10 TIIE SCRAXTON TKTBTJXE SATUIIDAT MOHXTXO, DECEMBER 15, 1894. erena Ann fler First Christmas Keeping. By MARY E. ' (These short serial stories are copyrighted by Bacheller, Johnson & Bach t Her, and are printed inTheTribune by special arrangement, simultaneous with, their appearance In the leading daily journals of the large cities). Fifty years ago Serena Ann lived In Bralntree. and Christmas-keeping was not yet much the fashion in New Eng land. Serena Ann was ten years old, and she had never seen a Christmas tree, hung up her stocking, or had a Christmas present even. Serena Ann's father was a farmer; She had a mother, and an Aunt Love, her mother's sister, who lived with them, and was to be married In Febru ary, and a brother Ebenezer. Ebenezer was two years older than Serena Ann, and went to the district school winters. Serena Ann herself went to school only in the summer. She was a delicate little girl, and the schoolhuuse was too far away for her to walk in cold weather. So she stayed at home, and her mother heard her spell every day, and she did sums cm a piece of old slate, and was reading the Bible through, a chapter every morn ing. So her education was not neg lected. One night in the first week in Decem ber, Serena Ann was sitting beside the fire, with the piece of broken slate on her lap, trying to do a sum about ten grayhounds running a race, and how long it would take for one to catch up with the other, when Ebenezer came home from school. There was a light snow falling, and Ebenezer was pow dered with it. lie came in stamping his cowhide shoes and shaking himself like a dog. Aunt Love was sewing green velvet on her wedding pelisse, Mrs. iiag ley was paring apples for sauce. "Don't stamp so, Ebenezer," said she. "And don't shake the snow on my pelisse," cried Aunt Love. Aunt Love was very pretty, with smooth brown hair, and pink cheeks. "I've got to get the snow off," panted Ebenezer. "Oh, mother!" "You ought to get it off in the shed, then," said his mother. "Oh, mother!" "And not shake it all over the clean floor, and your aunt's pelisse." Oh, mother, Sammy Morse says he's going to hang up his stocking the night before Christmas!" Then Serena Ann looked up from' her piece of slate and her grayhounds. "I don't want to hear any such non sense," said Mrs. Dagley. "He says his folks are going to put Something in it for him." "If they want to be so silly they can." "Mother, can't I hang up my stock ing?" "Yes," said his mother, "you can hang it up all you want to, but you won't get anything in it. You have all the pres ents your father can afford to give you, right along. Now go out in the shed and bring in an arm full of that apple trea wood for the fire." And Ebenezer went out disconso lately. SerenalAnn pulled her mother's apron. "Mother, can't I hang up my stocking?" she whispered. "You can hang It up, but I shall tell you what I did Ebenezer. You won't get anything in It. I shan't treat one of you any better than I do the other." "I never hung up my stocking since I was born," said Serena Ann. plaint ively. "Neither did I," said her mother. "I never thought of such a thing 'when I was a little girl. Now, 'tend to your sum." And Serena Ann attended to her sum; but the thought of Christmas seemed to gain upon her childish mind much faster than one grayhound upon the other. She could not quite give up the hope that possibly, if she did hang up her stocking, somebody might put some thing in it. If not her mother, Aunt Love, or her father might, or even Joshua Simmons, the young man whom Aunt L'ove was going to marry; he sometimes gave her a peppermint. And after all her mother was a pretty tender one, and she might relent. So Serena Ann hung up her stocking the night be fore Christmas.' It Is quite possible if Mrs. Bagley had seen that poor little blue yarn stocking hanging in the chimney corner she might have slipped at least a bunch of raisins, and a cinnamon stick or two. Into it, and Aunt Love might have tucked in a bit of blue ribbon. Hut no body saw it, for Serena Ann, with the want of calculation of her innocent heart, slipped out after everybody was In bed and hung it up. At breakfast the next morning Serena Ann's mouth drooped pitifully at the corners, and she did not eat much. "You are a silly girl to act so," said her mother. "You knew what I told you." "I s'poso Sammy Morse has got his stocking chuck full," said Ebenezer. He felt Serena Ann's Injury to be his own. "Go out in the shed and bring In somo wore of that apple-tree wood, If you've finished your breakfast," said his moth er, and then she sent Serena Ann up stairs to make her bed. As soon as the door closed, Aunt Love turned to her sister. "Suppose Joshua and I take Serena Ann to Boston with us," said she. Mrs. Bagley looked at her doubtfully. "I'm afraid she'll be In your way," she eaid. "No, she won't, and it will make up to her for not having anything in her stocking. I felt sorry for her. Serena Ann is a good little girl." "Well, I felt sorry she took It so to heart," said Serena Ann's mother, "but It's a silly custom, and I don't know how to begin it. I suppose she would be tickled to death to go with you and Joshua. She never went to Boston but once; Ebenezer's been twice." "She must come right down and get ready If she's going, said Aunt Love, "for Joshua will be 'here with the chaise." And Serena Ann was called and told, to her Joy and wonder, that she was to go to Boston' with Aunt Love and Joshua Simmons. "But you must be a good girl and not make any trouble," said her mother, "for your Aunt Love has a great deal to do. She Is going to buy some of her furniture, and her wed ding bonnet and shoes, and she Is very kind to take you." And Serena Ann promised beamingly. She had never felt so- happy In her life as she did that Christmas morning, when she set forth to visit Boston, tucked in between Aunt Love and Josh ua Simmons in the chaise. It was very pleasant, but cold; there was a slight rime of snow on the ground, which shone like silver. Serena Ann wore her thick wadded coat, her lambs-wool tip pet and her wadded brown silk hood 00 WILKINS. with cherry strings. She was quite warm, and her face was so pink and radiant with bliss that Aunt Love and Joshua looked at her, and Biniled at each other above her head. Serena Ann, moreover,, had, tightly grasped in one red-mittened hand, her mother's silk purse, and it contained two ninepences, one of which she was to spend for herself, and the other for a jack-knife for Ebenezer. 1 ler father had given them to her when she started. She made up her mind, as they jogged along over the frozen road, that she would spend her ninepence for an nitron for her mother instead of anything for her self, because she could not go to Boston In a chaise. When they reached the city they stopped at the Sign of the Lamb, where Joshua Simmons put up his team;, then they all went shopping down Hanover street, where the fashionable stores were at thut time. Serena Ann enjoyed buying Aunt Love's and Joshua Simmons' wedding furniture quite as much as they did, She thought there was never anything quite so handsome as their haircloth sofa, and mahogany card-table and looking glass, and she trudged after them to all the shops where they priced articles and then back to the one where they found them cheapest and best, and never thought of being tired. But she was glad at noon to go back to the Sign of the Lamb and have some baked beans and a piece of pumpkin pie. They seemed to her far superior to the baked beans and pie at home. After dinner Joshua Simmons left them. He had to go a little farther to see about his own wedding suit, and Aunt Love meanwhile was to buy her wedding bonnet and shoes, and Serena Ann make her purchases. Then they were to meet at the Sign of the Lamb, and go home. Serena Ann went with her aunt from shop to shop, and watched her try on bonnets until she finally bought a beau tiful one of green uncut velvet trimmed with white plumes and . white lute string ribbon. Then they started to buy the shoes, Aunt Love carrying the bon net in a large green bandbox. There was quite a crowd In Hanover street that afternoon. A great many ladies were out shopping. Serena Ann could not walk beside her aunt very well, Smiled at r.ncli Other Above Her Head. she was so Jostled, soshe fell behind. Now and then she took hold of the skirt of her aunt's blue delaine gown, so as not to lose her. Nobody ever knew how it happened, but suddenly, after she had been pushed by the hurrying people and had caught hold of the blue delaine gown, the lady who wore it looked around and she was not Aunt Love. She was very pretty, but her hair was black and fell in bunches of curls, instead of smooth braids, over her red cheeks, and her eyes were black Instead of blue. More over, she wus very finely dressed, wear ing a velvet pelisse and a rich fur tippet, and bearing before her a great fur muff. The blue delaine gown was the only thing about this strange young lady that In the least resembled Aunt Love. She stood looking with great surprise at Serena Ann, who looked up at her quite pale with fright, still keeping fast hold of the blue delaine. Finally the young lady laughed, anil then her face, which hnd appeared rather haughty, looked very sweet. "What Is the matter,' said she, "and why are you holding my gown?" "I thought you were Aunt Love," faltered Serena Ann, and the tears be gan to come. "Were you holding to your aunt's gown ?" "Yes, ma'cm." The young lady laughed again. "My name is Miss Pamely Soley," said she. "Take hold of my hand, and don't cry, and we'll go find your aunt.' So Serena Ann curled her red mitten hand timidly around the kid gloved lingers of the young lady, and they went bnck down Hanover street They walked on both sides, they looked In every shop, but all In vain. . . The truth was that poor Aunt Love had missed Serena Ann much sooner, and had started off on a wrong track In search. When she had discovered that her lit tle niece was not behind her and looked around in dismay and lost the color out of her pretty pink cheeks, several sym pathizing ladies had gathered around her, and one had been quite sure she had seen a little girl just like Serena Ann in a lambswool tippet and brown silk hood, run down a side street a little way back. So Aunt Love went down the side street, looking and inquiring of everybody. She almost cried as she went along, carrying her big green hnndbox, look ing In vain for Serena Ann. She did not know what to do, but finally It oc curred to her that it was nearly the time for her to meet Joshua Simmons at the Sign of the Lamb, and that In all probability somo benevolent person would have taken Serena Ann thither. So Aunt Love hastened to the Sign of the Lamb, but It took her some time, for she had wandered quite a distance. But Miss . Pamela Soley was not wise enough to think that the best plan was to take Serena Ann to the Sign of the Lamb at once, since they could not find her Aunt Love on Hanover Btreeet. She was quite a young lady, in spite of her stately manners, and had not had much experience in rescuing lost little girls. She stood still -for Some time In Han over street, holding Serena Ann's hand, deliberating what to do. But finally a bright thought struck Miss Pamela Soley: "My brother Solomon is coming for me In our chaise to tike irte home to Jamaica Plain, where Ave live," said she. "He Is going to meet me at the cornet Just below here in about half an hour. We will make your purchases and then we will ask him what to do. My brother Solomon always knows what is best to do. He bolder than I, and. has carried off many honors at Harvard college. Don't cry, Serena Ann. He'll be sure to find your aunt fop you." - Serena Ann was somewhat comforted, for the young lady had a way at once sweet and commanding, and she went hand In hand with her and purchased a beautiful jack-knife for Ebenezer.with one ninepence, and a piece of white nainsook for her mother's apron with the other. Miss Pamela Soley herself made two purchases a little rosewood workbox, with scissors, and thimble, and Ivory bobkin, all complete, and a doll In a very handsome spangled dress like a princess. The last purchase She Almost Cried as She Went Along. rather surprised Serena Ann, for she had thought the young lady too old to play with dolls, but she eyed it admir ingly. She had never had a doll her self, except one which Aunt Love made for her out of a corncob. She sighed when Miss Pamela Soley tucked the doll with the rosewood workbox out of sight in her great muff. Mr. Solomon Soley was awaiting in the chaise on the corner when his sister uppeared with Serena Ann and told her story. He was a handsome young man, in a very fine mulberry colored clonk. "We must take her to the Sign of the Lamb at once," Mr. Solomon Soley said, decidedly, and Miss Pamela and Serena Ann got promptly Into the chaise and they made haste to the Sign of the Lamb. However, just before they readied the tavern, Miss Pamela re membered an errand which her mother had begged her to do at Mr. Thomas Whltcomb's store, and had her brother leave her there, saying she would join them in a few minutes. But when Mr. Solomon Soley inquired at the Sign of the Lamb, he found that Joshua Simmons and Aunt Love had driven away in their chaise some half an hour before, and the hostler, -who had been told, did not remember that they had merely gone to look about'the city a .little for the missing child, and were then coming back to the tavern to see if she had In the meantime been brought there. However, another host ler remembered that the lady carried a large green bandbox and was crying. "That was Aunt Love," said Serena Ann, and she began to cry, too. "Don't cry," said Mr. Solomon Soley. "You shall be taken home safely to night." .... Then he turned the chaise around, and drove back to the store, where his sister had stopped, and before Serena Ann fairly knew It they were on the road to Bralntree. It had grown very cold, and the wind blew. Mr. Solomon got out a great plaid camlet cloak from under the chaise seat, and put it on over his mulberry colored one. Then presently, because Serena Ann began to shiver a little, tucked in between the two as she was, he threw one end of the camlet cloak around her, over her brown silk hood. She was quite warm under that, and also hidden from' sight. Nobody meeting them would have dreamed that there was a little girl in the chaise. In the meantime, Aunt Love and Josh ua Simmons returned to the Sign of the Lamb, the hostler, who had forgotten they were coming, told her that a gen tleman In a chaise had been there with the little girl and said he was going to take her home to Bralntree. "Guess you'll overtake 'em," said he. "Gentle man was alone In the chaise with the little girl, wore a mulberry-colored cloak." Aunt Love fairly wept for Joy. "Oh! Joshua, I am so thankful," she cried. "I never could have told Sarah I'd lost Serena Ann. And I haven't got my shoes, but I don't care. I'll get married In my old ones. Let's start right away, so we'll overtake them." Joshua Simmons started up the horse, and the chaise rattled out the travern yard and down the road toward Brain tree. But their chnpter of accidents was not finished, for as they were crossing Nep- "We Must Take Her to onset bridge, peering ahead to sec If they could catch a glimpse of the other chaise, a gust of wind took off Joshua Simmons' hat and tossed It Into the river. He had a cold In his head. too. Aunt Love, pulled off her hood promptly. "Put this on," said she, "Don't say a word. If you don't you'll be laid up with influenza, and the wedding will have to be postponed, and that's a very bad sign." "Whatil you do?" asked Joshua Sim mons, hesitatingly. :,..-.,. i . ,.: Aunt Love untied the green bandbox. "Put on this bonnet," said she. It'll be so dark when we get homo that the neighbors can't see It." So Joshua put on the hood and Aunt Love the. wedding bonnet, and It hap pened that when they finally overtook Solomon Soley, who had not much the start, and whoso horse hnd got a stone In hln shoe once and made a delay, that the occupants of the two chaises looked hard at each other and saw nothing that they were looking for. ','',. For Joshua Simmons, who was natur- ally somewhat ashamed of hjs -woman's headgear, kept 'his face turned -well away, and both Solomon Soley and his sister, Pamela, thought there were two ladies in the chaise, and not the aunt and the young man for whom they were looking. As for Serena Ann, she was fast, asleep under the camlet cloak and saw nobody, and her Aunt Love and Joshua.' never dreamed she was there.' More over, they were looking for one gentle man In the chaise with her, and here was a young lady also. He wore a cam let cloak, too, instead of a mulberry cloak, as they had been told. So the two chaises rattled on almost abreast for qul'e a stretch on the turn pike, but finally Solomon Soley's forged ahead a little, for his horse was fresher. The reached Bralntree and when they were within a hnlf mije of the Bagley farmhouse, Joshua Simmons turned Into another road, which was a little shorter cut. Aunt Love was impatient to see If Serena Ann had reached home. And so It happened, since Solomon Soley's horse was a little faster, that both chaises turned into the Bagley yard at the same time, and Serena returned from her Christmas outing with something more exciting than a nourishing of trumpets. Serena Ann herself was so tired and sleepy that she could not fairly realize anything. It seemed to her like a dream; the chorus of surprise and de light, Mr. Solomon's and Miss Pamela's coming nto the housed and getting warm, and eating supper, and borrow ing a footstove before they started on their homeward journey, and every thing. She scarcely even grasped In Its full meusurq of delight the fact that Miss Pamela presented her with the rose wood workbox and the doll when she kissed here good-by, but Serena Ann had gotten one of the pleasantest mem ories of her life, and had her first Christ mas keeping. -o- WORLD'S GKEATKST ORATOR. K.dmund Hurkc's l'omc Grows with the l.upse of Ycurs. From the Chicago Post. Edmund iBurke, orator 'statesman, philosopher, writer, poet, was one of the brightest of the galaxy of genius that illuminated the latter part of the eigh teenth century. The contemporary of Goldsmith, Johnson, Pitt, Fox, Gibbon, Walpole, Wilberforce, and others whose names stand for some of the greatest achievements in English history and letters, his fame has grown with the lapsing years. His works are read to day almost as eagerly as they were when his work on the French revolu tion made Europe pause in the midst of war, and trembling or tottering thrones to admire his genius. Kings paid tri bute to his learning nnd eloqunce, and jealousy forgot her sneer when his name was mentioned and praised in spite of herself a rival. Not exactly a rival, be cause in many things Edmund Burke had no competitor. His "ltellections" gave Europe a new thought, and the nations listened to him in astonishment. His essay on "The Sublime nnd Beau tiful" Is as delicate a piece as the dis section of a rose would be. With keen est Insight he analyzes the feelings which were supposed to be too subtle, too much an efflorescence of the soul to be grasped and classified and placed on view. His political pamphlets were the wonder of the time and were models of statesmanship, although Intended most ly to be what would be now campaign documents of a partisan stripe. Burke's ancestry was not notable. His father was a prosperous lawyer in Dublin. His great- grand-father was mayor of the city of Limerick, and was prominent in the troubled times of the first Charles. There was a tradition that the family came from the noble Normans, De Burgh, who setied in Ire land In the reign of Henry II, but this theory is not sustained by proof. Ed mund Burke was an Irishman, but he seemed to have little or no sympathy with the men who at various times during his career attempted to obtain Independence for their native land. He was content to be an English states man, but at any rate he wrote an Irish name at the top of the list of the world's greatest orators and thinkers. REAL TREASURE TROVE. LincmlJs round in Large Otinntitics in the Mountains of North Carolina. In July, 1S94, a new locality of true emeralds was discovered by J. L. Rorl son, miner of mica, and D. A. Bowman, on the llorlson property, near Bakers ville, Mitchell county, N. C. Here, at an elevation of 5,000 feet on Big Crab Tree mountain, occurs a vein of peg matite some five feet wide, with well defined walls, In mica schist. This vein carries a variety of minerals besides, Its component quartz and feldspar, umong these being garnets; translucent, red dish and black tourmalines, the Intter abundant in slender crystals; white, yellow and pale green beryls; nnd the emerals. These latter nre chiefly small, 1 to 10 mm. wide by & to 25 mm. long, but some have been found two or three the Sign of the Iamb." tlmes larger than the larger size named. They are perfect hexagonal pisms, generally well terminated, and are clear and of good color, with some promise for gems. They very strikingly resem ble the Norwegian emeralds from Arendal. One vein outcrops for perhnpH 100 yards, with n north to south strike. The results thus far obtained are only from about five feet depth of -working, so that much more may be looked for as the vein Is developed. The locality Is fourteen miles south of Bakersville and about the same distance from Mitchell's Peak, a little north of the orest of the Blue Itidge. It Is some fifty miles west of the emerald locality at Stony Point, Alexander county, N. C, described by William Hidden In 1881 in a pamphlet privately .printed .at New York. Auction salo every afternoon at 2.30 and 7.30 at Freeman's, corner I'enn avenue and Hpruce street.- Col. L, M. McKee, auctioneer. . ' , vu ; ; j in "Now W, alltogcther-Recite!" "Since' a pound of meat costs three times W as much as a pound of Quaker Oats, and is only one-third as nutritious, then W one dollar s worth of Quaker Oats equals Sold only In a RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Is safe, reliable and effectual because of the stim ulating action which it exerts over the nerves and vital powers of the body, add ing tone to the one and Inciting to re newed and Increased vigor the slumbering vitality of the physical structure, and through this heulthful stimulation nnd Increased action the cause of PAIN Is driven away and a natural condition re stored. It Is thus that the READY RE LIEF Is so admirably adapted for the CURE OF PAIN and without the risk of Injury which Is sure to result from the use of many of the so-called pain reme dies of tho day. It Is Highly Important That Every Family Keep a Supply of If AV'O READY RELIEF. Always in the houBe. Its use will prove benefielnl on all occasions of pain or sick ness. There isnothlng in the world that will stop pain or arrest the progress of disease as quick as the READY RE LIEF. CURES AND PREVENTS Cold:, Coughs, Sore Throat, Influenza Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Head ache, Toothache, Asthma, Dif ficult Breathing. CURES THE WORST PAINS In from one to twenty minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after reading this advertisement need any one SUFFER WITH PAIN. ACHES AM) PA1XS. 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RADWAY'S PILLS for the cure of all disorders of the Stomaoh, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Dis eases, Dizziness, Vertigo, Costlvenass, Piles, SICK HEADACHE,, FEMALE CdMPLAINTS. BILIOUSNESS INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION AND ALL DISORDERS OF THE UVER. Observe the following symptoms result ing from diseases of tho digestive onrtuu: Constipation, Inward piles, fullness of blood In the head, acidity of tho stouacn, nausea, heartburn, disgust of food, full ness of weight of ths stomach, sour eruc tations, sinking or fluttering of tho heart, choking or suffocating sensations when in a lying posture, dlranosa of vision, dots or webs noforo the eitht. fevor and thill pain In the head, deficiency o! po;-.?pi ra tion, yellowness of the okin anil eyes, pain In thosldo.chost, llmbu, and sudden flushes of heat, burning In the flesh, A tow doses of RADWAY'S PILLS will froe the system of all the aboro-natted disorders. Prto25o. per box.,. Sold by Druggists or tent by mall. Send to DR. RADWAY Si CO,. Loci Box 866, flow York, for Boole of Advice, Ehoosmb t THt Hiohcit Mibicm, Aimtosmia SnEfffflOLlNHALER HEADACHE twIn lNrrAMn will care you. a wonderful boon to muTei-en frmnl'old,, MoreThront, Xnflnenr.i, Bronchitis, orll A Y PFVER. AUnnik immrniaurtuej. Ancmcient remeny, conrement to obit In Bnclret, resflT to TJ ou flmt Indication of col 'onllnned l'o Effect Permanent dire. HntlBfacUonfnurantced or money refuntlod. Price, 60 cte. Trial free, nt DrutnjUtn. IlenMered mall, CUcuum. a.D.CD3EKlll,l;ir.,IlimRiT(n,l(.du,D.S.4, OTJ8HMAIV8 MFNTHftl Tl" uret nl "'ert remedy for KICHI t nUL BMnklndlusseaJCcieins.ltch.Balt Kheum.nld Sores, llurnt, Cur. Wonderful roru C'ly torPII.KH. Price, cto. nl Drus-n A I M glsta or by null propalil. Addrem antidote. B Hi-fi! For salo by Matthews Bros, and John rsalofc helrjs. n. ri Complexion Preserve!) DR. HEBRA'S i VIOLAiGU Removes Frecklai, Plmptot. Liver Molet, Blackheads, Sunburn ana lan, ana re I sal freaUneas. producing A AstfVv clear and healthy com-PSf? W"S vtlovlnn Cn.MlHur fill fn ' ' ' ' preparations and perfectly h armless. At all druggists, or mailed, lor SOcts, Bend for Circular. VIOLA 8K1N SOAP ""Mr iuanaanbto u a Vkla purUrlag Soap, udmhM R tha toilet, os4 vuhcml a rival for U nonery. Abnluuljr van Hi aollooM mtilf euci. MrMivti, Price 25 Cent. G. C. BITTNER 4, CO., Toledo, O. . For sale by Matthews Bros, and John H. Phelps. NERVE SEEDS Itento.lv cuivd culclily and vcrina- YZiiXr nonny nil nwvous IiOSS of Brnln Powor, llotulncho, Wnkolulnosa, l.ont Vlinllly, nlululyciiilaaloiis. cvlliliivinm. Inv potency nnd wuHtiuu;dl8cu:K-ticuur.ud by t ontbt'iil error or ciuohici. Cnntiilin no onlntes. Inn iiittc tonloanil lilood bullilvr. Mukontho pole and puny utronitnnd plump. Kually cm-rlvd In voxt pwkot. VI porboxt l lorMS. lly mull prepaid Willi n written irimrantcntorunt or inonoy refunded. Write u lor rrue metllcul book, ni'iitm-nlcd In Rlnln wrapper, whluh contnlnn toHtlmonliiln and miuclul l-nforoncc. No chure-e for coimultB tlon. Rfitrat 0 imlffirinrif. Hold bv onr arivttr tlKml axctitn. or r.dilrona M'.KV'U SEED CO.. Muionlo I'omulo. Cblcuao, 111, BOLD IN SCR ANTON, PA.. H. C. 8 ANDERSON WASHINGTON, C0U. bPUUCE, DUUUtilSIS. A fit My vw i I DADWAY'8 J mm nine dollar's worth of meat. " lb. Packages. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. Q. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to C16 Spruce sreet, Bcranton, va, (Just opposite Court Hqubb sq Lift re,) DR. A. J. CONNELL, OFFICE fJl Washington avenue, cor, Bpruco street, over Francke's drug store. Residence, m Vine at. Office hours! 10.30 to U a, m, and 2 to 4 and 6.30 to 7,30 p, m, uu day, a to 8 p. m, DR. W, E. ALLEN, OFFICE COR, LACK awanna and Washington avos,) ever Leonard's shoe store) oflice hours, 10 to 12 a. m, and 3 to I pi m.i evenings at TgsMence, N Washington avenue. DR. C. L. FRET, PRACTICE LIMITED diseases of the Eye, Ear, None and Throat; oflloe. 12i Wyoming ave. Resl- jenoe, feo Vine street. DR. L. M. GATE9, J25 WASHINGTON avenue. Office hours, 8 to ! a, ra 1.80 Jo I and T to 8 p, m. Residence 309 MaJ teon avenue. JOHN L. WENTZ, M. D OFFICES E3 and a Commonwealth building;; resi dence 711 Madison ave.: office hours, 10 to 12. I to 4, 7 to 8; Sundays 180 to 4, evenings at resldcnoo. A specialty made of diseases of the eye, oar, noso and throat and gynecology. - DR. KAY, HK PENN AVE.; 1 to 8 p. m.: call axa. DIs. of women, obstetrics and and die. of chLL Lawyers. JESSUPS HAND, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at law, Commonwealth building, Washington avenue. W. H. JESSUP, HORACE 13. HAND, W. H. JE3SUP. JR. WILLARD. WARREN & KNAPP, AT torneys and Counsellors at Law, Re publican building, Washington ave nue, Scranton, Pa. PATTERSON ft WILCOX, ATTOR noya and Counsellors at Law; offices ( and 8 Library building, Scranton, Pa. ROSWELL H. PATTERSON, . . WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys and Counsellors, Common wealth building. Rooms 19, 20 and 21. W. F. BOYLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Nos. 19 and 20, Burr building, Washing ton avenue. HENRY M. SEELY LAW OFFICES in Price building, 126 Washington ave. FRANK T. OKELT.. ATTDRN'KY-AT. at-Law. Room 6, Coal Exchange.Scran- lon, ra. JAMES W. OAKFORD, ATTORNEY-at-Law, rooms (S, C4 and 65, Common wealth building. SAMUEL W. EDGAR, ATTORNEY-AT- ialw. umce, ai7 Bpruco St., Scranton, Fa. L. A. WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 4j3Lackawanna ave.. Scranton, Pa. P. P. SMITH, COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Oflice rooms, 64, 65 and DO Coramon wealth building. C. R. PITCHER, ATTORNEY - AT law, 'Commonwealth building, Scran ton, Pa. C. COMEGY8, 821 SPRUCE STREET. D. B. REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on real estate security. w Spruce street. B. F. KILLAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 120 Wyoming ave., Scranton, Pa. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, ' Scranton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for college or business; thoroughly trains young cnuaren. (.nuuoguo at r' quest. Opens (September 10. REV. THOMAS M. CANN, . WALTER H. BUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGA Ft ten and School. 412 Adams avenue. 1'u plls received at all times. Next term win open Nov. 19. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT SPECIALTY In porcolaln, crown and brliigo worlt, Odontothreapta. Office 101 North Washington avenue. C. C .LATTBACH, SURGEON DENT Ist, No. lit Wyoming avenue. R. M. STRATTON, OFFICE COAL Ex change. Louns. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association wll loan you money on easier terms and pay you better on In vestment than any other assoclntlon. Call on S. N. Callender, Dime liank building Seeds. O. R. CLARK & CO.. SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 14B Washington avo nue; green house, 1350 North Main ave nue, store telephone 7S2. Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO.. JONES BR03. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL, 515 LACKAWANNA avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 FRANK lln avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZIEQLER, Proprietor. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, W. O. SCHENCK, Manager. Sixteenth St., one block eaat of Broad way, at Union Square, New York. American plan, 83.80 per day and upward. SCRANTON HOUSE, near D., L. & W. passenger depot. Conducted on tho Iiuropean plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. Architects. DAVIS & VON STOUCH, ARCHITECTS. Rooms 24, 25 and 26, Commonwealth building, Bcranton. E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFFICE rear of 606 Washington avenue. F. L. BROWN, ARCH. B. ARCHITECT, Price building, 12G Washington avenue, Scranton, Miscellaneous. , BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, rcceptionrj, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenuo.over Hulbei t.s mu sic store. MEGARGEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes; paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Scran ton. Pa. . CABS AND SECOND - HAND CAR rtagos for salo, 'Also flue glass Lnnduu. D. L. FOOTE. AG'T, 1533 Capouso avenue. FRANK P. BROWN & COu WHOLE sale dealers In Woodwaro, Cordago and OU cloth, 720 West Lackawanna ave. Central Railroad of New Jersey, ( Lehigh and Kusqueliaiina Division! Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insur ing cleanliness and comfort. TIME TAIU.E IN EFFECT NOV. IS, 1894. Trains leave Scrunton for IMttslon,. Wilkes-ltarrc, etc., at 8.20, 9.15, 11.30 a.m.,! 12.45, 2.00, 3.05, 5.00, 7.25, 11.05 p.m. Sunduya. 9.00 a.m., 1.00, 2.15, 7.10 p.m. For Atlantic City, 8.20 a.m. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, ' 8.20 (express) a.m., 12.45 (express with lluf fut parlor car), 3.05 (express) p.m. Sun day, 2.15 p.m. for Aiauch Chunk, Allentown, Hctnio hem, Kaston and Philadelphia. 8.20 a.m., 12.45, 3.05, 6.00 (except Philadelphia) p.m..' Sunday, 2.15 p.m. For Long Hranch, Ocean Grove, etc., at 8.20 a.m., 12.45 p.m. , , ending, Lebanon ami Harnsnurg, via Allentown, 8.20 a.m., 12.45, 5.00 p.m. Sunday, 2.15 p.m. for Pottsvllle, 8.20 a.m., 12.45 p.m. Returning, leave New York, foot of Lib erty street, North river, at 9.10 (express). a.m., 1.10, 1.30, 4.30 (express with buffet parlor car) p.m. Sunday, 4.30 a.m. Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal,. 9.00 a.m., 2.00 und 4.30 p.m. Sunday, 6.27 Through tickets to all points nt lowest ratea may be hud on application in ad vance to the ticket agent at the station. ' II. P. BALDWIN, J. II. OLIIAUSEN, GSupT- ' ' - J Nov. 18, 1891. ' Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via, 1J. & H. R. R. ut 7.45 a.m., 12.05, 2.3S ami 11.38 p.m., via D., L. & W. R. l(., 0.00, 8.0S, 11.20 am., and 1.30 p.m. Leave Scrantim for Pltlston and Willtes Bnrre, via D., L. & W. R. R., 6.00, 8.0S, 11.24 a.m., 3.50. G.07, 8.5(1 p.m. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha zleton, Pottsville and all points on tha Heaver Meadow and Pottsvllle branches, via K. & W. V. R. It., 6.40 a.m., via 1). & H. It. K. at 7.45 a.m., 12.05. 2.3S, 4.00 p.m., via D.. L. & W. It. It., 0.00,'8.U8, 11.20 a.m., 1.30,, 3.50 p.m. . Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Easton, ' Reading, llnrrisburg and ull inturmcrtlato! points via 1). & H. It. K., 7.45 a.m., 12.05,: 2.38, 4.00, 11.38 ip.m., via D., L. & W. It. It... 6.00, 8.0S, 11.20 a.m., 1.30 p.m. Leave Scranton for TunklmnnocU, To wanda, Klmira, Ithaca. Geneva and all intermediate points via D. & H. R. R., 8.15, a.m., 12.05 ami 11.35 p.m., via D L. & W H. R.. 8.0S, 9.55 a.m., 1.30 p.m. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all points west via D. & H. R. It., 8.45 a.m., 12.0,1, 9.15, 11.38 p.m., via D., L. & W. It. R. and Plttston Junction, 8.08, 9.55 a.m., l.jO, 8.50 p.m., via E. & W. V. R. R 3.41 p.m. For lOlmira and the west via Salamanca,' via D. & H. R. It., 8.45 a.m., 12.05, 6.05 p.m., via D., L. & W. R. It., 8.08, 9.05 a.m., 1.20.. and 6.07 p.m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L. & B. Junction or Wllkeu-Barro and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN IT. WILBUR, Gen. Supt. CHAS.S. LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt., Phlla., Pa. A. W. NONNE.MACHER, Asst. Ge:i. Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem, Pa. DELAWARE AND HUDSON RAIL ROAD. Commencing Monday,' day, July 30, nil trains will arrive at new Lack awanna avenue station, as follows: Trains will leave 8eran ton station for Carbonclalu and in termediate points at 2.20, 5.45, 7.00, 8.25 and 10.10 a.m., 12.00, 2.20, 3.55, 5.15, 6.15, 7.25, 9.10 and 11.20 p.m. For Farvlew, Waymart and Honesdale at 7.00, 8.25 and 10.10 a.m.,12.00, 2.20 and 5.15 p.m. For Albany, Saratoga, tho Adirondncka and Montreal at 5.45 a.m. and 2.20 p.m. For Wilkes-Harre nnd Intermediate) diits at 7.45, 8.45, 9.38 and 10.45 a.m., 12.054 1.20, 2.38, 4.00, 5.10, 6.05, 9.16 and 11.38 p.m. , Trains will arrive at Scranton station from Cnrbondalo and intermediato points at 7.40, 8.40, 9.34 and 10.40 a.m., 12.00, l.li,2,3lj B.4U, .&, ij.ui, i.4d, v.n ami u.&i p.m. r rom ttonesuaie, wuymari ana f ar view at 9.34 a.m., 12.00, 1.17, 3.40, 5.55 ant) 7.45 p.m. From Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, etc., at 4.54 and 11.33 p.m. ' From Wllkes-ltarre and Intormediatii points at 2.15, 8.04, 10.05 and 11.55 a.m.. l.ltil 2.14, 3.39, 6.10, 6.08, 7.20, 9.03 and 11.16 p.m. ' Del., Lack, and Western. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Ex press for New York und all points East,, l.jo, 2.50, 5.15, 8.00 and 9.55 a.ih.; 12.55 and 3.50) p.m. Express for Easton, Trenton, Philadel phia and the south, 5.15, 8.00 and 9.55 a.m., 12.55 and 3.50 p.m. Washington and way stations, 3.55 p.m. Toliyhanmi accommodation, 6.10 p.m. Express for Blngliamton, Oswego, Kl mira, Corning, Hath, Dansville, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10. 2.35 a.m. and 1.24 p.m., making close connections at Buf falo to all points In the West , Northwest uml Southwest. Hath accommodation, 9 a.m. Klitghnmlun and way stations, 12.37 p.m. Nicholson accommodation, at 5.15 p.m. Blughiimton uml Elmlru Express, 6.05 p.m. Express for Cortlnml, Syracuse, Oswego I'tlca nnd Richfield Springs, 2.35 a.m. and 1.21 p.m. Ithaca, 2.35 and Bath 9 a.m. nnd 1.21 p.m. For Northumberland. Plttston, Wllkes Ilarrc, Plymouth, Hloomshurg and Dan ville, making close connections at North umberland for W'llliamsport, Harrlshurg, Baltimore, Washington and the South. Northumberland and Intermediate sta tions, 0.00, 9.55 a.m. and 1.30 anil 6.07 p.m. Nanlleoke and Intermediate stations, 8.08 and 11.20 a.m. Plymouth and Inter mediato stations, 3.50 and 8.52 p. in. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trains For detailed Information, pocket time tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket office, 328 Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket office. SCRANTON DIVISION. Ill Effect Sept. lGth, 1SCI." North lEouiid. South Hound. 205 203 201 -JO:! 201 200 "3 -a 5 6tation9 -s g -2(3 -a I (3 g (Trains Itallr. S & j A Kxcept iJuinlay " ;C l P M AlTiVH 1ttVO A M .... 7fi... NY FmnklinS; .... 740.... .... 710.... West 4-Jnd SI .... 7 5"' .... .... 700.... -Veehttwken .... 8M p II p M Arrive Leave A M P M .... Ta")-risTTT Hancock JuiicT 0i sib 810 100.... Hancock UIKi Sll .... 7 58 IS, Mi ... KtarlUht 6 is 2-.' ..... 751 IS 40 .... rriKtoti I'urk OSS 8 31 ....' 74" l'.NO .... Om 6 30 2 41 .... 7 88 fi-a .... Povniella 0 40 2 30 .... 78:1 12 1H .... llelinollt 0 45 S 5S ..... 720 12 03 .... Pleasant Mt 6!tt 3 00 .... 7 19 f 11.!I ... UnionJalo fO W SIM....: 7 OH 1140 a k Korset City 710 3 in P H 0 51 11.11 9i: CirbonJulii 7 21 3:11 5 34 0 4S fll30 9 1J White Utilise 7 2T M 3S 5 37 fO-ll fOOO May Held f 7 S2 13 43 fr 43 0 41 11 23 0 03 Jermvn 7. It 8 45 5 45 635 11 IS 8 5T Archiliuld 7 40 3 M 5 5t. C32 fill.! 851 Winton 74.) .151 554 6 29 11 11 8. VI Peckville 7 H SSI 5M 0 25 11 0" 8 11 Olyplmnt 7 52 4 01 601 0 21 HO-) 8 II Dickson 751 4 0? 807 010 11 (VI 8 30 Throon '750 410 010' 0 14 11 00 8 30 Providence 8 00 4 11 614, f0 13 f 1057 8 33 l'ni-k l'lnce 8 02 ft 17 010 0 10 10 55 8 3:1 Scranton 8 05 4 20 6 20 p M A MA M Leave Arrive A MP MP All trains inn dnily except Sunday. f. dignities that truins stop on signal for pas sengero. Secure rates vis Ontnrio S Western before purchasing tickets ami save money. Day and Night Kxpress to tlin West. .1. C. Anderson, flen. Pass. Agt. T. FWsroft, Wv. Puss. Agt., Serautou, l'a. , Eric nnii Wyoming Valley. Trains leave Scranton for New York and Intermediato points on the Kilo rail road at 6.35 a.m. and 324 p.m. Also for Honesdale, Hawley and. local points at 0.35. 9,45 a.m., and 3.24 p.m. All tho above are through trains to and from llonesdule. Trains leave for Vllkes-narro at 6.40 a. m. and 3.41 p.m. j Ladies Who Vcluo I A refined complexion mustuso Pouonl's Potm I der. It prodncos a soft and beautiful skin,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers