TIIE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY MORNING.' DECEMBER 15, 1894; DEBS CETS SIX The Great Labor Agitator TaKes Judicial Medicine. COMPANIONS FARE BETTER They Receive Three Months In the County Jail, While Sentence Is Suspended In the Case of Mr, McVcan. Debs Is Cast Down. By the United Press. Chicago, Dec. 14 Judge Woods today sentenced Eugene V. Debs, the leader of the American Railway union strike, to six months in the county jail, as a punishment for violating the Injunction Issued by himself and Judge Grosscup July 2 last. To the rest of the men, with the exception of McVean, he gave three months. In the case of McVean sentence Is suspended. Sentence Is not cumulative, covering the cases of the government and the Santa Fe railroad against the men. The same sentence Is Imposed in each case, but both sentences begin and end at the same time, begin ning Dec. 24. The defendants are: E. V. Debs, president; Q. V. Howard, vice presi dent; Sllverton Kelllher, secretary; L. W. Rogers, M. J. Elliott, James Hogan, William Burns, J. D. McVean, Leroy M. Goodwin. The sentence Is generally considered a light one. The case will be appealed. Debs' utterances not to commit viol ence were doubted by tlie court. He did not bellpve they were sincere. "With all that has been said about the Ameri can Railway union keeping guard over property and being the first to arrest offenders, not one has been arrested," continued the court. "By Mr. Debs' ftd mUsion, he waa out among the men urging 'them to Join the strike after this Injunction was Issued. Howard did the name. They both had committed no violence, but advised that Pullman cars be topped at all hazards. All the out rages committed at Blue Island after the speeches of Debs and Howard were directly attributable to these people and they are responsible for them." The court then reviewed the mass of telegrams In Which Debs ordered men out and declared these were utterly at variance with the statement made In Debs' answer that he took no part In continuing the strike. After thus con cluding that there was no doubt that the men as individuals were guilty, Judge Woods said: "But the point under the Sherman law is whether these men were In con spiracy. If they were, I believe there Is no way by which they can escape the moral and legal responsibility for their acta." No Feature In Doubt. He then gave It as his opinion that they were and that therefore the men allied with them were also guilty. The evidence left no feature of the case In doubt. Then he said: "The court therefore finds the defendants guilty as charged In the indictments In both cases and will fix the punishment the same In both cases, but will not make it cumulative. I have not yet written down any punishment for these men. I know only two of them by sight. As this Is a criminal case, I desire to give each one of the defendants a chance to speak to me and say what he will." Deep silence followed this declaration of the court. Then a mighty hum arose and soon the defendants were on their feet and engaged In conversation with counsel. Then Attorney Darrow spoke for the nine defendants as follows: "These defendants have nothing to say. They believe that they did right In ordering and continuing th'ls strike. Two of these defendants Mr. McVean and Mr. Elliott took no active part in this strike, although they were both di rectors In the Railway union. Their names were not mentioned In the evi dence." All of the defendants present then stood up so the court could see them. They did not appear to be agitated, and several smiled from time to time. Light Sentence Imposed. The court passed sentence as follows: "I think I will suspend any sentence with regard to Mr. McVean. I am of opinion that Mr. Elliot was actively en gaged In this strike. Punishment should not