TWENTY PA(ES 140 COLUMNS. SCIl ANTON, PA'., TUESDAY MOKXINCi, DECEMliEIt 18, 1S94. TWO CENTS A COPY. NiCARAGOANCANAL TALK Mr. I'cffcr Expresses Concern Keijiird imj the Day of Settlement. " ' IT NEEDS S' Eli COINAGE The (ipiiiions of Various Senators I'pon the Scheme liill for Preservation of l'oresls Heceivcs Oinsidcratitm of the House of Representatives. Ey tho United Tress. Washington, Dec. 17. Vine President Stevenson presided over the senate to day. A numerously sipneii petition from the citizens of Pennsylvania for the passage of the houso bill providing for consular inspection of immigrants was presented by Mr. Quay (Kip. Pa.) and referred to tho committee on Immi gration. The debate ou tho NIcaraBiian canal bill was of an Interesting character. Mr. Peffer declared himself in favor of tho enterprise, but opposed to tho finan cial features of the bill, lie questioned the ability of the government to pay in gold the bonds provided for In the bill and asked, in a despairing tone, what tho government was to do when the day of the final payment of its out standing loans should arrive. Ho fore saw financial dillieultles In which do mestic Insurrection, or foreign war, or both, were the logical possibility. If silver coinage were restored, or a fresh Issue of paper currency made, in which to pay the expenses of the construction of the canal, he would he in favor of the bill; but he opposed to the further Issue and sale of bonds for any purpose. Mr. Squires put forward no such con ditions, but advocated tho bill unquali fiedly, declaring that the work would be an enduring monument to civiliza tion of the age and of more Importance to the commerce of the west than Suez oanal was to that of the east. Mr. Tiirpic Is Severe. TSuttho ponding measure was handled by Mr. Turpie with vehement severity. While declaring himself in favor of an Islhlan canal, ho did not regard tiio pending measure as furnishing a means for its accomplishment. Ho regarded It as one of those measures that would certainly lead to another failure (tho Fifty-first ho thought) of a similar con cession. Kesldos, he had grave doubts of its constitutionality, holding, as ho did, that ho government had no right to subsidize or to guarantee tho paper of any corporation. The only precedent that could be found for It was tho case of tin? Pacific railroads, and ho said that ho government security for the re-paymont of the immense sum duo by those companies was ample, com pared with tho security which it would have from the Nicaragua)! company all of whoso assets had been sold two years hl'o In New York under u decree of tho United Stales court for $2t7.0iM, and would not fetch $.'i0 today in Lon y'Aon or Amsterdam. Mr. Turpie had not completed his speech when the senate at 5 p. m. adjourned. Forest Reservation Jiill. This WW suspension day under tho Poles of the house and before the army sipproprlatioti bill was called up by Chairman Outhwalte, of the committee on military affairs, Mr. Mcllae, (Dem., Ark.), ehiiiman of the committee on public lands called up the bill to pro 'Lect public forest roservaitlons. Mr. Wells, In opposing tho bill, said that it was being put through the house under whip and .spur, no chance boiiij? given to show the rascality behind it. The proposed law gave the secretary of the Inter-Kir whoever he might bo authority to dispose of, with a single stroke of his pen, 50,000,000 acres of for est resol ve. Home secretaries had not been honest, and he was afraid there might be dishonest ones in the future. Mr. MeKae said Hat there was not one iota of truth In tin.- statement made by the gentleman from Wisconsin that tho bill was being urged by speculators and timber kings. I'nder the bill the timber could only be cut, when such cutting would benefit the reserve. The bill as reported from the commit tee was amended so as to give free tim ber to miners and settlers on public lands, and was passed by a vote of 1.7) to 53. Mr. Springer (Dem. Ills.) reported from the committee on banking on banking and currency tho Carlisle 1)111 providing for a now system of currency and gave .notice that ho would ask tho house to begin general debate upon It tomorrow. The bill was accompanied by tho views of tho majority prepared by Mr. Springer, and of tho minority prepared by Mr. Walker (Nop, Mass.). The army appropriation bill for the year ended Juno SO, ISM, was passed, carrying a total of $2:i,2e9,sns,0!); also an urgent deficiency bill of $100,000 to continue the operations of the govern ment prlntng office. 15AKF.R WELL RECEIVED. .Military Parade Is Given in Honor of the American .Minister. Ily the United Press. Washington, Dec. 17. Secretary Grooham has received the following telegram, dated today, from Jesus Velasco, minister of foreign relations, of San Salvador: "A military parade was given today by the government of Salvador In honor of the American minister as evi dence of its friendship for the people and the government which he repre sents and of the distinguished esteem In which it holds him." Minister liaker Is now visiting Sal vador, which Is one of the Central American countries to which he Is ac credited, for the first time since the Ezeta affair. TO MEET OPPOSITION'. Carlisle Currency Hill Has a Hlvul In a New Measure. Ey tho United Press. Washington, Deo. 17. When the Car lisle currency reform bill reaches the senate, If It ever doe3 so, It Is assorted that It will probably be antagonized by a measure which Is now receiving con sideration of some of Hie loading Demo- , cratlc senators. This senate scheme la not yet perfected In all Its details, but in, the language of one of the senators who has taken an active Interest in the matter, the senate bill Is designed to bring the currency question back to solid Democratic foundations. As out lined In a general way, tho new scheme contemplates: The Issue by the United States of nil tho money necessary for the people; the retirement of the paper money of all kinds now issued by the govern ment, and the substitution therefor of a single paper Issue to be denominated United States notes: no note of this character below tho denomination of $" to be issued; the retirement of all na tional Ironic note circulations; the na tional banks to be conducted, with this exception, as at present, and under, ns at present, governmental control and supervision; and the free coinage of gold and silver alike at the mints of the t'nited States. It is pointed out by the advocates of this plan that all the good qualities of the national banking system will be re tained by tho proposed method, and the only dangerous power they possess that of issuing money will be elimi nated. li i.u ten a n t c. ex e r a l. Mr. Outhwnitc Introduces Hill to Hckivc the tirade for l.enerul ScliofielJ. Ey the United Press. Washington, Doc. 17. Mr. Outhwalte, of Ohio, Introduced in the house today a Joint resolution to revive the grade of lieutenant general in the army. The bill Is drawn to carry out the recom mendation of Secretary Lament to make tioiieral Scholield a lieutenant general. When Cleneral Scholield retires the grade is to expire. ( mux pleads ouAtv. The Defaulting lluukkccper o) lio Shoe and Leather l'.nnk Will He Scr. ( need on Friday. By the United Tress. New York, Dec. 17. Samuel C. Seely, the $34,000 National Shoe and Leather bank dcfaul'er, this morning pleaded guilty before Juitgo Ucncdict to the crimes charged In the Indictment, and was remanded until Friday for sen tence. The plea was entered' In the United States district criminal court and in the presence of as ninny per sons as could crowd into the court room. Seely did not look well. Not even the Intense gaze of a hundred eager eyes was sufficient to bring back to his lace the slight color which the anticipation of his ordeal had taken away. Ho was thin and sallow, and those near him noticed that sometimes tho lips moved convulsively with emotion. As he proceeded up the aisle there was silence; not a mouth opened. His step was firm. At the bar the clerk said: "Samuel C. Seely, tho In detment charges you with making false entries In the bank books and with ab stracting funds. How to you plead?' Casting his eyes to the floor, In a tone steady and not above) a whisper, said: "Guilty." "You are remanded for sentence until next Friday," said the court, after ex amining tho calendar. Seely was then returned to Ludlow Street Jail. Rhi'LKRlNd TO DEWS' CASE. Attorney Durruw Seeks the Advice of Judge Woods on Appeal. , By tho United Press. Chicago, Dec. 17. Attorney C. S. Dar rovv', representing Debs and the other directors of the American Hallway union sentenced to jail by Judge Woods, has telegraphed Judge Woods to come to Chicago next Wednesday or Thursday to give his advice concerning the legal course to pursue with refer ence to appealing the case which would bo most agreeable to tho judges of the United States coui't In 'this district. If Judge Woods refuses to come Mr. Har row will go to' Indianapolis, where the judge lives. The healing of the motion to quash the indictments for conspiracy against Debs and sixty-eight others, which was to have come up tomorrow, has been postponed until Jan. 4. The healing of the case itself In case the motion to quash should bo denied, will come up four days later. Tomor row is tho da te set for moving the head quarters of the union from this city to Tone Haute. Debs' brother, Theodore, will be placed in charge of them. For New lltittlcships. Dy the United Press. Washington, Dec. 17. Secretary Her bert and his naval aide, Lieutenant Souih- eiiand appeared before the house naval affairs committee today in support of the recoinmomlation for three battleships, ne to be named the Kearsage, and twelve torpedo cruisers. From opinions ad vanced by members of the committee Sec retary Herbert Is confident that the pro posed Increase In the force afloat will bo reported favorably to congress, The Philadelphia llicycle Iiiicc. By tho United Press. Philadelphia, Dec. 17. At 11 o'clock to night there were but four men left In tho six days' bicycle race that was started In this city at 1.33 o'clock this morning, Starbuek having withdrawn at 1 o'clock this afternoon. The score nl 11 o'clock to night stood: Ashinger, 32S; Forster, 2M; Gannon, 2111; Melxell, 219; Starbuek, Bo. Mr, Cleveland In the Marshes. By the United Press. Charleston, S. C, Dec. 17. President Cleveland and party reached Georgetown at G.lfi a. m. today. Immediately on their arrival the president and his friends boarded the lighthouse tender Wistaria and went to the marshes hunting. Another S-,000,0(to Withdrawn. By tho United Press. New York, Dec, 17. The sum of $2,200, 000 was withdrawn from tho sub-treasury today for export, and of this amount $l,7r0,000 will be exported tomorrow. Knocked Out hy the Coffee Cooler. By the United Press. London, Dec. 17. Frank Craig, tho Har. lem coffee cooler, knocked out Ted l'rltch' in the llrst round this evening. TELEGRAPHIC TICKS. Eleven of a counterfeiting gang, which floated $lfffl0 In two yours, are under ur- rest at Perkins, O. T. At the end of a long spree, Edward Houghton, cartoonist of the Toronto Kvcnlng Star, shot himself. Aval Johnson, who robbed a Southern Pacific train at Hoseoe station, Cal., .ha been sent to prison for life. On an Increase of 9,000 Republican nnd 4.000 Democratic votes over 1NU2, In Utah, tho former won the new state by 2.S23 plurality. In a fracas over toll-gato payment near Nashville, Tenn., two unknown men killed Oflleor Edward Manlove nnd dangerously wounded 11. W. WIlkiiiBon. In tho hope of making converts to Buddhism, Bishop Glmyo Adachl, of Jupan, has come to this country and will estnjjllsh a temple at Frisco. United States Circuit Judge Goft has decided that, In consequence of an net of congress, the Washington Light Infan try, of Charleston, 8. O., could notbo do prlved by Governor Tillman of their arms because of refusal to obey his orders. FAY03S liiMT MONEY Security No Longer Necessary for Safety of Ciiculatiii( Notes. MONEY THAT FLOATS ON AIK Springer's Hanking Committee Ucports Fnvoruhly I'pon Mr. Carlisle's Cur rency Hill A Peculiar System of Security on Assessment Plan. Washington, Dec. 17. Mr. Springer, Illinois, the chairman of tho banking and currency committee submitted, this morning, his report accompanying the Carlisle bill. The committee, the report states, are of the opinion that a security to the full amount of the circulating notes Is sued is no longer necessary for the safety of the notes. The bill, the pass age of which Is recommended by tho committee, does not require the deposit of bonds of the United States or of any other Interest" bearng obligation, but In lieu of such security provides: First A guarantee fund consisting of treasury notes, including the notes issued under the act of congress, up proved July 14, ISM, equal to 30 per cent, of the circulating notes applied for. Second A safety fund, which will amount, when It reaches its maximum, to !i per cent, upon the total amount of national bank notes outstanding. Third A first lien upon all tho assets of the association Issuing the same. In case the guarantee and safety funds and the assets of the failed bank are not sufficient to redeem the notes of such a .bank a pro rata assessment upon all the other banking associa tions, according to tlrj amount of their outstanding circulation, is to