The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 18, 1894, Page 10, Image 10

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fldv?nttirN on Ih?
A l'ormcr Scnintoniun Describes a
Trip to Tike's Teak.
Terrible Experience of .Miss Minnie I'ow
cli und a I'urty of Friends Who .Mueio
tho Ascent I'pon Foot in October.
Heroism of an ICscort.
Colorado Springs, Nov. 2G. I told you,
I believe, that a party o us intended
KoiiiK horseback, up Pike's Peak, a
week or so after school commenced.
"Well, we went, but not horseback. We
walked up and rode down. We made
the trip Oct. 6 and 7. The party was
to have consisted of Mrs. Arj;o, Mr.
Caldwell, Miss' St. Clair and myself.
Mr. Aii?o intended walking as far as
the Half Way .House 'und remaining
there until we returned. Mr. Argo. you
know, is here for his health. Mr. Cald
well is a young Kentucky gentlrm.'ui
who is here at the .Springs with his
bride for her health. She caught cold
on tht-ir wedding trip last Juno, and
has since been very low with consump
tion. She is now recovering and able
to drive out, but of course, not able to
have joined the pedestrian party for
itho summit of Pike's Peak.'
Our plans were all laid and we wcr?
to start early Saturday morning re
turning on Sunday spending the night
on the Peak. Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell
and a few other Kentucky friends elrow
up to the school Friday afternoon to
have the last talk over the trip before
starting. We compared notes and
found that each of us had been solemn
ly warned to not take the trip on foot at
this time of the year, by numerous
cautious people, and, on the other hand,
urged on by non-cautious people. We
were inclined to follow the advice of the
latter, and went down to see how Mrs.
Argo felt about it. We found her with
a sick baby and no servant. That set
tled her Nothing daunted In our
determination to go, Mr. Caldwell, Miss
St. Clair and I looked elsewhere for a
chaperone. We begged, we plead with
all the non-consumptive ladies of our
acquaintance. One was afraid of Iter
heart; another, that her respiratory or
pins would give out on such a climb
and at such great altitude; another was
afraid she wuld frpeiie lo death. We
laughed at such an excuse as that. Did
we laugh later? Wait you shall see.
At last we found a young lady Miss
Cornish, the buys' supervisor at the
school, who readily consented to go;
and as Mrs. Caldwell and Mrs. Argu ad
vised us to go, we decided to start 'the
next morning.
A Desirable Acquisition.
While we were completing the ar
rangements that afternoon, a telegram
was received, by Mr. Argo from Mr.
Gregory, saying he would pass through
Colorado Springs that night with a
couple car loads of horses en route to
Kentucky, and wanted to join the
Pike's Peakers on their trip; so he
would stop off. We were delighted with
this desirable acquisition to our party.
Mr. Gregory is a great favorite. Largo,
young and strong and bubbling over
with life and fun. At the time we were
r.imply pleased that he would join us.
Today we offer up a prayer of thanks
giving that he did join us. God, in Ills
omniscience, sent Mr. Gregory to be
one of our party. You will compre
hend why, later.
That evening Miss St. Clair and I
filled three good sized boxes with a
very tempting lunch enough for a
party of ten instead of only live. Mr.
Argo said he would drive us, Misses
Cornish and St. Clair and myself, at 6
the next morning went down to The
Antlers, w here we were to meet Messrs.
Caldwell and Gregory. Miss St. Chili
managed, with considerable exertion,
both on her part and on mine, to induce
me to rise a t 5 a. ni. Kverything had
been made ready the night before, so
that we had nothing to do but dress,
oat our breakfast of eggs, bread and
butter and coffee, jump into the wait
ing carriage and he driven to the hotel.
I idiall take time to say, we dressed
very warmly, worn light-weight coats
and eac h carried a shawl in shawlslrap.
Miss Cornish carried a small grip, con
taining bottles of Pond's Extract, alco
hol, camphor, ammonia, smelling salts
and brandy. At C.43 a. ni. we five
boarded the oars for Manitou a dist
ance of six miles. Arrived there we
took a carriage to the Cog Hoad sta
tionabout two miles. Now began our
never-to-be-forgotten climb. From
this point to the summit is twelve miles
by following the cog road. The car
riage road is twenty-one miles. We
took the cog road. It was now S.M a.
ft. A glorious day neither too cool nor
too warm. We reached what Is called
the Half Way House nt 12.13 p. in. None
of us felt much fatigued. We ordered
coffee and ate lunch. At 1.15 p. m. we
continued our ascent. Mr. Caldwell
r- -
nnd I seemed much the best walkers.
We kept quite a distance ahead of tho
, others without tiring ourselves much.
Miss St. Clair came along so slowly
!' that we very much feared she would
Rive out. The grade now beenme
steeper nnd It was very apparent that
we were nil getting very tired and short
of breath.
I have told you how difficult it Is for
most people to breathe even nt the
Springs, and we were now at nn ele
vation of about 9,000 feet. Mips Cor
nlsh began to have a rather queer look,
and 'her breath came In quick, jerky
gasps. She Insisted that she was doing
very well and so we kept on slowly
climbing and climbing, but finding It
neccessary to sit down and rest about
every dozon steps. We talked and Joked
less. Each one felt that climbing the
peak on foot was a rather more serious
undertaking than we had anticipated.
Still, we were' not sorry that we had
come. We were now nearing the tim
ber line the last tree was In sight and
we thought that it could not be more
than two hours before we should reach
the summit.
Tho Toboggan Episode.
We had been warned at the Half Way
House to look out for two toboggans,
',; which would come down from the peak
about 4 p. m. at the rate of one nnd a
half miles a minute, and on some
grades at two miles a minute. Two
venturesome men were to come down
on them. We had entirely forgotten
about them and were each, not sitting,
, but lying down in the center of the
track, when we heard something like a
mighty wind. We had been told that
at Windy Point the wind was blowing
nt eighty miles an hour, and, as an
other hour's walking would bring us
there, we naturally supposed that we
were beginning to hear the wind. Some
thing prompted Mr. Caldwell to look up
the grade.. To his horror he saw the
toboggans bearing down on us at a
most terrible speed. His cry of "The
toboggans! The toboggans:" roused us,
and we just had time to roll off the
track some of us not yet oh 'our feet
when the toboggans went literally Hy
ing by us. A second more we sshould
ull have been killed.
We were weak enough before Miss
Cornish particularly. This was too
much for her. She lay on the ground
like one dead. Her heart gave a few
wild jumps nnd then seemed almost to
cease to beat. Imagine our feelings.
Miles from any human habitation, no
water, no vegetation, only a stony,
barren mountain, snow rapped peaks
all around us, nnd an apparently dying
girl. You see we were afraid of heart
failure. People have dropped dead time
nnd again from heart failure at that
altitude. We worked with her twenty
minutes before she was able lo lie lifted
to her feet. She was too weak to walk.
Mr. Gregory placed bis arms around
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l.scape from
her. She moved her feet, lie pushed
her up the .mountain. Miss St. Clair
and I were still able to go
along at a reasonable rat".
We felt extremely hungry nnd
wanted to eat, but Mr. 'Caldwell sug
gested that we wait until we reach the
sunshine, as we were nil terribly
chilled. The wind was now blowing in
our faces at a rate of forty miles an
hour. On we trudged, up and up tired,
thirsty, hungry and oh! so cold.
Mr. Caldwell strapped the shawls
and lunch to his l ack and went on of us. Mr. Gregory and Miss
Cornish came next, he still all but
carrying her up. Miss St. Clair and I
were last, ten minutes walk behind
Mr. Gregory and Miss C.irnlsh, and
about twenty minutes behind Mr. Cald
well. I felt myself becoming weaker
and weaker. Miss St. Clair noticed it
and f. -'it worritd. I told her I thought
If I only had something to eat and my
shawl that I should have strength to
go on. My lips were now so stiff with
the cold, that I had difficulty In mov
ing .them to even speak. At supper
the night before, I was too much dated
a,t the thought of going to eat anything.
All I could think of and say was, "I'm
going to walk to th? Peak." The same
way at breakfast and likewise at lunch
at the Half Way House. Do you won
der that I now felt hungry? "Felt
hungry" is putting it mildly. I was
starving. Miss St. Clair told me to
come on us rapidly as I could and
she would go ahead to stop Mr. Cald
well to get me some of the lunch and
my shawl. In twenty minutes more
she was out of sight. We had now
reached Windy Point. I can assure
you it was truly named.
ISiisincss for Mr. (ircRtiry.
