THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 10, 1894. ; :A11 leading teachers m BAKING Always makes light CUtelaxJ Btkin Potuitr Ci., AVai York, Norrman & Moore FIRE INSURANCE, 120 Wyoming Ave. THE SUBURBAN Arc and Incan descent Lights in noarly all parti ol the city. Ol FICE : Comnionwjalth Building. Our Incandescent Syitem Is absolutely safe No Oriental opium-scented linen framed, fretted and worthless, but all returned fit for wear, ironed with care, and all of it there. LACKAWANNA 808 Penn At. A. B. WAR MAN. A GREAT SALE BABY CARRIAGE ROBES, . Rugs and Sweepers for the Ho'idar trade. "Gold Medal" Sweepers in twelve fancy woods for Christmas Gilts JV4LLIAMS&3ICA3JULTX 127 WYOMING AVENUE. CITY NOTES. Pay your Poor Taxes and save costs. The dlugram for James O'Neill opens at 9 o'clock this morning at the Academy of Aluslc box office. Arthur Normllle, of Blnghamton, a member of the firm of Nomllle Bios., was In the city yesterday. ' Charles Robinson has purchased by ' sheriff sale the hotel property of Joseph ; l). Lloyd, of 1'rlceburg, for "81. The Cayuga and Urlabtn mine employes of the Delaware, Lackawanna and W est ern company were paid Saturday. , Peter Oglls and Victoria Sartar were married Saturday by Alderman Wright In the office of the clerk of the courts. Arthur K. Sharps, a lad under 20 years of nge, has, on complaint of his father. been committed to Jail on a charge of em bezzlement. A petition for divorce has been made by Mrs. Mary Schoonover, through her next friend, David T. Howell. She wus mar ried to John Schoonover us recently as Aug. 4, ism. i 1 A well attended meeting of the Jewish Culture society was held at the vestry rooms on Linden Btreet yesterday after noon, when several essays were read by members or the society. I The Scranton Clearing houss made the following exchanges last week: Dec. 3, ish,IjU(.(i; uec. 4, llbH,745.S; Dec. G, 144, 905.37; Dec. 0, $lG2,Gti.l2; Dec. 7, UD,97157 Dec. 8. $112,440.00; total, S8ti.l.4I. Martin Ryan, aged 21 years, a laborer. while drunk lay down on the Lackawanna ' tracks near Swctlund street Saturday. He was discovered with his head resting over . one of the north bound rails and asleep. A i few minutes after Lieutenant Williams removed him a train passed. In police court Ryan paid 3 for having his life saved. 1 Charles Cronk, who boards at tha cor ner of Spruce street and Franklin ave. nue, and works in the wagon shop of W, unnooi, on oevenin street, rell in an alcoholic fit on Lackawanna uvonue lust evening and was taken to a nearby drug store. Later he was removed to the cen tral police, station. A week ago he was taken to the Lackawanna hospital while similarly affected. Pawnbroker Green, of Lackawanna ave nue, was arrested Saturday on'complalnt of John C. lloche, bottler, who churged the defendant with receiving stolen goods, Mr. Roche was refused the privilege of seurchlng the pawnbrokers store for Stolen overcoat, although possessed with a search warrant. Alderman Fltzsim mons held Oreen under $300 ball to answer the charge In court. The first of a series of basket ball games In the State Young Men s Christian asso elation league will be played thlR(evenlng In the gymnasium between Wllkes-Barra and Scranton. The positions of the local players will be as follows: Davis, home W. Jay, center; Teets, right center! KoS' ter, right guard; Gill, left guard; Mallot, goal; Surdam, right forward; Murphy, len center; uibbs, left forward. I Alfred Burnes. 40 years of ag. an Enr llshman and by trade an engineer, was en Joying an afternoon nau Saturday aealnst a telegraph pole at the corner of Wyoming avenue and Spruce street. The weather .was wet ana not conducive to the ordl nary enjoyment of an open air snooze, but Burnes was .snoring when Patrolman Rodham disturbed him. Burnes was wet inside as well as outside, so he was placed In the station house. Ha was sent to Jail lor twenty, uayo. Colonel Monies' post, No. 819, Grand Army of the Republic, has elected the fol lowing Stan: E, L. Haas, commander, John Chandler, senior vice commander , C. Atwater, Junior vice commander; Levi Gets, surgeon; jonn Hanford. chanloln .1 W .TnnAH. officer of thA rinv. T t w. ... ww , 3 I A. 1 1 officer of the guard; P. Delacy, quarter master: jonn r. iiowe and John Horn, representatives to state encampment of cookery" use A l nVlQ m m m . ;-t fit! I Ml El El X IKI Pure POWDER and ' Sure." wholesome' food. Succtsur it C!rj!ad Brvlhru Isaac Seed and John D. Jones, alter nates; T. W. Sampson, trustee. The Oreen Ridge Oun. club Is preparing for a pigeon shooting match of large pro portion. It Is proposed to have a three days' shoot and a first prize of $1,000, which It Is hoped will attract such well known shots as Dr. Carver, J. Klllott, U. Brewer, K. Fulford, It. A. Welch and Kdgur Murphy. H. 1). Bwartz is now In correspondence with the gentle men mentioned. He anticipates no dllli- ulty In making favorable arrangements, as two other large prizes will be offered In addition to the prize of (1,000. On Dec. 11, 12 and 13 a fair and social will be held at St. Paul's Lutheran church on Short avenue, which will be under the auspices of the Luther league of the con gregation. Refreshments served and the articles to be disposed of will In- luile a variety of fancy household ar ticles, llooths representing foreign na tions will be In charge of young ladles at tired In the costumes of the different countries. Kach evening, singing, recita tions and tableaux will amuse the vis itors. An admission fee of 15 cents will ntltle the visitor to a chance on u door prize of a China tea set, now on exhibi tion In Welchel & lllllm'n store. Pabut's Milwaukee Beer, cool and spark ling, at Lehman's, Spruce street. IN LOCAL THEATERS. William Collier, who came Into proml- nenco as u comedian by his work with Reed In "Hoss and Hoss," appeared at the Academy of Music Saturday night n his new comedy, "A Hack Number," by Edward E. Kidder. It is not an as sertive comedy of the "Hoss and Hoss" type. The action moves In a quieter, smoother groove and the piece alto gether Is of a more pretentious nature. Mr. Collier assumes the dual roles of Benjamin Bennett, a village school master, and Shiftless Ike, his brother. human boomerang, in the first named character Mr. Collier's work has been described us similar to that of Sol Smith Russell. It Is not. Collier will never be a Rus sell. As Shiftless Ike, Collier was at Jils best. His natural vivacity and spon taneity were constantly bubbling forth and he kept the audience In a merry mood when on the stage In that char acter. His Benjamin Bennett was far from being so well done. Collier does not successfully assume the role of the patient, gentle, kind and unobtrusive school teacher. It Is a phase of charac ter delineation apparently unsulted to his temperment and talents. His Shift less Ike, It Is, that makes the piece en joyable. Collier was supported by a fair company which Included George W. Leslie, James R. Smith, Edward Clarke, Louise Allen Collier, Belle Bucklln, Helen Renner and Mattle Barle. The story told by the comedy Is Interesting and some of the dialogue really clever. II II i! Manager Burgunder has booked an unusually fine list of attractions for this week. They Include the best companies now traveling and Scrantonlans are to be congratulated on the opportunity afforded them of seeing artists who only at rare Intervals leave the large centers of population. The week's bill opens tonight with "Blue Jeans" which has been produced 400 times In New York city. Magnificent scenery and mechanical effects are Introduced. Tuesday evening; Richard Mansfield and his stock company will produce "Beau Brummell." This will be one of the dramatic events of the season and a large and fashionable audience will un questionably be attracted to the Acad emy tomorrow night. James O'Neill, than whom there are few more capable actors on the Ameri can stage, will produce "Vlrglnlus ' Wednesday night. He is supported by a capaible company and will give a fine presentation of that well known trag edy. Joseph Ott, of "Dazzler" fame, who Is starring this season, will give his new farce comedy "Star Gazer" Thursday night. He has' character that sets off to good advantage his peculiar comedy methods and Is assisted by a fine company. Frlduy night Augustin Daly's com pany, which Includes "Adonis" Dlxey, will be seen In "A Night Off" and Sat urday night the Bryne brothers will be seen in their pantomimic comedy, "Eight Bells." II II II Manager Lalne, of the Frothlngham, has also secured some good things for the entertainment of theater-goers this week. Tonight and tomorrow night "A Trip to Turkey" will be seen at that house. It Is extremely brjght, enliv ened by. catchy, sparkling music, re fined specialties, and a ballet and chorus with over twenty pretty girls In daz zling, oriental costumes. The cast In cludes Richard Gorman, Maurice Hage man, Harold Hartzell, F. G. Mack. G. F. Lynn, and Misses Florence Ellis, Kate Gilbert, Duddle Douglass, Donna Dean, and little, Irene Franklin, the phe nomenal child contralto. Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights the great realistic play, "The Engineer," will be produced. 11.11 II Manager Davis has secured Joseph D. ClIlHon's powerful company for the ear ly part of this week at Davis' theater, "The Ranch King" company has had a continued run of successes and comes to Scranton with unusually good press no tlces and the comedy melodrama they present promises 'to be full of new fea tures, new novelties and the elegant costumes which are carried cannot fall but be a considerable attraction. The comedienne, Miss June Agnott, Is the principal actress and Is most natural and finished artiste and there Is every Indication that a treat will be afforded at the Davis theater during her stay In the city. Brush and Comb, Manicure, Tpllet and nnaving Deis. PRATT'S BOOK STORE. Chamber Concerts. The first of the chamber concerts, al ready announced, will be given In tha Young Men's Christian association hall, i nursuay, jjec. is, at o clock. Sub- scrlptlon, $5 for five season tickets with reserved seats. The diagram of the hall will be opened at Powell i Monday, Dec. 19. Mr. Theodor Hemberger, first violin; Air. a. itippara, second violin; Mr. R, J. Bauer, viola; Mr. T. H. Rlppard, 'cello Mr: J. Willis Conant, piano. Mrs. Qeorgn duu. uimmicK will be the soloist. Wood and Brass Easels. PRATT'S BOOK STORE. Plllsbury's Flour Mills have a capacity ul 4i,duv iwrnji a tiny. Fancy Waste Paper Baskets.' - k PRATT'S BOOK BTORE. FRANZ BEZEK MAY BE HUNG Jury Rendered a Verdict of Murder In the First Degree. COURT COMMENDS THE VERDICT Judge Idwuids States from tho Bench That It Meet. Ills Approval-Prisoner Docs Not Seem to Kcallza His l ate. Secrets of the Jury Boom. Murderer Franz Bezek was convicted Saturday afternoon of murder In the first degree, and the almost unanimous popular opinion Is that the verdict was a perfectly Just and deserving one. Not long after 2 o'clock Judge Ed wards, who was presiding In surety court In No. 1, was notified that the Jury had agreed and was jeady to de liver a verdict. A messenger was sent post-haste to the county juil, and at 2.45 Bezek, in charge of Deputy Sheriffs White and Bortree, was marched Into the prisoner's dock. The Jury filed alowly into court and took seats In the box to the right of the bench. On the faces of every man of thtm was depicted a solemn look that was a forecast of the determina tion at which they had arrived. The prisoner was led to the defendant's table; and 'ha looked somewhat pale and nervous. Every seat in the court room was occupied and along the walls listeners were lined three deep. Mar tin Woyahner sat beside the prisoner and conversed Interestedly with him. Judge Edwards ordered 'the verdict taken, but before this was done At torney Watson asked the court to order the stenographer to read the court's instruction to the Jury In the morning. After this was done Deputy Clerk of the Courts Thomas P. Daniels read the names of the Jurors, and each one an swered aloud. "Gentlemen of the Jury, ha-e you agreed upon a verdict'.'" asked the clerk. C. W. Klrkpatrlck, the foreman, answered, "We have." Court Crier Snyder took the paper oh which was written the prisoner's doom, passed It to Clerk Daniels, who handed it to the court. .Murder In tho First Degree. Every neck In ithe vast auditorium craned forward, and on the face of Judge Edwards, while he read and re corded the verdict, were fastened hun dreds of ieyes as If to anticipate the ominous announcement. The counte nance of the Judge was as Imperturb able and Icy as If It had been the most commonplace document he was examining Instead of the fate ful paper that meant death to the unfortunate prisoner at the bar. Not , feature of the Judge's face be trayed the text of the document. But only a minute elapsed and court re turned the paper to the clerk, who ad dressed the Jurors, "Hearken unto your verdict as the court hath recorded It." And stopping for a few seconds to read the paper, Mr. Daniels resumed, "You say .In the case la which the common wealth Is prosecutor and Frank Bezek, the prisoner at the bar Is defendant, you find the defendant guilty of murder In the first degree, so say you all." "We do," chorused the Jurymen. The Jury was then polled, one by one, and lit answer to his name each Juror stood up and firmly replied, "Guilty of mur der In the first degree." The prisoner was yeit unconscious of his doom and by some dt Is said that even still he Is not aware that the rope is dangling be fore him. Judge Edwards spoke to the Jury as follows after discharging them from further attendance upon court: "Gentlemen, we appreciate the diffi culties of your position during the week and you receive the sincere thanks of the court for the patient consideration thut you have given to this cuse. Your verdict meets with the entire upproval of the court." Taken Duck tojull. Bezek was led back to the prisoner's dock, handcuffed, and, In charge of the deputy sheriffs, brought back to the county jail. As he walked across the court room his step had less of that jauntlness and his countenance was more serious than at any time since his trial began. All during his trial he ap peared to be as absolutely unconcerned as If the case In which he was defend ant was one of the most trivial In the court calendar. Until he Is sentenced no one will be allowed to speak to him. Following the usual order of business he would be sentenced next Saturday- Keeper Flanaghan at the county juil last night stated that Bezek is not less cheerful, nor is there anything to lndl cate that his mind Is very much troubled. Mr. Flanaghan is of the opinion that Bezek does not know ,his impending doom. It Is the universal desire to know how the Jury stood while they were deliber ating upon a verdict, Inasmuch as they were locked up for forty-two hours be fore they could agree. The Jurors are reticent about disclosing the Becrets of the Jury room, but one of them to a Tribune reporter stated that the way It stood since the first ballot was taken was eleven for first degree and one for second degree. One of the eleven charged the stubborn Juryman with being "fixed" and u light ensued. The enraged man sprang at his accuser's throat and almost throttled him. Mr, Devine, the last juror chosen, was the one who held out for second degree. Will Ask for a New Trial. Attorneys Colborn and Watson went over to Bezek after the verdict was an nounced and assured him that they would stand by him and seek every means at their command to save him from the gallows. Today they will ap ply to court for a rule to show causa why a new trial should, not be granted. If a new trial shall be refused, the supreme court will be appealed to. If after all these recourses the law must be carried out, it will devolve on Sheriff-elect Frank II. demons to launch the murderer Into eternity. Rare Collection of Books In Holiday Bindings. t TRATT'S BOOK STORE. ON AN ELABORATE SCALE. Preparations for tho Market of the First Presbytcriun Church. Seldom, if ever, In the history of a Scranton church have such extensive and elaborate preparations been made as those of .the First Presbyterian church women for the Market to be given Wednesday, Thursday and Fri day in the armory on Adams avenue. It would be Impossible in limited pace to enumerate the many novel features arranged, but it Is evident that the Market will be complete in its stock of articles for sale and will attract large crowds of visitors. Not the least attractive feature will be a supper, of different menu for each evening. k I' BURGLARS AT TAYLOR. They DIew Open the Safe of HannickJt Moore. Taylor borough was visited by burg lars early Saturday morning. Hannlck & Moore's wholesale liquor store was entered and the safe blown open. The cracksmen did not secure any booty, there being no money In the safe at the time. The burglars entered the store through the front door, which they pried open by means of tools stolen from O. F. Wells' blacksmith shop on Union street. Between 12 and 1 o'clock George Dowse, the night watchman at the Tay lor breaker, heard noises around the blacksmith shop and on Investigating found"three men endeavoring to break In. They bored a hole In the door of tho safe and filled it with powder. The shock broke the safe and every window In the store as well as windows in ad joining residences. The cracksmen In escaping went in the direction of Aus tin Heights. WORK OF 1UBLE SOCIETY. Reports Made at Meeting in the llrst Presbyterian Church. The congregations of the Second and First Presbyterian churches united in the latter edlllce last night, when was held a business meeting and the Thirty eighth anniversary of the Lack a wanna Bible society. President Alfred Hand presided at the meeting, which followed the usual evening devotional service conducted by Rev. Dr. James McLeod, pastor, and Rev. Dr. Charles Robin son, of the Second Presbyterian church. Rev. Dr. McLeod delivered a sermon after the business session. Mr. Hand explained the purpose of the society In its distribution of the Sculptures, which are given to any per son who cannot alford to purchase. He closed his brief remarks with an appeal for a liberal contribution. A. W. Dickson and C. W. Klrkpatrlck were appointed to nominate officers and directors for the ensuing year and requested to retire for conference and report as soon as possible. W. H Richmond, 'treasurer, reported as fol lows: Wm. H. Richmond, treasurer, In ac count with Lackawanna Bible society. Nov. 27, To balance 1 488 i4 Nov. 27, To collection annual meet ing 19 C6 1803. Nov. 7, To check from Rev. S. S Kennedy 300 00 Deo. 8, To check from M. Norton, sales back 382 88 Dec. 15, To check from Rev. S. S. Kennedy 34ri GO 2 20 Junuary. 1893, Interest at bank July, lsi'3, Interest at bunk 1 S1.53S 99 1892. Credit. Nov. 29, By paid donation to Penn sylvania Bible society 100 00 Nov. 30, By paid donution to Rev. 8. S. Kennedy for services las 1893. April 28. Puld Pennsylvania Bible society account -oo oo Deo. 30, Bulunoe on hand 1,040 21 $1,538 99 Dec. 30. 1893, To balance $1,040 21 At the request of the president the secretary, Colonel H. M. Boles, read the report of Agent S. S. Kennedy an in teresting argument covering a period of two active and fruitful years. The report of the nominating com mittee was made and adopted unanl mously. as follows: Alfred Hand, presl dent; C. F. Mattes, first vice-president J. L. Stelle, second vice-president; Col onel H. M. Boles, secretary; W. H Richmond, treasurer; 'William Connell W. W. Lathrope, Samuel Hlnes, S. G Kerr, J. Van Bergen and Luther Keller managers. Dr. McLeod preached from Romans xl, 2, 3, "What advantage then hath the Jew," a convincing exposition of the In fluence the Bible has had upon human ity and In advancing civilization. FIRE OX THE SOUTH SIDE. Holler's Dukcry Destroyed by a Blaze o I'nknown Origin. The bakery of Benjamin Roller, in the rear of his residence at 717 Beech street, was'almost entirely destroyed by fire at 12 o'clock last night. The origin of tho Are Is unknown. The loss umounts to over $1,000 and Is covered by insurance. Chimes of Normundy. There will be a musical rehearsal of the "Chimes of Normandy" at the hall over Powell's musln store, at 8 o'clock thl evening. Richard F. Lindsay. I am .prepared td receive a limited nunv ber of piano pupils. For terms, etc., nd dress Richard F. Lindsay, 822 Mulberry street. Or at Powell's Music Store. " Duvls' Automatic Inkstands. PRATT'S BOOK STORE. All kinds of Etchings. Engravings and Water Colors at Urlftlu's new studio, 209 Wyoming avenue. Eplscopul Prayer Books urn Hymnals. PRATT'S BOOK STORE. Dr. Gibbons, of New York city, will be In his Bcranton office. 441 Wyoming avenue, every Mon day from 8 in the morning until 9 In the evening. Oxford, International, Bugster and Hoi man's Bibles. PRATT'S BOOK STORE. Attention Everybody. We want your co-operation by calling at our store and securing a package that world-famous food absolutely free of charge. Colonial Food stands without a rlvul. ' O. T. MILLKK, Court street and Diamond ave. Gold Pens and Pencils. PRATT'S BOOK STORE, Buy the Weber and get the best. At Guernsey Bros TABLE BUTTER J Buys fancy fresh El ( gin Butter. Buys, York State Creamery, in i lb. Prints, no waste. (Buys Coursen's Phil Print Butter, sold in large cities at 50c. per lb. This is the Finest Butter made. 35c. E G. Coursen I Xnctudinc th patnleit straotlnf ei tMth by an entirely nw process? Si C. SNYDER, D. D.-Sfc 138 WYOMING AVE. 28c. 30c. N AXE FOR COUNCILIHEN rouble brewing Over Alleged Illegal Contructs with the City. 'EXALTIES ARE PRESCRIBED aw Soys Companies Containing City Officers Cannot Make Agreements with the City-Several Such Contracts May Now Be Nullified. Trouble Is brewing in the city hall for certain corporations which are pre paring to bid or have bid on furnlwhlng supplies or performing contract work for the city. Recently several bids for furnishing supplies to the city have been recommended by councils und are now awaiting the signatures of the bid ders and city officials. There ure two city ordinances, howes-er, which pro vide that oiilcers of the city shall not be Interested in an agreement creating a debt and that councilmen Interested n a measure must not vote on the same. The lutter ordinance prescribes severe penalty. In the recently Issued digest of city laws appear the following: "Puge i, Section 13, Officers not to be interested In agreement creating a debt, etc. No member of councils or other officer of such city, shall, either directly or Indirectly, be u party to or n any manner Interested in any contract or agreement with such city for any matter, cause or thing whatsoever, by which any liability or Indebtedness is in any way or manner created against such city. and if any contract or agreement shall be made In violation of the foregoing provision the same shall be null and void and no action shall ever be main tained thereon against said city." Sliull Forfeit Ills Office. "Page 6, Section 10, Councilmen in terested in a measure not to vote. A member who has a personal or private interest In any measure or bill proposed or pending before councils, shall dis close the fact Ito the branch of which he is a member, and shall not vote thereon, nor take part In the discussion of the same. If such member shall vote without disclosing his Interest in such measure or bill, and the same be carried by Ills vote, he shall forfeit his olfice, and such measure or bill shall be void." When asked if the last mentioned section did not nullify the section pro hibiting councilmen from being inter ested in cKy contracts, City Solicitor Torrey was disinclined ito give his opinion to a Tribune reporter. He finally said that neither ordinance had any bearing- upon the other; that the first related especially to contracts, and that the scope of the second Is wide in Its relation to councllmanlc measures and contains a specific penalty. A perusal of the two excerpts will show that the ctty solicitor's real opinion Is that no company In which a council man Is Interested has a right to make a contract with the city. Mr. Torrey refrained from a detuiled consideration of the matter on the ground that he would soon be obliged to render an official opinion on the sub Ject. There are at present several con tracts In the office of the city controller awaiting execution, but which will be affected by the ordinances mentioned Mayor Connell is of the opinion that If a member of council mnkes known his Interest in a bidding company or cor poratlon, such action prevents the con tract being nullified. City Controller Wldmayer and Mr. Torrey hold to the opposite opinion. Several councilmen are said to have silent interests In paving, building and other contracting firms, which for years have held municipal contracts Two such firms now have agreements with the city, but It Is anticipated 'that the present consideration of the matter will result In a more restricted con tract-letting policy In the future. Beautiful Water Colors, Fue-slmlles, Photogravures and Etchings, Framed and Unframed. PRATT'S BOOK STORE. CZARINA BUCKLES THE LATEST FAD. Now Is the Time to Look for Your W. W. Berry THE JEWELER, lias a larger stock of Novelties than ever before. RIGHT IP TO DATE, with every tuiug new A1T Lackawanna Ave I 0 1,(1 215 LACKAWANNA AVENUE, Is receiving daily all the lat est novelties m , JEWELRY AND SILYER LINE FOR THE HOLIDAY TRADE When in need of something late in the Jewelry line cal and see Rogers' stock before making- your final selection as he can show you the latest and a large assortment to se lect from. TNI OILIIRATIft PIANOQ M si Fnttat cb Mwt Vnlsr tmi Tntmi if Uatlns Alikll Wirsreofflt: Oppttltt Columbus Monumsnt, 20WMMriftonAv. Swanton.Pt, NE1 STORE 61 PUR DISPLAY O F - HOLIDAY COOPS IS NOW OPEN, AND BEFORE THE RUSH COMES. uBaiaaB-aaasnwgaKtgiriBiCTi I III 319 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Green tnd Gold Store Front SCRANTON CASH STORE. 23 lis. G. Sugar, $1.00 31 lbs. C. Sugar, 100 resn Eggs, per doz. .18 Choice Mixed Candy, lb., .07 hoice Mixed Candy. 4 lbs. .25 Mixed Nuts, .09 Mixed Nuts, 3 lbs., Peanuts, 3 quarts .25 .10 .60 walnuts, per bushel, Butternuts, per bushel, .60 Almonds, per pound, .15 Sweet Florida Oranges, .13 SweetFloridaOranges,2doz .25 Per Box, - - -Tangeriens, per dozen, 190 .15 1.75 .20 Per Box, half size, Malaga Grapes, per lb. Fine Chocolates, Hon-Bons, French Nuas, Talljs, French Fruits, Nut Can dies, Uutter Cups, Etc., Etc., in excel lent quality and great variety, We are unquestionably Headquarters this year in this line of goods. F. P. PRICE, Agent Bl HATS AT Dunn's Will be open evenings until 8 o'clock. COME IN iBBiSiflBtQiiiiBiiQ229SHQBLfl THISISTHE1ET06UY DPI UNTIL CHRIS IS W00LW0RTH We can suit you in Shoes and will deal lightly with your pocketbook. BANISTER'S, -THE- Cloakmakers Strike Made It difficult for firms to obtain Cloaks in large quantities for a time, btit that time, so far as wc are concerned, is past We have on hand a magnificent lot of Cloaks tailor-made and r'ght up to date In every respect that we are making a big drive on. Our customers say they have never got such fine goods at such low prices, and want to know how we do it. We simply say that it is only our well-known custom of selling the very best goods at fabe very low est prices. Remember, our stock of Cloaks is unusually cotnplete.and the prices are within everybody's reach. ' ' Wm 224.LACKAWANNA AVE. JACOB BOLZ (OPEN EVERY OPENING. WORTH OF Will be sold for less than they cost us to manufac ture them. We guaran tee everything satisfac tory. IN OUR 1 We are offering Ladies' Tailor-made Coats re gardless of cost. IN OUR We are selling goods be--low cost. Come and look through our stock and see for yourself. Have Your Furs Repaired by the Only Furrier in the City, J. BOLZ, WYOMIXU8AVENUa The Longest Overcoats In Town SEE OUR WINTER UNDERWEAR 128 WYOMING AVENUE. GLOVES RedudPfces .o make room for entirely new stock of FALL AND WINTER - GOODS during the mouth of December Corner of Lackawanna and . Wyoming Avenues. BEE HIVE, FOBS GLQAK DEPARTMEN LAND'S