THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 7, 1894. HASTINGS INAUGURATION Elaborate reparations Are Already Being Made for That Event. . MANY CUBS F1XD QUARTERS Iho Mllitory Escort Will Very l ikely Comprise at I.cust the Three Troops, One Battery and a Regiment from i:uch Brigade. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Harrisburg, Dec. 6. The coming in auguration of General Hastings as gov ernor of this state promises to be a very grand affair from every point of view. Already clubs from all over the state tiuve announced their intention of being present, but as yet very few have secured quarters. The hotels, as a rule, are refusing to entertain clubs except to furnish them with meals, and a3 a consequence halls are In demand for Bleeping accommodations. Philadelphia clubs thus far lucky enough to get In on the ground floor are the follow ing: Penrose club, at the Columbus hotel; Fifteenth Ward and Thirteenth Ward clubs, at the United States hotel; William K. Leeds club, at the Colum bus, and the Continenttal club will oc cupy sleeping cars with a dining car attached. Clubs from Lancaster. Head ing, WUllamsport, York. Meohanlcs burg, Altoona, Pittsburg, Bradford. Krle, Bellefonte, Lebanon, Scranton, WUkes-Harre and other cities have slff nliled their Intention of being present, und the next four weeks will see some tall hustling for quartern. The military may or may not be railed out In a body. Adjutant Gen em! Greenland- says he wants to con sult with General Hastings before any action Is taken, to see what he would Jike to have. The State college cadets will be here for certain as an escort to General Hastings. If the entire Na tional Guard is not called out, It Is pretty certain that a regiment from each of the brigades, together with the Governor's troop, City troop, Sheridan troop and one battery will comprise the military part of the procession. There has ibeen considerable opposi tion, to calling out the entire guard, on .the ground that the men cannot find accommodations sufficiently comforta ble in cold weather. (iucsts of Governor Pattlson. The arrangements for the inaugural ceremony will not be made until the legislature meets, when a Joint commit tee of the senate and house will be appointed, who will see to all arrange ments. It is quite likely that Senator George Handy Smith, of Philadelphia, who has three times served in the ca pacity, will be chairman of the Joint committee. If the weather is not too severe the ceremonies will take place In front of the capitol, and the procession reviewed from the magnltlcent new stairway leading to the capitol, at West State street. Severe weather will com pel the holding of the ceremonies in the hall of the house, but the review will take place Just the same. Ob the Saturday preceding the in auguration General Hatslngs and fam ily will come to Harrlsburg as the guests of Governor und Mrs. Pattlson at the executive mansion, so that they will be acquainted with their new home when they come to occupy It for the following four years. This Is an act of courtesy that was extended Governor Pattlson four years ago by Governor Beaver. Indications point to a tre mendous crowd of spectators. The House Plums. Chiaf Clerk yoofliees, of the house of representatives, Is here arranging for the coming session of the legislature. He claims that Resident Clerk Fetterolf will be advanced to the chief clerkship, and Reading Clerk Rex to Fetterolf's present place. Voorhees Is not an ap plicant for re-election, as he expects to get a good political place In Philadel phia early in the year. As to the place of Journal clerk in the house Mr. Voor hees says it will go to E. J. Randolph, Jr., of Pittsburg, secretary of the State League of Republican clubs. Mr. Voor hees thinks there Is no doubt of the ap pointment of Colonel Thomas G. Sam ple, of Allegheny City, by Governor lect Hastings for superintendent of public printing. Another Republican politician of prominence dn Harrlsburg today Is ex Marshal Harlan, of Coatesvllle, who Is canvassing the political situation with a view of announcing his candidacy for the nomination for state treasurer In 18U5. He claims the east is entitled to i the office next year, despite the fact that the incoming governor has selected his cabinut from Eastern Pennsylvania. Cashier Haywood, of the state treas ury, Is a candidate for Colonel Jack son's successor. Haywood's friends claim Senator Quay has indorsed his candidacy. Factory Inspector Watchorn has his friends to work to secure his retention by Uovernor-elect Hastings, but unless all signs fall, ho will be removed soon after the change of administration. Captain Joihn C. Delaney, of this city, who is being urged for Watehorn's pluce, says there Isn't a doubt of his ap pointment. TO TRIM COURT COSTS. County Commissioners Will I'avor Mens. n res Looking Toward Economy. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Harrlsburg, Dec. 6. It has been de. elded, In bt'half of the county commis sioners of the commonwealth, to ask the next legislature to pass the follow ing bills or amendments: Requiring constables to make returns to the court only when violations of law have occurred; the amendment of the act of May 29, 1891, so as to do away with December registration of voters, the assessors simply making the changes on their September .books Jor A WONDERFUL All T -. av v DIGEST!! BEWARE OF IMITATIONS .. -Jn look ror the February elections; to repeal the act of May S3,', 1893, regulating and es tablishing, tlhe fees of aldermen, magis trates, constables, etc.; providing for the certification to thet state, of mort gages, etc., 'held by any company pay ing taxes direct to the state, or of cor poration not resident in the state; to repeal section 13 of act Sept. 23, 1891, providing for the payment of costs In discharged cases; to amend the act so as to compej a convicted criminal to serve at least thirty days In jail for non-payment of costs before being re leased as Insolvent debtors; to repeal the act providing for the enrollment of persons liable to military duty. A vigorous effort will be made to se cure such additional legislation as will more effectually relieve the congested criminal courts of the various counties, and also save money now wasted In un necessary costs, fees and the like. THAT NEW TAX BILL. It Would l ower the llurjen Now Kerning on Ifeul ICstatc. Special to the Seranton Tribune. Harrlsburg, Dec. 6. If the scheme of tax revision advocated by the tax con ference shall find favor with the next legislature, the act embodying It will reduce the tnx on real estate und at the same time will not materially In crease the taxes upon any other class of property. It Is unlike either the Taggart measure, which was defeated by the senate in the session of 1891, or the Nlles bill, wtiieh fulled In the house two years ago. It proposes to tax the value of cor porations upon the same principles which real estate is valued and levy a horizontal mill rate. The bill says property co-extensive with the state is to be taxed for state purposes, and property that Is co-extenslve with the county will be taxed for county, pur poses, embracing tax on mercantile property, fees of county officers und tax on moneyed capital. For borough, city and township pur poses the bill provides for the taxation of real estate, horses and cattle and such other property as Is purely locul. TOR GAME PROTECTION'. The Legislature to He Asked to Ustnbllsli u Game Commission. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Harrlsburg, Dec. 6. At the next ses sion of the legislature a bill will be In troduced under the auspices of the Pennsylvania Sportsmen's association to create a game commission, which shall consist of six members, to be appointed by the governor, the com mission to have the power to appoint ten game wardens at a salary of $r00 each. The commissioners shall receive only their necessary traveling ex penses, but the secretary will get $900 a year and have an office at Harris burg. There will also be presented a bounty bill and supplement to the game law making it unlawful to kill squirrels or woodcock before Oct. 1. LOAN ASSOCIATION WOES. The l'ldclity Company Is Now Confronted by New Difficulties. By the United Press. Washington, Dec' 6. The Fidelity Building, Loan and Trust association, whose officers and several clerks were arrested In Pittsburg recently and held for trial on charges of attempting to defraud, has new difficulties confront ing It. ' Attorney L. H. Poole appeared before Judge Cox In the district supreme court today and made application for a re culver for the association, which has its headquarters in this city. The com plainants In the case are eighteen resi dents of Montgomery county, Md. The court issued an order restraining the officers of the Fidelity company from Interfering with the property and set the case for a hearing on Monday next. INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. The Jersey Central is laying a double track between Parsons and Wllkes Uarre. The Lehigh Valley annual Inspection tour Is Vow In progress. The ofllcers will today reach Rochester.. On the. Pennsylvania lines west of Pittsburg 500 more loaded cars ara being handled daily than during the corresponding period in 18113. Every di vision In the Western system reports gainst The request that the Lehigh Valley lndlvlduul operators recall their request that line prices be made equal to tide water prices has not been acted upon, but a meeting for that purpose will be held In a few days. The appropriation made for the month of December by the Lehigh nl ley railroad for the shops along Its lines. Is somewhat larger than for M vember. This Insures full work at the shops for December, The Pennsylvania railroad, which for the past three years has been experi menting with long rails on portions of Its main line, has secured very satisfac tory results from the 60-foot, rail, and It will eventually supplant the present standard 30-foot rail. The Pittsburg Wire works at Brad dock have resumed on double turn, giv ing employment to ,100 men. The Home stead Steel works have also resumed In full In all departments and will run double turn until the annual shut down about Christmas, for repairs. The blueksmith and carpenter shops, two large structures connected with the Sprlngdule colliery, operated by Lentz, Lilly & Co., were destroyed by lire early Wednesday morning. The breaker which is one of the largest In the region, was saved by the miners. The loss Is about $2,')00. C. M. Dobson & Co., who operate the Heaver Hrook colliery, have put a drill ing muchlne to work in No. 10 Blope with u view of ascertaining the depth of a four foot, vein of coal which has already been, worked in No. 11 slope. The vein from the top to the bottom riA THE. IfUCT SIGNATURE oiuitc ft .. wunrll - jP It futh v ' - r k label slate Is said to be rich In quality and more profitable to the owners than some seams more than twice Us natural thickness, on account of its freedom from slate or rock, i ' ; The .fuel used at the power plant of the Wilkes-Barte andWyomlnp; Valley Traction company costs, It fci-said,' 90 cents per ton, delivered at the furnace door, . The low price of coal, combined with the fact that two shifts, of only two men each,-are- required for-oper-atlng the main power station, of. the company, results in thet production of power at a very low price. The rec ords of the company show that the cost of a horse power hour delivered to the line, including all power-house ex penses, wus 6 2-3 mills per cttr mile. STOCKS AND BONDS., By tho Unltod Press. New York, Dee. . The action of the American