The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 17, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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i nice
I, 25G
figs, per It
4 its. Dies,
We have a large assortment of Can
dies at prices that will please you.
Passing Events of the Day on the
West Side of the C4ty Noted.
Committee Planning for on Fvcnt fur
MembersOnly-I-'lre Prevented by Alvin
Beers' Presence of Mind-Wenth
of David L. Jurncs.
A committee consisting of Dr. B. G
Beddoe, William R. Lewis, Edward
Jones, Gwilym A. Williams, Professor
W. George Powell, John J. Davles, John
H. Phillips and David J. Davis, of Hob
ert Morris lodge of Ivorites. met In the
social rooms on Saturday evening and
prepared an excellent programme for
the book sochil -which will be held for
members only next Thursday evening.
The plan Us to procure a library for the
society. '
Selections will be rendered by the
newly organized Ivorite Glee club;
Emerson Owen and D. Jeremy Davis
will recite, and several members will
Bing. At the close of the entertain
ment refreshments will be served.
Almost a Serious Fire.
What might (have been a disastrous
fire started about 6 o'clock Saturday
afternoon In ithe store of C. L. Beers, on
North Main avenue. In the window
had been placed a matting of cotton on
which It had been Intended to display
the store stock. Alvin Beers, the pro
prietor's son, stepped In the show win
dow for the purpose of lighting the gas,
As he was doing so the lighted end of
the match fell from the stem among this
cotton. It blazed up Instantly, and
there was great danger of the store tak
lng fire.
Mr. Beers, Jr., with remarkable pres
ence of mind, began tramping upon the
burning mass until It was all extin
guished. His hands were painfully
burned and tils clothes singed. Attrac
lve goods which had Just been placed
in the window were destroyed.
Death of David I.. Jumcs.
About 9.30 o'clock on Saturday morn
lng David L. James, an aged and
much esteemed resident of this side,
died at his home at the corner of Lafay
ette street and Evrott avenue, after a
prolonged Illness of eight years. He
was D6 years of age and a native of
South Wales.
During the years that he has lived In
this city he has acquired Innumerable
friends. A wife and five children sur
vive him. The latter are Mrs. Babcock
of Providence, R. I.; Mrs. David Hoi
vey, Mrs. John Jones, Mrs. John Will
lams and Police Officer Hezeklah Peters.
The funeral will occur this afternoon,
Interment will be made In the Wash
burn Street cemetery.
Airs. Annie Williams Burled.
The many friends of the late Mrs,
Annie Williams assembled at the family
home, on Chestnut street, yesterday af
ternoon at 2.30 o'clock, where funeral
services were held. Rev. L. C. Floyd
pastor of the Simpson Methodist Epis
copal dhurch, preached the funeral set
The flowers were of elegant design
After the services the funeral cortege
moved out to the Washburn Street
cemetery, where Interment wag made,
The pall bearers were Frank Mansfield
Robert Walker, Edward Jones and
Daniel Smith.
Brief Notes of Interest.
Miss May Evans, of the North End,
Visited West Side friends yesterday
Mrs. Charles Davis, of Nantlcoke,
spent the Sabbath among friends here.
A number of young people from this
side will, present a comedy, entitled
."'False Pretentions," on Jan. III. The
now Mrs. Reese Became a Convert
Her Arm Wus Useless, and Could
Not Be Moved Without Paln
IIow She Was Cured.
Mrs. John Reese, South Pottstown
Pa., Bays: "It Is now about a year since
I was cured of one of the worst attacks
of rheumatism I ever had. . I had tried
all kinds of remedies and had several
doctors, but nothing did me any good
so I concluded to try Munyon's Reme
dies. I never had any faith In homeo
pathy; I confess now I am a firm be
liever In It. After taking the Rheuma
tism remedy a few days I was able to
raise my arm, which I had not moved
for two weeks without the most In
tense torture. Within a short time
was completely cured, and It was per
manent, for during the past year I have
not had the slightest return of the dis
ease." '
Munyon's Rheumatism Cure Is guar
anteed to cure rheumatism In any part
of the body. Acute or muscular rheu
matlsm cured In from one to five days,
It never falls to cure sharp, shooting
pains In the arms, legs, .sides, back or
breast, or soreness In any part of the
body In from one to three hours. It Is
guaranteed to promptly cure lameness,
stiff and swolen joints, stiff back, and
all pains In the hips and loins. Chronic
rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago or pal
In the back are speedily cured.
Munyon's Homeopathic Home Rem
edy company, of Philadelphia, put up
specifics for nearly every disease, which
are sold by all druggists, mostly for 25
cents a bottle.
affair Is under the direction of Miss VI
pond. - - -
John Vandermore, of Carbondale, has
returned home from . a visit among
friends here.
Thomas Johns, of Plymouth, has re
turned home from a visit with' relatives
on this side. '
The general discussion of the form
ation of coal at the Welsh Philosophic
al society on Saturday evening was an
Interesting one.
The Sir Knights of Pleasure dancing
lass will hold a meeting this evening
In M ears' hall. Professor George Tay
lor will Instruct.
Rev. M. II. Mill, lector of St. David's
Episcopal church, and Rev. A. L. Ur
ban,' assistant at St. Luke's, exchanged
pulpits yesterday morning.
Professor Haydn Evans, of Nortn
Bromley avenue, will adjudicate at a
large eisteddfod to be held at Youngs
town, O., on New Year's Day.
Mrs. William Burnett, ana ouugmers,
Miss Jennie and Mrs. Andrew Conlln,
have returned from Hoboken, where
they attended the funeral of a rela
tive. Rev. Hugh Davles, pastor of the
Welsh Calvanlstlc Methodist church,
preached his U9ual monthly English
sermon yesterday morning to a large
Colonel Homer B. Sprague will de
liver a lecture on "Goldsmith," the
sixth and last lecture of the Hyde Park
University Extension course, this even
ing In the Welsh Calvlnlstlc Methodist
The annual fair of the Ladles' Aid
society connected with the Washburn
Street Presbyterian church closed on
Saturday evening, after three days of
success. The few articles leti over will
soon be disposed of.
Miss Jennie Murray, of North Lin
coln avnue. and William -Burns were
married ut Wilkes-Barre on Saturday
afternoon. The young couple are well
known; they will reside In AMlkes-
Barre, where Mr. Hums Is employed.
Steward Sansenbach, a well known
young man, aged 21 years, died at the
home of his parents, corner of Jackson
street and Bromley avenuef on Satur
day morning, from lung trouble. The
funeral will take place tomorrow after
noon. The following officers were nominat
ed at a meeting of the Republican
league of the West Side on Friday
evening: President, Dr. W. A. Paine
and Joseph D. Lewis; vice presidents,
Charles E. Olver, Thomas Leyshon and
William A. Phillips; secretary, Charles
E. Daniels; financial secretary, W. L.
Campion; treasurer, William H. Coons.
Election on first meeting night lh Jan
West Side Business Directory.
PHOTOGRAPHER Cabinet Photos, $1.40
per dozen. They are just lovely, con
vince joursulf by calling at Btarner's
Photo Parlors, 101 and 103 South Main
HORSESHOEING N. . Bush. . practical
horsesnoer. VtorK uone only in a nrm-
cluss manner and guaranteed sutlHruo
tory. Shop, Trice street, close to North
Main avenue.
GROCERIES Revere Standard Java
Coffee is unexcelled, ine leading coftae
of the day. For sale only at e . W. Ma
son & Co. Fine Groceries, lit! South
Mam avenue.
for anything you have to sell. Furni
ture, Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see
the stock of J. C. King, 1034 and 10:6
Jackson street.
WALL PAPER-Go to Fred Reynolds
206 North Main avenue, ami see hta
complete line of Wall Paper, Paints
and Window Shades. Just opened with
new stock.
PLUMBINO-Wllllam D. Griffiths. 113
North Main avenue, does first-class
J'lumoing, Steam iieut and lias v ltting,
Satisfaction Is strictly guaranteed.
OYSTERS R. E. Davis' market house.
Dealer in Fnreiirn and Domestto 1'rults.
Oysters served In evory style. 310 North
Main avenue, next to name s.
Thomas E. Shea and company will
be seen at the Academy of Music this
week In a series of well known plays
This evening "Escaped from Sin Sing"
Is the attraction; tomorrow evening,
'Monte Chrlsto;" Wednesday evening,
"Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," Friday
evening, "Richelieu;" Saturday after
noon, "Rip Van Winkle" or "Little
Emily;" Saturday evenlng,"The Snares
of New York." Mr. Shea Is equally at
home In character, heroic and romantic
parts, and Li a great dialect actor. He
promises this season a better company
than ever of actors, singers, dancers
and comedians. The whole compuny Is
composed of artists engaged to pro
duce plays which will satisfy all.
Mr. Wlllard Spenser's comic opera,
"The Princess Bonnie," which had such
a long and successful run In Phlludel
phla, will be heard at the Academy of
Music Thursday night for the third
time here. The production will also
serve to re-Introduce the much-talked
of young American prima donna, Miss
Eleanor Mayo, and the celebrated com
edian, Frank Daniels, will make his re
appearance In comic opera before a
Scranton audience. The opera Is In
two acts, the scene of the first being In
the vicinity of Bar harbor on the Maine
coast. In the Becond act the action
changes to a military castle In Spain,
thus affording a striking contrast In
scene and color. Some of the numbers
of Mr. Spenser's work are "Dreaming
of Love," "My Bark Canoe,"'- "Once
Upon a Time," "Whisper -Words of
Love," "The Summer Girl" and "Amer
ica, I Love Thee." Well known mem
bers of the organization are: Frank
Daniels, Miss Eleanor Mayo, Miss 1.11
linn Swain Marlon, Mabellu Baker, Ro
bert Umdorlck, William Armstrong,
Joseph Ureensfelder, N. S. Burnham,
Mountjoy Walker and Frances Rous
seau. This Is a return engagement of
the great comic opera success, It hav
ing been presented hero last month.
Davis' theater offers a great bill to
the public for the first three days of
this week. It consists of a splendid
vaudeville company headed by the
peerless dancer, Cyrene. who made
such a favorable appearance when here
lust season with the "Nlobe" company
She Is the personification of grace and
presents a number of terpslchorean
novelties never before seen In Scran
ton. Accompanying Cyrene Is an ag
gregation of first-class variety stars
who give a most entertaining perform
ance. Dnvls' theater should be
crowded to the doors during this en
Muslo Boxes Exclusively.
Best made. Play any desired number of
tunes. Gaut8chl4 Sons, manufacturers,
1030 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won
derful orchestral organs, only K and 110.
Bpcclulty: Old muslo boxes carefully re
paired and Improved with new tunes.
What would make a more appropriate
Xmas present than a choice Etching, En
graving or Water Color? Stewart, In the
Y, M. C. A. building has a large display
of fine pictures at the lowest prices.
Beautiful Juvenile Books. -
Buy the Weber
and gat the best At Ouernsey Bros
Picture Framing at Griffin's new studio.
208 Wyoming avenue.
Rocking Horses and Bhooflles of all
Bites and Styles,
Little Boy bitten by a Vicious Dog
and the Wound is Very I'uinful.
Ills Opinion Is That Nothing Serious Will
Hesult-A Aline Accident - Death of An
drew Glblln, of South Washington
Avenue-Funeral D. Q. Meyers.
Eddie Faust, the 6-year-old son of
Henry C. Faust, of Birch street, was
bitten by a dog yesterday afternoon
while on his wuy home from Sundny
school. The child became frightened
at a pack of dogs that were debating
loudly at the corner of Birch street and
Cedar avenue, and as he was passing
he placed his hand on the head of one
of them to stroke Its fur and pacify
The brute snapped at the boy's
hand and Inflicted a very ugly wound
on the fingers, lacerating the flesh and
drawing the blood.
But for the Intervention of a man
who was close at hand the dogs might
have set upon the child and done dire
damage. Dr. A. J. Kolb was summoned
and he cauterized the wounds. He
gave It as his opinion that the child
would not suffer from any attack of
Illness as the result of the bite.
Killed in the Mines. ' .
Michael Dunn, of MInooka, was In-
stantly killed In the Sibley shaft Sat
urday while at work. It Is a very sud
case, a widow and a large family of
Btnull children being left destitute. Mr.
Dunn wus a respected and upright citi
zen of (inlet disposition and very much
devoted to his family. He was a miner
n the Sibley shaft In Old Forgo and
there was no work on Saturday, but he
went In the mines to get a start for
next week.
A bell from the roof fell on his lipad
and fractured his skull. His body was
rigid and cold In death before the fact
had been discovered, as there were only
a few men working In the mines that
day. The foreman was on his usual
dally rounds and he .came upon the
lifeless remains. Word was sent to his
family and a few hours later the body
was brought home In the mine ambu
lance. The funeral will take place this
afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Interment
will be made In MInooka Catholic cem
etary. Andrew Giblln's Death.
Two weeks ago Hotelkeeper Andrew
Ctiblin, Of South Washington avenue,
beenmeaffected with an attack of pneu
monia, . and his Illness dally became
more serious until Saturday afternoon
his death occurred. Mr. Glblln was a
well known business man and was
moderately successful In his life pur
suits. He was a member of Division
No. 7, Ancient Order of Hibernians,
Board of Erin, and was a moving spirit
In that order. A widow and two
children are left to mourn his loss. The
funeral will take place tomorrow morn
lng at 9 o'clock. A high mass of requiem
will be sung at St. John's church on
Fig street and Interment will be made
In Hyde Park Catholic cemetery.
Funeral of David G. Myers.
The funeral of David G. Meyers took
place yesterday afternoon at 1.30. Ser
vices were held at the Cedar Avenue
Methodist Episcopal church, which was
crowded. Rev. E. L. Santee preached
the sermon. The James Connell lodge,
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, at
tended the funeral In a body, and the
pall bearers were selected from the
lodge, as follows: Thomas Miller. Wil
lie Musket, Albert Ells, Albert Heyer,
David Lewis, Samuel Kemler. The
flowers were Very pretty and consisted
of a pillow, given by the brothers and
sisters of the deceased, and a design,
three links, given by the James Connell
lodge. The services were conducted by
the lodge at the grave.
The following relatives from a dist
ance attended the funeral: William
Myers, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Jonas Myers,
Nazareth, Pa.; Mrs. Mary Schnable,
Allegheny City; Mrs. Mary Rlchmann,
Wilmington, Del. The deceased lived
with his bruther, John F. Myers, on
Maple street, and was an exemplary
young man.
Shorter Paragraphs.
Peter Hamm has accepted a position
with Dr. J. A. Manley, Instead of
Michael Webber.
Tonight at Phillip's hall the concert
of the South Side Choral union will
take place and the attendance should
be large, as a fine programme will be
The Olympic foot ball eleven of this
side and the Mayflowers of MInooka
played a game on the tatter's grounds
yesterday, which resulted In a ,tle,
neither side being able to score.
Pugilist James Judge, who emerged
from the fight with Charles Wood, at
Camden, N. J., last Monday night with
victory perched upon his banner, Is
hum to spend the holidays with his
Says That He Will Bring Action Against
J. H Lalne, who on Friday resigned
his position us manager of the Froth
Ingham theater. Intends to remain In
the city, having uccepted the offer of
the Scranton Traction company to man
age Laurel Hill' park next summer.
Extensive improvements are to be made
at the purk during the winter under the
supervision of Mr. Lalne. A theater Is
to be erected and another portion of the
park will be fitted up for the production
of firework spectacles. In speaking
The Ouly Manufactory
In Scraulou.
518 Lackawanna Ave.
In addition to our ready-made stock,
our bPKClAL ORDK.R dermitment
cannot fall tn Interest ymi. Nj such
FABHlOa was ever b'for shown in
this city, We ehall be alad to have
you cU. whether you purchase or not.
Repairing, He-covering equal to new.
All oar own make, absolutely tine
n.mie.1 for STYLE, QUALITY and
about his retirement from the Froth-
lugham Mr. Lalne said last night:
"There Is no 111 feeling between Mr.
Frothlngham and myself and has not
been. He never Interfered with my
plans or opposed my policy In manag
ing the bxmse. My resignation was
caused, by a difference of opinion about
one Of the stage hands.