be made by tho treasury department, and the banks so assessed shall have a first Hen upon the assets of each failed bank for the amount of Its circulation. It Is be lieved by tho committee that the funds thus provided will be amply sullielcnt to secure the notes of failed banks. In conclusion tho committee say: The extraordinary conditions which con front the treasury department have constrained the members of the ma jority of the committee while not agree ing to all the provisions of tho bill, nor to all the reasoning employed In this report, to concur In reporting tho measures to the houso for Its considera tion each reserving to hlm.sclf the light to offer such amendments ns ho may deem proper and to vote on the bill finally ns he may. determine. Report of the Ncpuhlicans. Tho report of the Republican mem bers of the banking nnd currency com mittee on the Carlisle hanking bill be gins with the statement that the sign ers "Most heartily nnd enthusiastically Join with the Democratic majority of the committee in repudiating the measure. The report states that the whole ac tion of the party majority of the com mittee was most extraordinary nnd not approved by its voting majority. The bill was only rend in committee in part on one occasion, and an oppor tunity to consider or amend it was re fused both to the Democratic nnd He- publlcan members. Tho report con tinues that It Is tho opinion of a num ber of tho most clear-beaded and emi nent financiers of the country that If the Carlisle bill Is enacted Into a law that it will within twenty days precip itate a panic far more severe than that of ISM, as It would compel the forced sale upon the market of nearly $200, 000,000 worth of United States bonds within six months. ' "This haste to report the bill Is till the more, inexplicltablo," the report adils, "when it Is remembered that Secretary Carlisle testified that this bill which ho had drafted himself for the relief of the treasury would not In any event relieve It mat rlnlly for five years und might not for twenty years." - i CRUSHED BV ROCK. Serious Accident to Miners at the Stevens Colliery. Special to the Seranton Tribune. Pittston, Dec. 17. Stevens colliery, tho engine houso of which was destroyed by fire Saturday night, was the scone of an accident this morning. William Donahue, a minor, and John Klretsky, bis laborer, were engaged at work try ing to loosen some treacherous coal when a large piece of rock weighing over throe tons fi 11 upon them. Donahue's spine was injured nnd his condition Is critical. Klretsky's In juries are not so serious. They consist of a number of bruises about the body. Donahue Is married and resides on Lu zerne avenue. Klretsky is single and boards at Sturmcrvllle. THEY WANT ASPHALT. .Main Street Property Owners Overwhelm ingly FovorThnt Pave. Special to tho Seranton Tribune Pittston, Dec. 17. At tonight's special council meeting property-owners repre senting 2,341 feet frontage on Main street declared In favor of asphalt; others representing 11 Vi feet frontage wanted brick, nnd others representing 127'4 feet frontage were non-committal. Council authorized the tlrr.wlng-up of a contract with the Harbor Asphalt company obligating the borough to the extent of $33,000, which Is all the addi tional bonded Indebtedness that tho law permits. The borough attorney was authorized to take steps making Water street bridge a free bridge. M'URIDE INTERVIEWED. Pleased at the Honors Conferred by the Federation of I.ubor. By tho United Press. Columbus. ()., Dec. 17. Hon. John McUrlde, elected president of ithe Ameri can Federation of Labor, Is well known throughout tho country, nnd especially through the mining region, because of his activity In all matters affecting the miners, He is recognized ns one of the ablest and most conservative of the labor leaders of the country and has many friends who will congratulate him on his elevation to the head of what Is perhaps the strongest of the labor organizations In America. The news of his election as president of tho Naitlonal Federation of Labor was flrat taken to Mr. MclJiide at his rooms on West Broad street, where he Is slowly recovering from the effects of a bad case of nicotine poisoning. , Us was so much surprised that ho was at first Inclined to doubt tho state ment, but upon being assured of tho fact, Appeared pleased at the result, but not Inclined to talk on the subject. "Of course you will accept, now that you have boon elected?" "I would prefer to wait until officially notified of the action of the federation before expressing a desired opinion on that point," said he, "but since itho organization has, as you state, honored mo with an election as its president ! see no reason why I should decline to serve." Concerning the (policy of tho organiza tion when he shall assume the duties as lis executive ofiiccr, Mr. Mcl'.rido preferred not to talk at this time, but considering bis conservative course through his long years as the recog nized head of tho miners' organization of the country, the friends of tlfe now president will r.aiturally expect a con tinuation of this course In his new position. JOHN CROm HANGED. Murderer of Albert Skinner Pays the I'cnulty-Thc Automatic Uallows Works Successfully. Ey tho United Tress. " Hartford, Conn., Dec. 18. John Cronin wns hanged at 1.02 and at l.OD'j bis pulse had stopped beating. Ho was snatched in the air twenty seconds after he stepped out he platform. The auto matic gallows worked perfectly. There were no sensational features. The now hanging machine used at tho execution Is thus briefly described: Tho condemned man stops upon a plat form threoe feet square that is directly under the noose. After tho noose ami the black cap are aujdsted the warden releases thirty-five, pound's! of small shot, which runt hrough a valve. The shot Is exhausted In forty secouds, nnd the lessening weight releases a 310 pound weight, which falls nnd jerks tho condemned man seven feet into the air. If his neck Is not broken by this jerk It is apt to be broken when the body drops back and is susponde. All of tho apparatus Is concealed from view save the small platform, tho beam und the dial that tells off the sec onds. If any bungle is made In pre paring the victim tho flow of shot can bo slopped. On tho otlw hand it can bo hastened so as to expedite the kill ing. The iuui for this apparatus camo from Colorado, but it was Improved by James H. Uabbett, a conviot, who was pardoned for his services. The appa ratus is in a one-story brick building that was erected expressly for this pur pose In the piison yard. Karly In the fall of 1S93 Albert J. Skinner, a carpenter and joiner of South Windsor, went hunting with "Jack" Cronin as his companion. As ho passed along the road, a neighbor greeted him and inquired "Where's you dog?" Skinner made no verbal re ply, but nodded his head toward Cronin, who was following about twen ty feet behind, as If to say, "There's my dog." That nod cost Skinner his life, ns it undoubtedly furnished tho motive which Induced Cronin to murder him on the morning of Oct. 6, 1S03, when he enterrcd Skinner's house and shot htm to death as he sat eating his break fast. The murder was one of tho most brutal ever committed In Hartford county, the victim being an Inoffensive ninn; the murderer a man of sodden and brutal Instincts, who, taking a slight at the careless reference to him self, deliberately planned and for weeks th(, light out tho murder of the man who made it. Cronin has never, from tlie moment of the murder, expressed any contrition for the deed, nor shown by his conduct that ho was affected by the transaction In anyway. LEHIGH OX HER .MUSCLE. Trustees of the Fnlvcrsity Have Fndorscd Athletics. l!y the United Press. Dotldehetii. Pn., Doc 1,7. Tho trustees of Lrhlgh university have endorsed athletics nnd have decided to place Its management in the hands of a com mittee to bo known as tho Lehigh Uni versity athletic committee, to consist of a member each from tho faculty, bonrd of trustees, board of Instruction, gym nasium instructor, four alumni and live under graduates. Heretofore It Is said favoritism was shown, the fraternities figuring fore most. N.o partiality Is now to be shown and athletics at Lehigh will surely boom. DYRNES PREFERS CHARGES. A Number of Members of the Police Force Accused. Hy tho United Press. New York, Dec. 17. Superintendent Hyrnes has preferred charges against the following members of the police de partment: Captain Schmlttberger, Sergeant Wllllum O'Toolo, Detective Sergeant William It. Fiink, Patrolman William Mulcahy nnd ordinance men Hernard O. Iteilly, John Townsend nnd Klckey. The charges are for bribery and cor ruption, except ugalnst the ordinance men. bounty for Agriculturists. By tho United Press. Washington, Dec. 17. Leonard Ithone, chulrmim of the State Grange of Penn sylvania; Alexander H, Wedderburn, of the Stato Grunge of Virginia, und David Lublu, of California, appeared before the house agricultural commission today in support of the proposition to levy a bounty for the benelit of the agricultural ists upon all farm products exported from the country. To Increase tho Army. By the United Press. Washington, Dec. 17. In the sennte to day Mr, Huwiey introduced nn Important bill for the reorganization und Increase of the army. Tho total number of enlisted men. Including Indian scouts ami the hospital corps Is limited by tho bill to 30, two. ' ' CONDENSED STATE TOPICS. Tho question of a $000,000 loan for Head ing will be submitted to the voters at the Bluing election, Tho clothing of 0-year-old niancho Daw son, of Gllberton, Ignited from a bruch fire anil she whs fatally burned. Hundreds of windows In houses at Springfield station, on the French Creek Hranch'of tho Wilmington and Northern rallroud, have been broken by tho heavy eannonudtng at the government proving ground. Constablo Hawk, of Parkorsburg, stopped out of a room In Lancaster for a few minutes, and John liryson, charged with homo stealing, whom he was taking to the Huntingdon reformatory, escaped. PQTTSVILLE IS EXCITED Course of Toor Directors Denounced in u l'lililic Mcctinj. TrTB CLERGY TAKE A HANI) Munugcmsnt of the Almshouse Arraigned by Dr. Ficry-lle Objects to Orgies midu lllll or Thirteen llundied Dollars for Whisky. Py tho United Press. Pottsvllle, Pa., Dec. 17 At tho call of the Ministerial association of Potts vllle a public meeting was held in Cen tennial hall this afternoon for the pur pose of deciding whether there shall be an Investigation of the conduct of cer tain ofllcials and the business method in vogue at the county almshouses. Grave charges had been made at a meeting of the ministers last Monday and several officials wore charged with gross and immoi til actions toward some of the inmates. Tho hall was crowded today with representative taxpayers from almost every town in the county. General J. K. Sigfried presided, nnd Dr. J. W. Firey, pastor of the English Lutheran church, of Pottsvllle; Dr. Oaut, of the Methodla Episcopal church, nnd a largo number of other ministers from this and other towns occupied seats on the stage. Dr. Firey made i statement In which he -ald that according to responsible witnesses the condition of things at the almshouse was something horrible, nnd tho most vile orgies had been of fro ffuont occurrence in tho past and even during the current year. lie said that $30,!iSO.I2 had been spent at the alms house dining 1S03 'ami that $30,000 had ben expended for outdoor relief. Thir teen hundred dollars had been paid for liquor, of which $S00 worth had been consumed by the poor directors and other oflicia.Is nnd 'their friends, lie sides this they, the floor directors, were given an additional appropriation of $15,000 by the county commissioners. It was time, lie said, that there was a thorough Investigation and the minis ters wore ready to take all of the cen sure for what they had done. J. A. Sullivan, secretary of the Dem ocratic county committee, made an ad dress in defense of Mr. Hartman and his management of the almshouse, nnd in the course of his remarks charged that tho ministers were being used by unscrupulous politicians who objected to tho ro-appointmtnt of Steward llai'b man. Hev. Powick, of the Shenandoah Methodlftt Episcopal church, then of fered resolutions calling on the county auditors and the district attorney to make a full investigation and bring all miscreants to speedy Justice. These resolutions wen- adopted and then tho KM) or more taxpayers adjourned. o- - STORIES LACK TRUTH. F.x-Presldent Harrison Is Pursued by the Ananias Club. By the United Press. Indianapolis, Ind., Doc. 17. During the last few days many newspaper re ports concerning DenJ.iniln Harrison have been put in circulation. Mr. Har rison or bis friends have good naturodly denied all of them. First was the statement of D. M. Alexander, sent out from Uuffnlo, that Mr. Harrison would not accept a rcnomlnation In 1S9C. Next It was announced that George W. Turner, editor of tho New York Hecorder, had made a secret call on Mr. Harrison in reference to the nomination in ls'jfl. Investigation showed that Mr. Turner came to In dianapolis us one of tho persons Inter ested in tlie fight between the tobacco trusts, nnd not for the purpose of see ing Mr. Harrison, Yesterday there was printed In out of town papers a story that Mr. Harri son, W. H. Miller nnd Joint (. Will iams, general manager of the Vandalla railroad, had formed a partnership for the practice of law, and would open an olllco here the llrst of the year. Mr. Harrison authorized the statement to day that there was no truth in the story. OPPOSE CARLISLE'S PLAN. 1hiludelpliii Hoard of Trade Offers u Currency Scheme. By the United l'ress. Philadelphia. Dec. 17. Opposition to Secretary Carlisle's plan of currency reform cropped out today at a meet ing of the board of trade, resulting, after protracted discussion, in the adop tion of the following resolutions, which will bo sent to congress: Itesolved, That the Philadelphia board of trade recommend to congress to con line the proposed amendments to the na tional bank laws to the simple authoriza tion of the Issue of $125 or bank notes for every $100 of the par of their bonds now or hereafter deposited. Itesolved, That tho Philadelphia board of trade recommend that congress shall enact such legislation us will provide for the issuance of short term bonds, with a low rate of interest, sullliient In amount to retire such notes of tho United States now In existence, or authorized to bo In existence, which may be construed to be payable in gold. EARTHQUAKE ATALIUNY. Tho Cupltul City of tlie F.inpire State Slightly Agitated. By tho United Press. Albany, N. Y Dec. 17. A special to the Journal says: The residents of the village of Cohmans, thirteen miles south of this city, were startled from their beds early this morning by a rumbling sound and severe jarring of their houses. - It Is thought that the noise and rum bling of the earth was due to earth quake dlMturbanccs. The Jar lasted fully a minute. CROMWELL'S CONDITION. Tho Victim of Cashier Huntington Not Out of Danger. By the United Press. Council Muffs, In., Doc. 17. F. N. Hayden, of Chicago, and Cromwell, of Minneapolis, the two representatives of the Fidelity nnd Casualty company, of New York, who were yesterday shot by John Huntington, collection clerk of the Citizens' bank, are under the care of physicians at the Grand hotel. Huyden will recover, but Cromwell's condition Is critical. An Inquest wns held today over the remains of Huntington. The ofllclnls of the bank are still prosecuting nn In vestigation Into the shortage. All that Is unaccounted for is a $300 check. This cannot be found and the theory Is ad vanced that Huntington kept the check and either secreted it or destroyed it, fearing detection In case he got It cashed. Huntington stood high In pub lic esteem and public sentiment regards him us innocent. GENERAL PORTER I51RIE1). The Funeral of the Dead Soldier Accord ing to .Military l.nw. Hy the United Press. New York, Doc. 17. Tlie last honors accorded to a doad soldier were paid the late Adjutant General Porter this afternoon. At the request of General Porter's family, General Fitzgerald, who was in charge of the ceremonies, eonlined them to the requirements of th: military law. Governor Flower, with his staff, and Governor-elect Morton's staff were present. The religious ceremony was conduuted by the Hev. Dr. Dunnoll and the Hev. Dr. Vandewator. The inter ment will be In Cambridge, Mass. DEATH OF STKYEXSOX. The Great Novelist Succumbs to a Stroke of Apoplexy at His Home in the South Pacific Islands. By the United l'ress. Auckland, N. Z., Doc. 17. Advices from Apia, Samoa, or date of Dec. 8, are to the effect -that the well known novelist, Hubert Louis Stevenson, had died suddenly from apoplexy. Tho body was interred on tho summit of Pala mountain, 1,300 feet high. At the time of his doath, Mr. Stevenson had half completed the writing of a new novel. Hobept Louis Balfour Stevenson was wusborn in Edinburgh, Nov. 13, IS.'iO. He educated at private st hools and at the University of Edinburgh, and was called to the Scottish bar, but traveled and devoted himself to literature. One of his earliest works was an ac count of ih Is travels in California, but the work which established his reputa tion ns a writer of fiction, was "Treas ure Island," published in 1SS3. Among the most popular of his works is "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," which was dramatized nd played at the Ly ceum theater in London in 1SS8, and subsequently in the United States. Among his other works re "Kid napped," "The New Arabian Knights," and "The Black Arrow." Some time ago Mr. Stevenson, who was suffering from lung trouble, went to .the South Pacific for his health. He became enraptured with the Samo an Islands and decided to take up his residence and spend the rest of his days there. He took a close interest in Sa nioan affairs and has written many let tors to tho newspapers in favor of the natives as against tho treaty powers, under whose direction the government of .(be Islands is conducted. Edinburgh, Dec. 17. The relatives of Hobert Louis Stevenson discredit tho ri'poi't of his dea.t'h. They have heard nothing of It except what lias been in inted in the newspapers here. Ml RDER Ell S A KR ESTED. Atkins and Fields Arc in the Custody of the Sheriff. Hy tho United l'ress. llarboursvllle Depot, Ky., Dec. 17. Sheriff Combs and posse from Perry county have arrived here with Atkins and Fields, murderers of Judge Josiah Combs, in custody. She'tiff Combs said that they had e ncountered no difficulty willh mobs on 'the road, as had been, re ported. Atkins and Fields, tho defend ants, secured a change of venue to this county and will likely bo tried at once, as court is now in session. Sheriff Combs declares that things Were lis (plied in Perry county as any counity in the stato and there is no pros pect of any immediate trouble between the French and L'vorsole factions. - - GREEN GOODS PLAN. l atest Developments in the tilng Murder Case. Hy tho United Press. Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 1'. The lat est development in the Ging tnurder case is the discovery of evidence that b ads the authorities to believe for a cer'.ainly that Harry Hay ward Is the western agent eif a "green goods" com bination, whose headquarters are in Now York, with a principal branch at Chicago. Blixt, the acutual murderer of Miss Ging, tills morning, pleaded not guilty In Ids arraignment. THE NEW WAGE SCALE. .Miners of Pittsburg Frged to Accept a Reduction. By tho United Press. Pittsburg, Pa., Dec. 17. The railroad coal operators of tho Pittsburg district held a prolonged meeting today to hear the report of 'the committee which went to the Columbus meriting, and to take action upon a ni!v wige scale. Late this afternoon tho committee on wage scale reported a fi'i cent raite per ton for the Pittsburg dbitiiet. This report was adopted by the meet ing in resolutions sotting forth the necessity for a reduction and exhorting tho miners to nccept the same. ACCUSED OF AWFUL CRIME. Hemp Awaits nn I nkuown Negro ut Mor rilltown. By tho United Press. Morrilltown, Dec. 17. Last evening erne and a half miles east of here an unknown negro assaulted a German girl named Hrigenbottom, from the ef fects of which she died this morning. The girl, who was nbout 13 years old, was on her way from church in com pany with a smaller sister. Tho negro when caught will be strung up without ceremony. Andy llo en's Fqncrul. Hy tho United' Press. New Orleans, Dec. 17. The funeral of Andy Howell, the pugilist killed in a prize light with Luvlgne, took place at 11 o'clock today. There was a large attend ance of sporting men and a great profu sion of flowers. Luvlgne attended and Hall, Dompsey and other lighters wero present. Predictions of a Crank. By tho United Press. Hurrlsburg, Dec. 17. A crank In Wash ington, D. C, has written Governor Paul son that Hurrlsburg and other cltle-s will bo utterly destroyed within two years. weatheiTreport. For eastern Pennsylvania, fair; cooler; north winds. oliday Boons A Short Story Is Best. Silks and Satins Black and Colored, iu latest desurus. Housekeeping Linens Are always acceptable, Fancy Embroidered Linens in Scarfs, Situates, D'Oylies, Pillow Shams, etc. Kiexant Hand Embroidered Handkerciiien. Real Lace Handkerchiefs in Valenciennes, Dmhesse mi Feint from 68c. tip. OUR LINE OP UMBRELLAS Is unsurpassed, from our 43 cent School Umbrella to tho Fino Spitalfield'aSilk. Kid Moves Fans, Perfumery, Etc., Etc. FIN LEY'S 510 and 512 Lackawanna A?e. H. A. KINGSBURY AGENT FOR B.l.lffl8M RI THE VERY BEST. SI3 SPRUCE ST., SCRANTON, PA. LEW!S,REfLLYDAViS FOR A CHRISTMAS PRESENT lor your boy get him a pair of Storm King Boots or a pair of Shoes that will stand all sorts of sport and protect tlie boy's health. LEWIS, REILLY & DAYIS, Wholsale and Retail. STORE OPEN EVENINGS. Our doors are open to every lover of the beautiful, and we welcome all to see and enjoy tlie largest display of Holiday Goods that was ever put on exhibition in this city. Take a Look tit the Diamonds in Our Window Can show yon many more inside. li 1 r j 1 yi;." Holiday goods W. J. VV El GH EL, 403 SPRUCE STREET, NEAR DIME BANK.