THE SCRAXTOX TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORXING, DECEMBER I, 1804. 9 First Impressions . 0! th? Metropolis Guy Fawk's' Day and the Lord May or's ShdW rkturcsqucly Described. SEEN TROM THrJ TOP OP A BUS Incidents of a First Fortnight's Stay Alono in London-Miss Katscr Finds Lodg mont at Last in a Musically Inclined Household. Special Correspondence of The Tribune London, Nov. 13. Two weeks ago to day we came up to London together, Mr. Evans and Mr. Anwyl and Miss Emilie Drlscoll and myBelf. We reached the city in the evening, and the next morning they all dt-parted for South ampton, leaving me here all lonely and forlorn. I felt bereaved. But I did not dare let my thoughts dwell much upon my forsaken condition, for fear of sym pathizing with my poor self too much. So I assiduously set to work to find the bank, boarding houses, and the Royal Academy, where I made arrangements for my coming examination and en trance there. Of course it was very hard, this finding my way about the city all alone at first, but by industrious ly affiliating with policemen and bus drivers, who are nothing if not careful and courteous, I accomplished all my errands safely enough, and had a great many wonderful and Interesting things to Bee, besides, so that It was a case of pleasure combined with business. . I had some difficulty In selecting a boarding place, however, as I wiBhed one not far from the heart of the city in order to save time In going to and fro but It seemed almost Impossible, as the rates were so very high. Happening one day to be talking with Miss Helde, the lady superintendent of the Academy, I mentioned my difficulty, and she straightway gave me. an address to a lovely place, where the neighborhood Is extremely pleasant and from which I ca get to the academy in fifteen or twenty minutes. I have a little gem of a room, on the second floor, or, what they call here, the first floor, and I am very, very comfortable and cosy. There is a cute little fireplace, a cute little bedroom suite, and a cute little piano in my room which I have for prac ticing on, besides all my pictures and home photographs, which I brought along, ami a lovely little working and writing table.. Then I also luxuriate in using as much gas as I like, which in some boarding houses you cannot do as the mistress turns it oft at 10 o'clock at night all over the house! And then there are four meals a day, besides chocolate at bed time, all of which I naturally appreciate, as hard work makes me hungry. Typicnl London Hoarding House. ' The house Itself Is an old residence Jn a beautiful old neighborhood, whero there are plenty of big trees, old shrub bery and quaint old flower gardens nt the backs of houses. Our premises are surrounded by a high, thick stone wall, and any one on the first floor cannot see out Into the street at all, nor can anyone from the street see in, either This fortification, however, has one vulnerable point, a big wooden door set in It with a door-bell at the postern When I come home from the academy or anywhere else I must stop at this door and pull this bell, which rings in the house like mad, and one of the mams must run way out or the nouse down to the walls and unlock the cato to let me In instead of just going to the house door itself. In rainy weather I do not .envy her, as she gets wet every trip, and sometimes this bell goes a ringing very often all day long for some of us. The floors, In this house, o all the rooms and halls, the first floor and basement are of stone, as are also the stairs in the front hall. Of course, they are all covered with carpets, ex cept the basement domain, but I think I like wood better. It doesn't seem so cold! . AH the girls here are students at the Royal Academy of Music. They are all singers, too, some of them having been there four or five years, and these naturally sing very well. Of course, we learn the in struments, too, besides our voice culture, and you should hear us at our prac dicing sometimes. One Is playing her piano with the loud pedal pressed down hard; another shrieks out scorn at tho top of her voice to an imaginary vll Han in a grand opera selection; an other is running scales on her violin and the other vocalizing with all he might and main; while down Btalrs the orchestra, which one of my landladies conducts, and the other accompanies (they are both very accomplished), may lie having a spirited rehearsal for some coming performance. At such a time the meanest revenge I could take on my worst enemy, I think, would be to place him In the front hall of this echoing house and let the groans and sobs of the orchestra, the thumps of the plnno the squeaks of the tantalized and tor tured violin, and the cries of the high sopranos, mingling all In one discordunt whole, confound his hearing. London's White Orchestra. By the way, the orchestra which J JuBt mentioned, is a symphony one composed entirely of ladles, all of whom are perfect mistresses of their instru ments. They give concerts in London and the' provinces, being, indeed, nl most constantly engaged, and have often played .before the Prince and Princess of Wales and family at Marl uorougn nouse uunng the season, They are very fine, indeed, and ar away now, filling an engagement at one of the inland cities, while the motherly housekeeper and the maids take care of us in the absence of the two ladies. Guy Fawkcs Day. Tuesday was Guy Fawkes'! day here In England, and was celebrated mostly by the small bny element. They carried around ridiculously stuffed effigies of poor old Fawkes. the object being, I sup pose, to make his memory as ridiculous as possible. These are called "Guys. Some of them were elaborately gotten up, and pulled around the Btreets like floats, by Borry looking little mules and aonkeys. Then. too. some small bovs and others not so small, went around masquerading in all sorts of outlandish costumes, getting an immense amount of fun and amusement out of their own ridiculous appearance and minstrelsy. Down in the country, I am told, they have great firecracker shooting, with wonderful displays of fireworks at night, Just like our Fourth of July, but in London here the danger of fire is too great. It Is supposed by the youngsters uere, umi uuy iawkes turns in- hi grave regularly every year, at being made such hearty fun of as they make or mm. . . The 'other night I went with a Cam bridge University girl to hear "Elijah given in Koyai Albert hall. What magnificent chorus they have there, and what an immense organ, too! And how perfectly vast the hall 1b! It must take n tremendous solo voice to fill it. The soloists that night were Ella Kussel, Clara Poole, Edward Lloyd and Santley, Of course I was overjoyed to hoar these last two, as they are certainly in the hey dey 3f their greatness, so I wanted to hear them before thoy grew any older. There being not much opportunity in the work for soprano, I could not enjoy Miss Russel lis much as I wished to, but I loved the contralto. Her voice Is eautiful. However, I shall hear EUa Kussel often again, in the ballad con certs coming now. Ey the way, Ade- lina Pattl comes up to London to sing, soon, and I hope to hear her, too. Academy Musicians. Last Saturday I attended one of the fortnightly concerts at the academy, and enjoyed it very much. The pupils are the only performers at these, and I was much taken with the violin and piano performances, especially, and the string quartette which was played. The voices which sang were not at all re markable, but perhaps I shall hear the more remarkable ones at some other concerts, as only a dozen pupils or so perform at each one. My professors at the academy are very good to me. I have been sent to one of the three best ,'olce producers in the Institution, Nich- olls, and shall have another private master outside for style und finish and such things. There is one good thing, that I am very glad of, and that IS, I do not have to unlearn anything about my method of voice production. Dr. Mockerju and several professors who were there when I took my examlna tlon, were very complimentary to me, or rather to my former teacher, for, of course, I told them that he was a Royal Academician, having been a pupil of Holland and Durlvler there some years ago. I shall be very busy, I suppose, as I have voice lessonB, piano, harmony opera, elocution and deportment to wrestle with, though not all on the same days. Night before last I dined out with a lovely girl and her husband at Hyde Park Mansions. I had letters to them from her mother, a delightful woman, whom I met down at Newport, and who was very kind to me. She sent me let ters to both her married daughters up here, who are perfectly lovely to me; to Madame Gomez, the famous ballad singer, who Is a friend of her's; toAlfred Eyers, the organist of Royal Albert hall, arm to some more people. I must not go out much, however, as I wish to study hard, and students are generally too poor to court) society. The Lord .Mayor's Show. Nov. 15. Last Friday was the day of the lord mayor's show here, It being tne occasion of the retirement of th lust lord mayor and the coming of the