THE SCKAXTOX TIUBUTE- FTITDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 14, 1 804. NEW CASH STORE AM22 North Main Avenue. LUGE BROS. luce Bros. Best Patent Rour, we guarantee this flour to be the best made, per bbl. $3.65 feed, Meal and Corn, 100 lbs. 1.12 Best Sugar Cured Hams per lb. 10 Choice Light Bacon per lb. .8 Fancy Leghorn Citron per lb. .10 Fancy Lemon Peal per lb. .10 5 lbs. California Raisins ' .25 $srWe are prepared to meet the prices of any of our competitors. ' ON OTHER SIOEOF CHANNEL Passing' Events of the Day on the West Side of the City Noted. SONS OF. AMERICA CELEIJKATE It Was In Commeraorution of the Anni versary of Cuinp 178-1'urrof the La dies' Aid Society of the Wash, burn Street Church. St. David's hall on North Main ave nue was the scene of a grand anniver sary entertainment, which was pre sented last evening by the members of Camp 178, Patriotic Order Suns of America. The hall was decorated with patriotic emblems which were taste fully arranged ubout the room! The stage was surrounded with a large number of potted plants and ferns. Miss Annie Williams was accompanist. The programme opened with Introductory remarks by the chairmun, II. C. Hin mun. Several excellent selections were rendered by the Dickson Hunjo, Man dolin and Ouitar club. Solos were ren dered by Edwin Bowen, Mrs. Charles letzgar and P. H. Warren. A banjo solo by Stanley Swartz was well given. The feature of the evening was a series of recltutions by Miss Adele Break stone, Instructor of elocution at Wyo ming seminary. Miss Breakstone possesses remark able expression and is a thorough and finished elocutionist. Miss Annie It. Williams gave a piano solo. A quar tetteconslstlng of Mrs. Randolph Jones, Mrs. Charles Metzgar, Edwin Bowen and P. II. Warren rendered the selec tion, "In This Hour of Soften Splendor." A. J. Colborn delivered an oration in nn excellent manner. He made flattering references to the progress and power of the Sons of America, pavld J. Davis recited a piece entitled, "Crisis Hero Glory." It was given with marked ef fect. The closing selection was "Amer ica." and was beautifully sung by the audience. The affair throughout was a great success. ThoBe in charge were: James Stanton, George Hill, E. W. Scott. Daniel HH1, Frank Bryant, Al fred Twining and J. G. Sanders.. ' I'alr of Ladies' Aid Society. The Ladles' Aid society of the Wash burn Street Presbyterian church opened their annual fair and festival in the 'Washburn street parsonage at 4 o'clock yesterday. The rooms cantalned a large number of fancy articles which had been prepared by the ladles. The walls were decorated with flags and bunting. The articles are selling at a rapid rate. There are six booths and each Is neatly trimmed. Those in charge of the front or fancy booth are: Mrs. George Zerfass, Miss Belle Harris and Mrs. S. M. Reynolds; apron booth. Mrs. W.. B. Hull and Mrs E. O. Eshleman; quilts, Mrs. Frank Staples; candy booth, Mrs. R. J. Will iams, Mrs. E. D. Fellows, Mrs. Uurr, Mrs. Comegys, .Mrs. George Phillips, Misses Gertrue Becker, Bertha Jenkins, Maud Vlpond, Matilda Mott, May Belle Sweetzer, Margaret Hulton, Edith Richards, Ella Williams, Margaret Ed wards a"'! Helen Mott; flowers, Mrs. E. C. Post and Mrs. Penn Warden; dolls, Mrs. Vlpond and Mrs. A. M. Morse; refreshments, Mrs. Frank noldry, Mrs. George E. Jenkins and Mrs. West Lannlng. The officers of the society are: President, Mrs. E. It. Parker; vice presidents, Mrs. T. J. Luce and Mrs. L. B. Potter; secretary, Mrs. E. O. Eshlemun; treasurer. Miss Ada Clark. The affair will be continued this afternoon and evening. Social in Moors' Hall. The fourth anniversary of Patagonia lodge, No. 32C, Knights of Pythias, was celebrated hist evening by an enter talnment and drawing, which was con ducted In Mears' hall. The room was handsomely decorated. Large stream era of bunting were nuapimd.