be vlndidtive. Neither should It be trivial. The object of punishment for contempt of court Is to prevent future contempt. My conclusion 4s that the Injunction was right. Mr. Debs Is more responsible than anybody else. He is a man of marked ability and of strong character and the leader of these men. It was in his power by merely lifting his voice to stop all this disturbance. I shall therefore discriminate between him and the rest of the defendants. I will give Mr. Debs six months in the county jail and the rest three months. This sentence to take effect ten days from now." In speaking of the decision, Attorney Harrow, who represented the defend ants, said: "The decision is bad law, but the sen tence Is remarkably lenient." Vice-President Howard said he was prepared to expect anything. Presl- CONSTIPATION CATARRH of the STOMACH LIVER and KIDNEY DISEASES DYSPEPSIA DIABETES' GOUT and RHEUMATISM' These are some of the diseases that are cured by the Carlsbad Sprudcl Salt It is the veritable water of the Sprudcl Springevaporated, solidified, concentrated. la every ailment of the kind, Carlsbad has become famous the -world over, and for hundreds of years, as a prompt, permanent, natural rem edy. Beware of imitations sold as "Im proved" or "artlGcial" Carlsbad Salt, -which consists only of ordinary Seid- lltz Powder and Glauber Salt, and are sold by unscrupulous dealers upon the reputation of the genuine. Be sure to obtain the genuine im ported Carlsbad Sprudel Salt only. -with the seal of the city of Carlsbad and the signature of "Eisner & Mendel son Co., Agts., New York," on every bottle. . HI dent Debs was more cast down than any of the others. It was in the discretion of the court to sentence the men to any term of years he chose within constitutional limits and to Impose any fine he thought fit. IIOWGATE TO BE TRIED. Application for Appeal on Demurrer Is Denied by Court. By the United Press. Washington, Dec. 14. The court of appeals today denied the application for appeal on demurrer of Captain Howgate, the ex-United States service officer Indicted for embezzling a large sum of money fifteen years ago. As the indictments for forgery, brought against Howgate at the same time as those for embezzlement, were recently thrown out by Judge Mc ComuB as being defective, the grand Jury today returned a new forgery indictment, which is considered by the district attorney to .be stronger In substance than the former ones. Howgate's trial win probably begin about Dec. 20. TO BE INVESTIGATED. Results of the F.'ght Between Jim Judge and Wood. By the United Press. Camden, N. J Dec. 14. The prize fight on Tuesday between Jim Judge, of Scrunton, Pa., and Charlie Wood, of Camdim. which the former won and which waB held in a barn near Haddon- fled, will be made the subject of in voutliraMnn bv the Camden county grand Jury. A complaint growing out of the fight is now before the grand inquest. Rnhert Howard, colored, accuses Rob ert Bates, proprietor of the Batesville hotel, of assaulting him with a ciud Be cause he lingered near the barn where th tie-lit took Dlace and refused to go awuy when ordered to do so. Coward claims that his arm was broken by Bates. GARRETT IS ABUSIVE. The Wife Murderer Getting Keudy for the Insanity Dodge. By the United Press. Lebanon, Pa., Dec. 14. During the trial of Charles Garrett, this afternoon, for the murder of his wife, the prisoner was placed on the stand. During his examination he became very abusive and the district attorney wanted him handcuffed, but Judge Meily refused to comply, directing that an officer stand by his side. When Garrett left the stand the ex citement was so great that a number of people rushed from the court room. INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. The monster Maxwell breaker at Ashley will get Its first grist of coal next Thursday. The Dominion Coal company has de clared Its regular semi-annual pre ferred stock dividend of 4 per cent, pay able Jan. 1, transfer books closing Dec. 15 and re-openlng Jan. 1. Superintendent Carl McKlnney last week told the Lebanon Report that No. 2 Colebrook furnace, now under going repairs, would blow In about Feb. 1. The Delaware and Hudson in the month of November earned of 1 per cent, on its stock. From figures made up to date, including estimates, It is considered certain by the management that the regular dividend will be more than earned this year. ( The other night, near Montana, In SchuylkHlcounty.the old Reno breaker, familiarly known as the "Red Tavern," was destroyed by fire. It had not been in use for a number of years and the loss was slight to Its owners, the Mor ris Ridge Coal company. Superintendent Lawall, of the Le high and WJlkes-Barre Coal company. Superintendent Chase, of the Lehigh Valley Coal company, and officials rep resenting the Reading Coal and Iron company all deny the report that re striction for the remainder of Decem ber would be ordered. The fight against the Lehigh Valley management is said by the Stockholder to be the outgrowth of the personal an tagonism of John N. Hutchinson, and later of the hostility of Dick Bros. & Co. The latter's motive has yet to be developed; the former's dates back over a long period of years, probably since he retired as secretary and treasury of the company. A deal has been consummated whereby the Crystal Oil company of Toledo has been absorbed by the Sun Oil company of Toledo and the Merrlam & Morgan Paraflne company of Cleveland. It Is understood that the Paragon Refining oompany and the Craig Oil company will also go Into the combine, thus making the strongest competitor the Standard Oil company ever had. A paragraph under a Pittsburg date says the Impression there is that the Vanderbllts are preparing to complete the Beach Creek railway to Pittsburg. That impression is not confirmed by In quiries made in New York. The Beach Creek railway Is controlled by the West Shore system, and Is of very great importance to It, not only as a feeder, but as giving It an Independent control of coal mines. The belief in New York Is that the West Shore people do not care to see the road extended to Pitts burg. A reliable estimate of this year's pig Iron production in the United States shows that the output Is about 500,000 tons less than that of last year. This year's prductlon will be about 6,600,000 tons. The Increase In production which began In July last Is still manifest. The production Dec. 1 was at the rate of 178,325 tons a week, or 9,300,000 tons a year. It Is predicted by the American Manufacturer In its issue of this week that the production' next year will be one of the largest in the history of the Iron trade in the United States. Saward's Coal Trade Journal says: "The restriction agreed upon for the month of December has been pretty well adhered to during the first week, but It Is yet rather early to claim that this restriction has had any particular effect upon the price list. At the next meeting of the sales agents it would be a good Idea for them to make a pro gramme for January and February, at least. Production should not be any greater for each of these months than the amount alloted for December. This would give the opportunity for supply ing all the demand which Is lltaly to arise, and of getting rid of some of the surplus coal on hand at the stocking places." "It Is always within the province of the shareholders to vote as they please." This was the terse comment made by Vice President Garrett upon the movement to oust tho present man agement of the Lehigh Valley railroad. "The election on Jan. 15," he added, "will determine to what extent they are dissatisfied with the present regime. Further than this lb ere Is nothing to say." Another official said: "We are going through a period of depression. Few, if any, roads have earned their expenses within thi past year, let alone dividends. You can't get blood out of a turnip. The management has been careful and economical. That It has not paid a dividend during the year is because it iwas not earned." STOCKS AM) BONDS. By the United Press. New York. Dec. 14. The rising tendency In the stock market was checked today by the engagement of J3.5OO.000 irold for shipment to Europe tomorrow, and to Washington advices that the senate will not take up the Patterson pooling bill un til after the holidays. Chicago Oas fell from 73V6 to 71' on dealings of 210,000 shares. Reading was heavy and Bold down to 144. Sugar rose to 944 and receded to Vi'A, with a rally at the close to 93a93. The declaration of a dividend by the Rock Island directors and the as sertion that it had been earned did not stop the realization on the Grangers, whk-h lost per cent, on the day. The clos ing of uie market was barely steady with prices anywhere from 4 to 1 per cent. lower on the day. Total sales were 212,- 082 shares. The range of today's orlces for the ac tive stocks of the New York stock mar ket are given below. The quotations are rurnisned The Tribune by G. du B. Dlm mlck, manager for William Linn, Allen & uo., stock brokers. 412 Spruce street. Scranton. Op'n. High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. Inst. Am. Cot. Oil 254 25 254 25 A. M. T 98 964 74 Am. Sugar Re'g Co 94 94 4 9l!4 83 Atch., To. & S. b'e... 474 4 4-4 474 Can. Bouth C14 014 '614 514 Ches. & Ohio 18".H 18rfi 184 184 Chicago Una 734 734 71Vs 71 Chic. & N. W M04 looti 994 59 Chic, B. & Q 73 73 724 73 C. C. C. & St. L 39 39 39 39 Chic, Mil. & St. P... (Mi 604 594 594 Chic, II. I. & P 614 644 63 63 Delaware & Hud.. ..1274 1274 1274 1274 V., L. & W 1604 16U4 1604 1604 Dlst. & C. F Vfi 9 9 Gen. Electric 364 364 354 35 Louis. & Nash 644 Wa 54 54 Manhattan Elc 105 105 1044 1044 Mo. Pacific 294 29 28 294 Nat. Lead 39 3974 39 S974 N. J. Central 914 44 93 N. Y. Central 100 100 99 9974 N. Y. & N. K 32 32 314 31 N. Y L. 13. & W.... 10 10 9 104 N. Y., 8. & W 15 15 14 14 Nor. Pacific, Pr 18 18 18 18 Ont. & West 15 15 15 15 Phil. & Road 15 154 14 14 Rich. & W. P 164 164 14 174 Texas Pacific 10 10 9 974 Union Pacific 124 124 H"4 11 Wabash, Pr 1474 147,, 144 144 West. Union 894 89 884 88 Ex-dlvldcnd 14 percent. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Op'n- HlKh- Low- Clos ing, est. st. lng. WHEAT. May 58 5ST4 584 5S December 51 51 544 54 OATS. May 324- 324 32 32 January 29? 29 29 29 CORN. May 49 49 49 49 46 46 46 46 474 474 474 474 6.92 6.92 6.81 C.90 7.15 7.15 7.10 7.15 December ,, January LARD. Januury May PORK. January 11.83 11.92 11.83 11.90 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quo- tatlons. No. Par Shs. Val. 10 loo 10 60 5 100 5 100 1 100U 10 60 CO 50 10 100 25 100 10 1U0 15 100 400 60 20 100 50 100 5 100 30 100 2 500 8 100 7 500 2 100 20 50 1 100 Bid. Scranton Packing Co .... Providence & Ablng- ton Turnpike 73 Scranton Glass Co Ask 120 85 Traders' Nat'l Bank Mt. Jessup Coal Co.. 110 600 Mooslc Mount'n Coal Co Lackn. & Montrose Railroad Scra'n Saving Bank 1 Third Nat'l Hank.... First Nat'l Hank Lncka. Trust & Safe Deposit Co 350 6U0 130 Scrunton Trnc. Co Walker Automatic & Steam Coupler Co Walker Automatic & Steam Coupler Co Suburban Elec. Light Co Allegheny Lum'r Co Scranton Glass Co (Bonds) 450 Wyaluslng Water Co (llonds) Stevens Coal Com'y (Bonds) Scra'n Jar and Stop per Co .... Dime Dep. & DIs. Bank 62 50 Scranton Axle Works .... 10 50 CO 100 110 100 000 70 New York Produce Market. By tho United Press. New York, Dec. 14. Flour Dull, easy. Wheat Dull, steady, c. lower: No. 2 red store and elevator, 694a59c; afloat, 614a62c; f. o. b., 604u61c; ungraded red, 54a63c; No. 1 northern, 68c; options closed steady at c. under yesterday; January, 60c; February, 61c; March, 61c; May, 62c; June, 62c; July, 634c; December, 69c Corn Dull, easier; No. 2, 53c. for new; 66c for old, elevator; 57c. afloat; steamer mixed, 504c; options dull; December, 63c; Jnnuary, 52c; Febru ary, 53c; May, 63c Oats Dull, easier; options dull, easier; December, 344c; Jan uary, 34c; February, 354c; May, 864c.; spot prices, No. 2. 344c ! No. 2 white, 384a 394c; No. 2 Chicago, 354c; No. 3, 344c; No. 3 white, 38c; mixed western, 344a 354c; white do., 39a42c; white state, 39a 42c. Beef Dull. Beef , Hnms Quiet. Ticrced Beef Dull. Cut Meats Quiet, weak. Lard Moderately active, lower; western steam, $7,174 bid; city, Wc; De cember, $7.20, nominal; January, $7.20, bid; February, $7.30, asked; refined, dull; con tinent, $7.60; South America, $7.95; com pound, 64a5c. Pork Moderate demand, steady. Butter Dull, wenk, except for fancy; state dairy, I2a21c; do. creumery, 17a23c; western dairy, 104al3c; do. cream ery, 15a24c; do. factory, lOalOc; Elglns, 24c; Imitation creamery, 13al8c; June creamer, 16a21c. Cheese Quiet, fancy colored firm; state large, 9all4c; do. fancy colored, 114c; do. white, 10allc; do. small. 4al2c; part skims, 34a9c; full skims, 24a3c. Eggs Qulot; choice about steady; state and Pennsylvania, 25c; refrigerator, 17a21c; western fresh. 24c; do. per case, $2a4; southern, 21a234c; limed, 16al54c Ituffnlo Stock Market. By the United Press. Buffalo, Dec. 14. Cattle Receipts, l.CSO head; on sale, 80 head; market firm; light steers (900 to 1,050 pounds), $3.40a3.60; fat cows, $2.75a3; stock bulls, $2a2.15; Hogs Receipts, 15,900 head; on sale, 7,800 head; market steady for good weights, and a shade to 6c. lower for lights and Yorkers; Yorkers, $4.55a4.70; choice heavy, J4.70u4.75; light, J4.50n4.00; roughs, $3. 75a 4.10. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 9,600 head; on sale, 6,400 head; market firm; ex tra western lambs, $4a4.20; good to choice, $3.65a3.90; fair to good, $3a3.50; mixed good to choice sheep, $2.25a2.76; common, $1.73a 2.15; Canada lambs sold at $4.15a4.25; extra heavy (140 to 180 pounds) Canada wethers, $4.50o6; Canada ewes, J3.50u4.25. Chicago Stock Markot. By the United Press. Union Stock Yards, 111., Dec. 14.-Cattle Receipts, 6,000 head; common to extra steers, J2.90n6.40; stockors and feeders, $2a 8.50; cows and bulls, $1.25a3.40; calves, $4u5. Hogs Receipts, 26,000 head; hoavy, $4. 30a 4.55; common to choice mixed, J4.20u4.Mi; choice assorted, $4.30a4.40; light, $4a4.30. Sheep Receipts, 6,000 head; inferior to choice, Jl.25a3.60; lambs, $2.25a4.25. Philadelphia Tallow Market. By the United Press. Philadelphia, Dec. 14.-Tnllow Is quiet and steady. We quote: City prime In hhds, 4c; country, prime, In bbls, 4cj country, dark, In bbls, 44a44c; cakes, 5c. grease, 4o. Oil Market. By the United Press. Pittsburg, Dec. 14. Oil opened and low est, 90c; highest, 814c. i closed, tic. T A Word. WANTS OF ALL KINDB COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHARGE WILL BK LESS THAN CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARB INSERTED FREE. Poor Taxes Are Due. ALL UNPAID JANUARY 1, ISDSt WILL be collected with costs. AHJA WILLIAMS, Collector. Agents Wanted. AGENTS! I'VE GOT THE BEST THING on earth for the DeoDle and for honest gents who want to make money doing a pub- iiu ijooQ, ana in sucn a way iuai they will coutinne makine it as lone ns they live, with the same people, lor .v. in an aueoime anu positive neeuisity that the peoplu must have no matter how low the price of wheat or silver. I have agents who are making from D500 to 81. UK) a month. and hundreds are making from $50 to 82(A) wiiooui going out or tneir Homes, i oonauct my business us no agency man does, and pro tect mv muents in a rjermantmt business re quiring no canvassing or no cunning lying or uecepuon or any sort. 1 have no time to read theletteis of Idle curiosity chaps, or Paul Prys, so give the names of Ave references and inclose 10 cents for me to end out who and what you are before giving you my terms to agents. Circular sent free to all applicants. I want an agent in every locality; elderly men and women are the best. THEu NOEL, Geo logist, 858 Polk street, Chicago, 111. rjENEBAL AOENTH WANTED -SELL V J inor new ai tides to dealers: exclusive ter ritory, no competition, no capital required: 200 to 300 per cent, profit. Columbia Chemical Co., (19 Uearborn St., Chicago, 111. SALESMKN WANTED IN OUB SPEC ialttf fcflvnrtiHin Hllhrnz-rllihlnn Vtrmlr o-mi bicycle, sporting hoo-Is uud buggy dupart nientt: liberal commissions. STANLEY hkaulev, 5 E. Sixteenth street, New York. rpo MAKE BIO MONEY SELLING OUR A Electric Tolephono. Best seller on earth. Sent all complete ready to set up, lines of any distance. A practical Electric Telephone. Our agents ma lng f to $10 a day easy. nvoryuuuy uuya; uih; money wimout wora. Prices Low. Anyone can make 75 per month. Address W. P. Harrison & Co.. tllurli No. 11. Columbus, O. AGENT WANTED EVERYWHERE TO sell the latest aluminum novelties, enor mous profits, sells at Bivht. delivered froe. se cure territory. Sample in Velvet lined case wuu iuu information, inc. Catalogue free. Aluminum .Novelty Co., 035 Broadway, New York. WANTr D - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO handle our line, no peddling. Bnlarr, e5 per month and expenses paid to all. Goods entirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. Box, 530S, Boston, Mans. Help Wanted Male. SAUSMENSAL to introduce our irouds to the trade. Per manent position, staple line, fast sellers, big profits, pleasant work. Addross with stamp, ivimu oi uuo, u. 61, Chicago. WANTED -ENERGETIC MAN TO PUSH new patont needed in every house. Liberal commission. Room 11. 412 Suruce street, between 8 and 10 a. m. MEN IN EVERY TOWN. PERMANENT position. Good pay. Experience unnec essary. Cbautuuuua Aurserv Co.. Portland. N.Y. "I V7-ANTEU GOOD SOLICITORTO SOLICIT V the urintinir trade of Scranton and vi cinity. Apply to J., Tribune office WANTED AN EXPERIENCED BOOK canvasser. Address T. U.. care Tribune offlcp, Scranton, Pa. For Rent 1 modern improvements, with or without barn. Apply to FRANK BHIFFEK, 138 franklin avenue. L?OR RENT FURNISHED AND UNrUR L uished rooms at 500 Lackawanna avenue. 1 70R RENT SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST Lackuwanna avenue. Addross 1 HOMAS E. EVANS, aear 1132 Luzurue, Hyde Park. L'OR RENT NICfcLY FURNISHED HALL r suitable for luJgo rooms. JOHN JEK MYN, 110 Wyoming nvenue. For Sale. CEl'O.vD HAND ORGAN FuH SALE AT O les than half price. 347 Franklin avenue. I.-OR SALE CHE A P-A GO( D WORK l1 horse. Apply to FRANK blllFFEK, 138 Franklin avenue. Real Estate. (il'finn-FIVE ROOM HOUSE ON FRANK Oi'V'M lin street; $10Ocaah;balanco to suit. R. ERNEST COMEGYS, heal tstate Agent, Price bnildiug, 128 Washington. E RR YCH Rl ST M AS TO THOSE WHO want to buy houses. Please call and see our list of properties. R. ERNEsTtOMEQYS, Price building. MARMS EXCHANGED FOR HOUSES; V houses exchanged for farms. R. ER NEST COMEUVS, Real Estate Agent, 128 Wnshlneton, Priro Building. Special Notices. 1 AM NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH EX 1 hibitlons and U-ctuio npou any subject de sired. These exhibitions will bo Illustrate 1, having In my possession the most powerful dissolving stereoptlcons mado. E. H. CALL, Tribune Ofnce. YOU WANT THIS RELIC - REPRINT Frank Leslie's Illustrated Week y War Illustrations JtMil-18U5. Two Volume Folio, f 10.50; payable monthly, $.'.00. Delivered by expross complete, Prepaid. Addiess P, O. MOODY, 61H Gibson street, Scranton, Pa. B LANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAoX linos, etc., bound or rebound at TliK Thihunb office. Quick work. Reasonable prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 141 corner Spruce itroet and Franklin ave nue. Twenty meal tickets for $3.50. Good i able board. Removal. PETER 8T1PP. CONTRACTOR AND builder, has removed f toni Sprues street to 327 Washington avenue, opposite Eureka L- nndrv. Charter Application. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF J. Lackawanna county, No. 830, January term, A. D.. 1815. Notia Is hereby given that an application will bn made to the said court on Saturday, Dec lit, A. D., 1SU4, at 0 a. m.. nnder the act of cssembly approved April 2V, 1874, and the mnploinents thereto, by George W. Keys. R, A. Marshall. John W. Jackson. C. W, Ball and W. H. Johnson for thechartet of an Intended corporation to be called the "Oriental Social Club," the character and ob jret of which is for the purpose of social enjoyment and the literary improvement of tlie members and for tin si purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges couforrcd by the said act and its tupploment The said charter is now on file In the office of the prol honour y of Lackawanna county to the above term and number. FREO W. FLEITZ, Solicitor. Situations Wanted. YOUNG MAN (26), GOOD HABITS, ABIL lty, and six years practical experience, wishes a position as bookkeeper or collector with a good Aim; first class reference and if required. Address w. L... 1 riuune. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN (j aged 21. as assistant bookkeeper, oollector or general office work. References. Address O. O. 0 Tribune.. CIIUATION WANTED FOR WASHING (3 ironing or cleaning by the day. Call or address L. B., 834, North Sumner avenue, city. CITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG O girl to do housework or to take care of children. Address L. E., 725 Fillmore avenue. SALESMEN WANTED to sell Pennsylvania Brown Nursery stock which is the best in the world. All the new specialties as well aa the standard varieties of I rults and Ornamentals. A fine outfit fur nished and Money advanced for traveling ex penses, Bslarv dates from the day work is coiuuienotu. write ror terms. HOOPES, BRO. 4 THOMAS, Mapls Ave nut Nurseries, W. Chester, Pa. 01 CO (onnolly & Wallace INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS FOR THE HOLIDAY TRADE The five followinsr numbers are the flrentput Va1 We offer them at the following - -CUT PRICES: NO. I. 50 doz. Fine Lawn, NO. 2. 40 doz. Pure Linen, NO. 3. 40 doz. Pure Linen, U. 4. 100 doz. Jap. bilk, hem-stitched, size adapted for either ladies' or men's use. The greatest handkerchief bargain ever offered in Scranton. 20c. each.or forV doz. NO. 5. 50 doz. Jap. Silk, large size, for men's use, or for ladies' mufflers, 48c, worth 75c. j-,iy iciici icyicscmeu m aoove lOXS. CONNOLLY & ii Better Bedding Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here in FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. BEST AND Moosic Powder Co Rooms l and 2 Commowealtb Bld'g, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUSH DALE WORKS. Lafllln & Rand Powder Co.'s Orange Gun Powder Electric Batteries, Fuses for explod-. lng blasts, Safety Fuse and Repauno Chemical Co.'s High Explosive! A Decided Move in the Skates trade has set In and It ill pay you to examine the stock of JUKISCH'S. at 435 Fpruc. street. Fine line of nupertor pocket cutlery, razors, etc.. for Holi day trade. Guns and ammunition at bottom Htrures. Aln some secondhand heels at prices that will astonish you.Seelng Is believing '5 Si LAGER BREWERY. Manufacturers of the Celebrated PILSENER LAGER BEER CAPACITY: 100,000 Barrels per Annum ROOF TINNING AND SOLDERING All done away with by the use of HART MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which conslste of Ingredients well-known to all. It can be applied to tin, galvanized tin, sheet Iron roofs, also to brick dwellngs, which will prevent absolutely any orumbllng, crack lint or breaking of the brick. It will out last tinning of any kind by many years, and It's cost does not exceed one-tifth that of tho cost of tinning. Is sold by tho job or pound. Contracts taken by ANTONIO HAHTMAKN, 627 Birch Bt BMTIB 8H0K CO., toe'p. Capital, tl ,000,064. BKST t.SO ttUOlC IN THE WORLD. "A dollar land it a dollar tanutt." This Lad Ins' Solid French DongU Kid Bat fern Boot delivered fne anywhere in the U.S.. on receiptor uun, iioney uraer, or Postal Note for 11.40. Xquals every way the boots sold la all retail stores for 2.M. We make this boot ouraelves, therefore we guar antit the JU, ttfU ami mar. f on la not sallUMl rsfund the morey another Delr. Opera Common Bean, , ft KK. Ban row rti uttrated Cata logue FRCC Dexter Shoe Co FEDERAL ST.. ' BOSTON. MASS. Sptaiai ttrm to Dtaltn. For Delicacy, For purity, and tor improvement of the com plexion, nothing equals Poiioni's Powder. ST.., S f V 9W width IT. Tl I- hem-stitched, put up doz. in a box. Price, 75c. a box. hem - stitched, full size for gentlemen, 25c. each: verv fine letter. hem - stitched,in ladies' size, 25c. WALLACE 209 Washington Ave. bcranton by the Scranton CHEAPEST IRON BEDS to our Washhurn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pat rons thut they will this year hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully threa months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s "flour far above other brands. 4 MEGAR6EL Wholesale Agents. We have the following supplies of lumber secured, at prices that warrant us in expecting a large share of the trade : PacMo Coast Red Cedar Shingles. "Victor" and other Michigan Brands of White Pine and White Cedar Shingles, Michigan White and Norway Pine Lum ber and Bill Timber. North Carolina Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pine. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Rails, Mine Ties, Mine Props and Mine Supplies in general. THE RICHARDS LUMBER COMPANY COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, SCRANTON, PA. DID YOU KNOW? That we WILL GIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at MERCEREAU 307 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. EVERY WOMAN BomsUaMnteds a nllabls, monthly, ntralaUnt msdielns. Only haraOataiS? thapurast drugs should bsatad, lljou want tha baal, gat Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal Pills Thar arc prompt, tafa tnl esrtaln In rasalt Tbs naslns (Dr. Psal's) saw Hup. nolat, eaataaaa, 11.00. Addrasi S sal MwuOlM C, CleTsland, O. For Saleby JOHN H. PHELPS, Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa. RESTORED flNHOI ! The gnat moisdr ental Worrr. J an aampuon ana in BWf OHil AMD jjrriCB UbUMI. anteotoeurwor iorsa,uw vi Tor b O. H. BABRISw Drucilik, each, or $1.35 for box of doz. Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated. IN THE CITY. patrons: Juniata County, Pennsylvania. Whits Oak. Sullivan County Hemlock Lumber and Lath. Tioga County Dry Hemlock Stock Boards. Elk County Dry Hemlock Joists and Studding. & CONNELL Pharmaolst, Cor. Wyoming Avenue anal ni I DR. MOTTO PILLS rornawrai prottratlos and allnarronsdlaaaaaii of Bedding Co. & GONNELL Bl lus sane rail va orgmna ox oii.ur aucnap isarroua rruwn". -.-. Ins or Lol alanhoixl, ImpoWST. NtthUy BaiHiloBS.Toutlitul Krrpraj eioaaalro nu of Tobaoco or Opium .which load to Cony manttr. With orarj BS ordtrwaalTe a wrt turnouts" r refund tbomoncT. Fold at Vl.eo vr box. ft boioel JU HO'lTI CIlSMiCAii CO., VlnvalanU. Oote l1 Atobu. t ' r i in - -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers