The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 14, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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t. P. KINGSBURY, Put. nd Gcn'l Man.
E. H. RIPPLE, Sie'v o Tnu.
W; W. YOUNGS, Am. Mno'.
Riw Tors ornca : Tribuni boiumiio. Fhahe &
uoomd-olass tun iuttbr.
" Printers' Ink," the recognized journal
for advertisers, rates THE SCRANTON
TKIHl'NK us the best advertising medium
in Northeastern Pennsylvania. " Printers'
Ink" knows.
Come and inspect our city. ,
Elevation above the tide, 740 feet.
Extremely healthy.
Estimated population, 1891, 103,000.
Registered voters, 20,599.
Value of school property, $750,000.
Number of school children, 12,000.
Average amount of bank deposits, $10,
000,000. It's the metropolis of northeastern Penn
sylvania. Can produce electric power cheaper than
No better point In the United States at
which, to establish new Industries.
Bee how we grow:
Population in 18C0 ' .2!;1
Population In 1870 35,000
Population in 1880 WW
Population in 1890 7W16
Population in 1894 (estimated) 103.WU
And the end Is not yet.
The Harrisburg Patriot Is remarka
bly kind In Us anxiety lest tha next Nu-
tlonul Republican nomination conven
tion should slight Pennsylvania. Hut
would the Patriot be offended if we
ventured to intimate that Republicans
will be thoroughly adequate to the task
of naming their own nominees without
feeling a need of Democratic help?
Much Ado About Nothing.
If there Is any trouble with the via
duct promoters more conspicuous than
another, it Is their misapprehension of
the relative Importance of things. Like
our friend, Secretary Daniels, who else
where outlines his views of the mayor's
recent veto, too many of these gentle
men precipitate themselves to the con
clusion tlhat all Scranton Is fairly clam
oring for that viaduct. This may be
true; but we submit that it Is not yet
in evidence. We have yet to be con
vinced that even in Hyde Parle there is
the spontaneous, concerted and frantic
demand for this structure which one
would sometimes be led to believe while
reading the minutes of the West Sidj
board of trade.
As a matter of fact, there are objec
tions to the recent vluduet ordinance
entirely apart from Its indefinite cost. It
proposed, if we recollect correctly, to
' cover only a portion of the road, leaving
drivers the nlternaitive of using the old
road bed on either side. Much a plan
would be more likely to increase than
to diminish the present danger, inas
much as the majority of truck drivers
would continue to use the old roadway,
In preference to attacking the viaduct's
steeper grade; and would be in Increased
risk of accident because of the viaduct's
supports. A viaduct thus designed
would, six times out of ten, defeat its
own purposes, and succeed only In In
flicting loss on-the adjoining property
Obviously, .therefore, (.he mayor's veto
of this ordinance would have been de
fensible wltJhout reference to the ques
tion of cost. A viaduct, to be of full
service as a life protector, must cover
Ithe entire street and carry with It the
condemnation of all adjoining proper
Hies. Such a viaduct, at West Lacka
wanna avenue, would cost perhaps a
much ias the Linden street bridge, and
with the completion of that bridge
(Would be rendered to a considerable
degree superfluous. The people of Hyde
3urk may want that kind of a viaduct,
and they may nut. Some undoubtedly
do; but are they in the majority? Whut
evidence Is tin ere that they are? If not,
why should a minority seek so earnestly
(to turn this viaduct question Into a
personal drive at one city official. In
stead of using the broader plane of an
educational and Impersonal discussion?
When we suggest that there Is a po
litical club in some of this ndo, we do
mot wish to Imply that the club Is ap
proved of by a majority of West Riders;
or that It can be successfully used to
brow beat the whole city of Scranton.
Superintendent Prockway hns been
reinstated and will resume his old place
at the Elmira reformatory, a vindicated
man. The triumph of Hroclcway will
no doubt prove a warning to meddle
some people not to waste their time
In Interfering with ofllclal work, of
which they know nothing.
Don't Be a Clam.
There would be some pertinency In
the present opposition, In certain quar
ters, to a paid fire department if the
change from a voluntary to a paid ser
vice should Involve a large bill of. ex
pense without offering a reasonable
prospect of being; ultimately worth
such extra cost to citizens who foot the
bills. There is absolutely mjne, how
ever, now It Is known that a paid ser
vice, at the utmost, would cost less
. than $,15,000 more per year than the
present volunteer service costs; where
as It would Involve a reduction in In
surance rates equalling this additional
cost, without calculating one cent's
worth of extra saved property.
