THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 14, 1894. Hi INJIS SATCHEL W. H. Harris Carried a Grip Full of Securities When Arrested. A SCHEME TO SELL OrTICES After Organizing a Jersey Corporation and Getting x-l'oited States Treas urer Huston Interested, Ho Ilor rowed Cash Right ondLeft. By the United Press. Cincinnati, O., Deo. 13. Ex-United States Treasurer J. N. Huston's cor poration partner, William H. Harris, was arrested here yesterday for larceny Jn the first degree, under a charge pre ferred in New York. It Is alleged that Harris, as general manager of the Gen eral Electric, Gas and Iron company, of New Jersey, has defrauded the Mu tual Reserve; Fund Life association, of New York, to the extent of several thousand dollars. In 1891, at Connersvillle. Ind., Harris organized the American Gas company on a stupendous scale. It was Incor porated under the laws of Indiana. J. N. Huston, treasurer of the United States under Harrison, was president of the company, his son secretary and treasurer, and Harris was general man ager. The company is now In the hands of a receiver. When Harris was arrested a valise was found In his room und taken to the station house. This valise was opened and found to contain $1,000,WO in Amer ican Gas company stock. General Harding, the Kentucky attor ney, and General Huston arrived here last night, and were closeted together In the Emory hotel to devise the best means of exonerating themselves from the unpleasant connection their names must necessarily have In the expose of the American Gas company's affuirs made certain by Harris' arrest. , Promises to Involve Big Men. Harris Is today at the Police Station hospital, very sick. This morning his attorney, Colonel Mlchle, called at po lice headquarters and demanded Har ris' property, consisting of a canceled 31,000 promissory note, a gold watch and some papers. There was no de mand for the Btock. This requisition was refused, on the plea that It was held for court evidence. A telegram was received from Inspec tor McLaughlin, of New York, stating that an officer would be here as soon es papers In the case are completed. Harris will make a fight against return ing, but will be surrendered to the New York authorities. He first became known here when, in 18S0, he tried to start a big brewery at Steubenvllle. He then tried to start an insurance com pany on the secret order plan. He succeeded in organizing the Kana wha Coal company, with a capital of J150.000, and had well known Cincin nati people on his list. This also fell through He then tried other schemes, and finally started the Southern Fuel company, at Maysvllle, In 1S91. Har ris then dropped out of sight, and was forgotten until his arrest . He Was Selling the Offices. New York, Dec. 13. Willlan 11. Har ris, who was arrested in Cincinnati on a telegram from Inspector McLaughlin, was indicted in November for grand larceny In the first degree upon the complaint of Charles F. Iilamlin, man ager of one of 'the departments of the Mutual Reserve Life Insurance asso ciation, of this city. In his complaint Mr, Blandln avers that he first met Harris In this city on Feb. 9 'through an advertisement. Harris represented himself to be the owner of one-half of the capital . stock of the General Electric (las and Iron company, In corporated under the laws of New Jer sey, with a capltul stock of $5,000,000. Harris said that $1,652,000 worth of the stock had been Itaued at par, and that he owned one-half the stock, which he said was then worth $413,000. The president of the company, he said, was John M. Farquhar. Harris said he wanted an advance of $2,500, and that If he received the ad vance he would bring about the elec tion of Mr. Blandln to the post of sec retary of the company, and that If Mr. Farquhar retired from the presidency, which he had an idea of doing, Mr. Wanclin elected president. Blandln advanced the $2,500, and sub sequently $5,000 more. He was not elected secretary of the company, and when Mr. Farquhar resigned the presi dency, In June, he was not made presi dent. Harris transferred one-half of his holdings of the stock of the company to Blandln, but Blandln says he has since learned that the stock is worth less. Harris had represented that the company had no debts whatever, but Blandln discovered that U owed Its taxes In New Jersey, and In this state, and had never puld any taxes what ever. . Mr. Blandln nlrfo learned that Harris entered Into un arrangements similar to the one that he entered Into with him, with Mrs.' Marie Raddle, and with George F. Spi-lr. Mr. Blandln alleges that he discovered that Harris had formed a number of other companies for the purpose of selling the stock un der like circumstances, to would-be secretaries and presidents of the com panies. ROACHES IN HER HEAD. Remarkable Story Told of a West ISethlc hem Woman, By the United Press. Hazleton, Dec. 13. Mrs. Emma Fly, of No. 49 Canal street, West Bethlohem, ils a woman of whom a most remarkable Btorv Is told. She 'has lived for nearly a week with seventeen live roaches in her ear. On Sunday she first noticed a peculiar sensation In her right ear. She imagined lit to be the results of a oold and applied a family liniment. She ob PJBUHDofFIE IS EASILY LOST THROUGH MGAMDby use or the h GENUINE' MALT EXTRACT. Si-"' Ls-r' w tained no relief, however, and Soon be g.m to suffer from a violent headache. Hnr iiusband bought a bottle of cam phorated oil and dropped the oil into the ear. .Thl woman : felt better and last Friday tie blew tobacco smoke into the affected organ. , Then a startling discovery was made when. a. live roaoh crept out and soon others followed. With a hair pin sev eral more were extracted, but they were dead. Today the operation was re sumed and more of the peats were taken out. In all seventeen roaches were lodged In the ear. Mrs. Fly Is nut much Improved, however. She says she can not hear at all, whereas before she could distinguish loud sounds., and she experienced a constant buzzing sound In her head. She also suffers muoh from headaolie. More of the camphorated oil was poured liy until 'the passages were almost clogged, and it Is 'thought this Is the cause of her deafness. She has no Idea how the insects got Into her ear. Hlie says the house has been full of roaches ever since the high water of Sept. 8. Her only solution is that they must have crawled into the ear while she lay asleep in bed. The roaches extracted were of various sizes. INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. Coxe Bros.'deny thut their mines will close down for the. lemalmler of Decem ber. It Is scml-oflU'lally stuteil that the No vember earnings of the Illinois Central were the largest of any month since the close of the World's fair. William F, Hallstead, general manager, J. D. Archbahl, consulting engineer, und Division Freight Agent W. A. Fleming, of the Lackawanna, were in Buffulo Wed nesday. The Cutbondale and Forest City Passen ger Railway company Is anxious to begin work on the Crystal hike road, but they are handicapped by the fuct that they have been unuble to get any right of way fnto Carbondale. i The Jersey Central railroad has just completed a new building 20x50 feet In dl mensolns near Munch Chunk, which Is to be used as a hotel for coal and freight crews whose homes are at the opposite end of the lower division. One of the. most beautiful calendars of the New Year has been Issued by the Lehigh Valley railroad. It Is headed by a map showing the ramifications of the system with views from hand drawings of the scenery all along the route. It is one of the prettiest things out but then the Lehigh never does things by halves. The report that the Reading Coal and Iron company will close Its collieries on Dec. 18 for the remainder of the month Is denied by officials of the company, who sny that, on the contrary, the present policy of working, on half time three days a week will be continued to the end of the year at leust. There Is every indication thnt the west ern lines will begin the new year with a firm Intention of maintaining the anti pass agreement. Nearly one hundred roads huve signed the agreement and many of them have already sent word to all agents to refrain absolutely from giv ing any transprtation that can Influence traffic. Henry Flosheim, owner of the Germanla and Nottingham mines, at Flnleyvllle, Washington county, Is the first coal oper ator to take, advantage of the abroga tion of the wage scale, and yesterday he gave notice to his 700 employes that on and after Dec. 17 the rate for mining will be 55 cents per ton, a reduction of lk cents from scale wages. The story comes from reliable author ity that the Vanderbllts are preparing to complete the Beech Creek railroad to Pittsburg and thus carry out the long cherished plan to connect their eastern and western lines in n. new place. The Beech Creek railroad extends at present from Wllllamsport to Mahuffey, which Is In Clearfield county. The anthracite situation generally Is more or less encouraging, although there Is no active demand at present and none is likely until the present mild weather gives way to a cold "spell." Calvin Par dee, one: of the most prominent coal men In the city, speuking of the situation In Philadelphia the other day, said there Is a distinct Improvement so far as har mony among the various Interests Is con cerned, and he anticipates further Im provement in the near future. That the restrictive policy now In force will be con tinued he does not doubt, as any other method would. bring ruin to some of the anthracite coal Interests. The various companies, he said, could mine at least 23 per cent, more than the market coulj absorb, and were an unlimited production allowed prices would certainly be carried below the actual cost of mining, with the result that the end would not be long de ferred to certain producers. He believed, however, that the danger of such dis aster was past and that the future would be an Improvement over the past. Here Is the outline of another alr-llne railroad fairy tule, which owes author ship to the Pittsburg Post. You can be lieve it or not, as you choose: The new road Is called the Atlantic and Pacific Air line, and It runs on paper In a bee line from Gotham to 'Frisco. The distance between tho two cities will be covered In forty-five hours. The right of way has al ready been secured aeroBS half a dozen of the western states, and the route hus been surveyed from the Delaware to the Mississippi rivers. Construction work Is to bo begun In the spring on the east ern end, and the company hopes to see thellni' completed as fur as Chicago within the next five years. If the plan of build ing tho road Is accomplished as It Is laid out, It will be an Innovation In railroad construction. It Is to be double track, nnd there will be no grade crossings be tween New York and San Francisco, ho that there will be no place where a train or a buggy can cross the track. A cleat truck and consequently fast time Is the object of such a feature. The distance between New York and Chicago will be covered In thirteen hours. W. L. Wallls, a capitalist of Sharon, Pa., Is financially Interested In the air line, and in a recent interview hud the following to say about the enterprise: "It will take many years to complete the air line, but I am u firm believer that It will be a success, and will annihilate time between the two oceans. The probable cost of the road will be at least $400,000,0(10, and a bill Is being pre pared that will be sent to congress asking the government to Indorse the bonds, if they will do this there Is an English syn dicate ready to take $205,000,000 worth of them. These bonds will bo Bold at par, and 10 per1 cent.' of their value, or $40,- 000,000, will be held In reserve as a sinking fund. I am In receipt of a letter from W Ilium Dalllir, general manager, who states that if the government does not Indorso the bonds they will go on and ne(k.labe(T SH Smelly build the road as an Independent cor poration. Mr. Dallln has just returned from Sun Francisco, and stutes that Cali fornia will furnish, free of cost, ample terminals on the bay, and a strip of 106 feet across the entire state, with $1,000,000 subsidiary to be puld when the line A completed. Nothing seems to stand In the way of the air line being a success." '' STOCKS AND BONDS. By the United Press. ; New York, Dec. IX Speculation at the Stock exchango was mdre active ami business was rather" better distributed than for a long time past. The sales were 312,059 shares, of which Sugar figured for the enormous total of 175,000 shares. Tho practical defeat of the free sugar bill, and the advance in refined today of 1-lCc. per pound in the opinion of most operators hardly accounts for the enhancement noted. It will be remembered that Presi dent Ilavemeyer In his famous interview previous to the declaration of the regular dividend, stated thut the trade was In poor shape, and ordered the closing down of all the trust refineries. Subse quently the order was modified, nnd later when the directors met he was overruled In the matter of the dividend. This, it Is clulmed, has created Internal dissen sions and one of the biggest battles In the history of this most phenomenul stock is now going on. - Notwithstanding the excitement in Sngur, operutors paid considerable atten tion to the railway list. The street has come to the conclusion thut the senate will pass the Patterson pooling bill, and that, too,, at an early date. The Impres sion also prevails thut the Rock Island di rectors, who are to meet shortly, will see their way clear to declare the usual divi dend. Furthermore, eurnlngs this month at least are likely to muke a good show ing us comparer! with the corresponding period lust year. The engagement of $:!, 500,000 gold for shipment to Kurope on Saturday had no effect. The Improve ment In prices ranged from V4 to 1V4 per cent., and as a rule the best figures of the day were current at the close. Specula tion left oft strong. Net changes show gains of '-2 to l'i. per cent., outside of Sugar, which rose 374. ihe range of today's prices for the nc- tlvo stocks of the New Yotk Block mar ket are given below. The quotations are furnished Tho Tribune by G. du B. Dlm mlck, manager for William Linn, Allen &' Co., slock brokers. 412 Spruce street, Scranton, Op'n. High- Low- Clos lmr. est. est. ing. Am. Cot. Oil 2534 Mi 25i Am. Sugar Rc'g Co. JtO'i 9i BO'i 94 A. M. T 90 9li 11 Atch., To. & S. Fe... 4'i 5 4"i 5 Can. South 51 51',4 M 51 Chicago Gas 72 73i 72'4 73. Ches. & Ohio 1S! IS'j 1SH IfVj Chic. & N. W 99 100 9874 100 Chic, B. & Q..i 72"4 7374 72 73?', C. C. C. & St. L 3H 39 38 39') chic, Mil. & st. p... 5 o, r.9Vi eo Chic, R. I. & P....... C:!,; 64i 03 G4 Delaware & Hud.... 127 1271 127 127 Dlst. & C. F lo'i 104 9 974 Gen. Electric 35 SVb 35 3tl Lake Shore 130l 137 li',i 137 Louis. & Nash 54Vi .... G4'4 5IMi Manhattan IClc 105 100 106 inti Mo. Pacific 29 29 2874 '&':' Nat. Cordage 9'i (Hi 9 9 Nut. Leud 40 40 3ltr;4 4074 N. J. Central 94 94 93 9l',i N. Y. Central 100 100 99 100i N. Y., L. B. & W.. 10 11',4 104 im N. Y. & N. E 32'i S2'4 31 31 N. Y., 8. & W 15'. 15Vi 15 15 N. Y.. S. & W., Pr... 42 42 42 42 Nor. Puclfir, Pr 18'4 x 18'4 is'i Ont. & West 1574 15'4 15v4 157, Phil. & Read 5',i 15',i 15'i 15 Texus Pacific Ni'J lO'i 10 10 t'niou Pacific 12'4 12'i 12 12 Wabash tl'4 C' Gli Wabash, Pr M'i 14 14V 14 West. Union 88 88Vi 88 89 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est, est. Ing. WHEAT. : May 59 59 59 59 December 05 D5 Dl'i Cl"j OAT8. May 3274 32 32 32 December 29 29 29 29 CORN. May 50 ' 50 50 50 December 47 47 47 47 January 4774 4774 47 47 LARD. January 7.00 7.12 0.95 8.9.") May 7.20 7.27 7.17 7.17 PORK. January 12.00 12.00 12.17 12.00 May, 12.35 12.47 12.32 12.32 Scranton hoard of Trudo Exchange Ouo- tutions. No. Par Shs. Val. . Bid. Ask 120 10 luo Scranton Packing Co .... 10 60 Providence & Ablng- ton Turnplko 75 5 100 Scranton Class Co 6 100 Trader's Nut'l Bnnk 110 1 1000 Mt. Jessup Coal Co.. 000 10 00 Mooslc Mount'n Coal Co CO CO Lncka. & Montroso Railroad 10 100 Bera'n Savings Hank 175 25 1IKI Third Nafl Hank.... 150 10 100 First Nat'l Bank COO 15 100 Lncka. Trust & Safe Deposit Co 130 400 60 Scranton True. Co 20 100 Walker Automatlo & Steam Coupler Co.. .... 60 100 Walker Automatic & Steam Coupler Co 5 100 Suburban Klec. Light Co 30 100 Allegheny Lum'r Co 2 500 Scranton Class Co. (Monds) 450 8 100 Wyaluslng Water Co (Uonds) ... 7 000 Stevens Coal Com'y (Bonds) , 2 100 Scra'n Jur und Stop per Co 20 DO Dime Dep. & Dis. Bunk 62 50 1 100 Scranton Axle Works .... 85 10 50 CO 100 110 100 000 70 75 New Tork Produce Market. By the United Press. New York, Dec. 13. Flour Dull, hM tlrmly. V heat Fairly active, steady, c. lower; no. red store and elevator, 00 uuoai, tiivjiaui'.ijc.; r. 0. p., B074a;2o.; un graded red, 5!aG3c; No. 1 northern, ti'Ja 09c; options wcro very dull and weak at c. decline; January, ihc; February, Ki He; March, (i2V4c; May, (13c; June i:ic; July, 63 p.; December, COc Corn- Dull, firm; No. 2 new, 45'ic; old, OOlic, elevator; 57Vac. afloat; steamer mixed 50c; No. 3, 49a49'-..c; options closed steady; December, January. 5274c. February, 53'4c; Muy, 0374c Oats Dull. steady; options dull, nominal; December, 34c; Jumwiry, '3474c; February, 35c, May, 36c; spot prices, No. 2, 34'ic; No. 2 whlti., 3WitfSic.: No. 2 Chicago, ST.'c; No. S, S4c; No. 3 white, 38c; mixed western, aH'i.amic; white do., 39u42c. ; whlto state, 39u42c. Heef-Oulet. Beef Hams-Dull Tierccd Beef lnuctlve. Cut Meats-Dull, weak; middles, nominal. Lard Moderate demand, higher; westorn steam, $7.25; city, 0tt(!c; December, $7.25, nominal; Jan uary, J7.30 asked; refined, quiet; continent $7.65; South America, $8; compound, OUjii 5c. Pork F.asler, fair demand; old mess, l3.S)al3.7;. Butter Quiet, fancy steady, others weak; state dairy, 12a22c; do. creumery, 17u23c; Pennsylvania do., 17u23c; western dulry, Ki'iolSc. ; do. creumery, 15a2lc; do. factory, lQalGc.: gins, 24c; Imitation creamery, IJatSc; June creamery, KiaL'lc. Cheese Dull, un changed, Kggs Quiet, weak; state and Pennsylvania, 25c; refrigerator, 17u2l western fresh, 24c; do. per case, $2dl; southern, 2u234c; limed, lriUlD'fcc. Chicago Stock Market, By the United Press. Union Stock Yards, 111., Dec. 13. Cattle Receipts, 13,0(10 head; market firm; com mon to extra steers, $2.9ou6.40; stockers and feeders, $2n3.50; cows and bulls, $1.25a 3.40; calves, $'Ju5. Hogs Receipts, 2J.0O0 head; market Btrong; heavy, $4u4.&; com mon to choice mixed, $4.30u4.00; choice ns sorted, $l.4Ou4.0O; light, $4n4.35; pigs, $2.25a 8.90. Sheep-Receipts, 12,000 heud; market firmer; Inferior to choice, $1.20a3.25; lambs, $2at. Oil Market. By tho United Press. Pittsburg, , Dec. IS. OIL opened and closed unchanged at 8974c ONE CENT A Word. WANTS OIP ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARB INSERTED FREE. Agents Wanted. TO MAKE BIO MONEY SELLING OUR lilcctrle Telepbo io. Best seller on earth. pnt ull conipleto resdy to set up. lines of any distance. A practical Electric, Telephone. Our agents ma ing fcj to $1(1 a day easy. rivoryuouy buys; His money without worn. Prices Low. Anyone cun di&ke $75 per month. Address W. P. Hmrison & Cu.. (Hurt Nit 11. ( Yiluuibua, O. YU GENT WANTED EVERYWHERE TO inous profits, sells at siuht delivered free, se cure territory. Sample in velvet lined case juii lniorniuuon, inc. lataiosue iree. Aluminum Noveltv ('n.. IClTi Hronlwnv. Ni'hw York. ' WANTKD - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO hailllln ,iir It,,., nn tiuilillttm Kalupv 875 per month and expenses paid to all. Goods entirely new. Apply cpilckiy. P. O. Box, 6308, Boston, Mass. Help Wanted-Male. WANTED-ENEKGRT1U MAN TO PUSH IltiW li.ltnlt nuniltMi in nvnrv lmnuu. .Iberal fntiimti3lin It .mm It 11'' HtiitwM Btroet, between 8 and 10 a. m. MEN IN EVERY TOWN. PERMANENT positiou. Mood inv. Experience unnec essary. CuautuuuKa Aursery Co., Portland, WANTED GOOD SOLICITOR TO SOLICIT ' ' the lirintin'? tradn of Hcrnntoii and vi cinity. Apply to.J., Tribune office. ,TANTED-AN EXPERIENCED BOOK ' ' canvasser. Address T. B.. cne Tribune oftVo, Scranton, Pa. For Rent. TENANT OF 421 OUINCY AVENUE. DE- 1 sirns to give immediate possosfion. Klgbt rooms, bath, laundry; f25 per month, h. li. i;OR RENT-TWO SINGLE HOUSES, L modern liuDrovemontt with or without barn. Apply to FRANK SUIFFEH, 13d rrsiiKiiu avenue. IjHJR RENT-FURNISHED AND UNlTR A nished rooms at 8w) Lackawanna avenue. L-OR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST 1. Laek.'LWnnn nvemiM lililnwa TlmMtM E. EVANS, acur 1132 Luzerne, Hyde Park. IOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED HALL A suitable for lodge room JOHN JEH M 1 N, 110 Wyoming nvenne. For Sale. ,'OR SALE CHEAP A GOOD WOHft hol'Hfl. Annlvln FH1KK kUIPPru nu Franklin avenue. ' Rooms Wanted. AjfTElTnSjURlf tlii.lir.rl llvlnrr i-nnm. ttnn- m, a avfcnua und Bpruco atruot. Address D. H cure Trlhnne. Real Estate. l.'AKMri EXCHANGED FOR HOUSES; I houfcs (xchttliuoil for f.rnii R. F.H- NEST COMEGYS, Real Estate Agent, 128 Washington, Price Building. Special Notices. AM NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH EX 1 hibittnnn and lrtnt ntion nnv imhtm-E ii. sired. These exhibitions will be illustratod. having in my possession the inoiit powerful dissolving storeontiroiiH made. lv. u tr'AT T. 'c:i..,. tra rOU WANT THIS RELIC - REPRINT Frank Leslie's Illustrated Woelriv War Illustrations 1N1I-1805. Two Volume Folio, $Io."jO; payable monthly. tt.OO. Delivered bv express complete, Prepaid. Add! ess P. O. mwuui, did uiuson street, Heron ion, fa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAGA zinos. etc., bound or rebound at The Tiiiiiunk office. Quick work. Reasonable prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 141 corner Suruca street and Pi-nnkllu ave nue. Twenty meal tickets for $3.50. Good lanio onani. Removal. 1)ETER STIPP, CONTRACTOR AND 1 builder, tins removed fiom Spruce street to 327 Washington avenue, opposite Eureka I, mmry. Charter Application. -VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN iy application will bs made to tho court of Common Pleas of Lackawanna county, or one of the law judges thereof, on Monday, the 24tli day f December, 1H94. at U o'clock a- in., under the provisions of tho net of ai-somlily of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, en titled "An act to provide for the iucoporation ami regulation oi cerium corporations, ap proved April 2V. A. I. 1S74, and Its supple ments, for the charter for an intended cor poration to bo culled the Scranton Social club, the character nnd object of which is for the purpose of the maintenance of a club for social enjoyments and the literary improve ment ot Its memlier from funds collected t herein, and for those purposes to have, roisess and enjov all the riirhts, benefits and privileges ot the said act of assembly and its supplements. The proposed ebuter is now ou tile in tno protnouotary s omco or,rn wuniincouuty, to No. Sill January trm Pltj. ' JOHN R. JONES. Solicitor. TN THIS tX)URT OF COMMON PLEAS 1 fur tho cmiiitv of Lackawanna: Notice is hereby given that an application will be made U) llio sum ttoiin lur a iw juuk muiuuiiuii the thirty-first day of Dec?mbor, A. D., lrt)4, at 9o clock a, in. under tne "Corporation act of 1K74," and the, supplements thereto, by Joseph Kowalskl, ,Mich el Schnittcr, Matthias SowkH. John Nowicki. Anurew Koralaskv and Michael Iagustin, for the charter of an Intended corporation to be called "The t'nllsu Citizens' Society of tho Twentieth Ward," the rharactor nH object of which Is "for the purpose of tho maintenance of a club for social enjoyments." and for theHe purposes to liavo, possess, nnd enjoy all the rights, benefit', and privileges conferred by the said act and Us supplements. W1LLARN, WARREN KNAPP, Solicitor. Assignee' Notice. m.TCASE TAKE NOTICE THAT JOHN 1 Walter and Edward Walter, co-partners trading as tus waitur 1'rniung company, Intnlv trnilinir aa Walter. '! holm. son He Co.. have this day made a general assignment to me of their property iu trust for the benefit 01 liisir creiuiom. All persius Indebted to the Waltor Print ing company or to Walter, ThompHan & Co., aruherabv untitled to make immediate tuv- meut to me, and all persons having claims will present mem to me. JOUN H. HOLT, Assignee, 'M Lackawanna ayemio. 3U5 Center street Legal. 1 N THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF X Lackawanua County, No, .INI, hept. term, 1894. Atnriiarot Turner va. Joseph R. Turner. The alias auhpoma iu divorce In the above case having been returned "lion est Inventus," f oil, Joseph R. Tumor, are hereby notified to wand appear at the Bf xt term ot Common Plena ot si id county, to Iu held in tho city of Scranton on the 14th day of January, lSUft, to answer the pluintift' s complaint in the above case, .lull J. f amch, tiner.n. W. OAYLORD THOMAS, Attorney. ' Situations Wanted. VOUNG MAN (85), OWvlSAVtAtilU- I i... .1 ... .. . ... 1 I .. - A llj, lull ni& fvui. ihm;iii;.i vawi uiiii:., wishes a position as bookkeeper or collector with a good fit in; first class mferenoe aud II reiinireu. Auarew w. ij.. iriuuou, SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN O osod 21. as assistant bookkeeper, collector or general office work. Ruforences. Address O. O. o., l riuune. oritTATION WANTED FOR WASHING O Ironing or cleaning hjr the day. Call or address L. 11., 834, North Buuiner avenue, city, A SITUATION WANTKD BY A YOUNG J. widow as housekeepe'. Address Mrs. J C, 172U Cedar avenue avenue, Soranton, Pa. OITUATION" WANTED AS HOUSE. IJ keeper, good cook, Wdl do waahlo and ironing, address jirs. ,. jaexson, nuu Hamp ton atroer, city. -. CMTUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG O Klrl to do homework or to take oar of J children. Address U it., IK Fillmore avenue. (orniolh) & Wallace INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS FOR THE HOLIDAY TRADE The five following numbers are the Greatest Value we hnve ever liecn ahle'tn obtain We offer them at the following NO. I. 50 doz. Fine Lawn, NO. 2. 40 doz. Pure Linen, hem-stitched, full size for gentlemen, 25c. each; very fine letter. NO. 3. 40 doz. Pure Linen, hem-stitched,iu ladies' size, 25c. each, or $1.35 for box of doz. NO. 4 100 doz. Jap. Silk, hem-stitched, size adapted for either ladies' or men's use. The greatest handkerchief NO. 5. 50 doz. Jap. Silk, large size, for men's use, or for ladies' mufflers, 48c, worth 7;c. T 1.. . . 1 1 1 , 'J xvvery letter represented in aDove lots. CONNOLLY &, WALLACE 209 Washington Ave. Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here in Scranton by the FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. BEST AND Moosic Powder Co Rooms l and 2 Gommowealth Bld'g, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUSH DALE WORKS. Lafllin Rund Powder Co.'n Orange Gun Powder Eloctrlc Batteries. Fuses for explod ing blasts. Safety Fuse and Repauno Chemical Co.'s High Explosives A Decided Mots In tho Skates trade Los set In and It will pay yon to examine tho stock of JCIUSCH'8. at3& Spruce streot. Fine lineof superior pocket cutlery, razors, etc.. for Holi day trade. Guns und ammunition at bottom figures. Also sniue second hand heels at prices that will astonish you. Seeing is bolieving ni's so kt LAGER BREWERY. Manufacturers ot the Celebrated PILSENER LAGER SEER CAPACITY J 100,000 Barrels per Annum ROOF TINNING AND SOLDERING All done awny with by the use of HART MAN'S I'ATIONT FAINT, which consists or Ingredient well-known to all. It can be Applied to tin, galvanized tin, sheet Iron roofs, also to brick dwellnKs, which will prevent absolutely any crumbling, crack ing or breaking of the brick. It will out last tlnnlnu of any kind by many years, and It's cost does not exceed one-llfth that of tho cost of tinning, lu sold by tho job or pound. Contracts taken by ANTONIO HAHTMAKN, 627 Birch St BETTER SlIOB CO., Ine'p. CtrrtUl, 1 .000JM& UKST Sl.AO SHOK IN TUB WOBiD. "A dllar tari i a dollar tamed." Tots Ladles' Solid French Itonfols. KM Bt tou Boot dellTared free any when In tho U.S.. on reeeipi 01 uann, uoaoy uraer, or l'oatal Mote for Kqnals every way the boots old U all null stores for 2.W. We make this boot ounelves, therefore we guar anlte the ft, ttyU and wmr, M If any one Is Dot satunad will refund the mosey or loud another pair. Opera or common dowt, widths C, l K. k KB. k aliea 1 to I and halt Bmduowriut; win ill you. Ilfuitratcd Cata logs FREE Dara Shoe figSJfr Spttial termt to Vnttrt, A Handsome Complexion Is one of the greatest charms a woman can poetess. PouoM'a Oompuuion Powdu gives it. ml CUT PRICES: hem - stitched, put up doz. in bargain ever offered in Scranton. CHEAPEST IRON BEDS TO our K m Scranton Bedding Go. wasncurn-urosby 1.0. wish to assure tneir many pat rons that they will tliis year hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until tho new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Wushburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other brands. MEGABGEL Wholesale Agents. We have the following supplies of lumber secured, at prices that warrant us in expecting a large share of the trade : Pacific Coast Red Cedar Shingles. "Victor" and other Michigan Brands of White Pine and White Cedar Shingles, Michigan White and Norway Pine Lum ber and Bill Timber. North Carolina Short and Long Leaf yellow Pine. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Rails, Mine Ties, Mine Props and Mine Supplies iu general. THE RICHARDS LUMBER COMPANY COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, SCRANTON, PA. DID YOU KNOW? That we WILL GIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and , FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, ' of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at MERCEREAU & CONNELL 307 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. PENNYROYAL PILLS. Ask for DR. MOTT'S JENBTEOTAI. VIXAB na tak no other. IW Bend for olroular. rrlco 1.00 per box, 0 boxes tor l&.OU. 1)11, MOTTTH CHEMICAL CO., Ctovotoad, OUa. For Sal by C. M. HARRIS, Druggist 127 Penn Avcnu. .V dl,!,r;. tUAHAN i KK teCur, nivoiuaurr Kmlttloai ciiumimptlnn or losknlty till MEilCINK rorsai ty JOHN H. PHEIPS, Spruco Btreet, Scranton, Pa. a box. Price, 75c. a box. 29c. each,or $1.50 for 2 doz. Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated. IN THE CITY. patrons: Juniata County, Pennsylvania, Whit Oak. Sullivan County Hemlock Lumber and Lath. Tioga County Dry Hemlock Stock Boards. Elk County Dry Hemlock Joists and Studding. wMg riMi over offered to Ladles, specially recommend, ed to married I.n. RESTORE LOST VIGOR win )m ron "pia mi. BeUwIlb WSITTSH UtrToni Dtililj, I.ouofHtxutl row,r io illi.ii, irom my ctu-. n tepicciwi, mcb tronblt, KM ii , II .Mi ptr Ikji It until, t hof io.- 63. WHS ev.t tv Xp h CONNELL oril.r . a wriUtn uatltiili' 10 cur. u tutunil la. nuia,. AAdr.t CO.. CitTtUud, Obw. Pksrmaclst, cor. joining Avtnut and