The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 11, 1894, Image 1

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    4 S
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The Nicoraugua Situation Is Dis
cussed at Length in the Senate.
Into a landslide about six miles south
of the city early this morning,
The train was running down a steep
grade making It almost Impossible to
control It. The engine and a dozen
freight cars were overturned and Engi
neer Kirk, his fireman and the head
brakeman, Klrkland. were caught and
buried In the debris. Klrkland Is th
only one whose injuries are likely to
rove fatal,
Senators Morgan and Mitchell Think That
I'nclc Sara Should Control the Ditch.
Mr. Call Wonts to Stop tho
Korean War.
Ey tho United Press. N
Washington, Dec. 10. In the absence
of the vice president, the senate was
called to order by Mr. Harris (Pern.
Tenn.). Mr. Cull (Dem. Fla.) offered a
resolution reciting that the Independ
ence of Cuba was an ob?et of great
Importance to the United States and re
questing ithe president to open nego
tiations with Spain for the recognition
of the Independence of the island and
for the guarantc 2 by the United States
of the navment for such a sum of
money as shall be agreed on. On oh
jection it went over.
Mr. Call also offered a resolution de
claring "that the further prosecution
of war between China and Japan to the
disintegration of the ancient govern
ment and nationality of China will
not be advantageous to the peace and
civilization of the nations of the world
and their progress in the arts and that
the Interests of the world require that
all governments shall unite in nego'
tiating with Japan nd China for the
termination of the war and the settle
ment of their differences by arbitration
on terms just and honorable to both
nations and fur such guarantees by
the government of China for the pn
teetion of lives and property of the
citizens and subjects of foreign gov
ernments as shall be adequate for this
Referred to the foreign relations com
Mr. Allen (Pup. Neb.) complained of
the fnillure of the attorney general to
furnish certain correspondence as to
the Chicago strike last summer, which
had been called for by a resolution
adopted by the senate at that time.
He addressed the senate on the gen
neral subject of the strike.
Morgan Favors Nlcaraugua Canal.
The main feature of Interest In to
day's session, however, was Mr. Mor
Ban's speech in favor of the Nicaragua
canal bill. He declared that the gov
ernment of the United States In con
trolling the . operation of the cana
would not Interfere In tho least with
any treaties between Nicaragua and
CoMta Rica and the foreign govern
ments; that no foreign government had
lndleatfHl any objection to control of it
by the United States; that It would not
be a departure from the Monroe doe
trine, or an abrogation of the Clayton
Eulwer treaty; and yet that It was the
nearest possible approach to govern
ment ownership of the canal. In con
elusion he declared that the United
States must act now or forever abandon
the canal, and he did not think the
American people were willing to aban
don It.
Mr. Morgan held the attention of the
senate and galleries until 4 o'clock
when he was followed by Mr. Mitchell,
(Rep., Ore.), who briefly indorsed the
remarks of Mr. Morgan and favored
the canal as being in the Interest of the
Pacific states. Ills only doubt, he said,
was as to the extent of Interest an
control which the United States should
Nothing Accomplished In the House.
Today's session of the house was de
voted to the consideration of business
pertaining to the District of Columbia,
but nothing was accomplished. Th
bill to establish a public library In the
city of Washington was discussed four
hours and then referred to the commit
tee on public buildings and grounds.
Another bill, authorizing corporations
In the district to renew their existence
in terms of twenty years, by vote of the
stockholders, was withdrawn without
Quantities of the Villainous Drug
Brought from Canada,
Thorough Investigation of Official Mis
conduct lit I'ottsvillc Will He Made.
By the United Press.
Pottsville, Pa., Dec. 10. As the result
of investigations by the Republican
county auditors Into alleged abuses at
the county almshouse, the prominent
ministers of this county assembled here
today and Issued a call for a puhllc
meeting next Monday, at which plans
will be formulated for a thorough In
vestigation of the alleged ofllclal mis
Affidavits and other evidence charge
Steward Hartman With Immoral coir
duct with Inmates of the almshouse and
several directors are charged with
drunkenness. Disgraceful orgies with
Inmates and permitting the comming
ling of sexes are also charged against
Exceptions Filed to Account of Henry T.
