.IIZI32ii:SEi;SEal. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers HOISTING AltD FWIiiG MACHINERY. General Office: SCRANTON, PA. Acute Rheumatism ' Months of Suffering-Hood'9 Sarsacarilla Cured S&Rc 0 ... mm Mv. XoaK J. Horner Biahlbtown, l'enn. "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. : "tioiitleinun: Four yearn last Jaritary I wns taken down with sub-ncnto rheumatism wliioli located at tho huso ot tlio brain. It was elt;'it weeks lc:s one day before. 1 vas able to wall: out of the house and alter muiitliii of sutferh-s and much I caret! I Would Never Bo Well. My physician advised mo to use. Hood's Sars parilla. Alter taking It in half doses for two weeks I felt hotter, so at different times after wards I used it awhile, and during the last 3 e.1t I have again been restored to invigorated health by it. I attrlluito my restoration to health to the use of Hood's Kai'sap.ii'illu. My sou luu- had caturrli slneo quite young and last nuninier while attending school he used two bottles of ures Hood's Bar sapai Ilia and said it did h!n more pood than he realized from $100 fur picsciln lious, etc." Noah J. Horner, Postmaster mid General Merchant, Slahlstowu, Pennsylvania. Hood'O Pill8 euro liver Ills, constipation, biliousness, jauudlce, sick headache, itidigcsllou. Rooms 1 and 2 Commowealth Bld'g, SCRANTON, PA. mm and BLASTS POWDER MADE AT MOORIC AND HUSH DA LH WOKKS. LnfTlin & Hand Towder Co.'a Orange Gun Powder Electric Ihitterles, Fuses for explod ing blast's, Safety Fuse and Repanno Chemical Co.'s Hign Explosives Instruments In every sense of the terra as applied to Pianos. Kxceptloniil In holding their ordinal ful ness or xone. KKW YORK WAREHOUSE, No. Fifth avenue. SOLD BY E.C.RICKER&CO 1115 Adams Ave.New Telephone Bdg ROOF TINNING AND SOLDERING All douo nwtiy with l.y the uso of HART MAN'S I'ATKXT PAINT, which consista of InKiedlenls well-known to ull. It can be applied to tin, Kiilviinlzcd tin, shecl Iron roofs, also to brick ilwelinK-s, which will prevent absolutely any crumbling, crack lnir or breaking of tho" brick, it will out. lust titinitiK of any kind bv manv yearn and It's cost does not exceed one-lifth that of the cost of tinning. Is sold by the job ur puuuii. v-oicrucis i.-ikcii ny ANTONIO HAilTMAtf X, HJ7 Birch St grit iind courage to buy three entire fS follows : 10 Vest Third Street, Xew York Waverl) IMaek, New York S ill Soiilli Main Avenue, scranton One Lot of Boys' Doublo tflC s ureasteu buiw, wortn i.7o 81.45 I Hi 2.88 1 7.G5 11.37 i 230 LACKAWANNA AVENUE ? tr m a S . I it:tnfjfiiM nfsr,siNi 3f pitj; mmmmmwmmmmm UP" LEADERS OF en4-- CP . C2 ft! f.s e &- 1111 400402 Lackawanna Avsnue. A LARGE i, un UT SPEClfiL r in wmu uio i iMikj-rtefls lit READY. Sul HEW IKS IS Hanging Four Shelf Book Rack, $3.50. Big Value, $3.50. A Graceful Four Leg Table, $1.90. And Four Fold Screen Frame, all of exceptional values and cf latest patterns. FANCY ROCKERS, Plush and Leather Seat, $3.00 to $25.00 eadl. EASELS, In Bamboo, Oak and BASKETS, Hampers, Waste, Work and Fancy Baskets. Step Ladder Chairs, Card Tables. RR & SIEBECKER 40S AND 408 LACKA. AVE. And our Grand Holiday Display is ushered before you in all its brilliant glory. Don't be dazzled when you enter our store (as it's far superior to our last year's display), and goods are so much cheaper. Come here .any day and take jour time to look. Our store is a GRAND FREE FAIR, without the raffle and wheel of fortune fiends. Go upstairs. There you will also see beautifully fitted up departments. And in the basemeut the same way, but more of the solid and substantial. Our Credit System? Oh! yes; that's in the same working order as heretofore. We want you to make use of it. We extend goods to you as liberally that way as though you paid cash. Hundreds upon hundreds of Onyx Tables, Lamp Stands, Lamps, Shades, Clocks, Ornaments; thous ands of Chairs, Fancy Gilt Chairs, Rattan aud Up holstered Rockers, Solid Oak, Birch, Maple aud Ma hogany Rockers, in antique aud novel designs. Book cases with desks aud without; Ladies' Fancy Desks in different w oods, Music Cabinets, Ladies' Toilet Ta bles, etc., etc. Nearly est And loveliest things you ever set eyes on. aud walk through. We'll welcome you. 1 "TSV-?'' --.'VfKv-i L. LOW PRICES. e i air Sf O S ? 59 3 O 9 - TiP O -9 STOGX OF PRICES. White Enamel. five thousand of the handsom Come MM i WW r