The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 03, 1894, Image 1

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    ' . iTlUt i '
House Kill Meet for Its Final
Session Today.
op Gun Tariff Measures Will Come in
for a Shore of Attentlon-Arlzonu and
New Mexico Knock for Admission.
WueficlJs Must Be Looked To.
By the United Press.
Washington, Dec. 1. At 12 o'clock to
morrow the house of representatives
will convene In their final session of the
Fifty-third congress. When its term
runs out at noon on March 4 next, it will
have been in session for fourteen
Besides listening to the reading of the
message of President Cleveland, it is
not likely that anything else will be
done tomorrow. The house may hear
the announcement of the death of Hon.
Myron B. Wright, late a representative
from the Fifteenth district of Pennsyl
vania, who was re-elected to the Fifty
fourth congress, and died four days af
ter the election.
Among the bills that are likely to
come up are the Nlcaraguan canal bill,
and the bill to permit railroad compa
nies to pool passenger and freight busi
ness under regulation by the interstate
commerce committee.
The contested election cuse of Will
iams vs. Settle, from the Fifth North
Carolina district, which was postponed
from last session by agreement, will also
be br.iught up, but the results of the
late election have divested it of Inter
est, aside from the regular appropria
tion bills.
Chairman Sayres, of the appropria
tion committee, says he will have the
pension and appropriation bills on the
calendar of the house early In the week
and if no other Important business pre
sents itself for consideration the house
will send them to the senate before the
week closes. The pension bill is now
ready to be reported, and the final meet
ing of the sub-committee having in
charge the formications bill will be held
at 11 o'clock tomorrow, at which time
Generals Schofleld and Hatchellor will
be present for examination. General
Schofleld is president of the ordinance
board, and General Hatchellor has sub
mitted some estimates for work at Fort
ress Monroe.
The Senate CalcnJar.
The senate calendar contains 145 bills
and resolutions that have been re
ported by committees, many of them
measures that are of great Importance
and which will be urged fq,r action as
Boon as the senate can emerge from the
inertia which always characterizes the
beginning of a session. Most import
ant among these, from a political point
of view, are the four so-called "pop
gun" tariff bills sent over from the
house at the close of the last session
and reported favorably to the senate
Aug. i'U. Mr. Jones, of Arkansas, and
Mr. Harrison, of the finance committee,
have said that they Intended to call
these bills up, and especially the sugar
bill, at the earliest possible moment.
As It now stands on the senate calen-.
dar, the house bill providing for free
sur was amended by the senate
finance commute by Imposing a. duty
of 40 pur cent, on all sugars!
The house bill providing for free coal
was amended by the senate finance
committee by Imposing a duty on bi
tuminous coal when Imported from any
country that levies a duty on Ameri
can coal (this being understood to be
directed chlelly against Canada). The
house bill admitting Iron ore free was
reported by the senate finance commit
tee without amendment, but the fourth
bill, as the free barbed wire bill, was
reported by a substitute providing for
the free admission not only of barbed
wire, but of the materials which might
enter into Its manufacture.
In Regard to Itlucficlds.
In view of the recent complications at
Blueflelds, Mr. Morgan will take the
earliest opportunity to bring to the at
tention of the senate his bill relating to
the construction of the Hcaraguan
canal, Which he reported to the senate
bo long ago as April 14. This measure
is bound to be the cause of much discus
sion and will be championed by Sena
tors Morgan"and Frye. There is thought
to be but little doubt that It will pass
the senate, buj Its fate In the house is
surrounded by elements of doubt.
The house bill to establish a uniform
system of bankruptcy, which was favor
ably reported to the senate on July 31
last, will be a matter of earnest discus
sion and the antl-optlon bill may pro
trude Itself early In the session. This
was reported to the senate on Aug. 3
and on the eame day there was also re
ported the house bills to admit the terrl
torles of Arizona and New Mexico to
the sisterhood of states. Mr. Faulkner
will endeavor to add these new stars to
the flag before the Fifty-third congress
An Octogenarian Gets a Fourth Spouse by
By the United Press.
Morgantown, W. Va., Dec. 2.-For
$5,000 Kphralm Walters, aged 82, of
Unlontown, Pa., has secured a fourth
wife In the person of Mrs. Mary
Madera, of this place, who is 69 years
old. Wulters' third wife died about
two years ago: at that time the old man
was very feeble,' and his friends
thought he would soon follow his wife.
To their surprise he became sprightly,
and began to talk of matrimony.
After looking about he advertised In
the papers, offering $5,000 to any woman
who would agree to marry him. Mrs.
Madera, a milliner, heard of the offer,
the bargain was made and the pair
have just been married.
Drink Drives the llrothcr of Justico Har
Ion to the Almshouse.
By the United Press.
LoulHvllle, Dec. 2. Ex-Judge James
Harlan,, a brother of Justice Harlan,
of the gupreme court, went to the alms
house today. He has no home, and has
become bo addicted to drink that no ono
will care for him. lie hopes that under
restraint he may be able to cure him
self. .
Judge Harlan was once one of the
brightest men who practiced before
the Kentucky bar. He had an exten
Blve practice In Frankfort, where he
lived for many years. About twenty
years ago came to Louisville. He
was retained by a large number-of
litigants from time to time and made
a great deal of money, getting in one
case $25,000.
He was elected judge of the law and
equity court, and held the judgeship
for one term. At the expiration of his
term he resumed the practice of law,
but his periodical sprees lost him his
clients. He went to New Mexico and
Texas, thinking that the change of
surroundings would aid him in con
quering his habit. After several years
he returned to Louisville. He had very
little money, and he lived on old
friends with the asslstanca of his
brother. All the money that he could
get he spent in drink.
Baltimore Offices Plunged Into Darkness
by an 'Adventurous Rodent Who Was
Capering Among Electric Vires.
By the United Press.
Baltimore, Md., Dec. 2. Parts of this
city that depend upon electricity for
light were suddenly enveloped In dark
ness on Thanksgiving night about mid
night, and until morning newspaper
and other offices had to use gas.
The cause of all the trouble was a rat
which set fire to the switchboard in the
electric light works. The lire ruined
the switchboard, melted a lot of wire
and caused damages that will cost
many dollars to repair. What the rat
had done was simply to step from one
brass terminal to another of an entire
circuit of lights, thus making a con
nection or forming a circuit. Each one
of the brass fixtures was connected
with electricity and the rat stood with
his front feet on one fixture and his
hind feet on another.
The instant his front feet touched the
brass 2,700 volts of electricity passed
through his body, a sufficient voltage
to produce 1,000 horse power. The rat's
hair was burned completely off, and the
body became rigid, as if suddenly frozen
In the act of stepping across from one
brass piece to another. The remains of
the little animal are preserved at the
works. Although the hair Is burned off,
and even the skull bone is protruding,
the attitude Is so lifelike that at a little
distance one would think It a live rat in
the act of jumping. '
The connection made between the
two terminals by the rat had other re
sults than breaking an Insulating plate
and setting fire to the woodwork. It
also "shoVt circuited" all the twin wires
beyond or above the place where he con
nected them, making a sheet of flame
from wire to wire for six or eight feet,
burning off the rubber Insulating ma
terial and leaving the wires exposed.
Everyone of the wires on that switch
board had to be taken out and new ones
put in before the circuit could be
Flower Wanted in Chicago for Obtaining
4.tu,uuu on raise I'rcicnses.
By the United Press.
Galveston, Tex., Dec. 2. Dr. It. C.
Flower, of Boston, a specialist, was
arrested on the north-bound train at
Conroe, Tex., ,laite last night on a
telegram from police authorities of
Chicago, which stated that the doctor
was wanted there for obtaining $50,000
on false pretences, that an indictment
wan found against him on the com
plaint of Nathanhtl C. Fostor growing
out of some alleged fraudulent trans
actions with the Demi-nK Land and
Water corporation, of New Mexico.
Dr. Flower expressed a perfect will
ingness to go right on to Chicago with
the odlcers without extraction papers,
and they are mow en route to that city
and will arrive Sunday night.
A delayed telegram received today
also requested the arrest of P. P. Smith
if he was with Dr. Flower, as he Is also
implicated. But Smith did not accom
pany Dr. Flower.
They Commit Depredations and Threaten
to Sculp Stock Rulscrs.
By the United Press.
Albuquerque, N. M., Dec. 2. Trouble Is
feared In the Spring mountains between
ranchmen and roving bands of Navajo
Indians, who are alleged to be stealing
stock and committing all kinds of
Gilbert Taber, a ranchman just In
from that district, says the Navajos are
bolder than ever before. They threat
ened to scalp N. S. Thompson, who tried
to take some of his horses. They are
slaughtering antelope and deer by the
wholesale. ,
Samuel l.eggctt's Death Caused by Un
known Parties.
By. the United Press.
' Shamokin, Dec. 2. While Samuel
Leggett, a miner at Scott shaft, was on
his way home from this place last night
at 11 o'clock, unknown parties attacked
him and crushed his skull with an axe,
robbery evidently being the motive.
When found he was unconscious and
died at midnight without recovering
Supreme Justice Jackson is recovering
his health at Thomasvllle, (la.
The National Educational association
will meet at Denver, July S, 1895.
Cleric of the House Kerr disbursed $930,
930 for the lineal year ended June SO, 1894.
By the fall of a scaffold at Topeka,
Kan., Charles Lldderstrom and Ernest
Stone were killed. .
A tumble down an elevator shaft, at
ChlcaRo. broke the neck of Charles Hub
bell, of Bultlmore.
The Collma volcano near Guadalajara,
Mex., had another violent eruption, and
loss of life Is feared.
For causing a train wreck at Stevens'
Point, Wis., William Jennings was sent
to prison for five years.
Burglars tried to rob the exposition
building at Los Angeles. Cul., but were
chased away by watchmen.
On charge of bribing and Intimidating
pension case witnesses. Examiner E. F.
Walte, of Minneapolis, has been Indicted.
Because of the numerous hold-ups In In
dlnn Territory, the Missouri Pacific rail
rood will suspend night trains through It.
Because Albany fire commissioners re
fuse to aild more reservoir pumps the Na
tional underwriters may double the fire
rates. - , i
In yawning after her Thanksgiving din
ner, Miss Fanny hexler, ef New York,
dislocated her juw, and hud to go to a
After a desperate fight, Edward Halpln,
a notorious burglar, wu capturad - by
Chicago police with $3,000 worth of jtoltn
Important Suggestions Which Will Be
Submitted to Congress. '.
Fifty Banks Organized During the Past
Year The Charter of Forty-One In
stitutions Are Extended-Ten Banks
in the Hands of Receivers Resume.
By the United Press.
Washington, Dec. 2. Suggestions
have been received, says Comptroller
Eckels In his annual report, which
will be submitted to congress tomor
row, from many eminent financial
source that the whole question of a
banking and currency system ought to
be referred by congress, to a commis
sion to be created by law, appointed by
the president and clothed with proper
A commission non-portlsan in Us
character, he says, composed of men of
eminent abilities, could unquestiona
bly devise a currency system Bound in
every part, and one which would com
mend itself to every interest of the
country. . , .
The report also gives full , Informa
tion In regard to the organization, su
pervision and liquidation of the na
tional banks for the year ended Oct.
31, 1894.
It shows that during this period but
fifty banks were organized with a cap
ital stock of $5,285,000, the smallest
number chartered, as well as the mini
mum amount of capital, In any one
year since 1879. Of these new banks,'
twenty-seven are In the northern and
eastern states, ten In the southern
state-, and thirteen In the western or
trans-Mlsslsslppl division. ' The char
ters of forty-one banks were extended
during the year, having an aggregate
capital stock of $5,143,000 and a cir
culation of $1,678,000. Ten banks with
a capital stock of $1,575,000, which were
In the hands of receivers at the date
of the last report, resumed business
during the year, and the charters of six,
with a capital stock of $665,000 and cir
culation amounting to $283,950, expired
by limitation, five of which were suc
ceeded by new associations, ' with a
capital stock of $600,000 and circulation
amounting to $92,250.
A Decline In Deposits.
Abstracts of reports made In response
to the Ave calls required by law are
furnished by the comptroller, indicating
the changes in the status of the banks
at different periods throughout the year,
and for the purpose of comparison,
similar information Is given for the
previous year.. These reports Bhpw
that Individual deposits declined from
$1,764,456,177 in December, 1892, to their
lowest point, $1,451,124,330, In October,
1893, and between the last named date
and Oct 2, 1894, steadily increased and
reached on the latter date $1,728,418,819,
of $36,000,000 less than. In December 1892,
the highest' point readied during the
two years named. -
' The specie held by the banks on Dec.
9, 1892, amounted to $209,895,260 and
gradually decreased to $186,761,173 on
July 12, 1893, after which It increased
to $239,941,923, and decreased thereafter
to $237,250,654 on Oct. 2, 1894.
The report contains an Interesting
analysis of returns received from banks
In response to an Inquiry made, by the
comptroller, as to the use of credit In
struments In daily retail transactions.
Mississippi heads the list and South' Da
kota shows the smallest percentage.
Alabama shows 65 per cent. In checks
and orders; Georgia 70 per cent., and
Texas 67.
Comptroller's Recommendations.
The controller renews his recommen
dations of last year for amendments to
existing laws with respect to Issuing of
circulation to the par of bonds depos
ited unless the method of Issuing cir
culation Is changed, a reduction of the
semi-annual duty thereon to one-fourth
of 1 per cent., and other legislation rela
tive to the administration and conduct
of the banks, the taking of an oath of
office by national bank examiners, and
the fixing of their compensation by the
comptroller, with the approval of the
secretary of the treasury.
The comptroller suggests the main
tenance of a safety fund to be provided
by graduated taxation upon the out
standing circulation of the banks until
the same shall be equal to not less than
6 per cent, of the total of such outstand
ing circulation. This fund Is to be held
by the government as an agent only
and for the purpose of Immediately re
deeming the notes of Insolvent banks.
It Is immediately to be replenished out
of the assets of the banks on Which It
shall have a first and paramount Hen
and from assessment to the extent of
the double liability on the shareholders.
The general government ought to be
wholly free from the direct Issuing Jind
redeeming of notes to pass as money
among the people. No government lias
ever yet successfully engaged In so
doing, and the experience of the govern
ment of the United States has proven
no exception to the rule. The general
cost and loss entailed Upon the govern
ment and the repeated periods of uncer
tainty as to the government credit and
the stability of our monetary system,
have been so great as to make the legal
tender and treasury Issues of 1890 one
of the extraordinary burdens placed
upon the people.
The lHsues ought to be redeemed and
cancelled, and the government thus en
abled to retire from the banking bust
ness, a business for which It Is to poorly
In the light of the present condition
of the government's finances, Mr,
Eckels says that which ought to have
been done whenr there was a surplus In
the treasury cannot now be under
taken, and the same conditions must
continue to weaken the country's credit
and plague the lines of business until
a means Is devised for removing these
Issues from the channel of current re
demption until such time as the govern
ment finds Itself In a position to do
that which at first was the Intent of all
gradually redeem and cancel them.
A revival of anarchist 1 activity ' Is
threatened In Austria.
Numerous changes In the Italian army
will save i,vw,wu.
The papal budget for the coming year
snows expenuuurei win oe reauceil W,
At the American Thanksgiving service
In Borne, $100 was collected to aid the
earthquake sufferers,
1 jl Jif
An Ordinary Session of the Pittston Borough Council.
Special Coal Train Dashes Into the
- Rear of a Freight.
A New Jersey Central Engineer Goes Down
Under the Loeomotlve-Tho Conduc
tor llurncd to Death In an Kxplo
slon of a Barrel of Oil.
By the United Press.
Lockport, Pa., Dec. 2. A serious col
lision by which two persons were killed
and one seriously Injured, occured near
here at 12.30 o'clock this morning.
George W. Hull, a New Jersey Central
engineer, whose home Is In Jersey City,
was sent out yesterday to bring In
a special coal train from the mines.
Shortly before reaching this town, Hull
was ordered to run on a siding, which
he did, In order to let a fast freight
pass. After the freight had gone by
Hull started again and when about
half a mile from here, he ran into the
rear end of the freight train, which
had stopped at a crossing to allow an
other train to pass. ...
A dense fog prevailed and Hull was
not able; to see the lights of the freight
train. His engine was derailed and up
set In a ditch, Hull being pinned under
It. He was probably killed Instantly.
Lewi) Gordon, his fireman, whose
home is In Elizabeth, N. J., jumped In
order to save himself, but broke both
legs and will probably die. The caboose
of the freight train was wrecked and
set on Are by a lamp.
. While It was burning, Thomas Luk-
lhs, the conductor, who resides In Bay-
onrte, N. Y., came back to ascertain the
damage done, when a barrel of oil In
the caboose exploded. The burning oil
was thrown upon Luklns, and he was
burned to death before assistance could
be rendered by the train hands. . The
money damage Li not known.
Edward Wllllan, a Colored Resident of
Wllkcs-Burre, Is Arrested and Brought
to Scrnnton.
Special to the Seranton Tribune.
Wllkes-Barre, Dec. 2. Edward Wlll
lan, a colored man, was arrested here
on Saturday night upon the charge of
shooting a colored man and a woman
at Seranton, a few weeks ago. In re
sponse to a mess-age from the chief
of police of this city, Police Officer
Roche, of Scrnnton, came to Wllkes
Barre yesterday and took Wllliun In
charge and conveyed him to Scran
ton. The man wanted Is William Holt and
It appears that early on Saturday
Wllllan went to a restaurant in this
city kept by a man named Llem, who
had heard of the shooting affray at
Seranton and asked him whether he
had not been working on the Lehigh
Valley railroad. Wllllan said he had
and Llem (was strengthened In his
opinion that his visitor was the man
wanted for shooting and sent a notltl
oatton to the police, who arrested him.
Police Officer Roche took his prisoner
to Seranton yesterday, but upon Inves
tigation it was proved that he was not
the mum wanted, but at the same time
It was elicited that he could give valua
ble Information In tracking Holt
Roche and his prisoner, who was form
ally discharged, left Seranton yester
day In quest of Holt, Who has been lo
cated. OftlcerB Roche and Mlenzer, of
Seranton, have been on the track of
Holt for some time, and it Is be
lieved have about run their man to
; Holt Is among friends of the colored
race, who, it Is alleged, will use every
effort to prevent his arrest.
Commander of the Salvation Army Has
Typhoid Fever.
By the United Press.
Chicago, Dec. 2. Commander Bal
llngton Booth, chief of the Salvation
army foroes, Is critically 111 with a com
bination of nervous prostration and ty
phoid fever. He has been confined to
hi roqm for over a week and a consul
tation of physicians has been held.
His friends are much concerned and.
the members of the Solvation army
observed today as a day of special
prayer for the recovery of their leader.
the English Labor Kepresentativ Is
;' Heartily Welcomed. .
By the United Press.
- New Xork, Dec. 2. John Burns, mem
ber of parliament and representative of
amalgamated labor in England, arrived
here today on the Cunard, steamer
I; Samuel : Oompers, - president of the
American Federation of Labor, and
couple of local labor leaders, went down
the bay on a revenue cutter to receive
the noted Englishman. At the dock Mr.
Burns was met by about 100 representa
tives of different trades unions.
Mr. (Jumpers formully welcomed Mr.
Burns In the name of the United Trades
Union of America. Mr. Dumas, repre
senting Typographical union No. 6, also
delivered an address of welcome. Mr.
Burns made an appropriate response
and was then tcorted to the Colonnade
Mr. Burns Is accompanied by David
Holmes, a London labor leader who,
with Mr. Burns, comes to this country
as the representative of the Trades
Union Congress parliamentary commit
tee of England, to attend the annual
congress of the American Federation of
Labor In Denver, which begins on
Dec. 10.
Ue Took the Oath of yfflec Bcforo a Jus
tice, and V. C. Outes Was Inuugurutcd
By the United Fress.
Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 2. Governor
W. C. Oates was Inaugurated by Chief
Justice Breckell In the state house here
yesterday With the usual pomp and
Solemnity, In the presence of 5,000 per
son!, from all parts of the state. Reuben
F; Kolb, Populist governor-elect, was
also sworn In by Justice of the Peace
Powell, In a small office down town,
with but a dozen to witness the cere
mony. The two Inaugurations fur
nished a striking contrast.
Twenty companies of state troops
from three regiments reached the city
this morning on special trains. Five
companies were alrendy here. At mili
tary headquarters everything pre
sented a scene of lively activity. The
men were held In readiness to turn out
on a minute's notice. Lleutennnt Col
onel Dumont, . of Mobile, was In com
mand, and the troops had been well
supplied with ammunition. Three com
panies were despatched to the capitol
at 9 o'clock as a precautionary measure,
and were stationed about the grounds
and buildings. Besides, there were two
special details of police officers there to
keep the peace and uphold the law In
case and violence were attempted by
the Kolbltes.
The morning trains brought In sev
eral hundred sympathizers of Mr. Kolb.
No acts of violence, however, were at
tempted by Kolb or his followers.
Will Recommend Muny Important .Meas
ures for Good of the Public.
By the United Press.
linrrlsburg, Pa., Dec. 2. Governor
Pattlson is at work on the outline of his
biennial message to the legislature. The
governor will refer to the successful
operation of the amended ballot act
and will recommend Buch changes as in
his judgment will make It nearer per
fect. He will advocate the necessity of the
preservation of the state forests and
the abatement of the pollution of water
supplies of 'the commonwealth. The
National guard will be commended for
Its efficiency, as shown at the division
encampment at Gettysburg lust sum
mer and during the riots In the bit
uminous regions.
Six Hundred Men Arc Given Employ
ment. By the United Press.
Brooklyn, Dec. 2. Resumption of
work at the sugar refineries In the East
ern district, which recently Bhut down,
was begun tonight when at 6 o'clock
600 men were set to work, and 800 more
were put on at midnight.
Tomorrow morning, It Is surmised,
1,300 additional men will be given em
Sensitive Boy Kills Uimsclf After Somo
Purentul Chl-incs.
By the United PreBs.
.. Baltimore, Md., Dec. 2, In anger nt
tielng reprimanded by lln parents for
fcjeeplny late hours, John Maroneck, a
15-year-old lad, shot himself dead.
' The boy was formerly a student at
. Elmhurst college, near Chicago,
Sportsmen Drowned.
By the United Press.
f Atlantic City, N. J., Dec. 2. The suppo
sition that George Ueruur and Frederick
Myers, two -business men of this city,
were drowned on Saturday through the
finding of their overturned skiff, was con
firmed today by the washing ashore of
clothing belonging to the missing sports
men. Their relatives have given all hope,
men. Their relatives have given up all
: The report of the Htate board of chari
ties on the alleged abuses at the Lancas
ter county almshouse, hospital and Inwine
asylum, submitted to Governor Pattlson,
flnds that the charges made by Miss Anna
M. Martin are not sustained.
With a Kazor the Young Man Nearly
Severs His Head.
The Suicide Had Ample Means but Wor
ried Over Ills .Mother's Heuth Until
He I'lnully Ilccumo Insane A
Vrlend Arrives too Lute.
By the United Press.
Montreal, Que., Dec. 2. This city was
startled yesterday by a suicide which
had unusually sciiHational features. The
tragedy was discovered about 9 o'colck
and like lightning the news spread
through the city that Samuel C. Seely,
the defaulting bookkeeper of the Now
York National Shoe and Leather bank,
had taken his own life In a parlor bed
room of the Windsor hotel, and not
until a photograph of Seely was pro
duced could the authorities be made to
believe otherwise.
Harry C. Fallu registered here from
Now York some weeks ago, and It was
his body that was found, with the head
almost decapitated. How he mamiged
to cut so deeply with the razor medical
men are at a loss to know, especially
when It was discovered that he had
first cut the artery in his left wrist
He hod Bent numerous letters and tele
grams during the lust two or three
days to friends in the United States,
who evidently became alarmed over his
condition, as one of them, Horace C.
Walt, of Jersey City, arrived In the city
this morning onlyto find him dead.
I'nder u Doctor's Care.
During his stay here Faille has been
under the care of Dr. Kenneth Cam
eron. In his pockets were found Xl.G
In bills and $20 In silver, and on the
table were two letters addressed to his
relatives. One of these asked that his
body be burled In his native town,
Jersey City.
An old man from the General hos
pital was engaged several days ago
to waitch Faille. When the latter was
about to retire last night he requested
the nurse to leave the room. The man
did so, and sat at the door all night.
He was still sitting there when Mr,
Walt's card wus sent up, and declares
that he heard no noise of any kind from
the room.
The body was found lying across the
bed, the clothes and boots had not been
removed, and a bloody razor was lying
on the bed. An Inquest was held this
afternoon, and a verdict of sulcldo
while Insane was returned. The body
was shipped to Newt York on last
night's train.
Faile Lived on Murray Hill.
New York. Dec. 2. Harry C. Faile
was 24 years old and a member of an
old New York family of means. Sine.
the death of his mother twelve years
ago Mr. Faile had lived In the Murray
Hill Hotel. He was a young man of
exemplary habits, good education and
ample means, but of a somewhat mo
rose temperament. The death of his
mother was a severe blow. It Is said
that It left him with no living relatives
except the Pomeroy Bros., bankers of
this city, who were his cousins and In
whose hands was left the administra
tion of his mother's estate.
Being of a retiring disposition young
Faile had not made very many friends
His most intimate associate, however,
was Professor Horace C. Walt, vlce-
prlnclpal of the Hasbrouek Institute,
Jersey City.
Mr. Faile, several weeks ago, started
for a hunting trip to Canada, thinking
it might divert his mind and improve
his health.
He urged his friend Wait to join him
In Canada. A day or two ago these let
ters were followed by telegrams so urg
ent that Professor Walt, fearing for his
friend's sanity, started hurriedly for
Montreal. His wife received a telegram
from him yesterday saying that he hud
arrived too lute to save the young
man's life.
Congressman-at-Large McDowell, of
Pennsylvania, is Deiieveci to nave me in
side track for the house clerkship next
It lu uu i.l Hint .Tnriirft Tlloks. of the fed
eral court for the northern district of
Ohio, will be Impeached soon atter con
Kress mests.
chnninin i? P. Roni has been detached
from the Richmond and ordered to the
naval home, Philadelphia, relieving vnap
lain R. R. Hooes.
Dni,.nl .Tnlin CI Wnlkpr tins bppn
ordered to the lighthouse board, rollevlng
Rear Admiral J. A. ureer, wno succeeds
Admiral Walker as chairman of the naval
examining and retiring board.
For eastern Pennsylvania, fair; colder
strong northwest winds.
It being our intention not to carry
over a piece of Dress Goods that we
can turn into cash, we make the fol
lowing quotations,
ONE LOT fine all wool mixed Suit-
ings, former price, $5.00.
This Week's Price $2.50 a Suit.
ONE LOT extra line Silk and Wool
Scotch Suitings. Special price for
' This Week $3.25 a Suit,
ONE LOT Si-inch Covert Cloth, ex
tru quality. Former prices, jti.oo
This Week 75c,
ANOTHER LOT, the last of the sea
son, of our special Foreign Cash'
mere in 40 and 46-inch. The price
This Week Will Be 35e. and 45c
Interesting prices on Fiuo Black
Dress Goods.
See our Velvetina Cords for Dress
and Coat Sleeves; also in Cream for
babies' Cloaks.
Fine German 50-inch Seal Plush,
510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave.
. A. fflIN 8 GO.'S
We will have wet weather. v"e
will furnish you with SHOES for wet
weather. It will be a healthful Invest
114 Wyoming Avenue,
HAVE just returned
from New York buying
Holiday Goods. We are
receiving them daily.
to call and see our fine line ot
Jewelry and Novelties, whether
' you buy or not.
N. B. Look at our show windows as
you pass.