The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 15, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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rr -
X. The mock-ing-bird is sing-ing
3.0ft to that old plan-la-tion
3. But stronger now the flame of
Songs of dark-ics min-glewith
Cu - pid's fair - y fin - gers would
Boon a gain I'll tread the path
M gBjgaa a 'i t i -.-r--v-"
41 rg U re m, Fte g taBzrlrj
z3zS? J J J'-tt'-ZZZTzzzzz
60ft and melt-ing a-zure of
llush-ing whis-percd to me, " I'm
clasp her un re - sist-ing hand
Gathered in the
World of Melody
Interesting Notes Concerning Musi
cians at Home and Abroad.
Arrangements for Appearance of Tavary
Troupe Chimes of Normandy Presen
tation I.llliun Russell Coming.
Glee Club Concerts, Etc.
The "Chimes of Normandy" will be
given by the Scranton Oratorio society,
under the direction of Richard Lindsay,
ftt the Academy of Music on Monday
evening, Dec. 31. The cast of charac
ters will include Louise Natalie, of New
York; Julia Allen, Mr. Peake, of New
York; John T. Watklns and other
talented local vocalists, supported by
a chorus of about fifty voices. It Is
probable that renditions of the opera
will also be Klven at Carbondale and at
Pittston on dates following the presen
tation in Soranton.
Charles B. Herman, the choir master
end vocal instructor, has recently com
posed several selections for voice and
KUltar, which he expects to have pub
lished In the near future. Mr. Derman
has a thorough knowledge of the In
etrument and possesses in addition an
understanding of harmony coupled
with natural talents as a musician.
There Is no doubt that his productions
will prove popular If placed upon the
tnuslcal market.
Mannger HUlyer, of the Cornell Uni
versity Glee and Banjo club, which will
appear at the Frothlngham on Dec. 24,
states that the club Is In much better
oondltUm than upon Its last appearance
In Scranton. The organization now in
cludes thirty-two members, sixteen vo
calists and, sixteen Instrumental per
formers. On the occasion of their ap
pearance here on Christmas eve the
members will vary their regular pro
gramme to a certain extent by the
Introduction of a number of Christmas
!l II II
Richard Welsonflue, the well known
Violinist, is also a composer of much
ability. Mr. Welsenflue has produced a
number of excellent Easter hymns and
carols. His latest effort Is a Christmas
carol, which will be rendered at the
Christmas festivities at Grace church.
The Mario Jansen Opera company, In
"Delmonlco's at 6," will be the Christ
mas attraction at the Frothlngham,
matinee and evening. On Dec. 26 or 27
Canary & Lederer's "Twentieth Cen
tury Girl" will be presented. The
"Twentieth Century Girl" Is a musical
burlesque of the style of 'Teasing
Show," fraught with catchy music,
brilliant scenery, pretty girls and daz
zling costumes.
Willard Spenser's opera, '.'Princess
Bonnie," will again be heard at the
Academy of Music on Dec. 20. "The
"Princess Bonnie" made a hit here sev
eral weeks ago and' will no doubt be
greeted by large houses next Thursday
A Vlonroa paper states that a local
music publisher has a "concert book"
tn'to' which Kubesteln wrote: "Anton
RuMnatain, April 11, 1894. The very lost
time," the laflt "three words being three
times underscored, and followed by three
exclamation points. The flame 'paper
relates thait ait a banquet given dn 1886
Rublnete-ln rose and eatd In response to
a toast: ."I and my colleagues are aflter
all only private soldiers compared with
the Field Marshal Fram Liszt." An
other Viennese anecdote belongs to an
Bg- gs
in the gen tiy sway-mg trees,
I'd go wan.der ing at eve,
love sho kin - died in my breast,
the whispers of the breeze,
the love-web strong-cr weave.
my feet have oft cn pressed,
c . r- 1 -j-
the cloud-less south-ern skies, Is pictured in the mir-rorsof a
too young to mar - ry yet. And somo fair north-crn bcau-ty will soon
a in the days of yore, And soft ly whis-pcr words of love as
I I I I .
Copyright, 1894, by The New York Musical Record Co.
earlier period In his career. The wife
of the author Zellnor, on her death-bed
expressed an ardent wish to hear Rub
instein once more. Her husband has
tened to the pianist, who followed him,
sat down at the piano and played a
Chopin nocturne. When he ceased her
soul was gone as Irrevocably as the
musical sounds.
11 II II
The' appearance of Lillian Russell at
the Frothliigham before the end of the
present season Is assured, but the date
will depend upon the run of the "Grand
Duchesse" in New York. By an es
ppclal arrangement with Canary &
Lederer, the prima donna Is filling an
engagement with Abbey & Graw. As
soon as this engagement is completed
Miss Russell will embark upon a brief
tour to the principal cities, Including
Organist George B. Carter Is an en
thusiastic admirer of Lillian Russell's
artistic abilities, and thinks that her
talents as a vocalist are too often
slighted by the critics. Five years ago
Miss Russell, Marie Walnwrlght and
air. Carter gave an entertainment for
the benefit of the Orphans Home at
Saratoga. Walnwrlght gave recita
tions; Lillian warbled, and Carter ren
dered on the piano the Instrumental
portion of the programme. Separated
from the tinsel and glare of the comic
opera, Mr. Carter says, the fair Lillian
created a more favorable Impression as
a singer than ever before.
The first of the series of Chamber
concerts given by Messrs. Theodore
Hemberger, Robert Bauer, A. N. Rlp
pard, T. H. Rlppard and J. Willis Con
ant, was held at Young Men's Christian
Association hall on Thursday evening.
The1 attendance was large and the con
cert was an enjoyable entertainment
throughout. The participants In the
Chamber concerts are performers of
recognized merit, and the patronage re
ceived, It Is hoped, will revive Interest
In the Symphony orchestra. The next
Chamber concert will be given in Jan
uary. !
'II II II . '
The members of the Ladles' White
orchestra, with the exception of Miss
French, harpist, and Miss Mauser, vio
linist, left for their homes In Boston on
Wednesday. Misses French and Mau
ser are still In the city and will proba
bly remain permanently and engage In
teaching and concert work. They will
assist the choir of First Presbyterian
church at the Christmas exercises.
The Tavary English Opera company
will appear In "Lucia dl Lammermoor"
and II Travatore" upon their visit to
Soranton after the holidays. The Tav
ary Opera company Is now the finest
organization In this country .hat gives
grand opera In English. Scrantonlans
have not had an opportunity to listen
to grand opera given by a flrBt-class
troupe Jn many, years, and It Is proba
ble that, the enterprise that will afford
music lovers a chaince to hear the
standard operas will receive hearty
Since the disbanding of the Ladles'
White orchestra, music has been furn
ished at the Frothlngham by Professor
William Griffith's orchestra, which bids
fair to become one of the leading orga
nizations of the valley.'
Humperdlnck Is at work upon a new
opera, the libretto of which will strain be
a dramatized fairy tale written by his sis
ter, Mrs. Adelheld Wette.
"Eln truer Schelm" is the title of Hum
mel's new opera In two acts, which has
been given for the flint time In Prague.
The music, Is In the stylo of the last cen
tury. Verdi has once more crossed the Alps
to superintend the rehearsals of his "Otel
lo," at the Paris Grand Opera. This Is tho
second time within six months that this
great octogenarian has undertaken the
journey from Italy to France and back,
Music oy T. A. DARBY.
'Way down in Georg-ia ; The
'Way down in Georg-ia; And
'Way down in Georg-ia ; And
'Way down in Georg-ia; Tho
'Way down in Gcorg-ia; She
'Way down in , Georg-ia; I'll
en .V L.
-o- -25:
He shows his artists how he wishes the
parts to be sung, by singing them him
self, and with a voice which would do
credit to a young man.
The Oratorio society, of Wllkes-Barrc,
Is getting ready for its big festival In May
next. Dr. Mason Is getting out the music
as rapidly as he can. The main prize will
be competed for by four, If not five, large
Another great violinist Is coming a Bec
ond Paganlnl. His name Is Uurmeister and
'.uuuuao jo ei'iood Bin Suuzzup Aiou n' ou
His runs, chordii, double harmonics, daring
springs, gllssando In octaves and sixths,
and his sweeping use of the bow are all
Buld to be marvelous.
These kings of pantomime, the Broth
ers Byrne, will appear at the Academy
of Music tonight in their success "Eight
Bells." The production this season will
be marked by a number of new tricks.
An entirely new last act which will
present some of the most costly and
elaborate scenery on the stage. The
new paper Is some of the most artistic
ever printed and could be saved by en
thusiastic theater patrons as souvenirs
of the progress and devotion tp art of
these world-famous and talented art
ists, the Brothers Byrne.
Monday night, Thomas E. Shea and
company open their engagement at the
Academy of Music with "Escaped from
Sing Sing," a sensational scenic drama,
which has been largely reconstructed
since Its last presentation here. Mr.
Shea is supported by a strong and
evenly balanced company. A Boston
critic says of Mr. Shea that "he Is a
men of promise, with an enviable
career before him. Ho Is fervent and
eloquent. He not only Interprets the
spirit, pathos and Intellectual points In
a play, but he dellnlates every shade
and color."
His Favorite Color.
Old Mr. Kvrr-Muggeon, who agrees with
Georgo II. in hating "poetry and palm
ing," and who Is never agreenble except
when he Is smoking, was engagod In this
favorite amusement on his doorstep, when
Mrs. Gusscher passed.
"Oh, Mr. Kerr-.Muggeon!" she snld, "I
am glad to see you enjoying tho beauties
of nature."
"Hen? What d'ya mean?" asked Mr.
"Why, weren't you looking at the sun
set?" "The sunset! Well, no, not Just exactly.
Hut now that you mention It, it does look
tine, don't It? Looks a good deal like a
meerschaum pipe Just after It's bet-un to
color." Youth's Companion.
In tho Year 1004.
From the Chicago Record.
Mrs. Nuwonian Have you heard that
funny story about the Oldstile family?
Mrs. I'ptodate No, what Is It?
Mrs. Nu woman They say that Mrs.
Oldstile stays at home and attonds to tho
housework and her husband goes regu
larly to an olllee down town.
Gilmore's Aromatic Wine
A tonic for ladies. If you
are suffering from weakness,
and feel exhausted and ner
vous; are getting thin and all
run down; Gilmore's Aro
matic Wine will bring roses
to your cheeks and restore
you to flesh and plumpness.
Mothers, use it for your
daughters. It is the best
regulator and corrector for
ailments peculiar to woman
hood. It promotes digestion,
enriches the blood and gives
lasting strength. Sold by
Matthews Bros., Scranton.
ht-tle maiden 8 eyes, As in a swaying hammock she in graceful beauty lies,
teach you to for-get, And banish from your mcm-o-ry the lit - tie girl you met,
1 oft did be-fore, And ask her it I cannot dwell with her for-ev-er more
k Z g . I -4 0
Tompo di False.
Gen - - tly
I- i
J f-
drcams I wan der to
NeuJs of the Green
Roorn and Foyer
Some of the More Important Doings
of These, Our Actors.
Sometimes It Looks as If Wc Were Begin
ning to Experience, In This Country,
an Immoral Rclupsc, Thcatrlcully
Spcaklng-Gcneral Notes.
Over In England there are earnestly
discussing what will sooner or later
have to be settled on this side also the
question whether notorious women and
still more notorious men, portrayed at
times by professionals more notorious
than either, are to be accepted as true
typos of modern society and duly en
roled as a permanent feature of our
modern education. Or, as George W.
Smalley phrases the Inquiry, whether
the modern society play Is a good and
wholesome work of art, or an unclean
abomination? The discussion on the
other side began. Bays Mr. Smalley,
with a sharp criticism of "John a"
Dreams," whloh Beerbohm Tree put on
the Hayniarket stage and Is (till acting.
Then other plays were attacked, nota
ly Mr. Jones's "Masqueraders," and all
on the ground that not only were they
Ill-constructed and Ill-written plays, but
a positive mischief to public morals.
"Is the prostitute to take posses
sion of the English stage?" queries
one set of critics. "Is the girl
of fifteen to set a standard for
the public?" queries another. "What
ever you do, give us works of ant,"
cries a third, "and don't give us Buch
pieces as the 'Masqueraders,' by a
manifest botcher, alike a playwright,
moralist and portrayer of society."
On this side, by a singular oversight,
the question of morals Is almost en
tirely overshadowed by the question,
"Is it interesting?" An affirmative an
swer means crowded houses, pleased
managers and well paid salnrles. The
morals can go hang. Some of these
days our public, too, will begin to ask
more serious questions. Perhaps not In
Scranton. We do not bank heavily on
culture hereabouts. But certainly
somewhere between the oceans some
where where decency still lingers as a
barrier to pictured nastlness done,
player-fashion, with animated models
and calcium effects.
Speaking of Miss Coghlan the fasci
nating Rose who has lately produced
a new play gorgeously to inattentive
and declining audiences last Sunday's
Herald gossips entertainingly, as fol
lows: If Miss Rose Coghlan were only able to
forgot "Korget-Me-Not." Submit but a
play containing a character that closely
or remotely even, suggests the role of
Stephanie, and she cannot resist the temp
tation of producing It. Of course this is
quite nnturul the part of Stephanie being
associated with the artist's most brilliant
success in tho past. Hut the woman
changed. The adventuress, the woman
with a past, Is not, I fear, the interesting,
fascinating creature sho was, and Mme.
Romualdo Pacheco In "To Nemesis; orLove
and Hute," has done but little to rehabili
tate her. But is Mile. Wulanoff an ad
venturess after all? Of course, when you
listen to the endless twaddle of the Huron
ess do la Bruyere, of Mine. Frolssart and
of Mme. Urangellen In the first act, you
are ready to swear that she Is as bad ns
they make 'em. As a matter of fact, she Is
not half bad, this Mile. Walanoff. Kan oft
when Bhe was quite young, a mere chit,
with a gentleman of title, who declined tho
honor of becoming her husband then ran
back home again, only to find the front
door locked and her reputation gone. Homo
closed and reputation gone.therewas noth
ing left for her to do but to work
herself Into a terrible passion and to worry
rr ' ' t-rzz 1 h r 1
v ' ' "
Down in that sun ny land of Georg - - - - . ia
Ti" 1 ! I 1 -I fiF-m I TfTl
-" - ing
was that lit - tie
until she was taken ill and to a hospital.
There sho was nursed back to henlth, and
another patient, a Russian widow, makes
Mile. Walanoff both happy and comfort
able by dying and leaving her what Is
known as a "snug" fortune. After all this
and more we are treated to the "strong"
third act, In which the heroine meets no
less a person than the Marquis d'Aumalo,
the same Marquis whose blandishments
she found It Impossible to resist when she
was quite a chit, and Fedora like, she
rules him and weds him. Tho ceremony
over, she tells her newly wedded husband
that she hates him, has married him for
revenge only, and that she will never live
with him. Poor Marquis is rather per
plexed, as well he might be. For In the
last act wo learn that the Marquis Is a
highly respectable Marquis not the se
ducerbut only his twin brother. Shades
of Munrlco and Count Luna! Mme. I'ach
eco has not the courage of her opinions,
or Bhe would not have ended her sensa
tional story In so eminently proper a man
ner. Tho publication by the Century com
pany, of recollections of Edwin Booth,
by his daughter, Mrs. Grossmann, to
gether with many letters written at
various times by the great tragedian,
is an event fairly to be counted as nota
ablo In tho theatrical world. What
Shakespeare was to written English
Booth certainly has been to the de
claimed word as It Is known upon the
mimetic stage. Anything by or of him
must always prove Interesting, increas
ingly so us intervening years give his
melancholy personality the touch of
sanctity inseparable from distance.
Judging from printed extracts, without
having seen the book Itself, It may be
suld Mrs. Grossmann recollects that her
father was trustful and childlike; fond
of home and Its adornments and asso
ciations; loyal to friends; charitable to
the poor; reverent of the old; chivalrous
toward women; dignified and reticent
In the face of detraction; patient under
trials; a playmate with children;
thoughtful of others; modest; Blmple;
religious; a sedulous cultivator of hope
ful and cheerful views, notwithstand
ing Inherent melancholy; a believer In
his destiny, after the manner of Napo
leon; gifted with a keenly discerning
eye and a powerfully tenacious mem
ory; systematic In business affairs; u
clever musician, a good amateur sculp
tor, and a good writer.
Speaking of this publication the New
York Tribune says: "Mrs. Urossmann's
collection, while far from being com
plete, presents several epistles thnt are
of peculiar Interest. Booth was not a
man of action and of practical affairs.
His interest in everyday things was lan
guid. He possessed administrative tal
ents, but he seldom cared to exert them,
and he never exerted them continu
ously for any great length of time. His
Interest In his own pursultB was Inter
mittent. He could be practical, and he
wns as sagacious and prudent and pro
vident as any body, when he chose to bo,
and when he was In the mood; but he did
not care enough for tho things of the
world to be bound by them; his
thoughts were often far away; and the
rewards that most people value were
held by him In very slight esteem. 'I
would rather be an obscure farmer.'
he wrote to his daughter In 1890, 'than
tho most distinguished tnan on earth.'
Persons who set great store by the
praise of other people cannot under
stand that state of mind. Edwin Booth
had taken the measure of popular
applause and he. knew what It wus
worth. 'Nature,' he added, 'cast me for
the part Bhe found me best fitted for,
and I have had to play It, and must play
It until the curtain falls.' The curtain
has fallen, and he who lived only for
the happlnessof others, who asked noth
ing for himself and, generally speak
ing, got nothing has gone home to the
hearts that loved him and the life for
which he longed."
Speaking of the Booth letters con
tained In this book, the most Interest
ing one Is about his Infamous brother,
in the cool - ing shade
l "jt
ST-s- -S---S- jg tFrrr-1 3
her, And in my fan - cy woo her.
'Way down in Gcorg - ia.
' Way down in Georg - ia.
'Way down in Georg - ia.
John Wilkes Booth. It was written In
1881 and Is as follows:
Windsor Hotel, July 28, 1881.
Dear Sir: I can give you very little in
formation regarding my brother John. I saw him since his early boyhood In
Bultlmore. He was a rattle-pated fellow.
tilled with Quixotic notions. While at the
farm In Maryland he would charge on
horseback through the woods, "spouting
heroic speeches with a lance In his hand
a relic of the Mexican war, given to fa
ther by some soldier who had served un
der Taylor. We regarded him us a good-
hearted, harmless, though wlld-bralnei
boy, and used to laugh at his patriotic
froth whenever secession was discussed
That he was Insane on thnt point, no one
who knew him well can doubt. When
told him that I hud voted for Lincoln's
re-election ho expressed deep regret, and
declared his belief that Lincoln would be
made king of America; and this. I be
lleve. drove hi 111 beyond, the limits of
reason. 1 asked him once why he did not
Join tho Confederate army. To which he
replied: "I promised mother I would keep
out of the quarrel, If possible, and 1 am
sorry thut I said so. Knowing my sen
timents, he avoided me, hardly visiting my
house, except to see his mother, when
political topics were not touched upon, a
least In my presence. He was of gentle,
lovng disposition, very boyish and full o
fun, his mother's durling, and his deed and
death crushed her spirit. He possesse
rare dramatic talent, and would have
niude a brilliant mark In the theatrlcul
world. This Is positively ull I know ahout
him, having left him a mere schoolboy
when I went with father to California In
PG2. On my return In 'utl wo were sepnr
uted by professional engagements, which
kept him mostly In the south, while I was
employed In the Kastern and Northern
states. I do not believe any of the wild
romantic stories published In the papers
concerning him, but, of course, he may
have been engaged In political matters c
which I know nothing. All his theutilcn
friends speak of him as a poor, crazy boy
and as such his family think of him. 1 am
sorry I can afford you no further light on
the subject. Very truly yours,
Edwin Booth,
Lenrock's presentutlon of "Faust" is re
celvlng praise wherever played.
I'riwe Ananias is the Pest money-
mukcr brought forward by the Boston
Emma Pollock, of Harrignn's Company,
was married In Boston to Frank H. Glaze,
a banker of New York.
GeorRe Thatcher and Carroll Johnson
have formed a partnership and will com
mence their tour Jan. 21.
M. B. Curtis will produce a new play
the joint crlort of a Journalist and play-
writer, at Harlem, Dec. 10.
Jacob LIU has secured the right to play
"Shaft No. 2," from F. L. Hlxby. Flunk
Losee will continue to play leuds.
Frederick Wnrde will produce his new
play, "Hunnymede," shortly, taking the
part of Robin Hood. Louis Jumes will
pluy the friar.
Annie Lewis of "Prince Pro Tern" has
purchased for her father and mother a
home In the ultra select suburb of Wash
lnton, Chevy Chacc. Tho prleo was $9,000.
The Association of Vaudeville Managers
of Americans tho title of a new organiza
tion that Is soon to be Incorporated under
the laws or the State of New York. W
Gllmore, of Philadelphia, Is tho treasurer,
' Possible.
"What warrant have you for thinking
inui anaKespeare was a broker?
"Oh. none: onlv the did Hint h
furnished so many stock quotations
inuianapoiis journul.
A YOU CRn reduce your weight perms.
JL nenllvfmm intaiftnm,
fat home, secretly, without starving, ticknttl
or Injury, by the ujo of
?!!,!yrin,l!,?. or f al)blneM- Stout Abdom.nt,
Mllicult Breathing, relieved hyeure sclea
tiHomethods. No experiments. o,mrnn.
,ei;, B??,' ."'"nee. Price within reach
ofalL Write today. Positive Drools and
teatuDonlols free,
dmwcr taa, , cHicaao, ill.
; In
Thurg. I Tn. JO iv.,1
Bat. I WOU. 101 ttllU 1U. fSSSL,
The New and Original Reulint(n Ami.
can Comedy-Drama,
A Porfuct Revelation of Mechanical and
Scenio Ingenuity. A Urand Kaleidoscope of
Ilumnn Mature. A Wonderful ReHA..ii,;n ..
American Home Llfo.
rho 4th of July Celebration.
The (ircHt Engine Scene.
Tho l'lnnihcrville llund.
The High Class Specialties.
Tho Urcutcst I'lav Ever Written.
Bpeclal prices durin. "The Encrlneer" en-
Bage-wit. Orchestra Chairs, 5c.; Orchestra
trclo. 50c.; Balcony, Guc. and 85c.; Gallery,
iw. ilntinooprices: Entire First Floor, 5Ua;
uaicony, uao. ; uallery, xao.
oAlUrtUAT, Utw, 13
In Their Successful Spectacular Produc
tion, the
New 8 Bells.
The Acrobatic Quadrille.
The Wonderful Revolving Ship
The Lively Statuary.
Salo of seats opens Tburxday, Doc. 13.
.iiuiiuuy, iiiusuti), i uuiicttuuy, rriaay
and Snturduv Suturduv Matinee.
DEQEMBER 17, 18, 19, 21 AND 22.
The Brilliant Uerolc Character Actor,
And Company nrescntluir Ills Greatest Buo-
cossos. Momluy Evening--"Kfcaped from Hin?
Hinjr." Tuesday Evening "Monte Cristo."
Wednesday Evening "Dr. Jokyll and Mr.
Hyde." Friday IC veiling "Kichlieu. " Sat
urday Matinee' Rip Vun Winkle" or "Little
fcmiiy. i-aiuruay evening "ine snares 01
New York."
Sale ol scuts op jus Friday at v a. m.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
Tho Beautiful Play Entitled
Presented by
. D. I
Two performances da!lyat2.30and8.13p.m.
We Are Headquarters for
Dolls, Toys,
Sleds, Skin Horses,
Iron and Wood Toys,
Etc., Etc.,
For the Holidays.
Sunday Schools, Etc.
Should call early to secure prompt
Our Line of Candy
The Finest in (he City.
The latest improved furnish
ings and apparatus for keeping
meat, butter and eggs.
223 Wyoming Ave.
Wm. Linn Allen
& Co.
Buy and sell Stocks, Bonds and Grain
on New York Exchange and Chicago
Board of Trade, either for cash or on
412 Spruce Street.
G. duB. DIMHICE, Manager.