The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 07, 1894, Image 1

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Mr. Turpie Thinks They Should Be
Chosen by Vote of the People.
II is Efforts Are Cut Off by Hie Considera
tion of Executive Business Dills
1'usscJ by tho Semite-Proceedings
of Interest In the House.
By the United Tress.
Washington, Dec. 6. The senate
spent two hours In session today, trans
ected some business of minor lmimrt
once and 'adjourned over till ;Mon
day. Mr. Vest (Dem. Mo.) made an
effort at the close of the proceedings
to get -up his cloture resolution for ac
tion; but he was cut oft by a motion
to proceed to the consideration of exe
cutive business.
Mr. Turpie (Dem. Ind.) occupied about
an hour In the presentation of an ar
gument In favor of making senators
elective' by the people of each state
Instead of by the legislatures. He
claimed that the proposed charge
would hot disturb, In the slightest de
gree, the special relations existing be
tween senators and the states which
they represent, and that Its only effect
would be to have senators chosen by
the suffrages of the whole people of a
etate Instead of by the suffrages of a
very small minority. No action was
taken on the resolution.
Four bills were passed: To exempt
from the payment of duties articles of
foreign exhibitors at the Portland, Ore-g-on,
Universal Exposition; extending
the time for the commencement and
completion of a bridge across the Mis
sissippi river above New Orleans; to
reinmburse the Washington and Lee
university at Lexington, Va., for in
juries done by United States troops
during the war, I17.4S4; and appropriat
ing $20,000 for the dedication of the
Chletomiauga and Chattanooga :Na
tlonal park on the two battlefields on
Sept. 19 and 20, 1S95.
Glimpse at the House.
Washington, Dec. 6 Speaker Crisp
today announced a number of commit
tee removals and assignments, made
necessary by the changes that have oc
curred in the membership of the house,
The most important of them were the
assignment of Mr. Wheeler (Dem., Ala.)
to the committee on ways and means
In place of Mr. Breckinridge (Dem.,
Ark.) appointed minister to Russia; Mr.
Sibley (Dem., Pa.) to the committee on
appropriations In place of Mr. Comp
ton (Dem., Md.) appointed naval of
ficer at Baltimore; Mr. Beckner (Dem.,
Ky.) to elections vice Mr. Paynter
(Dem., Ky.) elected judge of the court
of appeals of that state; Mr. Hicks
(Kep., Pa.) to public buildings nnd
grounds; Mr. Tracy (Dem., N. Y.) to
merchant marine, and fisheries.
The pension and fortifications appro
priation bills for the year ending June
SO, 1896, were reported to the house with
the notification that the former would
be called up next Wednesday and the
latter when the railroad pooling bill
shall have been disposed of.
The debate on the bill to so amend
the inter-state commerce law as to per
mit of pooling by the railroads was
resumed and occupied the attention of
the house until 5 o'clock. Cooper (Dem.,
Fla.) and Daniels (Rep., N. Y.) spoke
against the bill, and Mr. Gresham
(Dem., Tex.) Mr. Morse (Rep., Muss.)
and Mr. Reed (Rep., Me.) for It.
Unsuspecting Ones l'lccccd Out of $12
fur on Imugluary Position.
By the United Press.
Altoona, Pa., Dec. 6. A slick swind
ler who came here from Pittsburg un
der the alias of W. S. Demlng was ar
rested this afternoon. His scheme was
to place a want advertisement In the
dally newspapers, asking for a lady of
excellent executive ability, to act as
manageress, saying that correspond
ence exclusively was necessary and no
canvassing, but that $12 security would
have to be advanced for the permanent
(now found to be Imaginary) position.
From all accounts the well-dressed,
shrewd-looking rascal has been work
ing his game extensively. As soon as
his victims at this place are done with
him the authorities at Pittsburg, Cin
cinnati, Indlanopolls and Chicago will
take him In hand, where he Is wanted
on similar charges.
CNutlotinl Trotting Association Decides
That She Is Not Entitled to Purses,
By the United Press.
New York, Dec. 6. The most Import
ant case that came up for action before
this day's session of the board of re
view of the National Trotting associa
tion was that of the National Trotting
association against the Clover Dell
Stock farm, A; H. Moore, of Colmar,
Pa., proprietor; Budd Doble, of Chica
go, and the bay mare Ballona. This
mare won during the past year stakes
and purses aggregating $6,000, but as
Moore, to whom the animal belongs,
Is under suspension, It Is proposed to
lake the money from her.
Doble campaigned the mare for
Moore and hence his Importance in the
case. It was finally agreed to continue
the hearing to the May session of the
board at Chicago.
Secretary l.nroont Recommends the DIs
,. posul of Hacks County Plot.
By the United Press. , ' .
Washington, Dec. 6. Secretary La-
mont sent to the house today the draft
of a bill, which he recommends passed,
to authorize the war department to sell
a section of land In Bucks county, Pa,,
formerly used as a burial ground for
The kind was purchased In 1804 for
the Interment for soldiers dying while
In the service of the United States. The
remains of the soldiers burled In the
lot. have-since been removed to the
National cemetery, Philadelphia.
Mrs. Nuestatcl Paid $18 Per Month and
Lost Her Diamonds.
By the United Press. . .
New York, Dec. 6. Mrs. Anna
Nuestatel, SrWldow, testified before the
Lexow committee this afternoon that
after 1)er husband's death she bought
a saloon ait 108 RMngtoh Btreet, and.
paid Detectives Brennan and McCor
mlck $18 a month for police protection.
She also paid various sums to Excise
Inspector Goddey.
The witness suid she was taken Blck
and was compelled to enter an hospital.
She had previously moved Into another
house and found that all her things had
been seized In her absence. A man
named Blulsteln got possession of them
Illegally. Mrs. Neustatel stated that
before she went to the hospital she
gave her diamonds for safe keeping
to Alderman Clancey. When she came
out of the hospital Clancey produced
other diamonds.
"I asked him to give me my dia
monds," said she, "and he told me I
was poor and did not need diamonds.
He told me he would give $150 for the
diamonds, and sooner than not get any
thing, perhaps, I took the money."
The witness also said that Alderman
Clancey told her to get a man to regis
ter from her house under the name of
a bar tender who lodged In' her house.
Mr. Goff then asked for and was
granted an adjournment until Tuesday
next, so that he could prepare further
She Is Kobbed or a Packuge Containing
Nearly $10,000, on One of Cineinnatl's
Busiest Streets.
By the United Press.
Cincinnati, O., Dec. 6. Josephine
Brand, a single woman 43 years of age,
whose home Is in Lawrenceburg. Ind.,
was robbed of $9,800 this evening on
Central avenue In plain sight of many
This morning she came to the city
with the intention of drawing out of
bank all her money and taking It to
Lawrenceburg. She had a draft for
$31.8 on the Citizens' bank of this city,
and, after cashing it, wrapped the
money In a handkerchief and secreted
It under her corsage. After Bhopplng
several hours she drew $9,800 from her
bank, placing It in a satin handbag
closed with drawstrings. As she was
going down one of the most prominent
streets In the city a man suddenly
slipped behind her, and, grabbing the
bag, gave It a pull. The Jerk displaced
a lot of bundles which she had under
her arm and as she struggled to save
them she released her hold on the bag.
The thief ran up Central avenue and
disappeared on Fourth street.
The woman's screams drew a crowd
and she was taken to police headquar
ters. She stated that no one was aware
of her Intention to draw the money.
The money consisted of fifty $100 bills
and the rest in $20 and $50 bills. No
description could be had of the man.
Carl S. Williams Will Command the Foot
Ball Team.
Ily the United Press. . ...
Philadelphia. Dec. 6. Carl S. Will
lams was today unanimously selected
captain or the University of Pennsyl
vania foot ball team for next vear.
Williams played quarter back on this
yvr's team and was substitute quarter
back on last year's team. He Is tl
years old and a member of the medical
class of '97.
The position of captain was first ten
dered ex-Captain Knipe, but he de
clined it, as he will not return to col
lege next year for a post graduate
The Addicks Divorce Case.
By the United Press.
Wilmington, Del., Dec. 6. Counsel for J.
uuwara auuicks said today that no
formal answer to his wife's petition for
divorce will be filed. A demurrer will be
Interposed declaring that the chances of
the petitions are not specific, and asking
that detinue charges tie made so that di
rect answer may be ftled.
Debs Will Be at Denver.
By the United Press.
Donver, Dec. 6,-Kugene V. Debs will
attend tho convention of the American
Federation of Labor to be held here next
week for the purpose of obtaining an in
doisement of his plan to amalgamate
all the lubor organizations to be known
as the L lilted Federation of Lubor. .
Another Furnace Started.
By the United Press.
Reading, Pa.. Dec. 6. No. 2 furnace of
the- Reading Iron company was put In
blast today. The stack has been idle for
nearly three years. This Is the second
furnace started up by the company within
a month.
Our Gold Will Flout Away.
By the United Press.
New York, Dec. C Arrangements were
made toduy for the shipment of Jl.GOO.OJO
gold on Suturduy to Europe, and, unless
the foreign exchange market should
weaken unexpectedly tomorrow the gold
will be withdrawn from the sub-treasury
tomorrow morning. .
Killed by l oot Ball.
By the United Press.
Indianapolis, Ind., Dec. C Stewar
Cravens, aged 24, a student at the Culver
Military academy, Maxlnkukee, died yes
terday from an injury received In a game
of foot ball played three weeks ago be
tween the cadets of the academy and the
Indianapolis high school team.
Dig Fire In Texas.
By tho United Press,
Fort Worth, Tex., Dec. C A raging
flro Is reported In the extreme western
part of Texas and eastern New Mexlca.
Tho ranges have been totally destroyed,
25,000,000 acres of gruss being consumed.
Tho Debs conspiracy case at Chicago
was postponed until Dec. 18.
Two marvelous cures of diphtheria by
antl-toxlne have set Kansas XJlty doctors
Without a tremor, Rlgo Vela, who killed
his wife, went to his death at Lockhart,
Albany, N. Y., Women's Christian Tem
perance union Is against "living pictures
and Bin In general."
Conviction of bribery was found at New
Orleans against Numa Dudoussat, a mem
ber of the city council.
A $50,000 defalcation was found In-Jthd
accounts of 8. W.'Hklerburg;the missing
ex-deputy clerk of Chicago.
To catch his Bweetheart flirting, Adolph
Roppe, of Brooklyn, put on a false beard
and moustache, and was arrested. '
. William B. Wilson, of Philadelphia, has
been mado second vice president of the
Telegraphic Historical Society of Amer
ica. John .Burns, the Engllih labor leader.
and Samuel Gomwrs left New York for
Denver, to attend the trade union con
The art gallery of the late William T.
Walters, of Baltimore, goes to his son and
daughter, and will probably be kept In
tact in that city.
Defeated for re-election as county clerk
and being short 11,924 In his accounts.
Jere Matthews, of Lincoln, 111,, took mor
phine, and will probably .die. . .
Turkey Now Eager to Explain the
Massacre of Armenians,
Turks Deny That Women and Children
Were Killed by Troops Americans
Think President's Message Should
. . Have ltcfcrrcd to the Topic,
By the United Press.
London, Dec. 6. A dispatch from Con
stantinople to the Morning Advertiser
says that the Porte denies, on the au
thority of the commander of the Fourth
army corps, that any women or chil
dren were killed in the Sassoun dis
trict by, regular troops. It Is added
that not a single unarmed Individual
was killed; Indeed, twenty rebels who
submitted were treated with the great
est consideration and were liberated
after their evidence had been taken. It
was through their statements that the
place where Hamparsoun and 'his ac
complices had taken refuge was re
vealed. No other rebels submitted. .
A dispatch to the Times -from Vienna
says that the Echo, an Armenian paper
published at Tlfils, in discussing the
lighting In the Sassoun district, states
that the governor of Moush sent troops
to aid the Kurds against the -Armeni
ans. The latter were victorious. The
governor, finding that nothing could be
attained by the use of force, offered the
Armenians peace and freedom from
taxation. This officer induced the Ar
menian chiefs to visit the governor.
Thereupon the governor seized and
exeouted them.
The papef mentions, without giving
the date, that there has been further
fightiug In the Moush district, and that
a third encounter between the Turks
and Armenians had taken place at
An Odessa dispatch to the Times
records a large Increase In the Russian
forces along the Turkish frontier. This
Is supposed to account for the disturbed
state of Armenia.
Boston, Dec. G. The Society of the
Friends of Armenia of this city today
began to circulate a petition to the
president of the United States and to
the czar of Russia asking them to In
terfere to prevent the further slaughter
of Armenians by the Turks, and secure
Just reparation for the blood already
shed. The petition to the czar will be
carried to St. Petersburg by special rep
resentatives of the society.
' Another Story Told.
Washington, Dec. 6. The Turkish le
gation In this city has given out an
other statement in regard to the
butchery of Armenians by the soldiers
of the Sultan, as recently detailed in
the newspapers. This Is the second
statement given out In Washington on
this subject,, and as It does not alto
gether agree with the first one. It only
furnishes additional evidence of the
fact that the Turkish government is
seeking to fool the American people.
The fact that President Cleveland
made no reference whatever to these
atrocities in his message seems to have
stirred up the people of this country
pretty generally. Members of congress
are receiving letters and resolutions
from Christian booties all over the coun
try urging some action to show the
sympathy of the United States with the
persecuted Christians of Armenia.
The subject has already been brought
up In congress, and, however much Sec
retary Gresham may desire to suppress
debate on the subject he will not suc
ceed. If the American minister at Con
stantinople, who Is understood to be In
high favor with the sultan, has not
performed his duty In sending Informa
tion to the state department In regard
to these atrocities, the counry will
pretty soon find out the fact, as con
gress has already called on the presi
dent for the correspondence, If any, on
the subject.
The Turkish government concealed
all information on this subject for near
ly two months, or until It leaked out
through a British consul. But so far as
Is known the consular officers of the
United States have not sent a word to-
our government on the subject, or if
they have their reports have been sup
pressed. When Consul Hallward's re
ports of the massacre was sent to Sir
Philip Curry, the British minister at
Constantinople, and the minister pre
sented It to the Porte, the Turkish min
ister of foreign-affairs positively denied
the report, asserting that It was un
true. Later, the Porte asserted that
Consul Hallward had encouraged the
Armenians to revolt. Then the Turkish
government issued another report In
which It laid the responsibility upon
the Turkmh brigands. Various other
reports have como and now the Turkish
officials In Washington give out still
another version.
Bogus Official I'ndcr Arrest Claims Scran-
ton as Ills Residence.
By the United Press.
Wlnsted, Conn., Dec. 6. At C.15 to
night a man representing himself as
deputy sheriff of Torrlngton, walked
into Canty's saloon, grabbed a German
named Carl Schneider, who he said was
wanted for murder. They went to the
German's home and the stranger want
ed $5 to let the man go free. Schneid
er's wife paid him $5 and the stranger
drove off.
Schneider notified Chief Wheeler and
the stranger was arrested at Hotel
Central. He cauiu?d to -be- S." J.'"Gai-
lager,-ot Scranton, Pa., and to repre
sent the Bay State Publishing com
pany. His trial will be held tomorrow.
P. J. Gallagher's name does not ap
pear on the Scranton directory In con
flection with the Bay State Publishing
Desperate Struggle with a Woman Incen
diary In Cellar,
By the United Press.
Pittsburg, Dec. 6. After saturating
shavings with oil, ready for Ignition,
Caroline Bell, a colored woman, was
found In the cellar of William Griffith,
on Frazer street, early this morning,
Juttt as she. was about to apply the
match. A son of Mr. Griffith, who had
heard a noise In the cellar, went down
and lighted a gas Jet.
The woman was crouched In a corner,'
and as soon as she saw him she sprang
upon him like a demon and bore him. to
the floor, biting and scratching trim
furiously. His calls attracted his broth
er and father, and they were compelled
to knock the woman down with & club.
9he was then securely bound and con
veyed to the workhouse by the police.
The woman is supposed to be Insane.
Nervy Action of a Young Slate Picker
After a Crash.
By the United Press. .
Pottsvllle, Pa., Dec. 6. William
Oates, a 13-year-old slate picker at
Thomaston colliery, had a thrilling ex
perience, In which he came off minus
one foot. He got one of his feet In the
monkey rolls In the breaker while the
machinery was In motion and his leg
was torn oft below the knee.
After the accident the nervy lad
Btood alongside the rolls on one leg end
held toto boot and severed foot In one
hand until assistance came.
The Negroes of he Country Not Recog
nized by Unions.
By the United Press.
Philadelphia, Dec. 6. The Christian
Recorder of this city, published In the
Interest of the African Methodist
efo.urch, publishes an open letter ad
dressed 'to John Burns, the English la
bor leader, urging him to use his In
fluence at Denver towards having the
word White eliminated from the consti
tution of the great labor organizations
of this country.
The letter claims that 8,000,000 col
ored workmen In the United States are
"boycotted" by organized labor.
A Whiskey Peddler Who Hus Kutncd a
Young Girl, Shoots Her Father, and
Brother, and Brother-ln-I.w.
By the United Press. .
Ashland, Ky., Dee. 6. A tragedy that
will end In the loss of three lives oc
curred last night at a small hamlet
called Fultz, thirty miles from here.
For six months Thomas James, a
whisky peddler, representing himself
to be a cattle driver, has been clan
destinely meeting the daughter of
Farmer George Fultz. The parents'
suspicions as to condition of the girl
were confirmed by her confession. The
father, his son, George, and a son-ln
law went In search of James.
He was found at church, where a
revival meeting was being held. When
the farmer took him aside trouble soon
began. Fultz was Instantly killed by a
bullet through his heart. The son then
took a hand and when pistols were
emptied the younger Fultz was also
dead; and the son-in-law, John Phyllis,
was mortally wounded, a bullet having
passed through his head. James es
caped Injury apparently, as he vaulted
over a fence into the underbrush and
A posse Is hunting , the murderer.
Fultz had a large family connection
and most of the posse are his relatives.
Th daughter Is in danger of becoming
hopelessly Insane. ' ' ' '"
The Foreign Board About to Send an Em
bassador to Japan,
By the United Press.
Washington, Dec. 6. It Is reported
late this evening that Ministers Denby
and Dun closed the war for peace nego
tiation between China and Japan.
The Chinese foreign board Is about to
send to Toklo an ambassador fully au
thorized to treat for a cession of hos
tilities. Found Dead In His Room.
By the United Press.
Birmingham, Ala., Dec. 6. H. N. Judge,
one of the leading luwyers of West Ala
bama, for many years a member of the
state legislature, and a very prominent
man In state politics, was found dead n
his room In Eutaw yesterday with a
pistol grasped In his hand and a gaping
wound In the slile of his head, from which
the brains and blood oozed.
Looking After the Couplings.
By the United Press.
Washington, Dec. 6. Mr. Draper, of
Massachusetts, offered In the house to
day a bill which makes It unlawful for
any common carrier to haul any cur not
equipped with automatic couplings or any
passenger coach that is not fitted with
such couplings or any locomotive with
out driving wheel brakes.
The Steamer Paris Aground.
By the United Press.
Southampton, Deo. C The American
line stoumer Paris, Captain Watkins.
from New York, Nov. 28, went aground
off the company's dock extension during
a dense fog at 9 o clock last night. The
passengers and malls were landed by
tenders. She was floated at high tide to
day and reached her dock at 12.30 p. m.
The convention of the State Farmers'
Alliance will be held In Harrlsburg the
third week In December.
While playing with a revolver at Honey-
brook, 0-year-old Edward Lebbo shot his
3-year-old brother Willie dead.
At a meeting of the committee on law,
of the Reading school board, It was de
cided to prosecute all school tax delin
quents. Chief Burgess Nichols, of Pottsvllle, has
vetoed council's proposition to cut down
the number of companies In the fire de.
Pottsvllle borough council has appoint
ed a committee to make arrangements
to give the taxpayers an opportunity to
vote for an increase of debt sufficient to
establish public water works.
Charles Gorman, aged 25. years, living
near iKaston, became violently Insane
Tuesday night on a Lehigh Valley express
train and created great consternation
among the passengers before being over
King Humbert of Italy has given $20,000
more for the reller or earthquake suffer
ers, " Switzerland will ask foreign govern
ments to adopt International regulations
on labor questions.
The Prince of Woles and Emperor Will
iam exchanged visits In Berlin, and the
former then started for England.
Ross & Smythe, of London, the largest
grain dealers In the world, report that
the Argentine crops are s per cent. Bhort
A copyright law between Great Britain
and Canada Is favored, by London pnb-
llshera to prevent the United States sup
plying our neignoora witn dooks.
By .vote of 78 to 42, the Belgian cham
ber of deputies rejected the Socialist pro
posal .that amnesty ue granted to . all
persons now serving terms of Imprison
ment for taking part In the riots that oc
curred durlnj the universal suffrage agitation,-
. V
It Kill Open Next Season with an
Eight Club Circuit.
The Bulance of the Circuit Includes To
ronto, Buffalo, Rochester, Springfield,
Providence and Wilkcs-Hurre-Pat-rick
Will Hold tho Ufficcs.
New York, Dec. 6. The Eastern
league of base ball clubs concluded its
labors today in one session and most of
the delegates have returned to their
homes. ,
All the clubs were represented when
the meeting was called to order. The
question of filling the circuit wus the
first matter considered. The Bridge
port, Conn., club was given a hearing
and the ex-New York ball player,
James O'Rourke, made an able speech
In bohalf of the city of Bridgeport as
a base ball town and he made such an
Impression upon the delegates that a
committee was appointed later to con
sider the advisability of increasing the
lresldent James Franklin, of the
Buffalo club, notified the league that he
had come to a satisfactory arrange
ment for the purchase of the franchise
and players of the Erie club. He turned
the franchise over to the league and
will retain the players. The franchise
was then given to the Toronto club,
Which was represented by W. J. Smith
and Charles Maddock In behalf of Peter
Ryan, register of Toronto and a great
base ball enthusiast. ,
'Scranton Is In It.
Scranton was permitted to retain the
Troy franchise by the payment of the
$250 that they had failed to hand over
last season to mnke up the $500 that the
club had agreed to pay when the fran
chise was turned over to them last
summer and the Scranton delegates
were Invited Into the meeting.
The Rochester club was given the
vacancy caused by the dlsbnndment of
the Yonkers club. John C. Chapman
the vetcrun base ball player, will doubt
less be made manager of the Rochester
club next season.
A circuit committee was then ap.
pointed consisting of President P. T.
Powers, Thomas E. Burns, of Spring
field, and G. N. Kuntzsch, of Syracuse,
to look over the Held and consider the
advisability of making a 10-club circuit
by admitting Bridgeport, Conn., and
Newark, N. J. The circuit now con
slats of Toronto, Buffalo, Rochester,
Syracuse, Springfield, Providence,
Scanton and Wilkes-Barre.
A committee consisting of C. H. Mor
ton, of Buffalo; John E. F. Bogart, of
Wllkes-Barre, and W. L. Betts, of
Scranton, was appointed to revise the
constitution and report on the same
at the annual spring meeting of the
. Powers Is the Pooh Bah,
The secretary was instructed to cast
one ballot for P. T. Powers as presi
dent, secretary and treasurer,' which
was done, and Mr. Powers' salary was
Increased accordingly. The board of
directors elected were: James Frank'
lin. Buffalo; W. H. Draper, of Provi
dence, and John E. F. Bogart, of
Wllkes-Barrc. A schedule committee
was appointed consisting of President
P. T. Powers, C. H. Morton (formerly
of Erie, but now thg manager of the
Buffalo club), and E. A. Johnson, of
Providence. The league Instructed
President Powers to push the suit, In
the interest of the players, which was
begun against Marcus Russel, of Troy,
for the back salaries of his players
while that club was in the league.
It was agreed that the Eastern league
should apply to the National league for
reservation privileges for class 13,
which are $75 a club, the National
league reserving the privilege of taking
any of their players at the end of a
season by the payment of $u00 for each
player so desired. President Powers
was authorized to select a competent
slaff of umpires at a salary In excess
of that which was paid last year. Presi
dent Powers declined to Btate the
amount that would be paid. The urn
plres last season received $22o per
month, but they hud to pay their own
Bus Containing I'. P. Foot Boll Players
I'pset on Wyoming uventic.
The following members of the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania Foot Ball team
registered at the Westminster last
night: C. W. Williams, William L. At
kin, J. B. Stamurd, Thomas J. Orblson,
J. L. Ulllerenbrlmer, Charles T. Colbert,
Jr.. W. T. Worth. Buell and Farrar re
mained at Wilkes-Barre over nignt
and Woodruff, O. Wagonhurst and
Wagonhurst are expected to arrive this
morning. They pluy the Scranton
eleven at the Base Ball park this after
noon at 3- o'clock.
Those who registered at the West
minster arrived oh the midnight Lacka
wanna tran and drove by two Union
Transfer company busses to the hotel
and a race ensued between the two
busses ud Wyoming avenue. One of
the busses crossed the car rails at
Sharp angle leaving one of the wheels
behind. The vehicle turned over and
unceremoniously discharged the pas
sengers Who, however, escaped unhur
A Gay Commission Merchant After Gath
cring About $12,000, Skips Out.
By the United Press.
Pittsburg, Dec. 6. Frank Johnson
giving his former address as Elgin, 111
located on Liberty avenue, Pittsburg,
eight weeks ago, engaged lit the pro
duce commission business under the
firm name of Klrkpatrlck & Johnson
Johnson made flattering promises
favorable returns to those dealing with
him and succeeded In gathering In from
$12,000 to $20,000.
Two days ago Johnson was nmong the
missing, and he has not as yet been
located. Nothing whatever Is known
of Klrkpatrlck.
They Demanded Fire-Water and Received
Cold Lead,
By the United Press.
Sholbyvllle, Ind., Dec. 6. A pitched
battle, from which two parties will lose
their llveB, occurred at 1 o'clock this
morning In Clark township, this coun
ty. Harry Wlndhurst Is a saloonkeeper
at Acton,' a small station on the Big
Four road. Jack and William Duncan
went toWlndhurst's after foe had closed
and demanded that he open and give
them whiskey.
The Duncans opened up a fusllade on
the saloonkeeper and his residence.
Mrs. Wlndhurst was struck In the face
Ith a brick and her skull crushed. She
cannot recover. Wlndhurst then
brought fols revolver into play, and
emptied it without effect. He then
brought out his shot gun and fired on
the Duncans.
Jack was literally torn to pieces, and
William was dangerously wounded.
Excitement runs high, and the Dun
can's friends, who are a dangerous peo
ple, were gathering In from the adjoin
ing county all day today.
Squire I.oiighrcy of Port Griffith Receives
Serious Iniurlcs.
Specjal to the Scranton Tribune.
'ittston, Dec. 6. William Loughrey,
the' well known Justice of tho neaee of
t Griffith, aceomnnnled hv his
daughter, while driving to their home
Wednesduy evening was struck by an
electric car, north bound, and thrown
to the ground.
Mr. Loughrey received an ugly gash
i the head. His h o was also Iniured
The girl escaped uninjured.
National Woman's Indian Association in
Session at New llavcn-Offlccrs Chosen
for the Ensuing Year.
By the United Press.
New Haven, Conn,, Dec. 6. The Na
tional Women's Indian association met
In annual session In 'the United church
this morning, forty states being repre
sented by 300 delegates. Mrs. Amelia
Quinton, of Philadelphia, national
president, occupied the chair. After
scriptural lessons and prayer. Miss M.
Ives, of this city, delivered an ad
dress of welcome to whloh Mrs. E. S.
Savage, of New York, responded. The
nuJtlonal treasurer, Miss Helen R. Foote,
of Pennsylvania, reported receipts dur
ing the year $12,145.62; and expenditures
$9,187.14. The organ of the association,
The Indian Friend, Is now self support
ing. The corresponding secretary of the
association, Miss Eliza W. Jones, of
New Jersey, reported eight new asso
ciations formed In Rhode Island dur
ing the year, two In Louisiana, two in
Pennsylvania, one in New Jersey and
one in Ohio.
The following officers were chosen
for the ensuing year: Honorary presi
dent, Mrs. M. L. B. Rambaut, New
York; president, Mrs. A. Squinton,
Pennsylvania; vice-president at large,
Mrs. W. R. Brooks, New Jersey; east
ern vice-president, Mrs. J. Bldwell,
California; corresponding secretary.
Miss E. W. Jones, New Jersey; record
ing secretary, Mrs. H. O. Wilbur, Penn
sylvania; treasurer. Mrs. H. P. Foate,
Pennsylvania; auditor of accounts,
Mrs. C. G. Bougfoton, Pennsylvania;
executive board, Mrs. W. R. Brooks,
xnow jersey; Mrs. G. D. Boardman.Misa
S. M. Taylor, Mrs. J. T. Unger. Mrs.
William Blackwell, Mrs. Russell Con
well, Mrs. E. M. WIster, Mrs. C. E. MU-
nor, Philadelphia; Mrs. C. C. Hlne, New
Jersey; Mrs. P. S. Luggurt, Mrs. Ed
ward Elliot, Mrs. A. Blckmore. Mrs.
Clinton B. Flsk, Mrs. George Wood,
Mrs. H. Green, Mrs. C. T. Cook, Mrs.
William Isaacs, Mrs. B. I. Reynolds,
Mrs. O. F. Zolllkorfer. Mrs. J. C. Bald
win, Mrs. D. O. Wickham, Mrs. Hugh
O'Nell, Mrs. William Collins, Mrs. W.
H. Laird, Mrs. S. A. Shepley. New York
city; Mrs. L. Abbott, Mrs. W. L. Burke,
Mrs. A. Van Iderstlne, Mrs. G. W.
Vanslcklen, Mrs. Van B. Bergen,
Mrs. Sara L. Kinney, of Connecticut.
road an interesting paper entitled
Good Clheer.
President Squinton announced that
the government Intended to appoint an
assistant Indian commissioner, who
would be In a position to render great
service to the association.
Jury-Seals u Verdict Which M ill He Head
By the United Press.
Philadelphia, Dec. 6. The trial of
Dr. John H. Durlund, president of the
Provident Bond and Investment com
pany, charged with using the malls to
further a scheme to defraud, was con
eluded In the United States court this
Judge Butler hud gone home before
the jury reached a decision and the
verdict was sealed and will not be
known until tomorrow morning.
Colonel Colt's Cusc.
By the United Press.
Columbus, O., Dec. 6. The case of Col
olonel A. B. Coit was admitted to th
court of Inquiry this morning and the
sessions of the court were adjourned sine
die. Ex-Attorney General George K.
Nash nnd H. J. Booth made oral argu
ments for Colonel Colt, and Thomas W.
Merchant, of Washington Court House,
for tho prosecution.
Tho next congress will not contain a
single colored member.
Senator Peffer Is after the congressional
funeral junket with a "shurp stick."
A pension of $100 per month hns been
proposed for Mrs. General N. P. Banks.
Secretury Herbert's plan for relieving
the "stagnation" In naval promotions In
tho line In not favorably received In
It Is not true that MaJor'AIfxandor Mc
Dowell, candidate for the chief clerkship
of the next house, has entered Into any
combination with tho New York delega
The resolution to Inquire Into tho sur
render of two Japanese spies to the Chin
ese by our consul at Shanghai has been
referred to tho senate foreign affairs com.
The lottery feature of the Artisans
Building and Loan assoclatin of Pitts
burg, hus been eliminated and the concern
has been granieu ine use or the mails,
of which It was recently deprived.
Senator Berry has Introduced a bill to
provide a temporary form of government
for that part of the Indian Territory oc'
cupled by the tlve civilized tribes. It pro
vldes for a territory, to bo known as In
The man who has been longest In the
civil service of this government Is Isaac
Ilassett, the acting assistant doorkeeper
of the senate. Sixty-three years ago
Daniel Webster had Bassett appointed
page In the senate, and the venerablo
Captain Bassett Is yet hearty and well.
and able to attend to his oiliclal duties,
For eastern Pennsylvania, fair; north
west winus; Becoming variable,
It being our intention not to carry
over a piece of Dress Goods that we
can turn into cash, vc make the fol
lowing quotations,
0XE LOT One all wool mixed Suit'
int;s, former price, ,5.oo.
This Week's Price S2.50 a Suit,
0XE LOT extra fine Siik and Wool
Scotch Suitings. Special price for
This Week U.n a Suit.
0XE LOT 5-J-iiKh Covert Cloth, ex-
tra quality. Former prices, $1.00
This Week 75ca
AX0TIIEK LOT, the last of the sea-
son, of our special Foreign Cash
mere in 40 and 46-inch. The price
This Week Will lie 33c. and 45a
Interesting prices on Fine Ulacl;
Dress Goods.
See our Velvctina Cords for Dress
and Coat Sleeves; also in Cream fof
ISabics Lloaks.
Fine German 50-inch Seal Plush,
610 and 512 Lackawanna Ave.
We will have wet weather, We
will furnish you with SHOES for wet
weather. It will be a healthful invest
I i
114 Wyoming Avenus.
HAVE just returned
from New York buying
Holiday Goods. We are
receiving them daily. -
to call and sec our fine line of
Jewelry and Novelties, whether
you buy or not
N. B. Look at our show windows as
you pass. .
n mi nn