present one into office. It is always celebrated with a big procession of floats, soldiers, and all sorts of gor geous uniforms, and carriages contain ing the big London politicians, besides the outgoing and Incoming lord mayors and suites, all dressed up In their funny furry robes and wigs, which medieval gew-gaws still constitute their badge of office. The town was full of country people, who had comn' 111 to witness the "show," and the streets were so crowded and blocked with people and vehicles of all kinds that one could hardly move about. It was a rainy day, of course, and the now lord mayor certainly received a generous christen ing at. the hands of the clerk of the weather. Last week the students of the Royal academy gave on of their chamber con certs at St. James' hall, down In Plca dilly. Weall.thatlstheglrls and women, have to wear white dresses and big crimson sashes, at all public perform ances of the Royal Academy of Music, and, of course, we did on this occasion. It looked lovely to see us all together in such pretty and uniform costumes, I as sure you. Of course, It rained, and rained fearfully, too. It always does when we have to woar those dresses and sashes. The concert was a lovely one; all the performers being students, and soma of them very clever ones. There were three or four things pro duced which were the works of different pupils here, and some of them were really excellent compositions and were very much applauded by the audience present. Other Amusements. Yesteilday afternoon I went to a Schubert concert In Queen's hull, down in Regent street, The concert room here Is a little beauty, though smaller than St. James' hall, the two of them, by the way, being the two concert rooms In London. 1 heard a simply lovely mezzo soprano there, and a nice soprano too, but the tenor wns an ar tint, pure and simple. Then there were string and piano things, during which I just Bhut my eyes and forgot that I was aught but a big pair of ears. To morrow night there Is another fort nightly concert at the Royal Academy of Music, at which my Scotch girl chum here in the house is to have three of her songs sung by one of the crack tenors of the acad emy. She Is a fiery, hot-headed rank Stewart, and her songs are Jacobite ones. I am very anxious to hear them. She Is Scotch from the top of her head to her tiny toes, and knows all the old folk-lore of her country, and all the unwritten talcs about those beautiful dashing, wicked but withal fascinating Stewarts, and these slip will sit and tell by the hour, sometimes, as we sit around the fire In the twilight after dinner. The other evening she danced several Scotch dances for us, the Highland fling, the Claymore, or sword dance, and some reels. They were very pretty. We call her Caledonia, while I go by the name of Miss Columbln, tho English girl being Britannia and the Welsh girl Gwalla. We all consider that we have very pretty names, and very often disagree as to which is the nicest one to have. I am perfectly satisfied with mine, I tell them. There is another American girl nt the academy this year. She Is from "Mllkwaukee," as one of the English girls calls it, and I have not met her yet to see what she Is like. I like going about in London Im mensely. I do love the dear, common place, obliging busses, and always clamber to the top for my ride If the weather is not rainy. I always enjoy a little lnugh, all to myself, as I ascend the cute little narrow stairway which leads to the top of the bus, for It in variably makes me think of that little poem of Hood's, I think, which I had to learn one time at school, for being too talkative, I guess, and which runs: "Will you walk Into my parlor? said the spider to the fly, 'Tis the prettiest little parlor that ever , you did spy. Tho way Into my parlor Is up a winding stair; And many a quaint and curious thing you'll see when you get there!" Tho Streets of London. . It certainly is the spider's parlor, this top of the bus, and one does see the most wonderful and curious things from such an excellent point of view as it affords. The streets of London In terest me more than a good novel, I must say, and one cannot study them better than from a perch like mine. I must tell you, too, that I have grown some richer In experience lately; having had the extreme pleasure of riding several times In a hansom cab! I never was In one before, not even In New Yprk, where they have a number of them, and I did enjoy it immensely to ride In the queer, funny arrangements they are. I like them very much, but they are expensive, and I