The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 13, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Very Handsome Assort
ments of New Silks are
Shown ' for the Holiday
Season. The prices are
more interesting than
ever, -while the general
stock is at its height.
Two essential points to remember:
Our styles are invariably in the
lest taste and perfectly correct,
w hilst in every instance our prices
are considerably below those rul
ing in other stores. Notice the
splendid specimens in Blue or
Black Heaver, Kersey and Cheviot,
with Unlit-fitting and loose fronts,
32 and 36 inches long.
Down ro the prices and up go the
sales like a rocket.
The values here are simply mar
velous. In this connection it can
be truthfully stated that we have
never shown a better assortment
for the Holiday Season. Silk and
line are all selling at reduced
All the Ready-made Hats are now
much below early prices.
41a Spruce Street, Scranton.
Pr. Reeves han hud lone unci varied ex
ficrlenee In hospital und private practice,
unj treat all acute and chronic diseases
vf men, women und children.
lie, with Ills assistants, treat all ills
cases of he nervous system, diseases of
the eye, ear, nose and throat, dyspepsia,
rheumatism, lost vitality, premature
weakness or decay In lioth sexes, nervous
debility, catarrh, tumors, cancers, erup
tlons, blood-poisonhiK, tits, epilepsy, In
discretion and errors of youth, lost man
hood, eczema, scrofulu, fit. V'tus' dance,
asthma, diseases of the heart, lungs,
liver. Kidneys, bladder, stomuch, etc.
Young Men Positively Ctirod.
Offer to the Public for Cnturrli.
Any one Buffering with Catarrh who
Iviahes to be permanently, oulckly an
cheaply cured may receive three months'
treatment for only FIVE IHJl.l.AKS. The
doctor has discovered a specillc for this
dreaded disease. You can treat und curi
yourself and fumlly with It at home.
never falls to cure. A trlul trealmen
OFFICE HOURS-Dally, 9 n. m. to 0 p.
m.; Sundays, iu 10 iz anu i to 4.
Special prices on all the above goods
for the Holidays.
J.Scott Inglis
Carpet and Wall Paper,
four doors bovo Wyoming Uouse.
The case that was to have been tried
before Justice Sullivan luot night was
postponed until Monday, Dec. 17, at 6
p. m.
M.- Slmrak was down to Scranton
J. B. Hoyt and T. B. Crawford were
Scranton visitors yesterday.
: George Milhaus, of Archbald, called
on II. J. DeGnaw last night.
; P. J. p'lioyle, of the Columbia hotel,
Scranton, was in Mayflcld lust night.
Mrs. George Bunnell, who has been
dangerously ill. Is reported better.
The effort to quash the judical con
test by securing the withdrawal of "the
names of those who signed the petition
asking for a contest failed, and ait the
meeting of tfhe Judges at Laporte yes
terday It was decided to go on with the
proceedings. The Judges gave orders
that all the bullut boxes in the district
be collected, and those In this county
be placed In the hands of Sheriff Knapp,
while those in Sullivan county will be
retained by the prothonotary at La
porte. V. R. Little und Hodney J.
Uardwell were appointed to gather the
boxes in this county. The court also dl-
eoted Uhat a copy of the petition be
presented to K. M. Dunham and he be
prepared to give answer on Jan. 3, the
date of the next meotlng. James W.
I'lutt, W. E. Lltitlemnd John O. Seouten
(ire attorneys for Slttser, and IX C. De
W'ltt, E. J. Jordan, James E. Frear und
ex-Judge Ingham for Dunham.
E. J. MeCrossen, of Meshoppen, was
at the county seat today.
Miss Clara Conger, of Mill City, Is
spending the week in town.
Patrick Rellly is now assistant night
yardmastor at Coxton.
Miss Llxzle Rodney, of Scranton, is
visiting friends here.
John Kellly has been promoted to
extra fireman on the Lehigh Valley.
Institute Notes.
