The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 15, 1894, Page 9, Image 9
TIIE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORNINGr. DECEMBER 15. 18U4. City Pastors and ." Their Hard Work Ilelijjious Developments of One Week in All Our Churches. ' AUXILIARY ACTIVITIES NOTED Carefully Compiled Compendium of News and Personal Mention Relating to the Churches und the llenevolent and Chaiitublc lieligious Soeieties. This week Is anniversary week In Kim Park church, and tomorrow will be n day full of Interest to all those who are members of the coiiKivKatlon. At 10 a. m. Sfr. Woolor will play the same hymns on the'ohlmes as were used at the dedi cation services. At 10.30 a. m. Rev. J. SI.' Day, D. I)., chancellor of Syracuse university, will preach the anniversary sermon. At 2 p. m. the Sunday school will celebrate the anniversary, when brief addresses will be made by Mayor Connell, Rev. A. K. Chaffee and others. At 6.30 p. in. the Kpworth league will hold anniversary exercises In the lec ture room, when II. H. lieldleman will review the work. of the year und Dr. Day plve an address. At 7.45 p. in. Pro fessor Carter will conduct a brief ser vice of sons, and the sermon will be de livered by Rev. J. Richard Iloyle, 1). D of Wilkes-ISarre. The Kentlemen that will occupy the pulpit duiiiurthodnynre honored and representative ministers of the Methodist Kpiscopal church. Special attention will be Riven to music and Professor Carter will prelude every Service in the auditorium with a preat organ solo. The day will be one of the most memorable In the history of the Church. Phenomenal Growth. In the December number of the Lackawanna Bell, the Railroad Young: Men's Christian association gives a list showing- the increase in membership during the year 181U. The ligures are the best possible commentary on the noble work done by this branch of Christian men. In January the mem bership was 117, and not a slnge month has witnessed u decrease in member ship. In March and April there was no advancement, but the 316 mark was not receded from. Indeed, from March to June, the Increase was not marked, but from the beginning of July ithe mem bership grows rapidly and on the end of November th 400 mark has been reached. Early In this month the num ber reached 455 and today the 500 mark lias been passed. This work Is very complimentary to the membership com mittee, and is very encouraging to the secretary, F. V. Pearsall. Hoard of I diicution. The board of education of the Method ist Kpiscopal church, of which I'ishop Andrews is president, held its annual meeting at the office of the board In New York city, last Tuesday. The ob ject of the society is to support deserv ing young men to enter the ministry, who are not able to pass through col lege and seminary on their private re sources. During the last year the board has aided 1,539 students In a hundred dif ferent Institutions scattered all through the states. This was done at an ex penditure of over $70,000. Its total re ceipts the last year from ull sources were $.X4,3."9. .'Much of this money Is col lected by special offerings being made In the Methodist Episcopal churches and Sunday schools on Children's day. The board reorganized and liishop An drews was re-elected president, and Dr. A. S. Hunt, recording secretary. Hoys' Itrigudc. One of the most flourishing organlza 1 tions of recent years for the benelit of boys Is the Boys' brigade, of which Rev. .J It. Adams, of San Francisco, Is president. There are similar organlza tions among the Baptists and Method ists, and at the recent convention of the national movement, held In Chi vago, attempts were made to unite the three. The representatives present from the above two denominations did not find anything In the national body that they could not Indorse, but they thought It expedient for the present to continue tht.'r work along denomi national lines iMiere are ut present in the national organization, 463 compa nies, scattered in twenty-seven states and territories, comprising over 16,000 members. The headquarters have been moved from San Fransisco to Chicago, and the name of the organ of the move ment is changed into the Knapsack The main Idea In the movement Is not military, but ethical and religious During the past year 14 per cent, of the boys were converted and brought into the church, which made an addition of 2,000 souls. This Is most significant, when it is known that the most efllclent work of the organization Is done in the slums of lurge cities, where boys are bred In vice and crime, and It Is an titter Impossibility to have them enter a church or a Sunday school. They are reached by their Inclination to the military spirit, and by enforcement of discipline, they are taught obedience and morality, and are gradually led to the Captain of Salvation. A new hymnal will soon be prepared for the use of the boys, and an ambulance porps manual will also be Issued that will teach them how to treat wounds, care for the sick, and help In cases of emergency. There are several compu Dies In our city doing very good work. In Hi bio Schools. ' The Sunday school of the Green Ridge Presbyterian church will make an offering to the poor on Friday, Dec 2S.. The gifts will lit brought Into the church and on the day following Will be distributed. The Sunday school of the Welsh Con gregatlonal church of Providence Is actively engaged preparing for Christ mas exercises. Henry Hltchings and David D. Lewis have the charge of the programme. The Sunday school of the Trovldence Presbyterian