A Xavaqil EIGHT PAGES 50 COLUMNS. SCKANTOX, PA., THUIISDAY MORNING, DECEMKEB 13, 1S94. TWO CENTS A COPY. 1 JZ5i i .A. SUGAR Sfflffi DEFEATED Senate Pails to Consider l'orty-l'cr-Ccnt-Duty Amendment. AKE ALSO SHY ABOUT CLOTURE House Wrangles Over the Appropriation to Inforco tlio Collection of tho In come Tax-Day Set Apart for Eulo gies on .Myron 11. Wright. By the United rress. Washington, Dec. 12. The sonnto to day signified unmistakably its Intention not to be led into any tariff legislation fit this session. A motion to take up the house bill of last session mailing sugar free of duty, with tho finance committee's amendment to imposing a flat duty of 40 per cent, on sugar, unit r.bollshlng the differentials, was de featedthe vote being, yeas, 23; nays, 7. The attempt to get up Mr. Vest's cloture resolution was also defeated yeas, 24; nays, 34. After the disposal of Tome general business, the Nicar agua canal bill was taken up, and Mr. Gray (Dem., Del.) took the floor, lint he expressed a preference for taking ui ami acting upon Immediately the bills fur free coal, free Iron ore, and for Imposing a flat duty of 40 per cent, on all sugars, doing away with the differ entials of and 1,-10 ( t. He believed It to be the duty of the senate as a mnt ter of common justice and common re gard for the interests of the country to vote upon these bills at once. He, the'efore, moved to proceed to the con sideration of house bill to exempt sugars, molasses, etc., from duty the amendment reported from the (Inane? committee being to Impose a flat duty of 40 per cent, on all sugars. Mr. Berry (Dem., Ark.) demanded tho yeas and nays, and they were ordered. The vote was taken and the motion w as defeated yeas, 23; nays, 27, ns follows: Yeas Messrs. Hate, Berry, Blackburn, Cuffrcy.l'ocltrell, Coke, Faulkner, George, Gray, Harris, Hill, Hunton, Jarvis, Mo Laurin, Md'horson, Mills, 1'almer, Baseo, Bugh, Vest, Vllus, Walsh, Washbnrn-2;!. Nays Messrs. Aldrich, Allen, Allison, Blaiicharil, Culloni, Dolpli, Dubois, G il llnger, Hule, Hunsbrough, Hawley, Jlg glns, Hoar, Kyle, I-oiigu, McMlllln, Man dPison, Martin, Mitchell (Or.), Morrill, Puffer, l'erkins, l'lutt, Tower, Quay, ltoaeh, Teller 27. Mr. Vest (Dem. Mo.) 'then moved to take from the calendar his cloture reso lution, and that motion was also de feated yeas, 21; nays, J4. Among the negative votes were those of Messrs. Blanchard, Harris, Jones, Kyle, Mor gan, I'efTer, and Itoach. House Proceedings. By a vote of 127 to 54, taken by tellers, the house today refused to strike out of the urgent deficiency bill the Item of $245,095 to enforce the collection of the Income tax provided for in the tariff law parsed last session. The ap propriation was antagonized by Messrs. Bartlett and Cockran (Dems. N. Y.), the former of whom made n legal argument against the constitu tionality of the tax, and tho latter a vigorous protest ngainst the principle of taxation Involved. Mr. McMlllln (Dem. Tenn.), the author of the pro vision, defended the appropriation and the law, and used William Waldorf Astor, who now lives in England, by name, as an Illustration of tl)e expedi ency and justice of the tax. He said the law was on the statue book and would remain there a statement which evoked applause from the Demo cratic side of the chamber. The appropriation wus advocated by Messrs. Henderson (Rep. Ia.) and Can non (lit p. 111.). The ik fleiency also car ried an item of $250,000 for the payment of special pension agents, and this af forded an opportunity to General Hen derson (Rep. Ia.), Messrs. Daniel Ilen N. Y.), Morse' (Hep. N. Y.), Slekiis (Dem. N. Y.), and Bingham (Hop. Va.) to criticise the administration and poli cy of tho pension bureau. On motion of Mr. Scranton (Rep. Va.), the second Saturday In February, 1X1)5, at 2 o'clock, was not apart for the de livery of eulogies upon Myron' B. Wright, late a representative from Pennsylvania. LUMRLK DEALERS MEET. .Board of Managers of National Associa tion in Session. By the United Press. New York, Dec. 12. Tho board of trustees of the National Lumber Deal ers' association, and the board of man agers of the bureau of information of the same concern, have been In session at 'the general offices of the association, 18 Broadway, for the past two days. Business of Interest and importance to the wholesale lumber trade generally was transacted, and fiteps taken to place the association upon a firmer basis than ever. One of