THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER o, 1894. A pure cream of tartar Pnr anrl Sure. It does more work and finer work than any other. If you do not find it exactly as represented you can returnitto your grocer . and he will pay you back your money. CUviland JSaUng PenitUr Co., Uiw Ytrk, Succtuor U Clmtand Bntk:rt. Norrman & Moore FIRE INSURANCE, 120 Wyoming Ave. THE SUBURBAN Arc and Incan deicent Llghu In Hourly all part) ut the city. OFFICE : CommoDw:altb Building. No Oriental opium-scented linen frayed, fretted and worthless, but all returned fit for wear, ironed with care, aud ail of it there. ACKAWANNA THE iAUNDRY. SOSPcdqAt. A. B. WAR MAN. A GREAT SALE BABY CARRIAGE ROBES, i Rugs and Sweepers for the Ho'iday trade. "Gold Medal" hwfepors in twelve fancy woods for Christina Oif;s WILLIA3IS&McA?JULTY - - 127 WYOMING AVENUE. CITY NOTES. . The- choir of the First Presbyterian church will meet for rehearsal this evening. A children's choir Is being organized ut the First Presbyterian church to perform a cantata at Chrlstmastldc. . A larse chorus is rehearsing Christmas muslo at Penn Avenue church. Among other selection Uarnby's "First Christ mas" will be rendered. John Christ! was brought to the Lack awanna hospital yesterday morning suf fering from the effects of an explosion at the Jessup mines. Christ! has u wife and family in Poland. , After this month a penalty of 12 per cent, will be added to unpaid taxes. The city treasurer's office Is thronged daily by persons anxious to pay tuxes In time to escape the penalty.- "Beati Brummell," 380; "Niipoleon Bona parte," 8S; this Is the result of the popu lar Vote. Mr. Mansfield will therefore au pear in "Beau Brummell" at the Academy of Music on Tuesday evening. Marriage licenses were granted yester day by the clerk of the courts to Joseph T. Foux and Anna Williams, Scranton; Henry Smaltz und Annie K. Stanton, Scranton; Evan Davis and Jennie Wick, Scranton. James Burns, of Cuslck avenue, Btole an overcoat from the blacksmith shop of John Reese, on W ayne avenue, yester day. Mr. Reese notllled Patrolman Jones, who located Burns In Regun & Flynn's saloon and arrested him. The new refudlng Issue of county bonds, amounting to $1:10,000. was yesterday de livered by the county commissioners to the Scranton Savings bank, the local agents of Blaln & Co., of New York, who have purchased the bonds. The Delaware, Lackawanna and West em, company will pay Its employes at the sioan ana xiunipion mines toiiay. yester day the Delaware and Hudson Canal com pany paid Its workmen at the Dickson and Von Storch mines and Its repair shop. Arigoni reruinanuo was arrested on Monday at the Inslunce of John Uurblne, who charged Ferdinando with having as saulted him lust Sunday. The hearing was held last night before Alderman Tltzslmmons, who discharged Ferdinando. " The turkey supper, fair and entertain ment this evening it the Paris Place Methodist Episcopal church will offer at tractions enough to draw a crowd. Many -articles will be on sale having special ref erence to Christmas. The admission Is only 10 cents. The diagram for reserved seats for the Schumann 'Lady quartette, which ap pears at the Young Men's Christian asso elation hall next lTKiuy evening, opens thlB morning at Powell s music store. It Is said that this quartette is the finest quartette of ladies' voices In the United .States.. ... m James Ruane, of Cedar avenue, was yes terday sentenced to thirty days' Imprls onment by Alderman Fitzslmmens for drunkenness and destroying his mother's furniture. The prisoner was with much difficulty arrested by Patrolmen Lowry Matthews and Hetzeroth and conveyed to ktie police station in the patrol wagon Travelers via Central Railroad of NcW 'Jersey .ace. now enabled to make the trip between this city and Philadelphia or New York in quick time by availing them selves of the fast express which leaves this city dally at 12.45 p. m.; arriving In , Philadelphia at 6.49 p. m. and In New York at t p. m. it carries a coach to Phllade.1 phla und ajbuffet cur to New York. 'Mrs.. A. M. Holvev. of West Plttston. will lecture In the Plymouth church, on jacKBon street, Friday evening. Dec. 7. mi der the auspices of the Woman's Christian knbwiedged to be one of the most entor- i knowledge to be one of the most enter-; 'taming ana lorcetui speakers of the dny, The title of the lecture will be "Thei Wedge ,of Gold.'' Admission free. F.v-. everybody Invited. Doors open at 7.S0. In order that persons employed by the City and others might have funds for .Christmas day, the Joint auditing com mittee of councils met last night and up proved a. large number of bills. The bill i 1 powi A ot 915 of Chemist D. W. Humphrey for analyzing two samples of water furnished by the Providence Water company was not passed, but was set aside until the re port of the chemist In attached to the bill. Pabst's Milwaukee Beer, cool and spark ling, ut Lohman's, Spruce street. BEAUTY OF PHYSICAL GRACE. Company of Uostun Young l.udics Appcur lit the Frutlilngliura. At the? Frotlilnghum liuu evpnlng a oompatiy of young ladles from the Conservatory School of Elocution and Ait In Action, of Boston, presented one of the most refilled and artistic entertainments of thu season. The en tertainment was given under the man agement of I'rofesior Kelley, of the conservatory, and was one of the Young Men's Christian association's standard course. Tableaux, rtadliitfs and vocal solos were Included in the programme. Aside from the entertaining features, the attraction was wonderful in Its display of physical grace and beauty of gesture and pose, made possible through study and practical training. A large audience was present and by frequt-n. und hearty applause gave evidence of the merit of the enter- i talnmenit. . i DEATH OF AN OLD SOLDIER. Thomas .Morris Passod Away at the Hill side Home. Thomns Morris, lonir a resident of the West Side, died Monday morning ut Hillside Home. He was 63 years of age, and during the war of the rebel lion served In Company B, One Hun dred nnd Thlrtv-slxth regiment. Penn sylvania Volunteer Infantry; captain, William J. Morris, and also in com pany K, Seventeenth Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry; captain, R. Fitz gerald. The hotly will be Interred In the "Sol diers' Plot.1' Forest Hill cemetery at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Veterans of the lute war, and especially the members of his companies, are requested to meet ut the undertaking establishment of A. H. Kaub, on Spruce street, at 2.15 p. m. He was nut a member of the Grand Army of the Republic. CAVE IN THE VON STORCH. Mining Abandoned and a Large force at Work Timbering. Two shifts of men, twelve men to a shift, are at work at the foot of Von Storch shaft and timbering to prevent further caving. There has been no work done in the mine since last Sat urday. All the mules have been taken out, as the Inside barn Is In the affected part. Owing to the dangerous condition of the place no complete examlnaton can be made. The portion which Is now settling is along the Cayuga line, ex tending half way up tha mountain to within 100 feet of the shaft. It Is thought that the progress of the set tling Is checked, towurd the shaft. There will be no work until all signs of danger are ended. SOKITIIS COMMITTED. Will Have to Answer at the l otted States District Court. Joseph Sokltlts, who obtained fraud ulently on Nov. 8 from the Duryea postoHlcea letter addressed to Forastof- fer Maria, which contained an Interna tional money order, was given a hearing yesterday before United States Com- mlsloner Colborn. Assistant Liuteu States District Attorney Samuel Grif fith, of Pittsburg, and United States Marshal John W. Walker, of Erie, were present. . The testimony of Postmaster Cor coran, of Duryea, Chief of Police Lof tus, of Plttston, and Mrs. Forastoffer Mar-la was heard, after which the accused was committed to the county Jail In default of bull to await trial at the March 'term of United States court In this olty. THEY SIIOLD SEPARATE. Husband und Wife Demonstrating That Marriage Is a I allure. Mrs. Jane Connolly, of Providence, tj-hose husband alleges that she tried to poison him, Is now in the county Jail, not being able to furnish ball on a charge of assault and battery which her husband brought against her yes terday. On the charge of attempted poisoning she waived u hearing and furnished ball. She went before Alderman Will iams and swore out a warrant against her husband on the ground of non-support.- He entered ball nnd subsequently had her arrested and brought before Aldetman De Lacy on the charge for which she was committed. GOD AND THE SINNER. Such Was the Subject of rather lluchultz's Sermon Yesterday. At G o'clock yesterday morning St. Peter's cathedral was almost unable to contain the congregation that attended mass. Father Bucholtz preached on "God and the Sinner," and expatiated eloquently on the love of God for man and His ever readiness to forgive the Blnner. At 7.30 the text of the sermon was '.'The Sacrament of the Penance." The subject was treated with emphatic ex hortations to do penance, without which no one can be saved. ROEBL1NG GETS A PLUM. Appointed Deputy United States Marshal by Major Walker. Frank Roebllng, Jr., of this city, yes terday received the appointment of deputy United States marshal for the Western Pennsylvania district, and was sworn into office by Marshal John V. .'Walker, of Pittsburg, who lias been In the city attending a case before United States Commissioner Colborn. ' Scranton Is included in the Western Pennsylvania district and Deputy Mar shal Roebling's headquarters will be In this city. He Is a Robinson Democrat, and a painter by occupation. I.owis, Klloy 4 Davlos Open evenings In J)ecembcr. IF YOU NEED a good medicine fo purify your blood, give nerve strength and build up your entire system, take Hood's Simaparllla. It prevents sick ness by making pure blood. HOOD'S PILLS cure nausea, sick head ache, Indigestion and biliousness. 25e. Plllsbury't Flour Mills have a capacity ! of 17.W0 barrels a day . . . PI P UL City Officials and Gouncilmen Have Worked Quietly for Several Months Past. VOLUNTEER SYSTEM TO GO Ordinance Being Prepared and Kill Be l'ussed Before Jan. 1, und in Time to Be Included in the City ' Controller's Estimate for the Fiscal Year 1895 Fre quent Consultations Have Been Held Latelv. Scranton will probably have a paid lire department,' the change from the present volunteer service to go into effect the first of the next fiscal year. For several weeks Chairman Wade M. Finn and Charles Schadt, of the select and common council lire depart ment committees," respectively; -Chief H. F. Forber, of the Ore departmtht, several prominent councilman atid city officials have been in consultation upon the matter. The result of their consid erations la that the time Is ripe for a paid fire department und that the In novation will not meet with any oppo sition. The plans of the prime movers of the idea have progi tssed to the extent that an ordinance providing for the change of the present volunteer system to u paid department is now being drafted. The ordinance will be presented to councils 'immediately and passed be fore the city controller submits his estimates of needed appropriations for the fiscal year 185. Leading 1 p to It. It now appears thnt the unusual ex penditure of extra money upon the fira department during the present year was with the pre-ar- i ranged understanding of the council- men and others now Interested that the way for establishing a paid department next year wonld be attended with re duced expense and made easier from an appropriation standpoint. Two fteamens and a -chemical engine were purchased, horses und permanent men added, supplies purchased and repnlrs made. All this required the passage of j extra appropriations to the approxi mate amount of $9,000 In addition to the $37,000 general appropriation for main taining the department. Whenever any of the special appro priations were advocated by the coun cilmen now the ardent advocates of a paid department, considerable opposi tion was offered. The measures for in creasing the efficiency of the service were, however, passed with the result that the way Is now more clearly open to securing a paid service at a greatly reduced exipense. Details Not Arranged. The details of the ordinance have not been fully prepared, but The Tribune has ascertained the text of the measure and the obstacles which will have to be overcome, and Is able to outline the plan of action proposed by the city of ficials and councllmen immediately in terested. . While many questions have been, en countered which ml lit hamper a radl cul and successful change from the volunteer service, all have been prop erly met, Including the question of ex pense, which has been considered the most important item. It is admitted that the change will incur a compara tively small Increase In expenditure small In fact, nnd small when com pared with the benefits which will fol low the change. Based upon the current year, the ex penses at the end of the year will ap proximate nearly $50,000. It Ib esti mated that the highest possible expen diture per year for a paid department will be $75,000, and that If the present list of sixteen companies Is reduced to thirteen, the expense will be proportion ately curtailed, in several sections of the city two vr more companies are Jo cuted unnecessarily close to ench other, while other sections are left unpro tected. It Is the Intention to at lenst distribute the compunles and possibly reduce the number. Will Enlist Call Men. Following the example of other cities of the size of Scranton, It is proposed toemploy permanently the least possible number of men, and enlist what are termed "call men," who will be paid 50 cents per hour for actual fire duty or a nominal salary of $150 per year. At present there are twenty paid men; the majority of whom ure paid part time while six receive permanent salaries of $000 a year. The chief of the depart ment Is Included In the number ,und Is paid a salary of $1,200. According to the present understanding, und if all the existing companies are maintained, the entire department will contain ninety-five men. There will be five engine compunles of eight permanent men each on salaries of $600, a total of $24,000; eleven hose companies, five men each, $33,000. The number of special, or "call" men, has nut been specified. Estimates by the city controller for the fiscal year 1895 must be presented In council and referred to committee not later than the first Monday In Janu ary. It Is expected that before this date the ordinance providing for a paid de partment will have been passed by coun cils, though one or more special meet ings may have to be called In order to get the measure through on time. The ordinance will be presented by Mr. Finn. What O City Official Says. In commenting upon the proposed change, a city official prominently con cerned In the Hutlim said to a Tribune reporter yesterday: "Citizens generally are firm in their belief that Scranton has one of the most efficient volunteer departments In the country. This Is undoubtedly true; but It Is also true that a volunteer system cannot by any kind of management be as capable as a paid service. Other cities of the size of Scranton, and many of them smaller, have adopted paid de partments of necessity and the change in this city has been particularly urged In view of several recent large fires, notably the September fire on Lacka wanna avenue. v . "The fact that the present depart ment Is completely equipped, does not argue that our fire precautions could not be better. There are occasions when catastrophes can be averted by a properly trained force of men who fight fire as a vocation. A paid department conducted under competent manage ment will probably reduce Insurance rates and Indirectly every resident of I Ifhe city will feel the benefit of .Increased j " 1 'i --" : protection. Another argument, and not the least Important, is, that a paid fire department will increase the stability and standing of the city as a municipal ity." What Fire und Water Says. The gentleman said that In connection with his remarks an extract from Fire and Water, an authumtive magazine on fire matters, contained a weighty and Interesting reference to the recent Lackawanna avenue fire. The extract Is as follows: ."It may be argued that her department Is singularly well equipped and, therefore, equal to more than ordinary emergencies, but of what avail is the most complete equipment to a department that cannot be handled with that precision which Is absolutely necessary under trying circumstances, and which can be attained only by training and discipline. Courage and zeal are necessary qualities for fighting fire, and under certain circumstances they are very effectual, but courage and zeal, supplemented by training and dis clpllne are far more effectual, and tin der other circumstances as, forinstanc?, In the case in point,' these supplement ury qualities become almost a necessity. The volunteer service is an excellent and estimable Institution In its proper place, but In a city as large as Scran- ton it Is out of place." DEATH OF THOMAS LIVF.Y. A Much Respected Resident of this City Has 1'utscd Away. About noon yesterday, Thomas Llvey died at his residence In the Second ward of this city, after an Illness of ubout two weeks. He wus bom In the city of New York In the year 1832, und resided there until 1804, when tie came here and mat s led Elnoru J. Winton, the i only daughter of Mrs. W. V . Winton I A few years later, with George Filer, I he leased several tracts of coal land in 1 the borough of Winton, and for many yeurs was a coal operator, and largely interested in various mining opera tions, as well as in the sale of village and city lots. He was one of our most highly re spected citizens, and his large circle of relatives and friends will deplore their loss. THEY HAVE RECOVERED. Victims of Holt's Hcvolvcr DUchurgcd from the Hospilul. Hamn Anderson and Rebecca Mitch ell, the colored people who were shot some time ago by William Holt, a col ored man, at Green Ridge, were yester day discharged from the Lackawanna hospital. William, the colored man w ho was arrested at Wilkes-Barre on Saturday, was taken to the hospital by Oillcer Roche Sunday but was not Identified by Mitchell. It is alleged that the Injured woman boasted to some of her friends that Holt was secure and she would join him as soon as she could despite the suffering he had caused her. She left for Wilkes Barre after being discharged. TROUBLE ON A STREET CAR. Two I nruly Passengers Make Trouble for the Conductor. John Doherty nnd Peter Kelley, of Churles street, boarded a Providence street car yesterday morning nnd were carried 'beyond the street which they intended to alight at. They began to abuse Conductor WlUion, who, with his motorman's assistance, strove to eject them. The conductor s clothes were torn and a car window broken in the melee. Later the men became (nvolved In a fight in Uiftus' saloon on West Market street with a man named Ben W aters Patrick Loftus, who