The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 06, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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THE remarkable money-saving ad
vantages we are now ottering la
Have probably never been equalled.
Bonie of the bargain items from the
NIGHT DRESSES, of good muslin, tucked
yoke, trimmed with nainsook rullle
At 08 Cents.
Regular price, 85 cents.
NIGHT DRESSES of good muslin, yoke of
solid tucking, trimmeu wun line
edge of embroidery,
At 75 Cents.
Regular price, 95 cents.
NIGHT DRESSES wRb. yoke of cluster
tucking, trimmed on neck, iron
and sleeves with embroidery,
At 85 Cents.
' Regular price, ?1.
DRAWERS, with tucks and ruffle of em
broidery, At 45 Cents.
Regular price, 60 cents.
DRAWERS, with cluster tucks, trimmed
with fine embroidery,
At G8 Cents.
Regular price, 85 cents.
'CORSET COVERS, with surplice neck,
trimmed with fine embrodiery.
At 30 Cents.
Regular price, 45 cents.
Dress Goods.
Christmas thoughts are in or
der. What more appropriate
present cun be selected than a
handsome dress pattern V
40-inch Novelty Mixed Suitings,
58 Cents Per Yard.
Frosty days Suggest these very
essential articles of dress. Our
prices have been pitched a little
lower In order to hurry up
Ladies' Black Cashmere Gloves, guar
ranteed fast color,
25 Cents the Pair.
Were 35 cents.
41a Spruce Street, Scranton.
Dr. Reeves has had long und varied ex
perience In hospital and private practice
and treatM uil acute and chronic diseases
of men, women und children.
He, with his assistants, treat all dis
eases of he nervous system, diseases of
the eye, ear, nose und throut, dyspepsiu,
. rheumatism, lost vitality, premature
weakness or deeuy In both sexes, nervous
debility, catarrh, tumors, cancers, erup
tions, blood-poisoning, tits, epilepsy, In
discretion and errors of youth, lost man
hood, eczema, scrofula, St. Vtus' dunoe,
. asthma, dlseuses of the heart, lungs,
liver, kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc.
Young Men Positively Cured.
Offer to the Public for Catarrh.
Any one suffering with Catarrh who
lshes to be permanently, quickly und
cheaply cured may receive three months'
treatment for only FIVE DOLLARS. Tho
, doctor has discovered a specific for this
dreaded disease. You fun treat and curs
yourself und family with It at home. It
never falls to cure. A trial treatment
. OFFTCK HOURS-Dally, 9 a. m. to 9 p.
- m. ; Sundays, 10 to 12 und i to 4.
Oil Cloths,
Window Shades and
Wall Paper.
All the Latest Designs.
J. Scott Inglis
four doom above Wyoming House.
Miss Grace Bonner, the talented
young .elocutionist and violinist, will
Kive an entertainment In tho Railroad
Young Men's Christian association on
Saturday evening, Dec. 8, 184.
Secretary Adair, of the Railroad
Young Young Men's Christian associa
tion, Is 111.
C. C. Hamlin, of Great Bend, ts very
in. .
Reports from J. A. Jayne, who went
to Nebraska for his health this fall,
are more favorable than heretofore. He
was so bad recently that Mrs. Jayne
momentarily expected to be called out
'Santa" Bolton, clerk at the Hotel
Traymore, Atlantic City, is home for
his annual vacation.
The Jury commissioners drew the list
for January term of ourt yesterday
morning.'., Two murder cases will be
heard and the venire calls for 108 Jurors,
all told.
Memorial services In commemoration
of the late Hev. C. R. Lane, of Oxford,
Pa., will be held at the Presbyterian
church Sunday morning, Dec. 10. Rev.
Mr. Lane was pastor of the church
from 184G to 1871, or thereabout. A"
handsome memorial window contains
a vignette of him.
The firm of N. H. Davis & Co., gen
eral merchants at Jenningsvllle, has
dissolved, A. H. Moore, the "company,"
Reports from La'Grange indicate that
Hon. John Jackson is In a critical con
dition as a result of his recent Injuries.
Poultry keepers are complaining that
chicken cholera Is making ravages upon
their flocks.