I It Is very true that taxation in Scran
ton is high, in comparison with taxa
tlon in many villages which use sink
holes for Sewers and water-buckets In
place of chemical engines and Are hose.
But, upon the other hand, we have, in
Scranton, fewer funerals and a smaller.
percentage of destructive conflura
Hons. Taxation has been high In this
city, uecsuse ine ,city mis oeen Trans
forming; Itself Into a city, while many
near-by' places have remained In the
village stage of arrested or suspended
development. The v61unteer hose com
pany, like the volunteer policeman or
the volunteer soldier, is a noble Instl
tutton, for which no -words' of praise-
are too eulogistic. In Its place and
where It cannot be replaced with some
thing far better, it Is invaluable, heroic.
Hut the full-grown city is as much de
serving of a better Are service than
that of the volunteer hose company as
the full-grown nation is deserving of a
standing,' regular army, contrasted
with undrllled militiamen and mobs.
This, for the reason that system and
rcguflnitlty, . under any circumstances,
are preferable to the lack of system
and to the absence of regularity a
truth too self-evident to require debate.
It Is a notorious fact that the class
of persons tfho 6bjeft to needed muni
cipal Improvements, when wisely sug
gested, because they "cost too much"
and because "taxes are already too
high," is very frequently made 'UP
largely of those who, whether taxes lu
high or low, have no taxes to pay, and
are simply grumbling for the amuse
ment or prominence It gives them.
This "clam" element Is not without Its
representatives In 'Scranton; but we
are eager to believe that In so Import
ant a matter as this proposed Increase
of the city's lire-lighting efllcleney
these prophets of penurlotisnesa will
find that thty are in a hop-less minori
ty; and will, therefore, give up the bat
tle of obstruction which. In any event,
will certainly be decided against them.
In the words of another, "Don't be a
The evident distress that Scranton
mud Is causing some of our esteemed
contemporaries Is somewhat surprising,
considering the avidity with which the
Bame papers frequently wallow in it.
Christianity's Present Evolution.
There will be many a responsive
"Amen!" to that sentence In Archbishop
Ryan's address, last Wednesday even
ing In Philadelphia, In which he ex
claimed: "It is a pity that the Chris
tian denominations do not think more
about the points they have in common
and less about those on which they
differ." Possibly If there were, through
out the country, more frequent examples
of ithe tolerance which, upon the occa
sion of which we write, brought this
Catholic archbishop upon the same pro
gramme with Bishops Foss and Tanner,
of the Methodist Episcopal church, und
many eminent representatives of other
Protestant denominations, just as that
same tolerance once in tnis city
brought him an unprecedented guest
Into a brilliant company of at least his
torically Puritanic New Englanders,
Christian unity of purpose, if not Chris
tian Unity in name, would be mightily
furthered In this land.
The occasion in question was a lecture
for he benefit of the Antietam monu
ment fund of the Philadelphia brigade.
It is not our purpose to follow the elo
quent archbishop in tils masterly ad
dress. The text of it, in the Philadel
phia papers next day, occupied three
columns, rich In learning, wit and pol
ish. Speaking nominally of "Agnosti
cism," and Its destructive Influences
upon society, the lecturer directed much
of his argument to that more subtle
type of what practically, Is even more
hurtful to real Christianity than Is ag
noHtlelsm 'that sublimated ' sectarian
egotism which, In the Christian
churches, assumes that one sect's
formula alone Is right while all the
other formulae, albeit sufficient for tha
faldh of millions of trusting souls dur
ing all the centuries of differing rituals
and creeds, are utterly deceptive and
wrong. This is indeed a good time for
thla thought to be brought out; a good
time for all liberal-minded men, wheth
er Catholic archblbhops or only Protest
ant laymen, to speak plain words of
censure for our present-day bigotry,
whatever Its name, or form or phase,
No comment upon this question would
be just that did not acknowledge th?
great progress w'hloh is everywhere
making toward a broader and a higher
Christian fellowship. As never before.
men are coming to understand that
creeds, like tools, are merely means
toward grand results; and not things
vital or venerable In themselves. The
general acceptance of this truth Is the
one fact more conspicuous than all else
In the theology of this period.' It Is the
fact wililch, day by day, is robbing the
Infidel of his taunts and the agnostic of
his courage. So long us Christiana
wrangled boy-like among themselves, it
required no givat fund of philosophy
for the unbeliever to profess indiffer
ence to Christian opinion. Not so, when
sects fhall exist but s conveniences,
while the whole body of Christianity
shall, In Its essential principles and pro
fessions, be united and harmonious.
