Is TIIE FCKANTOK TIfIJTJNE SATURDAY MOBNreGt. DECEMBER 1, 1894. BUSINESS JDFTHIS WEEK Dun Says That Some Exports of Gold May Be Expected. CERTAIN INDUSTRIES ACTIVE Iron Is in Good Demand and Production. I'pon the Whole, Is Increasing, but Prices Are Not What They Ought to 11c. By the United Press. New York, Nov. SO. The complete aueooss of the government loan has not, fcuys Dun, perceptibly effected business, ncr prevented an advance of foiviKii xchi!nge near to the expiating point. Pome exports erf pold are not improva ble. Meanwhile domestic trade and l;i-dur-tiy have not been little influenced by the heavy defalcation In one bank and minor disorders in two others, uni ty the failure of the Erie railway to meet interest on Its bonds. The clos-? of sugar rellneries will diminish the Industrial force more than it Is in creaHec' by the resumption of the lieth luhem Steel works and a few other concerns. The controlling fact Is that, although In two instances wages have been increased, the earnings of the working force and its purchasing power are not on the whole enlarging at present, and prices of the chief farm products do not materially improve. Stock Market Is Disappointing. The stock market disappoints those who reckoned on Improvement after the sale of bonds. The average for railroad stocks has declined :2 cents per share and for trust stocks J1.93. The great in dustries fairly maintain the production previously reported, but cannot be ex pected to increase at this season. A few more iron works have gone Into uperation, and the demand is reported larger, but there Is distinct weakness In prices, especially at Pittsburg, and bes eemer Iron, billets, nails and some structural forms are quoted lower. The rail combination has agreed to a reduc tion of $2 per ton for the. next year. Coke contracts are being made at cur rent rates. The shoe Industry continues to do remarkably well for the season, and the prospect for the spring business Is fairly good. In textile manufactures there is more Blrength In print clothes, but other cot tons are somewhat Irregular and weaker, and the woolen manufacturers still receive some orders for winter Roods. Money commands better rates ince the sale of bonds, but there is scarcely any Improvement In commer cial or Industrial demands and the flow of currency hitherward Is as large as It has been at any time since September. The failures this week have been In the United States 2X9 against 271 last year, and In Canada 30 against 48 last year. FOREST FIRES RAG I Mi. Tracts of Woodland on .Mountains Near Shamokin Arc Destroyed. By tho United Tress. Philadelphia, Nov. 30. A special to the Evening Telegraph, from Shamo kin, Pa., says that destructive forest fires are burning on the Line and Henry mountains, and although every possible means to extinguish them is being made by the coal companies own ing the land, the liames continue to rage. The best the fire fighters could do was to keep the flames from spreading. On the Line mountain no headway could be made against the Are, It Is apparent that the entire tracts of wood land on he mountains will be de stroyed.. ' How the fires originated Is not known. MANIAC ON WEDDING DAY. Because Jilted for a Rivul, Miss Lulonde Decumo Frantic. By the United Press. Montreal, Nov. 30. One of the wild est maniacs ever brought to Longue Point Asylum was well-dressed Miss Ialonde, of St. Polycarpe, who yester day screamed, danced and wept alter nately In her ravings because N. .Per- rier, of this city, had jilted her, On her wedding day, two weeks ago, ihe went wild when told that Periier had given her up and would wed a Miss Taylor instead. IS IT REALLY SETTLED? Report That Minister Gosling Quacked Just a Trifle Too Soon. By the United Press. London. Nov. 30. It Is reported that the Blueflelds incident has been settled ireat Britain having upon the repre. eentatlons of the United States ad mitted that Mr. Gosling, the British minister, exceeded his authority. The affair may lead to his recall. The sale of "Oiihf Pontile" Kna. 1 nml 8 commence today at 9 o'clock at, Tho jTiuune a business omce. EHPEROR CHARLES II, Accompanied by half the nobility of Austria, went to the Carlsbad Sprude Springs for the recovery of his health Six thousand six hundred horses, so the town records say, were necessary to convy the company to the place. The virtues of the water Is as great at the present day as it was in the time of Charles II, and although the ex pensc attached to a journey thither is not as great now as it was then, we are not all wealthy enough to under take it For such the virtue of the Carlsbad Spring is extracted. The Carlsbad Sprudcl Salt, obtained by evaporation, containing all the solid constituents of the water, can be ob taincd at any drug store. It Is the very best remedy for catarrh of the stomach, constipation, liver an kidney troubles, gout, rheumatism, etc, lk sure to obtain the genuine imported artich, which must have the signature of "hlsncr & Mendclson Co., Sole Agts, New York, .' on every package. INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. The Delano shops are working full time. The Reading's Coleralne colliery ton nage Is Increasing rapidly. It Is predicted that the Jersey Central will this year earn 4 per cent. The Heading Is credited with having 1,000,000 tons of unsold coal on hand. The big Johnstown, O., anti-steel trust mill Is almost ready for operation. So Is the Denver mill. President Wilbur says the Lehigh Valley stock list will be ready about Dec. 10. It will hold 9,000 names. The Laurel Hill breaker, near Hazlo- ton, has been overhauled until it is now one of the best In the regeon. The Pennsy Is preparing to build a new branch railroad into the rich bi tuminous coal territory of Somerset county. Those who know deny that President Sloan Is out of sympathy with the movement to call a halt on the coal trade war. Edward Walters was on Thursday of ficially inducted Into the ofllce of presi dent of the Delaware, Susquehanna and Schuylkill railroad. The officials of the Silver Brook Coal conmpany are preparing to shut down No. 1 colllnry and evdry Indication seems to point to its total abandonment on Saturday. Contractor Fox has completed a lofty plane at the Honey Brook No. 3 strip ping, which will be utilized for the pur pose of hoisting coal by the Lehigh and Wllkes-Barre Coal company. During the past season POO canal boats were employed on the Delaware and Hudson canal. The total tonnage for 1S94 is 668,108, total tonnage for lS'JH, 700J03. showing a decrease of 132,7!i5 tons for 1X94. Philadelphia Inquirer: "Under all the circu mis lancets the reported ad vance In coal prices Is a force only ex ceeded In Its blind defiance of absolute facts by the determination to 'restrict the December output to 2,fjOO,000 tons." In addition to the action of the sales agents last Tuesday In determining upon restriction and fixing the circu lar rates, it was also decided to re quest the Anthracite Individual Oper ators' association to withdraw their resolution of several days ago, request ing the Lehigh Valley Coal company to equalize its line and tide prices. And now it is the coke producers who are "getting together." The Informa tion comeB from an official high In the H. C. Flick Coke company, that the price of coke Is to be advanced the first of next year, or within the next few weeks. The quoted present price is $1 a ton, but this figure has been shaded to 90 cents In some cases. The advance will be $1.25 at least and per haps 10 or 1" cents higher. In conse quence of the sliding scale now In vogue, the wages of the men will in crease In proportion. Saward: "With the small sizes of an thracite so plentiful as they are, and offered at so low a price, they become formidable rival to soft coal. This is particularly the case In the New York and New England markets. At so many places there are ordinances against the use of soft coal, the electric and other lines of transit are growing customers for 'buck.' The cleanliness Is greatly in its favor and now comes the further possible cheapness, and there are likely to be some Important developments in tills branch of the trade next year." This remarkable tale bears a Mauch Chunk date line: "A corps of sixteen engineers has been at work here for a week surveying through Carbon county the line of the Atlantic and Paclllc Railway Construction company, char tered in the state of Illinois and sup posed to be backed by a powerful Eng' llsh syndicate. The railway Is to be an air line across the continent from New yorK to san Francisco, and passes through Chicago, which city will be brought within thirteen hours of New York, and San Francisco forty-five hours of New York. The English syn dicate, it Is said, will take $ir0,000,000 worth of the bonds, and have placed a bill in the hands of Congressman Chillis, of Illinois, asking the govern ment's Indorsement of the bonds, In return for which the railway company is to turn over 51 per cent, of its capi tal stock to the government. Tho sur vey is now completed from the Mis. slaslppl to the Delaware river, and the construction is to begin next spring and the division between New York and Chicago finished within five years." STOCKS AXD BONDS. By the United Press. New York, Nov. ). Tho published state ment of President Havemeyer, of the American Sugar Refining company, an nouncing that owing to a lack of orders, me rennerics would Le closod led to a grand rush to sell the certificates at the opening of business today. An impression also prevailed that thu directors will cut the January dividend at their meeting early next week, and this accelerated the downward movement, There was a tre mendous crowd of brokers around the Sugar post at the opening and nearly ev ery one of them appeared to have sidling orders and the stock was depressed to 83't, after which, under purchases to cover Bhovt contructs, a recovery to 84!i ensiled. In some quarters there was i disposition to criticise President Have meyer, and It was stated that his action at this time was due mainly to a desire to Influence congress and head off the move ment to place sugar on the free list. In dependent rellners, however, assert the business has been anything but profit able of late and that Havemeyer was lust Ifled by trade conditions In closing up the refineries. Distillers was another weak spot In the early trading, and on the un nouncement of the proposed reorganize tlon the price dropped from 9 to 7. Chi (ago Uas was next taken In hand and un der pressure of long stock fell 2 to C'J, The Heaviness or me industrial rtoiiii was due in a great measure to a rumor that there had been a defalcation In one of the trusts. The railway lists were wenk at the start, but then Improved Vi to Subsequently the selling of the Grangers was resumed on a large scale. On the Oc tober statement of the Burlington and Qulncy It wag discovered that the road had been operated for 49.28 per cent, and this created a more bearish feellmr, The selling which followed carried Bur lington down 114, St. Paul 1, Northwost , Rock Island . New Jersey Central was heavy and fell 2 points, Manhattan sold down l'i, Western Union 1. The market closed steady at net declines rang ing from H to 2. Total sales, 2G2.000 shares, of which 123,700 were Sugar. The range of today's prices for tho ac tive stocks of the New York stock market are given below. The quotations are fur nished Tho Tribune by G. du B, Dlmmlrk, manager for William Linn, Allen At Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Scran ton. Op'n-High-Low-Clos ing. Am. Cot. Oil 2714 A. M. T M Am. Sugar Re'g Co. 85 Atch., To. & 8. Fe... R Can. South.. . Wl'4 Ches. & Ohio 17 Chicago- Gas 71V4 Chic. & N. W m Chle., B. A Q fi94 C. C. C. & St. L 37V4 est. est. lng. 27 27 27 94 90 90 85 83 83 6 6 5 60 50 60 17 17 17 71 69 70 97 97 97 69 68 68 37 87 87 68 67 67 00 60 G0 126 125 126 168 169 ViSH 8 7 8 86 31 34 133 133 133 03 53 63 100 104 101 Chic, Mil. & St. P... 68 Chic. R. LAP., 80(4 Delaware & Hud. D.. L. & W.. ...... Dlst. & C. F Oen. Electrlo....i, Lake Shore Louis. & Nash.... Manhattan Ele... .125 .159- . 