-d from the celling, uiwl the walls were nearly cov ered with flags. On the stage were potted plants and ferns. The first num ber on the programme was a selection by the Columbia quartette, consisting TORTURED THIRTY YEARS. Ilia Sufferings Ended After Using Munyon's Rheumatism Cure. Mr. Georsre Smith, of Taconv. Pa.. says: -"I suffered from rneumatlm for thirty years, and had so many severe at tacks that some of my joints were twisted out of shape. At times I suf fered terrible pain, and, although I tried many remedies, I never obtained any permanent relief until I procured Munyon's Rheumatism Cure. The ac tion of this remedy was wonderfully quick, and, although I have only taken a small quantity, I consider myself per manently cured." Munyon's Rheumatism Cure Is guar anteed to cure rheumatism In any part of the body. Acute or muscular rheu- , matism cured in from one to five days, " It never falls to cure sharp, shooting pains In the arms, legs, sides, back or breast, or soreness in any part of the body In from one to three hours. It Is guaranteed to promptly cure lameness, stiff arid-swollen points, stiff back, and all pains In the hips and loins. Chronlo rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, or pain In the back are. speedily cured. Munyon's Homeopathlo Home Rem, edy company, o( Philadelphia, put up specifics for nearly every disease, which , are sold by all druggists, mostly for 25 of Phil Martin, Watklns, Hughes and Morgain. It was finely rendered. A re citation was given by Ml 93 Lizzie Jones. A recitation by Miss. Edna Evans) was well rendered. Solos .were given by Thomas Beynon, Miss Mabel Rennie, John F. Williams, Arthur Reese, MJss Fannie Jones, and David Beynon. Those who recited were: Miss Alice Williams, . Miss . Margaret Roberts, Charles Cadwgan, Mtases Edna Evans and Lizzie Thomas. A feature of the evening was an address to the members by Attorney . J. Elliot Ross. A duet was' sung by Thomas Abraham and William Evans; Miss Norma Williams was accompanist. A contest for a watch and dinner set followed. A very large number attended, Brief Notes of Interest. Thomas G. Thomas, of North Brom ley avenue, is at Lallln. Mists Amy Howell, of Washburn street, Is substituting at No! 14 school. Mrs. Thomas O. Thomas, of North Bromley avenue, Is recovering from a severe illness. E. W. Williams, of South Main ave nue, has opened an attractive toy and confectionery store. Robert Morris lodge, Order of Amer- lca.ii Truue Ivorltes, held a meeting In Clark's hall last evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Carlton, of Schnell's court, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. J. K. Angle, of Kings land, N. J. Miss Genie M mi son, the. charming young daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. Charles Munson, of North Hyde Park avenue, entertained a number of her friends by giving a social on Wed nesday afternoon. An enjoyable time was the result. The funeral of Mrs. Deborah Milliard, who died a few days ago, took place at 7.30 o'clock yesterday morning from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary Street, of North Bromley avenue. Ser vices were conducted by Rev. T. J. Collins, pastor of the Scranton Street Baptist church. Interment was made at Great Bend. James Donnolly jand. Robert Wilson, two bricklayers, were arrested yester day morning by Ofllcers Morgan and Lutz while stealing a ride from Pitts ton on a Delaware, Lackawanna aud Western freight train. The men were taken before Alderman Morgan, of the Fifteenth ward. They plead pov erty' and were discharged. West Side Business Directory. PHOTOGRAPHER Cabinet Photos, $1.40 per aoien. iney are just lovely, con 'vlnco yourself by calling at Sturner'a Photo Parlom, 1U1 and 103 South Main avenue. HORSESHOEING N. Bush, practical horHeshoer. worn done only in a first class manner and guaranteed satisfac tory. Shop, Price street, close to North Mala avenue. GROCERIES Revere Standard Java ionce is unexceiieu. 1 ne leaning coffje of the day. For sale only at F. W. Ma son & Co. Fine Groceries, Ufi South Main avenue. SECOND HAND FURNITURE - Cash ror anyming you nave to sell. Furni ture, Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see the stock of J. C. King, 1024 and 1026 Jackson street. WALL PAPER-Go to Fred Reynolds, zuo runn mum avenue, aim see his complete line of Wall Paper, Paints and Window Shades. Just opened with new stock. PLUMBING-Willlam D. Griffiths, 113 North Main avenue, does first-class Plumbing. Steam Heat and Gas Fitting. Satisfaction Is strictly guaranteed. OYSTERS R. E. Davis' market house. Dealer In Foreign and Domestic Fruits. Oysters served In every style. 310 North Main avenue, next to Clarke's. DIN. MORE DOIXGS, Mrs. Herman Brunlng1, of Brook street, Is .111. A. C. Smith attended a Christian En deavor meeting at Taylor last evening. The Presbyterian Sunday school will practice music for Christmas this even ing. Wanted, board and room In Dunmore by The Tribune correspondent. Private house. Miss Mame Plagaman, of Drinker street, Is spending the winter In Brook lyn. N. Y. Mrs. William O'Hara visited her mother, Mrs. R. Howard, of Avoca, Wednesday. The funeral of a child of James Hag- gerty, of Grove street, was held yester day afternoon. A talent social will be held at the home of Arthur Spencer, on Swartz street, on New Year's eve. A. H. Allen's new house on Dudley street Is completed and will soon be occupied by Mr. Allen's family. John Mullen has resigned his position with T. J. O'Donnell and accepted a position at the Dunmore hotel. Remember the lecture at Loyal Legion hall tonight, "At the Battle of Gettysburg," by Rev. O. L. Severson. Mrs. J. C. Brown, and Mrs. William Rodgers, of Philadelphia, were guests of Mrs. T. P. Letchworth W ednesday The following are the officers of the Presbyterian Christian Endeavor for six months: President, L. M. Smith; vice president, Inez Irey; treasurer, M. L. Speck; secretary, Miss Mabel Christ; superintendent Junior society, Mrs John Brlegel. COUNTY LINE COMMISSION. It 1 Held a Meeting Yesterday at Mont rose. County Solicitor H. M. Knapp, Couiv ty Surveyor A. B. Dunning and Coun, ty Commissioners S. W. Huberts and John Demuth were In Montrose yeatsr day attending the meeting of the com mission that haa been endeavoring for some time to agree upon a boundary line between Lackawanna and Susque. hanna counties. The testimony adduced was mainly In the line of an Indorsement of the po sition taken by Surveyor Dunning ut the time the majority and minority re- ports of the commission were presented to the courts of Lackawanna and Sirs quehanna counties. - Death of Hanson Curpcntcr. Hanson Carpenter died lust night at his home on Sanderson avenue of diphtheria, aged 21 years. His funeral will take placo tomorrow afternoon at 8.30. Interment in Forest Hill cemetery. There will be no services at the house. 1 Music Boxes Inclusively. Best made. Play any desired number of tunes-. Gautschl & Sons, manufacturers. 1030 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won derful orchestral organs, only $5 and $10. Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re paired and improved with new tunes. Beautiful Juvenile Books. ' PRATT'S BOOK STORE. Picture Framing at Grlffln'a new studio, jus Wyoming uvenu. Rocking Horses and Shootlles of all Sizes and Styles. PRATT'S BOOK BTORE, Griffin, photographer, removed to his new studio, W Wyoming avenue, ground Iloor. When Baby was lick, e gave hor Castorta, When the was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she became Mist, she clung to Coltorl, When she had Children, she gv them Castorl NEWS OF THEJOUTH SIDE Team and Permanent Man for the William Connell Hose Company. SELECT COUNCIL FAVOKS IT Ordinance Was Carried Through by Select Councilman Connell Beech Street Property Owners Are Satisfied, Michucljoyce Wants to Kuce Edward Mulligan. By referring to tlhe report of the meet ing last night of the Belect branch of the council, found in another column, Twentieth ward property owners will observe a piece of Information that will interest and please them. It Is the pas sage of an ordinance on final reading, two ordinances In fact, one providing for the purchase of a team of horses for the William Connell Hose company and the other for a permanent man for the same company, his salary to be tlxed at (50 a month. Mayor Connell Is empowered by.'the Ordinance to name who shall be the man, but It la almost a foregone con clusion that Foreman Andrew -White will be the appointee, becauHP there Is no other member better qualified or more deserving. The ordinance will go to the common branch at its next meet ing and It may take a month before It becomes law and Its provision carried out, whereby the company will become equipped with two very necessary wants. Select Councilman Alex T. Con nell