Mr. Gregory laid Miss Cornish down
on the rocks and came back to help
me, as he had noticed my falling
strength. The wind had blown me
down several times. I managed with
Mr. Gregory's help to gi t ns far ns
Miss Cornish. Then I lay down by her
side too weak to stand even with the
aid of Mr. Gregory's arm. He, poor
man, was just exhausted. For two
hour he had' literally carried MI:-,s
Cormlsh, and now he had me unable to
go a step farther. It was yet two
miles nnd thiee quarters to the top of
the Peak, nnd he alone with two girls
unable to walk. He just thought the
three of us would have to die right
there. We must go on; to stay there
would be to freeze to d'-nth. The odd
stuper that crimes from long exposure,
at a great altitude In cold, was steal
ing over me. Strange noises sounded
in my curs, and my feet and hands
tingled. Down below in the va.'ley the
sun was shining warmly, but nt this
elevation the cold was piercing. A high
wind had also ris;:n as the day declined.
The failal desire to be down and be
at rest, with which frost 1:111s, stole on
me. I struggled hard against this mor
tal sleepiness nnd increasing numb
ness. At last I begged Mr. Gregory to
let me lie on those rm-ks' and sleep
while he went on with Miss Cornish
and sent back help for me. I did not
realize my danger. I. thought weak
ness and hunger had made nie sleepy,
and that If I could only He there nnd
sleep an hour, I should then have
strength to go on. I was no long.'l'
cold, but fo sleepy that I simply could
not keep awake. Mr. Gr.gory would
waken me, and. In nnothet second I
would be In a s uind sleep. Suddt nly
he had the horrible thought that I
was freezing to death I was, really be
ing chilled rather than actually freez
ing. He made one last supreme effort.
He took me under one nrm and Miss
CVirnlsh under the other, nnd was
dragging us along, when ho saw a man,
with a shawl under his arm, approach
ing us. Just Imagine his joy.
The man came from a big cabin a
mile away, and said that a lady had
sent him to help us. The lady, of course,
was Miss St. Chili'. He sajl Mr. Cald
well had lert the cabin nbout twenty
minutes before Miss St. Clair reached
there. You see, when Mr. Caldwell left
us, Miss St. Clair and I were getting
along very nicely. Only Miss Cornish
had given out. So he thought he had
better go on as fust as he could before
he gave out entirely Iflmmlf. He Is not
a very strong man, and at that time
could not have lfted two ounces.
The thought (if help being so near at
hand, revived me Romewhat. I stood
alone nnd In a weak voice Insisted on
Miss Cornlsh'RoIng on wltH the man as
I considered her In a worse slate than
I wus. Tho man was fresh nnd Btrong,
and he half led, half carried her with
out much difficulty. Mr. Gregory and
I sat down to rest after we had slowly
walked on a l-.tle distance. I had no
sooner, sat down than I fell over un
conscious. Mr. Gregory, at the same
time, was taken with a severe chill, and
was wild with anxiety about me. He
force the) few remaining droH? 'of
brandy botween my freezing lips, rolled
me on the rocks, shook nU called on
me to rouse myself. Didn't 1 know that
I was freezing to death?
How It I'ecls to Freeze.
What I shall tell you now Is what has
been told me. I remember nothing un
til I came to consciousness lying on the
bare, cold floor of that cabin. Mr.
Gregory says, that presently I mut
tered, as If talking in my sleep, "I am so
comfortable, so warm, but so hungry.
Give me something to eat. Do get me
some soup. I am starving to death and
you will not give me anything to eat.
Do not move me. I am so sleepy. So
sleepy. So slee py." Then I ceased
to speak and lay as if dead. With su
perhuman strength Mr. Gregory picked
me up in his arme (I weigh VS- pounds)
nnd carried me the remaining half mile
to the little.log cabin on the side of the
mountain in among the rocks. How he j
ever did he ays he
knew that he simoly
cannot say.
must. If lie
not I should die.
Miss St. Clair was on the lookout for
us, and threw open the door wh?n she
the Tohhogans.
heard Mr. Gregory's rail for help
was now dark. They laid me on
floor limp and Apparently lifeless,
ter working with me a little over
rive minutes 1 began to show some signs oC
lire". My eyelids quivered and I again
muttered, "I am so comfortable. Do
not move me. Let me sleep." Then 1
began to-slowly regain consciousness j
and to oicn niv eves tiddilv and to no- i
tlce my surroundings.' It seemed as if I
I were being awakened from a pleasant
soothing dream. I was still unable to
move even my arms. It was as if my
body had become p.'iraly;:e'd. In a'.i
hour more I was able to sit up alone.
