THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER T3, 1894. 5 Unlike the Fashions " Or other baking powders Cleveland's Baking Poz der Never Varies. You can always depend v , Norrman & Moore FIRE INSURANCE, 120 Wyoming Ave. THE SUBURBAN Arc and Inoan- desceut Light in nearly all parti of the city. 01TICE : CommoDw.'alth Building. Our Iucandeicent System Is absolutely sad) No Oriental opium-scented linen "frayed, fretted and worthless, but all returned lit for wear, ironed with care, and all of it there. ACKAWANNA THE iAUNDRY. 808 Penn Ave. A. B. WAR MAN. A GREAT SALE BABY CARRIAGE ROBES, Rum and Sweepers for the Ho'iday trade. "Uold Medal" Swrepera in twelve fancy woods (or Christina Gif ti WILLIAMS &McANULTY I27 WYOMING AVENUE. Fancy Waste Paper Kaskets. PKATT'S BOOK STOKE. CITY NOTES. Pay your Poor Taxes und save costs. Teachers and public school employes are being paid today. Mrs, Maria "CrestlnaUarbalo yesterday will elect ofiicers this evening. The license of the Westminster hotel was yesterday transferred by court from C. M. Truman to J. C. Vance. The water mains have been placed In position at the base ball park und the flooding- of It will begin today. Several members of Lawrence's or chestra left yesterday for Tunkhannock to furnish music for the teachers' insti tute held at the above place. James Vanduzer, jr., gave ball before Judge Kdwards In the sum of $0UO to ap pear at the next session of court. His father qualified as bandsman. ' Court ordered that the report of the viewers in the South Ablngton township road would not be confirmed unless the thoroughfare shall be fifty feet wide. , An excellent entertainment was given last night In Ezra Griftiri post rooms on Lackawanna avenue by the Ladles' Aid society, No. 10, of Camp 8, Sons of Vet erans. A rule returnable on Dec. 22, at 9 a. m., was granted yesterday by court to show cause why the license of C. J. P. Wclchel, of the Klgiith ward, should not be trans ferred to Philip Welchel. . Patrick McQeever petitioned court yes terday for appointment as a detective. Court directed that the petition be filed In the clerk's office, and ordered the matter returnable Jan. 7, 1895, at 9 a. m. Hot coals from a furnace last night set fire to the flooring on the llrst floor of the Matthews building 'on Lackawanna ave nue, which Is being rebuilt, The blaze Was extinguished by a pall of water. Mrs. Maria Crestlna linrbola yesterday began an action against Maria Capon to recover $1,000 damages for defamation of character. On Nov. 30, It Is alleged that the defendant publicly accused Mrs. Capon of adultery. . i Marriage licenses were granted yesterJ nay uy me clerk of the courts to John Lane and Katie Hughes, of Arehhald Thomas Healey and May Murray, of Ml nooka; Charles W. Scambler and Llbble Tamblyn, of Scranton. Ephphatha Guild of St. Luke's church held a social last evening In the parish rooms, 323 Washington avenue. In the guild are many of the deaf mutes of the city. Rev. J, M. Koehler, formerly of this city, but now In charge of the deaf mute mission work In this state, was present at tne social. Contractors Ferguson & Rooney are In more trouDie. u. r. Mwry purchased a load of sand from them, nut It on his wagon and then tendered payment for it to their foreman, Mr. McAndrew. A re celpt was demanded, which McAndrew re fused to give. As Lowry would not part with his money without a receipt McAn drew directed MS workmen to unload the wagon. It was done and Lowry brought an action in trespass. Aiuerman De Lacy &S3I gave him Judgment IK the sum of $2 yesterduy, In the urbltrutlon room the board of ar bitrators were busy again yesterday lis tening to the MtntemenlB tit the action brought by Dnvles & (jrlllln against the Insurance companies for a turn uKBrcKUt ln(f $:I9,1IK). The day whs spent In pre sentini,' the bills and orders of the ttrm of Davles & CiiilHn since they begun in business until the date their store was destroyed by lire. The case will he con tinued today. Street Commissioner Klrst was the most talked of, most abused am) most discussed man in the city during the last week.. If all the blessings which have been show ered upon him had fullllled there would now be a vacancy In the street commis sioner's ollice. The chronic grumblers have had about the Jolllest week of the year, and while their eyes have feasted on the lakes of mud they have "let her went." This has been particularly the case In connection with Ninth street. The street Is a disgrace to the city and Is (iiilte Impassable, the Blough reaching from Lackawanna avenue to Chestnut street. J'abst's Milwaukee Deer, cool and spark ling, at Lohman's, Spruce street. Oxford Bibles and Family Hibles at - REYNOLDS BKOS. OPF.KATTA BY AMATEURS. (iiven at .Music Hull by Members of the l.lederkronz. Music hall was the scene of pleasure last nig'ht, the members of the Lelder kranz and their friends being present to enjoy a programme of music and amateur theatricals. The first was a clvnrus by the Iedderkranz and then a violin solo by Professor Kopff. Next followed the pretty operatta, "The Rub ber." The characters were City Con troller Fred J. Wldmayer, Miss Masglc Zledlw, IajuIs Relchert and Charles Koempel. After the operetta ft sketch entitled "The Drill Master," was laughably In terpreted by Kdmund Hartl and Paul Keller. Dancing was then enjoyed un til past midnight. -- The New Webster Dictionary, bound In Leather, for 5U cents, at KKYNOLDS HROS. O'NEILL AS VIRGIMUS. He Gave a l ino Presentation of Sheridan knoulcs' Trugcdy. Jumps O'Neill made his appearance at the Academy of Music last night In "Vlrglnlus," Sheridan Knowles' tragedy, and made a most favorable Im pression by the masterly manner lu which he portrayed the character of the Roman father, whose love for his child caused him to kill her rather than see her defiled. In the third act when "Vlrglnlus" Is Informed of the at t"mpt to prove his daughter a slave and take her from him, Mr. O'Neill did a very effective bit of acting, and in response to a vociferous demand on the part of the audience, appeared befora the curtain. He was given good support by Marie TUirress, Hallett Thompson, Albert Sackett, W. J. Dixon and William II. Pascoe. Finest lino of Calendars ever shown in the city at REYNOLDS BKOS. Stewart Art Gallery. The Stewart Art Gallery on Wyoming avenue Is now tilled with an Immense stock of Remarque Proof Etchings of the highest order. Among the most prom inent of the collection are a number of productions from paintings by Miss Jen nie Hrownscombe, the Jlonesdale artist, well known In this city. The list Includes "The Story of the Battle," "Grecian Ar tist" and "Breaking Home Ties." The works of Miss Brownscombe, as well as muny other studies In the collection, are worth the attention of all admirers of fine art. fompuny C, 13th K eglment, Attention! Members of this company will assemble at the armory at 7.30 tonight for battalion drill. H. B. CHASE, . Captain. Commanding Company. What They Soy. If It comes from Coursen you can de pend It Is all O. K. Excelsior Diaries for 189. REYNOLDS BROS. All kinds of Etchings. Engravings and Water Colors-at Urllnn new studio, 200 Wyoming avenue. Finest line stands at of Davis' Automatic Ink REYNOLDS BROS. I am prepared to receive a limited num ber of piano pupils. For terms, etc., ad dross Richard F. Lindsay, 822 Mulberry street. Or at Towcll's Music 8tore. Beautiful Water Colors, Fac-slmlles, Photogravures and Etchings, Framed and Unframed. PRATT'S BOOK STORE. PIMstmry'a Flour Mills have a capacity of 17,600 barrels a day. Engraved cards at. REYNOLDS BROS. Coursen's prices are the lowest. ' Wood and Brass Easels, PRATT'S BOOK STORE. The sale of parts 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of Palmer Cox's inimitable "Queer People" begins at the Tribune's business office this morn ing at 9 o'clock. SCENE OFJREAT BEAUTY Market of the First. Presbyterian Church Will Be a Success. MANY VISITORS ATTRACTED Must Extensive I'nJcrtuking of Its Kind Kvcr Attempted in Serunton-Intc rlur Described In Dctull-llow the Booths Are Decorated. The Market of the First Presbyterian church opened yesteruuy. and during the afternoon and evening a constant stream of people passed In and out of the armory on Adams avenue, where The Market Is being held, and when the doors were closed late last night, sufficient assurance had been given that the affair will show a result far In excess of the expectations of Its most enthusiastic managers. While, generally speaking, The Mar ket materially and In Its purpose and furnishings Is much the same as the usual church fair, It Is radically differ ent In Its magnitude, Its beauty of ornamenture, business-like manage ment and voluminous detail of articles for sale. Without disparaging the ex ecutive women of this or other churches, it may be said that The Mar ket Is the most stupendous function of Its kind ever attempted in the city; In Its great splendor and perfection of detail Is offered an explanation of the arduous planning and hard work of the women of the church for several months. .Most Pleasing Aspect. At night the Interior under the ex hilarating sparkle of numerous electric lights Is seen at Its best; the artistic arrangement of the booths in varied style of design and effect, the blight lights and the many-hued gowns of the women all blend Into a kaleldo?coplc picture. Few, If any, yesterday passed through the entrance without stopping to take a sweeping survey of the scene and then pausing longer to enjoy the result. Five booths are situated along the sides of the large drill hall and in the center Is the always necessary and omnipresent fancy booth. At one are sold flowers, at another .art goods, household articles, candy, dolls, paper novelties and fancy articles. Each Is decorated differently In color, kind and design, and In their ornamentation each Is original and gives to the observ ant womon or man some new idea ap plicable to the home or store; It may be only the gathering of a curtain, the loop of a fabric or a blending of colors, but each particular booth shows the re sult of good taste and the impossibility of a criticism. The general effect of the flower booth shows it to be In keeping with the pur pose for which it was erected. Rhodo dendron and laurel branches cover all the woodwork, arches and back ground. Instead of by electricity it is lighted by the mellow rays of a number of deeply shaded Btandard lamps and presentB a pleasing sylvan effect. The trimming was done by Miss Richmond, who is in charge of the booth, and by her young girl assistants. In addition to potted and cut flowers and basket-work Jar denalres, hot chocolate and lemonade are also sold. Artistic Art llooth. Oriental articles, tapestries, scarfs, rugs and pillows, and the true Oriental Idea was used In arranging the art booth. The draperies are from a Hart ford importing house, were procured at wholesale prices and will be Bold far below the ordinary retail figure at n price only sufficient to prevent loss. The true artiste will And this booth a fruitful place of visitation with Its bas reliefs, medallions and panel work Japanese ware and hand-painted novel. ties. Some water colors by Reeves, a former Scrantonlan, are remarkably cheap at $25, and a number of Bokhnras and Oriental pillows are offered at prloes 60 per cent, lower than Vantlne"s. Your real practical, motherly or do- mestlc person will find plenty to Induce a purchase at the household booth Aprons, comfortables, quilts, laundry bags and the like give an idea of what the booth contains, and an Immense cupboard displaying a toothsome array of home canned fruits offers a forcible suggestion of a Christmas dinner and the good things "mother used to 'put up.' " The names of Mrs. Hrundagi Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Harry Coursen, of this booth, were omitted from the list published Tuesday. The approaching holidays have given an Impetus to the business of the doll booth, which contains 300 sawdust stuffed and other kind of stuffed beau ties with china, wax and even cloth faces at prices from a few cents to many dollars. A doll house for which Swartz charges $150 Is offered for $.10, Minature beds, caps, grandma and brownie dolls, und a complete line of silk underwear give but a faint Idea of what may be purchased. A complete tailor-made suit by Welngarten, of New York, attracts considerable atten tion. The roof of the booth strikingly represents a big snow house, Icicles and till, and Is said by many visitors to be the most original Idea of The Market Complete Doll House. The doll booth controls the sale for $150 of the doll house donated by Mrs. Willis Kemmerer and situated at the right of the entrance. The little dwell Ing has six rooms, bay-windows and piazza, and Is completely furnished. In the "grounds" are flower beds, a tennis court, fountain and all the appurten ances of a happily managed domicile. If the Scranton young man lacks pocket money or If the Scranton young woman oannot plead successfully, these two facts were not in evidence about the candy booth. In addition to an at tractive display of home-made sweets, candied fruits, chocolates and Chris maa candies, the stock contains some dainty hand-painted paper dinner fay. ors and paper Imitation lettuce novel ties. The popular paper novelty fad Is fully exampllfled ot the paper booth, where exquisite lamp and table sets In various shapes and delicate colors and other paper articles are on Bale. Most of the took was made by the women in charge of the booth and appeals to the more artistic visitors of the market. A particularly busy scene was pre sen ted about the central fancy booth during afternoon and evening. No comprehensive description of the or Holes on sale could be made in limited space, but the name of the booth slgnl fles the manner of goods on sale which In auantlty and quality are on a scale seldom attempted. Many Dined at Armory. - Many remained from pfiternooh until evening or came at 6 o clock and en Joyed a dainty, dinner served from he dining hall at tne rear, a new menu is; Off wed tonight as follows: Fried oys. tera, chlcktn salad, cold meats, Sara ttnga chips, bread, rolls, pickles, olives, tea, coffee, oake, canned fruits. The Market will o-ptn at 2 o'clock this afternoon. i Fountain Pens," Gold Pens and Pencils at REYNOLDS BROS, CLEVER RTjSE FAILED. Cloaks Taken from the Residence of S. S. Stevens Are Recovered. Through a clever scheme two cloaks were yesterday stolen from the resi dence of Samuel S. Stevens, corner of Clay avenue and Vine street, but were found last evening. Three cloaks be longing to Bolz, the furrier, were In the house awaiting a selection by Mrs. Stev ens. Marly In the morning a boy claiming to be In the employ of Bolz called at the house and obtained two of the cloaks under the plea that Mr. Bolz had stilt for them. A fow hours later the accredited rep resentative of the fur house called for the cloaks and his visit revealed the Imposition on the part of the boy, who was found last evening, when the furs were recovered. TIX PLATE FACTORY. Project on Foot to l ocate One In This City-Will He Conducted on u I.urgc Scale. Another large and Important industry will In all probability be located in Scranton at an -early dvite. For the past two weeks leading members of the board of trade have been discussing the advantages of the city with a represen tative of a tin plate industry, who, af ter personal Investigations extending over that period, Is thoroughly satisfied that the manufacture of tin plate can be carried on cheaper in this city than In any other section of the country, not excepting the natural gas fields. Unusual Importance is attached to this new development by members of the board of trade Inasmuch as the new works, If established, would Insure a pay roll of $20,000 per month and be the means of employing a considerable number of men. The representative In the city Is an expert In the business and thoroughly competent to Judge the local facilities and after a detailed Inquiry Is satisfied that Scranton, with her natural ad vantages, cheap fuel and transportation facilities, Is pre-eminently the locality for this important Industry. The board of trade has offered a site and an oppor tunity will be given Monday evening to discuss the matter. A meeting will be held In the board rooms on Lackawanna avenue, and a full report be presented by the manufacturing committee. An effort will bd made to raise the sum of $200,000, the capital' required to. organize the company. The tariff on Imported tin Is $1.20 per box of 112 pounds, which affords ample protection to the ihome Industry. At present, tin plate works are located at Columbus, O.; Pittsburg, and Akron, O., but nowhere are they on such a laVge scale as they could within a ahort time be worked in Scranton. Many capital ists have announced their Intention of subscribing toward the money required Communication with firms In South Wales have been opened with regard to transferring a plant from that country to Scranton. WILLIAMS' SCRANTON DIRECTORY. Taylor Answered. Taylor, who Is trying to supplant me as publisher of the Scranton Directory, de. nicd having written the postal card sent me, which stated that he was taking or ders for me on the Scranton Directory. Since I publshed the photo-engraving of the postal and proved him a liar, he now produces a letter (which Is correct with the exception of spelling the word nor nore) written live days after the postal card, Informing me that he had not been working for me, acknowledging that he lied In the postal card which said he was working for me and that orders were coin Ing In slowly. The reason Taylor Bent the letter of the 19th was because I wrote him I was going to send a man to help him and ordered him to send orders taken by him to me daily, and knowing that he could cover ins tracks no longer ne tneu to make a virtue of a necessity by writing me that he was not working for me. Tay lor Is the modern Ananias. One of the rackets he works to secure patronage is that he Is a citizen of Scranton. He has not been In Scranton a year during tho last four years ull told. He registered In Utlca last May as from Baltimore and his name uppears In tho V ilkes-Harre Di rectory of this year, but does not appear In the Scranton Directory. What the peo ple want Is good service and not humbug, Respectfully, J. K. 1 I.LI A Ma, Directory Publisher, Catholic Prayer Books. PRATT'S BOOK STORE. Taxpayers Tukc Notice. That your city and school taxes are now due. Councils, by resolution, ex tended the time of collection until Jan uary 1, U5. If not paid within the time allowed a penalty of 7 per cent, on the city and 5 per cent, on the school will be added, and un additional 1 per cent, each and every month until paid. Don't put off payment until the last day, as It may be Impossible to receive it. R. G. BROOKS, City Treasurer. Episcopal Praver Books and Hymnals. PRATT'S BOOK STORE. Catholic. Prayer Books, largest line In the city at REYNOLDS BROS Tree! Free! Free! For a holiday eompliment to our patron we will present with every pair of La dies' Shoes, costing $2 und upwards, pair of cloth overgaiters. GLOBE SHOE STORE. 227 Lackawanna avenue,' Leather Traveling Cases, Collar and Cuff Boxes. PRATT'S BOOK STORE. ' . Buy the Weber' and get the best. At Guernsey Bros 21c. Buys the finest English Plum Pudding. (Worth 35c.) I9c Buys the finest Tomato Cat sup, (sells everywhere 25c.) , 2 5 c Buys the finest Tomato Soup, (Worth 35c.) Everything re duced on a Cash Basis. We extend 30 days credit simply to accommodate our patrons. E. G. Coursen ' 429 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. TNI CILIBRATI PIANOD lr at Fractal th Mott Popnlir and tnttmt by bctauif Arlll. . Wareroomi: Opposite Celumbus Monument, ' 200 Washington Av. Scran ton,Pa, iiffiilEIn T MY CAUSE ft DELAY Cniincilmen Differ About the Inter pretation of a Joint Resolution. CLAIMS OP THE COMMONERS He cause of This Divergence the Meeting Called for Tuesday Evening to Con sider Bids for the l.tndcn Street Bridge Hud to Be Postponed. A sufficient number of members of the Joint streets and bridges committee of councils mot Tuesduy night for the purpose of considering the bids for building the lion work of the Linden Street bridge, Involving over $70,000. Nevertheless the assertion was made that no quorum was present. Hetween the lines of this assertion It has been learned that the committee Is divided upon un Important question, In which the common branch members take one position and the select members take view radically opposite. Until the matter Is settled, It Involves a delay In awarding the bridge superstructure contracts. A resolution of select council con firmed by the common branch provides that the joint streets and bridges com mittee shall consider the bids and when report has been decided upon the committee shall Inform the mayor, who shall call a Joint session of councils to award the contract. Commoners Reagen and Battle, before the meeting of Tuesday night was formally called to order, argued that the Linden Street bridge bids could be considered only In conjunction, with those for the Roaring Brook structure. Mr. Manley, of the select members, coincided with the opinion of the commoners, and be fore the meeting had been formally de clared In session left the room with Members Reagen and Battle to confer with Councilman Howe, who was In the corridor. They Left the Building. A moment later the members In the corridor requested that the resolution providing for the awarding of the con tracts be given to them. The clerk ex plained that to take the measure from the tiles would be an Infraction of the city ordinances, whereupon the com mon council members left the building. The Edge Moor Bridge company of Wilmington Is the lowest bidder on the Linden street bridge. The arguments of the commoners left the ImpreEslon that If the bid of any other company on the Roaring Brook bridge, which company had also bid on the Linden Street bridge, shows that the two bridges can be built by such company cheaper than by any other concern, then the two contracts should be awarded to the one company. The or dinances provide separately for appro priations of $125,000 for each bridge, and the advertisements for proposals invite separate bids to be presented on different dates; the selectmen contend that these provisions refute the posi tion of the common branch members. Aside from the differences mentioned the committee will probably agree upon the use of asphalt Instead of plank as a flooring for roadways and sidewalks. The cost will be from $10,000 to $18,000 greater, but It Is expected that even af ter paying Inspectors' salaries and other Incidental expenses, $14,000 will be left over from the original appropriation and can bp applied upon the Roaring Brook bridge. It Is anticipated that upon the last mentioned structure the bids will possibly slightly exceed the city engineer's estimate. The bids for building the superstructure of the Roaring Brook bridge will be read to night In either select or common coun cil. Progress of Work. Work upon the superstructure or masonry, of the Linden ntreet bridge Is progressing slowly. The contractors have been disappointed in procuring necessary hiacihlnery for the heavy work entailed, but the lacking articles will be available In a few days und then the excavating and masonry work will be pushed rapidly along. The base of the weatern pier will rest twenty-five feet "below the surface and the digging was nearly completed last evening. CZARINA BUCKLES THE LATEST FAD. Now Is the Time to Look for Your W. W. Berry THE JEWELER, Has a larger stock of Novelties than ever before. RIGHT IP TO DATE, with everything new ai7 Lackawanna Ave 0 215 LACKAWANNA AVENUE, I? receiving daily all the lat est novelties m JEWELRMND SILVER LINE , FOR THE HOLIDAY TRADE When in need of something late m the- Jewelry line cal aud see Rogers' stock before making your final selection as he can show you the lates and a large assortment to se lect front. Inducing tho palnleia extracting of teeth by antontlroly new prooeia. S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S. 139 WYOMING AVE. . 1 EI HE WAS A GREEN RIDGE IN And said lie was stand ing on the corner of Penn : and Lackawanna avenues and saw a crowd moving up street and followed out of curiosity, and they carried him right into the store with the green aud gpld front Wool worth's. Why Do People Go There In Such Crowds? Simply because there is where they find the great er variety of Holiday Goods in town at the lowest prices. C. S. W00LW0RTH 319 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Green and Gold Store Front SCRANTON CASH STORE. 23 lbs. G. Sugar, $1,00 31 lbs. C. Sugar, 1.00 Fresh Eggs, per doz. .18 Choice Mixed Candy, lb., .07 Choice Mixed Candy, 41bs., .25 Mixed Nuts, - .09 Mixed Nuts, 3 lbs., .25 Peanuts, 3 quarts ...10 Walnuts, per bushel, .60 Butternuts, per bushel, .60 Almonds, per pound, .15 Sweet Florida Oranges, ' .13 SweetFloridaOranges, 2 doz .25 Per Box 1.90 Tangeriens, per dozen, .15 1.75 .20 Per Box, half size, a Grapes, per lb. l ine Chocolates, Bon-Bons, French Xugas, Tafl'ys, French Fruits, Nut Can dies, Butter Cups, Etc., Etc., in excel lent quality and great variety. We are unquestionably Headquarters this year iu this line of goods. F. P. PRICE, Agent Bl HATS AT Dunn's Will be open evenings until S o'clock. COME IN raw We can suit you in Shoes aud will deal lightly with your pocketbook. BANISTER'S, ore Cloaks to select from in our store than live ordinary stocks; in fact we havs too many Cloaks, and as the season is advancing rapidly we must re duce our stock or carry over a great many garments. ' We have there fore decided to reduce our prices now, giving you stylish, well-made, good fitting Cloaks at February prices, w hich means about one-third off, 'A word to the wise is sufficient." Buy your Cloaks at our store. Al most forgot to mention that we have just received a handsome line of Umbrellas, mounted with beautiful handles of Silver, Gold, Dresden, Ivory, hone, etc., any of which would make a desirable Holiday Present 224 LACKAWANNA AVE. JACOB BOLZ (OPEN EVERY OPENING.) WORTH OF V V V V Will be sold for less than they cost us to manufac ture them. We guaran tee everything satisfac tory. IN OUR We are offering Ladies' Tailor-made . Coats re gardless of cost. IN OUR We are selling goods be low cost. Come and look through, our stock and see for yourself. Have Your Furs Repaired by thg Only Furrier in the City. J. BOLZ, KYOMIt8AVEXUS House Coats a Smoking; Jackets OF Fine Tricot Cloths In Colors Brown, Blue aud Garnet SSEv. $4. $5 AND $6 BETTER 0NK.S AT $8, $10 $12. And as High as $20. ASK TO SEE THEM. 59 Clothiers, Udtersi Furnisnera 123 WYOMING AVENUE. GLOVES Reduced Prices .o make room for entirely new stock of FALL - AND WINTER - GOODS IU during the month of December Corner of Lackawanna and Wyoming Avenues. E CLOAK DEPARTMENT I IL HIVE,