deserves credit for these measures and ought to be thanked accordingly. The War Is Over. At last an amicable adjustment of the difficulty between the Beech street property owners and the Scranton Trac tion company is 'a fact. Select Council man Westpfahl, of the ward, proposed to the citizens that they agree to let the company go ahead with the present grade and that he would Introduce an ordinance changing the grade on Beech street from the present plans and speci fications so as to come In line with the grade as It Is now being done. This was satisfactory and there the case termi nated. Mr. Westpfahl Is now preparing the ordinance and will rush It through the council fast enough to suit the most Impatient. Looking for a Kacc. Thomas Murray, of Mlnooka, Is anxious to arrange a match between Sprinters Michael Joyce, of Mlnooka, and Edward Mulligan, of Old Forge, for a 100-yard dash, and the purse to be $100 a side. Mr. Murray Is willing to back Joyce for that amount and wishes to serve notice on the backers of Mulli gan, or on Mulligan himself, that he Is ready any time to put up a forfeit and draw up articles of agreement, the place of meeting to be at the St. Den nis hotel, Lackawanna avenue. A race between Joyce and Mulligan would prove one of the most Interesting and exciting of local sporting events, be cause the two men are so eve.nly matched as to make betting one way or the other very uncertain. Mr. Murray expects the other folks to answer this challenge and hopes to agree upon all the preliminaries in order to have the race come off at an early date and before the snow flies. Shorter Paragraphs. South Side board of trade .will hold Its December meeting this evening. Rev. E. J. Melley returned home last night from a visit to New York city. Miss Agnes Judge, of Pittston, is vis iting Mls3 Bridget Leonard,' of Pros pect avenue. Mr. and Mrs. ;Augttst Bowers, of Cherry street, are visiting friends in New York city. Columbus council, Young Men's In stitute, will meet to elect officers on Sunday, Dec. 23. Mrs. Dolph Glennon, of West Pitts ton, Is visiting her sister, Miss Minnie Hand, of Cedar avenue. Scranton Athletic club met last night and discussed the arrangements for their anniversary ball on the evening of Jan. 21. John Warner, of Stafford avenue, who died Wednesday afternoon, will be burled tomorrow morning In the Twen tieth Ward German Catholic cemetery A high mass of requiem will be sung at St. Mary's church at 9 o'clock. From a fall received yesterday morn ing, Mrs. Patrick Judge, of Prospect avenue, met with a broken leg. Dr. Walsh attended her and reports that she is resting comfortably. The fami ly had trouble only a few weeks ago by the death of their only child. A FINE ENTERTAINMENT. Given by St. Paul's Literary Society of Green Kidge. An entertainment was given last night by St. Paul's Literary society In the parish hall on Penn avenue, Green Ridge. A carefully arranged pro gramme of vocal and Instrumental mu bIc, essays and recitations was ren dered. The society was ' organized only a ehort time ago, but is In a flourishing condition. Rev. P. J. McManus, pas tor of St. Paul's church, Is president; James R. Burnett, vice president; Miss Bralnard, secretary, and James Kear ney, treasurer. A meeting' is held every Thursday night. FUNERAL OF JOHN MALLOY. Requiem Muss Celebrated at St. Paul's Church. The funeral of John Malloy took place yesterday morning from the home of his parents on Penn avenue, Green Ridge. At 10 o'clock a solemn high mass , A A A A A A A .fft ft A A A A A d ' TI16 Only Manufactory lu Scranlou. CHAMBERS 518 Lackawanna Ave. RARE ATTRACTIONS FOR THE HOLIDAYS In addition to our ready-made stock, our SPECIAL ORDMt depot tinmit cannot fail tn Interest you. Nj such variety of CHOICE HANDLES AND FABRICS was ever liefora shown in thli city, We snail be glad to have yon ah. whether you purchase or not. Repairing, Ke-coverlug equal to new. SILK LAMP SHADES All our own make, ahaolutnlv une oimie.1 for STYLE. QUALITY and PRICE. of requiem was celebrated at St. Paul's Catholic church. Rev,. J. Dunn was celebrant, Rev. P. J. McManus. deacon, and Rev. M. J. Donlan, of Dunmore," sub-deacon. A sermon waa preached by Rev. P. J. Mc Manus from the text, "Thy