While 1 was in the stupor I thought 1
was lying em a sirf t, warm feather bed
and that a great number of people ver
clapping their hands in applause for
some gn at deed I had done. The feath
er bed turned out to be a bare, Imrd,
cold floor; and the clapping of hands
my face and hands being slapped. As
soon as I was aide to sit up I realized
how hungry I was. I asked for some
thing to eat. The old woman of the
cabin put, Into my hand a
hard biscuit with a . generous
slice of fat, boiled bacon cut thick
between it. I snatched It like a wild
cieature. To the end of time I shall
never foget how good that biscuit and
fat, thick bacon tasted. (You may or
may not know that I formerly devested
bacon. I could not be Induced to e-at
It.) I devoured that biscuit like a
starving animal nnd then said, "More.
Give me more1. It 13 so good." I shall
not go Into details about how I ate
everything I could lay my hands on,
nnd jumped at them like a crazy per
son If they tried to restrain 'me. At
last I began to act more like myself and
to pay some liee'd to how worn-out and
tiled the others were1. .
That old log cabin! I can never de
scribe It to you. I wish I had a photo
graph to send yqou. It is culled the
Saddle house-, bee'iiuse the mountain at
this point has the form of n saddle. An
old Irish woman Mary Morgan Uvea
there nnd boards the si'ctlon men.
There were only two there when we
were. The men sometimes slxieen
slept In one room no floor, in berths or
bunks, as they called them, one on top
of the other. The coalbin and wood
pile were also In this room If room It
could be culled. In the center was an
old ashes pileel nil around it.
Three sides of the room were lined with
the Ueiihs two rows. One wee win
dow wr.s the only means of ventilating
the place.
A Med to lie IJcineinK'rcd.
A look at the dingy, dlrtv holo
enough for Mr. Gregory. Ho magnani
mously said he would s'.t up all night
and keep the (Ire burning In the room
that was the general living room. The
edd woman said she thought we three
girls could sleep in the same bed Willi
her. Oh! that bed and bed room. Shall
the memory of It ever grow dim. A
bed and some grocery buxys comprised
the entire furniture. Not the suspicion
of a window In the room. Our old
friend curled herself like a snail in Its
she ll, In one corner of the bed nnd then
sang out, "Come, girls." wt. pazed
comically at one another and each said
to the other, with a poke of tho elbow,
"You go." At last Miss Cornish ami
Miss St. Clnlr "turned In." I sat by the
lire with Mr. Gregory.
The room was so cold, nnd the stove
a small rooking stove so hot that
while our toes were burnlag our backs
would be freezing, and vlee versa. After
a brief season In bed the girls again
Joined us nnd tho rest of thr.t long,
windy, freezing night we kept waleii
by that fire, and noted the nntlcs of the
dozens of mountain rats and mice,
which swarmed around us. They
Bque-alcd, fought, chased each other
nlong the logs, Ml Into the water pall,
nte up the scraps of food left on the
table, and attempted to climb on our
chairs. Some did sufficed in getting
on the boxes on which we had emr feet
then we girls did tho seiueallng. Sleep
was out eif tho question, ns you can
readily Imagine. Then, too, the wind
was blowing, howling around that
cabin at eighty miles an hour. Last
year I thought I had heard wind. -Now
I know that I had never heard wind
until that night. You can ' have no
conception of how It blew. It
was u hurricane. Toward morning
It abated somewhat, and at day
break, breakfnstless, we resumed our
walk for the summit. We still
had a mile and three quarters of the
most difficult grade to climb.
We started out quite briskly, consid
ering all things. We had gone about
a quarter of a mile when to my utter
dismay, I began to be very sick. I
struggled against it with all my might,
but sick I was, nnd deathly sick, too.
It was the groat altitude that was af
fecting me. The cold was intense, and
the higher up we went the harder blew
the wind. Whn we reached the top
they told us that the wind was blowing
nt 100 miles an hour. It blew strong
Mr. Gregory and Miss St. Clair over a
number of times. Not to mention
strong (?) Mls Cornish and myself.
()f ten we had to "crawl on our hands
and knees. Miss St. Clair had to help
Miss Cornish; Mr. Gregory had more
than his ha.ids full with poor sick me.
