The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 13, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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A) 122 North Main Avenue.
Luce Bros. Best Patent Flour,
we guarantee this flour to
be the best made, per bbl. $3.65
Feed, Meat and Corn, 100 lbs. 1.12
Best Sugar Cured Hams per lb. 10
Choice Light Bacon per lb. .8
Fancy Leghorn Citron per lb. .10
Fancy Lemon Peal per lb. .10
5 lbs. California Raisins .25
UjEWe are prepared to
meet the prices of any of our
I'assing Events of the Day on the
West Side of the City Noted. .
Pleasant Affair ut the Hume of Miss El
vira llurris-Conccrt ut the First Welsh
liuptlst Church-Kntcrtulninent in
St. DuvlJ'a Hull.
Miss Elvira Harris, of North Hyde
Park avehtle,' entertained the friends
and members of Simpson chapter, Ep
worth league, at her home on Tuesday
evening. The rooms were decorated
with (lowers and plants. A delightful
time was had in games and music.
During the evening Henry Hemmelrite,
of Jermyn, sang several comic selec
tions and wiaa warmly applauded.
About 100 people were present, lte
freshments were served.
A Grund Concert.
A large number attended the concert
which was held In the First Welsh Bap-
tlBt church last evening. The audi
torium was neatly trimmed, and each
selection was well rendered. The pro
gramme opened with a selection by
the choir. Solos were rendered by Miss
Martha Thomas, Morris Thomas,
Thomas Beynon, Llew Herbert, Mrs.
M. O. B. Williams and John T. Wat
kins. Duets were rendered by John
Eians and Mrs. D. B. Thomas; John
T. Watklns and David Stephens, and
Misses Margaret and Lizzie Reynolds.
An organ solo by Professor Haydn
Evans was well given. William Evans
and party and Mrs. D. C Thomas'
ladles' choir rendered several choice
selections. The affair waa a success,
llrlef Notes of Interest.
John Mahon, of Wllkes-Barre, visited
friends on this side yesterday.
Joseph Oliver Is a candidate for com
. mon council in the Fifteenth ward.
E. U. Griffiths, of Mount Carmel, Is
visiting his family on Price street.
Excavation for the new No. 19 school
on Rebecca avenue Is nearly completed.
Keystone lodge. No. 37, Loyal Knights
of America, will hold a ball in M ears'
hall on Dec. 31.
John R. Thomas, of Plymouth, re
turned home yesterday from a visit
with friends here.
An eisteddfod will be conducted In the
Bellevue Welsh Calvlnlstic Methodist
church oh New Year's Day.
The Republican league of the West
Side will meet on Friday evening and
elect officers for the ensuing term.
The fourth anniversary of Patagonia
lodge, No. m. Knights of Pythias, will
be celebrated In Means' hall this even
ing. , The fair of the Ladles' Aid Bociety
of the Washburn Street Presbyterian
church will be opened at the parsonage
this afternoon.
A number of West Side young people
will attend 'the meeiting of the Key
stone Dancing club In Providence to
morrow evening.
The last lecture of the Hyde Park
University Extension oourse will be
given in the Welsh Calvlnlstic Method
ist church on Monday evening.
A party was held on Tuesday after
noon at the home of Roger Evans, on
Jackson street, In honor of the tenth
birthday of his eon, Wendell. The oc
casion was a very enjoyable one.
The funeral of the 6-moirths-old child
of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Meehan took
place yesterday afternoon from the
family home. Interment was made in
the Hyde Park Catholic cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Deborah Williams
will occur this morning at 7.40 o'clock.
Services from 'the home of her daugh
ter, Mrs. Mary Street, on North Brom
ley avenue. Interment at Great Bend.
The twenty-wcond anniversary en
tertainment, which will be gven In St.
Davd's hall this evening under the aus
pices of Camp 178, Patriotic Order,
. Sons of America, promises to be one
of exceptional merit. The best local
talent will participate, and Miss Adele
Breakstone, of Wyoming seminary,
will speak. .
West Side Business Directory.