church Is preparing a pro gramme for Christmas exercises that will be rendered on Dec. 24. The choir of the same church Is also preparing special music for Christmas Sunday. William Price, teacher of the Bible class of the St. David's church, gave a reception last Wednesday evening to the members of his class nt his home, on Washburn street. All the young people were delighted with the even ing's enjoyment, and duly appreciated the services rendered them by their be loved teacher. Last Thursday evening a goodly mumber of Sunday school teachers and members of the St. David's church as sembled In the school rooms to prepare laurel for 'the purpose of decorating the church for Christmas. The work will be continued almost every eve.nlng next week, and members and friends of the congregation are cordially In vited to aid in the work. The Plymouth church mission school In Kaiser valley Is In a very flourish ing, condition under the leadership of Miss Delia P. Evans. The srhool now numbers about 250, and steps are being itaken tJ jut a missionary on the field. The young people of the Holy Trini ty Lutheran church are preparing ex ercises for Christmas celebration. It is proposed to hold & meeting at 6 o'clock In the morning. Our Young People. The young people of the Oreen Ridge Presbyterian church voted to appro priate ja to buy mittens and gloves to send out to a missionary In the west. Miss Annie Houssar has a very flour ishing Junior Epworth league meeting In the vestry of the First German Meth odist Episcopal church on Adams ave nue every Thursday afternoon. About fifty children are taught by her In the principles of the Christian faltli every week. Next Monday evening the Epworth league of the Asbury Methodist Epis copal church will study the life and works of Longfellow. This society was greatly delighted last Monday evening by the talks of Rev. Leonard Cole and Rev. John Duvy on the experience of Methodist Episcopal ministers of fifty and sixty years ago. Mrs. Safford, the aged widow of a clergyman of the same faith, also spoke on the same line. The Young People's society of the Welsh Baotlst church, of the North End. is in a flourishing condition. At their regular meeting this week they passed a vote of thanks to Thomas hu for his address in behalf of the poor of the church. The Epworth league of the Provi dence Methodist Episcopal church was rejoiced last Tuesday evening by see ing six new members ndded to the so ciety. This makes over 100 members In this, active society. There Is a Junior league also of over fifty members in tills church. The Guild Mission hand of the Provi dence Presbyterian church held a very Interesting service last Sunday after noon when the children studied the work In "Syria." The members of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew of the St. David's church are discussing the advisability of rent ing a house to be known as the Brother hood's home, where rooms will be fur nished and the young men may spend their evenings. There are many young men In -the parish who board In differ ent parts of the city, and such a home would benefit tliein both morally and socially. Many of the scholars attending the St. David's kindergaren are sick, which has considerably reduced the attend ance. Some new ones have been ad mitted to fill up the vacancies. The en tertainment recently given by the little folks was highly appreciated, and It is proposed to give a similar entertain ment each month to which the public will be admitted free of charge. Any one desiring to visit tne scnoot is cor dially welcomed to do so any week day, except Sunday, between the hours of 9 and 12 in the morning. The young people of the Grace Re formed church will begin the work of decorating their church for Christmas exercises next week. Our Clergy. Rev. W. J. Ford, of the Green Ridge Baptist church, gave an address on Dec. 7 to a joint convention of Endeavor and Epworth league workers ut Elm hurst on "The Place of the Christian Endeavor In the Evangelization of the World." Last Sunday evening Rev. A. F. Chaf fee, of the Asbury Methodist Episcopal church, conducted a hymn service. A list of hymns was selected which were sung by the congregation, and the pas tor gave a brief sketch of the occasion on which they were written. The peo ple were much pleased. Next Sunday Rev. Daniel Savage will close the two weeks special service con ducted in the Primitive Methodist church of Green Ridge. In the morn ing the pastor will talk on "The Chris tian for the Times," and in the evening conduct a love feast. Rev. D. M. Klnter preached last Tues day evening in Wilkes-Barre, -in the room of the Rescue mission. Last Sun day morning Mr. Klnter was surprised by seeing a gentleman In his church that had come from the Falls, seven teen miles away, and asked to be bap tised Into the Christian church. Rev. G. W. Muckley, of Kansas City, the secretary of the Church Extension fund of the Christian church, raised $400 in Rev. D. M. Klnter's church last Sunday evening, and in the morning he raised $900 lij Plymouth. Rev. Jennette L. Olinstead, of Ohio, will preach in the Puritan Congrega tional church tomorrow evening. On next Wednesday evening she will lec ture on "The Ideal In Social Life" In the above church on WeBt Market street. . George C. Bundlck was recently or dained pastor of the Baptist church of Clifford. Rev. W. J. Watkins preached the sermon; Rev. T. E. Jessup, the charge to the church; Rev. W. (1. Wat kins, the charge to the pastor; Rev. A. U. Urowe, the address of welcome, and Rev. D. J. Williams, the ordination prayer. Rev. W. A. Millar was moder ator of the council. Rev. W. G. Wat kins, scribe. Rev. R. W. McCtillough, of Trumans burg, has sent Rev. W. G. Watkins, of the North Main Avenue Baptist church, an Invitation to come to his people and hold a week's evangelistic services dur ing the first week of the new year. It Is likely Mr. Watkins will accept. Rev. A. L. Urban, assistant at St. Luke's church, will conduct services at St. David's church tomorrow morning at 10.30 o'clock, and Rev. M. 11. Mill will in-each at Dunmore and celebrate holy communion there. Rev. Thomas Bell will conduct com munion service tomorrow morning when new members will be admitted Into full membership. Rev. A. GrllUn, D. D will speak in the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church tomorrow morning. On Mon day morning he will nddress the Meth odist Episcopal mlnlsterlum in the Elm Park church.. Mr. Griffin Is secretary of the fund for Infirm ministers In the Methodist Episcopal church. Rev. J. G. Eckman left Wednesday afternoon to lecture at Balnhrldge, N. Y., that evening on "A Pilgrimage to Pompeii." ' Rev. W. H. Rtubbleblne. of the Cal vary Reformed church, Is preparing a lecture on his "Trip to Greenland which Jie will deliver early In January to his people In the chapel on Marlon avenue. The lecture will be Illustrated with stereoptlcon views. Rev. H. C. Hlnman will speak to the Railroad Young Men's Christian asso ciation tomorrow afternoon. Special Ringing by the Railroad Male quartette. Brief Notes. W. O. Tark and wife, one of the elders Of the Green Ridge Presbyterian church, are on their way home from the Holv Land. They are expected to land in New York today. The choir of the Providence Methodist Episcopal church Is busily enquired on a programme of sacred music that will he rendered on Sunday evening before Christ mas. Tho Woman's Home Missionary socie ty of the Providence Presbyterian church decided to hold an. .entertainment on Washington's Birthday. The Ladles' Aid society of the sojns church will hold an entertainment on Easter. Tho self-denial committee of the Prln- Hive Methodist church, of Green Hldite, will make a special effort to raise funds on the first of next January to pay off part of the debt of the church. The uffalr is In the hands of Mrs. Brown and a sub committee. The choir of the Christian church is re hearsing a sacred cantata that will be given the public Christmas evening. John Moore Is conductor. r The choir of the Puritan congregational church la being reorganized, in. order to get the best possible voices for the ren dering of a sacred cantata that will soon be selected. At a vestry meeting recently held In St. David's church, It was unanimously de cided that the caskets should not be opened in the church- unless by special permission from the rector and church wardens. Daniel Elslnger has been added to tho St. David's church choir. The choir now numbers twenty-five members, consisting of boys, men and young women. Their performance Is constantly improving, and at present they are rehearsing Christ mas music, which will be superior to any thing the church hus rendered. Its pres ent proficiency is largely due to John Mor ris, conductor. A roll call will be held In the Scranton Street Baptist church on New ' Year's eve. This meeting will be probably con tinued until the coming In of the New Year. The Ladies' Aid society of the Plymouth Congregational church mude over $300 from the sales in the fair they held last week. The quarterly meeting of the Congrega tional churches of northeastern Pennsyl vania will be held toduy and tomorrow in Taylor. Conference will meet at 2 p. m. Kev. D. M. Stearns, of Philadelphia, former pastor of the Grace Reformed church, Is expected in the city next Wed nesday. He will talk In the church in the evening, und his many friends, will have an opportunity to see and heur him again. TOMORROW'S SERVICES. Dunmore Presbyterian Church J. W. Williams, pastor. Subject of the morning sermon at 10:SO will be "Life Out of Death." Evening service at 7.H0. Chris tian Endeavor at 6.30 p.m. Sabbath school at 12 noon. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. All Souls Church (Cnlversallst)-Pine street, near Adams avenue. Rev. G. W. Powell, pastor. Service at 10.30 a.m. Theme, "The Temptations of Christ," by request. Lecture ut 7.30 fc.m. on "That Pouting Elder Brother." Simpson Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. A. Grlflln, D.D., will preach morn ing und evening. Seats free, l.'shers in attendance. Tho Second Presbyterian Church Rev. Charles E. Robinson, D.D., pastor. Ser vices ut 10.3(1 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. The question to be answered in the evening continues the subject of "Fulling from Grace." The sermon in the evening will be' on "What Shall I Do with Jesus?" All sea.s fiee In the evening. All wel come ut ull service. Annlversay Sunday at Elm Park Church The Rev. J. H. Day, D.D., chan cellor of Syracuse university, will preach In the morning. Kvening sermon by the Rev. J Rlchurd Boyle, pastor First Methodist Kpiscopal church, Wllkev Barre. Sunday school at 2 p.m. Epworth leuguc at 0.30 p.m. Park Placn Methodist Church Preach ing by the Rev. P. R. Hawxliurst. Sub ject In the morning, "Co-operation in Church Work." Kvening theme, "Super stitious Notions." Providence Presbyterian Church Preaching by the pastor. Rev. George E. Guild. Morning subject, "The Family Life." Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Seats of cl urch free. First Baptist Church Pastor Collins will preach Sabbath at 10.30 a.m anil 7 p. m. Morning theme. "The Fine Temple." Evening theme, "The Relation of tho Christian to the World, Politics and the Church." Seats free. All welcome. Purltait Congregational Church On Sabbath morning the pustor, Rev. A. F. Ferris, will preuch on tho subject, "The Faith That Haves." The evening service will begin with a praise service ut 6.45, with several beautiful selections by the choir and orchestra. Rev. -Jeanetto L. Olmstead, pastor of First Congregational church, Gustavus, O., and formerly na tional lecturer of the social purity work cf th- V.' man's Christian Temperance union, will preach on the subject, "The Forgiveness of God." All are welcome. Howard Place African Methodist Epis copal Church Rev C. A. McGee, pastor. Preaching at 10.30 a.m. and 8 p.m. Sab bath school at 2.30 p.m. All are cordially Invited to uttend. Tho Jackson Street Baptist Church- Services at 10.30 a.m. and 6 u.m. Sunduy school at 2 p.m. The pastor will preach morning and evening. Morning theme, "The Condition of (Church Property." Evening, by request, "What Do Huptlsts Hold In Regard to Baptist and Commun ion?" Baptism administered after even ing sermon. Grace English Lutheran Church Rev. Foster V. Gift, pastor. Service on Sunday at the Young Men's Christian association at 10.30 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. J. A. Wirt, of Hughesvllle, Pa., will preach. Everybody welcome. Green Ridge Evangelical Lutheran Church Rev. O. L. Mulce, pastor. Sun day school at 9.30 a.m. K. L. C. E. at 6.15 p.m. Preaching at 7.30 p.m. by Rev, C. Henmun. Everybody welcome. Services at Trinity Evangelical church, corner Luke und Kurtz streets, at the usual hours, 10.30 a.nt. ami 7.30 p.m. Sun duy school ut 2 p.m. The pustor, J. G. Whllmlre, who, on account of sickness, wus unable to uttend to his tork the past seven weeks, expects to conduct tho services. Trinity Lutheran Church Adams ave nue, corner Mulberry street. Kev. K. I Miller, pustor. Services at 10.30 u.m. und 7.30 p.m. Pews free and visiting ' wor shipers welcome. Calvary Reformed Church Corner Monroe aveune tind Gibson street. Rev. V. H. Stubbleblne, pastor. Preaching at 10.30 a.m. nnd 7.30 p.m.,Mornlng snbjct, "Doubts Whut to Do with Him." Even ing subject, "Cities of Refuge." Grace i Reformed Episcopal Church Wyomirg ave, between Linden and Mul berry streets. Morning worship ut 10.30. Subject, "All-Sufllciency of Christ," I Corinthians, I, 30. Evening worship at 7.30. Subject, "The Midnight Cry," Matthew, xxv, 6. Sabbath school at 12 m. Young People's Society of Christian Kndeavor at 6.30 p.m. Wednesday evening ut 7.45, farewell meeting to F. C. H. Dreyer, Klngdum Tidings Missionary to China. Rev. 1. M. Stearn, our former pastor, will be present. Saint Luke's Church Rev. Rogers Is rael, rector. Third Sunday In Advent. Holy communion, 8 a.m.; service and ser mon, 10.30 a.m; Sunduy school, 2.30 p.m evening prayer und sermon, 7.30 p.m. Saint Luke's Dunmore Mission Rev. A L. I'rhan in charge. Holy communion 10.30 a.m.; Sunduy school, 3 p.m.; service und sermon, 7.30 p.m. Penn Avenue Baptist Church Rev. War ren G. Partridge, pastor. Services at 10.30 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Subject In the morn Ing, "Christ and the Children of the City.'' In the evening, "The Redeemer's Vic tory Over Men." Song service in the evening. Free seats. All welcome. Slio Had Kend the Papers. From the Boston Courier. Clerk Well If you don't like any of the pinks here are sonio nice goodi In green I would be pleased to show you. Aunt Abigail (curtly) No, yeou don't young feller; I read the paper, an' I know ull about you green goods fellers. THE DOMESTIC POE' Love comes ever as It 'will Not because we pruy it. (Here's that millinery bill ' Hanged If I will puy it!) Love Is like the rose of peace, Ere the wild bee rifles, (This extravagunco must cease Fortune spent in trifles!) Love Is sweetest when In youth All the fntes have said It. (Another dressl I see the truth You're going to kill my credit!) Yet love Is sweet when Time Is gray And wintry winds nro blowing, ('Twill take all I can write to pay The monstrous bills you're owing!) Atlanta Constitution. Health' Hints and Riiles of Hygiene Suggestions That May Save You Many a Doctor's Bill. WISDOM T0K THE HOUSEHOLD These Hints Don't Cost Much, Aro Not Copyrighted, and if They Don't Do You Any Good, They'll Not Do You Any Hurm. . Ever and always something new! Noit many weeks ago, In this column of The Tribune, we narrated the peculiar rem iniscence of how Artist H. U. Rowley, once of Plttston, got the better of a moat rebellious stomach by literally plaster ing It over with table musturd. Now comes another grotesque cure for dys pepsia acuro which leaps incontinently to the directly opposite extreme. The Rowley cure was a hot one. This is ice-cold. Last week, In London, during a lecture before the Academy of Medi cine, Professor Plctet outll-ned with much care a system of frlgotlierapeu tlcs. He began by experimenting on dogs, und found thnt when they were plunged Into a bath ut low temperature and were kept there for some time they became ravenously hungry. Being him self a sufferer from stomach disease he had forgotten what It was to have an appetite. So he descended into the re frlgeratlng tank at a temperature many degrees below zero. He wrapped thick pelisse and other warm clothes about him, but after four minutes ho began to feel hungry. At the end of eight minutes he climbed out of the tank with a painfully keen appetite Many such experiments were mude All meals taken, after a short stay In the refrigerator, agreed with him. He found that his dyspepsia was cured after the tenth descent. In dog days this wouldn't be bad. But In Decembe with the wind roistering out of doors and the mercury wheezing down to ward the bulb ugh! II II II Science Is still casting Its chilly eye on that agreuble pastime of fair maid ens nnd love-sick swains kissing. Sci ence Is evidently determined, in Its cold materialistic fashion, that kissing must go. Says a malter-of-fact scientific Journal; "Kissing may be conventionally divided Into two classes those which belong to and are intimately associated with the warmer passions of the heart nnd thoo which are purely conventional. In view of the exacting demands of modern sani tary principles, in neither case Is the hab it desirable or even permissible. Never theless, It is only waste of labor for medi cal mentors to protest against the habit so far us the first 'order' of kisses Is con cerned. With respect, however, to the sec ond variety of kisses, the matter Is differ ent. For the most part , the habit Is prac tised upon children both girls and boys. Among ourselves, too, kissing to a Inrg extent prevails. But the lucillty with which diphtheria, measles, whoopin cough und scarlet fever lire transmitted in early life renders the habit one which common sense will show to be open to grave objection. However essential con volitional Kisses may lie regarded as a means of demonstrating friendship and politeness, parents should, nevertheless. we think, consider In this matter the wet fare of their children first. Our condem nation of kisses may, lor practical pur poses, be restricted to the objectionable hut common practice of kissing on the mouth. Among grown-up people It Is un becoming, to say tho least, while toward and between chldren the practice is open to the gravest suspicion. Children can bo trained with the greutest euse to offer tlia cheek or the forehead for the proffered caress, and to elude the uttempt to con taminnte the lips. The Incubation period of all the diseases mentioned may, or may not, be Infective in tho ordinary accepta tion of the term. I. poll this matter our knowledge, so far, is by no means certain, while, on the other hand, recent lnvestlg.i tions would seem to Indicate that the In fectlon of zymotic diseases In patients Is of very much longer duration than used formerly to be supposed, enduring, In deed, long after convalescence has be;-n established." Hence, down with klssng! Slightly Illogical, you Bay? Well, yes. But there's this consolation. It won't make any difference. People will kiss and other people will be kissed, microbes or no microbes. Infection or no infection, to the end of time. II 'I II A well-known medical writer thus de scribes the physiology of a cold: "Phys lologlsts hnve said that If a few drops of tho blandest fluid In nature lire In jected Into n blood vessel against the current death Is an Instantaneous re suit. Millions of canals or tubes from the Inner portion of the body open thel little mouths at the surface, and through channels, as ceaseless as the flow of time, a fluid containing the wastes und Impurities of the system is passing out ward, and Is emptied out on the skin This fluid must hnve exit or we die In ti few hours. If it does not have vent at the surface of the body It must have some Internal outlet. Nature abhon shocks as she does a vacuum. Heat dls tends the mouths of these ducts and promotes a larger and more rapid flow of the contained lluid; on the othe hand, cold contracts them, und the fluid is nt first arrested, dams up and re bounds. If the purest warm milk, In jectea against tne current, Kills in n moment, not from any chemical quality but from the force against the natural current, there need be no surprise n the 111 effects of suddenly closing the mouths of millions of tubes nt the sam Instant, causing a violence at every pin head surface of the body. If these mouths are gradually closed nature hn time to adapt herself to the clrcumstan ces by opening her channels Into th great internal waterways of the body and no harm follows. Hence the safety of cooling off slowly after exercise or being In a hented apartment, and th danger of pooling off rapidly, under the same circumstances, familiarly know- by tiie expression 'checking persplrn lion.' The result of closing the pores o the skin is various, according to the di rection the shock takes, nnd this Is nl ways to the weakest part; In the llttl child It is to the throat, and there is croup or diphtheria; in the adult It is to the head, giving catarrh In the head or running of the nose; to the lungs, glv Ing a bad cold, or If very violent, raus Ing pneumonia or inflammation of the lungs themselves; or pleurisy, inllnmma tlon of the covering of the lungs; to the bowels, causing profuse and sudden dl orrhea; or to the covering of the bowels, Inducing that rapid und often fatal mnl ady known as peritoneal Inflammation If the current is determined to the liver, there is obstinate constipation, or bil lous fever, or Blck headache, HEALTH FOR THE MILLION. For gas In the stomach after eating take five grains of the subgallate of bismuth after each meal. Fruit cools the blood, cleans the teeth and nids the digestion. Those who can eat It iiiIns tho benefits of perhups th most medicinal food In natures bill fare. For catarrh of the stomuch and bowels take a half teuspoonful of the phosnhat of sodium In a halt tea cup full of hot Do this for three months. Those annoying and unaccountable laD- ses of memory experienced when one Is unuble to recollect some well-known word or the name of some perfectly-familiar menu are attributed by a French physi ologist to the excessive use of tobacco. A thin- sandwich of stale bread, with scraped beef and a glass of milk, is a good hreaKfast for a babe of two or three years of uge, A dish of plain meat soup, with baked potatoes, a boiled vegetable and bread will be his dinner at noon. By S clock he will want crackers and milk. At 6 o'clock a cup of custard, or bread and utter with milk, should be the last meal f the dny. Directions for a slim, thin, nervous man who wants to get fairly endowed with flesh nd nerve power: "Sleep ten hours out of twenty-four, live a regular well ordered life do everything In moderation. Take out-of-door exerclHe every day a two or three-mile walk In all kinds of weather, resslng according to the weather to in ure against wet, cold or excessive heat. Take a full bath once each day, In warm or cold water, whichever the more agree able. - To get fnt Eut vegetables and sleep lifter each meal. Go to bed nt 9 o'clock and He In bed half an hour after you wake up. Laugh u great deal. Drink wuter by he pint or the quart If you can. Drink weak and sweet lea, with plenty of milk In it. Take cod liver nnd sweet oils, as much as you can. Eut until you feel as If ou would burst at the table. Put plenty of butter on your bread. This will guar antee a gain of five pounds u month, und, If you can sleep a greut deal, of double that umount. All dried fruit is difficult to digest. Re- cooked meats are Improper for children. All so-called rich food Is Interdicted, as the system is not strong enough to wres tle with foreign substances or excess of natural diet. During tho second year fruit Is admissible. Scraped sweet apples are digested In one hour anil a half, Baked apples and milk with crackers make a good supper. Juice of oranges Is good in the morning. Bananas, if very ripe, are very rich in sugar, and very much liked by the little ones. There is llttlo doubt, says tho Phlladel phlu Record, that un Immense number of persons habitually sleep on the left side, und those who do so cun never, It is sai l, be strictly healthy. It Is the most prolific cause of nightmare, and also of the un deasant taste in the mouth on arising In he morning. All food enters and leaves tho stomach on tho right side, and hence sleeping on the left side soon after eating Involves u sort of pumping operation. which Is anything but conducive to sound repose. The action of tho heart Is also seriously Intprferred with und the lungs unduly compressed. Hence it Is best to ultivutn the hub It of alwuys sleeping on the right side. NEW (TRKKMY PLAN. How to Have .Money Without Interest for Public Purposes. Ipon u City, County and State llond Ilusls. Editor of The Tribune. Sir. I well know that any lnnova tlon, having in view the reform or ex pansion of our present currency circula tion no mat-tor how solid the basis for this Innovation may be, or how just its claims Is Instinctively frowned upon by the banking and moneyed classes, who fear for privileges acquired; as well as by the thoughtless and Ignnr ant, who either will not or cannot understand reforms In favor of the great masses of the people. But the financial reform is the Ilrst and greatest of all reforms, because capital controls labor, inasmuch as capital is the only medium of exchange through which wages, or the price of labor, Is de termined. And consequently the flnan ciul question must control the labor question and lives at the basis and foun dution of the solution of the so-called social question of the day. We see throughout the financial movement of the whole world that prices rise whenever the currency circulation Is Increased; and, on the other hand thnt prices fall whenever the circula tion Is contracted. And, furthermore that with rising prices the condition o the laboring classes is Improved, be' cause the price of labor rises also, whereas, when money Is scarce, labor Is Ill-paid. This law Is universal and well established. It must consequently furnish the true key for improving the condition of the working population which Is to Increase the volume of money In actual circulation. This, deed, Is the first nnd most "Important step toward the people's financial emancipation nnd without which all thought of radical and permanent re forms Is an Illusion. Therefore, the question is, How can we Increase the money circulation on a sound basis for the direct and evident benefit of the people at large? One Plan Outlined. It seems to me that this might he done In the following manner: We all know that. United States bonds nre accepted in the United States treasury on deposit us lawful security for an Issue of bank notes full legal tender to the umount of 00 per cent, of the face value of the bonds. And, moreover, that these bank notes, printed by the government, nn Issued to our national banks absolutely free of interest and with a tax of only 1 per cent. Nevertheless, there are mil Hons of dollars worth of state and city bonds In our country which nre in every respect of as good intrinsic value a any United States bond, nnd which moreover, are considered us such by private capital for Investment. Then why not permit these bonds as good us our federal bonds to be re ceived In the United States treasury as lawful security for an issue of bank notes on the same terms us the Unite States bonds? which Is that thl money would bo full legul tender an without interest. Thus the bonds on deposit would be non-lntcyest bearing and constitute n lonn of money without Interest for public purposes, nnd for the side benefit of the taxpayers and the people In general. The bonds In question could be re deemed by annuities paid yearly I gold coin If need be, say at the rate of f or 6 per cent, of the capital loaned and these bank notes could be with drawn from the circulation and can celled as the above payments were made. Furthermore, it could be re quired thnt life first money collected each year through tuxes in center: where these bonds had been. Issued must be sent to the United States treas ury for their redemption as stipulated, And In cubo of non-payment the federal government could be authorized to co lect the taxes directly in these centers, Besides a small tax, say 4 of 1 per cent Beecham's pills are for bili ousness, bilious headache dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick headache bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appetite, sa low skin, when caused by con stipation; and constipation is the most frequent cause of al of them. Book free; pills 2;c. A' drugstores, or write B. F. A len Co., 365 Canal St., New water half an hour before each meal, York, - ' could be levied on the whole Issue as a ' reserve fund In case of emergency. This Plan's Advantages. The advantages- of a national cur rency Issue of the above nature are evident. Calculating at a t per cent, rate the money saved every twenty years to the taxpayers would equal the whole race value of the entire Issue. And private capital otherwise Invested In these bonds would be. free to seek new investments and our stock of cir culating money would be increased In the same ratio. Furthermore, the re- eptlon of the bonds in the United States treasury could be conditioned on the approval of such by a special com mission. I will also add that our present Issues of bank notes'dependlng on and main tained as parity with gold by the $100, 000,000 gold reserve fund Is about one thousand million dollars. These Issues could be gradually withdrawn and the currency Issues I propose take their place. And this new Issue would then have the same $100,000,000 gold reserve fund to keep it at par, while the ad vantage of such a measure would be In saving millions of dollars to the tnx payers and Increasing at the same time our circulation which would prevent the need of such great sums borrowed abroad and which are a great drain on our national prosperity. I give' the above plan In outline only and on general principles. Many cur ency schemes are being proposed at the present hour, and as this one would save enormous sums to the taxpayers undf would have as good a basis and the same reserve fund qb our present paper issues, I thought it might be worthy of the attention of the people for whose sole benefit it ought to bo Inaugurated. And I cannot see. on the ither hand, where It could Injure any other class of respectable- Interests, and so far as its fundamental princi ples, are concerned I consider them as sound as they would be beneficial to the whole nation. Daniel B. Strong, M. D, Starrucca, Pa., Dec. 11. MINISTERS ENDORSE IT. Donnoha. Fornth Co.. JV. C. Db. K. V. Pierce : Dtar Sir For tome tlx or seven yean nijr wile had been an Inralid. Be coming convinced that it wus her only hope, wo bought six bottles of Dr. Pioree's Favorite Prescription and "Gold en Medical Discovery." To the surprise of the community and the joy of myself and family, In one week my wife com menced to improve, and lonn beforo she Imd taken the last bottle alio whh nhln to no hpp nwn &.JMliy work (she had not been mnilf'V ' able to do it before for Mrs. Stimpson. seven yearp), and when she had taken the lust of tho medicine she was soundly cured. Yours truly, Hcv.T. H. STIMI'SON. For women suffering from any chronic " female complaint " or weakness; for women who are run-down or overworked ; at the change from girlhood to womanhood; and, later, at the critical "change of life" "Favorite Prescription" Is a medicine that safely and certainly builds up, strengthens, regulates, ana cures. STILL IN EXISTENCE. The World Renowned and Old Reliable Dr. Campbell's Great Magic Worm Sugar and Tea, Everv box gurrantotd to trivo catisfAction or money refunded. Full printed directions from a child to a grown person. Itispuroly vegetable and cannot positively harm the most tender infant. Insist on having Dr, Camp bell's; accept no other. At all Druggists, -Sc. WONDERFUL Bot-TH SriiANTOM, Pa., Nov. 10, 18D4. Mr. C. W. CaraDbell-Dear Blr: I have given my boy, Freddie, 7 years old, some of r. Campbell's Magic Worm Sugar and Tea. and to my surprise this afternoon about '1 o'clock be passed a tapeworm measuring about ili feet in length, head and all, 1 have ft iu a bottle and any person wishing to see it can do so by catling at ray store. I had tried numerous other remedies recommended for takiuu taneworins. but all failed. In mv estimation Dr. Campbell's is the greatest worm remeuy in existsm-e. Yours vjrv resnectfullv. FRED HEFFNFJR, 732 Bosch St Note The above is what everybody sava after on co uiing. Maunfactured by C. W. Campbell, Lancaster, Pa. Successor to Dr. Johu Campbell & Bon. 1 HUNT 5 CORNELL CO., HAItUFlCTVRERg' A0tlfT8 fOB TRENTON IRON CO.'S WIRE ROPE. VAN ALEN & CO.'S STEEL NAILS. OXFORD IRON CO.S KRCHINT BAR IRON. REVERE RUBBER CO.'S , BELTING, PACKING AND HOSE. FAYERWEATHER & LADEW'S "HOYT'S" LEATHER BELTING. A.B. BONNEVILLE'S "STAR" PORTLAND CERENT. AMERICAN BOILER C0.S "ECONOIIIV" HOT AIR FURNACES. GRIFFING IRON CO.'S BUND. RADIATORS. 434 LACKAWANNA AVE. riT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL Coal of the beat quality for domestic Use, and of all elms, delivered in any part of the city at lowest price. Orders left at my Office NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE, Rear room, lirat floor, Third National (tank, or Rent by mall or telephone to the nine, will receive prompt attention. Special contracts will be made for the lale and delivery of liuckwhuut Coal. WM. T. SMITH. "WELL, SIR" "Spectacles I" Yes Blr! We have a specialist here to Ot you who does nothing else. Sit right down and have your eyes fitted in a scientific manner. Trm LLOYD, JEWELER, 423 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. a -lfjj ill 1 im BAD ULCERS OH LIMBS Five years' Suff ering. Could not Sleep or Work from Itching 1 and Burning. Six Doctors could do Nothing. Relief In the First Application. Perfect Cure by CUTICURA. I had on both my lees, for five vean. threa Tery bad ulcers, two on one, and one on the Other just into the laro an a uve cent piece wmcu hurt me so much night and day, that I could sleep fur the itcliinp;und burning. 1 had to get up three or four times a mulit. Did not know what to do with myself as I could nut work. Called a doctor to look at theni, but lie did 1110 no good, and iu all, bad six of the best doc tors 1 could gut, but they could do nothing. I mipiit many dollars on different kinds of salvo, to no good, and I gave up all hopes of ever getting cured. Nothing did me any good, until 1 tried Cotioura Kkmhdiks. The Jirtt application tuy JKS began to fuel better, the itching, smarting, and burning stopped. I kept on with them. aim alter using lor tnrce months, 1 was entirely cured. I lined seven boxes of Ci tktka, one cake of Cutiodha Soap, und three bottles of Cuticcra Resolvent, and thev are the best remedies for sklu diseases I ever used. Un years 1 suffered, and can prove it by lieoiile where I now live. If anvone doubts this, write to me, and I will tell them with the greatest of pleasure what t'UTici'HA Kkhkiuk have done. cannot 8eak too highly of the Ci nci ua KemeiiIKS, and shall recommend them to others ao a sure cure. K. H. IIENIilllCKSON, ' C22 Hrldgo St., Trenton, N. J. RESOLVENT CURES! BABY' m nnu it, lev ticijuillj KIIIIW WUUl COOU 1116 CiiTicuRAUKSoi-VKSTlinsdoneforiiiylittleEirl. From one year old till three, she was one mass of sores and scabs all over her face, hands, and i body. Tried several doctors without relief. At lust I heard of the Ccticliias, bought seven bottles of the CcricriiA Rksoi.vkst, and she was cured. She Is now seven years old anil a healthy child, thanks to the Ci tici iia Kksol VENT. FRANK T. I.KillTCAl', CM Ferry Ave., Ward 8, South Camden, N.J. Bold everywhere. Price, CimrrnA, 60c; Poap, 25c; Uesmi.vint,$1. I'dttkr lint o AtiDOiEM. Conr., bole Props., Rostou. "All about the Bkin," free. BABY'S Bkln and Hcalp purifloil and beautlhVd by Cntlcuru Hoap. Absolutely pure. A I TESTIFIES TO DR. HACKER'S TREATMENT OF AS I WAS. AS t AM. I give the folUwlnp; Btatoment unusked. I huve been a sufferer for bo long u time und have spent so much muney with ;.o eullod specialists und each time have been, dlauppolnted und misled. th:it It was with a Rood deul of doubt that I railed on pit. HACKEIi. hlut of some of tho cures ho made In this city lour ve;n'.i .iru, und tho confidence of the pcr.ple of tfi niri ton In him then, 1 rimolvud to try him. It was a lucky move for me. I was troubled with dizziness, spola lloutinp be fore my eyfs, had dreams, melancholy, easily startled when spoken to, i:u desire to exert myself und tired on the loiwt ex ertion, especially In the morning; hud no pleasuio in company; very nervous nnd altus-ither thb a conplelo wreck. But thuiiks to Dlt. HAi.'KEU, 1 am toduy a well man. I would itdvlse all yomiR mcit Buffering at I did to cull immediately: in 45 days I allied In uVh lb pound.-). For obvious reusons I prefer to withhold my name, but If any who softer will call on PH. HACkT.K at the l.nckawnunu, .Medi cal Institute, he will fui.-iish my nama and address. NO CURE, NO PAY. EXAMINATION KHICi; nnd conducted in German, Welsh or KuKllsh. Send for "Our Hook" on nervous dis eases of men. Olike, 327 Spruce street, Scranton. OFFICE 1IOURS-S a. in. to 8 p. in. Sunday, 10 a. n:. to - p. m. 1 OF SCRANTON. WILLIAM COXN'LI.L, PrcsiJcnt. GEO. U. CATI.IN, Vicc l'residcnt. WILLIAM II. I'KCK, Cashier. D1KKCTOHS: William Connell, James Arclihald, A. frcd llund. George II. Catlin, Henry liclin, Jr., Williuin i. Smith, Luther Keller. The management of this bank points with pride to its record during th puulo of IHIK), and previous panics, when spec iul facilities were extended to its business accounts. THE TRADERS national Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1890. CAPITAL 250,000 SURPLUS $30,000 SAMTTEt ITTN1-'S, President. W. W. WATSON, Vice-President A. B. WILLIAMS, Cashier. DIRF.CTORS. Samuel Hlnes, James M. Kverhart, Irv Injf A. Finch, Pierce B. Finley, Joseph J. Jertnyn, M. 8. Kemerer, Charles P. Mat thew, John T. Porter, W. W. Watson. NUN. I, fflSHHl and LIBERAL. Thl 8 bank Invites the patronaca of bus iness men und llrms generaly. nT you BoreThrot, Pimples, Copper-Colored SpoU. Aches, Ud Bores. Ulcere In Month. Ilalr Calllng? Writs Cook ltrmrdy 4 o., 1107 Ma MBleTenplr,'hlcaao,lll.,(orproruf cures. Capital ftOO,040. Patlentneured nine yean ajrotnesmmmreJbJMM mm em of m