the most Important resolutions adopted was one providing for a com mlttee, which was named by the presi dent, to take up through the legal de partment the cases against fraudulent and dishonest dealers, and see thut prosecutions are vigorously pushed with a view to ridding tho trade of this class of leeches. TERRIBLE TORNADO. A .Methodist Church and Other Property Is Destroyed. By the United Press. Foiuythe, Oa., Dec. 12. A terrible tornado reached here about 3 a. m. to day. Many persona were injured and a property loss of from $30,000 to $50,000 resulted. The Methodist church, valued at $18,000 was completely destroyed. Tho people became panic stricken. Kvery fltore on the west side of tho public square Was unroofed and many other buildings had roofs torn oft and con tents deluged with water. The worst losers are C. M. Bloodworth & Co., Proctor and Huddleston mnd W, W. Hashworth, whose places were de molished. OIL PRODUCER SUICIDES. Andrew Jeutter Wows Off tho Top of His Head. By the United PreB. Bradfcrd, Pa... Dec. 12. Andrew Jeutter, an oil producer, committed suicide -at his home In Glllmore. near here, this morning by shooting himself With a shot gun. Mr. Jeutter, for some time past, has been operating In the Ohio oil field. He returned from that field about three weeks ago and has since been In bad health. This morn ing he rose and ate his breakfast as usual, and, after the meal, went up stairs. As he was passing out of the dinning room he picked up a shot gun belonging to his son. Sol, and carried it up stairs. Mrs. Jeutter heard him enter Sol's room, where he got a loaded shell and slipped It Into the gun. Ho then walked to the head of the stairs, placing tho gun barrel against the side of his head, pulled the trigger. The top of his head was blown off and the blood and brains were spat tered over the walls and celling. He leaves a widow, five sons and two daughters. BAKER WAS THE MAN. Samuel Scely Says Thut the Suicide Was Ills Only Confederate. By the United Press. Chicago, Dec. 12. John M. Crane, president of the National Shoe ' and Leather bank of New York, arrived here today and identified Samuel C. Seely, the defaulter. Scely declined to give Mr. Crane any Information, but expressed his willingness to return to New York If turned over to the United States authorities. In reply to the question, "Was any one besides Frederick Baker interested with you directly or Indirectly In this defalcation?" Seely promptly respond ed, "No sir, Baker was the man." Seely will be taken to New York tomorrow. STARTLING PRISON TALE. War Against Prison Labor Enforces Idle ness in an Ohio Institution und Convicts llccumc Insane for Want of Exercise. By the United Press. Columbus, O., Dec. 12. A very start ling story Is told by an olllcer ubout the unavoidable condition of things nt the Ohio penitentiary. There are 2,100 convicts confined there, only about 1,000 , them being employed nt work, the balance remaining in the idle house. This condition was brought about by the warfare waged against convict- made goods by labor organizations. The legislature last winter passed a law re quiring all prison-made goods to be labeled as such, thus almost completely shutting them out of the market. This made It necessary for tho big contrac tors to give up convict labor, and one result is that more than half the pris oners are idle. While they were at work, the big prison was more than Belf-supporting, but now It Is runnnlg away behind. Besides this, while the convicts were at work, many of them earned consider able money by overwork. This was either sent to their relatives or held for them. All this part of the story Is con firmed by the prison ofliclals. Now it Is claimed the idleness into which the prisoners have been forced has a bad effect upon their minds, and that three or four of them show signs of Insanity nearly every day, and to keep them from becoming raving maniacs they are compelled to run and jump and other wise vigorously exercise until they are completely tired out. The guards to whom the correspondent talked declare this is absolutely true, while their superior officers declare that they know nothing of such a state of affairs. The conditions which are not denied, however, make the story of tho guards very probable. FRANCE DECLARES WAR. Potions It Vp by Sending Munitions of Wur to Madagascar. By the United Press. London, Dec. 12. The correspondent of the Times at Berlin telegraphs that the Berliner Tageblatt has a dispatch from Port Louis, Mauritius, staling that a quarrel has broken out between the Queen of Madagascar and the prime minister, her husband. The dis patch further states that M. Le Myre do Vllers, tho French special envoy, has declared war ngainst Madagascar und has started for home. Marseilles, Dec. 12. Tho steamship Trasonaddy Is to leave thlH port tomor row with 3X0 marines and eighty tons of ammunition for Madagascar. STOLE 3,000 SHEE1. ' Wyoming Hunch man's Loss Through Dis honest Drovers. By the United Press. Indianapolis, Dec. 12. George W. Ed wards, of Rock Springs, Wyo., is here to recover 800 head of sheep now at Frankfort, Ind., stolen from him near his Wyoming ranch, Oct. 30. He start ed 3.0UO head from his ranch to Uaw lins on that date. The men in charge druve them to Klfle Creek, shipped them to Kansas City, and sold them. Mr. Ed wards was able to trace the sheep to Savannah, 111., and to Chicago, where they were sold. He recovered 1,100 head at La Fox, 111. County Officers' Fees. , By the United Press. Harrlsbtirg, Dec. 12. The cases In which the commonwealth Is attempting to re cover from certain county ollleers In Phil adelphia, Allegheny and Luzerne counties half of tho fees of their several officers under the uet of 1810, were argued today ItefnrA .lltflirtu Hlmnntnn nml M,ltiiur,n The amounts Involved are: Philadelphia, i.ira.iw; Allegheny, J(i8,liXi.(j; Luzerne, Death of George A. Yoho. By the United Press. Bethlehem, Pa., Dec. ' 12. George A. Yohedled hero this afternoon of paralysis, aged t2 years. Yohe was one of tho few survivors of Collins' expedition to Brazil In 1879, when the' steamer Metropolis waB sunk off Cape Hutteras. STATE PARAGRAPHS. The typhlod fever epidemic at Mt. Car bon continues unabated. Nearly $2,1X10 relief has been ruined. While' attempting to rob the houso of Patrick Hughes, near Pittsburg, Joseph Mosburg wus fatally shot by Hughes. After being -missed from home for twenty-four years, David Hale yestcr dey returned to his ased mother at New Cumberland. Rev. It. 8. Laws, a colored Baptist preacher of Pittsburg, was arrested on a charge of false pretense in passing p. worthless cheek. Property owners at Mlnernvtlle have de cided to sue the coal companies for al lowing the culm to get Into the creek and stop their drains. The prevalence of diphtheria In Spring uuy mis caused ui closing of the hlh school and the stoppage of revival meet ings at the Methodist Kulscopal church. Wearing tho clothes In which she Was to have been married, Alice Mohn ap penred In court nt Reading yesterday to prosecuto her faithless lover, George H. Dumpert. lie was convicted, "i 1. WILSOJUM) FROM Virginia's Statesman Thinks the Dem ocracy Should IJracc I'p, ITS IMPOTENCE REALIZED Ho Acknowledges the Utter Demoraliza tion of the Party but Advises the Fol lowers to Mukc an Dffort and Die in a Dignified Way, By the United Press. . Washington, Dec. 12. Mr. Wilson, of West Virginia, does not believe the pres ent ses.ilon should be a routine one, but that the chances of retrieving Democra tic supremacy depend on a full and solid record of reform legislation. "To do little or nothing," he said to a United Press reporter, "except pass the appropriation bills and the lean list of measures said to have been agreed on by some of our party leaders, would justify the charge that the Democratic party Is Incapable of affirmative and coherent politics. A bad party the country may tolerate for a while, and even vicious legislation, s the career of the Bepubllcan party abundantly shows, but an Impotent party everybody dis misses with ridicule and contempt. Tho country a.nd tihe Democratic party have a right to vote on the separate 'tariff bills sent to 'the senate, dealing with coal, Iron ore, eugar, free alcohol and barbed wllre, and there are some amendments to the administrative parts of the itariff bill suggested by tho treasury department 'thait call for ac tion." Mr. Wilson, who, 'at the time he spoke, had not heard of ithe senaito's action on Mr. Gr.iy's motion, expressed a strong opinion tha.t the senate substitute on sugar especially ought 'to pass. "Our treaty and trade relations with Ger many," he saild, "demanded ithe repeal of the discriminating tax against sugar, and protection of our people against the trust called for the repeal of theone- fighth protection on refined sugars." "Have you heard that opponents of the Income tax are told by friends of the trust that the repeal of these two differentials is in the Interest of that tax?" he was asked. "Yes; but on the contrary, such repeal would somewhat Increase the import of rellned sugar. add to our revenue and moderate the power of the trust over American con sumers. We should nlso pass a good banking bill. There is danger of the committee being asked to give too much time to hearings nfter It has" gotten through with the men whose counsel is renlly valuable. If the bill prepared by Mr. Carlisle amended and perfected, If need be, could be gotten through the house before the holidays, there would be ample time for Its consideration In the senate even with their present rules and, of course, my suggestions imply some change In these rules, for I believe that If our people do not adopt some form of previous question so that they may dispose of relief measures, the Re publicans will adopt it to pass their measure. There is a mighty difference between legislative decrees without deliberation, as we had In the Fifty-first congress, and legislation by unanimous consent, as seems to be the helpless condition of every largo legislative body without rules to bring measures to a vote. Under the latter system there can be no party supremacy and no response to popular verdicts. If we can deal with all these matters wisely and some others of minor Im portance we enn retire with dignity from tho stage and challenge our suc cessors to do us much for the people." PREMIER OF CANADA DEAD. Sir John Thompson Suddenly Expires ut Windsor Custlc. By tho United Press. London, Dec. 12. Sir John Thomp son, premier of the Dominion of Can ada, dlvd suddenly at Windsor castle this afternoon shortly after tho ad journment of the council which he went to Windsor to attend. After Sir John had been sworn In as a member of the queen's privy council ho sat at luncheon with the Marquis of Itlpon and others, when he was sud denly taken ill. Dr. Ellison, surgeon In ordinary to the household at Wind sor, was summoned, but Sir John was dead before the doctor arrived. Montreal, Dec. 12. Lady Thompson, who Is fit present in this city, seems to have had a premonition yesterday that something was wrong with her hus band. She confided her fears to Mrs, Ouimet, wife of the minister of public works, who laughed at her and sought to cheer her up. Lady Thompson Is much prostrated over tho announcement of her hus band's death. The entire city Is in mourning. . Ottawa, Ont., Dec. 12. The sudden death of Sir John Thompson has cast a deep gloom over this city, and Hags are Hying at half-mast on all public and many private buildings. DUUAN'S GOOD LUCK. Money Stolen from Ilim Twenty Years Ago Returns. By tho United Press. Philadelphia, Dec. 12. A special to the Rvenlng Telegraph from West Chester, Pa., says Thomas Dugan, of Downlngtown, Is happy over the unex pected receipt of $1100 which was re turned to him yesterday after twenty two years. Years ago Dugan, who is now poor, kept a saloon In Philadelphia and in 1S72 his place was robbed of $300. Yesterday a Catholfc priest alighted from a train at Downlngton and in quired for Dugan. When he found him he handed the ex-saloon keeper a pack age containing the money, which he said was from the man who burglarized his place. Recently the priest was called to take the dying confession of the burglar and he made a clean breast of It and gave the priest the money to return to Dugan. ROBBING MANIA. .Masked Men Enter a Jewelry Store and Hlflc the Proprietor's Pockets. By the United Press. Hrockwayvllle, Pa., Dec. 12. A daring hold-up occurred In this village last night. Two masked men entered E. B. Covin's Jewelry store at 8 o'clock and covering the proprietor with revolvers, ordered him to hold up his hands. Mr, Covlll did as directed. While one of the men Aimed his revolver at Mrs, Covlll, who was present, the other rifled Mr. Covin's pockets, taking his watch and pocketbook, containing $.",0. The robbers then turned out the lights, tied Mr. Covin's hands behind his back and attempted to gag him. Mrs. Covlll called for help. The robber who was tying him exclaimed to the other: 'Don't shoot;' we don't want to swing for'thls." He then pulled out a billy and struck Covlll a blow on the head and the two dashed for the door. A couple of men came up at this time, but the robbers drove thorn to cover by firing three shots at them and then escaped. RUN DOWN BY A TRAIN. Fatal Accident to Kansas Mudclra, a Dag- gagemastcr. By the United Press. Reading, Pa., Dec. 12. Kansas Ma deira, a baggage master on the Schuyl kill Valley division of the Pennsylvania railroad, residing In -this city, was run down by a passenger train In the depot at the foot of Penn street last nJght and sustained Injuries which will most likely prove fatal. He had asslated his wife from a train, when his attention was di rected to a child on the track. Just at that moment the train from Philadelphia rolled into 'the depot and in trying to save the child Madeira was run down. His head Is terribly cut on both sides and he sustained Internal In ¬ juries. The child was pulled off the track by Special Officer Schreffler. AN UNDERGROUND MINT. United States Marshals Unearth u Uung of Counterfeiters in Oklahumu Buckets Pull of IlogtiH Dollars Found. By the United Press. Guthrie, O. T., Dec. 12. A squad of deputy United States marshals have Just unearthed a powerful and danger ous gang of counterfeiters who have been -operating In connection with con federates In Missouri and other states. A chance word uttered by a member of the gang while Intoxicated led to a raid, and the subsequent lodging in .the Unit ed States Jail of the following liMiders of tho gang: Guy Harper, L. Craw ford, Joseph Tillery, Jesse Lickett and Sam Lickett. After shadowing these men three months the outlaws were caught, and unwillingly led ithe.tr cap tors to a cavern a few miles east of Per kins, used by the counterfeiters as a mint and general rendezvous. After lo cating the undeground mint the depu ties organised and armed themselves to the teeth, and at 2 o'clock Monday morning descended into the cavern, Af ter traversing a subterranean passage for 100 yards they burst in a door and covered twenty-live men with Winches ters. The counterfeiters had been trapped so adroitly, and wore so 'taken by sur prise, they failed to show fight, and scattered through hidden exits. Every man escaped. It afterward developed that the prisoners were the leaders of the gang, and that the nthers were only cappers, whose work it was to float the spurious coin. The officers gathered In three buckets full of counterfeit dollars, perfectly made, and two tubs full of dimes, quarters and nickels, besides a costly assortment of moulds' and other paraphernalia. The men had been operating In the cave nearly eight months, and mucin of the spurious coin was boxed and ex pressed to agents in western states. All the prisoners are educated and well dressed. Tillery was ait one time an employe in the mint at Philadelphia. The Lickett brothers resided in Per kins, where they were considered ex emplary young men. The prisoners so far are reticent and refuse to answer questions. M'KANE MAY WASH DISHES. The Famous Convict Hus Lost Ills Former Losy Job. By tho United Press. Sing Sing, N. Y., Dec. 12. Convict John Y. McKano is temporarily out of work. Since his Imprisonment McKano has had an easy job overseeing a gang of fellow convicts erecting new out buildings in the, prison yard. This work has been stopped on account of the contractors being unable to furnish material, and will not be resumed until next spring. Warden Sage wilt have to find a new Job for the ex-boss of Coney Island, und may put him to work In the kitchen washing dishes. This place was filled by a boodle alderman when he was serving a term at Sing Sing. ABUSED THE INSANE. Horrible llurburity Practiced in a British Columbia Asylum. By the United Press. Victoria, B. C, Dec. 12. The report of the royal commission appointed to In vestigate the Provincial Asylum for the Insane at New Westminster was laid before the legislature yesterday. It shows a horrible state of affairs at that Institution. Patients are treated with the utmost cruelty and barbarity, flog ging, dark cells and ice cold water baths being among the favorite meth ods of subjugating refractory patients. A reorganization of tho staff will be proceedfcd with Immediately. Princo Adolphus .Married. By the United Press. London, Dee. 12. The marrlge of Princo Adolphus of Teck, brother of the Duchess of York, to Lady Margaret Grosvenor. daughter of tho Duke of Westminster, the richest peer in tho United Kingdom, took place in the chapel at Katon hall, Chester. one of the Beuts of the Duke of Westmin ster, at noon today. Under Civil Service Law. By the United Press. Washington, Dec. 12. The president to day Issued an order placing the entire In ternal revenue service under the pro visions of the civil service law. , TELEGRAPHIC TICKS. Footpads robbed Isaac Stein, a farmer, of $7,126 on the road near Bowling Green, Ky. Bernardo Fogllo, the New York wife murderer, has been arrested at Natchez, Miss. The Dwlght Manufacturing eompanv, of Chlcopee, Muss., will build a $GU0,OU0 cotton mill near Ulasdcn, Alu. For swindles aggregating $20,000 Presi dent Whipple, of the Crawford (Neb.) Bunking- company, hus been arrested. A little stage blaze almost started a panic In a New Bedford theater while Kate Claxton and Mme. Junauschek Were playing. For a second refusal to toll the Salt Lake City grand Jury the name of a so ciety woman caught In sin, Chief of Po lice Pratt wus again jailed in contempt. DEFENDS GOVERNOR WHITE Rev. Myron V. Rccc's Address to the Labor Delegates at Denver. PUBLIC DOMAIN ALL GONE. The People Cannot Go to tho Nortli, Fast, South or Wcst-Bclcguto McUuirc Do plorcs the Introduction of Sectarian or Captious Side Issues. By the United Tress. Denver, Col., Dec. 12. President Gompers called the convention of labor delegates to order promptly at 9 o'clock this morning for active work. The executive council reported upon boycott cases (submitted during the year. In the case of the Rand-McNally Publishing company, with the Interna tional Typographical union, the posi tion of the union was endorsed. The garment workers of New York were endorsed In their contest with the firm of Meyer, Johnson & Co., New York, over the sweater system and method of fixing wages. In conclusion the report says: "Those establishments having pre viously earned the displeasure of or ganized labor and with which satis factory arrangements were subse quently made have been reported from time to time through the columns of our official magazine." The programme committee reported resolutions to abolish the ofllce of presi dent of the Federation of Labor; the re duction of palarles of other officers and the adoption of the referendum princi ple In the convention proceedings. New resolutions on many topics were sub mitted by tittle and referred. The Itev. Myron W. Heec was then Introduced and delivered an address. He reviewed the great rise of millionaires during his lifetime. The public domain is now ull gone so 'that the people can not go east, west, north or south. They can only go up or down. He defended Governor Waite and declared that he had done what no other governor of any state had done; he called out the militia In defense of the poor. He believed in laboring men standing by their jobs. Delegate P. J. McGuIre read a resolu tion deploring the Introduction of any sectarian or captious side Issues among the working people, ns auch movements are destined to divide forces and pro duce bitter antagonisms, religious big otry, provoke rancorous Intolerance and divert the working people from their higher purposes. The resolution is as follows Kesolved, That we here and now re affirm, as one of the cardinal principles of the trade union movement, that tho working people.must unite and organize Irrespective of creed, color, sex, nation ality or politics. This was unanimously adopted with out dis-sent and the convention then ad Journed. HE SHOT AT BURGLARS. W.J. Davis, of Forest City, Properly He ceives .Midnight Visitors. Special to tho Seranton Tribune. Forest City, Dec. 12. Forest City was again visited bv tho kniirhia nf thr dark lantern this morning about 1 o clock. Tho place selected for the rob bery was the clothinir stove nf W T Davis. The burglars had nearly pried the front door open when the noise awakened Mr. Davis, who lives In the story above. He raised the front win dow quietly and saw a man standing near the lamp post. Mr. Davis called to him mid he throw his hands tin as tho crlitterimr of a r,. volver caught his eye. At that moment the other two men who were working nt the door Jumped out upon tho sidewalk. Mr. Davis fired two shots at them and one at tho man who had been stnndlnu- at the post, as he attempted to run. it Is thought that one of the men was struck, ns ho fell but afterward arose ana ran. a party started In pursuit but none of the liiirirlnrs wore ciintnv,.,! This Is the fourth attempt of robbery at Mr. Davis' place since he has resided nere. GOVERNOR'S VISITORS. General Hustings Receives Prominent Pennsylvania Politicians. By the United Press. Bellefonte, Pu., Dec. 12. Colonel Lambert, General Hastlng's nominee for Insurance commissioner, spent this evening with the governor-elect. Among tlhe other callers wis a delegation from Schuylkill county, supposed to be in the interest of a factory Inspector appoint mant, consisting of Congressman Brumm, Senators Coyle and Keafer, Captain leaner and County Chairman E. Burd Payne. Dr. W. W. Meyers, of Philadelphia, was up looking after a quarantine office. Other visitors were Captain J. M Clark, of Lawrence county; Dr. James A. Date, of York; J. H. Hageiity, of Elk, and B. K. Foeht and Captain Miller, of Lewlsburg. THE ARMENIAN OUTRAGES. Reported Orders to Uusslan Troops The Proposed Investigation. By tho United Press. London, Dec. 12. An Odessa dispatch to the Dally News says It Is reported from Tlliis, Russian Transcaucasia, that the commander of the chief army of the Caucasus has ordered that the strongest force on the frontier be echeloned on the boundary adjacent to the scene of the recent Armenian out rages. A dispatch from Constantinople to the same paper says there Is reason to believe that an arrangement will be made by which the report of the Tur kish commission will be controlled. It Is probable that under this new de velopment the outcome will be united action by Rime or all powers. Mr. Jewett, the American special commis sioner, will not be ordered to report. President Cleveland stipulated that his report should be an Independent one, but this, It appears, did not coincide with the Intentions of tho Porte. Ills presence will not be needed if the powers send delegates. The largest suggestion Is ' to nume the English, Russian and French consuls at Era erum only, but this has not been de cided yet. A dispatch to the Standard from Varna says that the Sultan of Turkey on his own Initiative, has Invited all powers signatory to the Berlin treaty to send delegates with the Turkish commission appointed to Inquire Into tho Armenian outrages. It Is supposed that he has taken this action In the hope that one or more of the powers will decline to send delegates and thus frustrate collective action. STATE GRANGE MEETING. Proceedings at Annuul Sessions of tho Patrons of Husbandry, By the United Press. Harrisburg, Pa., Dec. 12. At tonight's session of the state grange the report of the representative of the legislative committee was adopted In its entirety. The report favors the tax bill which Is now In the hands of the state tax conference, and which will be made public the last of December. It commends the liberal appropriation from the state treasury to the school fund and recommends a system of dis tribution of this state appropriation based upon tho number of teachers, rather than upon the number of tax- ables in a district. They protest against any change In the anti-oleomargarine law of 18S,r,, passed mainly by the grangers' efforts, and favor an ample appropriation to the dairy and food commissioner to en force the present law. They favor the bill recommended by Secretary Edge, of the State Board of Agriculture, relating to tuberculosis. PK00F OF HAWARD'S PLOT. An Insurance .Man Comes ForwurJwith Evidence That Miss (iing's .Murder Was Deliberately Planned. By the United Press. Minneapolis, Dec. 12. New evidence against Harry Hayward has been found, indicating that the plan to mur der Miss Ging was carefully planned. It also affirms In a measure the confes sion of Bllxt that Hayward Intended to burn tire Ozark flats. Benjamin H. Gilbert, an insurance man, relates tho incidents of a conversation ho had with Hayward Wednesday, Nov. 2S, five days before the night of the mur der, und the conversation points to the corroboration of Bllxt's testimony thnt Harry had not fully decided I to put the girl out of the way until the Friday or Saturday before the shooting oc curred. Mr. Gilbert, who lias known Harry for years, was conversing with a gentleman In a store when Harry ap peared. "After a few exchanges of greetings," said Mr. Gilbert, "Harry stated that he had been making a friend a loan who was about to start In business In Nicol let avenue. The security offered was not sufficient and, he said, the friend had offered to assign a policy In the New York Insurance company to him as collateral. He did not state the amount or mention the Travelers' In surance company. He said he had the policy in 'his possession. He then asked me about methods of assigning policies and I explained to him in detail. He pulled out a blank and I showed him how a policy should be assigned. He then asked a. few questions about pay ment of claims, etc., and said: 'How is it if a person insured in any company was in a building and the building burned and t'hey were burned so badly that they could not be recognized Would the company pay the claim?' "I explained that the company would require absolute proof of Identification of the remains." " 'Suppose a person Is murdered, would the company pay the claim?' was the next question in a matter of fact way. I told him that would not release the company If the fact that the insured was dead was proved. Then he commenced to talk about Pitzel's case In Philadelphia and I told him of the efforts the companies made to fer ret out the murderers. I did not think anything of the conversation until Sun day morning, when I read the account of the murder and Harry Hayward having the policies. I did not think it strange that he asked these questions, because people often do when policies are asslgnd. I am very sure now that he Intended to either murder the girl or burn her by firing the Ozark fiats and decided that shooting would be the quietest and surest way." An Fx-Postinuster Jailed. By tho United Press. Altoona, Pa., Dec. 12. Somo time ago ex-l'ostmaster John Troxell was arrested on the charge of embezzling government funds while he was In control of the of llce. at Portage, Cambria county. Today he was given a hearing before Vnlted States Commissioner Graff us In this city und held for court In tho Bum of $1,0U0 bail. This not being forthcoming ha wus taken to jail at Pittsburg this afternoon. Stephenson Found Guilty. By tho United Press. New York, Dec. 12. Kx-Pollco Cnptaln Stephenson, who has been on trial the past few days charged with accepting bribes from merchants who used tho side walks for the display of their goods in violation of a city ordlnanco, wus late this evening found guilty as charged. Tho maximum penalty Is imprisonment for ten years and a flue of $5,000. Tho minimum is Imprisonment for one year. Income Tax Regulations. By the United Press. Washington, Dec. 12. The Income tnx regulations containing about Tii.umt words will bo Issued by Secretary Carlisle to morrow. The general character of the regulations was discussed with tho presi dent before Secretary Carllslo and Com missioner Miller. Politics Unsettled His Mind. By tho United Press. Phvlnfleld, N. J Dec. 12. John Ulrleh was taken to thfe state asylum for the In sane lust night. He Is 37 years of age and has been a prominent figure In state poli ties in New Jersey. Political disapolnt nient and financial difficulties unsettled his reason. . Killed by a Uurglur. By tho United Tress. ' Cleveland, O., Dec. 12. William II. Price, a member of the firm of printing press manufacturers, Chandler & Price, was almost Instantly killed by a burglar at his home, 124 Hawthorne avenue, at 2.30 o'clock this morning. HEARD OVER THE CABLE. President Burdean, of tho French cham ber of deputies. Is very ill. Seven hundred French troops have ar rived at Tumutrave, Madagascar. By the signing of tho convention be tween Cape Colony and South African re public otllcluls, Great Britain guts final possession of the rich Swazilund. Votes of thanks from prlvato und polit ical societies of Hungary for tho sign ing of the ecclesiastical freedom bills are pouring In upon Emperor Francis Joseph. - W EATHER REPORT. For eastern Pennsylvania, fair; cooler; west winds. pINLEYS SPECIAL SALE OF For the next ten days the lowest prices on record will prevail in this department. FIXE L1XE OP E Also Priestley's Standard Silk Warp Henriettas and Eudoras; Cravenettes, etc., a specialty. SELECT YOUR Christmas Presents Now, before the line gets too much broken up. FOUR SPECIALS IN fli .) UUU, VI. IV UlIU VI' FIN LEY'S 010 and 512 Lackawanna Ave. H. A. KINGSBURY THE VERY BEST. SI3 SPRUCE ST., SCRANTON, PA. FOR A CHRISTMAS PRESENT for your boy get him a pair of Storm King BooU or a pair of Shoes that will stand all sorts of sport und protect the boy'a health. LEWIS, REILLY & DAVIS, Wliolsa'a and Retail. STORE OPEN EVENINGS. ( I HAVE Just returned from New York buying Holiday Goods. We aro receiving them daily. YOU ARE CORDIALLY IPITED to call and see our fine line of Jewelry and Novelties, whether you buy or not N. B.Look at our show windows as you pass. W. J. WEIGHED 408 SPRUCE STREET, 9 EXCLUSIV AGEXT FOR rati mi LEWIS, REILLY& DAV1ES NEAR DIME BANK,