PHOTOGRAPHER Cabinet Photos, $1.40
per dozen. They are iubi lovely. Con
vince yourself by calling at Starner'a
Photo Parlors, lot und 103 South Main
HORSRSHOEING-N. Bush, practical
horaeshoer. Work done only In a first
class manner and guaranteed satisfac
tory. Shop, rrlcB atreet, close to North
Main avenue.
GROCERIES Revere Standard Jnva
Coffee Is unexcelled. The leading cofr.'e
of the day. For sale only at K. w. ilu-
son & Co. Fine Urocerles, lit) South
Main avenue. .
for anything you huve to sell. Furni
ture, Stoves, Tools, etc. mil and see
the stock of J. C. King, 1024 and WM
Jackson street,
WALL PAPER-GO to Fred Reynolds,
206 North Main avenue, and see. his
complete line of Wall Paper, Paints
and Window Shades. Just opened with
new stock. - .
PLUMBING William D. Griffiths, 113
isorth Main avenue, doeB Ilrst-dass
Plumblnsr, Steam Heat and Gas Fitting,
Satisfaction Is strictly guaranteed. ,
OYSTERS R. E. Davis' market house,
Dealer in Fornlsn and Domestic Fruits,
Oysters served In every style; 310 North
Main avenue, next to Clarke ST
Another Case of hldn't Know the Wurls
Joseph Francis, who resides In the
rear of 1111 Blair avenue, la In the
county Jail because he didn't keep suf
ficiently acquainted with American his
tory. He purchased meat from Frank Be
aeck and gave therefor a $10 Confeder
ate bill, receiving $7.11 change In good
money which he kept. Alderman D
Lacy yesterday committed Mr. Francis
to Jail In default of $300 ball.
Mrs. Araolia Wutcraaard Becomes
. mented and Commits Suicide.
By the United Press.
Philadelphia, Dec. 12. Early this
morning Mrs. Amelia Westcrgaard was
found dead on flie" floor of the kitchen
of her hnuse at 1923 Mount Vernon
street, with her throat cut from ear to
ear. A bloody canine knife with
which the unfortunate (woman1 had
killed herself was found beside her.
Mrs. Wrstereaard was 54 years old and
was the widow of Lars Westergaard,
a prominent ship broker and for many
years consul at this port for Sweden
and Norway.
Mrs. AVestergaard had been subject
to fits of temporary insunlty for some
time past, and, it Is supposed, she killed
herself while In this condition. .
Secretary Diddlcbock Dances Out of the
Meeting in High Dudgeon-Zerr Will
Tight the Organization.
By the United Press.
Reading, Pa., Dec. 12. A stormy meet
ing of the base ball magnates of the
Pennsylvania State league clubs was
held at the Central house, this city, this
afternoon and evening. It was said to
be a special conference meeting, the
special object being to form a circuit
for next season.
President John J. Hanlon, of Hazle
ton, occupied the chair und Secretary
Dlddlebock, of Philadelphia, was on
hand with the minutes. After he had
proceeded to read them. President Han
lon said that this was the animal meet
ing. Secretary Dlddlebock denied this.
He snld that it was a special meeting
and that the constitution provided that
the annual meeting should be held In
January. A lively war of words fol
lowed In which harsh language was
used, accusations being made thuA some
one was not telllng'the truth.
It ended by Dlddlebock saying, "Well,
I'm done with you," as he took up his
papers and walked out.of the room.
Manager Randall, of the Philadelphia
club, coincided with him and marched
out also. The meeting then proceeded
with its regular business. President
John J. Hanlon was then elected secre
tary and treasurer In addition to his
present position and tils annual salary
fixed at $1,000. Allentown was admitted
as a member In place of Philadelphia.
The other clubs recognized as mem
bers of the league are: Pdttsvllle, Lan
caster, Hazleton, Harrisburg, Shenan
doah, Ashland and Reading.
It was decided to usk the National
league protection and a telegram to
that effect waa sent to President
Young. Just before adjournment Oar-
bondale and Easton were admitted
making It a league of ten clubs. Mann-
ger Zerr, of Reading, was very much
chagrined over his loss of the Reading
franchise which was given to W. A.
Whitman, and as he walked out of the
room gave notice that he was going to
light t'hls league.
Manuger Randall stated that today
meeting was a gross violation of the
constitution. A meeting will be hold at
the regular time the first Monday In
January in Philadelphia nnd a league
will be organized composed of Philadel
phia and the best base ball cities In
several spates.
Manager Zerr will organize a rival
club in this city, but whether it will be
a mpmber of the proposed Interstate
league, or the new Schuylkill Valley
league, is not known. At certain stages
of today's meeting considerable bad
blood wus developed.
Mury Sherman Married.
By the United Press-.
Washington, Dec. 12. Miss Mury Sher
man, daughter of Senator Sherman, was
married ut her father's residence in this
ity ut noon toduy to Juines lver Me
Cullum, who Is connected with the clerk's
olltce of the United States supreme court,
The ceremony was performed according
to the Episcopal service In the presence cf
a huge number of distinguished people,
Gold Kcscrve Shrinking.
Washington, Dec. 12. The treasury gold
reserve now stands bid $u,mw,(Kl0 above the
reserve limit of Sl0O.ftiO.WW, having been
gradually reduced to $lu5,0iK,0U0 by with
drawals for export, and redemption pur
I allure ut Wllkcs-llurro.
Wllkes-Barre, Dec. 12. N. Rosenfelt
for many years In the clothing business
here, has failed. His store wus closed hy
the sheriff tonight on preferred Judgments
amounting to nearly $10.1X10.
A Voluntary Statement.
Mrs. Ella R. Nolan, of 209 State street,
Auburn, N. Y says:
For the past seven years I have been a
greut sufferer from rheumatism and rheu
mutlc gout. My ankles, feet, wrists and
hands were swollen to an enormous size
and I wus unuble to bend a Joint of them
I was compelled to crawl on my hands and
knees. A great part of the time I was
confined to my bed, unuble to help my
self In the least. 1 had the best medical
attendance, but obtained only temporary
relief, une day a gentleman calling upon
some business, seeing my helpless condi
tion, suid:
If you wll get some of Dr. rottern
Rheumatic Pills, I think they will cure
1 did not have much faith, but I was In
such a helpless condition, could scurcely
move about, could not close my hands at
all, got up und down stulrs slilewuvs, that
I thought I would- try the pills. Accord
Ingly, 1 got two boxes of Dr. Potter's
Rheuniuttc Pills, and ufter taking them
three days, the pain ull left me und has
never returned even In the dumpest
weather. Of course I was encouraged and
kept on taking them, and urn entirely
cured. I huve now taken six boxes, mi
can do all my own housework without the
leust pain. The swelling Is all gone, can
move my Joints naturally und feel us well
as ever I did. I cannot suy too much In
praise of Dr. Potter's Rhuumutte lills
and will gladly see any one who will cull
at my house, 209 State street, and verify
the truth of this statement. I heartily
recommend Dr. Potter's Rheuniutic Pills
to ull who suffer from rheumutlsnt.
They are a radical cure for rheumatism
Inflammatory rheumatism , gout, rheu
matlc gout, both acute and chronic, an
ull diseases depending upon and huving
their origin In the uric diathesis. Price,
$1.00 a box. For sule uy Matthews Bros,
wholesale and retail, Scranton, Pn.
Music Boxes Exclusively.
Best made. Play any desired number of
tunes. Gautschl & Sons, manufacturers,
1030 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won
derful orchestral organs, only $5 and $10.
Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re
paired and Improved with new tunes.
Beautiful Juvenile Books.
ricture Framing at Griffin's new studio,
209 Wyoming avenue.
Rocking Horses
and Shooflles of all
Sizes and Styles.
Grlflln, photographer, removed to his
new studio, .09 Wyoming avenue, ground
When Baby woi sick, w gave her Caitorta.
When ilia wu a Child, she cried for OastorU,
When tho became Mist, the clung to Coatoria.
Vfosn aha had Children, she gavetliera Castorte
William Connell Speaks of the Work
' Done Forty Years ago. .
Added Responsibilities Huvc Come with
the Great Increase of the Church in
Numbers and Influence-Other Ad
dresses Heard Lust Night.
