THE . SCRAETON TliUJUNE SATURDAY MORNING-, DECEMBER 1, 1SU. Pastors and Their Hard Work Kcligiotis Developments of One Kcclt . in All Our Churehcs. AUXILIARY ACTIVITIES NOTED .Carefully Compiled Compendium of News nd Personal Mention Helming to the Churches and the Benevolent and Charitable Religious Societies. President Augustus II. Stronff, D. D.. LL. D., has written three very able ar ticles on "Ethical Monism" in the Examiner, which have aroused criti cism in many quarters, and especially so among the Baptist denomination in whose org-an the essays appeared. Dr. Strong says that "tt Is not too much to say that the monistic philosophy, in its vurious forms, holds at present almost undisputed sway in our American uni versities. . Harvard and Yale, Brown and Cornell,, Princeton and Rochester, Toronto and Ann Harbor, Boston and Chlcstgo, are all teaching it." Monism has ever been regarded as pantheistic, nnd against this Mr. Strong fences in Ills system with remarkable ingenuity. The crucial test of Monism are the fact of sin and the atonement of Christ, and to harmonize these theological doctrines with his philosophy, taxes both the, president's reasoning and exegesis. ' He iiccounts for personalities by saying that God has limited and circumscribed Jilmself, and to the objection how can there be innumerable personalltlus and yet but the one substance, he falls back on the doctrine of the Trinity, which teaches three infinite personalities in the one substance of God, and whoever believes this cannot consistently deny that in the same substance there are multitudinous Unite personalities. Or thodoxy will hardly accept such a state ment as the following of the Son of Ciod: "It is Impossible that He (Christ) who is the natural life of humanity should not be responsible for the sin committed by His own members." Dr. D. C Hughes, of the Jackson Street Baptist church, will read a paper on "Monism" next Monday morning be fore the Pastors' union, when he will discuss the philosophy of Dr. Strong in Its relation to orthodox theology. .Missionary Aid. The response to the donation party held by the ladles of the Green Hidge Presby terian church was liberal. The boxes arc kept open until next week, and then closed and sent to mission stations north nnd west. The Sunday school of the Elm Turk church devotes the last Kahbuth of every month to missionary work. The mem bers give an offering and over tW per month has been donated during the last four months. The Sunday school nnd congregation of the Plymouth fongrega'lonnl church Joined in bringing u Thanksgiving offer ing to the lecture room of the church, which was donated to a family In poor circumstances. A Polish Baptist church has been recent ly organized in Bufrulo. A student from Kochester went to labor among this peo ple four years ago, who was later joined by a Polish gentleman. Their labors have been very successful, and a church was recently organized with thirty mem bers; This is the first Polish Baptist church In the United States. Last Thursday the several chnpters of the Epworth league movement in our city heartily responded to the. appeal' sent forth by the secretary of the Missionary society for uid. This society has felt the pressure of hard times ami its usefulness has been crippled for the lack of funds. The contributions did not sutlice to defray the current obligations, and an appeal was sent forth to the young people of the Epworth league all through the United States to come to the rescue. These so cieties In our city have done their part well. If all chapters throughout the Union have done as well, the nnxiety that has pressed heavily on the officials of the Missionary society has been wholly re moved. Church F.xtension. j , A new parsonage Is about being com pleted by the members of the Methodist Episcopal church of Trucksville. Rev. Mr. Schwendener, a German evan gelist from St. Joseph, Mo., Is conducting special services at the Hickory Street Baptist church, of which Rev. J. C. Schmltt is pastor. v A new Methodist Episcopal church Is being erected In Clark's Green. It will be completed about the first of February and will cost over $4,000. The pastor in charge is Rev. P. H. Parson. The Baptist ministerial conference 'do voted last Momluy to hearing reports from the various churches In tho Ablng ton association. The churches, with rare exceptions, are In a healthy condition and doing aggressive work. Captain Singleton and wife. arrived In the city last Wednesday afternoon, and will have charge of the Salvation Army work on the West Side. Captain South worth and wife, who have been in charge for the past b!x months, left Tuesday for Harrisburg. An Italian mission has been started In Wllkes-Barre by the Lackawanna Pres bytery. It Is in charge of Joseph Vltale, and about thirty persons havo handed themselves together. The same denomi nation has also a mission station among the same people In Plttston. The Green Ridge Presbyterian Sunday school is the first to respond to tho ap peal for nid from the McAll mission of France. Twenty-fivo--dollars-were for warded to tho secretary of this .work in our city, Mrs. J. A. Price, who thanks the school for Its prompt action. Captain Pattle Vatklns, of New York city, spent two weeks with friends on the West Side. She spoke for the Inst two Sundays in -the Salvation barracks and drew Immense audiences. She addressed a large audience In the Rescue mission last Tuesday evening. , On Wednesday Bho left for New York. She is stationed In tho Bowery nnd Is doing very good work. Her audiences on Sunday average about J.C00, and a hall that seats from IM) to 600 Is generally filled on week nights. Her many friends In the city were pleased to gee and hear her. . ' Young Christians. Next Monday evening tho Epworth league of the Asbury Methodist Episcopal church will hold an important debate and parliamentary practice. Next Tuesday evening the Endeavor society of the Green Ridge Presbyterian church will hold Its business meeting and elect officers for the ensuing term. Last Tuesdayrevenlng the young people of the North Main Avenue Baptist church organized a Shakespcrean Literary club. They will study the works of the leading Authors. The young peoplo of tho First Congre Rational Sunduy school are preparing "The Story of Ages," which they expect to render Sunday evening Immediately preceding Christmas day. The Band of Hope of the Provldenco Welsh Baptist church Is busily preparing - a sacred cantata, "The Coming of the King," under the leadership of D. F. Davles, which will bo performed about the holidays. The Brotherhood of St, .Andrew, nil through the United States and Canada, commemorated their patron saint yes terday. The chapters of the brotherhood In our city held services In their several churches last evening. The roll call of the Epworth league of the . Elm Park church will be continued at to morrow's meeting. The names from K to Z will bo oallcd, .when tho membets are supposed to respond with an offering for the benefit of the Missionary society. The young people of St. David's church, City who some time ago rendered an attrac tive drama for the benefit of the church, related the same. on Thanksgiving even ing in Menrs' hall for the benefit of the Washburn Street Presbyterian church. The Endeavor society of the North Main Avenue Baptist church will tuke up the Christian culture course that Is prepared by the central olllce in Boston, It is ur ranged on a plan similar to the Chautau qua course, and Is chiefly devoted to church history and religion. Lost Monday evening the Green Rl lgo Baptist Sunday school elected olllcers for the year 18!I5. The school Is In u very flourishing condition and Is larger than ever before in Its history. The present of ficers, have rendered elllolent services, and they will be succeeded by active Sabbath school workers. The young men's Bible class of St. Da vid's parish, conducted by Rector M. II. Mill on Tuesday evening of each week, Is well attended nnd those present both enjoy and profit by the interesting talk of their teacher. The public Is invited to these meetings. All who wish to spend a profitable hour are cordially Invited to attend. The Clergy. Rev. W. Ogwenydd Evans, Barre, is going on a trip to the land of his father's. Kfv. A. V, Ferris, of the of Wilkes Wales, the Providence Puritan church, will preach tomorrow evening to young ludles. Rev. S. C. Logan, D.D., will ofllclate at the St. David's ball tomorrow, where the Washburn Strct Presbyterian church worship at present. Rev. R. S. Jones, D.D., of Providence, held communion service last Sunday morning and guve the right hand of fel lowship to twelve persons. Rev. W. G. Watklns, of the North Main Avenue Baptist church, will conduct com munion service tomorrow morning and receive eight neW members into the church. Rev. W. D. Thomas, of the Welsh Bap tist church of Plttston, Is very poorly. He caught a severe cold about two weeks ago and hus not been able to leave his house since. Rector M. H. Mill conducted Thanks giving services in St. David's church Thursday morning. The congrcgutlon made un offering for tho benellt of St. Luke's hospital. Rev. James McLeod, D.D., and family returned from a visit to the old country last Tuesday. The passage across the ocean was very rough. He will occupy his pulpit tomorrow. Rev. George Gulid, of Providence, to gether with his family, left last Tuesday for Northampton, Muss, to join in a fum lly reunion on Thanksgiving Day. Rev. W. J. Ford, of the Green Rldcre Baptist church, baptised six candidates last Sunday morning. This makes an ad dition of twenty-two members since the llrst of September. Rev. Daniel Savage, of the Green Ridge Illmitlvo Methodist church, will begin a series of special meetings tomorrow. At y.IM a. m., prayer meeting, to be followed at 10.30 n. m. with communion. In the evening he will talk on consccral ion. Meetings will bo held every evening next week. On Saturday evening Mrs. Sav age will conduct the rervlce. Rev. D. W. Skellenger, late pastor of the Washburn Street Presbyterian church, has written to somo of his friends in this city, from bis present home In Wash ington, D. C. lie is comfortably located In his new home, nnd Is rapidly getting acquainted with tho active workers in his church. During tho pust week the Endeavor societies of that city held ser vices every night of the week and Mr. Skellenger had an opportunity of meeting favorably impressed. He llnds a difference in the cllmute nnd thinks it will agree with h!m. Brevities. Mrs. Coney, wife of Rev. W. Coney, of Tunkhanuoek, spent last Sunday with friends In this city. The Ladles' Aid society of the Wash burn Street Presbyterian church will hold a bazaar in the parsonage on the 13th and Mth Inst. The Ladles' Aid society of the Plymouth Congregational church will hold a fair and festival on Ith, Oth anil fith Inst. Re freshments will bo served each evening. The proceeds of the sale by the La dles' Aid society of the Asbury Methodist Episcopal church uniounted to over Jl.W. Tho money will be applied on the organ fund. The Baptists and Methodists of Green Ridge held a united service In the As bury Methodist Episcopal church Thurs day morning, when Rev. A. F. Chaffee preached the sermon. Next Tuesday evening the Ladles' Aid society of the Providence Methodist Epis copal church will hold a package social In the lecture room of tho church. No ad mittance fee will be charged. Tho Ladles' Aid society of the Park Place Methodist Episcopal church will hold a fair In the lecture room of the church on the 5th, lith and 7th Inst. An entertainment will be given and refresh ments served on each evening and use ful articles will be offered for sale. Rev. A. F. Chaffee, of the Asbury Moth odlst Episcopal church, will introduce a new feature into his Wednesday night prayer meeting. He will give his people an opportunity to ask any question they like relative to the Bible and the religious life, and he will answer them. This will add to the interest of the meeting. The kindergarten entertainment will take place this afternoon at 2 o'clock In the school room of St. David's church. This is the first given by this school nnd It Is hoped that the public will avail itself of this opportunity to see this excellent method of child training. A large num ber of tickets hnve been disposed of, Beside the scholars, the famous Clover club, from the central part of the city will take part in the exercises. RELIGIOUS SERVICES. Elm Park Mothodlst Episcopal Church W. H. Pearce, pastor. Morning sub ject, "A Splendid Life Record." Evening, Some Sins Thai Kasliy ueset i s. sun day school nt 2 p.m. Epworth league at 130 p.m. . Park Place Methodist Episcopnl Church The pastor, Dr. Hawxhurst, will devote both morning und .evening to Thunksglv Ing sermons. All Souls' Chapel, Unlvcrsnllst Pine street, near Adams avenue. Rev. G. . Powell, pastor. A Thanksgiving service will be held and the platform will be beau tlfully decorated with fruits and other products of tho soli. At 7.30 p.m. the eighth lecture will bo given on "How Ate We to Be Saved and rrom hat." Saint Luke's Church Rev. Rogers 1st roel. rector. First Sunday In Advent Holy communion. S a.m.; service and holy communion. 10.30 a.m.; Sunday school, 2.30 p.m.; evening prayer and sermon, 7.30 p.m Saint Luko's Dimmore Mission Rev. A L. Urbnn In charge. Sunday Bchool, 3 p. m.; evening prayer nnd sermon, 4 p.m. Howard Place African Methodist Epls cooal Church Preaching at 10.30 n.ra. and 8 p.m. by the pastor, Rev. C.'A. McGee. First Baptist Church Pastor Collins will preach Sabbath at 10.30 a.m and at 7 p.m. Seats free. All welcome. The Second Presbyterian Church Rev Charles E. Robinson, D.D., pastor, ber vlces nt 10.30 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. In the evening the pnstor will preach on "What Did They See In tho House?" and will answer the Question, "What Do You Un derstand by Falling from Grace?" All seats free In the evening. All welcome at all services. Penn Avenue Baptist Church Rev. Warren G. Partridge, pastor. Services at 10.30 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. The Lord's supper will be celebrated at morning service. Subject In evening, "Christ's Conquest Over Men." All welcome. Grace Reformed Episcopal Church Wy oming avenue, between Mulberry nnd Linden Btreots. Divine worship at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p.m. 8unday school 12 m. Young People's Society of Christian En deavor nt 6.30 p.m. Special prayer meet ing Monday, Dec. 3 at 7.45 p.m.i Preaching by the pastor. Morning subject, "Till He Come," T Corinthian, ' xl, 20.' Evening subject, "Our Need the Holy Spirit," John, Klv, 10-17. St. Paul's Lutheran Church On Short avenue, near 21 Bchool. Prouchlng by . . ., . pastor. G. M.-Sfheldy,-10.30 a.m. nnd 7.50 p.m. Sunday school at 2.30 p.m.' ' At the Simpson Methodist Episcopal Church Preaching morning and evening by tho pastor, Rev. L. C. Floyd. Seals free. . St. David's Church Corner of Jackson street and Bromley avenue. Rev. M. II. Mill, rector. Second Sunday lu Advent. Morning' prayer and sermon at 1030. Evening prayer and sermon at 7.30. Sun day school at 2.30. Friday evening ser vice ut 7.30. Seats free. Grace English Lutheran Church Rev. oster U. tiifc, pustor. Services on Sun day at tho, Young Men's Christian asso ciation at 10.30 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. I. H., of Lewisburg, Pa., will preach. Everybody welcome. English Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity, Adams avenue, cor ner Mulberry street. Rev. B. L. Mil ler, pastor. First Sunday in Advent. Ser vices at 10.30 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Pews uro free and all worshipers are welcome. Calvary Reformed Church Monroe ave nue and Gibson Btrect. Rev. W. H. Stub blebine, pastor. Preaching 10.30 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Strangers always welcome. Green Ridge Baptist Church-Rev. W. J. Ford, pastor. Services at 10.30 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. The Lord's supper will be cele brated at the close of the morning ser vice. (HATH ANT. The ladles of the Primitive Methodist church held an entertainment and so cial in the church Thursday evening. A pleasing programme was rendered. A number of people from this place Will attend the funeral of Mary E. Brown, nt Carbondale, today. Miss Mary Davis, of Scranton, was the guest of Miss Marie Jones, Thurs day. A surprise party was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Philip liul'ion, of Lackawanna street, Thursday evening by the choir of the Welsh Baptist church. A pleas ant time was 'had by all present. The Young Men's Christian union de feated a "picked"' cloven in nn exciting game of foot bull Thanksgiving morn ing on the Ontario and Western grounds. Score 10 to 2. . Mrs. Frank Orchard and Miss Cora Voyle are visiting their mother oi.' Lackawanna street. Mr. and Mrs. George Watts spent Thanksgiving with the former's mother it Scranton. Mr. and Mrs. A. Berry entertained Del Berry und family Thanksgiving Day. C. AY. Housor Is In Stroudsburg. Rev. (. U. San ford, formerly pastor of tho Presbyterian church, will occupy the pulpit tomorrow morning nnd even ing. CAKIJONDALE. Miss Irene Hyde, of Afton, N. Y.. spent yesterday with friends In this city on her return from a visit with Sctanton friends. Mrs. Burt Bennett, of Scranton, Is the guest of relatives in this city. Miss Jennie Oliver, of Plttston, is the gutst of her grandparents, Mr. nnd Mis. Thomas Oliver, of Wyoming street. William M. Lathrope left Inst evening to spend Sunday In New York city.' Mrs. George Chase, of Sidney, N. Y Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Grant Nicholson. . J. Hoist will go to Now York city this evening on business. H. S. Bolton was the first person to drive out with ti sleigh this season. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dennis and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burr left yesterday morning on a visit to the metropolis. Tho funeral of the late Frederick Rhine will bo held today at 1.30 o'clock p. m. Interment will be made In Brook- side cemetery. This will be the first in terment made in the new cemetery. M0NTH0SE. Len. Haynsford, of the Ithaca high schoid, spent Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Raynsford, at the TarMl House. William Denison, of Keystone acad emy, Is vinlting his parents, Chief of Police and Mrs. Denison. Will Muxey, is In Clifford on legal business. The remains of the late Morgan Llllle was taken to Jersey Hill cemetery for Interment ye-torday. Sneak thieves broke Into "W. W. Reynold's egg store recently and nfter Sneak thieves broke Into V. W. besides quite a number of eggs. Olln Tlngley. Richard Watrous, Vln nlo JelTers and Miss Estella Jeffers, of Wyoming seminary, and Glenn Guy, of Faotoryville, were guests of their par ents here during the ' Thanksglvlug vacation. MOOSIC. The Ladles' Aid society took In $r5 at their Thanksgiving dinner nnd supper. The Epworth lengue -Will conduct a Bible reading tonight (Saturday.) Bring your Bibles with you. Mr. and Mrs. Benule entertained a select company at their pleasant home on Brook street Wednesday evening. Those present were: . George l'.ennie, MrB. Alex. MoKenzie,' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baxter nnd family, Mr. and Mrs. James Mulr, Miss Kittle Lynn, William Oemmell, Miss Minnie Bouse, John Kennedy, , Mr. nnd Mrs. John Dymond. of Lnck vllle, Pa., are visiting at the home of Elmer Berlew. A number from this place ntended the china wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mortan. of Avoea. Wednesday night. Mrs. W. F. Waterman and Miss Amelia Porter ure ill. PITTSTON. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. K. Turtibower fiassed Thanksgiving with the former's piuents in Danville. Mian Lacoe, of Exeter street, Is visit ing friends In New York city. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Mllllgan, of Wllkes-Barre, passsod Thanksgiving with the family of M. W. Morris on William street. ' . ' 1 Mrs. John A. Touhlll, of North Main street, Ib visiting her daughter, Mrs. 15. D. Hoffman, of Adams averiliu, Scran ton. . .. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison and Miss Har rison, of Cnrbondule, passed Thanks giving with the family of T. W. Kyto, of Exeter street, West Plttston. MissNelllo Lenahan, of Wilkes-Bnrre, was tho guest of Miss Alice Maloncy on Thursday. MIN00KA. A family re-union was held at-the residence of Mrs. Festus Mulherin, on Main street, Thursday. Thomas Dlskln, Jr., of Main street, who has been confined to his homo the past few weeks by a dangerous attack of pneumonia, is convalescing. MIhb Maggie Kennc, of Plymouth, vis ited Miss Kate Jeffers, on Davis street, Thursday. . ' Misses Tcsslo and Mary Loftus, of Olyphant, visited Miss Delia. Lnngan, of Main Btreet, Thursday. Tho sale "of "Queer People" Nos..2 and i commence toduy at S o'clock ut The Tribune's business office. Health Hints and Rules of -Hygiene lvv.-j..y Suggestions That ,M;iy Save.YoU Many a Doctor's Bill. WISDOM TOK THE HOUSEHOLD These Hints Don't Cost Much, Are Not Copyrighted, nnd if They Don't Do You Any Good, They'll Not Do You Any Harm. A recent bulletin of the state board of health embodies some valuable in formation about diphtheria. It says: "Whenever a child or young person has a sore throat, with a bad odor to its breath, especially if It has fever. It should immediately be separated from all other persons, excepting necessary attendants, until it is ascertained by a physician whether it has diphtheria or some other coinuulcable disease. Mild cases may communicate malignant and fatal forms of the disease. Diphtheriu is believed to be caused by a special poison (eontaglum) which may be con veyed to persons previously unaffected, by personal contact, by infected cloth ing, rags, hair or paper or by any of the discharges of the body of a person sick of tho disease. The seeds or germs of this terrible disease may be received from anything which has touched the sick person, as air, food, clothing, sheets, blankets, furniture, toys, books, wall paper, curtains, cats, dogs nnd flics. The discharges from the throat, nose and mouth are believed most fre quently to contain the germs of the dlseaseand to communicate it to others, but the discharges from the kidneys nnd from the bowels are also dnn gerous. ' The diphtheria poison lias great vitality, and may lie dormant in clothing, blankets, papers and houses for weeks, and even months. It seems to be able to travel in the air of sowers, and thus to pass from house to house; also to rise in the emanations from putrid privies and cesspools. It can also, undoubtedly, Infect foods, milk nnd water, and with thorn enter the bodies of children. Tho time which may Intervene between exposure to the pioson of diphtheria nnd tho appear ance of the symptoms of the disease varies. It may be from two to six days; the average is variously stated at from six to ten duys, but the time may be extended to five or six weeks. "Adults, whose services nre not need ed, should keep away from the disease When necessity requires one to visit such house, the clothing should after wards bo changed and a bath taken be fore going where there is a child. Be ware of any person who has a sore throat. Do not kiss or take the breath of such a person. Do not drink from the same cup, or use any article handled by such a person until it Is disinfected. Whenever a child complains of a sore throat, or Is In the least hoarse, itshould receive careful attention from Its par ents or friends until It recovers. When ever the disease Is prevalent In any dis trlct, children should be removed from the day und Sabbath schools. They should also; at these times, not travel In the public cars or public carriages, the upholstered seats of which muy har bor the poison. Parents in whose fami lies the disease has broken out, who are able to do so, may send their children unaffected with the disease, to homes in which there is no one liable to con tract It. But whenever such removals are made, the children should not mingle with the public until after the lapse of two weeks. From families in which this disease Is prevalent, children must not attend school, church, or any public as sembly, und adults should likewise ab- slain from attending church and public assemblies us much as possible. Close attention should be paid to the sources of the water and the food supplies. If lMissible, only tho purest water should be used. If there Is any doubt about the purity of the water, boil It thorough ly before using it. Food and milk should not be used which come from a house in which there Is diphtheria (or any con tagious disease), for these articles may carry tho germs of the disease. Perfect cleanliness should be enjoined in the house and all its surroundings. Sewer gas must not be permitted to enter the house. All foul odors must be destroyed in privies und cess-pools by the appro prlate disinfectants. Let the house re ceive all the pure air und sunlight pos sible. Do not send your clothing to a public! laundry to be washed during an epidemic of diphtheria." "It Is of vital Importance," says a well known authority, "that an upper opening be kept in every living room, kitchen and sleeping room, for the es cape or tno toui air emanating irom life, labor and decay. Rooms that are not provided with an upper register or a window ventilator can be perfectly ventilated by lowering the window fraction of nn Inch. This imperceptible opening is a regular life Insurance. It this precaution Is heeded all winter long, day and night, there will be a re dilution in lung nnd throat diseases. In consumptive cases thla luw should be rigidly enforced." We have heretofore alluded to the excellence of the common apple as a remedial diet. And now we havo the American Practitioner's word for it that the phosphorous in the apple Is admirably adapted for renewing the es sential nervous matter lecithin of the brain nnd spinal cord. It is, perhaps, for the same reason, rudely understood. that old Scandinavian traditions ropnr sent the apple as the food of the gods, wild, when they felt themselves to be growing feeble and Infirm, resorted to this fruit, renewing their powers of mind und body. Also the acids of the apple are of singular use for men of sedentary habits, whose livers are slug gish in tiction, those acids serving to eliminate from the body noxious mat ters, which, If retained, would make tho brain heavy nnd dull, or bring about Jaundice or skin eruptions and 'other allied troubles. Some such experience must have led to the custom of taking apple-saucs with roast pork, rich goose and other like dishes. The malic acid of ripc'npples, either raw or cooked, will neutralize any excess of chalky matter engendered by eating too much meat. It is nlso the fact that such ripe fruits as the tipple, the pear and -the plum, when taken ripe nnd without tiugar, diminish acidity In the stomach, rather than provoke It. Their vegetable Baucea nnd Juices are converted Into alkali carbonntes, by the chemical ac tion of stomach Juices, which tend to counteract acidity. HEALTH FOR THE MILLION: Rub cold cream on the nose before go ing out Into tho cold If you wish to keep it from becoming roil. Add a tablespoonful of powdered borax to the bath, as It will soften the water and prove very Invigorating. It Is well to burn pi no tar occasionally In a Blck room, as it Is an excellent disin fectant, and It also Induces sleep. It la well to apply powdered alum to a 'ever sore: this will prevent It from be coming unslightly or-noticeable. Tq prevent tho hair from comlnc- out. nib into the roots twice a week, a mlx- ure of ixiy. rum, canihafldes. castor oil and curbomitq of. ammonia,' ... . .Tho simplest. ruHUidy for rough and rel hands Is mutton suet"-nibbed ipto the hiilids (the Imiids Jlret being made .very warmi, hi nutni ana wearing loose kid gloves all night, v' . Tho breath may be kept sweet bv usl:i a tooth powder which contains orris root, and by rinsing the mouth with water Into which a few drops of bisterlne or tincture of myrrh have been put. Try vinegar to cleanso your hands when they arc very dirty from work stains; if it fulls to do it try ammonia in the bath water. Try rubbing with mutton suet and wearing loose kid gloves every night. . If your nose bleeds, apply Ice to the nose and the back of the neck, also to the roof of the mouth. A plug of dry cottn. or cot ton wetted lirst with strom' alum wuler, or dipped in powder of tannin will be ef fective. A physician says this Is the best cure tr Insomnia: When you go to bed, place tho right hand directly over the pit of the stomach. This, he says, draws tho blood away from the head and soon In duces sleep, Linseed oil is said to be a cure for corns, both hard and soft. If they nre indurated and very painful the relief it gives In a Bhort tmle Is most grateful. Bind on a soft rag saturated with the linseed oil and continue to dampen it with the oil icvery night and morning until tho corn can be removed easily und without pain. SEASONABLE RECIPKS. Try These Dishes and If .You Don't I.lkc Tliein You Arc Xo True ICpicurc, for They Arc All Tip Top. Lemon Cream. Beat six tablespoon- fuls of sugar, with six yelks of eggs, three tablespoonfuls of hot water, the juice of one and one-half lemons. Sim mer till thick; add the beaten whites and a little more sugar. Put Into a glass dish, and serve cold. Codfish Balls. One pint of well-washed codfish, picked up. line; one quart of raw potatoes, cut In bits. Boll together till done. Drain, mash, and add two tablespoonfuls of melted butter, two well-beaten eggs, and pepper. Mix thoroughly and drop, like fritters, Into boiling fat. Garnish with lettuce, pars ley, or other green leaf. Washington Pie. One cup of butter and two cups of sugar beaten to a cream, one cup of milk, two tcaspoon f uls of baking powder, three cups of Hour, live eggs, whites and yolks beaten separately, flavor with lemon. Bake In jelly-cake tins. When cold lay one on a plate and spread over It a thick layer of currant Jelly or grape Jelly, then cover it with another cake and another layer of Jelly; sprinkle the top of the third layer of cuke with a little pow dered sugar. Lamb Chops Saute. Put a piece of butter into a frying pan, und when hot lay In the chops, rather highly sea soned with pepper and ealt. Fry them until thoroughly done, but not too brown. Should gravy be required pour off the greater part of the fat, nnd then stir In half a tablosnoonful of Hour: stir until the flour browns, then add a gill of broth or water, an ounce of fresh butter und the juice of half a lemon Stir until the sauce becomes rather thick, pour over the chops and serve. Creamed Oysters. One pint of cream one quart of oysters, two tablespoons fuls of sherry, two tablespoonfuls of flour, a scant lablesnoonful of butter, salt, pepper and cayenne. Li t the cream come to a boil. Mix the Hour with a little cold milk and stir It Into the boil ing cream; add butter, salt and pepper to taste, and a few grains of cayenne. Wash und clean the oysters In their own liquor. Strain the liquor and pat boil the oysters in it until they are plump about three minutes. Skim carefully, drain and add them to the sauce, with the wine,' and remove Imme diately from the fire. Serve with strips of dry toast or brown some bread crumbs In butter and sprinkle over the oysters. Stewed Pheasants Cut a roast pheas ant Into neat joints as for eating. Beat the liver fine with the back of a wooden spoon, add a wincglassful each of port wine and qf water, and the juice of half a lemon. Slice an onion and divide It into rings, roll a lump of butter well In flour, and put all into a stewing pan. When it Blmniers stir well round with out breaking the onion rings, then lay In the Joints of pheasant. When thoroughly heated place the birds on a hot dish, surrounded with sippets of toast, on each of which a small block of red cur rant jelly has been laid. Strain the sauce around the bird, and arrange the rings of onion in a chain over the pheas ant. Send to table with halved lemons. Potatoes a la Holland. Cut cold boil ed potatoes Into dice. Make one pint of rich cream sauce. Put a pint of milk In a double boiler, rub two heaping tablespoonfuls of flour and two of but ter to a cream, add a little of the boil ing milk and stir this until smooth; turn Into the milk and boll till thick, season with salt und a dash of cayenne. Put a layer of the sauce in a baking dish, then a layer of potatoes, Bprinkled with a little minced parsley. (A tablespoon ful will be enough for a pint of sauce). Then another layer of sauce and so on, till all Is used. Cover the top thickly with grated cheese and bits of butter. Bake In the oven till a nice brown. rtonst Thensants with a Ragout of Oysters. Have ready n couple of plump pheasants dressed for the spit. Make the following forcemeat: Mince small tho livers, freed from the. galls, with one dozen of oysters. Put them Into a stewpan with an ounce of butter, four sprigs of parsley, live blades of green onions, a tablespoonful of small picked leaves of tarragon and a saltspoonful of Hue mixed spice. Toss the pan two or three times over the fire, nnd when the mixture Is nearly cold, nil the body of the birds with It. Brush the pheas ants over with heated butler, wrap them In greased paper and put them before a brisk fire to roast. Blanch a dozen oysters, pour Into a stewpan a gill of ham coulls nnd the same quantity of rich ycul' stock; throw In the twelve oysters and add the Juice, of a half lemon. When cooked, dish the bird and pour the oyster ragout around It. Garnish with tufts of parsley and fried bread crumbs. Serve very hot. Phila delphia Record. - Maloney Oil anil Manufacturing Go riliQ . VINEGAR AND CIDER. im to 151 MERIDIAN ST, ALL THE STKEXGTH and virtue has sometimes "dried, out," when you get pills in leaky wotJeu or jHisto boord boxes. For that reason, Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Poltata are sealed up in little glass vials, just the size and shape to carry about with you. Then, when you feel bilious or conttiliatcd, have a fit of indigestion alter dinner, or feel a cold coming oa, they're always ready for you. They're the smallest, tho pleasnntest to take, and tho most thoroughly iKiftiraZ rem edy. With Sick or Bilious Headaches, bour Stomach, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Dizziness, and all derangements of tuo Liver, titomach, and Bowels, tucy give you a ((( cure. Headache; obstruction of noso; discharges falling into thront; eyes weak; ringing in ears: offensive bi-eath: smell and taste im paired, and general debility these are some of the symptoms of Catarrh. Dr. Sage's Caturrh Remedy has cured thousands of tho worst casus, ivill cure you. Th3 Oaly Specialists la Nsrvcuj Diseases Be twsen Eifi'ilo aud &w York. DR. W. H. HACKER, And Ids staff, among whom should be men tioni-d tho celebrated WELSH SPECIULiST, Treat and Cure all NERVOl'S DISEASES, such as DISORDERS of SLEKP, MOR BID HABITS of the young, NERVClCS DISORDERS arising from EXCIiSSIVE use of the parts affected, EPILKPSY, C'liORKA, etc., KIDNEY, BLAUD10H, STOMACH and other SPECIAL DIS EASES. Surgical treatment and radical euro without tho use of tho knife of VARICOCELE and RUPTURE. NO CURE, NO PAY. EXAMINATION FREE and conducted In Herman, Welsh and English. Send for "our Book" on nervous dis eases of men. Otlice 32V Spruco street, Scranton. OFFICE HOURS 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sunday, 10 a. m. to- 2 p. in. WHEN THE The goods are yours at your own price, if you happen to be the lucky bidder. UNRRSERVED AUCTION SALES of C. W. Freeman's valuable and hiyli class stock of Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Urie-a-lJrac, etc. THIS SALE IS POSITIVE, as the store is rented, the fixtures for sale, etc., and Mr. Freeman positively retires from business. - AUCTION SALES 2.30 AND 7.30 P. M. Private sales at less than cost price during the intervals between auctions. COLS. M. McKEE, AUCTIONEER, Europoun Plan. First-class Bar at tached. Depot for Bergner & Euglo'j Tannhaeuser Beer. H.E.Cor. 15th and Filbert Sts.,PMla. Most desirable for residents of N. E. Pennsylvania. All conveniences for travelers to and -from Broad Street station and the Twelfth nnd Market Street Btntlon. Dealrablo for vIsitliiR Seruntonluns nnd peoplo in tho A tiiraclte Region. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. 8c Co. STOCK BROKERS, Buy and sell Stock?, Bonds and Grain on New York Exchango and Chicapro Board of Trade, cither for cash or oi) margin. 412 Spruce Street. LOCAL STOCKS A SPECIALTY. G. finB. DIMMICK, Manager, TELEPHONE 5,01)2. "WELL, SIR" "Spectacles 1" Yes sir I We have a specialist here to lit vou who docs nothing else, Sit riyht down n nil have vnur WIT J eyes fitted in a scientific manner. LLOYD, JEWELER, . 423 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. IHt you SoraTbroat, I'lmrlo.. com) Spots, Aches, (lid Horos. W , Killing? Write ook !,.., ipsiColoted not M - C 1 I Vmplf,'hlri-u,Y;1,(.pr,M,,,0f cures Itepltal &,. i-Unaour6diilneyMr ngotoriaysmiiHt annweij'j o-nnirr hoofc fir ' -fib LL HOTEL Allen mmmsm ACADEMY OF MUSIC. OAIUMUAT, UC.UC.MdEK 1, An excellent company of SINGERS, DANCERS AND PRETTY GIRLS, Including thn Eminent Couiodiaus, and Fun Producer, THE .". GORMANS JOHN, JAMES and GEOliGE. Palo of Boats opens Thursuay, Nov. 2D. XHE FROTHINGHAM Monday Night, Only One HigM. i DIRECT FROM N. Y. CASINO CANARY AND LEDERER'S Co'oaal Comedy Organization. 110-PEOPLE-110 One Night, and That's All. SEE I llinfatit I'roditnio Ballet. i iimirv mi 1 lA'durer's Pickaninnies The Splendid Specialties. HEAR 1 AiN.WlALSlilt, FAUST. It, TROVATORE. 1L, PAHLIACCL (ALL NEW VERSIONS) Vcrnoi.u .larheaii, John IC. ll.-nnhaw, Lucy Daly. Cliai los .1. Rom, Jessie Carlisle. Oeoi-io A. Seliillor, Mali:o Lesinjt, William Camuron, Sylvia Thome, Ctiw Pixley, La Petite Adelaide, E. S. Tarr. May Ten Brocck. THE GREATEST COMPANY OF ARTISTS EVER KNOAOED I.N THE INTERPRETATION OF A L1HHT ENTERTAINMENT oodTUins'Tin Orchestra creased to 18. 3 UtriLUWJi li..J,,r I, If 4 OF SCENERY I uiaiuub Prices, $1.50, $1, 75c, 50c; Gallery, 25c. Rule of Routs eommenpt'H FHilnv. Xnv ItfV nfi the box ollice. ACADEMY OF MUSIC TUESDAY, DEC, 4. Tho Distinguished American Artiste, CARRIE TURNER And Her Buimrb Dramatic Company. Pre KeiitiiiK tho Ureat Dramatic Hastci-pieco CRUST OF SOU THE PLAYERS: Edgar L. Davenport, f'arrio ltaddiffe, Kuifcne Ormonde, Jean C'hainlilin, .losi'pU li. Whitintt, Sydney Cowell, Horimi t AyluiK. Larrio Jvuowlua. Hawloy Fraucks, Salo of seals opens Saturday, Dec. 1. THE FROTHINGHAM r I.' i Mimn r rw 4k m i -i r KIUUT.IWtU. ULU. 0, ONE NlUllfP. REOBHB LEA ROCK, In His Own Vei' Blon ot the Poetio Piny, FAUST Supported by an Eiuclciit Company. Seven Special Sets of Scenery. l lahonito Klcctric Kffccts. The Weird llrocken Scene, The Haln of 1 iro This is tho most complete production of "Faust" in America today, hate of teats Monday, Deo. 3. Regular prices ACADEMY OF MUSIC. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 5. Ml jiiiLUi uuinum INTRODUCING JOHN C. STEWART AND JOHN HART, THE TWO ORIGINALS. Havo Reunited After a Separation of .Muny Ycurs. BIGGER, BRIGHTER, BETTER THAN EVER. Sale of scats opens Monday, Doc 3, DAVIS' THEATER Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 3, 4 and 5, AFTERNOON AND EVENING, The New York Ccmcdy Success, THE CIRCUS GIRL Greatest Farce-Comedy ever written, and will be presented here in tho saino oluboraU form that big-mdized its brilliant ougaizouieiit in New Wk, Boston, ChicBO, otc Hoaded by Now York's Favorite, Miss Maud Craig. AssiBted by tho Greatest Gathering of Ililtb Class COMEDIANS, SINGERS, DANCERS, INSTRUMENTALISTS, . ANO PRETTY GIRLS. ADMISSION, 10, 20 OR 30 CENTS. Two performances dallyat2.30and8.15p.m. Next Attraction, "True Irish Hearts." CLEARING SALE OF BICYCL A Clilld't Bicycle, Ttnbbw Tire, ne w. .... J A Child's Bicycle, Rubuer Tiro, new , J A Bov'b Mlcycie, nnuwr "v" - . t.-i vi i!nrthrr Tirn. new...... ' B . i iii.riA riiwhinn Tiro. Low .... :...r.:......T...60 down to 8i 1 Youth's Bicycle, Pneumatic aa 8 Vietor B Bicycles, rnoumwj iiro,ou- ona nana w 1 Victor B Bicycle. Pneiuhatlo Tiro, I Secure B cvoio, rueupiatto iire,, und-batid 1 Lovol Diamond B'oycle, Solid Tire, Acntid.hand. . 1 Ladles' Bieycjo, Solid Tire, second baud lund ' ? 1 VjotVfJ Bicycle, m in. cnshlon Tire. soconanauu .'V" luLurn Bicycle. IM In. Cushion Tiro, ...j.t,,ri l n.liimman Dic.vcic.rnuuuifciu m.tvrla Pnniim.tlA TlrS. nearly new "T Come Early for Bargains. Lawu Tennis Racquets at a fib count of one-third for two weeks, l D. WILLIAMS 5 BR0, 314 UCKAWUM ME. 1 n LIuHlD SHOW 1(9 w 4 i 7 L