The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 15, 1894, Page 12, Image 12
13 THE SCRANTOX TKTBTJNE SATUKDAY MUltiSiJNif, ujstiiiMisriu 13, low. GORMAN'S BUD DEPOT. BEAUTIFUL LK SPECIALTIES Very Handsome Assort ments of New Silks are Shown for the Holiday Season. The prices are more interesting than ever, while the general stock is at its height. LADIES COATS Two essential points to remember: Our styles are invariably in the best taste and perfectly correct, whilst in every instance our prices are considerably below those nil inn i utha stores. Notice the splendid specimens in Blue or Ulack Beaver, Kersey and Cheviot, with tijjht-littini; and loose fronts, 32 and 36 inches long. s 0 s Down' ro the prices and up go the sales like a rocket. HANDKERCHIEFS The values here are simply mar velous. In this connection it can be truthfully stated that we have never show n a better assortment fur the Holiday Season. Silk and line arc all sclliuy ut reduced prices. TilED Hi 11 I All the Keady-made Hats arc now much below early prices. 'S GRAND DEPOT. DR, REEVES, 412 Spruce Street, Scranton. Dr. Reeves had hail long and varied ex perience In ho.ipltal und private practice, and treats nil acute and chronla diseases of men, women and children. CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE. He, with his assistants, treat all dis eases of ho nervous system, diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, dyspepsia, rheumatism, lost vitality, premature weakness or decay In hoth sexes, nervous debility, catarrh, tumors, cancers, erup tions, hlood-nolsoninir. llts. enileDsv. In discretion and errors of youth, lost man- noon, eczema, seroiuia, Bt. vtus nance, asthma, diseases of the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc. Voting Men Positively Cured. Offer to th Public for Catarrh. Any ona suffering with Catarrh who wishes to bo permanently, quickly ami cheaply cured may receive three months' treatment for only FIVE DOLLARS. The doctor has discovered a specific for this dreaded disease. You can treat and cure yourself and family with It at home. It never fallB to cure. A trial treatment iree. OKFICK HOURS-Daily, 9 a. m. to 8 p, m.; Sundays, 10 to 12 and ii to 4. HOLIDAY GOODS CHAIRS, OTTOMANS, HASSOCKS, CARPET SWEEPERS, RUGS, MATS, ETC, Special prices on all the above goods for the Holidays. . J. Scott Inglis Carpet and Wall Paper, 419 LACKAWANNA AVE. four doors above Wyoming Hcum. OLD FORGE. Mr. and Mrs. Hazlett, of Shlckshlnny, are visiting at the home of Lewis Ed sall. Mrs. C. S. Brodhead and daughter, of Montrose, were the guests of friends here this week. Mlsa Maine Searfafls, of Scranton, Is the guest of friends In this place. The 2-yjarf-old child of William Shot well was Interred In Marcy cemetery on Friday. . NEWS OF THIS VICINITY TUSKHANNOCK. Though eighteen months will elapse before the election of county superin tendent will occur, yet talk is rite con cerning the possible6andidates. Among those, mentioned for the place are Pro fessor P. H. Jarvls, of Meshoppen, nnl Professor V. M. Wood, of this place. Professor Jarvls is principal of the Meshoppen borough schools, a thor oughly practical teacher, a pleasant man to meet socially, and seems to be well qualified for the position from every standpoint. Professor Wood Is principal of the Gravel Hill independ ent district school, and was for some time assistant principal in the borough schools. He is a rising young man and has many friends who would be pleased to see him reach the goal for which he is Btrlvlng. H. J. Frear, of Beaumont, is the newly appointed mercantile appraiser for 1893. Ed Carey shut a line large wild goose on the Susquehanna near town this morning. The carpenter gang of the Lehigh Valley have repaired the roof of th? station torn off by the derrick car come time ago. Talk of the third rail on the Montrose road has subsided of late, and If there Is any Intention on the part of the rail road authorities of making such im provement there is no surface indica tions of it. The addition of another rail means the practical overhauling of the road from end to end. The ties are neither long enough nor heavy enough to bear tracking for broad gauge cars, and If they were, the curves are too torturous to permit of hauling Lehigh Valley cars around them. It Is pretty certain that business will be much Im proved before Che Montrose company will entail any such expense on the stockholders. II. D. 'Bennett, the PHtston book binder, was here yesterday. W. E. Bullock Is still in poor health. The Baptist young peoples' entertain ment was well patronized, considering the other attractions, and a satisfactory sum added to their funds. A major portion of the school direc tors of the county were out to hear the address by State Superintendent N. C. SL'haeffer at the opera house Thursday afternoon. The bent of his talk was toward the establishing of high schools In the rural districts so that scholars might receive the benefit of a better education without going to the larger towns or cities to obtain H. This would call for a change in the apportionment of the public money, as a larger per centage of it would have to go to the rural districts, and, of course, the cen ters of population would have to get along with less. A scries of resolutions embodying this idea, and also favoring seven months instead of six as the mini mum school term, together with other things, were finally presented and passed In a modilled form. People over in the eastern section of the county have now conceived the no tion that oil underlies them, and a committee of three has been appointed to awaken public Interest and Induce capitalists to put down a bore hole in either Overfteld or Clinton township. The movement Is baaed on what is thought to be "good oil Indications" dis covered by a Lake Wlnola farmer. A meeting has been called at Matthew son's hall, Factoryvllle, on Tuesday next at 10 a. m., when the matter is to be talked up. A lunch counter car Is a new innova tion on the Lehigh Valley. It Is said that they will be Introduced on all Its lines next season. The Montrose road Is hauling down lots of lumber from Ituggle's mill at Lemon and stacking It along tjie old canal basin between East Tioga and Bridge streets. It would furnish grand fuel for a big conflagration if Are should get Into It, and nut only itself would burn, but probably the spool mill and a number of other adjacent buildings. The Mutual Musical alliance, which covers a scope of territory in the west ern portion of this county and the ad joining part of Bradford, will hold its eighteenth annual session at Laceyvllle the last week in December. The Sullivan Republican Is authority for the statement that the costs In the election- contest already foot up over $400. This will start some of the I-told-you-so people to talking again. Richard Ellsworth and sister, Emma, of Hornet's Ferry, have been visiting their parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Lyman Ells- wortlh, for two or three days past Temple chapter. No. lit, will hold Its annual election Monday night Albert P. Miller and family have re turned from Oberlln, O The teachers' Institute closed this morning after a brief session and the pedagogues dispersed to their homes. The session was addressed by Professo; Bible, of East Stroudsburg, after which a series of resolutions mourning the death of Rev. C. R. Lane, a former county superintendent; execrating the custom of compelling teadhers to board around; recommending that the mini mum school term be eight months; and thanking the county superintendent, the Instructors and others for the good time they had enjoyed, were adopted. Dr. K. H. Wells, of Meshoppen, Is president of the newly-formed County School Directors' association and Charles Dietrich, of this place, the secre tary. Dr. C. W. Prevost, of VVllkes-Barre, was here yesterday Charles Dietrich nnd daughters, Pearl and Blanche, will spend Sunday with Scranton friends. Burton Joslah Cronk and Catharine R Dean, of Lake Wlnola, are among the newly married people. Relief In Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases rellevud In bIx hours by the "New Greta South American Kidney Cure. This new remedy Is a great surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness in relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urlnury pas sages in male or female. It relieves re teutlon of wator and pain In passing It almost Immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris, Druggist, lffi 1'enn ave nue, Scranton, l'a. PECKVILLE. Henry Purdy received the contract for the new dwelling house of W. J. Broad and has a force of men working on It Enterprise No. 1 is the name of the new hose company. Mlsslleazle Durkln visited her mother at Archbald yesterday. The crossings on our streets have been In a terrible state this past week with mud ankle deep. Why does not our council attend to It and see that we have decent crossings, The Babylonian drill under the aus. pices of the Yl'ung People's society will be repeated In New Year's eve with the finest nf's'cal talent that can be brought toother, including Professor George IlCarter, Alfred Wpoler and Lew IIuurt. o Scranton, and Miss Cecelia flay Nlles, of New York city, andMIs. ''kestone, of Wyoming semi nary, if ens3 will be spared to make this one of the best entertain ments that hns ever been given In this place. Lieutenant James G. Stevens post, Grand Army of the Republic, elected the following officers last Wednesday evening: P, C C. C. Battenburg; 8. V. C, Charles Walllck; J. V. C, August Zimmerman; secretary, J. H. Callonder; chaplain, E. T. Harding; G. M., Halsey Lathrup; O. D., Jessie Scott. They will have a public Installation on Jan. 9. A cordial lnvitatlonto attend is extended to all. Chicken thieves entered the hennery of James Nute. at the West End, last Wednesday night by pulling off the roof, and took eight choice chickens. CA11U0NDALE., John J. Bo wen has been added to the clerical force In the postofllce during the holiday season. Mrs. Benjamin Maxey, of Forest City, was a Carbondale visitor yesterday. C. D. Rose and family will leave to day for a week's visit with friends In Brooklyn. , Mrs. H. S. Bolton Is the guest of her parents In Honesdale. Haydn Evans, of Scranton, was on business to this ctly yesterday. The Andrew Mitchell Hose company No 1 are In receipt of a handsomely framed picture of members of Montrose Hose company No 2, who were the Mitchell's guests on Firemen's day, which was celebrated In Carbondale on Sept. 27. Miss Mary Rrcnnan Is the guest of Scranton friends. Rev. E. J. Balsley returned home yes terday from a short stay In New York city. The firemen's fair will re-open In the W. W. Watt building on Monday even ing next. Mrs. C. G. Evans and children have returned home from a visit with rela tives In Wilkes-Barre and Plymouth. Daniel Robinson, who has held the position of chief clerk in Hotel Ameri can for a short time, has resigned and accepted a situation In Scranton, to which place he will remove at once. Delaware and Hudson passenger train No. 1G, leaving this city at 2 o'clock p. m. In charge of Conductor Wallace Copeland, with Alexander Copeland engineer, yesterday ran over and killed a woman at Providence by the name of Mrs. Cuscy. Mrs. W. J. Maxle, of Forest City, called on friends In this city yesterday. The fair In the Anthracite building on Sixth avenue to be conducted by the Trinity Guild will be opened today at noon. The place has been arranged In a very attractive mnner and the ladles should receive a liberal patronage. Miss Lillian Robinson has Issued in vitations for a party to be given at her home on Robinson avenue on Mon day evening from 8 to 12 o'clock. FACT011YVILLK. The present source of our water sup ply does not give the required pressure for lire purposes in the more elevated portions of the town. By extending the pipes and taking water from Baylor's pond, a sulllclent pressure could be had for all parts of town and for all puriRises. Master Willie Hang visited his uncle, George Eisenhart, of Waverly, N. Y., a few days this week. Joseph Ball, who died at his home at Carpenter Hollow, was burled at this place yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Llndley, of Syca more street, have Issued about seventy five Invitations to a birthday reception, to be given on Saturday afternoon from 2 to 7 at their home, In honor of their little daughter, Miss Mabel Llndley. The armory of this place, which was burned last Monday evening, was for merly used by Company G Instead of Compnny F, as stated In Wednesday's Tribune. The subscribers of the Scranton Trib une at this place say The Tribune Is ahead of all other Scranton papers. Last Wednesday evening the Odd Fellows of this place again assembled for a feast, and entertained, as guests, fifty-nine fnm the following sister lodges: From Mill City, ten; Great Bend, six; Nicholson, thirty-two. Watklns, N. Y., one; No. 490, two; Brooklyn lodges, four. The visitors were entertained by Miss Lizzie Gll bvlde, elocutionist; Davis and Rice, of Iullon, banjolsts, and the Factoryvllle band. A very nice supper was served b the wives of the members of tht Red Jacket lodge of this place. Pastor Watklns will attend the fun eral of Charles J. G. Capwell, of Nichol son, tomorrow morning. Rev. Hull will occupy the pulpit of the Firs; Baptist church in Rev. Watklns' ab sence. Mrs. Pardon Knapp has returnee5 from a fortnight's visit to her daughter, Mrs. Edward Reet, of Windsor, N. Y. Khciimatixm Cured in a Day. . "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism am Neuralgia radically cures In 1 to 3 duys Its action upon the system Is remarkabk and mysterious. It removes at once tht cause and the disease immediately dtsap Dears. The first dose greatly benefits, 7i cents. Sold by Matthews Bro3., Drug gists, Scranton. HAW LEY. Miss Cora Ammerman, of Seelyvlll-?, called on Huwley friends on Wednes day. Dr. II. A. Plum has been pppndlng thf week In New Yoik and Philadelphia. Miss Louise Kellnm visited friend In Dunmore and Scranton this week. Mrs. K. L. Smith, of Scranton, Is In town on Thursday and Friday of each week. Mrs. Smith has a largo musk class here; she is an excellent teacher. The property of the late H. Var. Houten was sola this week to Mrs. A Daniels, of Patterson, N. J. Consider ation, $250. William H. Decker, who has been confined at his home for the past l'oir, months by sickness, Is much better. Mrs. Philip Davis, of Dunmore, called on friends In town this week. The new sidewalk on River street, In front of the Keystone hotel, Is a much needed improvement. M rollers' Mothers!! .Mothers!!! Mre. Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrup 1ms been used for over fifty years by mil lions oi moiners ior ineir rniiuren wnin ...l,lnr urltll rtAt'fidt BIIKOOaB It an. .Hi.. the child, softens tho gums, allays all pain; cure wind colic, and is tho best remedy for diarrhea. Sold by druggists In every port of tho world. Bo sure on. I ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrup," and tuka no other kind. Twenty-live cents a boltio. he Is going to erect near the Delaware and Hudson railroad. Mrs. John King is slowly recovering from a serious illness. Mrs. Kate Gearhart and four child ren visited at the home of her brother, George Tregallls, the past week. The Christmas exercises of the Meth odist Episcopal church will be held Christmas eve. M00SIC. Rev. F. A. King, of Taylor, will preach In the Methodist Episcopal church Sunday morning. Rev. Tenant will preach In tho evening. Yesterday the railroaders and watcU. men employed by the Pennsylvania Coal company received their pay. The Kpworth league will meet this evening (Saturday) at 7.30 o'clock leader, John King. ' Mr. Lancaster has begun digging for the foundation of his grist 4nUl, which NEW MILFQKD. A Christmas tree will be held in the school house, at Alford, Christmas eve. Farmers' Institute will be held at Lake View In the church Dec. 18. Union meetings will be held at the Methodist Episcopal church, Jackson, next week. Attorney W. D. B. Alncy, of Mont rose, was In town Tuesday. Mrs. C. W. Lilly is critically ill. The Brooklyn oil well is down 2,475 feet. Oil has been found In small quan tities at 2,300 feet. A meeting of the stockholders will be held to decide on putting the well down 3,000 feet If necessary. Dr. D. Alney was In Nicholson last evening attending the Masonic festivi ties. The Congregational Sunday school of Harford will have Christmas exercises and a tree at the church on Christmas eve. The ladles of the Congregational church will serve dinner and supper In the Odd Fellows' hall Dec. 17 and 18, for the farmers' Institute. Proceeds for the church. John W. Truesdell, of Minneapolis, Minn., formerly of this township, died of heart dlsense this week. There will be a dance and oyster sup per at the hall In Brushvllle, Christmas eve. The members of the Methodist Epis copal society of Harford will serve din ner In Odd Fellows' hall Tuesday, Dec. 25. Proceeds for the benefit of Rev. Thomas Eva. Stuart Meade, who was stricken with paralysis while performing his duties ut the graded school, died at his home yesterday. There will be a Christmas tree and entertainment at the Methodist Episco pal church, Foster, Christmas night. There will be a concert, entitled Christmas glory, at t)'e Unlversallst church, Foster, Christmas eve. O. C. Whitney received a carload of cabbage today, which he is selling for $3 a ton. TAYLOR. Mrs. Charles P. Samson, of South WIlkcs-Barre, Us visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David J. Edwards, on Main street. John L, L. Travis, of Scranton, was a visitor here yesterday. William Bolund, of Scranton, was a visitor here yesterday. ,. Josopih Bennett, of Main strerit, who has Doen ill for some time, commenced work yesterday. William Davenport returned yester day from Dalesvtllle, where he had been hunting for a few weeks. He was well loaded with game. A slight fire occurred In the school house on Grove street last night at about 9 o'clock, while night school was In progress. The lamp which hangs from the celling became unfastened from its place and fell to the floor, breaking the lamp and causiing the oil to run over the place. The seats were slightly scorched. A Christian, Endeavor society union meeting was held at the Methodist Epis copal church last evening and was quite largely attended. Several members of She Scranton society, who were dele gates to the state convention held In York, Pa., recently, were present and spoke on the work of that body. Re freshments were served after the meet ing came to a close. to W. Fay Langdon at her home on Second street, Dec. 26. All Run Down Always Tired, Sleepless and . Without Appetite Blood Vitallzod and Strength Ro newod by Hood's Sarsaparilla. "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: " For a couple of years, I was subject to feel lugs anything but good. I always felt tired, I could not sleep at night and the llttlo 1 could eat did not seem to benefit ino any. I Did Not Have Any Ambition to go around or work and In fact was not able to do a good day's work. I happened to pick up a circular embracing advertisements and testi monials for Hood's Sarsaparilla, and after road- Hood's Cures lug them decided to give Hood's Sarsaparilla a trial. I have taken five bottles and must say that I have derived wonderful benefit from itaml Feel Like a Now Man. I would recommend it to all sufferers and would urge them not to hesitate but to decide at once to toko Hood's Sarsaparilla." Paui.M. Wkheu, 1112 North Tenth Street, Reading, Pennsylvania, Hood's Pills are prompt and efficient, yet easy In action. Sold by all druggists. 25c. M niotofrapfcoS REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. Marif a L Wall Mari ma Day. of Me. 1st Day. lotnuay. T THE GREAT 30th produces tho abovo results ln'30 dnyi. It acti powerfully lud quickly. Cures when all others fail Young meu will regain their lost manhood, and ok mon will recover their youthful viuor by uatut KEV1VO. It quickly and turcly restores Norvoue nogs, Lobt Vital I It, Impotency, Nightly Emission Lost Power, Failing Memory, Wartlnu Diseases, am all effects of aelf-abuae or excels and Indiscretion which unfits ona for study, business or marriage. I. sot only cures by starting at tho snat ot disease, bin is a great nerve tonic and blood builder, bring lng back the plnlc clow to imlo cheeks and rc storing tba Are of youth. It wards off Jnsanlt and Consumption. Insist on having RF.VIVO, t)' other. It can be carried la vest pocket. By mil: 91.00 per packaxo, or six for Sff-OO, with a post tive written guarantee to care or refum the money. Circular free. - Addresa '0YAL MEDICINE CO.. 63 River $1., CHICAGO, I Li far sale by Matthews Bros,, DrngxU' Scruuton . f. HONESDALE. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilde left for Cold Springs, Fla.. yesterday to visit their Orange Grove. Lieutenant Edgar Jadwin Is visiting his father, Hon. C. C. Jadwin. Miss Hattic B. Lake will be married Instruments In every sense of the terra as applied to Pianos. Exceptional in holding their original ful ness of tone. NEW YORK WAREHOUSE, No. 80 Fifth avenue. SOLD BY E.C.RICKER&CO 1 115 Adama Ave.,'.Now Telephone Bdg IBalllilllllll.illllilllllllUHIIIIilllllllllllllllllllllllllllilHnKIil.lIllillSillll.lU Cheap Buying Makes Cheap Selling 110 18 CHER IN "IB Mil !" THE BELL only and alone had the grit and courage to buy three entire stocks, as follows : The Wcarwell Suit Co., . ltt West Third Street, New York Brodek Frendeiitlial & Co., - Waverly Plack, New York II dc Park Clothing Store, 111 South Main Avenue, Scranton The stocks of the last two mentioned consisted of the very best and choicest grade of Clothing, and havin? bought them for less than half their actual value, we are now offering them to the public on the same basis One Lot Boys' Kilt Cape A 00 One Lot of Boys' Houblo ftAC OveramtH, regular price f 2 25 JO j Breasted SullB, worth $1.75 v) If Boys' Double Breasted Union Cnssimero nnd Cheviot Suits; also Boys' wurm and Durable Capo Overcoats, regular d j K price, 2.00 and $ 3.00 J) 1.4 ,) Boys' Fine All-Wool Cheviot and Casslinere Reefer Suits; also O QQ Boys' Melton and Kersey Ulsters, valuo $5.00, . , L,00 4.75 7.G5 Men's Kiiiplo and Double Breasted Cassluiero and Cheviot Suits; also Men's Bluck and Blue Overcoats, value $8 and $10 Men's All Wool Cheviot and Casslinere Sack or Cutaway Suits; also Black and Bluo Kersey Overcoats, value $12.00, Men's Extra Fino Blnck and Bluo Clay Worsted Cutaway or Sack Suits; alsoFine Bluo nnd Black Kersey aud Melton Poolo Overcoats, value $20.00, . , , . . 11.37 I -1 UL II? Ill Sign of the Bell. 230 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. n.lK3IKIIIIIH!IIIIII9l!llIllllllllUg.lIllllllllIIlllIllllllBIIIIiilSBlligBlSB!lllllii THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA.. Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers HUlolING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Genera) Office: SCRANTON, PA, LEADERS OF LOW PRICES. XP V 400402 Lackawanna Avenue. A LARGE STOCK OF s f I' III E TO, OMLIO 1U UH0 2 I UT SPECIAL PIES. .. z IE ' 49 ii tun v 2 1 HolitovGoods 10W MM NEW I WHITE AND GOLD. Hanging Four Shelf Book Rack, $350. Big Value, $3.50. A Graceful Four Leg Table, $1.90. And Four Fold Screen Frame, all of exceptional values and of latest patterns. FANCY ROCKERS, Plush and Leather Seat, $3.00 to $25.00 each In Bamboo, Oak and White Enamel. BASKETS, Hampers, Waste, Work and Fancy Baskets, Step Ladder Chairs, Card Tables. KERR & SIEBECKER 406 AND 408 LACKA. AVE. IIIIiTllL And our Grand Holiday Display is ushered before )rou in all its brilliant glory. Don't be dazzled when you enter our store (as it's far superior to our last year's display), and goods are so much cheaper. Come here any day and take your time to look. Our store is a GRAND FREE FAIR, without the raffle and wheel of fortune fiends. Go upstairs. There you will also see beautifully fitted up departments. Aud in the basement the same way, but more of the solid aud substantial. Our Credit System ? Oh ! yes ; that's in the same working order as heretofore. We want you to make use of iti t We extend goods to you as liberally that way as though j-ou paid cash. Hundreds upon hundreds of Onyx Tables, Lamp Stands,' Lamps, Shades, Clocks, Ornaments; thous ands of Chairs, Fancy Gilt Chairs, Rattan and Up holstered Rockers, Solid Oak, Birch, Maple and Ma hogany Rockers, in antique and novel designs. Book cases with desks and without; Ladies' Fancy Desks in different woods, Music Cabinets, Ladies' Toilet Ta bles, etc., etc. Nearly five thousand of the handsom est and loveliest things you ever set eyes on.' Come and walk through. We'll welcome you. (