Kendall and Pennsylvania Company
Allegations of tho Kxccptonts.
By the United Press.
Lebanon, Pa., Dec. 10. In the court of
common pleas today exceptions were
filed to the account filed by Henry T
Kendall and the Pennsylvania com
pany for Insurance on lives and
granting annuities, assignees In trust
for the benefit of creditors of Robert If.
Coleman. The exceptants are attorneys
for the Chest Creek Coal and Coke com
pany and the First National bank, of
Tyrone, Pa. They have filed twenty
eight exceptions to the account. At
torneys for Michael Rellly, of Lancas
ter, have filed the same exceptions.
In brief, the exceptants allege thnt
the account Is Irregular In form, does
notproperlychargethe accountant with
the amount of the Inventory and does
not state the account so as to Inform
creditors and persons Interested as to
the real condition of the estate In tho
assignee's hands; that the accountants
are not warranted In operating the fur
naces at the expense of the assigned e'
tate; that the account does not show the
cost of operating the furnaces after
date of the assignment. The assignees
are charged with having erred In not
accounting for property valued at $261,-
381.12; with having erred In paying and
taking credit for sums amounting to
$153,571.33, for which it Is demanded that
they be discharged. They are
charged with charging exorbitantly for
services rendered; with not charging
themselves with all moneys received by
them and with selling the estate of the
assigned to the Lackawanna Iron and
Steel company at a sacrifice.
The exceptants reserve the right to
further exceptions and except the gov
eral Items of credit asked for until the
samehavebeen satisfactorily explained
11c Is Alleged to Novo Made a Proposition
to Pay $50 Per Month Hush Money
to the United States Cus
tom Officials.
lift, and the three, with the assistance
of a policeman, succeeded In overpow
ering the man. Ho was taken to tho
lockup, where he became violent and It
took five men to put him In a cell.
The prisoner was arraigned before
Judge Turnbull today and said he was
George Roe, of Philadelphia. He showed
signs of Insanity and was locked up
pending an Investigation.
Hugh O'Neill Fxplres Soon After Ills Re
lease from tho Penitentiary.
Ey tho United Press.
Philadelphia, Dec. 10. Hugh O'Neill,
who was pardoned from the Eastern
penitentiary last Friday by President
Cleveland, where he was servlnrr a two
years and six months sentence for con
:: spiracy to make a fraudulent election
return in this city, died today. O'Neill
was attacked with consumption soon
after he was sentenced In August, 1893.
The offense for which O'Neill was con
victed was committed during tho con
test In the third congressional district
In November, 181)0, between William Mc-
Aleer, (Dem.), and Richard Vaux, (Ind.
Dem). O'Neill was a minority Inspec
tor of election.
Prcsldont Von Levetzow Requested to
Sanction Proceedings Against Socialists.
By tho United Press.
Berlin, Dec. 10. Chancellor B. Von
Hohenlohe has Informed Herr Von Lev
etzow, president of the reichstag, that
he socialist members of that body
who remained seated and refused to
take part In the cheers for the emperor
called for by President Levetzow at
last Thursday's sitting may be pro3e
cuted upon charges of lose majeste.
The public prosecutor has requested
President Von Levetzow to give his
sanction to the criminal prosecution of
the deputies.
Blitz, Who Murdered Miss Glng, Breaks
Down Completely.
By tho United Press.
Minneapolis, Dec. 10. Claus A. Blitz,
the confessed murderer of Catherine
Glng, is a pitiable object today.' Now
that the awful secret whleh he held
lias been revealed he seems utterly
shattered. The tears coursed down his
cheeks. Every few minutes he sends
for Chief of Police Smith, whom he
seems to regard as the only friend (he
has on earth, and breaks out into la
mentations over his hard fate. Ml
nignt long tne nerve-shattered mur
derer was haunted with the face of his
victim. His eyes had a wild look and
he was actually afraid to be alone In
cell No. 13.
I want to tell my story and then
die, he said continually.
Jailer McKenna drew a chair up In
front of his cell door about midnight
and remained with him during the rest
of the nlfj'ht. The prisoner passed the
greater part of the night pacing up and
down In the cell. The authorities ex
press some fear of his mind giving way.
The grand jury began consideration
of the Glng murder case this afternoon
It Is possible that no Indictment will
be returned against Adry Hayward or
that If any Is returned that his case
will never come to trial. It Is Impos
slble to have him as a witness and tho
authorities will no doubt so arrange
matters that ho cannot get away until
after his testimony has been nken.
When Harry Hayward, who Is con
fined In the St. Paul Jail, for fear of
mob violence, was shown the morning
papers containing the confession of
lillxt, he became quite blasphemous
The confession, he declared, was a tin-
sue of falsehood.
The belief is growing that Harry
Hayward made use of hypnotism to
gain so strong an Influence over his
victims. Blixttoldtheofricers thnt Hay
ward had controlled him with hyp
nottsm as he had Miss Glng. He said
whenever Harry told him to do any
thing and he refused, Harry would
muke a few passes at him with his
hands and the result was that he did
whatever Hayward told him.
Buss I.ucky ond Tom Roc Aro Surrounded
hy Marshals.
By the United Press.
Muskogee, I. T., Doc. 10. Attorney
Jackson lias received a message from
Deputy Tolbert stating that he ond
two other deputies hnve Buss Lucky
and Tom Roe, two of the Cook gang,
surrounded In a house fifteen miles
south of Tulsa, and that they are wait
lng for reinforcements before their
break Into the house.
The Cook gang Is now scattered and
members are working separately.
Frolght F.nglno Overturned and a Drake
man Fatally Injured.
By tho United Press.
Oil City, Pa., Dec. 10. A Western
New York and Pennsylvania freight
train o " Saw Castle division ran
By tho United Tress.
Philadelphia, Dec. 10. William B.
Pettlnglll, who was arrested here last
week on the charge of smuggling the
drug phenacetlne Into the United
States, and who then attempted to
bribe customs officers, was given a
hearing before United States Commis
sioner Bell today. Special Treasury
Agent John C. Gallen, upon whose af
fidavit Pettlnglll was arrested, told of
his search of Pettlnglll's place and the
finding of five one pound packages of
phenacetlne. The witness then stated
that Pettlnglll Bald to him after the
arrest that "this Is a small matter and
I will muke It Interesting for you. I
will give you and the other men $50
each and gunrantee you $50 a month
If you will let up on me and let me sell
the drug In your district. The witness
declined and told the prisoner he was
after his principals. In the United
States marshal's office the treasury
agent tried to find out who the others
In the Bchome were. Pettlnglll said he
got the drug from North Adams, Mass.,
but refused to tell who the others In the
business were.
Customs Inspector John Johnson cor
roborated Gallen as to Pettingill's offer
of "hush money." The prisoner offered
$50 first, and afterward said he would
give $100 cash and $100 a month if they
would "let up on him" and allow him
to work the district. They were to
keep him posted," and, Johnson slated,
warn him ir there was danger of his
getting Into trouble. Customs Inspector
Harry Martin, who was with Gallen
and Johnson when Pettlnglll was taken
Into custody, gave similar testimony.
and in addition said the defendant
asked him If he thought Gallen would
let up on, him If he gave the other par
ties away. The witness asked Gallon,
and the latter said fu? would make no
Lewis H. llovey, jr., who said he was
employed by W. H. Schlelllin & Co.,
and Gallon, Dlckerson & Brown, of
New York, to detect frauds in the Im
portation of phenacetlne, testified that
he saw the defendant In New York on
Sept. 6. The man wns offering phenace
tlne to a druggist and wns arrested. He
gave his name as Arthur Armstrong,
and after making a statement was al
lowed to depart. In his statement he
alleged that he was employed by the
Brown Electrical company, of Sumner
street, Boston.
Flcctricul Company a Myth.
The witness visited Boston and failed
to find any such firm as the Brown
Electrical company. In a recent con
versation here with Hovey, the de
fendant admitted thnt his name was
W. B. Pettlnglll and said he had oper
ated In Springfield, Mass. He also ad
mltted registering as O. C. Foster In
the Queen's Hotel, Montreal, Canada,
The defendant told the witness that he
procured the drug from the firms of
Kerry, Watson & Co., and Lyman, Sons
& Co., of Montreal. The witness be-
lleved the drug was brought through
by Pullman car conductors, but Pettlii'
gill would not "give them away." Law
yer James M. Beck, who represented
Pettlnglll, contended that no case had
been made out against his client, and
that there was no Inducement to smug-
gle the drug, the profit being sufficient
after the payment of duty. Lawyer
Beck held that there had been no proof
that the drug seized had been smuggled
but United States District Attorney
Ingham argued to the contrary. The
commissioner ruled that the evidence
of smuggling and attempted bribery
were clear, and he held Pettlnglll In
$1,250 ball for court.
The drug Is made In Germany, where
It sells for 18 cents an ounce. In this
country the price Is from 85 to 95 cents
an ounce, the duty being 23 per cent,
Father Kills the Man Who Came to F.lopc
with His Daughter.
By the United Press.
Henderson, Ky., Dec. 10. A shooting
took place near Clay, In Webster coun
ty, Friday night, in whleh John Clay
ton shot and killed Jesse Driver. Driv
er was a neighbor of Clayton, and was
a lover of his 14-year-old daughter.
He had been forbidden to came on the
Clayton farm, but persisted In his at
tentions to the girl. Friday Clayton
learned of a plan agreed upon between
Driver and bis daughter to elope that
As .Driver approached the house In
his buggy he was mot by Clayton, shot
gun In hand. What passed between
the men Is not known, but thlB morn
ing Driver's dead body was found In
the road. Clayton fled after the killing
and is still at large.
Annual Meeting of American Federa
tion at Denver.
President Compcrs Discusses Various
Events in Labor World and Defends
Hailroud Strikes-Thinks the Ques
tion Cannot Bo Arbitrated.
Indian Territory Tough Kills His
Would-Bo Captor.
By the United Press.
Claremore, I. T., Dec. 10. Deputy
Marshal John Beard, of this place, was
shot and instantly killed yesterday
while attempting to arrest Jim Price, a
local tough wanted by both the United
States and the Cherokee authorities.
Deputy Marshals Beard and Pulse went
after Price, who got the drop on them.
Beard stepped behind his wagon and
took a snap shot at Price, who returned
the fire with a Winchester, the ball
piercing Beard's body.
After driving Pulse off Price fled to
the brush, saying he was going to join
the Cooks.
The Missing Bookkeeper of the Shoe and
Leather Bank Has been Identified at
By the United Press.
Chicago, Dec. 10. Samuel Seely,
anted in New York for forgery and
the larceny of $354,000 while an assist
ant book-keeper In the National Shoe
and Leather bank of that city, Is under
arrest In this city. He is passing un
der the assumed name of Frank J,
Dale, and denies that he Is the man
Seely has hanged his appearance
somewhat by cutting and dying his
moustache and by cutting his hair
short, but It has been of no avail, and
makes but little difference in his looks,
He has even filled his hair with cos
metics to make It smooth. He Is non
committal and will have nothing to
His arrest came about In a very pecu
liar way. About 10 o'clock tonight t
man of small build and partly under
the Influence of liquor came into Cen
tral Police station and asked If the
police department did business at that
time of night. The officer whom he
first accosted did pot consider him
worth wasting time on and referred him
to some one else for Information. The
unknown man then walked over to the
desk sergeant and said: "I want
man to arrest Seely, of New York. I've
been with him a week and now I want
to give him up."
Seely was taken from a fashionable
boarding house at 496 La Salle avenue.
where he has been boarding for the
past two weeks. He has been living in
quiet, going out very little and ap
parently had no business to attend to,
He was considered a gentleman of
Seely was locked up In the Central
station for the night and the New York
officials were advised by wire of hla
arrest. '
Tho Financial Bottom of Newfound'
land llus I alien Out.
By the United Tress.
St. Jdhns, N. V., Dec. 10.-A financial
crisis prevails here. The Commercial
bank of Newfoundland has closed Its
doors, and several Newfoundland
commercial firms have failed. The gen
eral belief Is that with care the crisis
will be tided over. The Immediate
cause Is the suspension of Brewse, Hall
& Morris, of London, financial agents
of several Newfoundland firms.
The excitement Js Intense. The gen
eral public blame the administration
for the crisis, and the feeling agalnit
them is outer.
Robert F. Kneebs Arrested for Faking on
Berlin Tracks.
By tho United Press.
Berlin, Dec. 10. Tho case of Robert
F. Kneebs, who was arrested a short
time ago on the charge of "ringing'
horses on the German tracks, was again
heard today and the prisoner was ad
mltted to ball in the sum of 10,000 marks,
Kneebs entered and Btarted a mare on
the Berlin track under the name of
Nellie Kneebs.
It wns suspected that th mare was
none other than the American mare
Bethel, whose record was 2.10. Kneebs
was arrested and abundant evidence
was found to hold him upon a criminal
charge. He will sail as soon as posslbl
for the United States by way of Liver
Partners of Sam F.vans Arc In Durunco
By tho United rres9.
Fort Worth, Tex., Dec. 10. Sam
Evnns, by his confession In jail here,
Implicates John Ward, Walter Sullivan
and Walter Gardner, all farmers Uv
lng close to the scene of the Ben Brooks
train robDery, and the police aro con
fide.nt of having a elenr case against
all four now locked up for tho robbery,
Evans says that the booty was dlvld
ed at itlie scene and the robbers separ
ated to merit again nnd hold up a train
on the Central road.
AntUtoxIne effected several quirk cures
of diphtheria at New Koehelle, N. Y.
rne sworn or unpuun John Mason, a
horo of the Pcquot war, wus presented to
the New London (Conn.) Historical so
Willis Holmes, aged 4 years, of La-
porto, Ind., Is suld to bo able to carry his
father, who weighs 175 pounds, with ap
parent ease.
Mr. Boyllff's Hurd Struggle with a Stran
gcr In Ills Barn.
By tho United Press.
Arllngton.N. J., Doc. 10. George Bay
llff, a member of the firm of Bayllff
Schuler, of North Arlington, was awak
cned at S o'clock this morning by
noise in his burn. He got up, dressed
himself and taking a pistol went out to
Investigate. He found a big man
the barn acting strangely. Bayllff told
the man to run, but Instead of doing
so the fellow sprang for him. Bayllff
then shot him in the fleshy part of the
arm. .
The man grabbed Bayllff by the
throat and was choking him, but his
on and a neighbor, hearing the shot,
went to the barn and helped Mr. Bay-
By the United Press.
Denver, Col., Dec. 10. The American
Federation of Labor convened In an
nual session this morning in Odd Fel
lows' hall. President Samual Gompcrs
calling the delegates to order. Fully
100 representatives of national trades
unions were present to participate In
what Is considered to promise the
greatest meeting ever held In America
for the cause of labor.
Occupying seats of honor on the plat
form were: John Burns, M. P., and
David Holmes, M. P., representatives
of the United Trades unions of En
gland, present upon Invitation from the
American Federation. While not dele
gates to this congress, these famous
labor leaders will be extended full
recognition, and their opinions will be
dally sought as the deliberations pro
gress. Rody Kenehan, president of the
Trades Assembly of Denver, made a
short speecth of welcome. President
Gampers replied with a few words of
thanks, after which a committee on
credentials wns named.
Then Hon. Thomas M. Patterson, of
Denver, delivered an able address upon
the subject "Labor's Rough But Noble
Struggle," and ho was succeeded by
speeches of a fraternal nature from tho
English representatives.
In his annual! report President Gom
pers discussed tho various events in
the labor world during the year, and
referring to the great railroad strike
The organized, workers of America
are not lawless, nor are they less loyal
to the country than their follow citizens
n other walks of life; but we should as
sert that if the constitutions ,iof our
country and our states are binding
upon us wage workers, they are equally
so upon tne 'highest authority In our
The Strike Defended.
"He also explained the action of the
executive "council iiv connection wllth
tne strike, and defended the course
'In compliance with the resolutions
favoring the re-monetlzatlon of silver
at a ratio of 16-1," said he, "with the ap
proval of the executive council, I aided
as far as lay in my power to agitate
upon this subject, the Bimetallic league
acting In co-operation.
"Since the great strikes of the past
year- the public mind has been agitated
In an effort to obviate them. A num
ber of congressmen and congressmen
elect have written to me with the object
of Introducing bills providing for com
pulsory arbitration, and so persistent
havs they been In this regard that I
deem it my duty to bring the subject of
this danger to your particular notice
and more especially one of tho logical
features which Is a necessary adjunct
to compulsory arbitration and which la
sought to be incorporated In suoh a
prospective measure.
Disputes between the workers and
employes may be generally adjusted by
arbitration, but If they are, It will only
come when the workers are better or
ganized, when their power and 'their
rights have received greaterrecognltlon.
The first step must be organization, the
second conciliation, the next possibly,
arbitration, but compulsory arbitration
scandal in connection with her name,
despite the presence of her maid, a mat
ronly female, of over 40. Miss 'Wou
mack gave up her flat to take apart
ments In the Pleasanton, a family ho
tel of the best standing. She spent
money lavishly, and told stories about
her life at the German court. Finally
the proprietor of the Pleasanton In
formed Miss Woumack that her rooms
had been rented. The dashing widow
then went to Los Angeles.
She was the object of much admira
tion during the season at Coronado
Beach, and left California to attend
the World's fair. She did not return,
but was seen by San Francisco men
at Newport and New Yodk.
The Chlncso Fanatics Arc Now Becoming
By the United Press.
Washington, Dec. 10. Alarming news
has been received from China Indicat
ing the Imminent danger to the lives
and property of all foreigners in that
distracted country.
All of the latest Information Is con-
firmatory of the ofllclal reports that
have been coming from Minister Denby
and other United States officials und
citizens in China.
lie Objects to the Boycotting of Boarding
TT House Butter.
By tho United Press.
Washington, Dec. 10. The supreme
court today affirmed the validity and
constitutionality of the law passed by
the state of Massachusetts prohlbltin
the manufacture or sale in its territory
of oleomargarine, colored so as to re
semble butter, pure cream or mill:.
Chief Justice Fuller, for himself and
Justices Field and Brewer, read a vigor'
ous dissent from the opinion of the
court. .
Fire Clny Sewer Pipe Trust.
By the United Press.
Pittsburg, Dec. 10,-Fully $2,000,000 will
bo represented In the fire clay sower pipe
combination which Is now being effected
Twenty-eight manufacturers will be par
tics to tho combination, Prices arc to be
advanced slightly and many Items of ox
penso are to be curtailed.
I.nrgo Shoe House Falls.
By tho United Press.
Wilkes-Harre, Dee. 10. The large shoe
house of Evnns & Knhny. who failed her
last week, was sold by the sheriff today,
The Btoek brought nearly $13,000 and was
purchased by Leon Levy and Ellas Low
enstelu, ot tuts city .
Skating Accident.
By the United Press.
Easton, Pa., Dec. 10. While skating on
half Inch lee In an old slate quarry today
John 12. Hower, of Penn Argyle, broko
through and was drowned, und three
other boys had narrow escapes.
Matthew nnd Andrew Bryne of the "Eight
Bells" Company Seriously Injured by
Frank Morgan.
By the United Press.
Norristown, Pa., Dec. 10. Frank Mor
gan, stlage carpenter for the Brothers
Byrne "Eight Bells" company, showing
in the opera house here, made a mur
derous assault on Matthew and Andrew
Byrne this evening. Morgan had been
drinking and made his appearance on
the stage Intoxicated. He started to
break Into the dressing rooms of the
female members of the troupe and when
remonstrated with by the Byrne broth
ers, made a murderous assault on them
With a knife Andrew was slashed
across the face several times and had
his nose nearly severed from his face
His brother, Matthew, sprang to his as
sistance, when the knife was buried in
his neck, the blade breaking off.
Morgan was pounced upon by sev
eral members of the troupe and roughly
handled. He was taken to the polic
station, where he amused himself by
battering his fists against the Iron bars,
Morgan will have a hearing in the
morning on the charge of murderous as
sault. The Byrne brothers were unable
to appear this evening. Their Injuries
are considered serious.
For the next ten days the
lowest prices on record will
prevail in this department.
Also Priestley's Standard
Silk Warp Henriettas and
Eudoras; Craveuettes, etc., a
Christmas Presents
Now, before the line gets
too much broken up.
The licv. Jones, of Knoxvlilc, Tenn., De
nounces the Mayor.
By tho United Press.
Knoxville, Tenn., Dec. 10. Rev. J. S.
Jones, of the Lultrell Methodist church,
Knoxville, Is a second Parkhurst. He
preached a sermon la3t night on gamb
ling, exposing places which he had
failed to mention the preceding Sun
day. He said the city had become tired
of its drunken mayor.
He also charged that the last criminal
Judge, who Is now circuit Judge, owned
a building in which gambling had been
done. He said that not long ago a raid
had been spoiled by a policeman tele
phoning the room in advance.
Secretary Thomas lias Credentials As
suring on Attcnduuco of 800.
By tho United Press.
Harrlsburg, Pa., Dec. 1,0. Tomorrow
afternoon the State Grange, ratrons of
Husbandry, will meet In annual session
at Chestnut Street hall and Secretary
Thomas says the credentials already In
his hands assures an attendance if at
least 800 representatives of the various
subordinate granges. It seems to be
understood that the proposed new rev
enuo bill as prepared by the committee
of the state conference will be satisfac
tory to the farmers and will be in
The oleomargarine law will be upheld
and the bill to provide for equitable
representatlonlnthestateboard of agrl
culture will be approved.
Terrible Hurricane Sweeps Over Country
Nenr Jacksonville.
By tho United Preps.
Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 10. A special
from Westville, Fla., says: A terrible
cyclone passed four miles north of this
place early this morning. It struck the
farm of J. N. Skinner, the representa
tlve-elcct from Holmes county, nnd de
molished everything on the place.
A member of Mr. Skinner's family
was Injured, and his wounds, It Is
thought, will prove fatal. It is Impos
slble to obtnln Information as to the
extent of the damage and how far the
storm extended.
The Railroad Refused, so the Townspeo
ple Fired the Old One.
By the United Tress.
Eldora, la., Dec. 10. Tho passenger
and freight depot of the Chicago, Iowa
and Dakota luilway at Hughes, tlv
miles from Eldora, was set on .lire by
miusked men last inlght and entirely
consumed. The citizens of Hughes
have repeatedly asked for better depot
The railway company has refused the
request and Ignored the threats of the
citizens. They made good their threats
by burning It.
It is said that the company will erect
a modern station.
510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave.
Japancso Entlmslusin Kuns High I'oo.
choo to be Attacked.
By tho United Press.
Yokohama, Dec. 10. The Japnnese
victories were celebrated with great en
thusiasm at Toklo. A detachment of
110 Japanese soldiers who were wounded
at the capture of Port Arthur have ar
rived at Hiroshima. The Japanese
commander has advanced as far as
Furauten and Is expected to attack
Foochoo shortly.
The second Japanese army will mnke
nn early advance toward Pekln. The
Japanese government has contracted
for a force of 8.000 coolies to accompany
the second army.
Prussian Minister Resigns.
By tho United Press.
Berlin, Dec. 10. Baron Von Berlepsch
Prussian minister or commerce, has ten
dered his resignation to the emperor ow
lng to differences with his colleagues In
tho ministry.
Charges Dismissed. '
By the United Press. 1
Albany, Dec. 10. Tho charges against
the Klmlra reformatory managers have
been dismissed by Governor Flower.
Rev. J. R. Gearlnger, of Harrlsburg, has
been acquitted of the charge of criminal
assault upon Miss Anna Miller. -
In three -years one Justice of the peace
In Wllkes-Barre' Bent ninety-three people
to the Insane asylum at Danville.
1 The throe Ely brothers, of Dorrance
ton, Luzorne county,' shot forty-seven
pheasunts In the vicinity of Bear Crek.
The watershed of the Ohlinirer reservoir
one of Rending'! water supplies, has been
found by the board of heulth inspectors
to be Inoculated with disease germs.
Finest llouso of Kntcrtalnment In Chat
tanooga Destroyed.
By the Tlnlted Press., Tenn., Dec. 10. The
Southern Hotel, one of the most ele
gantly furnished hotels In Tennessee,
caught fire nt 12.45 this afternoon and
was gutted. Tho total loss Is $132,225;
Insurance, $75,650. There were a num
ber of narrow escapes, but all the
guests managed to escape with their
Tho only person Injured was C,
Todd, who was severely burned.
New York Streets Not the Only Place Miss
'Woumack Scattered Gold.
By the United Press.
San Francisco, Dec. 10. Miss Mary
Woumack, whose strange escapade in
scattering coin on the streets of New
York, resulted In her arrest, Is well
known in San Francisco. Her career
here was ibrlef but brilliant. She rep
resented herself, as a widow, and rented
a handsome flat, where she entertained
in good Btylo. She had many friends
Mother und Du tighter Injured by Jumping
from the Third l'loor.
By the United Press.
Kansas City, Dec. 10. Five persons
were seriously Injured in a fire 'last
night, at the home of F. W. Mitchler.
The family of live slept on the third
floor and when awakened by the smoke
became panic stricken.
Mrs. Mitchler nnd her daughter
Jumped to the ground and struck on the
stone pavement. Both ara seriously
hurt. Three others were hurt, but not
seriously. Will Cnptuin Princeton.
By the United Press.
Princeton, N. J., Dec. 10. At a meet
ing tonight of the members of the Prince
ton foot ball team, tho captaincy for 18D5
was given to Lea, '86, by acclamation.
Lea has played right tackle on tho 'var
Blty for three years, and It Is expected
will prove an able man for the place.
Mary Anderson's Illness.
By tho United Pross.
London, Dec. 10. At her residence In
Lexhnm Gardens on Dec. 7, Mrs. Antonio
Navarro, formerly Mary Anderson, the
actress, was delivered of a son, which died
In a few hours. Mrs. Navarro's physician
regards her out of danger.
V.'e will liavc rct weather. Yt'e
w ill furnish you with SHOES for wet
weather. It will be a healthful invest
114 Wyoming Aveaua.
Sentence of a Cashier.
By the United Press.
Syrncuse, N. Y., Dec. 10. Francis B.
Keiulriek, defnulating assistant cashier
of the Commercial bunk, today pleaded
guilty to the theft or W,U00 and wns sen
tenced to three years In tho penitentiary.
For eastern Pennsylvania, rain In the
early morning; showers Tuesday; north-
among clubmen, and there was much I east winds, becoming southeast
HAVE just returned
from New York buying
Holiday Goods. We are
receiving them daily.
to call and see our fine line ot
Jewelry und Novelties, whether
you buy or not
N B. 'Look at our show windows as
you pass.