Interfered, got blow of a billy on the left eye. Kelley was arrested, but Doherty escaped Warrants were sworn out before Alder mun Horan and given to Patrolman Johler. UNIQUE CHURCH FAIR. Ladles of First Presbyturiun Church Will Conduct It. On Dec. 12, 13 and 14 the ladles of the First Presbyterian church will hold church fulr and Christmas market the armory on Adams avenue. In All kinds of valuable and useful ar tides will be on sale which will make desirable Chrlstmus presents. The fair should be liberally patronized and un doubtedly will be. HOLIDAY GIFTS. The general house furnishing store, 121, and 123 Penn avenue, has a full line of holiday goods. Our store will be open evenings from now until Christ mas to give everyone an opportunity to see our display of goods. See our fine line of albums und celluloid toilet work-boxes, shaving sets and smoking sets. Toys of every description. How are these for bargains? Iron fire en glue, 09 cents; hook und ladder, 99 cents lire patrol, twenty-seven men, $2.24; large size tin kitchen, 10 cents and up ward; nickel stove, 49 cents; tool chest 25 cents; blackboard and desk, 25 cents and upward; ABC blocks, from 4 cents upward; upright toy steam engine, 98 cents; games, 5 cents and upward; dolls, dress und undress, v 5 cents and up ward. Mechanical toys of all descriptions sleighs, wagons, rocking horses, doll carriages, a special lot of pocket books, Jewelry, stamp goods, gents' gloves You cun save 25 per cent, by buying of us. R. Bloeser, All kinds of Etchings, Water Colors at Grltfin' Wyoming avenue. Engravings and s new studio, 209 28c. 50 c. $1.00 34c. j Buys a good Cof- ( tee, fresh roasted. ( Buys a fine Japan Tea. Buys the finest tea grown. Sold in large cities, $1.25. f Buys our' Triple I Blend Java. Good judges aud the closest buyers in Scranton know these goods are worth more money, and walk blocks to get them. E. Q. Coursen 429 LACKS. AVE. Including the palnleig extracting of teeth by an entirely new prooeta. S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S., . 139 WYOMING AVE. END OF A USEFUL CAREER Death of Attorney D. . Connolly ut His Home on Washington Avenue HAD BEEX1U POROYEK A YEAK It Was Less than a Month Ago, However, That Ho Was Confined to Ills Red. Sketch of the Uusy l ife ' of Mr. Connolly. A busy, useful life closed yesterday morning at 4 o'clcok When death ended the Bufferings of Attorney Daniel Ward Connolly, who 'for twenty years had been a prominent figure In the public life of this city. He was a resourceful, able man and filled with much ability the publlo positions to which he woa culled. Mr. Coiiupliy suffered an attack of the grip two years ago, and since then his health was not robUBt. For the last year he had been practically an invalid, but heroically continued to at tend to hit) law practice and business Interests. A portion of lust summer he spent at his Lake Ariel cottage In the hope of recruiting his health. OnNov.9he wus stricken with paraly sis of the side: nnd wus confined to his room since under the care of Dr. W, 10. Allen. For two weeks past no hopes were entertained of his recovery and his death yesterday morning was not a surprise to his family or intimate friends, although the news came in the nature of a -sad shock to his many acquaintances: and members of the bar with whom, he had been long and Inti mately ussoclnled. The Career of Mr. Connolly. Daniel Ward Connolly was born April 24, 1847. In Cochecton, N. Y. In 1S49 his parents. John and Ann Con nolly, removed to this city, bringing Kumei wun mem. xney seined on the West Side and there Mr. Connolly grew to manhood. He wii; educated In the public schools und then entered the law olllce of Attorney A. A. Chase, where he fitted himself for the practice of law. In May, 1,870, he was admitted to prac tice In the courts of Luzerne county and at once begun the practice of his chosen profession. He took an active Interest In public affairs, and in 1872 was the candidate of the Citizen's party for district attor ney. lie following year he married Miss Maggie Cornellson, of Danville, this state. Mr. Connolly took an active part ,ln the- -formation of the new- county, nnd after Its erection was nomi nated for additional law judge by the democrat and Greenback-Lubor par ties. He defeated his opponent. B. S, Bently, but the supreme court decided the electlun.hud been held too soon and was, therefore, void. In 18.79 Mr. Connolly sustained a se vere affliction In the death of his wife and twp children. He obtained the con gresslonal nomination from the Dem ocrat and Labor parties in 18S0 In the Luzerne-Lackawanna district, but Hen- uruk IS, Wright, who was defeated In the convention, became an Independent candidate and J. A. Scranton, the Re publican nominee, was elected. lilectcd In 188 J. In 1882 Mr. Connolly was again a can didate for congress and defeated Mr. Scranton, but was In turn defeated by tne latter for a re-election. While In congress he served on the committee on pension, bounty and back pay; the com mittee on expenditures In the treasury department, and the committee on mill tary affairs. In 1885 President Cleve land appointed Mr. Connolly postmast er of Scranton, which office he filled un til succeeded by D. M. Jones. He was a delegate from Pennsylvania to the National Democratic convention at St, Louis In 1888 and Voted for Cleveland und Thurrtian. In 18,4 Mr. Connolly formed a law partnership with his cousin, the late Judge John F. Connolly, which was maintained for a number of yeurs. For a time after the dissolution of that Dart nershlp he practiced alone, and ubout six years ago became associated with Attorney J. Alton Davis, which partner ship existed up to the time of his death Mr. Connolly was chairman of the board of censors of the Lackawanna Bar association nnd president of the Scranton Fire Brick company. He was also Interested In coal lands. ' Ills Second Marriage. In 1882 Mr. Connolly was married to MIhb Alma Price, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Price, of South Main ave nue. Their union was blessed by six ehlldreri, who. with Mrs. Connolly sur vive him. , Soon nfter his second mar rlage Mr. Connolly erected a 'home at 1509 North Washington avenue, where he resided at the time of his death. Arrangements for the funeral have not yet been perfected. It will take place on Friday. In the absence from the city of ex-Judge Alfred Hand, presl dent of the Lackawanna Bar assocla Hon, Secretary Herman Osthaus has called a meeting of the association for 12 o'clock tomorrow to take action on the death of Mr. Connolly. Cigars ut Auction. I will sell the balance of lOO.OoO unsold cigars to the highest bidder wit limit re gard to cost today at 2.00 p. m. ut the old postofllce building on Spruce street. A. H. HAKIMS. Auctioneer, CZARINA BUCKLES THE LATEST FAD. Now Is the Time to Look for Your I WW. Berry THE JEWELER, Has a larger stock of Novelties than ever before. RIGHT IP TO DATE, with everything new 417 Lxrtawanna Ava THE OILIBRATID PIANOS tit tt Tnttai th Hod Popnlar aat fnriml bj . . . t wiaanif auimi. Wtrtrooms ; Oppelit Celumbui Monument, 200 Washington Av. Scranton, Pa, I El PUR DISPLAY OF IS NOW OPEN, AND BMIM Hl.y.naiUMtJITITlUa BEFORE THE RUSH HE K9BB0D C. S, W00LW0RTH 3I9 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Green and Gold Store Front I or 0 til 2I5 LACKAWANNA AVENUE, Is receiving daily all the lat est novelties in . ; , JEWELRY AND SILYER LINE FOR THE HOLIDAY TRADE When in need of something late in the Jewelry line cal aud see Rogers' stock before making your final selection as he can show you the latest and a large assortment to se lectfrom. 7 The secret is out. Not only do they say we do washing for a living, but that we do it well. So keep it going. Tell everybody you see, but tel) them not to tell. Eureka Laundry 322 Washington Ave. Bl HATS AT Dunn's Will be open evenings until 8 o'clock. . COME IN HOLIDAY COODS THISISTHETIMETQBUY n EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS J' - iff- 1 We can suit you in Shoes and will deal lightly with your pocketbook. BANISTER'S, OUR PRICES W ARE LITTLE, We refer especially to our Cloak, Millinery and Men's Furnish ing and. Hat Departments, DEPOT -:- FOR :- DR. - M. BROWN'S BEE HIVE, 224 LACKAWANNA AVE. One of FORS the Greatest Offerings in Alaska Seal Sacuues, full skirts, biz sleeves and reviers, $175, worth fz$o. Astrakhan Saeques, full skirts, big sleeves and reviers, $83. worth f 135. Electric Seal Sacuues, full skirts, big sleeves and reviers, $S5, worth $135. Alaska Seal Circular Cape, length 27 inches, $123, worth $105. Hudson Bay Otter Circular Cape, 30 Inches lontf, $150, worth Siiy Hudson Bay Marten, 28 inehes long, $65, worth uo. Mink Circular Cape, 30 inches long, $05, worth $t)Q. Electric Seal Circular Capes, 30 inch' cs lung, $33, worth J40. Wool Seal Circular Capes, 30 inches long, $22, worth $35. Astrakhan Circular Capes, 30 Inches lung, $13, worth $.y REMEMBER, we manufacture all our fur garments. Fur that reason we can guarantee full satisfaction or money refunded. All mail orders receive prompt atten tion. Send fur Illustrated Catalogue, Have your Furs repaired by the only Practical Furrier in the city. J, BOLZ Wyoming Av. The Longest Overcoats In Town SEE OUR WINTER ' UNDERWEAR Clothiers, MeraWumishera 128 WYOMING AVENUE. Dl nUCO At Greatly ULUVlO Reduced Prices :o make room for entirely new stock of FALL AND - WINTER GOODS during the month of December Corner of Lackawanna and Wyoming Avenues. ii : - JAEGER'S : WOOLEN : GOODS. OSLAND'S 1 U11L
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers