The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 01, 1894, Page 3, Image 3
THE SCR ANTON 'TRIBUNE-SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 1, 1891. NORTON'S 1W STORE 113 Vyomlng avo. Artists' materials, all sorls. flennison's Imported tissue and crepo Papers and materials for using same. A full assortment always iu stock. Tube colors for oil aud China paintiug. Artirts' colors in bottles, cakes, pans, L'uuvas, academy board, Hall's gold, Wax material, draughtmen's materials, Fine (stationary for social uses, From Whiting's, Crane's, aud other mills, Engraving and printiug to order On short notice by expert mechanic fcfee specimens and get our prices. Miscellaneous and gift books, Sets and single vols. Cloth aud leather. Our assortment is large and complete, Jlibles, every description, size and price. Prayer books, hymnals, music books NORTON'S. . New store, 115 Wyomir.g ave. 9 A Foe to Dyspepsia I 0 GOOD BREAD USE THE FLOUR And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TOTHE TRADE BY The Weston Mill Go, THE GENUINE POPUUR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS G. B. &CO. IIKPfllfiTED OH EACH CIGAR. Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's , 'i Court House Square. FERMANENT CURE OF RUPTURE All forms of Hernia n specialty. Vfo'l known Scranton physicians in charge. SCR ANTON GERMAN RUPTURE CORE CO., LIE, 203 Washington Avenue. COUNSEL FOR FRANZ BEZEK. Attorneys A. J. Colborn, Jr., and George M. Wutson Directed to Defend Him. Franz Iiezek, the young Slav who killed his sweetheart at May-field In September, was taken before the court yesterday morning and Judge Edwards assigned Attorneys A. J. Colborn, Jr., and George M. Watson to defend the murderer, whose trial Is set down fur Alonduy. Before counsel was appointed, Bczek, through Interpreter Martin Woyshner, told the court that he had no money to employ counsel and had little hope now of raising the necessary funds. After Messrs. Colborn and Watson were assigned to the defense, ISezek ' spent several hours In consultation with them preparing a line of defense that will be brought forward Monday. Bright, Vp to Day Fun. , "The Gormans In, , 'The Gllhoolys Abroad' were at the Grand, matineeand evening, yesterday, and played to good business. The Khow Is full of good specialties, bright and up to day fun, Jine singing and the Gormans are im mense. There are pretty girls and line costumes and the girls know how to sing' and dance. The Gorman brothers make most of the fun and It is so re freshing and bright that the audience Is kept In an uproar all the time." Wllkes Earre News-Dealer, Nov. 30. HEALING WITHOUT MEDICINE. Free Public Inhibitions of This Dower at Music Hull livery Afternoon at 2.30 O'clock-Discuses Cured by the Laying on of Hands, "Andrew," the great healing power, Is healing the sick, lame, crippled and deaf at trie above hall every afternoon. Crutches and canes are thrown away and the deaf are made to hear. The doctors have established a per manent branch ofllceat the Westminster hotel, where everybody who ohooses may consult them free of charge. The remarkable cures which have al ready been performed In this clty-both at the hall In public as well as at the private office at the hotel, Is something for. all sick people to consider. Now Is the time for them" to get help; no time should be lost. They should go to the Hall today and witness the cures which are made; and from there to the private offices at the hotel, and consult these eminent physicians at once. i . . 1 Sale of " Queer People " Nos. 2- and 3 will open today at 9 a. m. No. rwill close this evening. If vou haven't secured No. 1 be sure and send your orders before that date. Price, 10c; by mail, 12c. ON OTHER SIDE IJF CHANNEL Pussimi Events of the Day on the v West Side of the City Noted. " MINE LAMP THE CAUSE OP HKE Samuel Jenkins Left It Itiirning In His Cellur-Only Slight Damage Was Done. Painful Accident to Hobcrt kcllnm. Funeral of .Mrs.' llrickley. The nlnrm if fire which sounded from box 322 nt the corner of Luzerne and Tenth streets at 7.S0 o'clock last evening was caused by a slight blaze In the two story dwelling house occupied by Sam uel Jenkins on South 'Main avenue. . John Weichel, a neighbor who lives In the rear of the house, was the first to discover the flames and on rushing Into the cellar, found that a miner's lamp, which Mr. Jenkins had left liuinlnir in the cellar, had set lire to the woodwork. Mr. Weichel threw the lamo out and i endeavored to extinguish the flames, j In the meantime an alarm was Hpnt In The Franklin and Columbia companies responded, but it was only necessary to use chemicals. The lire was put out with only a slight damage to some wear ing apparel. A Nail In His i'oot. Robert Kellam, a young man In the ekiploy of Capweil Bros., received a painful injury w contractors, while at work In the new house of William Shoemak er, which Is being erected on North Sumner avenue. Kellam Is employed as a carpenter and while reaching for some nulls out of a keg, he stepped upon a rusty nail In a board, and It ran Into his loot. The Injured member began to swell and the young man .suffered In tense pain, lie was taken to his home on Lafayette street, where the foot re ceived medical attention. M.-5. Uric .ley Ili ricJ. The many friends of the late Mrs. James lirlckley, who died on Tuesday last, assembled at the family home yesterday afternoon, where a short funeral service was held. The remains were then removed -to St. David's Episcopal church, on Jackson rtret't. Kev. M. II. Mill, lector, officiated. Among the many beautiful C al offer ings were a pillow Inscribed "Mother," and a wreath. Interment was made In the Washburn Street cemetery. Morrls-F.scott Nuptials. ' A very pretty wedding was solemn ized on this side on Thursday. The contracting parties were David Morris, of Wllkes-Barre, and Miss Ida May Eseott, of South Main avenue. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride's mother. The bridesmaid was Miss Lizzie Eseott, and the groomsman William Jones, of Wllkes Barre. 1 I'll ladles were attired . In pretty costumes. After the ceremony, a wedding supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. Morris left for WUkea-Harre, where they will reside, taking with them the best wishes of their many friends. llrief Notes of Interest. Alex McTaggart, a motorman on the Luzerne Street line, 'Is ill. Mrs. G. G. Hudson has returned to the south after a visit with relatives on Washburn street. Mrs. Evan Richards, of Wllkes-Barre, has returned home from a visit with relntlves on this side. Mr. Davk-s, of Wisconsin, preached to a largo audience at the Welsh Con gregational churchon Thursday even- ltlK. Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis Stevens, of North Sumner avenue, entertained their rela tives at a family gathering held on Thursday. Among the guests were Dr. Houser and wife, of Taylor. The Young People's Literary and De bating society of the First Welsh Bap tist church met In regular session last evening. Rev. W. S. Jones presided. The programme Tendered was of a most Interesting nature. William G. Thomas, n young lad re siding on Lafayette Btreet, Was knocked down by Chief Eerber's carriage while crossing the street lust evening. The former was driving to the fire on South Main avenue. The lad, fortunately, es caped with only a few slight bruises. The programme for the Welsh Philos ophical society this evening will be a continuation of Evan P. Davles paper on "Coal Formations nnd What They Are Made Of." D. C. Powell will speak on the question, "Why Is It Warmer In the Valley Than on the Top of a Moun tain?" Miss Jennie James, of North Fllmore avenue. Is recovering from an enlarged thumb which was operated upon by Dr. George Reynolds a few days ago. When Miss James was quite a little girl she Injured the member, and ever since a lurge lump of flesh has been growing uopn It. Dr. Reynolds found It neces sary to cut it open and remove the strange lump. The young lady is re covering rapidly and will be out In a few days with the thumb entirely well. The Ladles' Aid society of the Ply mouth Congregational church will open their fair on Tuesday afternoon and continue It on Wednesday and Thurs day. One of the features will be a children's booth, where children will re ceive a cordial welcome every after noon. Tha ladles .have made careful preparations and will have- a choice number ot articles iur sine, ino pro ceeds of the affair will go toward li quidating the church debt. '. ' West Sido Ilusincss Directory. PHOTOGRAPHER Cabinet Photos, $1.40 per oozen. i ney uro jusi lovely, con vince yourself by calling at Slurner's Photo Parlors, 101 and 103 South Main uvonue. PLUMniNO-William D. Gr'mths, 113 North Main avenue, does first-cliiss I'lummng, steam Heat aim lias Fitting, ' Satisfaction is strictly guaranteed. GROCKRIE9 Revere Standard Java Coffee Ih unexcelled. The leading eon e or the day. f or sule only at . Vt . Ala son & Co. Fine Uroceries, 110 South Alum avenue. SECOND HAND KURNITURB - Cash lor anvth nil vou have to sell, r ui n ture, Stoves, Tools, etc. Cull and see tho stock of J. C. King, 1US4 and 1101 jacKson street. WALL PAPER-Go to Fred Reynolds, 20B Norlh Main avenue, and see his complete line of Wall Paper, Paints una winnow Sliades. just opened wun new mock. OYSTER-R. E. Davis' market house. Dealer In Foreign and Domestic Fruits. Oysters served in every style. 310 North Main avenue, next to Clarke s, - ; - JjOKTlI EM) NOTES. Robert Slmmerell, of Breaker street, spent Thanksgiving hunting. Miss Emma Davis, of Main avenue, Is visiting relatives In Carbondale. Mrs. John D. Evans, of Edna avenue, Is recovering after a serious lllneBs. : Mrs. William J. Jones, of Oak street, is recovering from a two weeks' illness. ' Miss Agnes Steuhens, of Lenoxvllle, Is Vlsltilng her cousin, Miss Blanche Ilalstcad, of Oak street. The Excelsior band Is arranging to hold a ball In Company H armory on next Wednesday evening. Nelson Qlleeple, of Princeton unlvers- ity, spent Thanksgiving with his father, John Cllesple, of Oak street. Kev. N. F. Stab!, of the Green Ridge Presbyterian church, expects to spend tomorrow at Princeton university. Rev. A.' F. Ferris will preach a ser mon to young ladles at the Turltan Con gregationai church tomorrow night: Tho F. P. D. F. Social club Is arrang ing a social for Its friends to be held In O'Malley's Jiall on next Thursday even ing. Miss' Mary Manley, of Carbondale, spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Manley, of Urlek avenue. George Burdiek, of Chinchilla, -who on Tuesday swore out the warrant be fore Alderman Horan for Giles Rozelle, ot Newton, on a charge of attempting to defraud the Providence and Abing ton Turnpike company out of a few centn, withdrew the charge yesterday. By reason of the great success of the turkey supper and entertainment of the Young People's Temperance society of the Green Ridge Primitive MetUod Int church, Thursday night, a stone sidewalk and gutter will be laid along the borders of the church property. Neai ly 200 persons partook of the sup per, which was excellently managed. Seventy dollars net proceeds were real ized. James Larkin aud a companion named Lanyou, of Dunmore, hired a team and surrey of Liveryman Mc Donough, of that place, Thursday, and with two fair Scranton companions started for Priceburg. At the Main' avenue culvert over Ltgget's creek, where rome street work Is In progress, the party drove Into a deep hole. All escaped with a few bruises. The surrey was badly damaged, but the horses were not injured. The young men hired a carriage of Liveryman O'Donnell, and abandoned the Priceburg trip. The surrey was left on Main avenue until 6 o'clock lust night, when Liveryman McDonough took it away. NEWS OF THE SOITJI SIRE. Patrick lloylc's Thumb Bitten Off by a Dead Pis lie Thought the Pig Was Pcad-Ilud reeling l'.xists ltetwcen Hotelier Hug and Smoker Wein. Over n Cow Trade. Patrick Boyle, of S.'iO Fig street, is a coal digger by occupation, and in the killing season he butchers pigs. A friend of hiu in the North End sent word to him that he had a fat pig to send to the happy hunting grounds and Boyle went up yesterday to provide his friend with Christmas pork. The unsuspecting animal was led forth to be slaughtered; Boyle, with sleeves rolled up and armed with a cleaver, smote the pig and th'-n watched it until Its blood had oozed out. The carcass was put through the for mula, of scalding in a vat of hot water nnd not the suspicion of a squeal came from the apparently deceased porker. It was a half hour afterward before Boyle began to subject the animal to the shaving process, nnd when he did he stuck his hand In the pig's mouth so as to get a firm hold In assisting to move the animal a few feet higher on the board, imd Imagine his horror when the pig gave signs of life, closed its mouth and actually bit the top of his thumb off. He worked no more but went home and sent for Dr. Manly, who had to amputate an inch of the thumb bone. Boyle was afraid that blood polosn would set In, but the doc tor quieted his fears. They Traded Cows. Butcher Fred Hug, of Plttnton ave nue, and Smoker Welnz, of Prospect avenue, made a dicker two months ago that resulted in an exchange of cows. The butcher had a bovine that he rep resented was a first-class one for giv ing milk, and Smoker had one that was just fit to be, butchered, but was not any great shakes In supplying milk for till the little Smokers. Mug's cow did not come up to expectations and this so disgusted Smoker that he visited the death penalty on her yesterday. He was also looking for Hug and It was not by any means for tho purpose of shaking hands with him. " Shorter Paragraphs. Dr. J. A. Manly will spend today In New York city. Henry' Slebeeker and George Engle are hunting at Lake Como. Mrs. A. AVelnsehenk and daughter, Mrs. D. L. llenulman, have returned home. The usual afternoon services will be held tomorrow at tho rooms of 1'ie Young Women's Christian association. Miss Kate Dolan, of Prospect avenue, an elderly lady, fell down stairs yester day afternoon and sustained n broken arm. Dr. Manly attended the case. There Is no truth In the rumor that the South works will start up Monday. General Manager McKlnney was asked concerning the story lust night und de nied it. Lieutenant Peter Zang, of the police force, Is enjoying his annual ten days' vacation, which he is spending on a hunting trip in Wayne county. Patrol man William Gscheidle la acting lieu tenant. ' This afternoon Rt' 2 o'clock the, fun eral of Christian Roller, the 3-year-old son of .Mr. and Mrs. John Roller, of 77 Beech street, will take place. Inter ment will be made in Plttston Avenue cemetery. , . Mrs. Anthony Lynch, of Pibtston ave nue, aged M years, died ' yeterday morning and will be burled tomorrow afternoon t 2 o'clock in Mlnooka ocmetery. A husband and a large family of small children thr?, le.ft. lo mourn her loss. Drs. Manly, Fulton and Capweil yes terday performed a surgical operation on Mrs. Edward Hummer, of 1520 Pltts ton avenue. She had been suffering for the past ten years with an Internal ailment and it was found necessary to submit her to the surgeon's care. The operation occupied almost the entire day and they expect she will now begin to recuperate her falling health. "Tho 'sale of "Queer Teople" Nos. 2 nnd 3 commence today at 9 o'clock at The Tribune's business otllce. Attention Everybody. Wo want your co-operation by calling at our store and securing a package rf that world-fumous food absolutely froo of charge. Colonial Food stands without a rival. C. T. MILLER, Court street and Diamond avo. I am prepared to receive a limited num ber ot piano pupils. For terms, etc., nd drcsB Richard F. Lindsay, 822 Mulberry street. Or at Powell's Music Store. School Books and Supplies Blank and Miscellaneous Books, Photograph and. Scrap Albums, Teacher and Family Bibles, Pic tures for Wedding Gifts, Gold Pens, Fine Stationery and Writ v tng Tablets. PRATT - STATIONARY - STORE , 312 Lackawanna Avenue ELKS' LODGE OF SORROW. Programme That Will Ho, Observed To morrow Night. Tho following Is the programme that will be observed at the Elks' lodge of sorrow at the Academy of Music tomorrow night: Funerui March Beethoven Bauer's Orchestra. Opening Ceremonies. Opening Ode. Invocation. "Sabbath Day" Kruetzer ' Elks Glee Club. Soprano Solo Selected, Miss Louis Natalie, New York city Memorlul Address John M. Harris Solo "The Pilgrim" Stephen Adams Howell Davics. Cornet Solo Selected. .Joseph Suinmcrhlll Duet "Hope Beyond"'. While George DeWitt and John T. Watklns. "Life's Journey" An Original Poem. John E. liarrett "Remember Thy Creator". H. N. liartlett Elks Glee Club. Memorial Poem E. A. Nlven Miss Tillie Lewis. "For All Eternltv" Mascheronl Will Watklns. Violin Obligalo, R. J. Bauer. Overture "Norma" Rellinl Bauer's Orchestra. Eulogy C. Hen Johnson Soprano Solo Selected, Miss Louise Natalie "The Sweet By and By"... .Elks Glee Club Overture From "Travlata" Ver Jl Bauer's Orchestra. Closing Ceremonies. Doxology. Benediction. Bauer's orchestra of thirty-five pieces and the Elks' Glee dub, consisting of first tenors, L. J. Slebeeker, Howell Davles; second tenors, George DeWitt, Fred Hand; first bass, Will W. Wat klns; second bass, C. P. Colvin and John T. Watklns, director, will assist. Simmon's ltu-Jincss Interests. THETIlinCNKwIllsoon publish a care fully compiled nnd classified list of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional Interests of Scran ton and vicinity. The edition will be bound In book form, beautifully illustrstt ed with photogravure Mews of our pub lic buildings, business blocks, streets, etc., together with portraits of leading citizens. No similar work has ever given an equal representation of Rcranton's many industries. It will be un tnvaluablo exposition of our business resources. Sent to persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will attract new com ers and be an unequalled advertisement of the city. The circulation is on a plun that cannot fall of (rood results to those concerned us well us the city nt large, Representatives of THE TRIBUNE will call upon THOSE WHOSE NAMES lire DESIRED In this edition and explain its nature moro fully. Those desiring views of their residences In this edition will please leave notice at the olilce. The $40,000 School House. for Columbia avenue has been let and will be commenced Immediately. There are still a few more lots left at a low price. Arthur Frothingham. Ollice, Theater Lobby. Auction sales this evening nnd every uf ternoon and evening at 2.30 and 7.30 until father notice at Freeman's, corner of Spruce street and Penn avenue. Colon MeKee, auctioneer. Come in before the rush is on? We cany the largest stuck of Kiii'js iu Scranton, and with many ring makers pushed for money we have bouKlit at prices truly won derful. 1 , Tins Solid Gold gU'-LMf1: Kaby King - 25C. iMM Aly Patterns, ull,l Up to 2.00. TMh I.a'llos' or Ciill droll's Solid Hold Rinif, set into renl Pearls and Tuiiiuoiso - Over 1,000 Ladies' Kliiits. Big Value. Real , Montana Ruby set around with 14 Real Diamonds. Regular Sv King. PRICE, $15. A IS! XFORD JEWELRY CO.. 213 Lackawanna Ave. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 5. 1 IIIB Remnants and Short Bnds, the accu mulation of the past few busy weeks, at ONE-HALF PRICE. Dress 'Goods, Silks, Ribbons, Laces, Braids, Prints, Ginghams, Etc. Choice, Fine and Medium Class Goods in Every department. REMEMBER ONE-HALF MEARS & HAGEN, - 415 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Music Ilexes Exclusively. Pest made. Play any desired number of tunes. Gautschl & sons, manufacturers. 1030 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won derful orchestral organs, only $5 and S10. Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re paired and improved with new tunes. ALUMINUM ff ' L Make Your Selections Now and Have Them Set Aside. DINNER, TEA and TOILET SETS, CUT GLASS, SILVER, Etc. WEICHEL & MILLAR, J 116 WYOMING AVENUE s CHANK CHANK CCHANK NEW. O i gCHANK gt'HAXK j CHANK ! gCIIANK ! CIIANK j (CHANK I NEW STORE, NEW GOODS, NEW PRICES. JCHANK gCIIANK CIIAxNK gCIIAXK gClIANK gCIIANK fCIIANK CHANK ICHANK gCIIANK gCIIANK 1 011 buy your shoes of Sell an k you wear the lat est styles. 1 410 Spruce St, Is the price of the neatest and liest suit, full suit, mind you, Underwear you would want put on. ui course we nave some cheap er or lower 111 price and some higher. Our winter Gloves are of every kind, and you're sure to be suited. Then our Hat stock is very in tcrcsling to tue ordinary man Winter Caps are in and if you drive much you want one. ; Drop into either store and look hristian, THE 15 HATTER 412 SPRUCE AND 205 LACK. AVE. PRICE WEDNESDAY ' MCOBEK 5. B r if, China Hal Ausm A THREE DOLLAR B LL LARGE VARIETY, GOOD STYLES A'D LOW PRICES. Wc want to show you our MPN'C HTDIfTI V All WOOLEN . Colors, Grey, Black ARTIN & Custom Tailors wi v t ti v9 ia v v v v III THE 308 Lackawanna Ave. I GREAT 1 IV! ILLINERY DEPARTMENT Felt Hats, worth 49c, for - 25c Velvet Hats trimmed with Jet and -Tips, worth $5.00, for - $2.98 Frosted Egrets worth 39c., for ISc CLOAK DEPARTMENT New and desirable goods in Jackets, Plush aud Cloth Capes, Fur Capes, etc., arriving daily and are sold at the Lowest Cash Prices. I Ill 11 F SoniL'tbiiiK nice for a ChrMnuis Gift. some dear friend's hair. Leave E. M. HETZEL, A RUN FOR LIFE. Onort Hpecil Is attained whon lifo is tho prlzo (if tho chase, unci good lu renins result fnm the striitfKlo for conimon'iiil i-xisti-nto. For rxumplf, wo aro uow offering fcliutmn nt rriccj which a year ao would h iva been deemed fabulous. To satisfy your.solves lliut this is true, come in und xeo the gnnd. A Kirst-chss Double Barrel shotgun tor $50. CLARENCFTnL FLO RE Y, Bicycles, Sportsmen' and Ovnmasium Goods, Y. M. ('. A. Buildiiitf, 'ti'l Wyoming nvouno. 4 IS PREDICTED, Defy the elements by wear ing one of our 13a riiey are great storm defi ers, We have a great assortment, from $5 dp to ctAT $2.50 Men's Genuine Cork Sole Shoes, sold all over at $3.00. They cannot be equalled for winter wear. GIFT TO THE Ml PENN CLOTHING 137 AND 139 Complete Outfitters. ltd V'l and Oxford DELAWY, and Clothiers, WYOMING AVE. PRESENTS. Chains made out of your own or orders as early as possible. 230 Lacks. Ave. NEW STORE, 133 FRANKLIN AVE. Wo are now dolns a penernl Drug, Taint nnd Oil business nt the above location, during the erection of our sloio building recently destroyed by Hie. 0 IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. OUR TELEPHONE CALL, NO. K All orders promptly tilled und delivered t uny part of tho city. 133 FRANKLIN AVENUE mm i A Scholar's Compan ion and Book Strap Combined FREE. UND SHOE HOUSE PENN AVENUE S. L. OALLEN' in n m mt. tw i Hixed. rnor UN I 1 u till N "-Ml kmmm teg! 125 ' m