Tho thought of my suffering makes ni" j
weak yet. I entreated Mr. Gregory to i
go on and let me lie down to die.
really wished to die. I was so Blck that
oVivth would have been welcome-
have heard people say, who have
crossed tho ocean and be:n very sea
sick, that to tlK-m at that time life had
no charm. So it was with me. Then,
too, I was in agony with the piercing
redd. The higher we went tho more
Intense was the cold, the fiercer the
wind and the sicker I became. Mr.
Gregory's hands wre now so stiff, with
the cold that It was next to Impossible
for him to push me along. To get down
and rub my hands In the snow was out
of the question for me In my sick state.
Mr. Gregory did it for me as long ns he
could move his hands. Just a little
while more and our hands would have
been frozen.
'Hie l ongest Mile.
There never was nor will be such an
other long mile and three quarters us
that was. We came to the conclusion
that Chirp was no summit to Pike's
P''ak. The last grade is a terribly
stei p and long one, and when I saw, In
utter dlspair, I threw myself on my
face on the frozen snow and walled;
"()h; 1 can't! 1 can't!" Patient Mr.
Gregory pleaded with me to make one
lai-t attempt. Tills one grade? finished
and we should be at the top. Thi n our
rtit'feiing would be over. We should
l ave warmth and rest. Do you know
what tins;- words meant to us? I
forced myself up and on. At last, oh!
happy, happy moment, we raw the sig
nal KLutioii. A few more weary, weary
r.Li'i and I wis lying on the door sill.
i Tncy canied me In, unable to speak or
moe, but still c oi;.-tIous. II; was
qiillH a while "before J was able to do
anything but shriek with the awful
i'.il!i In my hands and race'. They
rubbed m;. face and hands wiHi snow
anil Ice
hour I
water, and In about a half on
was allowed to go to the fire.
Then I had first one chill and then
an itlii'r. Inde.d, I had such severe
chills, and for so long a time, that I be
gan to wonder if they ever would stop,
or was I to sin ml the rest of my life
shaking. As soon ns Mr. Caldwell saw
that I was alive, he and the telegraph
operator , took shawls and went In
well of the giiln.
They found them at the foot of that
Inn.'-, steep grade Miss St. Clair rub
bing Miss Cornish's hands with snow;
Miss St. Clair was m ither sick nor
freezing. She was only weak from bat
tling with that terrific hurrleane'.
She surely Is as tough ns leather.
It is simply marvelous how
well she stood the trip. I really
expected the two men would bring In
both the girls either dead eir dying.
Imagine my amazement when I saw
Miss St. Clair coming In without any
he lp, throw over both her shawls, come
briskiy up to the fire, rub her hands to
gether and say: "My! but isn't It cold.
Do let us have pome hot coffee and a
warm lire akfast at once." The thought
of breakfast made me shiver. Miss
Cornish's hands were fiei'zlng when
they brought her in, and she suffered
about us much as I did when they be
gan to thaw.
The black cook soon had a hot steam
ing breakfast of coffee, hot mils, fried
eggs, mutton chops and fried potatoes
ready, liy the way, you may or may
not know that It takes two hours and
a half to boil eggs on the Peak. You
can put your hand Into boiling water
without burning. I tried it. Miss Sf.
Clair and Mr. Caldwell nte a hearty
breakfast. The others of us scarcely
tasted anything. We paid $5 for the
breakfast. I forgot to tell that we paid
SI.-j each for sitting around the fire at
the eilel cabin. It seemed cheap to us
Mr. Ci'ldwell had reached tho top at
8 p. ni. the night be fore with his fingers
front bitten. He has since had no feel
ing at all In his fingers. Just before
he came In sight of the signal station
a stupor stole over him nnd he lay down
In the snow. lie was just dropping off
In the fatal sleep when ho realized his
danger and forced himself to go on. We
had telephoned from the Saddle House
telling him we should stay there ail
The Summit nt l.nst.
It was 7.;!0 a. m. Sunday when we
rVuched the top. We stayed there un
til the trail came up at 11.80 a. m. with
seventeen passengers. Only erne was
sick a young lady. She was uncon
scious most of the time she was up
there'. Just as soon ns tho train
reached a couple of thousand feet lower
altitude she was herseir again.
Those who came up on the train
missed the grand scenery we had had
curly In the morning. Until D.IIO n. m.
wc could see nothing below us but seift
billowy clouds. The sun was shining
em the Peak above them. Then they
cleared away and we had a view of
hundreds and hundreds of miles, Colo
rado Soring lo.ik.d ."bout as large as
a dining room table'. We could see our
school. It looked like a toy. It Is hard
ly necessary to ray we took the train
down tile mountain. We left the Peak
at 11,30 and reached the station nt
Maniton a little rter 1 o'clock. We
took a callage through Manlton to the
electric car uud reached the school at
!!.1.r p. m. Loud and long was the np
plauso which greeted us. We were not
any worse for our tiip after a day or
two. Mr. Gregory went on to Ken
tucky that night.
No more Pike's Peak on foot for me.
Miss SI. Clair says slu would like to go
again, but she does not want me along.
She could not stand another such fright
ns she had when she saw Mr. Gregory
carrying me Into the Saddle House. I
wemder what will happen to me next?
Neilhlng short eif a trip with Peary will
' seem like anything to me.
Minnie Powell.
Hitherto lixcmpt.
Prom tho Detroit Tribune'.
"Uure," shouted C'li.troa, "whoro are
you going'.1"
"r.aik," replied the nliade. "I was flee
troeute'd, but have been rcsuneilated."
Tho bnatamn gn2.'d Into the turbid wa
ters of the myK.
"This, O Hiver," he exclaimed, with
mnrkeil asperity, "conies pretty near lo
giving us the double) cross."
Gilmore's Aromatic Wine
A tonic for ladies. If you
are suffering from weakness,
and feel ' exhausted and ner
vous"; are getting thin and all
run down; Gilmore's Aro
matic Wine will bring roses
to your cheeks and restore
you to flesh and plumpness.
Mothers, use it for your
daughters. It is the best
regulator aud corrector for
ailments peculiar to woman
hood. It promotes digestion,
enriches the blood and gives
lasting strength. Sold by
Matthews Bros., Scranton.
Rational Bank of Scranton.
CAPITAL 200,000
SURPLUS $30,000
EAMTTEL HTNF3, President.
W. W. WATSON, Vleo-1'rosldent.
A. 13. WILLIAMS, Cashier.
Samuel Hines, Jame'9 M. Everhart, Irv
ing A. Finch, Pierce U. Flnley, Joseph J.
Jf-rmyn, M. S. Kemrror, Charles P. .Mat
thews, John T. Porter, W. W. Watson.
This bank Invites the patronaga of bus
iness men unei firms generaly.
GLO. II. CA I LIN, Vice-President.
William Conncll. Jumcs Archbnld, Al
fred Hand, (.coifio II. e.utlin, Henry lielin,
Jr., William T. Smith, Luther Keller.
The management of this bank points
with pride to its record J 11 ring tlio panic
of 18t:t, und previous panics, when spec
ial facilities nerc extended to its business
Manufacturers and Dealers In
Linseed Oil, Nopthas and Gaso
lines of ull grades. Axle Urease,
Pinion Grease and Colliery Com
pound; nlso a largo line of Par
utllne Wax la miles.
We nlso handle the Famous CPOWN
ACM 13 OIL, the only family surety
burning oil In the market.
, Wm. Mason, Manager,
Oftlee: Coal Exchagne,
Works at Pine Drook.
Wyoming Ave.
$ 3.5? P0LICE.3 SOLES.
k 517I'3 FOS CATALOG lie
If, V ' nr?.!3C.KTCM. MA55.
You cud tnTC money by p:irchustui . L.
Duuirltin'M, .
Because, we ate the liiryrst lunniiractnrers of
advertised shoes in the world, mid KimniuUe
the value by ntiutipiiid the name aim price oil
the bottom, which protects 7011 njain.-it high
prices ond the middleman's profits. Our shoes
equal custom wort in style, easy filling and
wearing qualities. Wc have tlicm sold every
where nt lower prices for the vde K'r rl t,,an
any other make. Take 110 subnlitute. If your
dealer couuot aupply you, wc can. bold by
TIiltFa;nocJ ncmo:l7cnrpfl quickly and p.1
niumtinlv ull licrvoiid OlrrtiM!, tu:rk u:i U'oaL
lei.nry,Tru4(ir llrnin rower, llcnilnolio, VYuLo
luincsH, sLwut Vitality, nhhtlv' oi:ilutons. c-vh
dr.'unn. liu!)utonra:i'l wnnt Mm dlpouitrs cuiiwid by
youdil'iit cr:or or extewfn, Contitln lift
opinio. N (l itorvj toiilnmit) I lno-,1 lul I
ltikoH tho i:i fn nnl iinv utrmwnml plump. Ki.afiy
eurrk'fl In vontpnrlrc'U 5I per box j (5 li)i'Wi5. Uy
until prrpnM with, written pun runt no to cikq or
trinm-y i .'funrtcil. Wrlto us fnr IVeo motile til
hnnk, Hnt m'nlft In pluln nipper, which eon
tiiluM tPrttlniotilii l nnd Htmnclul ivP'mtrea No
(nitre U'm eumttiltfitlniiM, Brum it of miti
tii ntt. Snfd hv i Mir iidvcrtliMMl nirrntn. or nrlclrom:
NUltVtiKr.ED '0i MattuiilcTouiplo.CulcuRo.
111 ill 111
Atlantic liefinjiig Co
Our store la pneked wilh merchandise
from the basement elenr through to
the first floor. Tho one wuy to unload
isto.etivo you tho lowe st jioksIMo in ie'es,
ami no iloubt If you will re:ul our j.rico
Huts for the ne'Xt 3) ilny., you can't
helj) it. You must talie Interest In our
Clunrlns Suli
We have left about tW Chilli's Coats.
Some trimmed with Pur, nome of them
plain, bet not a one In the lot can be
buuitht elsewhere for lots than $150.
Your choice in the lot, Jl.UU each.
198 Ladles' Coats left. Prleea from
to SO; to clear this small lot v:u are
Belliii!; them ut iJ.iltl u coat; tiioy can
not be bought uiiywhere tl:io fur thut
1M down Heavy Otitln Shirts made
from strine'el flannel; one of our be'st
make s. To make a Mod start wo are
selling them at 411 renin each. Did you
ever buy a heavy shirt, lii) per cent,
wool for ID cents. No, Imleeel.
Hosiery, Hosiery, Hosiery.
If you are In need of Hosiery for your
husband, for yourself or for your
child, so to Goodman's. We have thorn
In All Wool, Heavy Weights, I.iK'ht
Weights, and any color to BUit the buy
ers, mid don't mention prices, (i pairs
of Ail-Yv'ool Hosiery, or Camel's Hair,
Natural Cray, for $1, This offer Is
open for ten days only.
Not a House in Scranton can match us in price in
Handkerchiefs. 550 dozen of Crown Handker
chiefs at 4 cents. A line of fine bordered at
10 cents. Japanese Handkerchiefs of all kinds
at low prices.
5i6 Lackawanna Avenue.
II u I
Cc CO.
n mm
In Twentieth ward, Scranton city, and Lackawanna
township, adjoining Twentieth ward.
Sites in the 00
Vicinity of
,1 jIiClL i
. .'V
And are better located for persons of limited means
than are any other lots in the city. They are only a
few minutes' walk from
The Mines of William Connell & Co.,
The Scranton Stee! Company's Hills,
The Lackawanna Woolen Mills,
The Scranton Button Factory, ,
The Sauquoit Silk Factory,
The Scranton Axle Works.
Only Ten Minutes
the Central
Ill) dozen of Yv'oolon Knit Goods, con
sl.sthiK of Fascinators und Hood::, at
very low prices.
This Is especially for the holidays.
We do not handle these niok-muks
for the holidays, but something which
you may use all the year round, and
what Is It? Nincty-nino elozen of
Men's Laundricd Whirls, made from
the best Anchor Muslin, at 4'J cents.
You will say, how can they sell a per
fee't shirt for IU cents? l'.i't we makn
an offer of one dozen of laundricd
shirts to any party who can duplicate
our 40 cent shirt in this country, fop
the money.
59 dozen of Gent's Neck and Windsor
Ties, at exceedingly low prices.
Child's Clothing.
You are aware of tho fact that you
must have a suit for your boy, ami
why not u,o to (ioodman's anil yet ono
of his 51.41) and'.l Hoys' Suits. Nona
like it In tills city.
Now remember this sale ut Goodman's.
You worked hard ,enou;;h for your
wanes and you ought to I'onsielcr with
whom you will spend your money?
Why, only with Geiodman, at the
Great Cut l'rlee Stoic, 'M Lackawanna
Over Third National Bank,
Wyoming Avenue.
s-o eo
lots are convenient to
n rw
the Street Railway and the
Delaware and Hudson and
Central New Jersey Rail
roads. They are
by Street Cars from
Part of the city.