Sugar Helloing company ut the meeting, yesterday in declaring the regu lar dividend on the common stock not withstanding the gloomy statements of the president of the company und the oiKlltlon or the refining Industry, led to a rush to cover short contracts ut the opening of business this morning. The withdrawals of gold from the treasury de partment, and the reports or shipments by Haturduy's Knruiirun steamers hud no In- nueiice. The market closed from , to S per cent, higher on the duy. Sugar lost 2l per cent., Luke Shore 1. Huy State Uus I'lilcugo Uus , II 11(1 Heading 'on solldated Uus gullied IV. per cent. Total sales were a,8iW shares. 1 he runge of today' prices for the ac tive stocks of the New York stock mar ket are given below. The quotations arc furnished The Tribune by ll. du 1). Dlm mlck, munugcr for William Linn, Allen & t o., stocK brokers. 411! Spruce street. Scranton. Op'n-High-Low-Clos-Inir. est. est. Itiir. Am. Sugar Ite'g Co. 89'i W Sui A. M. T 9l'a 95 93'.. 9:!'3 Attn., To. & S. Fe... 4'. 47i 4" 4" ('lies. & Ohio IT'rt IS 17"), IK Chicago (las 72 72'i "Hi 71'i Chic. & N. W 97 974 97H H7'! Chic., II. & O 7i. 72i 7IVi 7IS. C. C. & St. I, 38 3S'a 3K 3S Chic, .Mil. & St.. 1'... M r.H' L &7 57 Chic, It. t. i- IV.... . til: : tiisi 634 IX-lu ware & IMi 12 VM 1)., L. AL- W ltil HiPi Itil Pill.; IJIst. & C. F HU, 94 Hi; 9'H (Ion. Electric...- 35 35 34f-i 34-'-i Lake Shore... 135 135 134''4 131:'i Louis. & Nush. 64 tip; 54 f.4'4 Munhattan Ele m"a 1U51, 105J 105', Mo. Pacific 2K' 2S'i ji.j Vlili, Nat. Lead 3!",i 3a Pi S N. J. Central 93', SKt'i 93 93 N. Y. Central 99 99 99 99 N. L. & N. E 31 SI,, 31 31 i N. Y.i L. K. & W.... 12'4 1L"4 ll?i IV, Nor. Pacific, l'r 17-S. 1764 !"(. 17V Out. & West I5'2 ir.'t, 15'a I5U Phil. & Read 15'i 15'i 14'i 13 Hlch. & V. P 16'4 lti'i I'i'i KiV; Texas Pacific 9'ji !' i 9 West. Union 8"'j 874 87 87'A CHICAGO BOAP.D OF TRADE PRICES. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. Ing. WHEAT. Muy 60 Cm. ofti mUj December 55V C574 65' 05 OATS. May $ 32 Jfitj, ?.2 December 29' 29'i 29'i 29U Junuury 30 30 30 30 CORN. May 49&J December 47U CO'i 49-'-4 49v4 47-' 47'4 47S. 47'2 4714 47U January 47'ii LARD. January 6.87 C.93 6.87 6.95 Muy 7.07 7.15 , 7.07 7.15 PORK. Junuury 11.92 12.02 11.90 12.02 May 12.25 12.37 12.25 12.37 Scranton Hoard of Trade Kxchungc Quo- No, Par Shs. Val. : Did. Ask 10 1U0 Scranton Tucking Co 120 10 ,50 Providence & Ablng- 10 Phi Third Nat'l Hunk m 5 100 Traders' Nat'l Hank 11 5 100 Scranton Oluss Co pio 1 1IHHJ Sit. JeRsup Coul Co.. Sou 10 Su Sloosle Slount'n Coul Co GO GO 50 Lackawn'a & .Mont rose ltullroud "0 10 K-0 Scr'n Savings Hunk, loo 10 100 Third Nat'l Hunk....; .Kill 10 100 First Nnt'l Hunk COO 10 100 Laeka.. Trust & Safe Deposit Co 120 New York Produce Sluikct. Ey the United Press. New York .Dec. 6. Flour Firm, moder ate demuml. Whl-ut Fairly active for export, prices firmer: No. 2 red store und elevator, Coatilc; afloat, G2uli2",c. ; f. o. b., Gl'iaiHc; ungraded red, 5luG3c; No. 1 northern, 70'iu7o!sc; options strong at a 4e. udvance; Junuury, GHjc; February, ti2'.je.; March, 63V.; Slay, G4V'.; June, 64'v-.; July, (Sc.; December, (iO-ic Corn Dull, lower, weak; No. 2, fjic, elevator; 57'iC. afloat; steamer mixed, 52c; No. 3, 49'4u50c.; options were dull und 'hii'sc. higher; December, 55"ic; January, 53',-,c. ; Muy, t3'c. Outs Qulel, steudy; options (lull, firmer; December, 34'c.; Junuury, 35'ic. ; February, 3(k-.; May, 20V.: No. 2 white Junuury, 39'gc.; spot prices, No. 2, 3IVi3i'c.; No. 2 white, 39'sc; No. 2 Chl offO, ISMiASMic.: No. 3. 33ic; No. 3 white, SH1"!