Then It will take much self-assurance
In the Infidel to say: "All Christians are
mistaken; I, alone, am wise."
Tlie new tra in our theology which is
bringing Protestants and Catholics into
nearer agreement does not mean death
to faith nor paralysis of conscience. It
means, rather, sunlty, knowledge and
charity, of which the greatest, rarest
and best is Christian charity.
Very general satisfaction will be ex
perienced by Catholics and Protestants
equally when they learn that Futhor
Lambert, the keen analyst of Ingersoll
Ism, has, after a brief literary vacation,
assumed editorial control of the New
York Freemen's Journal. This gifted
writer lost an earlier position In Phlla
delphla chiefly, It Is believed, because
he has been uncompromisingly liberal,
straightforward and patriotic In his dls
cusslon of public questions and church
polity; which failed, It seems, to pleasa
certain, conservative Intermeddlers.
Thereareoften some sacrifices connect
ed with editorial honesty and candor;
but we agree with Father Lambert
that In spite of them honesty and can
dor ultimately pay.
nr. Blaine and the Extremists.
The attention of Republican tariff ex
tremlsts Is directed, for their own bene
fit, toward certain remarks made' four
years ago by that prince of protection
Ists, James G. Blaine, to a number of
Republican congressmen who then
wanted to enact almost a prohibitive
tariff. We quote the words of Mr.
Illalne as reported by W. E. Curtis, who
was probably nearer to the great secre
tary of state than any other Journalist
"You, gentlemen,", Mr. Blaine said to
the ways anu means committeemen wno
were framing the McKinley tariff, "are
raising duties in the Interest; of manufac
turers wno uo not noeu mem, nnci tne re
suit will be that the farmer and the me
chanic' Will have to pay more for hi
dry goods, his provisions, his drugs and
medicines, his shingles and lumber, his
hardware and Implements. Then you take
$50,OW,WO of duty oft the single article of
sugar, and, pointing ' to the total, tell
him to see how inueh you have reduced
the tariff. But he will know better, and
you will realize the fact when you come
to count the. votes on election day. The
people of this country," continued Mr.
lilalno in 1S90, "are done with a high tar
iff, and dutle3 havo got to be cut down
just as low S3 they eairbe without throw
ing open markets to the moroy of foivlsn
manufacturers. Tho people do not want
our industries destroyed, but they want a
healthy competition, under which our
manufacturers will take caro of them
selves by producing better articles than
an be obtained abroad. Hereafter, he
declared, "the American worklngmnn will
ommand the trade, of the world by tho
superiority of his workmanship and not
by the low prices of his goods.", s
No Republican, with a memory has
forgotten how earnestly, In that mem
orable year, Mr. Blnlne strove to avert
the excesses of the Fifty-first congress;
how It took all the fire of his matchless
eloquence to engraft upon the McKln-
lcy tariff its redeeming feature of reclp-
oelty; and how, when these actions of
his had made him unpopular with the
extremists then in control of the party,
he was gradually subjected to unuoy
ances that, in the opinion of many, ul
timately drove him from the cabinet
and Into a premature grave. This, to
be sure, Is ancient hlntory, which the
extremists would gladly forget; but It
is still profitable for future guidance;
and the lesson of It, so, far from having
been erased by the Republican victory
of last November, Is really strength
ened by it until tho most prescient
members of the party men like Sena
tor Sherman, ex-Speaker Reed, Senator
Quay, Chairman Iinbcoek and General
Clarkson have lately vied with each
other In admonitions to prudence and
conservatism In future tariff changes.
Nineteen Republicans out of twenty
know perfectely well that their party's
pioneers favored merely an equalizing
tariff a tariff equal to the difference
between home and foreign labor. Nlne-
teen-twentleths of them will be satis
fled to return to the wise teachings of
the party's founders.
The first of a series of high-class con
certs given at Young Men's Christian
Association hall last evening was at
tended by a large and select audience,
which Included some of the best musical
critics of the city. It Is pleasing to
note that the efforts of Mr. Hemberger
and others to create a desire for music
of the highest order are meeting with
substantial recognition from our people.
Although Scranton has quite a reputa
tion about the country as a musical
center there are branches In which
ample field for missionary work exist.
The Inauguration of a series of concerts
with the aim of producing instrumental
effects of the first order is a step in
the right direction.
The first almanac of the year, as
usual, Is the handsome compendium
compiled by the Philadelphia Record.
It devotes considerable space to Phila
delphia affairs, but its general election
statistics are concise, comprehensive
and valuable.
The Chinese soldiers at Wei-IIal-Wel
have declared their Intention of absent
ing themselves the moment the Japs
appear In front of their strongholds. It
will thus be seen that tho Chinese are
gaining wisdom from past experience.
Conan Doyle's fondness for Philadel
phia is probably not diminished by the
fact that Phlladolphlans are the great
est readers of magazine serials In the
There Is a growing suspicion that the
hypnotism dodge-will soon entirely sup
plant temporary Insanity In the Jug
glery of defense In murder trials.
The Marquis of Queensberry antidote
for hazing bids fair to prove highly
effectual at Kingston seminary.
From the New York Sun.
Tho position and policy of the I'nited
States with regard to the exclusive con
trol for all time of the Nicaragua canal
and its approaches were Ret forth by an
American statesman In ISM, with Incom
parable force, precision and foresight:
The states and territories appurtenant
to the l'aelllc ocean and dependent upon
It for commercial outlet, and hence di
rectly Interested In the canal, comprise
an area of nearly SOU.OUU square miles,
lurger in extent than the Gorman em
pire and the four Latin countries of Eu
rope combined.
"if u hostile movement should at any
time be mado uguinst the Pacific coast,
threatening danger to lis people and de
struction to Its properly, the government
af tho I'nited Stales would feel that It had
been unfaithful to its duty nnd negleetfid
toward its own citizens If it hail permitted
Itself to be bound by a treaty which gave
the same i-uiht through the canal to a
war Hhlru bent on an errand of destruc
tion, that Is reserved to Its own navy,
r.alling fur the defence of our coast and
the protection of the lives of our people.
And as Knglund Insists by the might of
her power that her enemlrs Ui war shall
strike her Indian possessions only hy
doubling the Cape of Cood Hope, po tho
government of the I'nited Stutes will
equally insist that the interior, more
speedy, und sufer route of the rnnal
shall bo reserved for ourselves, while
our enemies, If we shall ever be so tmfor-'
naie as to have any, shall be remanded to
the voyugo around Capo Horn.
"A consideration of controlling Influ
ence in this question Is tho well-settled
conviction on the part of this government
that only by the I'nited States exercising
supervision can the Isthmus canals be
definitely and at all times secured against
the Interference and obstruction incident
to war. A mere agreement of neutrality
on paper between the great powers of Eu
rope might prove Ineffectual to preservo
the canal In time of hostlltles. Tho first
sound of a cannon In a general European
war would in all probability annul the
treaty of neutrality, and the strategic po
sition of the canal, commanding both
oceans, might be held hy tho first naval
power that cocld selae It. If this should
be done, the I'nited States would suffer
such grave Inconvenience and loss In her
domestic commerce as would onforce tho
duty of a defensive and protective war
on her part, for tho mero purpose of gain-,
ing that control which In advance she
insists is due her position and demanded
by her necessities."
Tho language Is that of James O. Rlalno,
secretary of state, In his letter of Nov.
19. 1881, to Lord (Iranvllle, through Min
ister Lowell. Hut In that memorablo
communication anil distinct notification
to Great Britain, Mr. Illalne did no more
than to. give words to what has been for
years tho sottled purpose of the Ameri
can government and people.
That Nicaragua Canal Job.
From the Philadelphia Times.
The most serious objection to the bill
as It stands is that the credit of tho United
States will bo pledged for tho payment of
principal and Interest upon bonds to the
amount of $70,000,000 In case the canal
should jf ail to be a profitable Investment
or Its management divert Its revenues to
some other purpose than that of paying
Its debts possibilities not at all remote In
view of tho government's experience with
tho Pacific railways. Clear-headed people
will not be blinded by the eloquent orgu
monts of the friends of the bill to the very
strong probability that the United States
must eventually own and operate the
canal as a reselt of loaning Its credit to
the undertaking.