The house was filled last evening to
hoar Rev. C. H. FltzvVllllams lectur
He said some very helpful things to the
young ladles and gentlemen composing
his audience,.
This morning William M. Moscrlpt,
of Tovvanda; Professor William Noct-
llng, superintendent of the modeling de
partment at Illoomsburg Normal, and
Professor Coughlln each talked. All
gave good, practical and Interesting
hints. Professor Noetllng talked on
teaching, and Professor Coughlln on
Candidates for county superintendent
are already budding, notwithstanding
the election is eighteen months away
Professor W. M. Wood, of this place
and Professor F. H. Jarvls, of lles-ihop-pen,
are among thoe mentioned for the
A concert nit the count house by Pro
fessor George Young's orchestra and a
social and entertainment at the ltaptist
church are competing attractions to
John Steed, of Elizabeth street, Ore
gon, sustained a painful Injury to his
right shoulder while at his work In the
Exeter colliery on the West Side. His
Injuries were caused by a heavy prop
falling upon him.
The stock of Rlckett's store was dis
posed of yesterday by the sheriff. The
goods were purchased by Attorney
McAtee, who represented W. H. Wal
ters and several other creditors. The
purchase price was $1,295.
Saturday evening a lady who had
made a few purchases in town finally
brought up at Harter's confectionery
store, where Bhe bought Borne candy-
She tendered a $3 bill in payment
While waiting for her change she ob
served a man watching her from the
outside. After reelevlng her change
she started up William street. On ar
riving at the Catholic church she met
the same individual, who asked hrr
If the church was open, remarking also
It was his desire to go to confession.
The lady Informed him that she sup
posed It was and directed him to the
proper door. She proceeded on her
way, but had gone a short distance
when she was startled on feeling the
sudden nnd vice-like grip of a man s
hands upon her, 'nnd, turning about,
she observed her companion of a few
moments before. The villain clapped
one hand over her mouth and with the
other wrestled her pocketbook from
her and two of the packages. She
struggled as best she could, and the vil
lain only released his grasp when she
sank exhausted on the sidewalk. The
approach of a man caused the robber
to llee.
John Moran, of Main street, received
a painful Injury today at the Austin
mines by having his wrist severely cut.
Frank Martin, of Dunmore, nnd Miss
llrldget MeGraw, of this place, were
united In marriage on Tuesday after
noon nt St. Joseph's church.
Patrick Sweeney was released from
the Eastern penitentiary Tuesday after
nine years Imprisonment.
Main street Is In a deplorable condi
tion with mud, which Is about a fool
deep, due to the soft clay which was
put on the roads the past summer by
our supervisors.
Mike Lyden, of Glllmore avenue, Is
conlliK'd to his home by Illness.
The petition for annexation to the
city will be presented by the committee
this evening at the meeting of the city
councils for consideration. Nearly
every property-holder's name In the
place Is signed to It, along with every
taxable ri'Sldent.
The Union Athletic club will hold a
meeting of Importance this evening at
Fasshold's hall.
Relief in Six Hours.
Distressing Kidney nnd llladder din
iBts relieved In Blx hours by the "New
Clreta South American Kidney Cure."
This new remedy Is a great surprise on
account of lis exceeding promptness In
relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys,
back nnd every part of the urinary pas
sages In male or female. It relieves re
tention of water and pain In passing It
ulmust Immediately. If you wunt quick
relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold
by C. M. Hurrls, Druggist, 125 l'enn ave
nue, Scranton, Pa.
John McAuvick, of Pine street, was
hurt on Monday. A mining needle pene
trated his left thigh to the bone and In
flicted a very painful wound.
John M. Dougher, of Hill street, wns
In Scranton yesterday.
James Flynn, of Main street, is doing
jury duty this week.
As eleotlon draws near there seems
to be an Increase In the number of can
didates for the various borough otllces.
Thomas Price, present school director
from the First ward, will be a candidate
to succeed himself and Is without oppo
sition thus far. Candidates are more
numerous In the Second nnd Third
wards, the aspirants In the Second ward
being particularly numerous. There are
more candidates for council than there
are vacancies to be filled. For assessor
it Is said Mr. McAuvick will again be a
candidate from the Second ward. P. J.
McDonnell, of Mount Vernon, will op
pose him. ,
It is hopeful to note that the Lacka
wanna Valley Transit company is con
stantly adding covered oars to Its ser
vice and ttB "refrigerators" are being
called In. For this relief much thanks,
Someone should cover the tlltcli on
Dutch Hill that has been open sinus the
street railway was laid there. As it is
now It Is a menace to life and limb. The
matter was referred to at the November
meeting of the council, but It, Beems
nothing has been done. Let the ditch
be covered by all means.
The congregation of the Presbyterian
church will hold a. bazaar In February.
The Ladies' Aid society Is now diligent
ly preparing for It.
n. R. Tanner Is In Soranton today.
Fred Vnn Wormer is 111.
Mrs. Smith, of Candor. N. Y.. is visit
ing friends In Groat IJnnd.
William Day, the popular butcher, lost
a valuuble horse yesterdny.
Miss Jennie Sawyer, of Candor. Is vis
ing her brother. L. D. Sawyer.
John S. Adair, of Corfu, N. Y., Who
has been visiting his brother, Secretary
Adair, of the Railroad Young Men's
Christian association left today foi-
Lakewood, N. J. .
The Delaware, Lackawanna nnd
Western painters have been making
valuable improvements on the Young
Men's Christian association building.
Ml pa Annie II. Dunham, of Owego,
who has been the typewriter for Charles
L. Crook for some time past, has re
turned home.
' An orchestra has been organized In
the Railroad Young Men's Christian as
sociation, and is doing good work.
An effort Is being made to Increase
the Young Men's Christian association
membership to 225 by Jan. 1. It now
numbers 21
The Perry brothers, of Brooklyn, in
strumentalists, assisted by Miss Lena
Clark, elocutionist, will give an enter
tainment in Young Men's Christian as
sociation hall on Tuesday evening.
Dec. IS.
The Hillside collieries will bo paid to
day. The Young People's Society of Chris
tlan Endeavor of the llaptlst chureh
held a name social In the church par
lors last evening.
John O'Malley, of Carbondale, was in
town on business yesterday.
. J. Murphy, formerly a resident
of this place, but now of Olyphant, was
a borough visitor yesterday.
Samuel J. Foote, of Scranton, was a
caller in town yesterday. ,
J. D. Thompson, of Willlamsport, was
among the borough visitors yesterdny
jiaiKoe s "i.ncio Tom s cniiln com
pany will appear at the Opera house
this evening. The company comes
highly recommended by the press, nnd
undoubtedly will be greeted by a large
audience. The prices are 25, 35 and GO
cents. .
Mrs. John R. Jones is visiting Mr
and Mrs. William D. Jones, of Carbon
Miss lone Tyler was a caller In the
Anthracite City yesterday.
John Martin, n middle aged resident
of Avocu, was killed by a freight train
at Mlnooka at 7.30 on Tuesday night
He was struck by engine No, 179 at
tached to freight train No. 410 on the
Central Railrond of New Jersey. Mar
tin is survived by a wife and a number
of children. He wns employed at the
Hillside breaker as a carpenter. Cor
oner Kelley went to Mooslc at once and
empanelled the following jury: ',
Bossard, S. H. Hinds, John Deans, Will
lam McCormlek. Edwin White and
Thomas Grimes.
James Clark was a visitor at Pittstoi
Miss Mary Jane lieer, of Rich-
mondale. is visiting her friend, Mis?
Ada Webster.
The pupils of Miss Alice Morahan's
room are preparing for an entertain
ment which will take place in the near
future In O'Malley's hall.
Hible meeting will be held at the home
of Mrs. James ljastle tonight.
Miss Carrie McDonald spent yester
day In Pittston.
Khcumutism Cured In a Day.
