) TUK ECUANTUN TUllSUiNK SATL'ICUAY MUiiNllfG. DECEMBER I. 1894. SAPPHIRES ARE THOSE EYES OF THINE. Words, by H. HEINE. 3gH r!rs r f- fH , Music by GENEVIEVE M. CANNON. m-m..... a u. . . a.mona, mat sneds a spurn-dm light, Thrice I knew I but that Imp - - py man. Could I at last (lis . cov . . , n ..... I - v-' I UCCJJ Andante con mete. .. I ' 3 , , t?J tr- , tzi zzz l vj? SL- .gfe--H- 1. Sap-phires are those eyes of thine, So love - ly and so sweet, Thrice 2. Red as ru - bies are thy lips, Nought fair - cr can I prove, Thrice ",t cr : gc :-g- ' 1 J - uiJ-' u- V! J p 1 T1 1 u ' bless cd is the hap py man, For whom it glows so bright ; Thy rftg j, m 1 1 ) ) ! ii-i" i - in tho green - wood, all a - lone, His bliss where quick - ly o-ver; Oh. h i-f-S - 1 5 . -r-l r-j-i bless, cd is the hap - py man Whom they with love will greet; Thrice ifegrjzrrjgrrrrr. j I :-e i ' " l I -'ZZZZZZZlZiZZlZ bless ed is the hap py man To whom they whis - per lovq; Thiicc kj r" 1 j g ttrrg:": - &zzzzzzzzzzzz&r ; rggg ffir Xrfc: rj fcrr! jigsg r-g-jg"S:g- n!L..: zr H-g- g l-r zSSB ij:- - -c3- tp- .... -- 1 t . ng . ' zzzzzXrzzzzxzzzzzzzz rqq . j . Qlzz2 71 -H :3:rgrrrr-i- p rJ-,-- heart it is a di - a - mond, That sheds " a splen - did light, Thriea " I :t-:F- : '-:- j - H H knew I but. that ..hap . py man, Could I at , last dis Jjov cr,. Deep bless - ed is the hap - py man Whom they with love wiil greet; Thrice n a . bless ed is the hap - py man To whom thef whis - per love; Thrice 'F 1 1 g ' : ' ! gpgE:zfaT2 j ,s 1 i r 1 , p rzplrz- j Pj 1 1 F I co- -cc -tz Gathered in the World of Melody Intercstintj Notes Concerning Musi cians at Home and Abroad. PASSING SHOW OKCHESTKA Criticism I'pon Kublnstcin New Soprano ot Kim I'urk Church Visit of the Schu mann Club-Contemplated Tour of the White Orchestra. Of Eugene Ysaye and his first appear ance at the Philharmonic society the New York Tribune says: "He came nnd conquered as erstwhile Rubensteln did, and Indeed suggested no character Bo much as a Rubinstein of the violin, an artist with a great, sympathetic, sen sitive soul, responsive to every variety of emotion, prompt and generous In Its givlngs out, who makes one forget all about the art of violin playing In the simple enjoyment of the beautiful and Impassioned proclamation which he makes. There Is no thought of the tech nical skill which Is essential to Its utter ances, and, as Rubinstein could drop chough notes, as he himself once ex pressed It, to make up another concert without bringing a loss of loveliness to me consciousness or nis nearers, so -Ysaye can obliterate all memory of an Occasional digital slip, a false Intona tion, a blurred passage, with the lnten . Sky of nis playing, the tremendous, overpowering rush of emotion which Saturates every phrase of his music.' Here is a judgment upon Rubensteln With which our readors may or may not agree. It Is pronounced by the scholar ly mnslcal critic of the Buffalo Express: utrteu with a wealth of melody that ul Tnost rivals Schumann, and that Intense sense of rythm peculiar to the Slav, Rubin stein, notwithstnndlg his prollllcness, has written but little of which one can predict a lusting .value. There were two reasons for the waste among this luxurlousness. The power of concentration nnd Intellec tuality were wanting. In proof of the lat ter statement are his prose works, "Muslo nrul Its Musters," and an "Autoblographio Sketch," both published within the Inst four years. They showed him to have been one who lived entirely within and was ab I rbed by his part; one for whom the realm r tone was all in all, and give a view of be world and a philosophy that Is chlld lh, almost pitiable. Rubensteln failed ntlrely to grasp the outward signiilca on of his art, and thus lost the power of Hf-crltlclsm, which would have spared tm the many bitter disappointments as a ramatle composer, or else have led to lnher results. What he lucked was cdu Mlon, which gave Wagner, Berlioz, Solium lann, Mendelssohn, the power to place deli- work upon the higher plane. Had Here, been given to Rubinstein the power t concentration, and consequent sense of rm, possessed by Brahms, the latter half f this century would havo seen a master. bless - ed is the hap . py man Whom they with love will greet. Thy bless ed is the hap - py man To whom they whis per love. Oh, -4-jj 1 1 1 i J 1 1 g-r 4 fc-T , . " . i -N - 1 - J I-- - I trp f i p -f ; J 'ho In the realm of pure music rivaled feethoven. Ludwlg Englander, the maker of the oelodlous music m Canary and Led rtr's enormously successful produc lon,"The Passing Show," Is a, Vlen Be. He came to this country ten years ro under, a ' special engagement to laJame GelsUnger, with whom he had ien associated in her European trl Bnphs. He was orchestral director at he Thalia theater, New York, while hat house was under the direction of lelnrlch Conrled, and while there he Tr-ote the score of "1770" especlailly for Ufl-damc GeJstlnger; and that! of I'rlnce Consort," In order to lntro Uce the Vlenise soubrette, Josle Gall Iyer, Each, opera scored a big success then done in German, and that hpy would' be equally successful In Ingllsh, 1 the opinion. of competent Uiigcs, A( . present he la engaged In i . i -Y9- Copvrkrlit, iRoi. t)V The New York Musical Record Co. writing the score of a new opera for Thomas Q. Seabrooke, to be called the "Culiph of Bagdad," the book of which has been furnished by Harry B. Smith, of "Robin Hood" fame. The excellent quality of music Mr. Englander has written for "The Passing Show," has been recognized by musical critics and by the general pub lic. Unlike the majority of composers Mr. Englander Is exceedingly mild mannered, with a charming disposition and Is only the least bit nervous. He Is 38 years old, of slight (physique and a cunlirmed uacnelor. .'; The mere announcement that the Schumann Lady quartette, of Chicago, Is to sing at he Young Men's Christian Association hall next Friday evening ought to bo enough to crowd that au ditorium. The quartette Is admitted to be without a rival and their singing Is such that it raises an audience to the very highest pitch of enthusiasm. While their programme Is of the highest order, yet they sing piusic that never fails to please. All the press reports say that their singing of "Hear Dem Bells," with Imitation of the bells, Is a most remark able and artistic piece of work. The quartette Is assisted by a line elocu tionist, Miss Jessie Cl. Patton, who ren ders several selections. The usual prices of the company has been re duced from $1 to GO cents, as this Is their first appearance In this city. All London Is talking about the new Gilbertlan comic opera, "His Excel lency," which was produced last week at the Lyric theater. This time V. S. Gilbert has Dr, Osmond Carr for a collaborator In place of Sir Arthur Sullivan. People think D. Care's music Is. not up to the Sullivan standard, though It Is bright and tuneful, but they one and all agree that Mr. Gilbert has done some of his best work. The Frothingham Theater orchestra for "The Passing Show." to be held on Monday, Dec. 3, will be augmented to the number of twenty musicians. Will iam Gi-llllths, trombonist of Bauer's band and orchestra, has , been engaged by the management to furnish the ex tra musicians, and will henceforth be connected with the house in a musical capacity. Miss Florence Beckett, the accom plished flute soloist of the Ludles' or chestra, has had excellent instruction upon the Instrument from childhood. Her father' Is a well known Boston flutist, having for years been .con nected with the orohestra of the Boston Ideal Opera company. Miss Beckett plays with remarkable ease and skill nnd her solos Invariably evoke enthu siastic encores. . Miss Lillian Guthrie,- of New York, has been engaged as solo soprano at Elm Park. Methodist church. Miss Guthrie possesses a full, musical voice of great power capable of giving the proper effect in the large auditorium of -the Elm Park church. Manager Laine, of the Frmthtngham, is arranging a short concert tour for the