An enthusiastic meeting was held last
night In the Elm Park church lecture
hall to celebrate the first anniversary
of the church. Rev. Dr. Pearce con
ducted the opening services and called
upon Mr. Davlea, one of the oldest mem
bers of the church, to offer prayer. The
pastor then explained that to make
themselves happier and remove the re
straint of set speeches the meeting
would be Informal, with brief addresses
from the church officers. He called upon
William Connell, president of the board
f trustees, to uddress them upon "The
Yesterday and Today of Methodism In
Our Midst."
Mr. Connell, after congratulating them
upon the auspicious occasion which
they were celebrating after the sad
recollections of the difficulties in the
past, said: "The 'yesterdays' of Meth
odism of forty years ago were very
different to the 'today' of Methodism In
many respects. While those of today
are Indebted to a great extent to the
thodlsts of forty years ago, there are
many who have a ihablt of saying that
the latter days are better than those
early days. The men of the early days
were heroes who made sacrifices the
younger portion of our churches today
oannot properly appreciate and know
very little of. I could, with a pretty
distinct recollection, go back sixty
years In the history of the Methodist
ause, but of thirty-eight years I am
able to speak with clearness.
Methodism of the Past.
"It is thirty-eight years since I came
into the Lackawanna valley and lo
cated at Taylor, then called Lacka-
wunna, where I worshipped in the little
hurch which was known as the Union
chapel. The Methodist churches of
Hyde Park, Taylor nnd the Hiirk church
were then served by one minister who
preached to us at Taylor alternately
with the other churches. These mem
ories bring to my mind that we had to
walk a mile to attend service, and on
one occasion, -when we Iliad praer
meeting In the forenoon, there were
only two of us present, and I said to
my friend, 'Well, there are enough of
us to claim the promise,' and we ac
cordingly held a prayer mooting, and I
well recollect what a good time we had.'
"This naturally brings me lo my sub
ject, the eaiily days of Methodism.
Many things were differently conduct
ed In those days. We had the delight
ful class meeting, which has now al
most gone out of date, although we
have other services which, to a large
extent, supplant It, but no other service
can supply the place of the old-
fashioned Methodist class meeting. It
was the family place of the church.
where all anxieties and cares were
made known. In our present day meet
ings, when men stand promiscuously,
we cannot understand each other so
well and receive the same sympathy
as In the old .days when we always
went home from the class meeting
huppy and glad.
People More I.lhcrul Now.
"I well remember the difficulties of
those days. We had great work to
collect the salary of the minister, who
received $300 altogether from the three
places. Today the members of our
churches are more liberal, more gen
erous; they see their duties to religion
more clearly than they were seen thirty
years ago. They have been taught to
give now. It was, however, the noble
sacrifice of those men who preached
the Gospel In the early days, that has
preserved and given us the Methodism
of today.
"Tho history of Methodism here
abouts has been one of steady and con
tinuous growth. The number of
churches when I came here was but
four, Including the Baptist church; now
within the same boundary we have
fifteen Methodist churches and eleven
ministers. Methodism has kept up
with the times, and maintained pace
with the growth of population. It has
more than Increased In wealth accord
ing to the Increase of population.
"Twenty-five years ago I came to
Scranton and Joined the old Adams
Avenue church. I am sure you will not
think I have any desire to belittle the
small place in which we worshipped,
but some of us can well remember
the dingy little room. We were very
democratic there, as we had no carpet
and very uncomfortable benches. How
ever, we progressed until carpet and
chairs adorned the room nnd, best of
all, the ladles Introduced the "soclula"
consisting of coffee and sandwiches as
refreshments, which, In Xthose days,
formed the Introduction to the delight
ful suppers and sumptuous feasts
which we enjoy In this church so fre
quently. Have Added Responsibilities.
Of the trials und difficulties from the
Adams church to the Elm Park church
I will not speak, us they are familiar to
so many of you, but in all the growth
It Is gratifying to see so many good
Methodists who always make good citi
zens, und here I wish to Impress a point
With this great growth comes great
responslbllltes. In the early days the
members and preachers were heroes
who struggled and battled, and as n
result of their energy and patience have
handed down to you a heritage and an
obligation. Think of It. The Mefhodlsts
of these days, with all the advantages
ought to accomplish more work.