8 . 35 .133 . 63 .106. Mo. : 27 2; 27H 27 S'i 8i 8i 8 &(j 3H Si SSH 94 81 92,4 1 S 98 9SV4 9M 20'j 30V. Stl4 80'. k 114 11 lUt! H',4 42 - 42 42 " 42 4Vi 4i 4Vi 4'4 17 1", 37 17 15 ir, 15 15 1.V4 l-r' 15 IB 18 15 15? 9 9'S 9'4 Si 13T4 13 13 " 13 87Vi 87i H 80 Nat. Nat. N. J. N. Y. Y. Y., & N. E L. E. & W... N. Y. ,S. & V Pr.. Nor. Nor. Paclllc, Pr. Ont. Phil. & Read.... Rich. & W. P.... TexaB Pacific... Wabash, Pr West. Union CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. lng. WHEAT. May 59 C0 6974 C0 November 65 65 65 55 December ....... 55 55 51 65 OATS- May 32 32'4 32 S24 November 2'J 29 29 9 December 29 29 29 29 CORN. May 49 49 49 49 November 49 49 47 47 December 47 47 40 411 LARD. January 7.02 7.02 0.97 fi.97 May 7.17 7.20 7.15 7.15 PORK. January 12.10 12.12 12.05 12.03 May 12.45 12.45 12.35 12J5 Scranton Wholesale .Market. Fruits and Produce Dried apples, per lb.. tia7c; evapoiated apples, 8uluc. per lb. Turkish prunes, 6a5c: English currants, 2u2c; layer raisins, $1.75al.80; muscatels, 4,.4a5c. per lb., Jlul.40 per box; new Val encia, tia7o. per lb. Beans Marrowfats, $2.35u2.40 per bushel; mediums, J1.70al."5. Peas Green, tl.1oaI.l5 per bushel; split, fci.5Un2.6U; lentels, 6uSc. per lb. Potatoes iaWc. bushel. Onions Bushel, 55aG0. Butter 17a21c. per lb. Cheese 9allVje. per lb. Eggs Fresh, 24a25c; coolers, 17a 18c. Meats Hums, 10c; '.small hams' lie; skinned hams, 12-c; California hams, Vic; shoulders. 8c. ; bellies, 8c; smoked breakfast bacon, lO'ic. Smoked Beef Outsldes, 13c; sets, 15c; lnsldes and knuckles, lO'-ic; Acme sliced smoked beef, 1-lb cans, $2.15 dozen. Pork Mess, $17; Bhort cut, $1S. Lard Leaf, In tierces, 9V..c; in tubs, 9:!ic; 10-pound palls, 1W4C per pound; 5-pound palls, 10c. per pound; 3-pound palls, 10c. per pound; compound lard, tierces, t!'..c.; tubs, ;c. ; 10-pound pnlls, 7c. per pound; 5-pound palls, 7c per pound; 3-pound palls, 7'. per pound. Flour Minnesota patent, per barrel, $3.S5a Ohio and Indiana amber, $3; Gra ham, $3; rye flour, $3. Feed Mixed, per cwt., $1.10. Grain Hye, C5c; corn, 62u54c; oats, 40al5c. per bushel. Rye Straw Per ton, $12al4. Hay $14.60 10. Buckwheat Flour-$2.10 a 2.16 per 100. New York Produce Market. By tho United Press. New York, Nov. 30. Flour Firmer. Wheat More active, firm; No. 2 red store and elevator, 69a59lc.; otloat, fiuaOOV.; f. o. b., lil',iaUle. ; ungraded red, 62atile,; No. 1 northern, 5Saii9c. ; options firmer; January, GO'ic; February, 01c. ; March, K!c; May, G3c; June, GIViC. ; July, 61c; December, 69c. Corn Dull, firmer; No. 2, 58I-.C elevator; 59'ic afloat; steamer mixed, 54',1'C; No. 3, 62',ic. ; options dosed firm at ae. advance; December, 65a 55c; January. 5'!c; May, 63c. Oats Fairly active, stronger; options dull firmer; December, 33c; January, 31c; February, 35c; May, Sli'jc; No. 2 white January, SHic ; spot prices, No. 2, 33a 33c; No. 2 white, 3Su3Sc; No. 2 Chi cago, 31u34c; No. 3, 33c: No. 3 white, 37'4c ; mixed western, 33a35e.; white do. and white Ptate, 37allc Beef-Dull. Tlerced Beef Quiet. Cut Meats Quiet, weak. Lard Quiet, steadier; western steam closed $7.3i: city, c; December, $7.50; refined, dulf; continent, $7.70; South America, $8.20; compound, RVfeooc. Pork Quiet, steady. Butter Quiet, steady; state dairy, llalfic; do. creamery, 15a2Cc; do. factory, 10al5c; Klglns, 2iic; imltntlon creamery, 15a20c Cheese Firm, un changed. Eggs Firmer; state and Penn ivlvinit 26a2iie.: western fresh, 24a2jc; do. per case, $3.25a4; southern, 23a2ic. Toledo Gruin Market. By the United Press. Toledo, Nav. 30. Wheat Receipts, 31, 700 bushels; market firm; No. 2 red cash, 65Vlc.; December. 65c; January, oSVic; May, 59c. Corn Receipts, 110,000 bush els; shipments, 307,000 bushels; market steady; No. 2 white cash, 4,.c; No. 3 yel low, 45c; No. 3 mixed, 421-.C. Oats Re ceipts, 2.000 bushels; shipments, 4IK) bush els: market nominal.' Clover Seed Re ceipts, 104 bags: shipments, 150 bags; mar ket firm; cash, $5.05; February, $5.70; Murch, $5.75. lluffalo Stock Market. By the United Press. Buffalo, Nov. 30.-Cattle Receipts, 2iM head; on sale, 10 hcud; market easy; fat cows, $2.25u2.li0; bologna bulls. $1.9ua2.li0, Hogs-Receipts, 11,850 head; on sale, 12,000 head; market firm; Yorkers, $f.40a4.5i): choice heavy do., $4.55ii4.0; mixed, $4.50a 4.60; good mediums, $4.50a4.05; heavy, $4.70 a4.76; roughs, $4.1Ua4.25; stags, $3n3.20. sale. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 11,4'JO head; on sale, 19,000 head; market very dull and weak; choice to extra lumbs, t3.25a3.Ci; good, $3a3.25; culls and common, tl.75o2.fiO; good mixed sheep, $2ii2.25; culls to fair, $lal.75; export ewes, $2.90u3.1u. Chicago Stock Murkct. By tho United Press. Chicago, Nov. 30. Cuttle-Receipts, 13, 000 head; market closed firm; common o extra steers, $.'!:u.45; stockers and feeders, $2a3.35; cows and bulls, $la3.40; calves, $1.50 a5.25. Hogs Receipts, 35,000 head; market steady; heavy, S4.40a4.70; common to choice mixed, t4.25n4.Uu; choice assorted, S4.35a4.45; light, $1a4.35; pigs, t2.50a4. Sheep Receipts, 8,000 bead; market strong; In ferior to chioce, $la3.25; lambs, $2a4. Philadelphia Tullow Murkct. By the United Press. Philadelphia, Nov. 30. Tallow Is firm and higher. We quote: City prime In hhds, 4c; country, prime. In bbls, 4c, country, dark, In bbls, 4n1c; cakes, 6c. greuse, 4c. OH Market. . By the United Press. Pittsburg, Pn., Nov. 30. Oil closed at 82c, the only quotation. , .Mothers I'Mot hcrsl! Mothers! ! '. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over llfty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all naln; cures wind colic, and Is the best remedy for dlurrhoa. Sold by druggists In every part of tho world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syruu, and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Have you seen the Watch? "The 400" No mora ac ceptable Christ mat present can bo made to a lady than ono of those beautiful Gold Watches. The Dueber Watch Works, Canton, O. BUY WHEAT NOW Now hi the time to nviko inonoy. Wheat Is advancing and villi gohiulier. Others are umk ing money thrniitfli us, Ynuoan do til" same. Write us ou "How to gpoculato Successfully. C. G. & CO. Grain, provisions and Stocks. Mcdinult building. CHICAGO. Ladles Who Value Ia lit AieAned complexion most use Pouonl's Pow-I der. It produces a soft and beautiful skin, A Word. WANTS OS1 AT.L, KINDS COST THAT Much, when paid for, in ad vance. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MAKE. NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Agents Wanted. A4 GENT WANTED EVERYWHERE TO the hitmt ulumitiura uovtdties. enor mous prutits. sell at t.iht, delivered f reo, se cure territory. Sample in velvet lined enna with lull information, UK?. Catalogue fre... lumiuuiu jNovtltv Co.. 335 Broadway. New ork. fiENEKAL AGENT WANTED -SELL hiK new at tirles to dealers: excluiive ter ritory, no eon. petition, no capital required; V()U to tXJeper cent, prellt Columbia Chsmicsl Co., m ilearborn St., Chicago, HI. VI r ANTED SPECIALTY ADVERTISING V canvassers familiar with nremiiini mer cantile trade; money maker of Wi. Also clever ri b. canvassers on greatest seller of tho day. Stanley Biad ey. 6 E. 10th St., New York. Y"aNTI''D -"ACTIVE 8ALES.MEM TO V hiuiJlu our lino, no noddiuir. Snlurr. S75 per month and expenses paid to all. Goods entirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. Box, 530i, Boston, Mass. Helo Wanted Females. J lng and addressing circuiaia for us, at onie. No r&iivHBMnif. Position nnrmanent. Reply with stamped envelope. MISS MARIE w uk rii, Asiilanu. u. Help Wanted-Male. WANTED-AT THE TRIBUNE OFFICE, 'I a bov who is fntnlliar with foediiur a platen press. Apply at Tribune business olllee. 1 1 rANTEU SALESMAN; SALARY FROM start: nurmaneut ulace BROWN BROS. Company, Nuraorymen, Rochester, N. Y. SALESMEN, $75 MONTH AND EXPEN'BES O Self seller: exioripnee uuiioeosMtry. KNEELA.ND M F G. CO., Chicago. V ANTED AN EXPERIENCED BOOK ' canvassur. Address T. B.. cai'e Tribune otlleo, Scranton, Pa. For Rent ROOM HoU.tE FOR HUNT FURNACE heat, if wanted, $10. 'M North Garfield avenue. 1 BURNISHED HOUSE TO BENT FOR SIX months. 4J9 Wyoming avonue. ?On RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST i. Lackawanna nvonuu. Addrea rJ HOMAS E. EVA KB, aoor 1132 Lujerno, Hyde Parlt. T?OR RENT-ONE HALF STORE. )20Ponn X avcuu?. t'K) per mouth. I. ""OR RENT NICKLY FURNISHED HALL 1 mutable for luliro rooms. JOHN JLrt MYN, 119 Wyoming ovonue. Real Estate. I.VDMU rVMUl MLM, ,L llW-UL'U hoiiFes exiiianL'ed for farma. R. EH NEST COMKHYS, Ked Estate Agent. 128 WiiNliingtun, Price Bir.ldmu. Special Notices. AM NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH Ex hibitions and lactuiu unon anv subioot de sired. These exliibitions will bo lllUHtrato 1. having in my possession tho most powerful oissuivuiif st'jrt'o)tii'0:is mane. . 11. CALL, Tribune Olllee. roV WANT THIS RELIC - REPRINT I Frank LcsIIb'h Illustrated Week y War illustrations isui-ihu,. two Volume folia SUM!; payable monthly, !.U0. Delivered by exprnnH compline, rrepau. A (Know l. u. MOUUY, tils Hlbson street, Scranton, fa. LANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAG A zincs. et. bound or rebound at The TKiiiti.NB omce. Oukk work. Reasonable prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 141 corner Spruce street and Franklin ave nue. Twenty meal tickets for SS.M. Uood able board. Orphan's Court Sale. ORPHANS" COURTTSALE-LATE OF THE township of Old Ioil'c. Luckawanna county, Pa., deceased. Bv virtue of un order of the Oiohans' court of said county, thore will be exposed o public gale at tlio arbitration room or toe court liou. o in the city of Scranton, on Tnes day. tlu Uth day of December. 1KI4. at. 10 o'clock a. in., the following described real es tate, to wit: All that certain lot of land in Old Force townslni), Lackawanna county, ra., Iioirin' niuitonnak street nt tho corner of tho lot contracted for by Allen Robcits: thence, north forty-two (42) r"eKroos weBt alone Oak street seventy-three (70) feet ond six (li) inclius to a corner; thence Konth forty eight 4f) degrees west one iiunnreu ana lorty-eienc (.us) met to a corner; tnoneo soutli forty-two () u i areos. east sevonty-tliroa (7X) feet and six (ill inches to a corner; thence north forty-eight (is; ciBjrrcos earn one numirou una lorty oiijnt (Un) fiat. to tlie nliico of lieninninu'. Contain ing about one-fin rtli (ij) acre of land, and be ing tho front half of the lot ml I and conveyed bv William Herbert and Wife to William Hepp by deed dated July 29, KK!, and duly a signed by said William Kopp to Patrick Jovce on Oct. 31, lfS2. Said deed and a8ignment being recorded in Lxckawauna c mnty In deed book No. 21. nnite 625, etc.. imoiovcd with a two story iraine uweinng nouse anu out build lues. , Terms of sale, one hundred dollars down on the day of the pale ttr.u balance upon final cou urination 01 suio anu delivery 01 neeu. filLUULAN WALSH, Administrator. WILLARD. WARREN & KN API'. Attor nory for the estate. legal. N THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF Lnckawanun County. No. VM. Sent. term. lSUf. Margaret Turner va. Joseph H. Tumor. The alius suhixi'us in divorce in the above case having been returned "non est Inventus," yju, Jcsopu K. Turner, are Hereby notified to du and appear at the next terra of Common Pleas of si U county, to ba held in thu city of Scrunton on tho Tin day of Januarv. lMk. to answer ttio pluintin s complaint in tue above case. Jtm. J. i aiie-y., W. GAYLORD THOMAS, Attorney. TESTATE OF DAVID TORREY, LATE OF X j caxenovla, JN. Y neo iasen. Letters testauientory upon the above named estate having been granted to tho under signed, all pcrsnns having claims or demands aga nst tlit said estate will preaont them for payment ana in s inuentcu mere to will ploa.e make Immediate p.vmmt to .- , j ti. TuitKE.1, r.ieuior. '' Municipal huilding, Scranton, Pa. Charter Application. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN uoulioation will be made to the governor ol l'euiiHyivsnia, on monuay, doc. 1., t iu a. m. uy kouoit. v. wuifl. 'i nomas it. jncyuuuo, Frsd J. Harding. Daniel O'Connel and M. J. O'Malley. under the act of assembly, entitled "An act t ) provum ror tiie it corporation ana regulation of certain corporations," approved pril 27. 1x74, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an Intended corporation to be called "The Kevst ne Brewing company. of Dunmore, Pa.." the character and objects of which Is the manufacture of brewed and malt liquors and for such pur noses to have. Dosaess. and eniov all the ighta, benefits and privileges of said act of ts.embly ana tne supplements tuereto. E C. NEWCOMB. VIOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN 1 applic- t:o-i will be made to the court of Common Pltaa of Lackawanna county, or one or tne inages tnereot. ou siuuaay, uec. if, 1HD4, at 10 o'clock a. m. under the act of as sembly of the commonwealth of I ennsylvanlo. entitled, "An act to provide tor tne incorpora tion and regulation of curtain corporation.." approved April 2M, 1ST4. and the supplements tuereto, for the charter of an intended cor poration to be called, ' The Dudley Street Buiitist Churcli. of Dunmore. fa. , the char acter and object of which is to provide for the worship of God aconrdinit to the faith, doo trine, uiscinllne and usages of B tptist onurcbea, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights benefits and privileges of saia act 01 assembly ana in supplements. H. M. STREET ER, Solicitor. .'I Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED - DRESSMAKER O would like to go out hy the day, or take work st home. Address !(., Hi Spruce street SITUATION WANTED BY A WlDO' yj lady u housekeeper. Call or address 1118 Blair avenue, Park Place. SITUATION WANTED A YOUNG MaN iO must have work at once. Can drive and milk; would like to work on a farm; good ret- erenue, Aaorssa u., lam jacksoo street. UNDERWEAR SPECIALS. Children's Natural WojI, free from rough sues irom 10 to 3j. iOK. FOR GENTLEMEN. A laftre purchase of Camel's Hair, Pure Wool. Regular $1.50 Special Low Price, $1.00 Per HOLIDAY OPENING; CONNOLLY & Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here in Scranton by the FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. BEST AND iU WERT'S WYOMING AVE., SCRANTON. STEINWAY S SON DECKER BROTHERS KRANICH & BACK and Others STULTZ i BAUER . PIANOS Also a large stock of first-class ORGANS MUSICAL flERCHANDISE, MUSIC, ETC. DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING Manufactured at the Wnpwallopon Mills, Li zorns county, fa.., uuu nt Wii mingtuu, Delaware, HENRY BELIN, Jr. Gonoral Agent for the Wyoming District. 118 WYOMING AVE., Scranton, P Third National Bank Building. THOS. FORD, Mttsturi, Pa. JOHN B. SMITH & HON, Plymouth. Pa. E. W. MULLIGAN. Wilkos Bsrre, Pa. Aeouts for the KcuauDo Chemical Com pany's High Explosives. PKITEB SnOB CO., Inc'p. CspHsl, $1 BKST Sl.AO SHOK IN THE WORLD. "A itUar ttntti it a dollar torntd." t This Ladles' Solid Kranch IKnclB KldBnt ton Boot delWsred fras anywhere In to. U.S., on rr reoelpl olC'Mh, Money Oni.r, or roeui noie lor Dqu.le every way the boou sold la .11 retail stores for ti.bu. We Ula boot ounelm, therefore we guar antee U1V yw, nw wwr. uid ir any one is not eatunra we will refund the money r send another pair. Opera Toe or Cemraon Bene, wiau. v, i, a, in I to sua nan Itee. Stnd your lit; II M ye. Cat. lofiie FRCC Dexter Shoe CoKI:' Special ttrml to Heater. THE SOUTHWESTERN LIMITED runs dally via BIG 4 ROUTE (Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and 8L Louia Ry.) between (7i 10 a I) Columbus, Springfield, Dayton, Indian apolis, Peoria and ST. LOUIS, with magnificent Wanner SleoDlnc carm. Combination Library and Cafe oare. Ele Cant Coachos and Dining cars, " The Finest Train in America." Bee that your ticket! read via the BIG 4 ROUTE. Time tables and Information cheerful! urmsnoa on application to B. J. GATES, Gen'l Eastern Art. 40 Exchange at, Buffalo, N. T. M. E. IngaUs. President; D. B. Martin, General Passenger Agent; E. O. McCr mtck, Traffio llanager. Cincinnati, (X 1 OTIM b 0 U POWDER wnimpi, (HU, ) V B and irritating substances. VESTS, lor w ; rise 5c. a size. Lowest ugures ever LADIES' quality at Natural Ribbed Fleeced, White Ribbed Fleeced, White Ribbed Fleeced, Natural Wool, Garment. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5. WALLACE 209 W"p.!"tasn Ave. K D CHEAPEST IRON BEDS IN TO our Washburn-Crosbv Co. wish to assure their many rat rons that they will tins ycur Hold to tiwir usual custom ol milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheut is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Wushburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other brunds. I UJLJU4 A Vl X-J JJ V& VVlUIAJUil Wholesale Agents. We have the following supplies of lumber secured, at prices that warrant us in expecting a large . share of the trade : Pacific Coast Red Cedar Shingles. "Victor" and other Michigan Brands of White Pine and White Cedar Shingles, Michigan White and Norway Pine Lum ber and BUI Timber. North Carolina Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pine. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Rails, Mine Ties, Mine Props and Mine Supplies in general. THE RICHARDS LUMBER COMPANY COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, SCRANTON, PA. DID YOU KNOW? That we WILL GIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at MERCEREAU 307 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. EVERY WOMAN lometlnM Deeds a rellsble, monthly, rwml.Unff medicine. Only heroism uf lbs purest drup should be used. 11 jeu went the beet,fet Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal Pills Tber are prompt, .sfo s oerUls In remit. The i .eeslne (Dr. Feel's) eerer clasp. noluk Sent surwuere. 11.00. Addles. mkMnuoiM Co., CleTeUnd, 0. For Saleby JOHN H. PHELPS, Spruco Street, Scranton, Pa. f"-lkL. .iW Toogreotremeay fornerron. pruiireuoo una iiiinrnn""'"" y.' ?tWrJ if. ! the ienar.UTO ot oltlior MX. uph s. Nerrom ProetrstU n. Fell- HtoZfc&eHty .uupUon snd or leU by 0. U. BABBI8, Utuultt, Wallace PANTS AND BOYS' DRAWERS, in all reacneu lor tuesc goods. UNION SUITS: Best Values Obtainable. 50c 75C 95C $1.00 Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated. THE CITY. patrons: Juniata County, Pennsylvania, White) Oak. Sullivan County Hemlock Lumber and Lath. Tioga County Dry Hemlock Stock Boards. Elk County Dry Hemlock Joists and Studding.. & CONNELL Pharmacist, Cor. Wyoming Avenua ant) DR. MOTH' KKBTUUXB. i PILLS : . . .. A. ns lni.nltr. w Ho STery OO order we flTe e jnuen saw- iiiii iii mini win' sm.ii'WM iJliU'imimiiatfesitii l1 " Arenue. ) , k e e e s.