."The Republican in Its article on Sat
urday treated me most unfairly In fact
outrageously. I consulted my attorney
about the matter Saturday and will In
all probability bring an action of libel
against that paper."
Byrue Brothers Gave a Very Entertaining
. Performance.
"Eight Bolls" was enjoyed by a
crowded house at the Academy fit
Muslo Saturday night. The play under
went a few changes since Its previous
appearance here, but In the main It was
almost the same. It Is one of the most
delightful entertainments of the kind
on the stage and the novelties Intro
duced are charming.
The work of the Byrne brothers, John
F., James, Matthew and Andrew, was
very good. Miss Helen Byrne as
Mudame Blotter, a scholmarm, acted
admirably and sang tunefully. Byrne
brothers In their feats of statuary pos
ing and acrobatic acting were amazing.
Pcnultloa Imposed Saturday by the Judges
of Our Courts on Offenders Against
the Law.
Judge Edwards was on the bench
Saturday monilug and imposed
sentences on those who were convicted
during the week. Francis Morrow, the
20-year-old Archbald young man, who
plead guilty rather than go to trial,
was called first for sentence. The Tri
bune announced that the court assigned
Attorney George W. Beale to defend
Morrow when his case wus called for
trial. That was Incorrect, as Attorney
E. C. Newcomb represented Morrow,
and on Saturday, when the defendant
was culled for sentence, he made a
strong plea for mercy. Judgs Edwards
gave him a scathing lecture and said he
took into consideration the condition of
the prisoner's mother, who is a feeble
old woman. On that account the
penalty would be a most lenient one
for the crime of which the young man
was guilty. The sentence for burglary
was a fine of $',0 and Imprisonment In
the Eastern penitentiary at hard labor
for one year and six months; and for
larceny the same fine and one year Im
prisonment, the second sentence to
begin at the expiration of the first.
John Meglln, found guilty of selling
liquor on Sunday, was sentenced to a
fine of $50, costs of prosecution and
twenty-one days In the county jail.
Henry Parker, who plead guilty to
the crime of grand larceny In stealing
a horse and carriage from Liveryman
Pierce, of Carbondale, was sentenced to
a fine of $50, costs of prosecution and
one one year and six months In the
Eastern penitentiary at hard labor In
separate and solitary confinement.
Abraham Jones, of Austin Heights,
who brutally assaulted Mrs. Michael
Lyman, and was convicted, got a severe
dose of justice from Judge Gunster. It
was a fine of $50. the costs of prosecu
tion, and five months in the county
Samuel Ambrosia, found guilty of
stealing cabbages from the garden of
Nlccola Wlllardo In Carbondale, was
sentenced to pay a fine of $25 and the
costs of prosecution.
Joseph Gruemenskl, who was found
not guilty of false pretenses In passing
a Confederate $50 bill, was sentenced to
pay the costs. Constable Jonathan
Venison was found guilty of aggravated
assault and battery and the eight Huns
whom, he prosecuted for resisting Hn
officer were also found guilty. Sentences
in these cases were not Imposed.
A False Notion That the Dying Usually
Fear Death.
From Scrlbner's Magazine.
Familiarity with death Is not apt to
alter one's earlier conception of It. Two
Ideas areyery generally accepted which
experience shows to be false. One Is
that the dying usually fear death, and
the other that the act of dying is accom
panled by pain. It is well known to all
physicians that when death Is near Its
terrors do not seem to be felt by the pa
tlent. Unless the Imagination is stlmu
lated by the frightful portrayal of the
supposed "pangs of death," or of the
Bufferings which some .believe the soul
must endure after dissolution, it Is rare
Indeed that the last days or hours of
lifo are passed In dread. Oliver Wen
dell Holmes has recorded his protest
against the custom of telling a person
who does not actually ask to know,
that lie cannot recover. As that lov
ing observer of mankind asserts, so
must everyone, mho knows whereof he
speaks, assert that people must always
come to understand that recovery Is Im
possible; It Is rarely needful to tell any
one that this is the cuse,
When nature gives the warning, death
appears to be as little feared us sleep
Most sick persons are very, very tired
sleep long, quiet Bleep Is what they
want. I have seen many peoplo die. I
have never seen one who seemed to fear
death, except when It was, or seemed to
be, rather far awny. Even those who
are constantly haunted, while strong
and well, with a dread of the end of
life, forget their fear when that end
Is at hand. As for the act of dying the
final passage from life to death It is
absolutely without evidence that the
oft-repeuted assertions of Its painful-
ness are made. Most people are uncon
sclous for some hours before they die
and In the rare cases where conscious
ness Is retained unimpaired until a few
minutes before the end, the last sensa
tion" must be of 'perfect calm and rest,
It Is worse than cruel to add to the nut-
ural dread of death which oppresses the
majority of us while In good health
the dread of dying. There Is surely fear
enough In this suffering world; let us
not Increase It by adding Imaginary to
real causes.
Chronlo Rheumatism Can Do Cured
Dr. Potter's Rheumallo Tills, a radical
cure for chronic Khoumntlsm, Uout
Kheumatlc Gout, Rheumatism In the hlus,
and all dlneuses depending upon or having
their origin In l.'rle Acid Diathesis. They
act direct upon the ulood and kidneys,
eliminating tho uric arid, the cause of
all Hheumutlsm, etc. If you are suffering
from Rheumatism take Dr. rotter s Rheu
matio Fills. They have cured cases of
ycurs' standing and will not full to cure
you. Price, tl a box. For sale wholesale
and retull by Matthew Bros., Scranton,
Rare Collection of Books in Holiday
Bindings. "
When Baby wot sick, w care her Caltoria,
ffhtn the was a Child, she cried for CtstorU,
Wben she became Miss, she clung to CostorU,
When ah had Children, ah gave thea Castwlo
Trying to Decide How St. Patrick's
Day Will Be Celebrated.
The Matter Was Discussed at Length at
Last Night's Meeting of Dclcgutcs of
the Irish-American Societies
of the City.
Eight societies were represented by
their delegates at last night's meeting
in Sheridan Rifles' armory of the Lack
awanna County Council of Irish-American
societies. The societies were:
Father Mathew's, Hyde Park; Division
No. 6, Ancient Order of Hibernians,
Providence; Division No. 17, Ancient
Order of Hibernluns, Scranton; St,
Thomas Branch,' Irish Catholic Benevo
lent union; Sheridan Rifles; Henry
Grattan club, and John Mitchell club.
Chairman J. C; Vaughan was absent
and P. J. Honan was ek-cted to pre
side. Short preliminary business was
transacted and under the subject of the
good of the. order the delegates In
dulged lu an expression of their views
on the means of creating an enthusiasm
among the members that will Insure an
earnest co-operation and which will
unite In securing an attendance which
will take up the purposes of the so
cieties with a will.
One of the members thought that If
every delegate would represent to his
society when he reported the proceed
ings of the meeting that a very deep
Interest was not being taken, Buch
would arouse them to renewed effort,
and if delegates were remiss In attend
lngmeetings of the council others would
be chosen who would be more active.
This was approved.
The subject that attracted the most
discussion was that bearing on how the
Irish and Irish-American societies In
tend to celebrate St. Patrick's Day in
this city. Some of the delegates favored
a parade and others thought It would
be wiser to hold an entertainment and
Invite good speakers to address It
Those who favored a parade said that
the Irish element in Lackawanna coun
ty Is 47 per Cent, of the population and
for that reason they ought to observe
the anniversary of their patron Baint
in a befitting manner. Other nationali
ties not half as strong celebrate such
occasions, and they think and show by
their actions that nothing too good
toward the veneration of the one they
honor can be done.
An entertainment, the opposite side
believed, would be more practically
beneficial If good speakers were en
gaged and a fine musical and literary
programme, presented. The matter was
not decided, however,, at last night's
meeting, and it was settled that a
special meeting be held on the third
Sunday of January to complete all ar
rangements and agree upon .a proper
method of honoring St. Patrick.
The committee on constitution and
by-laws reported progress. It was the
Intention if there had been a larger
meeting to take up the question of
purchasing a library, but the mutter
was not touched upon.
No Longer Necessary,
From the Detroit Tribune.
I had my daughters learn to cook, In
order that they might get better hus-
buiuls." -
"And did they?"
"No, they feel above marrying, now."
Fine assortment of calendars, UVo.
Orlffln. Dhotograoher. removed to his
new aiuuio, i v yonung avenue, ground
Have now completed their arrangements
for the hollduys, showing the largest and
most complete stock they have ever dis
played, consisting of
Which they have In great variety. All
groades. In Gold, Silver and Hold Filled
Cases. Having had numerous concessions
from manufacturers, they have given
their customers the full benefits of them
making tho prices of the best watchus
nearly us low as are asked by others for a
very Inferior Quality.
Having made our purchases before the
lute rulso of 15 per cent. In tariff and hav
ing been -VERY PARTICULAR In select
lng only perfect stones of u flue color and
cut, we are Btire We can satlxfy the best of
judges as to price or quality. We have
them mounted In Rrooches, Rings, Ear
rings, Studs, Scarf Plns'aml lu nearly all
articles or Jewelry.
Is now very cheap. We have It In a
thousand shapes, from a cuke bucket to a
toothpick. A WON DKRh'L'L vurlety
People are ASTONISHED when prices
ure mentioned.
A brilliant and dazzling display. Low-
prices for labor and perfected machinery
havu done wonders with the prices.
The finest on eurth.
Hundreds of styles of
New and beautiful.
Opera Glasses.
Chains, Lockets and Charms.
And Onyx Top Tables. All new and ele
gant designs. Art Porcelains, all brought
In since the new tarire wont In effect,
Porcelain, Onyx, Marble and Gilt. We
have BIO BARGAINS tn a lot of Marble
Clocks, Just received. Less than half
price. They are fitted with the best Amer
lean Jeweled movements and are about as
cheap as a good common clock. They are
well worth looking at.
All are Invited to look at our display,
whether purchasing or not. At the old
stand. .
: The Finest In the City.
, The latest Improved furnish
lngs and apparatus fur keeping
meat, butter and eggs.
223 Wyoming Ava.
llulf Million Newspapers Gathered in
a French Tow n.
A museum of journals at Aix-Ia-
Chaptille, Germany, founded In 1SS8 by
M. Oscar Forkenbeck, Is said to contain
already 500,000 Journals In all languages.
The founder devoted his whole fortune
for forty years to the acquisition of
rare and curious specimens, and to
subscriptions to journals In all parts of
the globe.
He received and read every day a
considerable number of papers In thirty
different languages. Having started
the museum with 10,000 full collections,
he addressed a circular letter to the
press of the globe asking co-operation
in his enterprise, and a large number
of Journals responded favorably.
How Near His Personal Memoirs
Came to be Lost.
A Yaluablo HUtory Written by Dying
Man. Proper NourUliment Enabled
tha Author to Live Until the Comple
tion of II U book.
The fortitude shown by General Grant
tn writing the second volume of his per
sonal memoirs while he was literally ou
his deathbed, excels even the remarkable
courage exhibited by this fatuous soldier
in his many achievements on the field of
Col. Fred Grant, speaking of his father's
last illness, says:
"During tho last four months of hit
sickness, the principal food of my father,
Gen. Grant, was Iiovinlne and milk; ami
It was the use of this incomparable food
alone that enabled him to liuiah the second
volume of his personal memoirs."
Dr. T. II. Douglas, Uen. Grant 9 physi
cian and friend, cordially indorsed the
above statement.
What Hovinine did for Gen. Grant It
has done, and is now doing, for thousands
every day. It is the most wouilcrf ul con
centration Into a small bulk of all the
life-giving, muscle, flesh, and blood-making
elements of lean, raw meat ever pro
duced. It Is in no way a medicine, simply a
food invigorant, that by its strengthening
qualities gives the worn-out or disordered
vital centres of the body an Impetus that
again starts them performing their natu
ral functions.
It is indorsed by eminent physicians
everywhere, and blessed by thousands
whose lives it has actually saved.
To neglect to use this wonderlul food
In all cases of debility, wasting diseases,
overwork, stomach and nerve diseases, or
for weak infants, chronic invalids, loss of
vitality in old age, is to throw away one
eftye greatest chances, of savinc life...
The Great Blood Purifier and
Liver Regulator.
200 DAYS' TREATMENT, $1.00
And will Ponitlvtlr cura all diieasM arising
Rheumatism, Kidney Disorder,
Liver Complaint, Sick and Nerv
ous Headache, Neuralgia, Dys-
fiepsia, Fever and Ague, Scroiu
a, Female Complaints. Erysipe
las, Nervous Affections, Catarrh,
and all Syphilitic Diseases.
Call and Get Circulars.
Coal of tho best quality for domestic
oso, and of all sizes, delivered in any
part of the city at lowest price.
Orders left at my Office
ter room, first floor, Third National
Itiiuk, or aunt by mall or Ulcphone to the
nine, will receive prompt attention.
Bpcclnl contracts will be made for the
tulo and delivery of Uuckwheut Coal.
"Spectacles !"
Yes sir I We
have a specialist
here to fit you who
does nothing else.
Sit riyht down
end have vour
eyes fitted in a
scientific manner.
What is More Attractive
Than a pretty face with a fresh, bright
complozlonf For It, uso Ponoul's Ponder.
r x ni nniPMmiP
135 lllfiflllluS.
Also a large stock ot first-lass
The goods are yours at your own
price, if you happen to be the
lucky bidder.
of C. W. Freeman's valuable and
high class stock of Diamonds,
Watches, Jewelry, Silverware,
Bric-a-Brac, etc
as the store is rented, the fixtures
for sale, etc., and Mr. Freeman
positively retires from business.
S.30 AND 7.30 P. M.
Private sales at less than cost
price during the intervals between
Mannficturvd at the WapwaHopra Mills, L
tern county, P., and at Wil
mington, Delaware,
General Agent for the Wyoming Dlstriot,
118 WYOMING AVE., Scranton, Pa,
Third National Bank Building.
TH08. FORD. Pittoton, Pa.
JOHN B. SMITH & HON. Plymouth. Pa.
t. w. MlLUUAn, wufMHarre, ra.
AffflDtn for the Repaauo Chemical Coop
pany'a High Kxploaivea. '
European Plan. Firet-clasa Bar at.
tached. Depot for Berg tier 4s Engle't
Tannhaeuser Ber.
R. E. Cor. 15th and Filbert Sts., Pbila.
Most desirable for residents of N. El
Pennsylvania. All conveniences for
travelers to and from Bromd Street
station and the Twelfth and Market
8treet station. Desirable for visiting
Scrantonlans and people In the An
thracite Region.
CALL UP 3682.
OILS, rr
M. W. COLLINS, M'g'r.
fl .
1st Day. W J Q ' Wxf ii Weil IViarj
lBtbDay.M 0f Me.
THB GREAT 30th Day.
produces the above results talSO days. It set!
row.rtullT sud qnlokly. Cures wbm til elbsn ttlL
Vuuus men will retiiu tlielr loit ntnhood. sad all
luau will recover ttatlr yoslhfiil vifoi by Uflsf
KfcVlVO. It nuloklTsndsurslyrettornlttnrott
lieu. Loot Vltalitr, Impoteuoy, Nlf ntly Emtislons,
Lost Power, flllu( Memory. Wetllus Oisssm, mi
sll effects ot self-tbuM or uoMSend IndlMrttlen,
wblch unttts odd tor study, eusiueu or mwrtatt. It
not ouly currs by stirttoi st the sstt ot dlauu, but
Is s great nervn tonic sod blood builder, kriag
liif btck the pink glow to pale cheeks sit re
storing the lire of yeotb. ft wilds off fatuity'
and CoD.umptltn. Insist oa hsTtng RKTIVO, so
other. II cso be carried la vest pocket. By mill,
1.00 per psoksgt. or sit tor S.OO, with a peel
tit written gaaraatee to rare or re rand
the money. Ctroulsr froe. Address
for sals by Matthews Bret., Dtacilst
SerantoB . fa.
Also t Full Line of
Scranton, Pa,