-.; mixed western, WnHiie. ; white do., 37u42c. ; white stute, 37u42c. Henf Inactive. Reef Hums Dull. Tletved llcef Quiet. Cut Sleats yulet, easier. Lard yulet, closed isteudy; western Bteuni, J7.30 asked; city, Gic; December, 7.25, nominal; January. $7.30, nominal; Muy, $7.47'i.., nominal; lellned, dull; conti nent, $7.05; South America, JS; com pound, S'auOTic Pork yulet, steady; prima, nominal. Hotter Fancy firm, mod erate supply; stute dairy, 13u23c; do creamery, 18:i24 ; Pennsylvania do., 18a 24c; western dairy, llnlOc; do. creamery, l'iii25c; do. factory, 10nl7c; Elfins, 2.'ic. ; Imitation creamery, 13u20c. ; June cream ery. 18u22c. Cheese Dull, fancy colored firm; stute lurge, DijalOV'.; do. fancy col ored, ll'ic; do. white, Hftiiillc; do. small, 9!jHl2c; purt skims, Senile; full skims, 2'a3c. Eggs Choice fresh scarce and firm; state and Pennsylvania, 20'su27".; held fresh, 20u22c. ; western fresh, 25u2iic; dn. per case, $3.25u4; southern, 23ui".e. ; limed, 15i,alli'i,c. Illiffulo Stock Market. By thd United Press. UutYulo, Dec. 6. Cattle-Receipts. 1.200 head; on sale, 'to.' head; market steady; good medium steers, ; $4.30u4.liO; fat cows, l2.50a2.K5. Hogs-Receipts, 11,850 he.ud; on sule, 3.900 hend; market weak; HkIiI to good Yorkers, $4.40a4.45; good to choice Yorkers, $4.45a4.50; good mixed, $4.55u4.00; mediums, 8I.Imu4.7U; no extra heavy here; pigs, 4.40a4.50; roughs, $3.85a4.15; stags, )3a 3.75. Sheep und Lambs Receipts, 12,400 bead; on sale, 10,200 head; market steudy; good mixed sheep, $2.50u2.7,'i; fair, $2a2.25; good native lambs, $3.ri0u3.S0; few extra, U; fair to good, $3a3.2f; export ewes, $3.2!)ii 3.G5;export wethers, $3.7."u4 ; Funadu -iambs!. J4U4.10. Chicago Stock Murket. By the Unlfed Press. Union Stock Yards, 111., Dee. . Cattle Receipts, 14,000 head; market steady; com mon to extra steers, $3uV.G0; stackers und feeders, $2u3.35; cows and billies, 1.25u 3.50; calves, $ Hogs Receipts, 50, 000 head; market weak early, closing firmer; heavy, M.25a4.55; common to choice mixed, S4. 2OU4.50; choice assorted, H3IU4.40; light, $4n4.30; pigs, S2.50U4. Sheep-Receipts, 15,000 heud: market stronger: Infe rior to choice, Jl.50a3.50; lambs, )2.riOa4.25. Philadelphia Tallow .Market. ' Bv the United Press. Philadelphia, Dec. 6. Tullow ! quiet and stoady. We quote: City prime In hhds, ic; country, prime, In bills, 4r,o. ; do. (lurk In bbls, 4u4e. ; cukes, 5c; grease, 4o, Oil Market. By the United Press. ' , ' ' ' Pittsburg, Dec. 6. Oil opened and low est, 88c; highest and closed, K)c. Found. ,'OUND NEAR SUMMIT LAKE A TUR- key whiob the owner msr have by par ing charge. ERNEST WAKE, Chinchilla, Babies anJ rapidly growing children derive more benefit from Scott's Emulsion.than ail the rest of the food they eat. Its nourishing powers are felt almost immedi ately. Babies and children thrive on Scott's Emulsion when no other form of food is assimilated. 5cotfs Emulsion stimulates the appetite, enriches the blood,overcomes wasting and gives strength to all who take it. For Coughs, Colds, Soro Throat, Bron chitis, Weak Lungs, Emaciation, Con sumption, Blood Diseases and all Forms Of Wasting. Send for pamphlet. Free, ScoltlEowM. H.Y.' All Drunqitls. 60c. in.! $1. A Word. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN . PAID KOU..IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHARGE WILL BE LES9 THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS. EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH 1MSUKTUD FKUH. Agents Wanted. Ur an ted-sieci7ltTdv canvaHHera familiar with premium mor cnntlle trude; money maker of 1m4. Alsa clover Ken. euiiTAssers on greatest seller of tu day. Stanley Biad'ey. u K. ltlth St., Now York. 1V"ANTKD ACTIVE SALESMEN TO V handle our line, no puddling. Salarr, S5 per mouth and expunsps paid to all. Goods entirely new. Apply uuitkly. P. O. Box, 6,Wd, UoHton, Musi. Helo Wanted Femalt. . l J ing and addren-ilng olrcularB for on, at home. No canvawtlng. Position permuiiont. Huply with Btamped Buvelopo., MISS MARIE WORTH, Anlilninl.0. Help Wanted-Male. W'k4OTEDA5TVEXPEI canvasser. Address T. B.. cara Tribune ofHco, Scranton, Pn. For Rent 1 Luckawanna avt-nuo. Address THOMAS EJiVANS, aear UULuorne, Hyde Park. lOR RENT ONE HALF STORE. TUPenn J avenui-, :10 per month. I?ORREXT-NI(JELY FURNISHED HALL I sultuble for lodifo rooms. JOHN JER MYN, llu Wyomlog ovenuo. For Sale. .'OK SALE -JUST ARRIVED WITH 40 X head of Illinois horses: good workers and drivers; wrlftbt from 1,000 to l,mx; several matched team) among tho let. Can be seen at F. M. COHHH.XH Raymond Court. Peal Estate. INARMS EXCHANGED FOR HOUSES; j noufes exciiantfea lor farms. It. EH XfiST COMKOYS, Real Estnto Agent, 12A WiiHhlnu'ton. Prlc Bulldinir. Special Notices. AM NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH EX 1 hlbltlnns and lectuiu upon any subject de sired. Those exhibitions will be llluatrateJ, bavinn in my possession the- most powerful dissolving stereoptlcons made. E. H. CALL, Tribune Office. YOU WANT THIS RELIC - REPRINT I Frank Leslio's Illustrated Week y War Illustratioi a ItttU-1605. Two Volume Folio, tltl-Vt: puyable monthly, $2 00. Delivered by express complete, Prepaid. Addiess P. O. MOODY, (llu Oibson street. Seranton, Pa. BLANK ROOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAOA zines, etc., bound or rebound ut The TuililMi oillco. , yuick work. ReaNOiiablo prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 144 corner bpruce street nnd Franklin ave nue. Twenty meal tickets for ti.M. Good mbln bonnl. , Charter Applications. 'oTfnfllfE i i application will be made to tho court of. Common Pleas ot Lackawanna county, or one of the law judges thereof, on Monday, tho '-'4th day f December, 1K4. at U o'clock a- in., under the previ ous of the act of ahseinbly of th3 commonwealth of Pennsylvania, en titled "An act to provide for the htcoporatlon and regulation of certain corporations." ap proved April, 211. A. D. 1S74, and its supple ments, for the charter for an intended cor poration to be called tho Scranton Social club, tin- character and object of which is for the purpose of tho maintenance of a club for Roctal enjoyments and tho literary improve ment oi its members troin lunna cuUootou 1 heroin, and for, theso purposes to have, toiHPgsund on joy all tho riuhts, benellts and nrlvllctfes of the said act of assembly and its supplements. The propossd charter ih now on nie in tn protuonotsry a oincu or i.scfa wannacounty, to No. Junuury term ltUj. JOHN R. JOKE, Hoiicitor. TN flfE COURT t)F COMMON PLEAS 1 for tho c niiitv of Lackawanna: Notice is hereby yiven that an application will bo made to the said court (or a law juilifi thereof I on tho thirty -llrat day of Dec -biber, A. D., tl4. at 9 o clock a. in. under tne' "Corporation ant of 174," and tho supplements theroto, by Joseph Kowalski, Mich el Schlatter, Matthias Sowkn. Jibn Nowicki, Ana row Korslnsky and Mii-hael IaKiHtin, for the charter of an Intended corporation to be called 'Thd Polish Cltixenn' Society of the Twentieth Ward," the chsraotor rn I object of which is "for the purpoHo ot tlw mahitonauce of a club for social enjoymoilts," nnd for these purposes to have, possess, and enjoy all tho riuhts. benefits, und i riviU'Kes conferred by the said act and its suppioM ems. WILLAKN, WARREN ft KNAPP, Solicitors. Viewers' Report IN RE ASSESSMENT .OK COSTS AND J Ih-iioIUs from tb irniuiiitf o 1'iii'kor street, No. fi7;t, Jlav term, IftU. Notice :s h-roby irlven that the vlawnrn aiv pointed by tlu court of common ploas in the alx've case have this dav filed their rep. irt in tliooltlcoof Ibepi-othotiotary. They Und that the following named ownora of property have been lienetlted in tbe following amounts, to tie pain to tne city or BcraiiMn. MiniB. i.ot. lilock. Amt. Win. ,T. Williams.'...,. ., Isaao P. Owens,.,,...... Jeremiah Houlihan Catlmrino Staples...,,,. W. A. Conrsen, i., Wiu. A. Coles........... Oeorire Constatitlnu. .. .'. , Si rauton District. Ill -7 '.. 30 ... m :.-B . 1 &2 it 111 IV m IH Si M iki 8& nr. M M 7 87 06 :h 4m 51 -a " iW 4 IS 611 m w ai oh Dunlel M. Jones M. V. Applenian.... 445 Win. Moore (I Jas.P. VWiittly estato 7 ; Wm. Watkins estate . , Richard Droun estate V David E. Hiiulies 11 ill) iff SU 87 litl 27 i& A3 l 70 Jo Unless exei-ptlons are fllod to tne aliov re port within thirty dsvs from the filing thereof, tile same will be confirmed absolutely. E. C. NEWCOMB, SAMUKL HALDftMAN, FRED W. FLEITZ. Viewers. TN RE A8HEH9MENT OP DAMAGES 1 from tne-rsxJlnf of Parker street, No, in , May term, iem. Notice is hersbv iffven that (lie viewers an. pointed by the court of common pleas in the aoore case nave iuis aay lueir report In tho oillco ot the nrothonotarv. Tnnv renort that damages should be paid by the' city of Dcrauuu 111 me iouowring amoun s. Name. Lot. Block. Amt. Jeremiah Houlihan 2S & S.D HI $700 IMJ D. M. Jones 11 ilo a0 (10 M. V. Appleniau.. ...... 45 Ho a (Kl Wm. Moore t ' US m 00 James P. Whlttlv 7 H8 aw ( V m. Watkins estate 8 Hi iluO 00 Unless exceptions ore nledto tlis a oovs re port within thirty days from the flit nor there of the same will be confirmed absolutely. . . -E. V. NEWCOMB, . ... pAJIVE'.HALDBMAN, lUED W. FLEITZ. ' " Viewers. GENT onnolh) & Wallace OUR DISPLAY OF ART NOVELTIES Now Reddy and consists of many choice things that will no doubt be bought quick. Come early. Hll II! SPECIAL II 01 i W Hill. . A large quantity of Real Kid Gloves, in a variety of shades, all good. Our former price was $1.50 Now 98c. The best Kid Glove opportunity of the season. THE FAIRY WARDROBE , Is one of the greatest hits of Modern times. , Plenty now on hand of our Famous $5.00 Mackintoshes. A splendid Christ mas Gift. CONNOLLY &. Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here in Scranton by the FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. BEST AND Banking. REPORT OP THE CONDITION OF THE SCRANTON of 8cranton, No. 4L'8 Lackawanna avenue, of Lackawanna county, Pennsylvania, ut the close of business November 30, lS'Jl: RESOURCES. Cash on. hand $ 34.2US 18 Chocks and other cash items.... 4,010 34 Due from Hanks and Hankers... 142.W 70 Loans and Discounts 278,5'J0 55 Investment securities owned, viz: Stocks, Bonds, etc...$149,7fi3 36 MortKURi-s 63.020 23 213.389 59 Heal Estate, Furniture and Fix tures l.onfl 01) Overdrafts , ,'. 203 04 $073,97!i 10 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In.i ) 50,000 00 Surplus Fund 25,000 00 'ndlvldcd rroflts, less expenses and taxes naid 13 fl7r, TO Denonltn nutiier-t to check rjciS'i! as Demand Certificates of Deposit. -1,103 55 Dividend unpaid..... 6 00 $1.73,979 40 Report In detail of above Securities has been mnde to CM. KKITMHHAAK, Su periTitedetit of Hnnklni?, as called for. HTATH OF PENNSYLVANIA, COL'NTY OF LACKAWANNA, SS: I, A. H. CHRISTY, Cashier of . the above, named Hank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge nhd belief. (Signed) A. H. CHRISTY, Cashier. Subscribed nnd sworn to before me this 6tlt duy of December, 1S94. (Signed) O. U. PARTRIDGE, Notary Public. Correct Attest: , . (Signed) O. S. JOHNSON, L. A. WATRES, M. J. WILSON, Dlructors. lgne' Notice. 1)LEAKE TAKE NOTIPE THAT JOHf 1 Walter and Edward Walter. co-pnrtn-TS trading as the Walter Printing company, lately trading as Walter, 'i homi.sou & Co., have this duy made a assignment to me of their property in trust for tho benefit of their creditors. All p.irsous indebted to tho Walter Print ing company or to Walter, Thompsan & Co., are hereby notified to make immediate tay ment to me, and all persons having claims will present thorn to me. JOHN H. HOLT, Assignee, Wi Lackawanna ayonue, 3U5 Center street. Legal. 1 N THE COURT OP COMMON PLEAS OF 1 Lackawanna County, No. 853, Kept, term, 1SII4, Margaret Turner vs. Joseph Ii. Turner. Tho alias subpu-na in divproe in tho above case having hM-n returned "non est Inventus," you, Joseph R Turner, are hereby notified to lie and appear at the next term of Common Pleas of si. 11 county, to lu held ill the city of Scranton ou the 14th day of January, lllu, to answer the plaintitT's complaint in the above case. JOHN J. FAHEY, Bher.ff. W. GAYLOUD THOMAS. Attorney Situation Wanted.. A SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNU iV widow as bonsekoope . Address Mrs. J. C, 170 Cedar avenue avenue, Scranton, Pa. SITUATION- WANTED AS HOUSR kcoper, good cook, w II do washing and ironing. Address Mrs. E. Jackson, bOO Hamp ton atroet, city. j REPORTER -SOBER, RELIABLE YOUNO . married man, thorough and competent local renorter, wishes permanent position on live daily or weekly: five years' leneral expo riencn; ran odit copy and teleuruph, read prisif and cover local; familiar with sporting and theatrii ul fields, good prose agent: refer ences from good papers; salary wiiderat. Ad dross H. U. T1BBENS, Altoona, Pa. WANTED-A YOUNO MAN, SU. WANTS tv position as stenographer, clerk, or any light position. Can tuinlsh good references. Address Stenographer, cure Tribune nlHee. Situation w a nted-"by "a " VouSb IJ girl to do housework or to takn care of children. Address L. E., 725 Fillmore avenue. SITUATION WANTED-A COMPETENT stenographer desires position as stenog rapher nnd typewriter. Can give refereueo. I. D , Tribune office. SITUATION WANTED AS BARTENDER; two years' experience in first-class place; references from old employers. UEOKQE E. DOWNEY, Box 8IK, Montrose, Pa. PITTEB IB0I CO., Ino'p. Caprtal, l,000,. BKST ai.fto HHOE IN THE WOitLD. "A dollar taped it a dollar tmnud." ThUIjullea' SolM Fraocb Dongola. Kid Bit ton Boot deliTsrad free anywhere is the VS., 00 roeeipioruosn, uoDyuraer, stores for Uila boot I we guar- ona smut, ot ( Ibe mosey another pair. Opra or Comnson Bsbm, CkKU, nan DhterShoeCoM' faiw,T f or l-osiai note tor oi.tu. I Eaiuls ererr war Ike beets 1 sold In all retail a.. We ske I ' 1 ouraelvea, therafon I 9 anltt thjtl,ttU yrt J S -,"?V Toe I 'M I il t Xsiaee 1 to and WALLACE 209 wb!" Ave. Scranton Bedding Co. CHEAPEST IRON BEDS IN TO our ,1 Washburn-CroHby Co. wish to assure their many pat rons that they will this year hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. ; This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed ' Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other brands. 4 MEGARGEL Wholesale Agents. We have the following supplies of lumber secured, at prices that warrant us in expecting a large share of the trade : Pacific Coast Rod Cedar Shingles. "Victor" and other Michigan Brands of White Pine and White Cedar Shingles, Michigan White and Norway Pine Lum ber and Bill Timber. North Carolina Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pine. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Rails, Mine Ties, Mine Props and Mine Supplies hi general. THE RICHARDS LUMBER COMPANY COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, SCRANTON, PA. DID YOU KNOW? That we WILL GIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at MERCEREAU 307 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. PENNYROYAL PILLS. For Sal by C. M. HARRIS, Druggist, 127 PennAvenuo. m .0 ... 7 'j laiiiinmn ii iiuni i Foraala uy joHfl H. PHElPS. tpritct Strttt, Scranton, Pa. Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated. THE CITY. patrons: Juniata County, Pennsylvania, White Oak. Sullivan County Hemlock Lumber and Lath. Tlogu County Dry Hemlock Stock Boards. Elk County Dry Hemlock Joists and Studding. & CONNELL CZ The only Ufa, tar tnA ver offerad to Ladies, especially reoommend d to marriad Ladies. RESTORE LOST VIGOR CONNELL ytUAlAB i EE teCsrs Mtfom utmiiii, LoMolsuusl Fowtr in llhtiwa I IiioluDUrT KmliMMi from hit mum. If tif Itctad, aork tfonMaa ImS n comuDiplllin st launlly, .MiMt bm by ntl,( U: 5. WHh sort SV onier w iit s wrlltes luaiMtrt to cms at ttfiuid tht siim AddriM ' fSAl) MSDIOIMK 00.- Clsniud.Okls. Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Aytnut and t .