Ladles' White orchestra in tho near future. During the absence of the Lady orchestra the music at the Frothing ham will be In charge of Professor Will tarn Grlffllths, SHARPS AND FLATS. Sir Arthur Sulllvan'anew operottn, "The Contrabandists," will be given for the first time at the Savoy Thcuter, London, next month. Franz Rummel has scored a success in London, where he gave two concerts. In tho first, with orchestra, he played Bee thoven's G major, the Schuman and a Saint Snons concerto; the second wfc a selected programme for piano alone. Montreal has also attained the distinc tion of having Its own Syihphony Orches tra. There are 41 men under Mr. Coutre. At their first coneert they played Bee ZMlZ 0- thoven's first symphony, Weber's "Jubel Overture," Rubensteln's "Bal Costume," and a selection by Dubois. It bus become customary In Europe of luto years to have different prominent conductors appear ut a season's concerts. Tho Society of the Nouveaux-Concerts in Brussels will be given this winter under Huns Rlchter, Ch. Itordcs, Richard Strauss, Franz Servuls and Felix Mattel. Hans Sommer's opera, "St. Folx," had Its initial performance In Munich recently. It was a short comic opera, the text by Hans von Wolzogen, the well-known es sayist and Wagnerian. The press of that city are warm In Its praise, especially ad miring the lyric passages und the orches trat Ion. A tablet has at last been placed In Mayence upon the house In which Peter Cornelius, who died In 1K74, was born. His opera, "The Uarbler of Bagdad," Is one of the German classics, whilst his poems and songs, especially the cyclus, "The Bride's Songs," are amongHhe most chant ing of his lyric literature. He was a nephew of Peter von Cornelius, the great painter. Thoj operetta, ."Prince Ananias," by Fruncis Neilson and Victor Herbert, as performed on Tuesday night by Boston ians In New York, was not an entire suc cess. The critics agree in praising Her bert's music; the only fault found Is with Its excellence. The librettist does not fare so well. The work Is entirely too long, requiring nearly four hours for performance. And the text Is weakened by attempts at witty rhyming. CURIOUS PARAGRAPHS. A substitute for olive oil Is made from linden seeds. Burglar nnd fireproof coffins are begin ning to be made. Venison has become plentiful in the London market. Wood pulp Is used for adulterating woolen yum. Eight million acres of forest lands are cleared every year. Chill has 484 centenarians, according to her latest census. Sealed caves have been discovered in Mashonalund, Africa. St. Paul will soon have a new bridge across the Mississippi. European envuhy are trained to swim across rivers with ease. The engines of tho world can do the work of 1,000,000,000 men. It Is the Iron In clay that elves tho or dinary brick its red color. A cave in tho Siena Nevndas is In habited by myriads of bats. American coal was first discovered by French Catholic missionaries. Toronto was plainly visible frorA Buffalo recently during a mirage. The Kolden rod blooms earlier In the season the further north It Is. Certain sponges bore Into shells, caus ing them to crumble to pieces. IllsCaso Was Serious. From Der Schalk. Doctor (slinking his head) Well, my dear sir, I can do nothing more for you. Patient W-h-a-t! Good gracious, doc tor! Doctor No, really, my friend, you are in perfect health. THE BRIDE'S FAREWELL. Furewell, mother, tears are streaming Down thy pale and tender choek. I, In gems and roses gleaming. Scarce thlB sad farewell may speak. Farewell, mother, now I leave thee (Hopes and tears my bosom swell), One to trust who may deceive me; Furewell, mother! Fare thee well! Farewell, father! Thou art smiling, Yet there's sadness on thy brow; Winning me from that beguiling Tenderness to which I eo. Farewell, father, thou didst bless ino Ere my Hps thy name could tell; He may wound who can caress me; Farther! Guardian! Fare thee welll Farewell, sister! Thou art twining Round me In affection deep; Wishing Joy, but ne'er divining Why a "blessed-bride" should weep. Farewell, brave and gentle brother, Thou'rt more dear than words can tell Father, mother, sister .brother, , All beloved ones, fare ye well! T bless. cd Is the hap in the green-wood all py man, a-lone, Bapphires are those Eyes of Thine. N?u)s of the Green Room and Foyer Some of the More lm porta at Doinrjs of These, Our Actors. THINKS 'TWOULD BE IX VAIX Joseph Jefferson Doesn't Regard as Hope ful tho Scheme of a Subsidized Ameri can Theater- Other News and Gos sip of Amusement Mukers. Speaking of the new play "John-a-Dreams," which has just been produced with considerable success at the Lon don Hay-market, the London Times says: "Mr. Plnero, following In that respect the example of the late Emile Augler, stripped the courtesan of the false trappings which had been thrown around her, and the task which the au thor of 'John-a-Dreams' has set hlmSelf Is that of rehabilitating her once more, and that with a degree of completeness not hitherto attempted. Whether the object of these attentions Is worth the time and trouble devoted to her the pub lic must judge, but It Is Impossible not to be struck at least with tho freedom with which the femme perdue and her nterests are now discussed on the Eng lish stage. So far, the palm for bold ness may be claimed by Haddnn Cham bers." The writer admits that the story Is told admirably and Is deeply Interest ing, while Beerbohm Tree and Mrs. Pat- lck Campbell both score hits In the principal characters. Comedy, tragedy, all Is over, As the dying muslo now breathes its last, The clown's dull Jests, tho vows of the lover; For another night Into night has passed. Out with the lights! 'Tis finished, the glory Of painted gardens and tinsel halls. Clap your hands! "fls tho end of the story; The play Is over, the curtain fulls. Tragedy, comedy, still you havo them Here In the streets as you loiter homo; Many a snatch, If you care to save them, Of life s rude furee to your ears will come; And tho fitful music still rings around you From palaco windows nnd tavern wall, Till all is forgotten, and sleep has found you; The play Is over, the curtain falls. Comedy, tragedy, all the world over. Day and night. If you will but look, Passionate puges of life discover, Strange ns are written In any book. Love them, laugh at them, weep for them, sing with them, Sooner or later the life-show palls; Death makes nn end of the joys that they bring with them; Tho play Is over, tho curtain fnlls. Rochester Post-Express. While delivering a lecture In Wash ington the other day Joseph Jefferson was asked by Miss Kate Field whether, In his opinion, a subsidized theater would be desirable In the United States. His answer was that while from the standpoint of an actor he might think such an Institution desirable, and while It would doubtless be of benefit In many ways In developing dramatic art, the conditions of this country were such that It would be practically Impossible to subsidize the drama here. FO.OTLIGHT FLASHES: . . Boston has fourteen playhotiseB. Marie Burroughs has closed her season. Jefferson D'Angells Is to star next sea son. Helen Dauvray may revive "One of Our Girls." A. W. Plnero's new play, written for the London Oarrlck, Is ready for rehearsal, V I I w, let ts? -cr f Sj J1' p'i For whom it glows so bright, His bliss where quick-ly o-ver. but Its production is likely to be delayed by the success of ".Money." Modjeska will impersonate Fedora In Poland. London Is to have a permanent or chestra. Helena Mora may Join a comlo opera company. De Koven and Smith are writing an opera for Lillian Russell. Robert M. Graham and wife have Joined the "Robin Hood" company. "La, Sorclere" is tho title of a new play upon which Sardou Is at work. It is computed that M. Sardou's royal ties amount to $100,000 a year. Alexander Salvlnl will play "Hamlet" for the lirst time at Louisville on Feb. 11. Virginia Hurtled and Maurice Barry more aro to go out with "The Dancing Girl." W. S. Clevelnnd will produce next sea son a drama entitled "On the Suwanee River." George Thatcher has given up "About Gothum" and will return to negro min strelsy. Mario A. Slnnott, a daughter of the late Judge Sinnott, Is. to go into the Palmer company. The rumor Is again revived that John 8. Clarke Intends to return to the stage before long. Charles Alfred Byrne and Louis Harri son have completed tho libretto of a new comlo opera. Marian Manola has recovered sufficient ly to act with John Mason, her husband, In "The Cotton King." Henrlk Ibsen's new play, It Is an nounced, will be published at Christmas in Norwegian, German and English. Helena Modjeska is speaking German, Polish or Russian In her European tour, according to the nationality ot the audi ence. Louis James will star next season. "The Robbers." "Henry VIII" nnd probably "Franeesca dl Rimini" will be In his repertory. Ellen Terry has recovered fully front her recent Indisposition and rejoined the Lyceum company ut Glasgow, where sue had a most hearty reception. Kate Claxton has purchased "My Lady Reckless," a play which Arthur Forrest Is said to have secured In Purls. Alme Janauschek will be In the cast when It is produced. A theater will be added to tho Conserva lory of Paris so as to afford the pupils who are studying for the opera a chance to become familiar with tho stage and a public audience. Mile. Khea appears to have obtained nn able and dignified play, "When Bess Was Queen," By Elwyn A. Barron, who hns with boldness made Shakespeare one of tho principal characters. Sarah Bernhardt, who can afford to bo generous, has been indulging in a ittiio rhapsody over Ellen Terry, of whom she declared: "She Is perfectly dellgnirm, and one of my best friends. The greatest treat I can give myself, and a pleasure to which I look forward for months. Is to see her act. She Is as near absolute per fection as any one can be. In her, Lug llsh dramatic art has a splendid exponent. Now, I'll tell you tho difference between her und Monsieur Irving she Is an artist first, nn actress nfterwnrds; he, on the contrary, Is an actor first, and afterwards an artist." THE AUTUMN LAKE. A song for the autumn lane O'erhuiiK by sumacs and pines, Where the spider weaves a tremulous skein, In a midst of silvery lines; And the asters gleam By the waysldo stream And peep through the yellowing vines; And tho wild mint's prayer Floats quaint In the nlr In the shade of the muscadines. A song for the autumn lane Where tho withered thistles sigh Llko weird old folk that dream In vain Of love 'neath a summer sky; While sweet scents roam Through the thickening gloam Flower souls that will not dlo And the crickets trill A dirge on the hill And the dark wind sobs, Good-byl From the Independent. m MRS. ROKER FAVORS fcARLK She Says It Is a Valuable Addition to a Bill of Fare. From tho Philadelphia Record. A piece of garlic," declared Mrs, S. Tyson Rorer, In her lecture ou "Choice East India Currle," at the Food Show yesterday, "Ib Just as lndlspensa ble to a well-served dinner ns the din ner Itself." Mrs. Rorei-'s audience was a large and very fashionable one. Sh dwelt on the need of spices as an artlcl of diet, especially in warm weather, and declared that If six curries were oaten during the summer months the eater would have no need of pills. "The Lord," she said, "has given us three kinds of teeth, and He clearly meant for us to eat three varieties of food. Onions, being strongly antiseptic, are a valuable vegetable. Chopped meats, onions fried In butter, milk of grated cocoanut, green pepper, cloe of gurlic, several other spices, together with a dish of boiled rice and baked banana are the component parts of a ball'currle." This Mrs. Rorer then proceeded to make, and when she had finished she declared the dish was one warranted to bring back an appetite entirely gone. ANECDOTE OF BLAINE. How lie Suuclchcd a New Member Who Was llndly Enraged. From the San Francisco Argonaut. On one occasion a decision which Ttlalne made as speaker of the house greatly enraged a new member, who waited on Pennsylvania avenue after the house adjourned, with some friends, declaring that he would "have It out or fight." "You can't," paid one of his friends; "nothing you will say will get the better of Blaine's good humor and politeness." "We'll see," said the en- paged man, ns ho caught sight of the stately figure of the speaker coming slowly toward him. He stepped for ward quickly and stood across his path, 'Mr. Blaine," he said loudly, "I don't know you; I am no acquaintance of yours, but I take the liberty of telling you, sir, that you are a fool and a Jack ass!" "Indeed," said Blaine, mildly; now, I wonder," regarding him thoughtfully, "what kind of liberty you would have taken If I had been one of your Intimate friends." And, bowing courteously, he passed on, while the companions of the congressman burst Into a shout of laughter. The Irish Compliment. In W. R. Le Fanu's "Seventy Years of Irish Life" is a reference to the visit of George IV. to Ireland In 1821, which was enlivened, as much as a state visit may be, by the following Incident: The king entered Dublin In an open carriage drawn by eight splendid horses and attended by a number of grooms and footmen In magnificent liveries. He was In military uniform, and constantly took off his hat, smiling nnd bowing to the people, who enthusiastically cheered him. At one point a man close to the carriage stretched out his hand to the king and paid: "Shake hands, your majesty!", The king shook hands heartily. The man waved his hand and called out ."Begorra, I'll never wash t,hat hand again!" The Time to Quit. From Judge. Isaacateln (to doorkeeper of poker room) Ish Jakey lsaacsteln In dere? Doorkeeper Yes. Isaacsteln Ish he ahead? Doorkeeper Yes. Isaaopteln Tell him to come homo quick; his fader Ish dying. . A Suit Sign. From the Chicago Inter Ocean. Haittie I guess Fannie Sllmpurse's mamma must keep an awful lot of ser vants. Mamma How many did you' see? Hattle Not one; but most all of her china was cracked or broken, - IJy wife ban been troubled for years with dry crtmts and scales ou lier head and eyebrows. After eei'uilnf,' to lio doriuaiit for years in her Bysteni, it broke out again iu all its lury. II er lutirranie out In big patches, lier evebnmg all fell off, and blib presented a pitiable condition. Ave tried nlmoat even thine, but she continued . K;' ,w"r,,e. Then wo tried one of our best physicians, but all to no pin-note. Kinallv SI19 believed that the Cctktiia Ki;mriiii would euro her. Alter using nine boxes of Citiccra, about a doam cakes of Ci tk-i ka Koap, and four bottles of CirncciiA lti:iLEST,slie was entirely cured. Her hair cuino on aipiin, and to-day the hits as line a head of black cuilv hair and us smooth skin as any lady in Allen'town. (See portrait.) Her eyebrows aro heavier than they ever were, her scalp is free from dandruff, auu her health is excellent. FKKEMAS BTOEKER, 225 Court Street, Alleutowu, 1'a. Tlio cures dally mado by CunctTRA TlEMEnrra nstouidli physicians, ilruElsts, and those who have lost iailh and hope. No statement is mado regarding thi-ni not instilled by the strongest evidence. 'I'lieynre the most s'predr, ecoiioni l al,u:ul infallihlo skin cures, blood purifiers, and humor remedies of modern times. Pold everywhere. Trice, CrTiccnA, 60c.; Soap, 2'lC.; INSOLVENT, $1. l'OTTEtt IjllUO ANU CUKll. Colli'., Hole I'l-oim., UohUiii. a"lluw to Cure Skin Diseases," mailed free. niCW'Q Bklnaud Bculp purlUed mid beautified UnU I U y (;uticl'iu uoap. Absolutely poro. WEAK PAINFUL BACKS Kidney and Ptcrlno Pains and Weak, ncsses relieved in oue minute by tho Cutienra Antl Fain fluster, thu only icitantcneout pain-ltllllng platter. RADWAY'9 READY RELIEF is safe. relisblo and effectual because of the stim ulating action which It exerts over the nerves and vital powers of the body, add ing tone to tho one and inciting to re newed and Increased vigor the slumbering vitality of tho physical structure, and through this healthful stimulation and Increased action the cause of PAIN is driven away and a natural condition re stored. It Is thus that the HEADY ItE- LIUF is so admirably adapted for tha Cl UE OF PAIN and without the risk of injury which Is sure to result from the use of many of the so-called pain reme dies of tho day. It Is Highly Important That Every Family Keep a Supply ot Alwnvs in the house. beneficial on all occasions of pain or sick ness. There isnothing In the world tnut will stop pain or urrest the progress of disease us quick as the READY RE LIEF. CURES AND PREVENTS Cold:, Coughs, Sore Throat, Influenza Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Head ache, Toothache, Asthma, Dif ficult Breathing. CURES THE WOftST PAINS in from one to twenty minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after rending this advertisement need any one SUFFER WITH PAIN. ACHES AND TAINS. For headache (whether sick or nervous), toothache, neuralgia, rheumatism, lum bago, pains and w.akness in the back, spine or kidneys, pains around the liver, pleurisy, swelling of the joints und pains of all kinds, tho application of Hadway's Ready Relief will afford Immediate euse, and its continued use for a few days ef fect a permanent cure. Internally A half to a teaspoonful In half a tumbler ot water will, in a few minutes, cure Cramps, Spasms, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Vomiting, Heartburn, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Sick Head ache, Flatulency and all Internal pains. There is not a remedial agent in the world that will cure Fever und Ague and all other Malarious, Bilious and other fevers, aided by HADWAY'S PILLS, so quickly as RAD WAY'S READY RE- LJrice ,r-0 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Always Reliable. Purely Vegetable. Perfectly tastoless, elogantly coated, purge, regulate, puriry, cieunse ana strengthen. RADWAY'S PILLS for th cure of ait aworaers or tne oiomscn. Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Dis eases, Dizziness, Vertigo, Coatlveness, Plies, SICK HEADACHE, FEMALE COMPLAINTS. BILIOUSNESS. INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION AND ALL DISORDERS OF THE LIVER. Observe tho following symptoms result lng from diseases of tho dlgostlvs orimd: Constipation, Inward plloa. fullness of blood In the head, acidity of tha stomacn. nausea, heartburn, dlsxusit ot loon, run- ncaB of weight of tho stomach, sour orue- tatlons, multilist or nuwenna or mo oemrt, choklns or t-jfCocatins (amotions whoa In a lymtr postura, dlmno of vljlon, dots or wbs bofore tho flight, fever and dull pain In tha head, deficiency of poroplr. tlon, yoiiowntss ot me v,,., .A.I- - itm1. anil jftliilnAn flilBhAd in inUKlUU, li.ium, in..w, tree the system pi ftll tha above-namsd disorders. Pries 26c. per box. Sold by Drugglsta or tent by mall. Send to DR. RADWAY & CO.. Loo Box S6S. Naw York, for Hook of Advlc. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. Made a IStb Day. ifr of Me. THE GREAT 30th Day. produces the above roiulti In'SO daji. It ctl powerfully ud quickly. Cures when all otheriful. Vouun men will rojuo their loit manhood, ud old men will recover their youttafut ior by uIM REVIVO. It quickly sndaurcly rentorcs Nervou noaa, Los Vitality, Impotcncy, Nlgbtly Eniliwiona, LoBt Power, FollluK Memory, Wasting Diaeaaea. and all effects ot (elf-abuse or excess and Indiscretion, which unllts one far aludy, business or marriage. It not only euros by starting at the seat ot disease, but Is a great nerve tonic and blood builder, bring ing back the pink glow to pale checks and re storing the Are of youth. It wards off Jnssulty and Consumption. Insist on saving REVIVO, no other. It can bs carriod in rest pocket. By mail, 81.00 per packak-o, or six (or S.OO, iflth PK tlve written guarantee to core or refund the money. Ciroular froe. Address 50YAL MEDICINE CO. 63 River St., CHICAGO, ILL rot eel by Matthews Bros., Statelet Nerantou . I'e. ' For Delicacy, For purity, and for Improvement of the com plexion, nothing equals Possom'e Powder. li READY RELIEF. Its use will prove mi, ffeatampMMl