"Mvstlc Cure" .for , Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures In 1 to 3 tlnyn.
Its action upon the system Is remarkable
and mysterious. It removes at once tlx
cause and the disease Immediately disap
pears. The first dose greatly benefits, 7;"
((Mils. Hold by Matthews Uros., Drug
gists, Scranton.
William Williams, who was recent
ly taken to the hospital, died nt tha'
institution yesterday about 1 o'clock
Deceased was 44 years of nge nnd
brother of Llewellyn Williams, of
Cemetery street.
George J. Kenton will spend today at
Afton, N. Y.
Shortly fbefore 2 o'clock yesterday
afternoon a bad wreck occurred on tin
Ontario and AVestern railroad at Hoi
lenbaek switch, a short distance above
llu? city. A coal train was standing
on the track and, It Is said, no lluj
was sent back. A second train cam
up. and, not being signaled, ran into
the first, thus causing the wreck
The locomotive of the train, which
was at a standstill, was overturned and
several cars of the first train were de
mollshcHl.The wrecking gang from the
Maylleld yard were soon upon the
scene, but the road was blocked for
several hours. Luckily no one wa
Miss Iona Tyhr, of Forest City, was
a Carbondale visitor yesterday.
Mrs. James M. Nlcc.l, who has been
visiting relatives In Kam-'as during th
summer and fall months, Is expected
home today.
A concert of more than ordinary merit
will be given at the Methodist Episcopal
church, New Year's night. A choru;
composed of twenty-six picked voice
from the various churches of Honesdal
will carry the volume of the vocal
music. Tho soloists will be from the
best local talent. Among the principal
features arranged at present are: In
strumental 8-hnnded selection on two
pianos by the following well know
pianists: Mrs. Rowland, Mrs. Ueot
meyer, Mrs. Didmetsch nnd Miss Davis.
Professor Rubensteln, solo corne'tlst
from New York city; Adam Bleck, elo
cutionist; Messrs. Reynolds -and Parker,
tenor singers, from Wllkes-Kaire; Trl
Valley Male quartette. Price of admis
slon, 35 and DO cents.
A Pur to the Suffrage.
From tho Chicago Record.
Mrs. Mont Martre I didn't seo you at
the polls yesterday.
Mrs. Rubbers No. The fact Is I had
nothing to wear but that old gray row
and l'vo worn that to two elections al
.Mothers! Mothero!! Mothers!!!
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup ha
been tiBcd for over llfty years by mil
Hons of mothers for their children while
teething, with perfect success.' It soothes
tho child,. Boftens the gums, allays all
pain; cures wind colic, and Is tho best
remedy for diarrhea. Sold by druggists
In every part of tho world. Bo swo and
ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Boothlnjr Syrup,
and taka no ether kind. Twenty-live gents
a bottle.
She Was Not the Person Ho Originally
Thought She Was.
From the Leavenworth Times.
Miss Jackson," he began, as he re
moved his hat and scraped hla foot as
they met on the street "I dun hab de
appy facility to meet up wld you de
odder night at the cake walk."
Yes, sail," she loftily replied.
What fust distracted my attenshun
to yo' was yo'r purtlness,'he continued.
It wan de ginetal oplnyun dat yo' was
e handsomest gal In de hall. In fact,
' outshone de shiniest of dat vast
'grofvashun of shiners." .
She bowed her thanks.
"What next distracted my attenshun
was yo'r clothes and style. One glance
prognosticated de fact dat yo' was a
bo'n lady. I felt dat me an' yo" was
wo eagles 'mong a lot of crows. Does
o' anticipate de suit of clothes I had
n dat night? Made to order an' cost
me seben dollars. .Coaltalls had de
eg'lar New York drlmp, an' dat cellu-
)ld collah jest frowned all de mashers
own. More dan 100 pussons called me
a swell."
She bowed again.
"Perhaps yo' percolated de remem
rance dat I squoze yo'r hand. Miss
Jackson, an' yo' must have observed
dat It was my lntenshun to ambulate a
few remarks when Interrupted by dat
worry common and undistinguished
pusson known as "
"My husband, sah!" she icily Inter
"Fo' de Lawd, Miss Jackson, but yo'
hain't dun married to Moses Phillips?"
"Two weeks ago, sah!"
"An' yo' hain't Miss Jackson no mo'?"
"No mo,' sah."
"11 u! 'Scuse mo, please. Reckon I
made a mistake. I see now whar it was.
got yo' mixed up with Evangeline
Thompson, dat party, stylish young
iidy dat was de belle ob de occasion an'
called fo'th de undisguised admiration
of the gigantic assemblage. Yes, I
.eckoleot yo'. Yo' was walking nround
on the elbow of Moses Phillips an' peo
ple was saying dat yo' had a bombazine
dress dat b'longed to yo'r grandmudder,
and dat Moses dun had a pa'r a' trous
ers made out of a blanket. Good day,
Mrs. Phillips. 'Scuso my beln' mis
Hums Wrote Sonu of His Best Poetry
While in n Saddle.
From Chamber's Journal.
Genius has freeiuently had remark
able workshops. Robert Kurns once
went galloping over a remote Scottish
moor. Ills horse on this occasion was
not much troubled with the guidance of
the rider. Hums was busy, brooding
over a glorious theme. His lyrical
powers touched one of their highest
points. The result of this Journey was
the Impassioned national lyric, "Scots
Wha Hue wi' Wallace Bled." J. S. Mill
framed his "Logic" as he walked from
Ills home to his ollice and back again.
Sir Matthew Hale composed his "Con
templations" as he rode on horseback
about country on his circuit journeys.
While traveling In the same fashion
on his numerous und prolonged preach
ing tours, John Wesley contrived to ac
complish a vast (uuntlty of literary
work., Hyron composed tho larger por
tion of the "Corsair" in a London
thoroughfare, as he walked up and
down Albemarle street, between Graf
ton street nnd Piccadilly; and states
himself that he composed "Lara," not
in the study, but at tho toilet table.
"The Revolt of Islam" took form in
Shelley's brain as the poet apparently
frittered away summer hours lying In a
boat on the bosom of the Thames at
The Age of Invention.
l-'rom Tld-l!lts.
Master How was this vase smashed.
May If you please, sir, It tumbled elown
ind broke Itself.
Master Humph! the automatic brake
Strange She us Seen.
From the Chicago Inter-Ocean.
.Mary, how was It I saw you treating
your friends to my cuke and fruit?
Mary I can t tell, ma'am, for tho lolfo
f me, for I'm shure I covered the key
THE I5P.LI only and alone had the
stocks, as
TI.c Warwcll Suit Co.,
IlrodcK FiTii-lcnilial & Co.,
njilc Park Clothing Store,
'i he stocks of the last two mentioned consisted of the very best and
choicest grade of Clolliinjr, and having bought them for less than half
their actual value, we are now offering them to the public on the same basis
Ono Lot Boys' Kilt 'Cape QQU
Overcoats, regular price 2 2j JO
5 Boys' Double Breasted Union Cnss -
S ids') Boys' warm nnd Durable
3 price, $i00 and $3.00. .
3 Boys' Fine All-Wool Cheviot and Cassimere Reefer Suits; also O 00
S Boys' Melton and Kersey Ulsters, value ".00, . . Z.00
3 Men's Single nnd Double Breasted Cassiuicre and Cheviot i 'JK
jg Suits; also Men's Black aud Blue Overcoats, value 58 and 510 Tt0
5 Men's All Wool Cheviot and Cassimere Sack or Cutaway Suits; 7 X
5 also Black aud Blue Kersey Overcoats, valuo $12.00, I.UJ
- Men's Kxtm Vino Black and Blue
3 Suck Suits; also Fine Blue and
3 Poole Overcoats, value IW.OD,
Sign of the Bell. 230 LACKAWANNA AVENUE.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers
General Office: SCRANTON, PA
Mr. V. Sterling Slllzsl
Wiuterstown, Pa.
Nerves and BSood
Strengthened and Purifier.)
by Hood's Sarsaparilla
Scrofula Humor and Distress In
tho Stomach Cured.
Tho following testimonial cornea from JTr. I).
Sterling Jlltzcl of Winterstown, Ta., who con
ducts a priutlns ofilco and collecting agency am!
Is the youngest Justice of the peaco In tho state .
"C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
" Hood's Sarsaparilla Is a wonderful health
restorer, nerve strcngtliencr nnd blood uuriflur
For the last four or five years I have bcci
troubled with humor nnd scrofula. In the blood
breaking out all over my body, which causei
Itching and kept mo from rest nt nllit, 1 v,a:
also, at the sumo time, troubled with a
Eour Stomach,
which wns anything but pleasant. I could not
even tako a swallow of water but what I sur
fcred from dlstrum nnd acidity. I did not enjov
a good meal until alter 1 commenced w list
Hood's Uursnparilla. 1 could seo tho good c.
fects after the first few doses. I continued to
use tho niedlclno until now I have taken five
bottles and feel entirely cured." 1). StI'.iimnu
MirziiL, Justice oi 1'cacc, Winterstown, 1'u,
Hood's Pills net easily, yet promptly cud
efficiently, on the liver aud buwcls. 25c.
Coal of tho best quality for domesti(
Use, and of all sizes, delivered in air
part of the city at lowest price.
Orders left at my Ollico
Reiir room, iirst floor, Third Nutionn
Hank, or sent by mail or telephone to th
tilne. will receive oromnt attentinn
Special contracts will be made for the
laie uuu ucuvery or uucitwncal coal.
grit and courage to bay three eutire
follows :
lfi West Third Street, New York
Wavcrly Plack, New York
111 South Main Avenue, Scranton
I One Lot of Boys' Doiiblo f (C S
j Breasted Suits, worth $1.75 Uv
iniere uid Cheviot Stills;
Cape Overcoats, regular
Clay Worsted Cutaway or
Black Kersey and Melton
. .
11.37 1
1 Ihe hair
400402 Lackawanna Avenue.
1 15,
ess .
s gun d
jjjj jjjjjlT
Hanging Four Shelf Book Rack, $3.50.
Big Value, $3.50.
A Graceful Four Leg Table, $1.90.
And Four Fold Screen Frame, all of exceptional
values and of latest patterns.
Plush and Leather Seat, $3.00 to $25.00 each.'
In Bamboo, Oak and White Enamel.
Hampers, Waste, Work and Fancy Baskets. Step
Ladder Chairs, Card Tables.
406 AND 408 LACK A. AVE.
And our. Grand Holiday Display is ushered before you
in all its brilliant glory. Don't be dazzled when you
enter our store (as it's far superior to our last year's
display), and goods are so much cheaper. Come here
any day and take, your time to look. Our store is a
GRAND FREE FAIR, without the raffle and wheel
of fortune fiends. Go upstairs. There you will also
see beautifully fitted up departments. And in the
basement the same way, but more of the solid and
substantial. Our Credit System ? Oh ! yes ; that's
in the same working order as heretofore. We want
you to make use of it. We extend goods to you as
liberally that way as though you paid cash.
Hundreds upon hundreds of Onyx Tables, Lamp
Stands, Lamps, Shades, Clocks, Ornaments; thous
ands of Chairs, Fancy Gilt Chairs, Rattan aud Up
holstered Rockers, Solid Oak, Birch, Maple and Ma
hogany Rockers, iu antique and novel designs. Book
cases with desks and without; Ladies' Fancy Desks
in different woods, Music Cabinets, Ladies' Toilet Ta
bles, etc., etc. Nearly five thousand of the handsom
est aud loveliest things you ever set eyes on. Come
aud walk through. We'll welcome you.
Goods l