The Women's Christian Temperance
union will observe general peace
day'" with a fitting prolamine at the
flieinouist episcopal cnurcn Sunday,
Dee. 16. Further particulars later.
Forkston people ure anxiously look
ing for the promised return of the oil
drillers. As yet they have not ma
The Mozart Symphony club, of New
York, will appear at Piatt's Opera house
Friday evening next under the auspices
of Temple Conimandury band. Vocal
and instrumental music, as well as el
cutlonary selections, will be rendered,
and as the troupe comes carrying the
best of recommendations, It Is fair to
presume that the entertainment will bo
of a high order. The seats In the audi
torium will be all reserved, and those
who wish to secure good ones should
apply early. Theodore Hoke, the celc
brated cometliit, Is one of the drawing
cards. Reserved seats, DO cents; general
admission, 35 cents.
Hugo Upfer, a stone cutter from New
York city. Is moving Into one of the
tenement houses near the tannery, and
will work for Hawke & Shields.
Frank Hawke was home from Phlla
delphla over Sunday.
I ho Young People's Raptist union
will give an entertainment Wednesday
evening, Dec. 12.
iiiunes o. uve, general passenger
agent; A, W. Nonnemacher, asslstunt
passenger agent, and a lot of other
Lehigh Valley officials, went over the
line in a special car yesterday Inspect
ing the passenger, telegraph and bag.
gage departments.
Jjistnct Attorney Frear Is moving
it om aeconel street to his own house on
Third street.
E. F. Lalghlton has returned to Illng-
namum, Aire. KjlgHton and son. Red.
ford, are still the guests of Mrs. Lelgh
ton's mother, Mrs. Andrew Bedford.
C. M. Bolon, of New York city, is the
guest or nis cousin, Ross Sherman
Harvey Able, of Philadelphia, spent
Thanksgiving as the guest of his
friend, IS. E. Parker.
A new arrival In 'the family of Dr.
and Mrs. J. P. Coult was hailed with
ueiit;iii mi anariKSglving Lay. It is a
j. lie rsraaen entertainment" was
given at Hhe Baptist church of this
place lust Monday evening, to a large
ana appreciative audience. The Jour
ney irom istunienem to .Olivet was
beutifuliy lllustarted. Professor Bra
(km has a happy way about him that
holds Ills audience, while his Impersom
attorns are of the best. Mrs. Braden
recited from her own writings "Watch
ing Jesus Die," which was a gem
wnue --uvcr ueeis ' aroused the pa
triotism In one's nature, dealing as It
does with scenes of 1863. Mrs. Braden
Is a. highly cultured lady, who Is very
successful in her writings. Should th
evtir favor us with another entertain
ment we besptiak for them a full
Claud Relph has accepted a position
with Guy Relph, of Hyde Park.
Miss Lizzie Krauss, who has been the
guest of Miss Bentha Bold, has re.
turned to her home at Dunmore.
Messrs. J. C. Johnson, Miss Potter,
John Rink, Charles Farnham have
gone on a hunting trip to West Vir
The special revival meetings are be
Ing held in the Methodist church this
week, conducted by the Rev. L. R
A treat Is In store for all who attend
the concert to be given In the armory
on Saturday evening by the Mozar
Symphony club of New York.
A. H. Knoll, formerly one of our moat
respected and prominent young men,
now of Buffalo, N. Y., was married
yesterday to one of Buffalo's fair
No new cases of typhoid fever re
ported, and those sick are all getting
Mies Anna Fish, of Lynn, Is the guest
of friends here.
Miss Lottie Reynolds Is visiting her
brother, Professor W. C. Reynolds, In
MU)3 Tlllle Havvley, of Scranton,
the gueat of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Nelson Hawley. '
Halsey lathrop, of Elk Lake, was
doing business here yesterday.
A. J. Brewster has returned from his
southern trip. His brother, Daniel,
remailns there during the winter, in
tho hopes 'that the warm climate will
Dement his failing health.
The many friends of Mrs. W. E.
Carpenter will be glad to know that
she la steadily Improving, although not
yet able to walk.
Ex-Deputy Revenue Collector E. C.
Fordham Is again confined to his home
by sickness. .
Montrose Hose company, No. 2, will
nominate officers tor the ensuing year
at tholr regular meeting on Friday
A free temperance lecture will be
held in O'Malley'B hall Wednesday
night, Dec, 12. under the different tem
perance societies of Avoca.
Miss Agues Connor called on West
Avoca friends lust evening.
The LadleB' Missionary society, of
Langcllffe church will hold their regu
lar monthly meeting this afternoon at
the home of Mrs. J. H. Anderson.
Mrs. Joseph Dommcrmuth is quite ill
at her home on Lincoln Hill.
James Hastle and Miss Bernlce Slves
went to Wllkes-Barre on Tuesday, se
cured a marriage' license and went to
Dr. Hodge's parsonoge and had the
knot tied before returning to Avoca.
The Ladles' Aid of . the Methodist
Episcopal church will hold'a social at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Austin,
on Lincoln Hill, tonight.
The members of Langcllffe Sunday
school are practicing a cantata which
will be given In the church on Christ
mas night.
The Ladles' Aid of the Congregational
church will hold an entertainment and
soolal In the church next Tuesday even
Ezra Howels, of Scranton, was a
caller In town yesterday.
Miss Annie Wlddowfleld Is entertaln-
ng Miss Mame Harper, of Dunmeire,
this week.
Mrs. Sophie Davis, of Carbondale, was
the guest of frlenda at this place yes
terday. Rhe.i Simpson celebrated her fifth
birthday Tuesday, entertaining a large
number of her little friends at her homo
In Rlakely.
Mrs. V. J. Brown returned homo yes
terday aivr spending a few days v.ath
her mother, Mrs. Cowley, of Delaware
Miss Minnie Mason has accepted a
position in Rarthold's Cash store.
M; and Mrs. Leo Sanderson, of Wy
oming, are visiting relatives in town.
Misses Alice Kelly, Mary Rogan and
Nellie MeAndrew attended the "Cruat
of Society" at the Academy last even-
Frank Parry attended a social at Car
bondale last evening.
. F. McAnulty, of Arehbald, was
scon on our streets yesttnlay.
Miss Kate AUierton, of Clark's Sum
mit, la decking In 'the Ready Pay ttore.
Mrs. Aur.tln lienseoter and son.
Flunk, of Carbondale, are visiting at
James Kennedy's, of the West Side.
Mrs. William Orniff left last Mon
day to spend the winter with her par
ents a.t Winchester, W. Va.
MLss Mary E. Wise, of Salisbury, X.
Y., Is vl.'.iltng her cousin. Mrs. Judson
Calender, of tilie West End.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Manyler, of South
Gibson, are vsltlng their aunt, Mrs. E.
T. Harding.
Vhe new hose company has lensed of
the school board the old school house,
and will fix It up for their convenience.
G. L. Keller returned to his studies at
Stroudsburg las-'t Monday.
A grand Carnival of Days will bo
held at the Presbyterian church und
the auppices of the Young People's
society, next Wednesday and Thurs
day evenings. A good programme has
been arranged for each evening.
The employes of the Grassy Island
Delaware and Hudson breaker will be
paid today.
Don't forget 'the mum quilting and
dime social at the home of Edward
Barber, on Main street, next Friday
Frank Lennon, of Grassy Island, who
has been sick for several weeks, is
John K. Doyle has broken ground for
another house on Main street.
Edward Dlmock, employed as flag
man on Edward L,ewsiey s jjemwme
and Hudson freight train, had his right
hand badly smashed on Tuesday even
ine while making a coupling in the
railroad yard In this city.
Mrs. Fred Toppings' father, who was
called to this city by the Illness of his
dauchter. returned to his home in
Scranton yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. George Chase has returned to
her home In Sidney, N. Y.. after
week's visit In this city as the guest
of her daughter, Mrs. Grant Nicholson,
of Oak avenue.
Mrs. James Allen, of Jermyn, was the
guest of friends in Carbondale yester
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Whlttemore, of
Scranton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
E. D. Lathrope, of Park street, venter
Mrs. C. G. Evans and children are
visiting relatives In Plymouth.
The Woman's Board of Hospital work
will hold Its monthly meeting this after-
noon at 3 o'clock In the' board of trade
Miss Bertha Rees was the guest of
her sister at the Bloomsburg Normal
school on Sunday.
J. H. Marcy has just completed a fine
new house.
James Barrett, of New Mllford, is vis
iting his daughter, Mrs. A. R. Bonja
C. S. Brodhcad, of Montrose, was vis
Itlng friends here on Monday.
Mrs. Nettle Lamont Is confined to her
home by Illness.
Mrs. William Rumford, of Olyphant
Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. W.
M. V. Stark and family attended the
McDougall-Cocper wedding on Tuesday
Rev. E. L. Llndcrmuth nnd 'Yilliam
Watson were calling on friends on Tues
day. Rev. and Mrs. F. A. King, of Taylor,
were visiting friends In town Wednes
day. Mr. and Mr3. Edwin Awry, of King's
Ferry, N. Y., are tho guests of M. V.
Hot Turkey supper at Grace Episco
pal church tonight. First table G
o'clock. S-'upper, DO cents. '
A lively contest took place nt the
Exchange club Tuesday nl(,"iit and re
sulted in the election of tho following
olllcers for 1S93: President, T. H. Clark;
vice president, F. J. Stone; Secretary,
T. Frank Ham; llnanclal secretary, F.
B. Whitney; treasurer, F. M. .Spencer.
The ofilceis constitute one-half of the
board of directors; the balance, elected
by ballot, wore: J. Kirk Rose, Gcoi'sn
Beaman, W. F. Suydam, Thomas M.
Fuller end William G. niakney.
Nathan Jacobs has received the ap
ptvtotmcnt of poor director.
Tho funeral of Mrs. Gotlleben Kraft
will take place from her late horn at
3 p. m. today.
Fred B. Whitney, book-keeper for
Durlaud, Thompson & Co., has been
tendered the appointment of teller nt
the National tank, to taks effect Jan.
1; vice Grant W. Lane, resigned.
J. Kl'ik Ro?.o and sister, Miss Vlnnio,
are viuitlng friends at Rondout, N. Y.
Charles Leroy, of Nleholaon, la spend
ing a few days wlU hla parents at this
Born To Mr. ar.d IJrs. Terry Hard
Inpr, of this, place, a son.
Dr. D. C. Alney went to Phlladelpliia
L. ft. Brown Is spending a few days at
South Glbscm.
Dr. Oeorg? Clemments and wife, of
New York city, are calling on frlendu
In town. - " J
The sectilem men of this vicinity are
only working four days In a
Li. C. Brown and Eugene DAiis were
calling on friends in Montrose yester
A grand ball will be held In the opera
house Thursday evening at the com
mencement of our dancing school.
The foundation for a new creamery is
being laid at Summersville. '
M. Shields, jr., will have a stone mill
In running order thi3 winter. Some of
'the machinery lis already on the
Arthur Smith Is seWou?ly ill of ty
phoid fever.
But one new ca:te of diphtheria has
developed einee .the death of Mr. und
Mrs. Hydoek's child.
Skating has been fine all tho week
on Walker's pond.
W. S. Steph'.'iin has purchased a
rtone quarry at Great Bend of John
Lunny. Coiwldeui.tiim. 91.000.
Morton Stephens Is home on the tick
H. D. Tiffany is not yet able to leave
the house.
Mr. Rodney, our former barb;r, was
a visitor In town Tuesday lust.
Daniel Morrill, of Montrose, was call-
Ins on Nicholson friends yesterday.
Mi fl. C.
D. SandeiToii is seriously 11!.
Haverly Is now abi.i to re
sume wiirii uficr a two weeks' con
finement to hla home, owing to the 111-JU-S3
of hla Uitle daughter, Oeorgle.
Mrs. Lawrence I.add has recovered
from htr rCcknoiss.
The Pwie. a? t colliery has reduced Its
hours per day from ten to tlx.
J. . Aicijnnaid has been Hired as
Instructor for thi Young Ladles' Gym
nj'iuni club of this place.
Miss Jennie Telford, of Bialtc-ly, waa
a caller In town on Tuesday last.
Muster WiHle Fryer, who broke his
rm a few days aj;o, is getting along
quite nicely.
Mrs. Richardson la erecting a dwell
ing en her Jet on Murray street.
From the Philadelphia Times.
The pocket eonferreo rystom has be
come common throughout the state, and
it Hlniply enables a cunning politician In
any county to get control of the eonfer-
rees for congress or for senator, and open
a trading post ut which eonferrees ure of
fered for sale for cash or political pro
duce. Another vicious system that now pre
vails very largely throughout the slate is
that of rotation among counties in award
ing nominations. The rule Is equitable
when not done at a fearful cost to the
party by the nomlnutlon of Incompetent
candidates, or when it overthrows tried
und trusted leaders and brings the mous
ing owl into the nest of the eagle. In
stead of having candidates who can carry
the party to victory, the party Is com
pelled to curry its candidates, and Is
often overloaded by their want of char
aster or fitness and thus plunged into de
feat. No man should be nominated for con
gress In any district by any party who
cannot poll at least his full party vote,
and the aim of every party should be to
nominate a man who is stronger than his
party, and can brlnn to It more than an
ordinary party vote.
itching, scaly, crusty Blun
Diseases, such as defy the
ordinary blood medicines,
are cured completely by Dr.
Pierco's Uolden Medical Dis
covery. For Scrofula in all
its various forms, tho worst
Scrofulous Sores and Swell
ings, great eating Ulcers,
and every blood-taiut and
disorder, this is a direct
It thoroughly purifies and
enriches your blood.
Ifjniider, JV. C.
r n. It, V. I'i fkce : Dear Sir
Your "Golden Medical IMs-
covcry lias proven a oiess-
m?,lng to me. It whs recom-
lJ iiit-iiucu in uiu uv ivi'v. r. il.
k Kiivkendnll. I navo been a
sufferer with old sores on my
loirs for four years. I used three bottles of It,
and inv Icps uro cound und well and my
henltli is better tluin it lias been for some time.
I had tho best doctors of this country treat
my case and they failed to effect a cure.
Yours respectfully,
Sign o! the Bell. 230 LACKAWANNA AVENUE.
Eankrupt Stock from tha Hyde"
Park Clothing Store, bought at
Sheriff's Sale at One-Quarter its !
of Erodarick,j
Dissolution Stock
TIip unparullclcd success of our
. r .. i j
gie.iu JKiiguiii uirwl,,Svu
S us topurcliasent ShprlfTs sale the
stock, of the Hyde I'uib Clct liinir
E Store, n Hnnkiupt Stcck which we,
secured at ouequHittT Its value. The
5; Htnck, coiihistiug entirely of line
IS Clothing made hi the past lour
K mouth. We have added tho tu
wholesale Htocks whlcli we hutihl
K in New York.
"! This tiiplo olVerlnR presents an
lii'iay of laruidut which eclipse any '
Si that wo have yet shown.
Two Knee '
rants, '-'Se. '
I 1.45
I 2.88
For Bi-ya' Doablo B' Cclm
0 mimeri ni.dl'li' viot Suits; i.l
)J ys' Wiria and thirnMH t!no
1 iverc Kti.rnguiar price. J'J and ill
1 or Floys' Ii mi ah wool e liuvi. t
t'tt Kiinrr,! nnd Kr.ezo l-eBfei
uits; idso Boys' A'elt.m and lier
r ey I KtorH, Vulu i $ i. 1 1. '
For ch-iiC'i noin a largo lino of
Hnvn" llo'ifei'H with deeii tailiir or
Velvet Collnr. niei'ly I r..Ued,
va u ?:t.(liir 8l."a
For ihoiro f vi m a 'of of DojV al!
vn il Chinch ll.!, Blue viiit
(jrey J!olto:i uid lrttli Friez
Honn I'lMti-r.--, with laro col ui.
vuliu JU..U
I The Bell Clothing loysejMWlIR
Reliable Advertisers of Facts.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
General Office: 5CRANT0N, PA.
1T'8. Annie Sckrclncr
Alijatown. Pa.
Heed's Is the Grandest
Raised from a Weak
Low Condition
To Porfcct Health r.n:l Gt.-cnstli
Aficr Four Years differing.
"C. I. I'.uort S: Co.. Lowell, Masn.:
"!tle::ica I tain'.; Hoo;!-.-! itoapr.rllla I;
tiio Grandest jflscovery yet!c, and It fulfil,
riven t'.aa you claim for It. My wl'o 1::.
iicca side fortha p-st f.;:r years. For tlire
yean 3'.:o m so bs;l tlir.t alin v.t.s ir.n'.ilo t'
any of !:er housework. V.'o had jooil pliyslLir.::
-i:: r.'oa !1J not recover !:er I'.caltli. C!:a v.a:
iu.lcr;:; fru::i R.ij!ifa disease r.sid
Lameness t;i iho Bzzli.
ITer tr,:i.:o v.r.3 covered'.i Misters; hsd ni
Cjiftite, r.:id v.r.?ery weak and low villi z1.'
c: ('.e".ii;'.:y. I l.islstcd :i her tal:!"g Iloail'i
Sarsr.iurll'.a, and s'.io h.-.a been Improvise; ever
sl.ioe. Sha has takcailvo bottles, aud b sj well
'.Vat 'jr three months sho has done her house-
va?::, cal v,o hr.vo seven children." Act",
Sci:k::;.ni:h, Allcutmvu, rcnnsylvanla.
Hoocl'o Pi!!3 euro liver Ills, ciinr.ilnation,
uluouiiiL.:;.), jdu:: dice, sic!: headcUc, ladicsUca
Come in pairs, but you can't
pair them with anything
else in Scranton.
Our $1.75 Gloves beats
the world.
Laci Av
Coal of tho best quality for domestic
nse, and of all sizes, delivered in any
part of the city at lowest price.
Orders left at my Oftice
(tear room, first floor. Third National
Bank, or sent by mail or telephone to the
mine, will receive prompt attention.
Special contracts will bo made for th
lulo and delivery of Uuekwheut Coul.
Frudenthal Si Co.,
Place, New York.
l Waverly S
Wholesale Stock of the Wearwell
Suit Co., 18 West Third Street,
New York
and Dnulib S3
v fl 'in r.-r die r-iimi. Breasted Cass mere aud I her o:
bintM; A!a Mi ii m "UK-it .vm inue
lVcrcoaU, value Si uuU Sh).
For Men's all wool Ilia :lc and Eluo
Cheviot and Kmic t'tsalnieru
Suits, nimrio unddouh'e lueisteil,
or Iuiir eet-nwinu; asiBlarle und
M"o K- rs'iy nuil Lifht ("nlo:d
Jklt-.n Overcoat', v.Ui'.o $2,
Tor Men's extra ( B ant nnl
Jllu-) t'l..y Worst ii Ug-nt tut
nwny Suits nr sni::b mid dmi'ilo
bi lusted Futicy Cnsiuie,,u tied
I lieviut Soils d i llii" Cimliine
undo Rl -iu or Bla :k Ki'rs-y und
Mol'.nn l'oulc Ovureouta, value $..U
For clmlcn from a lini of Men's
line Blno Chine lilla UMrs, iilcv
ly lined with le-nvy CKMitmr -,
nilh lui'KO rjl.ur (o 1 1'jle-ct Um
eiu's, value U.
For Men's Win and n n-k Cli n !
ehllla Ov.ireiiaM: n's i b irli i' ml !
rioili.lo b.'eustj.l iliiui Suiti.
vslujjS. '
J jJO For clu i o from an lino
i.f Jlea' Wo -rted nnd t'ns Imero
I'.iuts: i-qiial to tit a id llnUu to
rji,""!'' D 1 lniua.
I ine rdir 3
' 400-402 Lackawanna Avenue. '
o ' j SP
e ill '.II mi.I J! Jf'ii
iifif iiiil
. a$9
iif r if Y
Hanging Four Shelf Book Rack, $3.50.
Big Value, $3.50.
A Graceful Four Leg Table, $1.90.
And Four Fold Screen Frame, all of exceptional
values and of latest patterns.
Plush and Leather Seat, $3.00 to $25.00 each,1
In Bamboo, Oak and White Enamel.
Hampers, Waste, Work and Fancy Baskets. Step.
Ladder Chairs, Card Tables.
406 AND 408 LACKA. AVE.
of our Room-Making Sale
is near at hand, in consequence pro
fitless priced Bedroom suits, Side
boards and Parlor suits will be of
fered you to make room for our
9 t
h I H B MHURfl hip awitn