Tho illusion Preserved.
From the Wllkes-Harro Record.
The attempt to call Mr. Mansfield he
fore the curtain after the r.econd act wan
frustrated in a perfectly proper manner
and was in tho nature of a compliment to
tho genius of Richard Wagner, the great
tont'4 muster, who llrst fought asainst the
pernicious conventional practice of dis
illusionizing the story of a play or un
opera by the appearance of the actors in
any other munner than that bolonring to
their parts. Mr. Mansfield pent word that
ha reirrctted ho could not answer nn en
core, but his conscientious regard for his
art would not permit it. Tho audience
saw the point and acquiesced at once.'
In I'.xj.-llcnt Standing.
From tho Wilkes-Burro News-Dealer.
A bank with n capital of 20U.0il, u sur
plus of fcW.OiiO, und undivided prollts
amnntliiff to r,n,0iw may be said to be in
most excellent standing. The bank we re
fer to Is the Third Nutlonul of Scranton,
of which William Council Is the president.
Nothing Too Good for It.
From the Anthracite.
The Scranton Tilbunu intimates that It
will soon huve u new house of its own.
We are glud of It. There Is nothing too
good for a bright and vicorous paper like
The Tribune.
The Ruthor.-ihlp of the "Ilaltlmoro"
financial plan Is ascribed to Horace White,
of the New York Evening Post.
The Luzerne tcuehers' Institute hns -ip-polnted
a legislative committee which
will soon have a new home of its own.
legislation affecting educational Interests.
This committee comprises Robert Shiel,
Pittston; David U. Glldea, Luzerne; Al
bert Brelthaupt, Whlto Haven; living
A. Helkes, Plymouth; L. I'. Ilierly, Ha
zleton. "The announcement of the next secretary
of the commonwealth," says the Harris
burg Patriot, "that ho Intends to devote
his time and attention to the business of
tho department may be surprising but
his purpose Is commendable. Tho af
fairs of that oflioe with the exception of
lifting the fees und drawing the salaries
have been conducted by proxy for four
years past and it will be a relief to thosa
having business with that important
brunch of the government to know that
Its head will be found where ho Is paid for
staying. It looks as If Governor-elect
Hustings means to give us a business ad
ministration." Christmas
Presents .
Useful and Ornamen
tal goods for the holi
day trade.
Hill &
131 AND m
Wc are now showing the larg
est line of Dinner Sets ever dis
played in this city. A splendid
variety in
If you want a Dinner Set examine
our stock before buying.
Coursen, Clemons & Co.
TI-c secret is out. Not only do they
say wc do washing for a living, but
that we do it well. So keep it Kolng.
rell everybody ycu see, but tell them
not to tell.
Washington Ave.
. 11 Jul I
WE HAViE .' ' r '
Taken trie 1 own
By storm 'with our magnificent display of Holiday
Goods, and with the extremely, low prices we are sell
ing them at. If you are wise you will do your Holi
day shopping now, and you will do it right here. Use
ful Holiday presents of all kinds, Umbrellas, Neck
wear, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Smoking Jackets, Jew
elry, Leather Goods, Celluloid Goods, Silverware,
Toys, Games, Books, Booklets, Pictures, Rockers,
Cushions, Lambrequins, Linen Sets, Rugs, Curtains,
Carpet Sweepers. ........
Special Holiday department, second floor take elevator.
Articles selected now laid away for customers until wanted.
We will discontinue giving away Crayon Portraits after
December 31st, 1894. So those whp are entitled to them
are advised to order them now.
The Lackawanna Store Association, Limited.
Wo will soil for the noxt thirty days, provi
us to our invmitory, Edwin C, Burt & Co'.s
FINE SHOES FOR LAU1KS. at a reduction of
10 per cent, from regular prima. Every lady
in Scranton and vicinity ehould avail them
selves of this opportunity to purcliaaa tlit'ao
colobrated Shosa at the prices usually paid for
ordinary goods.
We have sovoral other bargains to offer.
Sen our new novelties in FOOTVVEAB FOR
THE HOLIDAY)). We have original styles
aud dexiips.
A full line of Leg(ilti(?s and Oventaiters.
Our stock of the J. 8. TURNER (XVSHIHH
GRADE BHOE8 for (tent's wear is complete.
You will be p eased with our goods in all
departments, baring a fine line of
Groceries, Hardware, Dry Goods,
Gent's Furnishings, Etc.
tSExamino the now "Kaver," Patent Fin
(ter Tipped Cashmere GLOVES, for Ladies;
perfect fitting. With each pair you wili Hud
a guarantee ticket, which entitles you to anew
pair if the tips wear out before tha Gloves,
We Are Ready
To Show Yon Our
Holiday Goods
Comprising Dressing Cases,
Jewel Cases, Glove Boxes,
Cigar Boxes, Sterling Silver-Mounted
Card Cases
and Pocket Books, Bill
Books,Photograpli Albums,
Photograph Frames, Prayer
Books, Family Bibles, Ox
ford Bibles.
The Most Elegant Line or Ink
Stands Ever Shown In the ( It).
In All Its (Branches.
Stationers and Engravers,
Set toeth, $r,.B0; best net, $8; for cold cap
and teeth without (ilntes, called crown nnd
brldKo work, cull for price nnd refer
ences. TONAI.OIA, for extracting teetli
without pain. No ether. No gas.
China Closots reduced 15 to 40 per cont.
Dec. 12, 1894.
Fine Dressing Tubles greatly reduced In price
A large number of persons will receive
presents of our lino cutlery. And why?
Because Sunta Claim Is thoroughly ntucli
on It. Oour Carving Knives will pene
trate, with case the most difficult joints
of meat. The most delicate hnnded lady
of the land can itso them with pleasure.
Something grand for your boy a pair of
Skates. It will sharen hts wits, make
him happy. Qood Hardware like ours
stands hurd knocks, will cut and twist
and pinch, and multitudes of other things
The Specialist on tho Eye. Hoadschei and Nervous
ness relieved. Latest and Improved Style of Ey
glasses and Spectacle at the Lowest Prices. Belt
Artificial Eyes luserted for (5.
305 Spruce Street, Opp. Old Postofflc.
The Philadelphia Specialist, and his asso
ciated staff of KngllMh and German
physicians, are now permanently
located at
Old Postoffice Buitding, Corner Penn
Avenue and Spruce Street.
The doctor is a graduae of tho Univer
sity of Pennsylvania, formerly demon
strutor of physiology and surgery at the
Medlco-Chlrurglcal college of Philadel
phia. His specialties are Chronic, Ner
vous, Skin, Heart, Womb. and lllood dis
The symptoms of which are dizzlnesa.lack
of conlldencc, sexual weakness In men
and women, ball rising In throat, spots
floating before the eyes, loss of memory,
unable to concentrate the mind on ona
subject, easily startled when suddenly
spoken to, und dull distressed mind, which
unfits them for performing the actual du
ties of life, making happiness Impossible,
distressing the action of the heart, caus
ing flush of heat, depression of spirits, evil
forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams.mel
ancholy, tiro easy of company, feeling us
tired In tho morning as when retiring,
lack of energy, nervousness, trembling,
confusion of tliotinlit, depression, constipa
tion, weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so
affected should consult us Immediately,
ard be restored to perfect health.
Lost Manhood Restored.
Weakness of Young Men Cured.
If you hnve been given up by your phy
sician call upon the doctor and be exam.
Ho cures tho worst cases of Ner
ous Debility, Scrofulu. Old Bores, Ca
tarrh, Piles, Female Weakness. Affec
tions of the Eye, Kar, Nose and Throat,
Asthma, Deafness, Tumors, Cancers and
Cripples of every description.
Consultations free and strictly sacred
and confidenlr.';. Office hours daily from
9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday, 8 to 2.
Enclose five 2-cent stamps for symtpom
blanks and my book called "New Life "
I will pay ono thousand dollars In gold
to anyone whom I cannot cure of EPI.
, , . DR' K- GREWER.
Old Post Office Building, corner I'uua
avenue and Spruce street.
Maurice River Cove,
?!? Oysters,
Ulue Point and
Ail kinds of Fresh Fish, Lobster,
' Hard Crabs, Escallops and
Shrimps; at
HAVINCJ purcliss.d the
11 itoek and rented tha
Shoeing Forge of Wllllun
Biuiso A Son, I shall now
give constant attention to
hoeing honwt in a practi
cal and eclentifle manner.
Quick work and good Is ta
I u, Wflu lunm iv
W Tb Soranton Tribune
Bookbinding Dept
u m CAME