wouldn't have been In them, only a lonely girl friend of mine took me riding on a shopping tour with her. Gracious, how I would like to be rich, and live In 'such a large, lovely city as New York or Lon don. It must be wonderful! But I must stop and hammer my piano for a while. I find piano practice very Irksome. I honestly detest it, but I must do It anyway. I remember read ing the little tale that the reason the engagement ring Is on the third finger of the left hand Is because the ancients believed that there was a cord leading from that finger to tho heart; and since I have been working at the piano, I am prepared to corroborate the an cients in their statement and uphold it against all corners; for have I not felt that very cord, and cords from all the fingers as well, a-palnlng and a-throbblng till my very heart com plained at the hard practice? I must tell you about the street sights, but I cannot this time. Sadie E. Kaiser. SANCTUM AND STAGE. There's a Bond of I'nion Between the Two That's Indisputable. Mr. Daly, before he became a manag er, was a dramatic critic. He Is a gen tleman of culture and ability, and has developed several of our very best actors. The public has him to thank too, for several elegant rivals of Shukes- peare's best comedies. The Frohmans were both journalists of standing before they entered the field of theatricals. Both of these gentlemen have been lav ish In their expenditures, and have put upon the stage some of the most charm ing entertainments seen in the United Stats during the past few years. Charles Hoyt, before entering theat ricals, was a writer for the press. Duvld Henderson went from a managing ed itor's desk to the manager's office of the Chicago opera house. SEWS NOTES FROM VALES. Nearly all the milk trade of London is in the hands of Welshmen. Ben Davles, the famous Welsh tenor, says that his wife Is his severest critic. Mrs. Davles wns, at one time, a member of the operatic Btage. The first Welsh grammar ever published was by Rev. Griffith Roberts, a native of South Wules, who became a canon of Milan. He was the author of the "Drych Cristlonogawl," which Is referred to in one of John Parry's tracts. Miss Mary Thomas, of Ynlshlr, Is steadily winning an assured position among English ballad-singers. She has recently been engaged to sing nt Boosey's Ballad Concerts at the Queen's Hall, Lon don, nnd is the only daughter of the well known singer, Gwilym Thomas, and was born some twenty-two years ago at Kan sas, in the United States of America. The curious little twirl at the end of a sentence, which is common to North and South Wulians, when speaking English, is of very ancient ongln. A certain Warner, of Bath, writing In 1798 says: "All the children of Flintshire speak English very well, and were It not for a little curl or elcvutlon of the voice at the conclusion of the sentence (which has u pleasing cf feet), one should perceive no difference In this respect between the North Walluns and the natives of England." Welshwomen In the States are no chick ens. One of them, a Miss Agnes Jones, of Kansas, a young lady of 21 summers, se cured a plot of land In the Cherokee Strip Inst year. Two months ago she went to Kansas for a short time to visit her pa rents, and on her return she found that her plot had been tuken possesion of by one Sam Kartell. High words ensued pistols were 11 red, and Ham Kartell wns carried out of the house feet foremost Miss Jones escaped without a scratch. Samuel Evans, Inspector general of the Ottoman bank at Constantinople, Is an old newspaper man, having served as a reporter on the Caernarvon Herald, and says, that taking them all In all, the pen pie of Turkey are more sober, moral, brotherly and honest than the people c England and Wales. When staying for : few days at Bagdad, tho City of tho Ca llphs, and tho stat of the great Haroun al-Raschid, a citizen sent for him, nnd asked his name. Mr. Evans compiled "Where do you come from?" was the next Inquiry. "From Wrexham, in Wales," answered Mr. Evans. "I also came from' Wrexham," was the reply and my name Is John Jones!" Thereup on Sam Evans and John Jones had a good time together. The Tyst Is strenuously objecting to the proposed transfer of the Cllfynydd Ex plosion fund to the Permanent Relief so olety, and is heartily supported by the Turian, the labor organ. The Bnner has a long article luudatory of the late izur of Russia and hopes that the new Km peror will be a worthy successor to his father. The Llun has a badly written ar ticle urging the Utopian scheme of re union of churches. The Seren supports Hwfa .Mon's candidature for the Arch druidshlp. Llwydfryn has a long article on the Car diff Times dealing with the proposed aboli tion of tho office of archdruld, and makes a suggestion that the chaired bnrd of one year should be the archdruld for the fol lowing year. The Incongruity of Affection From the Boston Globe. Dr. McCosh was a D. D. nnd an LL. D. and a D. Lit. and an S. T. 1)., but the Princeton boys all affectionately called him "JImmle." Can Always rind a Red-Hot Time. From the Philadelphia Times. People with money to burn cun always find a red-hot time for tho purpose. THE WAIL OF A RHYMER. O signal service officer, be careful what you do! I've penned an odo on violets and honey suckles, too; But yesterday thermometers were 80, or ubout; But now you've changed the business, for The Cold Flag's Out! 0 signal service oflloer, bo careful how you go! But yesterday I penned an ode a hundred miles from snow; But yesterday my overcoat the weather ' put to rout, But now you've changed the business, for The Cold' Flag's Out! Atlanta Constitution. Beecham's pills are for bili ousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick headache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appetite, sal low skin, when caused by con stipation; and constipation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Book free; . pills 25c. At drugstores, or write B. F. Al len Co., 36 c Canal St., New York, Some Facts flboM Ancient Qiiebec Duffcrin Terrace Is the Lonnest Promenade In the World. HE VISION'S MAJESTIC SWEEP From This Notnblo Elevation One Is En abled to Comprehend the Whole City, Including the I'laco Where Bravo Montgomery Fell. Special Correspondence of The Tribune. Quebec, Nov. 9. The pride and glory of Quebec, next to the Citadel, Is Duffer- in Terrace, an unrivalled promenade and public rendezvous. A view from it is unsurpassed for beauty and grandeur. It is situated about half way up the Blope of this historic rock, Bay 200 feet from the river, perpendicular, right un der the frowning walls of the Citadel. It Is fully a quarter of a mile long and from 400 to 500 feet wide, extending to the base of the Citadel, and said to be the longest promenade of that sort In the world. Erected on each corner and front, are five handsome kiosks (observatories), extending out beyond the esplunade, to Which the names of Plessls, Frontenac, Lome and Louise, Dufferln Victoria- distinguished French and English patrons have been given, besides an other stand for the use of bands of music, which at times are those belong ing to the British and French men-of-war visiting Quebec. Underneath the esplanade are some of the old smooth bore cannon resting upon their plat forms or caissons, but In their present condition unavailable and of no practl cal value or use, until rilled. From the terrace front facing the river are thirty- seven port holes, designed for both nine and thirty-two pounder guns and ren dezvous for sharpshooters. The terrace presents a formidable appearance from any point of view, "formed from the solid walls of God's masonry." One writer says; "The fortifications are omnipresent; no matter from what point you look toward this rock, for eight or ten miles away, they are still with their geometry against the sky, Nor does a nearer view disenchant you," A ten minutes' climb, and liiO feet above stands the frowning Citadel, vVhose hoary walls have protected Quebec against every foe and Is the pride of every Quebecer. .Magnificent Terrace View. What do we see? Standing upon this gigantic rock, overhanging city and river, we look down upon the bustling Lower Town and the guard-ships masts of the mighty "Cruiser Make," and man-of-war Tourmaline, belonging to Her Majesty's navy, and the French war vessels Nalade, Neullly and Rlgault de Genoullly, now visiting Quebec, be side the small craft of tho harbor and the merchant vessels of foreign nations loading the timber from the "floating docks" of the French Canadians, which are coming down the liver from above the city. Acres and acres of these arc often seen loaded with lumber ready for shipment to foreign ports. Directly under the terrace front, the quaint, nar row street bearing the name of the founder of Quebec (Champlaln) Is seen, and we follow It to the foot of the Cita del Cliff. Here Is the narrow pass where the heroic American, General Montgomery, fell mortally wounded while galiently leading h s t.en In a rash ami daring attack on the Cttr.del during the Hove., lutionary v.'.i. .An Inscription painted lui;h upon the tolld rock bears !rds tea tini'itiy: "Here Montgomery fell, l).c 3;, 17.V An Historic Reminder. This s the trly mark b-ft of t'..e American attack upon Queb.v. esoitj-t a rl,-rn we see In the wall of a hiiiis" i n tit. Louis street (Upper To"i), to the ec'i'ect that It "has been built upon th t site of the small dwelling into which the body of the American general was carried after his full." The dlscom fltted, invading Americans, after their Inglorious defeat, were driven from Canada the following spring for lack of support. An elevator built upon the outside of the terrace front, extending to Lower Town, having the appearance of a cov ered rope walk, or snow shed, will greatly shorten the descent th?re, land ing you In Little Champlaln street. This street Is a narrow, planked alley with high, peaked roofed houses on either side, and not over ten feet wide. Still more quaint Is "Sotis-le-Cap," which Is reached by taking the turn in to Sault-au-Matelot or Sailor street. This old street creeps along under the city wall and the overhanging rock, which Is thickly bearded with weeds and grass and trickles with moisture; though cool In summer It must be an ice-pit In winter. There are the same high French roofs, with peaked win dows In them, nnd here and there a prop reaching across the way we Im agine frail enough supports. If the sturdy cliff, which protrudes itself at Intervals, should attempt to advance further. You can drive through this street, provided there Is a guarantee that you meet no other vehicle. Site of a Fatal Landslide. Near here, In Champlaln street, we notice a considerable rise In the ground, which was made by the fatal landslide of 1S811, and looking up can see where the great slice was taken off the cliff at that time. Equally as good a view of this slide and ruins we have looking down from the King's Bastions of the Citadel. This huge mass of rock and earth fell some 200 feet without a mo ment's warnng, killing forty-three "habitants" and causing much suffer ing and loss of property. Looking from a Jutting rock near Hope Gate, behind which the defeated Americans took refuge from the fire of their enemies, the view Is extremely unique. One Is remlnde of a throng of gypsies, for there abound gossiping, idle women, Indolent, smoking men, poultry, cats, dogs and vagrant looking children. Here are the sag-roofed burns and stables, weak-backed and dilapi dated work shops of every sort, In a tumble-down posture, leaning up against the cliff for support. Here are covered ways extending over the alley to the second stories of the houses, and from these galleries and dormer win dows are numberless clothes-lines, upon which flutter a variety of bright colored garments of all ages, sexes and condi tions. Almost directly tipder the north ern end of the Terrace, where the cliff stands back further from the liver,- the streets and buildings huddle closer to gether; the tin-roofed houses seemed packed tightly upon the steep slope as if for mutual support. . Just below, to the north, not a stone's throw, stands the historical church of Notre Dame de Vlctorle, erected in 1090. A little to the south is Champlaln Market hall, with its moat and wnlled enclosure, and near by was pointed out to us the site of the first building in Quebec, erected In 160S, by General Champlaln, It Included a fort, a resi dence arid stores. Here was the first clearing made, and the next was on the terrace or plateau upon which the hotel Chateau, Frontenac now stands,, and where the writer stood when these memoranda were given him by an at tache of -the hotel. , . , Champlaln Market. Champlaln market Is a prominent place of interest and should be visited by every tourist In early morn, when the buying and selling are at tholr height. Most of the produce-has been brought from parishes up or down the river by the market steamers, which lie three or four abreast along the quay. The French flag floats over It long be fore sunrise. The open space outside of the large stone market building Is planked over, and upon it the "habi tants" sit with their green stuff spread out on, the boards around them. There they gesticulate and vociferate In mak ing Sales, with an energy Indescribable, which an American peddlar might well emulate. The most picturesque approach from Upper to Lower Town Is by the Cham plain steps. This route leads to the Notre Dame des Victories, a plain old structure of stone, built on the site of Champlain's residence in 1090, and to the busiest and most crowded part of the old river wards, also to the long line of steamboat wharves. These old steps commence about one-third of the way down the winding slope of the cliff and are steep and narrow; although partly demolished and replaced by a modern structure, they still Impress the visitor as well deserving their name, for the old, gray, worn out stone and plank stairs of ancient days are distinctly seen beneath the Iron stairway which covers them, a curiosity no visitor should fall to see. Near the foot of the steps is a grating over the place where the remains of Champlaln were recent ly found In the vault of an ancient chapel, burled there In 1635. These old stairs are usually crowded with pedestrians of iill nations, color and size, from the stalwart Indian of the Huron tribe, wrapped to the throat in embroidered moose hide, the origi nal hnbitant. In his ancient dross, the dusky roamers of the citadel, the olH cers and sailors of the men-of-war In port, dressed In glittering uniforms, even tho Jesuit Fathers in their eccle siastical robes, the students of the semi naries, the pious and devoted nuns in their characteristic dress, John China men, of whom only two are found with in these memorable walls, and last, but not least, the curious and Inquisitive Yankee, looking In vain for the Stars and Stripes, America's emblem of lib erty, which we failed to see during the days of our visit here. Streets in Lower Town. All streets of Lower Town are nar row and plank-paved. St. Peter's street, running north, between tho cliffs and the liver, Is the seat of the chief trade of the city. It contains numerous bnnks, public offices and wholesale warehouses. These build ings are plain and massive, built of gray stone. The custom house, es pecially, Is an Imposing, classic build ing, located at the confluence of the St. Charles and St. Lawrence rivers. The great stone piers of Point a Carey are located near by. St. Paul street com mences near the end of St. Peter's and runs west along the narrow strip be tween the St. Charles river and the northern cliffs, and pnsses the roads ascending to the Hope and Pnlacu Gates. This street Is also narrow nnd phyik-paved and filled with the quaint little houses and homos of the French artisan. Here are shipyards, docks and manufactories extending along tho shores of the St. Charles liver. From the Chateau Frontenac we are driven out to prospect in Upper Town. First to the citadel, which is the great point of Interest to the tourist. A de scription of what may be seen from the dizzy heights of this Canadian gibraltar may. interest our readers at another time. Juhn E. Richmond. THE DEAD BAKE. Last night, as my dear babe lay dead In agony 1 knelt and said: "O, Ood! what have 1 done, Or In what wise offended Thee, That Thou Bhould'st take away from mo My little son? "Upon tho thousand useless lives Upon the guilt that vaunting thrives, Thy wrath were better spent! Wliy should'st Thou take my little sot? Why should'st Thou vent Thy wrath upon This Innocent V" Last night, as my dear babe lay 'dead. Before mine eyes the vision spread Of things that might have been; Licentious riot, cruel strife, Forgotten prayers, a wasted life Dark red with Bin! Then, with soft music In tho air, I saw another vision there: A Shepherd, In whose keep A little lumb-my llttlo child Of worldly wisdom undeflled, Lay fust asleep! Last night, as my dear babe lay 'dead, In those two messages I read A wisdom manifest; And though my arms are chlldlosa now, I urn content to Him I bow Who knoweth best. Eugene Field. Gilmore's Aromatic Wine A tonic for ladies. If you are suffering from weakness, and feel exhausted and ner vous; are getting thin and all run down; Gilmore's Aro matic Wine will bring roses to your cheeks and restore you to flesh aud plumpness. Mothers, use it for your daughters. It is the best regulator and corrector for ailments peculiar to woman hood. It promotes digestion, enriches the blood and gives lasting strength. Sold by Matthews Bros., Scranton. FAT PEOPLE YOU can reduce your welprht psrma. , , nenllyfromlfltolftpouudsanionth , , athome,Brcretly,wIthoutatarvifig,iicknM , . or Injury, by the use of , , BH. CURKE'S HONE TREflTJIlBIT. :: Perfected in mrirrV yean' practice. Causes noWrlakles orKlabblness. Stout Abdom.ns, uniHMiii urcnining, reiicveu nysure acien tllle methods. No expert nieiits. (iiiaran teed. Best Reference!. Price within reach of all. Write today. Positive ptooli aud testimonials free. DR. F. B. CLARKE, DfMWtn 133, CHICAGO, ILL HOW TO MAKE MONEY. If Tin villi to be aucfnl In PKOIT I.ATION " In irnlu or stock., wi lle for Iturtloulars. J, 5. BKOWMINU A CO, bankers and brokkrs, 21 monaonock Building CHICAGO. References in every Slate. Next time you go to market, remember there is none "just as good as " Qimker Oats. Good for little folks big folks, too! Sold only In a lb. Packages. AN IDEAL NEW OLD PITllitl DID, WASHI I ON BALTIMuRE With time to spare for side trips, if desired. Skirting the sea coast for iS hours in the beautiful fast new steamships of the OLD .-. DOniNION . LINE And returning leisurely by rail, The normal climate of this section during the fall and early winter 1$ delightful. Tickets include HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS at points named, as well as rail and steamer fares for the entire trip. Total cost, $32.00. Write for particulars of this and other delightful trips to OLD DOM S. S. COMPANY, W. L. GUILLAUDEU, Traffic Manager. Pier 26, North River, Hew Yori. SHAW, EMERSON, KRAKAUER, NEW ENGLAND, ERIE, PINT Ullllo J. LAWRENCE STELLE, Music Dealer, 134 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton, iM HAVE YOUH M If 1 II MAKERS rJ with J 1 atast I! - Steel Cen tered, Self Sharpening, Detachable HORSE SHOE CALKS In a 13 SSlOtli NOSaUEAK?Na. 5. CORDOVAN, FRENCHA ENAMELLED CALF. .'WlNEfoLF&KtoKOl 43.WP0LICE.3SOLES. $2S?I2-WORKING t EXTRA FINE. BOYSSCHOQLSHQESi LADIES. , SEND fad CATALOGUE WL-DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. lou can lare motiry liy p:irchaalug VV. L. Dntigla (jane. Because, we are lUc largest uiamiractaren of atlvurtiied shoe lit the world, aud guarautce the value by tamping' the iiame and price on tlx bottom, which protects yon against high prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work In style, .isy filling and weiring qualities. We have them sold every where at lower pricea for the value given than any other make. Take no substitute. If your dealer catiuol supply you, c cau. bold by E.J.LEONARD. Atlantic Refining Go Manufacturers and Doalors la in; Linseed Oil, Napthas and Gaso lines of all pnuItiH. Axle Oretixe, Pinion Grcune and Colliery Com pound; also a largo line ot Par afllne Wax Cnndk-M. We also handle the Famovis CFOWN ACME OIL, tho only family safoty burning oil In tho market. Wm. Mason, Manager. omce: Coal Exchagno, Wyoming Ave. Works at Pine Brook. 01 IsS i ' i . " " Is I era E3 ' CLOUGH & WARREN, CARPENTER, WATERLOO, CROWN, PALACE. SUPERIOR TOjALL OTHERS. Also a Full Line of BLACKSMITHS' ID SUPPLIES. Scranton, Pa. EnDORSIS BT THt HlOMIST MtDIML AtJTNOItlTlt) snEiiTiiOLiiHflifa I? a CATARRH HEfiDMHESsS iNHAMrt will care you. A wonderful boon to fnifferott from ColcU. SoreThroat, nflnen7 Bronchi tla, orllAVFFVER. Aim& immediate rtlief. Ad efficient In rorltot.TCailT to V'n on llrt Indication of cul reracny, convenient 10 0 Continued Use. KttrU Permanent Cnre. HittBf Milon suarmntped or money refunded. lrlv, 6" els. Trial frre at Drutvlats. Kwtatored mall, tuoeuts. Ll.CUSlIMiK,Ur.,tkrteHinrilILci,U.a.A, OU8HMAWS MrMTrlfll Tho surest nnd safest remedy for I "UU all skin diseases, Kctsma,IU;h.8alt Bheum,nld Rnres, Hums, Cult, wonderful rem oclT'orPILKB. Price, Jaete. at Drug-a U gjjts or by mall prepaid. Address q above. DHL HI For sale by Matthews Bros, and John H.Phelps. Complexion Preservad DR. HEBRA'S VIOLA GREAM Removes Frtoklei, Pimples, Liver Moles, Blsekhoade, Smknn ami Tan. ttnii mm (nnn (ha abln 1i 4t nrltrt- nal freshness, produclug a ' l. utwl hrtnllhv rnn. i piexiuu. ouycriui lunuiura preparations and perfectly harmless, , At all irugglst, or mailed for 50ci. Send for Circular. VIOLA 6 KIN SOAP sUsplj tnwnporsMa si sits surtljlM Soap, uB")o.lrt la. toll, and wlUiout rltal fel tot sura. AbHhitaljr jor. sod dtUoaU! sMd ratal. AtsnniUM, Prlee 2S Cents. ; G. C. B1TTNER&CO.,Tolido,0. For sale by Matthew Bros, and John H. Phelps. NERVE SEEDS Thta Famous Krint'dv euro quickly and ponn lllMltlV nil iwrvouft il.ttmMtfL Riirh R 1. Wonk Mrinorr. JiOMB of Bmla Fower I Km (Who, Wiikelulnes, Loaf Vitality. nlnlillyemlnbluitn.oYlltitvatns.lm potency und nuNUng OlaPHHOriouu&'d by outhful errors or e ice t' no ontntaa, I nerve tunlo uud llotl builder. Milken tlie pnl nnd puny itrnimnml plump. KusIIt curried In vntit pookot. 8M per box) 6 lor 95. By mull prepaid with n wrlttii(rimi'inih'torum or money refunded. Write u for free medical lmk wnt acnled In plain wruppor, whloh onntnln teritlnionlRls and nnnrtclal re (ere noes, fit charge rr consult tlon. Jitwart of 4mf.ti"?ii. Sold lr nur ndver ilHinl flsonts, orad(inA M ttVl. ft ELD CO iauenlo Temple. Chlcuffo 111. SOLD IX SCRANTON, FA., H. C. SANDERSON WASHINGTON. CUK. SPRUCE. UUUUOI3X3. JF llBi a U). . VP ft.. 1. 'ZaW- v