The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 15, 1894, Page 6, Image 6
6 THE SCRANTOT TlilliUNE SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 15,. 1894. till SPECIAL NOTICE. IMPORTANT. We have secured the entire bal ance of this season's production of a New York manufacturer of toilet cases, manicure sets, work boxes, and will sell them at less than half the usual prices. It is to your advantage that you do your purchasing as early in the week as possible, and so avoid the rush and hurry of the last few days. UNTIL CHRI8TNU! 308 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. OKI EVENINGS a 9 in M cm tw mm am E s ill; y s s is 81 7 m J (5 1 5 1 STMAS Plush and Embossed Leatherette Case containing "White Comb, Bursh and Mirror; worth $1, for 69c. Satin Lined Silk Plush Case. Containing Celluloid Comb, Hair Brush and Mirror; worth $1.98, for $1. Very Handsome Silk Plush Case. Lined with the Finest Satin; containing best quality Comb, Brush and Mirror; worth 2.50, for $1.49. Silk Plush Manicure Sets, worth 1, for 59C. We have an elegant assort ment of Photograph Al bums in Blush, Metal and Celluloid, from $1 ux Work Boxes, Filled with good fittings, 50c. to $2. Shaving Sets, Containing Razor, Shaving Brush and Decorated Mug, $1.50 to $3. CI love and Handkerchief Boxes, $1 to $2. A large assortment of Hand Painted Celluloid Novelties In a variety of new designs, from 19c. up. Silk, Plush and Celluloid Autograph Albums at very low prices. A largo lino of Japanese Trays, Match Holders, Vases, Plates, Pin Trays, Cups and Saucers, etc., i at bottom figures.' All Silk, Satin and Gros Grain Bibbons. No. 7, per yard , . 6 l-2c No. 9, per yard , . . 9c. No. 12, per yard . . .. 10c. No. 1G, per yard . 12 l-2c In all the new Shades for fancy work. Ladies', Children's and Men's Underwear and Hosiery In all qualities and styles at lower prices than ever be fore quoted. Stamped and Bound Linen Goods, in Comb and Brush Bags. Veil Cases, Cravat and Glove Cases, Squares, Tray Cloths, Scarfs, etc., and Slipper Cases, ( from 6c. up. i Celluloid PRESENTS Handkerchiefs andMufflers Gentlemen's Brocaded Silk Mufflers, . Full Size, 50c, 75c, $1, $1.25 up. Gent's Hem Stitched Silk Handkerchiefs, 25c. each. Gents' Initial Hem Stitched Silk Handkerchiefs, 50c. each. Gents' Pure Linen Hem Stitched Initial Handkerchiefs, 25c. each. Gents' Colored Border Handkerchiefs, 10c. each Ladies' Japanese Silk Embroidered Handkerchiefs in all colors, 10c, 15c 19c, 25c. Ladies' Pure Linen Hem Stitched Initial Handkerchiefs, 13c. Ladies' Fine Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs, 10c. and 15c each. Ladies' Extra Fine Embroidered Handkerchiefs, 25c, 35c, 50c. and up. Ladies' Silk Handkerchiefs, Embroidered Initial, 19c and 25c each. Kid Gloves; Misses' Kid Gloves, per pair, 75c Ladies' Kid Gloves, $1 & $1.25. 10 and 20 button "White Kid Gloves, worth $3, for $2.50. Misses'- Lined Mitts with Fur Tops, per pair, 50c. ladies' Double Wool Mitts, Open Work Back, per pair, 25c. Gentlemen's Neckwear, etc. . Tecks and Fouv-iu-IIand Scarfs, in a variety of new colorings, at 23c. and 49c. Also finer goods put up in handsome box, suitable for Holiday Presents, 50c. to 75c. Satin Suspenders, Gold Trimmed, can be painted or embroidered on, 25c. Linen Collars and Cuffs in all the new shapes. Men's Kid Gloves, per pair, $1. Laundried Dress Shirts, 50c. up. Gents' Night Robes, 49c Ladies' Underwear and Corsets. Ladies' Fine Muslin Under wear, nicely trimmed with a Lace and Embroidery, -suits to match in Chemise, 1 Drawers, Skirts, Gowns and Corset' Covers at very low, prices. A special bargain in Corsets, all sizes, worth 59c., for 39c. Ladies' Fancy' Swiss Aprons ; in a large variety of styles at bargainprices. TIT LADIES' AND MISSES' GOATS. Special Notice. We have just closed out the entire stock of a large New York manufacturer in this line and will, on flonday next, have them on sale on our second floor, at prices that are less than the material would cost at vholesale,without the making. : Millinery Department. 5 doz. Ladies' and Misses' Felt Hats, worth 65c, for 25c. 6l2 dozen Ladies' Trimmed Felt Hats, worth 98c, for 50c. yz doz. Ladies' Trimmed Velvet Hats,worth $3.98, for $2.98 10 doz. Black Birds, worth 69c, - - for 25c. 15 doz. Aigretts, worth 39c, - . , - for 15c. Don't Miss This Sale. he Fashion 308 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. 4 1 WW 1 1 t Mm I" Si t he r L INFANTS' WEAR. We are making a specialty of infants' Cashmere Cloaks and Robes, embroidered, at $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and up. By far the best value ever known. Infants' Knit Sacques and Embroidered Sacques, Em broidered Flannel Shawls, Bootees, at very low prices. Children's Hats and Bonnets in Silk, Plush and Eider down, from - - - - - 25c. up. Children's Eiderdown Coats, trimmed with Angora Fur, 75C up. LADIES' WRAPPERS. Ladies' Novelty Flannelette Wrappers, $1.25 Ladies' Indigo Calico Wrappers, fast colors, 89C LADIES' FUR CAPES. In French Seal, Beaver, Wool Seal, Astrakhan," French Coney, closing out at less than cost. - LACE CURTAINS. There is nothing more appropriate for a Christmas pres ent than a handsome Lace Curtain, of which we have an end less variety in Nottingham, Irish Point, Tambour and real Brussels, at prices to suit everybody, from soc.a pair to $50 Sold at less than wholesale prices. ash ion 1 AVENUE. WELL AS Dress Goods. 3G-inch Cashmeres in all colors, worth 29c, per yard, 19c. 40-inch Cashmere worth 50c. per yard, ' 29c. 46-inch Cashmere, worth 65c. per yard, 42 l-2c. Also a large variety of popu lar Dress Goods, put up in 8-yard lengths, which we will sell at less than cost. Shawls. Shoulder Shawls at 25c, 45c, 69c, 98c each. Single and Double All Wool Shawls in colors and black, from 98c. to $9. Chenille Table Covers. 4-4 Chenille Cover . . 69c. G-4 Chenille Cover ... 98c. 8-4 Chenille Cover . . $2.25 These are all in very hand some designs and colors. Marseilles Quilts. White Quilts, 75c, $1, $1.25, $1.49 and up. Linen Table Sets. 8-12 Linen Cloths, with Napkins to match, $2.98. 6-4 Cardinal Table Cloths, 98c. Blankets for Holiday Presents, in White, Gray and Red, worth $1.50, for 98c. worth 4.50, for $2.25. worth $6.50, for $4.50. worth $10, for $7. Comfortables in endless va riety and sold at a reduc tion of 25 per cent. Ladies' Plush Capes. An elegant quality of Seal . Plush Capes at $9, $11, up. Ladies' Plush Coats. Best quality of Seal Plush Coats, reduced to . $16, $20, $25; half last year,s prices. Ladies' Mackintoshes and Rubber Coats. in Blue and Black, from $2.25 to $4.98, and $7. Ladies' and Misses Beaver Coats. High collars and large sleeves; worth $10, for $5.75 Ladies', very fine quality Beaver Coats, latest style; worth $16, for $10. Ladies' Beaver Coats, extra fine; worth $25, for $15. ORNAMENTAL Pocketbooks and Pun Ladies' Combination Pocket books . . . 25c. ' Ladies' Combination Pocket books, with silver corners, 50c. and up. Imported Leather Purses, each, 13c. Imported Kid Purses, em bossed and hand painted, each, 23c. Gentlemen's Cigar Cases, Bill Books, Valises, etc., at very low prices. Jewelry. We have just opened an ele gant assortment of the new High Twisted Hair Pins, ranging in price from 10c. to 25c. Neck and Hat Buckles in Rhine Stone Steel, Jet, etc., at very low prices. We have a largo variety of new styles in Pins, Neck Chains, Finger Rings, Ear Rings, Bracelets, Hair Pins, Sleeve Buttons, from 25c. up. Perfumery, etc. Colgate & Co. havo a world wide reputation for the fine quality of their Per fumes. We have their newest Perfume, "Caprice," which we will sell at 10c a bottle, Lamer Bottles and in all the best odors at 25c Little Folks' Ferfumes in fancy boxes, per box. 19c Stationery. Taper and envelopes, in fancy boxes, at half usual prices. Ladies' and Children's 31 nils and Boas in French Coney, Silver Hare, French Seal, Krim mer and Beaver, from 98c up. Ladies Feather Boas, 50c. and 75c. Ladies' Fur Boas, 98c up. Our stock of Fans is one of the largest in the state, and comprises every variety now in vogue. A splen did Feather Fan, worth C9c, for 29c. Ostrich Feather Fans in all ' colors, from the cheapest to the best. Children's Dresses, well and stylishly made, in Cashmere and Flannel, at special prices for Christmas week. I I I ft! Iff tin s mt 1 1 En , 1(1 mm VY) n ' lit u ( I)) 5 1 ( met 111 II 1 ftiiimmeiiiiiiMiiiimimmiitHnmiiBigiimm