"This church with Its young people's
associations and their auxiliaries have
a power which did not exist at all in
those days. With all these advantages
of the present day we ought to realize
our responsibilities to the fullest extent
Elm Park church, you may rest as
sured, will be expected to render ten
talents for the live which have been
given to her. Here Is the Epworth
league and other societies, which 'have
such great responsibilities. When much
Is given, much is required, -ana nod re
quires much at your hands. As I stnnd
here tonight nnd glance back to the
The sale of parts 4, 5, 6,
7 and 8 of Palmer Cox's
inimitable "Queer People"
becins at the! Tribune's
business office this morn
ingatp o'clock.
times of forty years ago, I am amazed
and cannot refrain from saying 'What
hath God wrought.' "
Mr. Connell concluded with practical
advice to the young people as to fheir
duties, and to prepare themselves to
carry on the work of the church when
they, were, called to supply the places
of the present leaders and officers.
Captain W. A. May spoke upon
"Lights' and Shadows In Elm Park
Life.", Among the lights were the hand
some donations given to them in their
difficulties, the shadows are the pen
nies in their collections. Another light
was the great cordiality In their church.
"Like preacher like pastor" and their
cordiality was soon accounted for. The
Epworth league, their . magnificent
church, their lurge congregation, their
splendid music, their grand organ were
all light.
Work of tho Voting People.
G. F. Reynolds, in ppeuking of the
"Possibilities of Elm Park Church,"
spoke of the social aspect and the work
of the young people's societies. The In
crease In the church membership dur
ing the past year had been phenomenal.
W. H. Peck gave very practical hints
in his address on "The Young Element
as a Factor of Power in the Church."
During the evening the Epworth
League chorus and also the male choir
under the direction of George F. Whlt
temore, sang some excellent choruses.
Mr. Wooler rendered suitable solos In
his well known style. Rev. Dr. Penrce
made several interesflng addresses dur
ing the evening, bearing especially upon
the incidents connected with the church
during his pasturute.
The action of "Tho Star Gazer," In
which that droll comedian, Joe Ott, will
be seen at the Academy of Music to
night, opens In the observatory of the
professor, and from there, after many
amusing situations, goes to the apart
ments of Dr. Jim weed Fennel, where
the audience Is Introduced to the eighth
wonder of the world, "hydrogenozonlc
gas" and some clever specialties. Inci
dental to all are the specialties by Joe
Ott, the original, Matt Ott, Phil Ott,
Thomas Cook, James B. Watklns, Joe
Harrington, May Jordan, Luella Miller,
Marlon McAlvln, Marie Darcey, Doro
thy Gray and others.
This evening "The Engineer" will be
produced at the Frothinghum. it is a
realistic comedy drama and many line
mechanical effects are Introduced. A
synopsis of the play Is as follows:
Time Summer, 1871.
Place liumbervllle, Mo.
ACT I-The Singleton Homo.
ACT II Mumford's Grove. The Fourth
of July Celebration. Two weeks after.
ACT 111-Tho Engine Room, in which Is
presented a tremendous, realistic, ex
citing climax.
(Four weeks elapse between Act 2 and 3.)
ACT IV Jack's residence. Kansus City,
Mo. One year later.
Incidental to act II the Missouri Whoop-
ers will whoop In the liumbervllle Cornet
Bund. Their first outing. During the
performance u number of high-class spec
ialties will be Introduced, rendered In uc
cordance with time, place and sltuution by
The Engineer" will be produced
again tomorrow and Saturday nights
and Saturday afternoon.
The Brothers Byrne are unexcelled In
t'helr line of work on the stage. They
are universal favorites and their ap
pearance at the Academy of Music on
Saturday evening In the clever panto
mimic comedy, "Eight Bells," will be
counted a gala time for our patrons.
There Is no pantomimic production be
fore the public today that Is superior to
"Eight Bells." The entire production
will be as near perfection as possible In
point of detaiil.
That popular young actor, Thomas R.
Shea, will be at the Academy of Music
every night next week except Thurs
day. On Monday evening he will pre
sent his great success, "Escaped from
Sing Sing;" Tuesday evening, "Monte
Crlsto;" Wednesday, "Dr. Jekyll and
Mr. Hyde;" Friday, "Richlleu;" Satur
day evening, "The Snares of New York."
Popular prices will reign, 10, 20 and 30
cents. Sale of seats opens Friday at
9 a. in.
II II il
An event of unusual Interest to our
theater-goers will be the appearance of
Auguhitln Daly's famous company of
comedians, Friday evening, at the
Academy of Music. The company ap
pears In the charming comedy, "A
Night Off," one of Che most pronounced
successes Daly's theater has seen In
past years. This organization is as near
perfection as one can imagine, and those
fortunate enough to see them will get a
treat long to reVnember. Henry Dlxey,
Francis Carlyle, Charles Leclercq, John
Craig, Miss Percy Haswell, Mrs. Thomas
Barry, Miss Martha Ford are prominent
members of the cast.
Mrs. Philip Davis Is visiting in Haw-
M. S. Knight Is home from Clearfield
Mr. and Mrs. William Shearen are
visiting In Haw ley.'
Frank Blickens, of Chestnut street, Is
confined to his home by Illness.
The Myrtle Social club will give their
first social In Koch's hall next Friday
Mrs. Yettcr, of Mauch Chunk, Is visit
ing at tho residence of O. W. Frost, on
Drinker street.
Members of the John B. Smith Fire
company have had a handsome pool
table placed In their rooms.
Miss Bessle'and Katie Watson, of Mos
cow, are visiting at the residence of A.
P. McDonough, on Drinker street.
A man named Warner, a miner em
ployed In Spencer's mine, waa quite se
verely Injured by a blast yesterday.
Dudley street and No. 6 people are
asking for more police protection.
Ladies do not feel safe to go out after
The Lake Junotlon station on the
Erie nnd Wyoming Vulley railroad was
broken Into by burglars Tuesday night.
The telegraph Instruments were stolen.
Regulur weekly prayer .meeting this
evening at the Methodist Episcopal
church at 7.30 o'clock. Sunday solum!
board meeting at the close of the prayer
Remember the lecture tomorrow even
ing at Loyal Legion hall by Rev. O. L.
Severson, "At the Battle of Gettys
burg." The admission has been placed
at the low rate of 10 and 15 cents. Pro
ceeds to be applied to the Fountain
A vacant house on Apple Btreet, owned
by George Alger, was burned early yes
tprday morning. The fire was no doubt
the work Incendiary, as a former
attempt had been made to burn the
building. There was no Insurance on
the building. Mr. Alger had Intended
to tear It down In the spring to make
room for his new store building.' ,
Rare ' Collection of Books In Holiday
Auction sale every afternoon at 2.50
and 7.30 at Freeman's, corner Penn avenue
and Spruce street. Col. L. M. McKee,
Sports Who Looked for Kooster Fight
Were Disappointed-John Werner, of
Stafford Avenue. Dies from a Mine Ac
cident. Arrangements were made for a grand
exhibition of rooster fighting In a hall
in the upper end of the Twentieth ward
and the main was to have been held
last night, but the sports did not get
around. Owners of birds from Pitts
ton, Avoca and Old Forge were ex
pected, but did not appear. There are
some game birds .in the Twentieth
ward which have not been In a fight
yet and others of them are the heroes
of more than a dozen bloody battles.
The rooster fight set down for last
night will not take place now before
Death of John Werner.
An accident sustained In the mines
by John Werner, of Stafford avenue,
recently, resulted in his death yester
day morning. His injuries were not re
garded fatal, but he became affected
with a sudden change for the worse
and his death came rapidly. The de
ceased was an upright and respected
citizen. The funeral will be held to
morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Inter
ment will be made In the Twentieth
ward cemetery. Burial services will
be performed In St. Mary's church.
Social at Greenwood.
Miss Mary Fasshold, oil Greenwood,
ve a party to her young' friends lust
evening and a most enjoyable time was
had by all present. Music, vocal and
instrumental, was well supplied, nnd
dancing was also indulged In. About
twenty-five young men of the Twenti
eth ward were guests and, besides,
there were a number of the young peo
ple of Mlnooka and Greenwood.
Shorter Paragraphs.
Wednesday nights. Last night ,the
services were led by Arthur Foote.
Patrick Ward, of Wilkes-Barre, Is
visiting his brother, John, of Pear
Miss Lulu McFarland, of Pear street,
was treated to a surprise by her friends
lust night.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin AVoyshner are
receiving the well wishes of friends.
A young son has arrived at their
The regular weekly prayer meeting
of the Cedar Avenue Methodist Epis
copal church was held last night. It
has been changed from Thursday to
The Crescent Social club held a ball
last night at the Polish hall on Elm
street, and everybody who attended re
ported a Bplendid time. Professor
Charles Haslclns was muster of cere
The William Connell Hose company
nominated the following officers to be
elected to serve for the coming year
President, E. H. Jordan nnd Fred Gel-
bert; vice president, James Keogh; re
cording secretary, Richard Farrell
corresponding secretary, Michael Con
nolly nnd Sterling Slmrell; treasurer,
A. R. Schafer and Churles Stone; fore
man, Andrew White and John Fallon
trustees, E. H. Jordan, Charles Slmrell
and A. R. Schaffer.
H. W. Bennett, of Green Ridge, Is re
covering from a short Illness.
Miss Gertrude Tiuesdale, of Main
avenue, Is visiting In Peckvllle.
The benefit festival of David O. Ev
ans will be held In Company H armory
tonight. Mr. Evans has been 111 with
rheumatism for over a year and has a
large family depending on him for
John Prlngle, of Parker street, and
John Leyborn, of the Palentine hotel
are arranging to hold a sweepstake
shooting match, to be held In the Drlv
Ing park on New Year's Day.
A game of quoits will take place
Christmas at the Palentine hotel, be
tween Thomas DoddH, of 'this place,
and Stephen Marckell, of Grassy
Island, for $100. Dodds gives twenty
points out of the sixty-one to Marckell
The Puritan Congregational church
was well filled last evening, when Rev
iV. F. Ferris delivered his illustrated
lecture on "The Master Painters of the
World." The choir rendered a number
of selections during the lecture. Mi-
Ferris gave a brief review of painting
as It was In the first part of the Six
teenth century and then gave repro
ductions of about sixty paintings by
Michael Angelo, Raphael, Titian and
Corregglo, Including the series of
"Bearing the Cross," In which were
eight pictures.
Beecham's pills are for bili
ousness, bilious headache
dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid
liver, dizziness, sick headache
bad taste in the mouth, coated
tongue, loss of appetite, sal
low skin, when caused by con
stipation; and constipation is
the most frequent cause of al
of them.
Book free; pills 25c. A'
drugstores, or write B. F. Al
len Co., 365 Canal St., New
Instruments In every sense of the term
aa appnea to fianos.
Exceptional In holding their original ful
ness of tone.
f ilm avenue.
1119 Adams Ave.New Telephone Bdg
The Finest In the City.
The latest improved furnish'
logs and apparatus for keeping
meat, butter and eggs. - '
23 Wyoming Ave. N
Gilmore's Aromatic Wine
A tonic for ladies. If you
are suffering from weakness,
and feel exhausted ' and ner
vous; are getting thin and all
run :- down; , Gilmore's ' Aro
matic Wine will bring roses
to your cheeks and restore
you to flesh and plumpness.
Mothers, use it for your
aughters. It is the best
regulator and corrector for
ailments peculiar- to wonian-
lood. It promotes digestion,
enriches the blood and gives
astiug strength. Sold by
Matthews Bros., Scranton.
The Great Blood Purifier and
Liver Regulator.
200 DAYS' TREATMENT, $1.00
And will PositivnW cure nil fliaesae' arising
Rheumatism, Kidney Disorder,
Liver Complaint, Sick una Nerv
ous) Headache, Neuralgia, Uys-
fiepniu, Fever and Ague, Scrofu
a, Female Complaints, Erysipe
las, Nervous Affections, Catarrh,
and all Syphilitic Diseases.
Call and Get Circulars.
Made a
Well Man
lit Day. l
15th Day.
of Me.
ineuHCAi 30th Day.
produces the aboro result! lu 30 dy. It icti
powerfully and quickly. Curat when all others fall
Voung men will regain tbalc loat manhood, and old
men will recover their youthful vigor by using
REVIVO. It quickly and surely restores Nervoua
ness. Lost Vitality, Impotoucy, Nightly Kiutssions,
Loat Power, Failing Memory, Wastina Diseases, and
all effects ot self-abuxe or eicewand Indiscretion,
which unfits one for study, buslDeKH or marriage. It
not only cures by starting at the seat ot disease, but
is a great nerve tonic and blood builder, bring
leg back the pink glow to pale cheeks and re
storing the Are of youth. It wards off Jusauitj
and Consumption. Insist on having REVIVO, no
other. It can be carrlod in vest pocket. By mtil
1.00 per package, or sii forCS.OO, with a poal
live written euuranteo to coro or reiuno
Iiomonoy. Circular free. Address
ala by Matthews Bro., D reals'
8'crantoa l'a.
ThliFaraooi Hcmcdv cures aulcttlvind nor
nmnoiitly nil nervous Orfuubon, m:b as Weak
Memory, Lois of Bruin Power, Ifeiulnche, Woke
tnliioHH, Lost Vitality, nightly crulHsloni, evil
(Iruum. Impotenc und wastinn iIIacum'S uauwd by
outlil'ul errors op eicenaeo. Contain no
oiilitU'H. Ill a nerve tonic mid hlnocl but liter.
Makes the pule timl nuny Htroiiir un.t plump. K'uplty
Cttrrit'ti hi vest pocket. 91 per box 6 lor VS. Uy
mull prepaid wiui ti wrnien inmrumoe to cure or
money letnwleil. Write tin for Tree meUlcnl
bouki Kent cenlod In plntn wmpper. wliloli con
tulns tfMtlmon1nln and tlimnniHl references. No
ohui'ffe fl'or niultatlon. Htuure ut i m (fa
ff mt. Soltl hv our iiilvertlHeil furetitw. or ntlilrens
NRVK SEED CO. Masonic Te ui p le, Ch U-uao.
Win. Linn Allen
& Co.
Buy and sell Stocks, Bonds and Qraln
on New York Exchange and Chicago
Board of Trade, either for tush or on
412 hpruce street.
G. duB. D1MMICK, Manager.
: JMS !MH, lib
J Ml K
Music Dealer,
134 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton, ,
K ' Also a Full Line of
I J Hold Fast
P pnhpnjlpr Jin
gas? u u Uo Ub 01 uu.
V 1 HORSE fv.5 '
1 SHOE vi
Also a large stock of first-cluss
The goods are yours at your own
price, if you happen to be tho
lucky bidder.
of C. W. Freeman's valuable and;
high class stock of Diamonds,
Watches, Jewelry, Silverware,
Bric-a-lirac, etc
as the store is rented, the fixtures
for sale, etc., and Mr. Freeman
positively retires from business.
3.30 AND 7.30 P. M.
Private sales at less than cost
price during the intervals between
Manufactured at the Wapwallopen Mills, Lu,
zerne county, Pa., and at Wil
mington, Delaware,
General Agent for the Wyoming District,
118 WYOMING AVE., Scranton, Pa.
Third National Bank Building.
THOS. FOUD, Httston, Pa.
JOHN B. SMITH & SON, Plymouth. Pa,
E. W. MULLIUAN. Wilkoa-Barro, Pa.
Agents for the Kopauno Chemical Com
pauy'i High Explosives.
European Plan. First-class Bar at
tached. Depot for Bergner & Engle'i
Tannhaeuser Beer.
R. E. Cor. 15th and Filbert Sis., Phlla.
Most desirable for residents of N. E.
Pennsylvania. All conveniences for
travelers to and from Broad Street
station and the Twelfth and Market
Street station. Desirable for visiting
Scranlonlans und people In the An
thruclto Region.
CALL UP 3682.
M. W. COLLINS, tVPg'r.
Scranton, Pa,
mill FALLS :