Will Be Done," In which he spoke of the manly and noble qualities of the deceased and his obedience and devotion to his par ents. There were many beautiful floral tributes. Interment was made In Hyde Park Culthollc cemetery." NOTED ABOUT TOWN. A meeting of the friends of the Res cue Mission will be held tonight, when the question of continuing the mission after the present month will be con sidered. The committee, consisting of J. A. Lansing, Luther Keller, Mrs. Frances T. Vail, A. B. Williams. Col onel K. H. Ripple, W. D. Kennedy. Dr. G. E. Dean, Mrs. J. L Stelle, W. J. Hand, A. W. Dickson and W. H. Peck, are faced with a deficit, which must be met before the responsibilities of the new year are shouldered. No one will deny the usefulness of the mission and the work it has accomplished, and those who have taken an active inter est In Its welfare are very anxious lest the liabilities may not be discharged and the work absolutely cease. One useful and practical feature of the mis sion has been the shelter afforded to men, who, seeking employment, have no money tq pay for a night's lodging and would otherwise be compelled to paps the night at the station house in the company of professional tramps. Fourteen hundred and thirty-nine such cases have been relieved. There are many other phases of the work which commends the mission to the favorable consideration of Its supporters and it Is to be hoped that satisfactory arrange ments may be made to carry on the work. Sheriff-elect Frank H. Clemons called on Sheriff Fahey yesterday afternoon and after a pleasant talk concerning the otllce of sheriff and Its routine duties, Mr. Fahey and Mr. Clemons pro ceeded to the county Jail and the latter was shown through the Institution und the manner In which It is conducted explained In detail. Mr. Clemons Is anxious to familiarize himself with ;lu duties of his off!? bof.iro laUng up th? performance of them. Judge Arohbald has returned from Laporte, Sullivan county, where with Judges Rice and Searle he on Tuesday entered upon the work of disposing of the contest of Judge Slttser against E. M. Dunham for the office of Judge. A number of those who signed Judge Sltt ser's petition for a contest wanted to withdraw, but as It would leave the contestant without the necessary fifty signatures, the Judges refused to allow them to do so. The preliminaries of tlhe contest were arranged on Tuesday and Che commlsion then adjourned until Jan. 3. Tho Dushore Review thus described Judge Archbald's appearance on the bench: "Judge Archbald's little bald spot on his judicial pate, his twinkling eyes, twitching mouth and round, rosy face tell of the Hibernian blood that flows In his veins." It will no doubt be a surprise to Judge Archbald to know that 1ils ancestors came from the Green Isle of saints and sages. FATHER O'DONNELL SPOKE. He Delivered an Eloquent Sermon at the ' Cathedral Mission Last Night. Fhom the text, "What does It profit a moat to gain the whole world and In the end lose his Immortal soiil?" Rev. M. H. O'Donnell, of Providence, de livered a beautiful sermon at the Woman's mission In St. Peter's cathe dral last night. "No eye can picture nor can any mind conceive," he suld, "the magnificence, of God's heavenly abiding place There the spirits of the blessed dwell In unutterable happiness for all eternity, supremely aloof from sorrow, misery, or wretchedness, know ing aught but the adoration of God In the unspeakable contentment of their souls. . "On the other hand the lot of the damned soul, burning In the unbearable fires of God's wrath, nnd suffering the enormity of the torments of hell, is something that confronts every mortal being on this world Death Is the end of every man and there Is no escape from one or the other of two conditions, either eternal happiness or eternal damnation. When a soul Is Judged on the lust great day, that sentence is final. God Is Just and will reward every man for the good he has done and pun ish htm for the sins of which he Is guilty. "Then," said the speaker, "can we af ford to Insult God in this life, who Is to Judge us In the life to come?" Father O'Donnell concluded by extorting ;all the women to make the mission well. The sermon this evening will be deliv ered by Rev. M. H. Dunn, of Great Bend, one of the most eloquent priests In the Scranton diocese. NORTH END NOTES. Mrs. George W. Van Scholes, of Market street, has recovered from u serious illness. Miss Agnes Stevens,, of Lenorfville, Susquehanna county, has returned home from a visit with Miss Blunche Halstead, of Oak street. Mrs. Giles Decker and duughter, of Cayuga street, expect to leave 'today for a two months' visit with relatives lu New Mexico. On their way home they- expect to stop at a number of places of Interest ulong their route. Interest lu the fair of the St. Paul's Lutheran church continues unabated, An excellent programme Is given each evening. Those in charge have decided to continue the fair tonight, when it will positively clone. Henry Smultz, of Providence road, and Miss Annie E. Stanton, of Diamond avenue, were united In marriage nt the bride's home on Wednesduy noon by Rev. George M. Scheldy, pastor of the St. Paul's Lutheran mission, In the presence of a large number of friends. After a wedding dinner the; young couple, accompanied by a number of Immediate friends and relatives, left for Pittston, where a reception was ten dered them at the home of the groom's parents. Among those present from out of town were: Mrs. Avery Ferris and Miss George Clarke, Elmhurst; Mrs. D, M. Rosengrant, of Tunkhannock; Mrs, Margaret Wardell nnd Mrs. Byron Wardell. of Moscow; Mr. and Mrs. Levi Sch&ultz, of Pittston; Miss Ann Sausen, of Tobyhanna; Mr. and Mrs. Burton Stanton and daughter, of Elmlra, and Mrs. Clark Terwiniger, or. Clark s Sum mlt. ' . Chronic Rheumatism Can Be Cured. Dr. Potter's Rheumatic Pills, a radical cure for chronic Rheumatism, (lout, Rheumatic Gout, Rheumatism in the hips, and ail diseases depending upon or having their origin in Uric Arid Diathesis. They act direct upon the blood and kidneys eliminating the uric acid, the cause of all Rheumatism, -etc. If you are suffering from Rheumatism take Dr. Potter' b Rheu matic Pills. They have cured cases of years' standing and will not full to cure you. Price, tl a box. For ule wholesale and retail by Matthew Bros., Scranton, THE LOCAL PLAY HOUSE Bills Offered to .the Public at The aters Last Night. COMEDIAN OTT AT ACADEMY The Knglnccr Seen at tho I'rotlilngliara and Myrtle Ferns at Duvls'-Dnly's Company at the Academy Tonight. . Other Attractions Coining. There are few droller comedians on the stage than Joe Ott, who made his first appearance in this city as a star at the Academy of Music lust night. The Venice he has chosen for his stellar flight is called the "The Star Gazer," and like ull furce comedies Is almost destitute of plot. Mr. Ott Is the same In make-up and style of comedy work that he was when the chief attraction of "The Dazzler" company, with which ho first came Into prominence. He was, If possible, more grotesque, droll and mirth provoking lust night than on his previous visits to this city, and kept his audience in a merry humor. At the close of the sec ond act the entire company was called before the curtain, and Mr. Ott thanked the audience for the kind reception ten dered. He was supported by his brothers, Matt and Phil, two clever young men, and Joe Hurrlngton, J. B. Watklns, Richard Carle, Dorothy Grey and May Jordan. Many bright musical numbers and entertaining specialties are Intro duced. The Engineer ut Fruthinghuin. The realistic comedy drama, "The Engineer," was produced at the Froth lngham last night by capable com pany. The scene of the drama is locat ed In Missouri, and the story that is un folded as the action of the drama pro ceeds Is very Interesting. In the third act Is a scene In an en gine room, which Is an exact fac Blmlle In every way of what It purports to be. The Missouri Whoopers furnish amusement In the second net. Among the clever people with the company are: Eugene Bertram, Bassett Wll lard, Craig Roylston, Charles B. Poore, Fannie Ogden and Mary Davis. "The Engineer" will be seen at the Frothlng ham again this evening and tomorrow afternoon and evening. Myrtle Ferns at Davis', Miss June Agnott, as Chick, In the "Myrtle FernB" at Davis' theater yes terday, was a great success and was warmly applauded. The play has an exciting plot, which Miss Agnott suc cessfully unravels as the piece proceeds. The manner In wihlch she -releases the Innocent Robert Myrtle from prison awoke great enthusiasm. Joseph D. Clifton, as Morgan, the hunchback, Is an actor of great merit and was heart! ly applauded. "The Myrtle Ferns" will be continued today and tomorrow, both afternoon and evening. Duty's Comedians Tonight. Augustln Daly's famous company can be safely classed as a perfect mosaic of light pomedlans. As such have they been accepted in America as such abroad. Mt; will take but a glance nt the names of a few prominent members of this body of artists to bear out this statement. Henry Dlxey, "Adonis;" Francis Cnrlyle, Charles Leclercq. Miss Percy Haswell, Mrs.. Thomas Barry, Miss Martha Ford, each Individual member a stur In themselves. The com- pany and management Is under the dl rectlon of Augustln Daly, and this fact alone speaks for Itself, that we may look for a perfect representation of delightful comedy with all the perfec tlon of detail that has marked the sue cess of the company In the past. Friday evening will unquestionably be a mem (liable one In the history of the Acad emy of Music. Brothers Byrne lu Light Bells. The famous Brothers Byrne In "Eight Bells" rjave everything ready for the season. The production, this season, Is far superior to anything attempted In the line of pantomime. The Brothers Byrne have expended a large amount In new scenery, tricks, etc. The paper Is all new, original and catchy. The theuter patrons can be assured of see ing a wonderful production when It Is presented ut the Academy of Music on Saturday evening. The Byrnes are simply Immense and so are the fake horses and octopus; the fearfully and wonderfully mude ship and a lot of other things. Sufllce to say that "Eight Bells" Is the funniest thing of Its kind and a sure cure for dyspepsia In Its most virulent form. Thomas Shea Next Week. . The well known actor, Thomas Shea will be seen Monday, Tuesday, Wednes day, F'-lilay and Saturday evenings and Saturday afternoon at the Academy of Music In a repertoire of popular plays, The success of Mr. Shea, the young actor, Is a subject of much discussion among thenter-goers. All agree that he Is a remarkably clever young nctor, and with strong magnetic power, and one who holds his audience with him ut all times; a thorough student and artist, and one who thoroughly under stands the why nnd wherefore of all things connected with the dramatic art, DAVIES it GRIFFIN CASE. All the Testimony for the Plulntiffs Nit Yet In. The arbitrators In the case of Davles & Griffin against Insurance companies met yesterday morning and afternoon, but when they adjourned lust evening all of the testimony on the part of the plaintiffs had not yet been heard. T. Ellsworth Davles and Lewis Jones gave the principal testimony yesterday Mr. Jones said he left the store with Mr. Davles on the night It was de stroyed, only a few minutes before the explosion occurred. He was unable to explain the cause of It. Mr. Davles' testimony was chiefly an explanation of the various entries on the books of the firm and the manner In which Its business was conducted, The arbitrators will meet again today. Rare Collection ot Books in Holiday Bindings. PRATT'S BOOK STORE, Auction sale every afternoon at 2.50 and 7.30 at Freeman's, corner Penn avenue and Spruce street. Col, L. M. McKee, auctioneer. CURES DYSPEPSIA CURES DYSPEPSIA CURES DYSPEPSIA Having suffered from Dra plla for three years, I as elded to try Burdock Blood Promotes Digestion. Bittirb, and after using ou bottle I found myself so much batter that I waa oncouraged to nae another; after taking this I find mvsolf ao f ullv re stored that I do not need any mora medicine, reeling truly grawiui 10 . i. a. Mrs. Q. Wnn.t and all mothers who are nursing babies derive great benefit from Scott's Emulsion. This prepara tion serves two purposes. It gives vital strength to mothers and also enriches their milk and thus makes their babies thrive. Scott's sion is a constructive food that pro motes the making of healthy tissue and bone. It is a wonder ful remedy for Emaciation, Ceneral Debility, Throat and Lung Complaints, Coughs, Colds, Anaemia, Scrofula and Wasting Diseases of Children. Send for Pamphlet 0 Ssott'i EmuUhn. fru. ScottiBowne, N.Y. All Druggists. BOc.andfl, OUR NATIVE ilS The Great Blood Purifier and Liver Regulator. 200 DAYS' TREATMENT, $1.00 COMPOSED OR And will PinlUvtlv cure all dlaeano arising from IMPURE BLOOD, UUCH A3 Rheumatism, Kidney Disorder, Liver Complaint, sick aud crv ous Headache, Neuralgia, Dys pepsiu, l ever and Ague, Scrofu la, Female Complaints, Erysipe las, Nervous Affections, (lutarjh, and all Syphilitic Discuses. E. 31. HETZEL, AGENT, 330 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Call and Got Circulars. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. Made a lit Day. W iwcii .v. an IStuDay, of Me. inc uncAi 3otu ray. prodncca the above rcsultd tn30 days. It actt liowerf ullr aud quickly. Cures when all othora full Young men will regain their lost manhood, and old men will recover their youthful vigor by using REVIVO. It quickly and surely restores Nervoua ness, Lout Vitality, Inipoteuuy, Nightly Emissions, Lost Power, Falling Mrmory, Wlhtlnx Diseases, and all effects ot seli-abuse or axcewi and Indiscretion which untlts one for study, business or marrisgft. It not only cures by starting at tha seat ot disease, but is a great nerve toiilo and blood builder, bring teg back the pluk glow to pale chocks and re storing the fire of youth. It wards off Insanlti and Consumption. Insist on having RF.V'IVO, nc oilier. It can ba carried la vest pocket. By mr.ll 1,00 per package, or six tor 88.00, with posl tlve written guarantee to euro or refund the money. Circular tree. Address 'OYAL MEDICINE CO.. G3 River SI., CHICAGO. ILL far aale y Matthews Urol., Drncgls' Scrauton . Pa. Instruments In every tense of tha term u aipneu 10 nanou. Exceptional in holding their original ful ness of tone. NEW YOItK WAREHOUSE, No. 80 nun avenue. SOLD BY E.C.RICKER&CO 1 115 Adama Ave.,!New Telephone Bdg Win. Linn Allen 8c Co. STOCK BROKERS, Buy and sell Stocks, Bonds and Grain on New York Exchange and Chicago board of Trade, either for cash or oq murgln. LOCAL STOCKS A SPECIALTY. G. diiB. DIMMICK, Manager. TELEPHONE B.0M2. SHAW, EMERSON, . KRAKAUER, NEW ENGLAND, ERIE. ' Boiii! HERBS BARKS ROOTS p tnm life ar J tnu Ml 11 J. LAWRENCE STELLE, Music Dealer, 134 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton, f WITH I SUPPLIES. .e,srs D pnhpnflpr J k KSf U b Ub lib (X UU. m. U Scranton, Pa. U HUT'S ! II SI WYOMING AVE, SCRANTON. STEINWAY ft SON DECKER BROTHERS KRANICH S BACK STULTZ i BAUER and Others PIANOS Also a large stock of first-class ORGANS MUSICAL flERCHANDlSE, MUSIC, ETC. WHEN THE The goods are yours at your own' price, if you happen to be th lucky bidder. UNRESERVED AUCTION SALES of C. W. Freeman's valuable and high class stock of Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Bric-a-Brac, etc. THIS SALE IS POSITIVE, as the store is rented, the fixtures for sale, etc., and Mr. Freeman positively retires from business. AUCTION SALES a.30 AND 7.30 P. M. Private sales at less than cost price during the intervals between auctions. COL S. M. McKEE, AUCTIONEER. DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING Manufactured nt the Wapwallopen Mills, Lo zerne county, Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware, HENRY BELIN, Jr. Geueral Agent for the Wyoming District. 118 WYOMING AVE., Scranton, Pa. Third National Bank Building. AOKNUIEH : THOS. FORD, Pittston. Pa. JOIIN B. SMITH & SON, Plymouth. Pa, . W. MULLIUAN, Wilkes Bane, Pa. Agents for the Rupauuo Cuomlcal Cora, cany'g High Explosive. HOTEL WAVERLY European Plan. First-class Bar nt tauhed. Depot for Bergner & Engle'l Tanuhaeuser Beer. H. E. Cor. 15th and Filbert Sts., Phlla. Most desirable for residents of N. E. Pennsylvania. All conveniences for travelors to anil from Broad Street station and the Twelfth and Market Street station. Desirable for visiting Hcrantonians and people In the An. thruulte Region. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. CALL UP 3682. CO. OILS,. VINEGAR AND CIDER. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, 141 TO 151 MERIDIAN STREET M. W. COLLINS, M'g'r. fCLOUGH & WARREN, CARPENTER, WATERLOO, CROWN, I PALACE, SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. AIDER FALLS POWDER cents a bottle. Pa. . Tab.rg, Ontlda Co., 8.Y,