V I TIIE KCRATON TK IBTTNE TIITJBS DAT MOTlNItfO. DECEMBEIt 10, 1894. WAR ON IBEJANACEINI An Organized Effort to Oust Lehigh Valley Officials. THE CANVASS FOK PROXIES. CIreulors Issued to the Stockholders by tho Committee Organized In the In terest of a Change in the Admin istration of the Road. By the United Press. Philadelphia, Dec. 12. The oppoBitlon to the present management of the Le high Valley Railroad company has as sumed formal shupe by the announce ment of a committee having been formed to solicit proxies for the an nuul election, for the creation of a new management. The committee names no candidate. It Is said that several prominent business as well as financial men of this city have been approached and are willing to assist them In making the change. A circular has been prepared by the committee which will be sent to the stockholders as soon as the complete list, which Is now being made, Is In hand. These stockholders will be asked to give their proxies to the commit tee so that they can vote them for a new management. The committee consists of John A. Hutchinson, George 1). MeCroary, Will iam Klwood Speakman and V. A. Hick, of Philadelphia; Samuel II. llnckett, of Kaston, Pa., and Charles U. Vun Nos trand, of New York, each one having been delegated to act In the capacity of a receiving agent for those who desire to send their proxies to them. Tho Committee's Circular. The circular issued by the committee Is as follows: To the Stockholders of the Lehigh Val ley Hallroad Company: Uear Sirs At a meeting of Influential Stockholders of your company held in this city, Dec. 7, we were appointed a commit tee to solicit proxies to be voted at the annual meeting of the company In oppo sition to the present management. As is already well known to you, tha company after thirty-live years of suc cessful operation has been dropped from the list and lost Its Btandlng as dividend payer, and yet we are unable to obtuln from the ofllcera of the company proper statements as to the linnnclal condition and prospects of tho company. A complete statement of assets and lia bilities, to our knowledge has never been Issued, but from tho figures reported by tha company we And that It has outstand ing a large floating debt. We pass no opinion on the conduct of tho present management. Comment is unnecessary so long as you are face to face with the salient facts that the company pays no dividends and barely earns its fixed charges. The forceful eloquence of such pregnant results teaches Its own humil iating lesson and Imposes the Imperative necessity of prompt and concerted action for the defense of your vested rights and the protection of your property Interests. It Is proposed that on receipt of a suf ficient number of proxies a public meet ing of stockholders be called, to deeido upon such a ticket, and which shall have the support of a majority of the stock holders at the coming annual election, Unless you Join with us In prompt ac tion, we run the risk of another year of tho present administration. It Is hoped that you will Immediately Sign, and return to the committee, the en closed proxy. BUSINESS PARALYZED. Worst Fears of the Punic of Newfound land Are Kcalhtcd. By the United Press. Halifax, N. S.( Dec. 12. Latest infor mation from St. John's Is to the effect that the worst fears of the effects of the panic will be realized. The Commercial bank is a hopeless wreck, and nearly nil its directors, who were among the prin cipal merchants, tare also bankrupt. The panic lias brought about absolute ohaos. Except a very limited number of Can adian ami United States bank notes, the money of Newfoundland consists of the blllsofithe two banks. No one will now acoept 'tlvese bills, 'hence all business is paralyzed. THREE CONVICTS ESCAPE. They Force Their Way Out of the Schuyl kill Prison ut the Noon Hour. ' By tha United Press. Pottsvllle, Pa., Dec. 12. Three con victs escaped from the Schuylkill county prison at the noon hour today while soup was being served to the hundred inmates of that institution. Their r.ames are Frank Mullen, a tramp undergoing sentence of four years and nine months for assault with Intent to kill Yardmaster Sabold, of Palo Alto, In Maroh, 1893; Michael Welsch, of Shenandoah, sentenced by the lust term t court to one year for house break ing, and George lioehmer, convicted last July and sentenced tn fifteen WHEN YOU FEEL LANGUID, dull and heavy, it's your liver that's at fault, A sluggish, torpid liver de ranges your stomach and kidneys and bowels. It poisons your blood. You feel it "all over." The best-known remedy in the World Is Carlsbad. People go there, not only for a disordered liver, but for all the diseases that follow it, and for jaundiee and chronic liver com plaint and every ailment of the kind. There's uo need for you to go. You get precisely the same treatment in the Carlsbad Sprudel Salt, the water solidi fied at the Spring, or in the imported waters. In catarrh of the stomach, dyspepsia, habitual constipation, dia betes, or any gouty or rheumatic affec tion, they have been a specific for hundreds of years. Take only the genuine imported ar tide with the signature of ''Eisner & Mcndelson Co., Sole Agents, New York," and the seal of the city of Carlsbad on every bottle. Beware of the many worthless imitations sold here as "improved" or "artificial" Carlsbad Salt,, which consist only of a mature of common Glauber Salt and Scidlitz Powder, and in no way have the same action as the genuine natural remedy of Carlsbad. Insist upon the genuine. ill? months for robbing railroad cars at Mahanoy Junction. ' . They succeeded In effecting their es cape by sawing the bars In front of the wlndowtf their cell and forcingthe lock of the large door Ik the prison wall leading out upon an unfrequented street. Searchers are' out In pursuit and telegrams .huve been sent In every direction offering a reward for their up prehenslon. AIRS. SPRAGl'E'S STRAITS. Sulraon 1. Chase's Fumous Daughter Being "Sold Out." By the United Press. Washington, D.C., Dec. 11. Mrs. Kate Chase Sprague, the once brilliant and beautiful daughter of Salmon P. Chase, and wife of Governor Sprague, of Ithode Island, Is in financial straits, through the mismanagement of her estate. Her home In the suburbs of Washing ton, "Edgeworth," and other real es tate, was advertised for sale last week, and today the sale of her personal property to satisfy creditors was also announced. HAD TO AM K IT $50. . Result of Violating t lie Tariff Laws Re- gurding I'luylng Cards. By the United Press. Washington, Dec. 12. The first case of violating the provision of the new tariff law as to the tax on playing cards received the 'action of the treasury de partment tuday. The offender, who lived In Pennsylvania, sold one dozen packs of cards without their being stamped. Secretary Carlisle Imposed a fine of $ro. STRUCK BY A TROLLEY CAR. An Aged i.udy. at Archhald, Receives Sc. vcre Injuries. Special to tho Scrunton Tribune. Archibald, Dec. 12. Mrs. Geiblch, an aged lady who lives with her nephow, John Hitter, of South Main tstreet, was struck by an electric car yesterday af ternoon und seriously hurt. She was crossing the track In front of her home as the car was descending the hill. Be ing doaf, the old lady did not War the signal of the motorman, and the car could not be stopped before it was upon her. She was thrown down, and dragged about 100 feet. She was also cut about the head and otherwise budly shaken up. It Is doubtful If Mrs. Geiblch recovers from ithe shock, for h Is more ithan 80 years old. She came here from Peters burg only a few mouths ago. INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. No. 11 colliery, of the Lehigh Con! and Navigation company, which was on lire some time ago, will be ready to resume Jan. 1. Byron Adklns, outside foreman for the West End Coal company at Mocanuquu, hus resigned und William Hrlggs has taken his place. Charlus Emlgh, assistant freight agent at Plttston junction, has resigned his po sition to accept one with the Metropol itan Insurance company. Will the Jersey Central's quarterly divi dend be reduced? That Is an all absorb ing question now. Upon a rumor that It will the stock Is hovering about near SO. A 10-Inch vein of coal has been discov ered by the Lehigh and Wllkes-Harre Coal company In the tunnel which is being driven in the east side of its No. 11 slope. The Lehigh Valley has Just broken the record by getting a cur loud of freight through from Chicago to Wllkes-Harre In fifty-three hours and thirty-five min utes. Contractor Edward Lynott has been awarded the contract for driving the rock tunnel In the Lance colliery, No. II, Le high and Wllkes-Harre Coal company, at Plymouth. The Lehigh Valley officials are talking of abandoning the changing of engines on passenger trulns at .Mauch Chunk. It Is almost certain, Bays the Record, that in a short time the new rule will be announced and engines will take trains from Wllkes- Harre to Kaston without change. The recent'dlspatch to the effect that E. W. ICark had been elected to the presi dency of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation company turns out to huve been Incorrect. Tho election has been postponed until It can be known for a certainty whether Mr. Harris can be a candidate or not. He Is seeking- re-election to the presidency of the Heading ami If he should fall will go back to tho Navigation company. Pittsburg, Dec. 12. Many of the rnll roud coal operators of the Pittsburg dis trict will reduce wages within the next ten days. The Initiative hns already been made by Henry I'lorshein, owner of the Oermanla and Nottingham mines at Elnleyvllle, on the Wheeling division ot the Hultlmore and Ohio railroad. This morning notices were posted at his mln-s that on and ufter next Monday the rate for mining will be r5 cents per ton. The drilling machine which has been in operation in the euxt gangway ul the basin of the No. 10 slope, lieaver llrook, with a view of ascertaining the depth of a smaller vein. wa9 rewarded on Fri day night, the desired seam being tapped at a depth of 41 fi-et. The drill bored through 10'i feet of coul, but whether this Is of the thickness of the vein or not Is not known. Now that the vein is found It Is expected that a tunnel will be driven east from the second lift of tho slope to catch the vein and develop It. An advertisement which appears In a Sunbtiiy paper stating that William Oelger sells river coal ut $1X0 a ton and Mr. (iclger and several others are making a pile of money out of a novel venture, is thus explained by tho Wllkes-Hurro Rec ord: The Mahanoy creek, which empties Into the Susquehanna river, drains the great coal mines of the Mahanoy region anil receives all the coal dirt. Tlia Jig gers who go out In bonis have lonsc licoops und bring up about four tons a cny- to a crew of two men. This coal finds p. ready sale at from St.25 to fci a ton. "Big coal," that Is coal larger thun pea and buck wheat, brings i and tlM. At George town there are nearly 100 men engaged in Jigging.' At Northumberland It Is a pay irttr business, one mun having taken out l,4.ri0 loads last year. The coal deposition In tho river amounts to thousands of tons yearly and the amount Jigged can be es timated at about one-quarter the nmounl lost. It is a recognized Industry now, there being two steam Jiggers In operation and several more In course of construe tion. In the winter the Jiggers cut through the ice and scrape along the bot tOTO. , Art Important' opinion on roal leases was hunde-t down by Judge Woodward, of Lu lerne county, Tuesday. In 1879 the heirs of Hcndrfnk H. Wright leased to the Le high and Wllkes-Harre l onl company about seventy-five acres of coal land In Plymouth, said leuso to continue until all the merchantable coal should be mined, royalty to be 25 cents per ton, with a Held minimum annual royalty of W.000. This was puid until July, lm. when tho company refused to make further pay ments, alleging that the minimum roy alties already paid aggregated more than all the coal covered by the lease. The heirs determined to forfeit the lease. The report of the master was to the ef fect that plaintiffs had mined 79,000 tons and has paid for 140,000 tons, had paid for 8,691 tons more than was mlnable und'ir the tract, that the grant was a sale of ull the .coal . in the ground and the $1,000 In annual payments was the purchase money, and had bcon all paid and there could be no forfeiture, that plaintiffs are entitled to a reasonable time to take out th remaining coal without further pay ments. Therefore, that defendants be re strained from forfeiture of lease or pre vention of mining. Judge Woodward de cree that failure of coal does not dls tharge (lessee from payment of rent. The obligation means what It says. It Is therefore decreed that the finding of the master be overruled, the prayers of the bill refused and the bill be dismissed at the cost of the plaintiffs , STOCKS AND BONDS. ' By the United Press. ' New York, Dec. 12. The missing of the Patterson bill allowing pooling by the railroads led to a more confident feeling In stock circles at the opening this morn ing and a general advance In prices took place. After the spurt nt the open ing the market became quieter, but the advance was well maintained, the result of Washington advices that the senuto will act favorably und quickly on tho Patterson bill when It reaches that boilv. In the afternoon Sugar loomed Into prom inence, and on a more active business the price rose to SWVi, ex-dlvldend of 3 per cent. The rise near the close was due to the announcement that the senate had refused to take up the houso free sugar bill. Distillers was higher, rising to l'H on a rumor that the insiders will with draw their plan for the reorganlzatoin of the property. The market closed very firm, not withstanding reports that at least $l.ouu,000 gold will be forwarded to Havre on Saturduy. If Intending shippers In the meantime can secure full weight gold coin the shipments will be larger. Net changes In stocks !how gains of i to 2 per cent., bugar leading. The total transactions were 2U7.220 shares, of which S9.700 were Sugar und 24,000 Distilling. The range of today's prices for the ac tive stocks of the New York stock mar ket are given below. The quotation nro furnished The Tribune by G. du 1!. Dlm mlck, manager for William Linn, Allen & Co., stock brokers. 4U! Surure Btreet, Scranton. Op'n-High-Low-Clos-ln:r. est. est. Irnr. Am. Cot. Oil 2Vi; tWt U 24 Am. Sugar lte'g Co. tt W14 S7'i Ml'. A. 41. T Dp4 S.-.ii Ui, 91'i, Atrh., To. & S. Fe... -1', f. 4"i r, Can. South 604 C0i GO'4 50 (.'lies. & Ohio 18 18 18 18 Chicago (ias 72 721 72 72-i Chic. & N. W 84 9S"s 98. Chic., n. & U 7:1 73 72i 72 c. c. c. & st. 1 384 ssi :is' as9 Chic, Mil. & St. I'... r.'4 fisH fi9 W Chic, It. I. & P C2i liS'A (, CiV Delaware & Huil....l20'i 12ii4 12lll4 12'U.j I).. L. & W 100-4 IWs 1H 10014 DiHt. & C. F 914 ' 10'i Uen. Electric 3."ii 351 35 SiV'i Luke Shore H 130 135U MO Louis. & Nash fiP; f4'4 IB'i, M'.i Manhattan Kle 10.VK, (, 1184 10B'.i Mo. Pacific 28a4 2S 284 2H:i Nat. Cordage H'i 93 8'4 8',4 Nat. Lead 39 39'4 39 89 14 N. J. Central M'i 93?, 3'4 93 N. Y. Central 9lt'i D9-, 99',, fiO?,, N. Y. & N. E 31 'a H2, 31'4 S2',i N. Y., L. E. & W.... W 10"4 10'i 104 N. Y., S. & W 1.1 15 13 IB N. Y., S. & W., Pr... 4214 42'4 42'4 42Vi Nor. Paclllc, Pr 18 , 18Vi 18 ISM, Ont. & West 1814 Phil. & Head 15'i 15'4 15 TM Texas Pacific 10 10 10 10 Union Pacific 114 1H4 11-14 1114 Wabash, Pr 14'4 ll'i 14'4 H'4 West. Union 88'4 881.4 8S!4 SSI-, CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. ing. WHEAT. May fiO'i COH 59' 4 591.1 December 55 CVg 55 55)4 OATS. May 324 32r-J 32V December 27'4 2i)-' 2i 29 January 29:4 "i 29:8 2W, CORN. May 50 50'i 4914 BO',4 December 4iV14 47',i 4ii4 47'i, January 47"4 47?4 47? 47T4 LARD. January 8.87 fi.90 C.87 fi.90 May 7.10 7.15 7.10 7.15 Scrunton board of Trade Exchange tat Ions. Quo- No. Par Shs. Val. . Bid. Ask 10 100 Scranton Packing Co .... 120 10 60 Providence & Ablng- ton Turnpike 75 5 100 Bcranton Cllass Co 85 5 luO Trader's Nat'l Bank 110 1 1000 Mt. Jessup Coal Co.. 500 10 DO Moosic Mount'n Coal Co CO CO 60 Lacka. & Montrose Rnilroad 50 10 100 Scra'n Savings Bunk 175 25 1U0 Third Nat'l Hank.... lf,0 HI KJO First Nat'l Bank COO 15 ' 100 Lacka. Trust & Safe Deposit Co 130 400 50 Scranton Trac. Co 10 20 100 Walker Automatic & Stenm Coupler Co f,0 50 100 Walker Automatic & Steam Coupler Co fO 5 100 Suburban Elec. Light Co 100 5 100 Suburban Wee. Light Co 100 30 100 Allegheny Lnm'r Co 110 2 500 Scranton Glass Co. (Hontls) 450 8 100 Wyalusing Water Co (Bonds) 100 ' 7 500 Stevens Coal Cotn'y (iionds) 500 2 100 Scra'n Jar and Slop- per Co 75 Scronlon Wholcsnlo Market. Fruits and Produce Dried apples, per lb., Salic; evaporated apples, Sa 9e. per lb,; California prunes, OV.-uHc.; English cur rants, 21,4a3c; layer raisins, $1.75alS0; mns catels'iaDc. per lb., $lal.40 per box; new ValenclaH, Iia7c. per lb. Beans- Marrow fats, I2.20a2.35 per bushel; mediums, (1. 70a 1.75. Peas Green, il.lOnl. 15 per bushel; split, $2.50a2.00; lentels, 6aSc. per lb. Potatoes 55a00e. bushel. Onions Bushel, &5uG0c. Butter 17a24c. per lb. Cheese 9al I1 U; per lb. Eggs Fresh, 24a25c; coolers, 17a 18c. Meals Hams, 10c. ; small hams.lo'ic.. skinned hams, ll4c ; California hums, 8c; shoulders, 7n4c; bellies, Sc.; smoked breakfast bacon, loc. Smoked Beef Ontsldes, 13'ie.; pels, 15c.; Insldcn and knuckles, Kil jc.; Acme sliced smoked beef, 1-lb cans, 12.45 dozen. Pork Mess, $15; short cut, $1C. Lard Leaf, In tiercel, He; In tubs, V4c; 10-pound pnlls, Dee per pound; 5-pound palls, V. per pound; 3-pound palls, 10c. per pound; compound lard, tierces, CHc; tubs, Gc. ; 10-pound pnlls, Vic per pound; 5-pound palls, 714c. per pound; 8-pound pails, 7Vjc per pound. Flour Minnesota patent, per barrel, Jt.lOa 4.25; Ohio and Indiana amber, 1.25; Gra ham, $3; rye flour, $3. Feed Mixed, per cwt., $1.10. Grain Rye, C5c; corn, 53a5.)C.; oats, 45u50u, per bushel. Rye Straw Per ton, 12al5. Hay $14a50alC. Buckwheat Floiv-J2.15a2.20 per 100. It 11 f fa I o stock Market. By the United Press. Buffalo, Dec. 12.-Cattle-Ricelpts, 1,720 head; on sule, 40 head; market opened and closed steady; good iiteers and heifers, $3.25a3.40;falrfat cows, $3.40; sausage bulls, ?2.25u2.5. Hogs Receipts, 13,950 head; on sale, 7,(i50 head; market opened stronger for plge and Yorkers, steady for others, closed steady and firm with bulk sold; good Yorkers, $4.45a4.50; light, $.40a4.45; mixed packers, $4.45u4.50; good mediums, $4.50u4.65; choice heuvy, $4.60; roughs, $3.75 at; itags, $3.25a3.75. Sheep and Lambi Receipts, 5,800 head; on sale, 8,000 head; market opened stronger for good lam lis. easier for heavy sheep, closing steady with bulk sold: cull Iambs dull at $2a2.25; Canadus, $4a4.10; choice lambs, $3.75a4; good, $3.50a3.75; fair, $3a3.40; good mixed sheep, $!.25a2.G5; fat, 90 to 100-pound wethers, $2.85a3.25; export wethers, $3.U5a 3.95; export ewes, $3.25a3.75: ten louds of Canada lambs were reported to arrive. Chicago Stock Market. By the United Press. Union Stock Yards, 111., Dec. 12. Cattle Receipts, 16,000 head; market firm; com mon to ex Ira steers, $2.0a6.35; Blockers and feeders, $2a3.35; rows and bulls, $2a3.40; calves, $2n$5. Hogs Receipts, 32,000 head; market strong; heavy, $4.35a4.60; common to choice mixed, $4.25a40; choice as. sorted, $4.25a4.35; light, $3.85a4.25; pigs, $2.26a3.75. Sheep Receipts, 13.000 heud market weak; Inferior to choice, $1.25a 3.26; lambs, $2a4. Philadelphia Tallow Market. By the United Press. Philadelphia. Dec. 12. Tallow Is qulot and steady. We quote: City prime In hhdfl, 4.; country, prime, In bbls, tc; Country, dark, In bbls, 44a44c; cakes, 5c; grease, 4c. Oil Market. By the United Press. Pittsburg, Dec. 12. Oil opened and low' est, 8974c; highest and close, 90c CENT A Word. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOK, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A HOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE. NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS. EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH Poor taxes Are Due, A L'. UNPAID JANUARY I, IHIi, WILL be collected witlicotts. A .1A WILL'AMB, Collector. Agents Wanted. W f A N TK I)P.tKTI h sTJTa LL PAKTS OF l.Ht'K.lU !l!lll& COUIliy iq tiOUCll KUOSCriO' .A fur Him iiiimt. itmmlut- Kutnluv Kehitnl tiOM 11-w.iirr nu'.K uver uuiiu.Hueu; Beiio on rl... . Ul. it: yx)d ronmiissiuns. write htatiritf whoro f.'HI ti- H4UM finu an ai tr tnlru iwlirtiti. 'II r i.t fl,.,;.,t . A .1,1... llL'V him in mi mir Li nut:. auuitso uri4 KKAL, A UK. NT. 10K. N. Main Ave , Bcranton. 'PO MAKE BIU MONEY SELLING OUR -L Liertric Telunho tu. Hunt seller oti enrth. Sent nil complete ready to set up, lines of nuy distance. A practical Kloetrio Telephone. Our agents ma I ic $ to $lo a day easy. Everybody buys; Bin money withont work. i-nces low. Anyone can uiuKe Jaipur montti. Address W. P. Uarrinuu Sc Co., Clurk Nu 11, Columbus, o. k fJFM'P w vin'ri ruL'uviviiDu Til sell the latest aluminum novelties, enor mous profits, sails at eitrht. delivered free, se cure territory. Sample ill Velvet lined case wmi iuii iniorniauon, inc. intAinguo irui. Alnmluum f.ovelty Co., 335 Broadway, New York. ANTrD - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO I tin, .!!.. .,.. II.... ...w1.lll, QlnnM ......uavi vu uu i'ii..i , Kg. (. I ft DPI ItinliMl nnil i.YiintiMiiu imlil tn ull. IJimiHu itirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. Box, 630, 'Ston, Muss. Help Wanted Male. A, ANTED -EN EKUETIt! MAN TO PUSH V T new lintni t iimaiIhiI 111 nvarv linn.H. .lbirul coiuniiHsiiiii. Room 11, 412 Spruce treet, between 8 and 10 a. m. MEN IN EVERY TOWN. PERMANENT position. Uood pay. Experience milieu essary, Cuautnuqua Aursery Co., Portland, UTANTEJ UOOD SOLICITOR TO SOLICIT the nriiitintr trade of Scraiitou and vl- cinity. Apply to J., Tribune ofllce. XV7 ANTED AN EXPERIENCED BOOK cauvasHer. Addruaa T. B.. caro Tribune office, Scranton, Pa. Rooms Wanted. r ANTED FURNISHED ROOM WITH heat; central city. A. A.' Tribune office AUENTLEMAN WOULD LIKE TWO nico rooim In nrivnto bouse, central loca tion and modern Improvements. Address si fc hi. ha. NT, Trlimno oince. For Rent IAAAAAIIAAAWMIVWWWVVVVVVVWWWVVWI ?Ull KENT FURNISHED AND UNU'R-J- iiishcd rooms at 5U0 Lackawanna avenue. j"OR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST Lackawanna avenuo. Addros THOMAS E. EVANS, near 1132 Luzerne, Hyda Park. l?OR RENT NICELY FUJtNIBHEDHALL I suitable for loik'O rooms. JOHN JEK- MYN, 119 Wyoming ovenuo. Peal Estate. lAKMS KXCHANULD Fott HuUbKH ; NEST COM BUYS, Heal Estate Agent, li) Wiihlilnutiin. Prirn Building. Special Notices. I AM NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH EX 1 hibitinns ami lectme uuon anv sublect de sired. These exhibit ioim will be illustrateil, having in my noasesnion tho moat nowerful dissolving steiooptleons made. li. h. uall, rrinnne orace. VOU WANT THIS RELIC - REPRINT 1 Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weok y War Illustrations 1 Nil 18115. Two Volume Folio, SI0.50: vavaole uiontlily, S2.U0. Delivered by express complete. Prepaid. Addiess P, O. muudy, em unison sneer, scranton, ra. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAOA zinm. etc., bound or rebound ut The Tiimh'nu otlice. Quick work. Reanonable prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN Bli HAD AT 111 foinei Spruce street and Franklin ave nue. 1 weuty meal tickets lor fi.M. Uooa nbln board. Removal. 1)ETER S'I'IPP. CONTRACTOR AND 1 builder, hns removed f 10111 Snruce street to 327 Washingtuu uvenue, opposite Eureka L uii'lrv. Charter Application. VOTIC'B IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN M ' iiiinllciition will ba malo to the Coiirt of C minion I lens uf I.Hckawniiiiu rouiity. or one of the judircs thereof, on Monday, January 8. 1MI5, nt It o'clock a. m , under an net of assembly of tho Commonweaitn of Penn sylvania, ciititlo I "An act to provide for the incorporate)!! and rmruiation ot cerinin cor Loratinns." annroved the 29th of April, 1874, and suppii m'Jiita tl oreto. for tho cliarter of an intend! d curj oration to bo culled "The Jloiint .Ion I'rlinltivo mo iiouist Lniiri-n.or Pvnnnnd Archbald."tU4 character and objo t of which is to provide for and promote the worship 01 yumliiniv noil, nccoru leg to tlie fsith, dootrine, dic pi no anil iiKi'.'ct of tho Ptlinitivo Methoiist Churep, at d for tliote mirixises to have, timsi an I enjoy all the rig. its and bonllt.s or said act of res null anil us Rii(i)iejiiri,b oaui Hinica. tinn is now oil flic In tho Prothontnry's office of I ackaxanna rountir nt No. 278. Januaiy terra. I Wtt. CHaKLES 11LVER, Solicitor. Scranton. Pa , D c. 0. 1894. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED-BY VOUi.'O MAN kJ uwd 21. nsajtistaut lionkkeeuer. Collector np reiinrnl nMc Wi rk. RilfciretleeH. Aililress (1. 0 I!.. Tribune. CJI UATlON WANTED FOR WASHINO li.nni,i ... nlniimfla It. !hu Anv tf1-)! o1dri's I. B.. 8IH. North Sumner avenue, city. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUXO i V. willow as honsekeepo . Address Mrs. J. C 1726 Cedar avenue, avenue. Serunto 1, Pa. OITUATION WANTED AS TIOIHE- I.. u . 1 1. ... II .1.. ...L 1 hi u,'rr. iiiuj cunt, w 11 uu wuBiuii'f null ironing. Adlrcsi Mrs. E. Jacks 11, 800 Hamp ton street, citv. tliUATMl WNTED-BY A YOUNO n girl to do homework or to tali 1 care of children. Addriiu L. E., 725 Hlllni 'ie nvoniiL', t New York Produce Market. Uy the United Press. New York, Dec, 12. Flour Dull, steady. Wheat Qulut, firm; -No. 2 rod store and elevator, (iO'.iaOOc. ; afloat, e2iifi3c.; f. o. b., 61Vjaii25ic.;i ungraded red, 55a0lc; No. 1 northern, J9-c; options closed firm at Ha 4c over ' yesterday; May most active; sales Included No. 2 red January, 61c; February, b2c; March, C2v4c; May, 03V.; June, 37ic; July, ,6440.; December, 00c. Corn Dull, firm; 'No. 2, 56'ic elevator; 57'jC. afloat; ungraded mixed, 52c; No. 3, 48',i.a49c; options closed firm with De cember 'ic down and other months i-ic up; December, G4'4c. ; January, 63c. ; February, 63c; May, 64V4C Oats Dull, steady; options dull, neglected, easier; December, 34c; January, 84'ic; Feb ruary, :V)c; May. 3fi'-4c.; spot prices. No. 2, 34i3l'iiC.: No. t white. 88"lia39y4c ; No. 2 Chlcajro, 35sj,a35MiC. ; No, 3, 81c; No. 3 white, 3514c; mixed western, 34a3lir.; white do.. 39a42c; white state, 39u42c. Heef-Dull. Tlerced Heef-Dull. Cut Meats Qulot. Lard More active, firmer; western steam, $7.17ty; sales, 1,360 tierces at f7.ltiu7.17Vj: city, 6Hc; January, $7.20; December, $7.20 asked; May, $7.45, nom inal; refined, dull; continent, $7.60; South America, $8; compound, 5'4n5c Pork Quiet, steady; mess, $13.25nl4. Butter Quiet, fancy steady; state and Pennsyl vania, 12a22c. ; do. creamery, 17a23c. ; west ern dairy, lOVtalSc; do. creamery, 15a24c; do. factory, 10al6c; Elglns, 24c; Imitation creamery, 13a18c.; Juno creamery, lfia 21Mic Cheese Dull, fancy colored firm; state large, 9all!4c; do. fancy colored, llV.c; do. white, lOalli.; do. small, 9'da 12c; part skims, 8V4a9c; full skims, 2'sil.V. Eggs Dull, easy; state and Pennsylvania, 25u26Mic.; held fresh, 20a2tc; western fresh, 24a24'i,c. ; do. per case, 3a4; southern, 22a 24c; limed, ldttlO'.ic , 0 onnolly & Walkce INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS FOR THE HOLIDAY TRADE The five following numbers are tire Greatest 'Value we have ever been able to obtain We offer them at the following NO. 1. 50 doz. Fine Lawn, hem-stitched, put up doz. in a box. Price, 75c. a box. NO. 2. 40 doz. Pure Linen, hem-stitched, full size for gentlemen, 25c. each; very fine letter. NO. 3. 40 doz. Pure Linen, hem-stitched,in ladies' size, 25c. NO. 4. 100 doz. Jap. Silk, hem-stitched, size adapted for either ladies' or men's use. The greatest handkerchief bargain ever offered in Scranton. 29c. each.or $1.50 for doz. NO. S- 50 doz. Jap. Silk, large size, for men's use, or for ladies' mufflers, 48c, worth 7.5c. Every letter represented in above lots. CONNOLLY & Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here in FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. BEST AND Moosic Powder Co Rooms 1 and 2 Commowealtli Bld'g, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUSH DALE WORKS. Lafllln & Rand Powder Co.'f Orange Gun Powder Electric Batteries, Fuses for explod ing blasts, Bafety Fuse and Repanno Chemical Co.'s High Explosives A Derided Move In the Pkatfs trnao has sot In und It will pay von to exntnine tho stwk of JUK1SCH'8. at its Spruce street. Fine line of superior pocket cutlery, razors, etc. . fnr Holi day trade. Ounsand aimnutilt'ou at bottom ilKures. Als" some second liund heels at prices Unit will afctonlbh jou. Seeing ia believing lifll'S LAGER BEER BREWERY. Manufacturers of tho Celebrated PILSENER -LAGER SEER CAPACITY: 100,000 Barrels per Annum ROOF TINNING AND SOLDERING All dono awny with I y the use of HART MAN'H PATENT PAINT, which consists of Ingredients well-known to all. It can be applied to tin, unlvunlzud tin, sheet Iron roofs, also to brick dwcllnKs, which will prevent absolutely any crumbling, crack ing; or breaking of the brick. It will out last tinning of any kind by many years, and It's cost does not exceed one-llfth that of tho cost of tinning. Is sold by 'tha job or pound. Contracts 'taken by ANTONIO HAHTJIAJIN, 527 Birch St DKITKIt SIIOS CO., Iw'p. Capital, Sl.OOO.Oflj BUST Ol.fiO bllOR IN THE WOULD. "A dollar lattd It a dollar tamed." Thlsl.ulles' Solid French n(ola Kid Ttat ton Itoot delrrared freonywhrelD the U.S., on reoei)ioiuun, uomy unirr, rr 1'otUl Note for $1.A0. TiamU etory wit the boots old la all retail slorea (or J. SO, We nake this boot ourwlvM, therefore w guar ante tho ill, HtU and teear. and If any oh Ii not saUiflkd win reiuna ui money olid anol her mlr. Onara Toe or Common Benne, wldthi C. n, E, k SK, 1 to I and half i. Srnd your lite; it III you. Illuilrated Cata lotuo FBEE Dexter Shoe KoSiiii' Ladles Who Value Pow-I In. A refined completion maitnae Pouonl'i dor. It produoes a soft and beautiful akin. ittiinjiii:f wo rAt-K or n j mum mr m -'-m. CUT PRICES:-- WALLACE 209 h.!"S" Ave. bcranton by the CHEAPEST IRON BEDS IN TO OUR Scranton Bedding Go. Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many rat rons that thev will this year hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other brands. 1EGAR6EL Wholesale Agents. We have the following supplies of lumber secured, at prices that warrant us in expecting a large share of the trade : Pacific Const Ued Cedar Shingles. "Victor" and other Michigan Brands of White Pine and White Cedar Shingles, Michigan White and Norway Pine Lum ber and 3111 Timber. North Carolina Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pine. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Rails, Mine Ties, Mine Props and Mine Supplies in general. THE RICHARDS LUMBER COMPANY , COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, SCRANTON, PA. DID YOU KNOW? That we WILL GIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at MERCEREAU 307 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. EVERY WOMAN . SMnaUnsnedaKrallbl,Koiithlr,mtaltliiff mwllcln. Onlf himlMita4 lh9 purwt dru (hould be uJ. II jou want tho bait, gat Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal Pills Thar uo prompt, mfa mnt oarUln In ranlt Tha naaalne (Dr. tW'i) nTr JUap. noUL Baal aawharo, U.00. Addmw FalMjuoj Oa., UeTlud, O. For Saleby JOHN H. PHELPS, Sprue Street, Scranton, Pa. 41 tlil! 5 Thaarpatramady b. ..Ti ...H.H. ..rf. lor Sala by 0. M. HABBIS, DronUl each, or $1.35 for box of doz. Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated. THE CITY. patrons: Juniata County, Pennsylvania, Whit Oak. Sullivan County Hemlock Lumber anc Lutli. Tioga County Dry Hemlock Stock Boartls. Elk County Dry Hemlock Joists and Studding. & CONNELL Pharmacist, Cor. Wyoming Avenue and DR. MOTTO PILLS ornorrom proitrnllon dwI llnerTdlMaa of n. ,f idlhar utt aiinh an Knrvntia PnMtratlan. tail & CONNELL etpt or Lt Mautaoud, lmpotencr. Nlihtly Kmliona,outiifuj Krroray I MaiiUI Worr,exoaMilaBoi Tiibaooo or Opium, which load toConJ aunipilonand lnwnltr. With BTary order eirle a wrnuw guar- Sold at Ht.OO parboi. boreB 11 " Atwbu.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers