The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 17, 1894, Image 1

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They Kill Not Interfere with Consid
eration of Many Hills.
Forecast of the Business of the Week In
Congress Number of Measures to
Be Brought I p-lloliday Ad
journment on I rijay.
By the United Press.
Washington, Dec. 1C The Nicaragua
canal bill holds Its place as 'the un
finished business on the Semite calen
dar. Mr. Morgan said yesterday that
he Intended, If possible, to have the
final vote taken before the holiday re
cess comes on, and If he succeeds In this
the vote will necessarily have to be
taken this week.
If this Important bill should be dis
posed of before the holiday recess the
bankruptcy bill will probably be given
the right of way until the appropriation
Mils begin to come over from the house.
The prompt consideration of these bills
will noit be Interfered with by the Re
publicans who usaume the attitude of
favoring their early consideration, but
permitting no serious discussion of any
of the other subjects that have been en
dorsed by the Democratic caucus save
perhaps the Niearaguun bill.
The routine proceedings of the week
will be broken on Thursday by the cere
monies attending the presentation to
the United States by the state of New
Hampshire of the statues of Its two dis
tinguished citizens Daniel Webster
and John Stork both of which will on
that day be unveiled In statuary hall.
Mr. Hoar will deliver a speech on this
occasion and other members from New
England will also participate.
Appropriations and currency promise
to exhaust what time remains to the
house prior to the holiday recess.
Proposed Army Bill.
Mr. Outhwalte, chairman of the com
mtttee on military affairs will demand
consideration of the army bill, which
will shut out the district committee,
There are several propositions of new
legislation in the army bill which will
probably draw out considerable discus
sion. Two of these provide for a re
duction of the number of majors In the
pay department from twenty-live to
twenty and of the number of captains
In the subsistence department from
twelve to eight. Both these changes
were strongly urged by Secretary La
inont In his annual report. The cost
of paying the troops In the last fiscal
year was 24 per cent, of the amount
disbursed, and in this connection the
secretary said: "Already a number of
posts are paid by check, and with the
mall, express and banking facilities of
the present day and the proximity of
troops to towns and cities this plan
sould well be extended to cover the en
tfre service, the actual distribution of
the funds being devolved on the com
mandants of garrisons and their sub
A trade proposition Is the transfer of
the military prison at Fort Leaven
worth, Kan., to the control of the de
partment of justice for the lncarcera
tlon of federal prisoners. The prison
can accommodate 550 convicts and Is
Bald to be In excellent condition. Most
of the military prisoners could be con
fined at the large military posts and
the saving of expense to the govern
ment by the proposed transfer would
be large on account of both classes of
prisoners. Notwithstanding this usual
provocation to debate, however, It Is
believed that the bill can be disposed of
at one sitting of the house.
. It was announced Saturday that an
understanding had been reached by the
leaders of the two houses of congress
that the holiday recess should begin
with the adjournment on Friday next
and expire on Jan. 3, Thursday.
The Engine House Totally Destroyed by
Flames on Saturday livening.
Epcclnl to the Scranton Tribune.
Plttston, Dec. 16. Saturday night
about midnight the engine house of the
Stevens Conl company caught fire and
was totally destroyed. When the fire
broke out there were ten men at work
on the night shift. Engineer Lloyd im
mediately signalled the men of thel
Impending danger and commenced to
hoist them to the surface. Despite the
heat of the flames and the danger tha
surrounded him, like the true hero he
was, he did not for an Instant desert his
post, but stuck with his hand on the
throttle until the last man was at the
When he emerged from the burning
building his burned and scorched ap
pearance told of the agony he endured
In rescuing the men. His injuries are
principally about the face, hair and
hands. While the Injuries are not serl
ous, they are extremely painful. Th
loss to the building and machinery will
aggregate $1,000, on which there was no
Insurance. The works are located a
the foot of the mountain near the Tunk'
bannock road In Exeter borough.
A Train on tho Paclfle Koad Mays Jug
gcrnaut with Cattle.
By the United Press.
Sioux City, la., Dec. 1G. A train on
the Sioux City and Paclllc road played
Juggernaut with cattle a few miles
south of this city recently. The tral
had rounded a curve running at a rat
of fifty miles an hour, when the en
grlneer saw a herd of cattle on the track
ahead of him. He realized that he
could not stop the train and that to
Blacken speed would make matters no
(better, so he pulled the throttle wide
open and sailed Into the herd. The
ttraln plowed Its way through the cattle
(without leaving the rails.
It was found that twenty-two cattle
were killed or so badly Injured that
they had to be shot.
Tw o Suspicious Negroes Flro Their Cell In
an Attempt to tsnape.
By the United Press.
Hempstead, L. I., Dec. lO.-The many
highway robberies which have occurred
In the vicinity of Hempstead and Bell
more, L. I., recently have thrown the
residents Into a state of excitement
such as has not prevailed In the neigh
boiliood for years.
Constable Glldersleeve, of Hempstead,
jtesterday arrested two. negroes who
were acting Very susplolously. The
prisoners were confined In a cell In the
town hall pending arraignment before
Judge Taylor. About 2 o'clock yester-
ay morning an alarm of fire was given
from the town hiall.
It was found that the negro jirlsoners
had heated a poker, and attempted, to
urn the hinges of the thick wooden
oor of the cell. The wood Ignited and
before the prisoners could prevent It
the fire luul spread to the celling above.
The loud orles of the negroes for help
woke the Janitor, Charles Sehlegel,
who gave the alarm, and with the as
sistance of Officers Parsons and Cor
nelius soon extinguished the flames.
The negroes were arraigned before
Judge Taylor this morning and sent to
the county Jail at Long Island City for
ten days on a charge of Intoxication, af
ter which they will be tried on the
charge of arson.
nitcd Stutcs Detectives Trace a Band
Into Connecticut and Capture All Its
By tho United Press.
Bridgeport, Conn., Dec. IS. Four de
tectives of the United States Secret
Service bureau of New York came to
this city Friday night, and yesterday
morning captured a band of experi
enced counterfeiters. They were James
McGuIre, Henry Oliver, George Allen
and Mrs. McGuIre. The agents also
captured all their moulds, dies and
other apparatus, and also a large quan
tlty of counterfeit coin In half dollars
and dollars.
The prisoners came here on ThurS'
day, Dec. 6, from New York, and have
been circulating the spurious coin
since. They were traced by the United
states detectives, who surprised them
at work. One of the detectives said
hat the coin was an excellent Imita
tion, and that nil were experts.
One of the detectives said that they
had captured the entire band, and that
they had been on their track for sev
eral months. It is believed the pris
oners have made considerable money.
The local police knew nothing of the
presence of the counterfeiters In this
city, but had for some time been re
celving complaints of spurious coin
oeing circulated here. McGuIre gave
his right name.
Commissioner Wright held tho three
men under $10,000 ball each, and the
woman was allowed to go on her own
recognizance. She said she knew noth
Ing of the character of the men but said
they boarded with her. Detective Bagg,
who made the capture, says he Is sure
she Is McOulre's wife.
Their photographs were taken and
they were then locked up In the New
Haven jail. Oliver has been Identified
as a notorious all around crook.
Secretary of the Commonwealth Offers
Suggestions for the Public.
By the United Press.
Harrlsburg, Pa., Dec. 16. The bien
nial report of Seoretary of the . Com'
monwealth Harrlty contains'much that
Is interesting In statistical information
concerning the operations of his depart
ment and also of suggestion in the way
of legislation. There was an Increase
of seventy in corporation statements
filed over the previous two years and
there was a net Increase of 144 In rail
road corporations chartered. The total
amount of fees for the two years was
$83,977.75. The expenses of the depart
ment aggregated $53,344.32. Taking the
total receipts of $05,902.65 and deducting
the expenses leaves a balance In favor
of the state of $42,358.32. There was an
increase of $12,304.01 in the receipts and
a decrease of $7,579.31 in expenses.
There are some Important recommen
dations regarding legislation. Secre
tary Hanity (suggests that notaries
public appointed during a reness of the
senate be commissioned until the end
of the next session and that when con
firmed they shall be commissioned for
four years; that commissions and other
papers relating to the military branch
of the state government shall be filed
In the adjutant general's department
and 'that matters affecting the agricul
tural Intereats shall be handled by the
state board of agriculture: that the
Baker ballot law should be amended as
to make It perfectly clear what certifi
cates of nomination and nomination pa
pers shall be filed with the secretary of
the commonwealth; that it should be
further amended to provide that a copy
of all objections to these papers shall
also be filed with the department; that
a volume of the "Pennsylvania Ar
chives" containing the records of the re
bellion shall be published soon as possi
ble before the papers are lost or de
Five Young Residents of Allentown Are
in the County Jull.
By the United Press.
Trenton, N. J., Deo. 10. Detectives
Emmons anil Long, of New York, yes
terday arrested Arthur Newman, Wal
ter Newman, William Conover, Oliver
Worth and William Vanacken, all resi
dents of Allentown and vicinity, on
charges of arson, and last night the
men were all locked up in the county
jail at Freehold. There have been In
cendiary fires In Allentown and there
abouts for seven or eight years and a
recent conflagration there led the na
tional board of fire" underwriters of
New York to offer a reward of $500 for
the capture of the guilty parties. This
brought the New York detectives to the
It Is said that Arthur Newman made
a statement to them In which riot only
those arrested but others are Implicat
ed. Nearly all the property burned by
incendiaries consisted of barns and out
buildings. The men under arrest are
farm hands by occupation.
Minnesota's Chief Justice Doad.
By the United Press.
8t. Paul, Minn., Deo. 16,-James Glllfal
lln, chief Justice of Minnesota, died at his
residence, here this morning. He was 85
years old, He enlisted as a private when
the war broke out, but was soon chosen
captain and later made colonel of the
Eleventh Minnesota, serving until the
'close of the - war. He Was appointed
chief justice in 1889, and three times was
Donny Daly Very III.
By tho United Press.
Bt. Louis, Dec. 16,-Denny Dally, tho St
Louis feuther weight pugilist, Is lying
dangerously ill at the city hospital from
the effects of a broken Jaw received In his
fight with Tomm i White, of Chicago,
This Is the second time his Jaw has been
broken. Solly Smith smashed it In San
Francisco two yean ago, Dally Is threat
ened with gangrene and will have to sub
mit to an operation.
Charles Hallinn Kills the Father of
His Sweetheart.
Angry at Not Being Allowed to Court
Alice Klos, the Lover Wuyloys licr
Father und Murders lliin in
Shocking Way.
By the United Press.
Dolgeville, N. Y Dec. 16. Lewis
Klos, a farmer, 55 years old, deaf and
nearly dumb, was murdered by his
daughter's lover, Charles Hailing, Fri
day night.
Klos resided with his wife and 15-
yeur-old daughter, Alice, on a small
farm In the town of Oppenhelm. He and
his wife, also a deaf mute, occupied a
sleeping room on the ground floor, and
Alice slept on the second floor. The
nearest neighbor to Klos Is W. H.
Youker, a prosperous farmer, who has
had In his employ for the Mast two
months Charles Hailing, 26 years of
age. Hailing has worked on neighbor
ing furms In the towns of Oppenhelm
and St. Johnsvllle for the last eight or
nine years and has a disagreeable dis
position. Several weeks ago he began
paying attentions to Alice Klos.
It is alleged that Hailing was in the
habit of visiting the girl at night by
placing a ladder against the house and
entering the window. As the father
and mother were both deaf they heard
nothing of this. Neighbors, however,
were on the watch and informed Mr.
Klos of Mailing's actions. Mr. Klos
then forbade his daughter meeting
Mado Him Angry.
Hailing was angry when he heard
this and declared that he "would fix
that old sucker." Friday afternoon at
about 2 o'clock he informed W. J.
Youker, a son of his employer, that he
Intended leaving for Schenectady where
he had secured a good position. When
about to leave Hailing shook hands
with young Youker, and In parting said
"If something should happen within
the next few hours don't be too hard
on me."
Youker watched Hailing as he passed
down the road In the direction of St.
Johnsvllle, and also observed him as
he Jumped over a fence and made a
circuit Into the woods back of the
home of Klos. Here Hailing remained
for sorne time, and Youker, In order to
better observe the movements of Hall
ing, went Into the second story of the
Youker cheese factory, which stands a
short distance from the Klos residence.
At this time Lewis Klos was engaged
in trimming apple trees on his property,
near the woods In which Hailing was
secreting himself. After a time Klos
came to the woodshed with a wheelbar
row loaded with apple tree limbs, and
then Hailing was seen to leave the
woods and make a circuit around, the
barn and woodshed, arriving at the
latter place about the same time as did
Klos. -Carried
a Club.
Hailing carried in his hand a club.
Young Youker says he heard a blow
struck and Hailing say "Take that!"
Youker was frightened and Jumping on
a horse he travelled to the residence of
Charles Allen, the nearest neighbor.
and told Allen that he believed Hailing
was killing old man Klos. Allen ob
tained a revolver and jumping on
Youker'B horse started for the Klos
home. Mrs. Klos had been visiting at
Allen's house and arrived home Just be
fore Allen did. When Allen arrived
Hailing was seen standing at the corner
of the barn with an axe In his hand
Hailing dropped the axe and ran across
the fields In the direction of the woods.
Youker had come up about this time,
the neighbors were aroused and all
started In pursuit of the murderer, wtho
was finally captured by DeWitt B,
Youker and Henry Crlstman while he
was hiding behind a stone wall. When
Hailing surrendered he said:
"Yes. I killed him, but he hit me first
Hailing was taken to the Johnstown
jail. Klos was first Btruck on the liead
with a club In the woodshed, and then
the murderer, taking an axe that was
near at hand, commenced hitting the
victim on the head with tlhe sharp edge,
Klos' head was split open with every
blow of tho axe.
After the Job was done the murderer
went through the pockets of his victim
and took out a pocketbook containing
$19. This he laid on a chopping blopk
and then dragged his victim into the
horse barn and left the body In the rear
of a 'horse which was then tied in the
It was then that Allen and Mrs. Klos
made their appearance, and Hailing, In
his hurry to escapp, forgot to take the
pocketbook with him. Alice Klos at the
time the murder was committed was at
the home of her grandmother in Oppen
helm Center, where the had been sen
by her parents In order to keep her
away from Hailing.
Lively Times About the Plant of
Pennsylvania Steel Company.
By the United Press.
Harrlsburg, Pa., Dec. 1G. The Penn
sylvanla Steel company hud evary de
parlment, except two, in operation last
week and most of the mills will be run
on full time this week. The prospects
for work in the rail producing branches
the remainder of the month have
shown an Improvement since last week,
but the outlook for January ia dull.
It Is expected to begin preparatory
work this week on the changes to be
made In certain mills.
The plant will be Idle Dec. 24 and 25
to give the employes a Christmas va
cation. This is one day more than was
given at the holidays last year. All
the mills, except the Merchant and bil
let mill, start tomorrow at 5 o'clock,
The Farmers Near Norrlstown Are Treated
to Dressed Hocf.
By the United Press.
Norrlstown, Pa., Dec. 16. A disas
trous wreck occurred early this morn
Ing on the main line of the Reading
railroad at Merlon Station, two miles
above Bridgeport. A train made up
of miscellaneous freight was standing
on a siding, when a through freight
dashed Into the rear end. Thirty cars
in all were wrecked. Several of thorn
contained Chicago beef, while the re
malnder carried oats and coal. To
make things worse, the wreck took fire
and, as there was no water available,
the broken cars burned all day.
Much of the dressed meat was taken
away by the farmers who reside in the
vicinity. Fortunately none of the train
hands were seriously hurt. Traffic on
the road was delayed all day by the
wreck. The loss is approximately
placed at $35,000.
His Former Private Secretary Says the Ex
President Has Dcciutcd That Ho Will
Not Bo a Candidate.
By tho United Press.
Buffalo, N. Y., Dec. 16.-Colonel D. S.
Alexander, district attorney for north
ern New York under President Harri
son, and at one time General Harrison's
private secretary, has returned from
Indianapolis, where he spent two days
with the ex-president.
Mr. Alexander said he found General
Harrison In excellent health and spirits.
Discussing the political outlook, Gen
eral Harrison believed the Republican
party would win In 1896, and would be
called upon to face and to settle the
currency question, which he regarded
as one of the gratest difficulties, as
well as of the highest importance. He
did not sugest a remedy, but he thought
the treasury department would get very
tired of maintaining a gold standard by
paying Interest on bonds Issued for the
purchase of gold.
Upon the subject of his candidacy for
rs-nomlnatlon in 1896, Colonel Alex
ander says General Harrison positively
declared that he would not and could
not be a candidate. Whatever honor
came from simply holding the exalted
office was already in his possession, and
he was content to let others assume its
responslbllltes In the future. The very
thought, General Harrison said, of hav
ing again to change the officials of the
country ought of itself be sufficient to
deter any man who once had been
through the ordeal from wanting to
undertake it again.
General Harrison discussed the candi
dates who were likely to come before
the convention of ljWSG, but indicated no
preference. He spoke of Heed, McKIn
ley and Allison as gentlemen of ability
and well qualified for the office by long
public experience.
A Young Man Commits Suicide, Impelled
Thereto byan Excess of Mental Culture
He Was an Intellectual Prodigy.
Passaic. N. J., Dec. 16 Russell L.
Smith, aged 17, a victim of, too much
learning, shot himself in his room at
the Spencer House Friday night and
died in ,a few minutes. He was a
prodigy of mental culture. He was
learned in French and Spanish, and
could discuss literature and history like
a matured scholar, and was as familiar
with statecraft and governmental poli
cies of the nations of the old world as
if he were a retired statesman. He had
his Ideals lu literature, statesmanship
and politics, and if in the course of
reading he met .any authority that
Bought to demolish any of these Ideals
he became worried and distracted.
He pasesd the early part of last even
ing in company with his brothers, Irv
ing and Eugene, and when he entered
the hotel at 10 o'clock he showed no
signs of despondency. About 11 o'clock
a pistol shot was heard in his room, and
Smith was found stretched lifeless upon
the floor with a copy of Voltaire in
French at his side. It is believed that
in the book he encountered a paragraph
that ran counter to his views, and that
so perplexed and worried him that he
got desperate and resolved to kill him
He left a note to his father, William
L. Smith, of Newburgh, N. Y.. bidding
him good-bye, and saying that he could
not Btand this world any longer.
Eckels Clulins That Her Husband Is
a Fuguclous Higumlst.
By the United Press.
Stoneboro, Pa., Dec. 16. Mrs. W. R.
Eckels, -of this town, has spoiled a ro
mance. A paper published In Mlssour
Valley, Harrison county, la., published
a story of the marriage of W. R. Eck
els to Ethleen Haskell, and referred to
it as the culmination of a courtship
which had 'begun when they wero rest
dents of a Pennsylvania village.
Now Mrs. Eckels Is out with a letter
In which she claims that Miss Haskell
is a. dissolute -woman whom she once
engaged as a music teacher, but was
forced to expel from her house; that
Eckels then deserted his family am
followed the woman to the West, ant
that she (Mrs. Eckels) has evidence
enough to send him to the penitentiary,
She does not say what she will do.
I'nwclcoino Visitors Received with Bottles
and Shotgun,
By the United Press.
Easton, Pa., Dec. 16. A fight took
place at Fox's hotel in Palmer town
ship at 2 o'clock this morning between
several intoxicated men. In trying
to get into the house, from which they
had been ejected, they forced the door
open, when Henry Kltter, a boarder,
fired a shot from a double barrel gun,
the contents striking Matthew Morrow,
Jr., in the left side, tearing an ugly
William Stout, was hit In the side by
a bottle thrown from the bar room
through the window, breaking one of
his ribs. Morrow's wound is consid
ered dangerous. Rltter has fled.
Tommy Ryan Declined.
By the United Press.
New Orleans, Dec. 10. Tommy Ryan
left this morning for Chicago. Jack
Dempsey, hearing that Ryan said It was a
good thing for him that the fight did
not come off, hunted up Ryan and offered
to fight In private with bare knuckles, but
Ryan declined.
Aunusto Ourdcau Burled.
By the United Press.
Paris, Dec. 16. Auguste Burdeau, late
president of the chamber of deputies, was
burled today with state honors. Presi
dent Caslmlr Perier and a large number
of deputies, senators and high officials
and conspicuous private citizens were
present. The march to the cemetery was
made through rain and mud.
Dloil from Cigarette Smoking.
By the United Press.
Kingston, N. Y., Deo. 16,Edward Bar
ton, 20 years old, a son of William Bar
ton, of Rhlnecliff, died In that pluce yes
terday afternoon. His fatal lllimss, which
was of about six weeks' duration, Is said
to have been brought on. by the inveterate
rooking ot cigarettes,
Dorothea Edgarita's Claims Arc Rec
ognized by a Compromise.
desire to Avoid scandal
Relatives Wish to Suppress the Life His
tory of D. Edgar Crousc, Which
Would Read Like a French
Novel A Strange Story.
By the United Press.
Syracuse, N. Y., Dec. 16. Negotia
tions for the compromise of the contest
over the will of D. Edgar Crouse. of
this city, who died a little more than
two years ago, are practically com
pleted. Mr. Crouse was regarded as the rich
est man in Syracuse, and his wealth
was estimated at $7,000,000. The will,
whichw as read Immediately after his
burial, gave to M. A. Graves $150,000;
to A. J. Feek, $100,000; to William L.
Rltter, $50,000; to William H. Jacoby,
$50,000; to Jacob A. Nottingham, $50,000;
to Mrs. Margaret Enrlght, $50,000; to
Mary Foley, $K,000; to several em
ployes, $1,000 each; to Oak wood ceme
tery, $5,000, and to eight local charitable
institutions, $5,000 each.
Jacob A. Nottingham and M. A.
Graves were Mr. Crouse's legal advisors
and friends and were made executors
as well as beneficlares. A. J. Feek Is a
well known horseman and had charge
of Mr. Crouse's stables. William H.
Jacoby was a warm personal friend,
and the other beneficiaries named were
loyal servants. The residue of the es
tate was given "to my next of kin."
Twenty-seven Heirs.
Apparently the "next of kin" meant
the dead man's cousins, all his imme
diate family being dead. The apparent
heirs were twenty-seven In number and
included George N. and Charles E.
Crouse, wholesale grocers, of this city.
Immediately after the publication of
the will rumors of D. Egar Crouse's
marriage to Grace Wilson became cur
rent, and the newspapers for several
weeks were occupied in looking up this
woman. Those Interested were very
quiet in regard to the matter, but
Grace Wilson was finally traced and
identified as Mrs. Seigbert Kosterlitz,
of New York.
The story Is that when Grace Wilson
met Mr. Crouse he gave the name of D.
Edgar Wilson. They were married, she
says, and lived In London, where as Mrs.
Wilson she moved In good society. On
September 17; 1887, Dorothea Edgarlta
Crouse was born, but subsequently a
divorce was obtained from D. Edgar
Crouse on the ground of desertion.
Afterward Mrs. Wilson, or Crouse, ac
cording to lier story, met Seigbert Kos
terlitz, a wealthy Austrian, who was In
terested in English syndicates. She
and Kosterlitz were married. Mr. Kos
terlitz died In 1891.
Mrs. Kosterlitz then announced the
baby, Dorothea Edgarlta, -as Crouse's
child and the next of kin. She retained
Steele & Dickson, of 40 Broadway, as
her attorneys, and they 'have been look
ing after her interests, through Knapp,
Nottingham & Andrews, of this city.
W. R. Hornblower, of New York, was
also associated with them. This firm
was retained on Dec. 31, 1S02, and on the
same day the Crouse heirs combined
for mutual strength, retanlng Kennedy,
Tracy, Mills & Ayllng as their attor
neys. '
In August of last year an order by
the Supreme court of New York permit
ted the New York Security and Trust
company of New York, the general
guardians of Dorothea Edgarlta Crouse,
to enter Into an agreement with Henry
C. White and Susan Jane White-Clark
cousins of D. Edgar Crouse, to settle
their claims to one-twenty-scventh of
the estate, giving the child one-half
their share. This was the beginning of
the efforts to compromise the case, and
this Is the bwsls on which the compro
mise Is to be made.
Terms of Compromise.
The terms of compromise are an equal
division of the estate between the claim
ant, baby Dorothea Edgarlta, on the
one ide, and tho apparent heirs on the
other. It Is understood that the heirs
are induced to accept this compromise
through a desire to escape the airing of
the life of the dead man, vvhioh was a
fast one. The cousins hmve employed
detectives, who have obtained a com
plete story of the life of Mrs. Kosterlitz
In this country and abroad. They have,
they say, tho most complete evidence
that Dorothea Edgarlta Is not the child
of D. Edgar Crouse, but rather than
face scandal, endless litigation and law
yers' fees they are willing to divide the
estate In the way mentioned.
The appraisers valued the estate at
$4.89.237. Today It Is said to be worth
only $3,000,000, tho difference being due
to shrinkage In the value of Its holdings.
Two Women Arc Killed by Robbers Who
Afterwards Ransacked the House and
Secured a Ouuntlty of Money.
By the United Press.
Jamestown, N. Y., Dec. 16. Mrs,
Winslow Sherman and 'her daughter,
Mrs. Clinton Davis, were both murdered
In the town of HustI yesterday after
noon while Mr. Sherman was attending
the funeral of Myron C. Shearman and
his wife, who were killed by an Erie
railroad express train.
The work was evidently that of rob
bers, as the -house was -ransacked. No
money was obtained.
The victims were found by the 13
year-old mm of Mrs. Davis on the floor
of tlhelr home, lying in a pool of blood
Mrs. Davis was shot through the head
There Is no clew to the murderers.
The victims wero killed by an axe or
hatdhief with a sharp edge. Mrs. Davis
was gashed 1n the back of the head
Which was doubtless the blow which
caused her death, although her face was
cut in numerous places, evidently with
a sharp Instrument.
Airs, tsnearmati naa received one
heavy blow on the forehead, with many
other smaller cuts, each of the women
having eight cuts on the head and face,
A sum of money, amounting to $250,
divided Into two parts and tied up in
handkerchiefs, was hidden in a bureau
drawer on the second floor. The mur
derer evidently entered the dwelling
through thewoodhouBeand departed the
same way, as footprints freshly made
were found in the mud outside the wood
shed door, to the west, leading both In
and out.
Mr. Shearman says he, has not shown
the money he had in the house, and so
far as he was aware no one knew of Its
presence there. A bloodhound has been
sent for and will as soon as it arrives
be placed on the trail, in the hope of
running down the murderer.
John Huntington Seriously Wounds Two
Inspectors und Then Puts Bullets Into
Ills Own Head.
By the United Press.
Council Bluffs. Dec. 16. John Hunt
ington, remittance clerk in the Citizen's
State bank, of this ctiy, this morning
shot and seriously wounded F. N.
Hayden, of Chicago, and A. Cromwell,
of Minneapolis, respectively superin
tendent and Inspector of the Fidelity
and Casualty company, of New York
city, and then committed suicide, shoot
ing himself through the head in the pri
vate office of the bank.
There was a shortage in the bank
acocmunts of $500 and this caused the
act. The shortage dates from last
July, , when a $500 check disappeared.
Every employe of the bank was under
bond signed by the Fidelity and Cas
ualty company and by instruction of
the directors, information of the short
age was sent to the company, which
sent to this city F. N. Hayden, of Chi
cago, and A. Cromwell, of Minneapolis,
to ascertain the truth. The circum
stantial evidence was largely against
Huntington and he was the first sub-
lect of Inquiry.
It was Just 11 o'clock when the confer
ence between Huntington, the bank of
ficials and Messrs. Hayden and Crom
well began. Huntington was asked re
garding the money he borrowed from
his Bister and he replied that the amount
was about $100. Asked what was hte
disposition of this money he said It was
none of the other men's business.
Cromwell, who did most of the talking
with Huntington, replied sharply that
that was not the kind of thing they
came here for, -that they wanted no
more of It. Huntington became excited
aid angry and said; "You can't conic
here and bulldoze me. I won't have it."
After further conversation Hunting
ton, however, stepped by Hayden and
pulled a revolver from his pocket. He
placed -the weapon close to Cromwell's
head and fired. The bullet struck the
right side of the neck, passing through
behind the windpipe and lodged In the
left side of the neck. Huntington
then turned his weapon on Hayden, who,
startled by the first shot, had started in
his chair, and before his victim could
rise to his feet, sent a bullet through the
neck. The bullet narrowly missed the
spinal column, cut through the skin and
flesh of the neck and passed out.
Instantly Huntington turned on
Cromwell before the latter had time to
rise and fired a third. Cromwell threw
up his right hand and received the bul
let just below the wrist. As Cromwell
succeeded In getting on his feet Hunt
ington fired again, this time striking
Cromwell In the fleshy part of the back
and as Cromwell ran to the door a fifth
shot grazed the skin on his right side.
Huntington was then nlone In the
room. All those In the bank had gone
through the outer door just as the
young man placed the revolver to his
right temple and fired the last shot Into
his brain. He fell to the floor bleeding
and unconscious.
Hayden's Injury was found to be not
serious, although he really had a closer
call than did Cromwell, who brought
away three pieces ot lead. His wound
was speedily dressed and Cromwell was
placed under the Influence of morphine,
while the doctor probed for the bullets,
all of which were found. The wound
in the throat might easily have been
fatal, as also might that In the back,
had the direction of the bullets been
slightly different.
After the shooting the scene at the
bank was a pathetic one. The family
of Huntington was at once notified
and In a short time tho aged father and
mother arrived In a carriage. The old
father fell on his knees by the side of
the suicide and clasped one bloodless
hand and, In voice choking with sobs,
prayed for forgiveness of his erring
son. Huntington was found lying on
his back on the floor with the blood
running from the wound In his head.
He never regained consciousness and
died at 1 o'clock, where he had fallen.
Cromwell, after recovering from the
effeots of the drug, was very vvenk and
In considerable pain, but tonight was
sitting up In bed and able to talk.
Noted Engineer Head.
13y the United Tress.
Washington, Dec. 1C Information has
been received here that Oavid McKeo
ltussoll, of this city, who went to Huenos
Ayres four yenrs ago under contract with
the Principal Hank Note Kngravlng com
pany, of South America, died In that city
recently from Injuries received by falling
under a train of cars. Mr. Kusscll was
a man of remarkable mechanical Inge
nuity and designed the lathe with which
the Intricate patterns, on all our bank
notes were engraved.
Freight Trains Collide.
By the United l'ress.
Lancaster, Pa., Dec. 16. Two freight
trains on the rennsylvanla railroad col
lided at Mill Creek water station, east of
this city, and three cars, an englno and
caboose were wrecked. The wreck took
fire and was completely destroyed, to
gether with a large amount of merchan
dise. The train hands escaped unhurt.
Itecent floods In Cyprus caused damage
to the extent of KMI.uuti.
Small-pox Is steadily waning In Lon
don. For three weeks there has been no
death from the malady, and last week
there were only thirty-three cases under
Genoese physicians are much dlsap.
pointed with the lierlln antl-dlphthurltlo
scrum. Venetian doctors are equally dls
Batlslled, many cases having resulted fa
tally under the new cure.
Conferences . ot Uerman railway ser
vants are to be hold throughout the em
plie to discuss the possibility of mopping
freight trains from running on Sundays,
The object Is to enable the rallwuy olll.
dais to qjitalu rest on tho Sabbath.
Two leading anarchists have been sur
rendered by the Swiss government to the
Italian police. This action has caused a
panic among the numerous Itullan an
archlsts who had settled In Switzerland
and many of them have lied from that
The lute Johann Sala has bequeathed
tiM.UOO to the municipality of Berlin, the
Interest of which is to be extended to
sending to the seaside or Into the country
every summer a number of deserving
children, Irrespective of creed, attending
thOfpubllc schools.
For eastern Pennsylvania, rain; cooler:
Increasing .southwest winds, becoming
Holiday Goods
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