1U TIIE SCRAXTOX TUTBUXE SATURDAY MOTlXIXGy DECEMBER 1,-1894. ii ' (These short serial stories are copyrighted by Bacheller, Johnson & Bach ellcr.and are printed InTheTribune by special arrangement, simultaneous with their appearance In the leading daily Journals of the large cities). Ill It was late November the year after Dr. Ashurst's death, and his two daugh ters and their mother were In a good deal of trouble.' He had been a man of infinite generosities; he hud gathered some good books and a very few good pictures. He had made his family hap pier than any other family in all that region ever dreamed of being. He wag still a good bit this side of age when an attack of pneumonia brought him quickly to his end. People who had allowed themselves to tuke his talents and gifts ! for granted were surprised into doing him tardy honor, by finding what recognition was given him on every hand. Those who knew him best praised him most, and many a city man, who had, perhaps, only seen him once at Bome medical club meeting, to which on rare occasions Dr.. Best or his little group of intimate friends be guiled the busy and self-sacrificing country .doctor many a city man owed to him the best of inspiration or en lightenment from some chance word, or some new way of looking at old things. "Ashurst hus more genius for his profession than any of us," old Dr. Best used to say. It hud been a long, sad year since the good man died Indeed "they needed a doctor up at Alton," as he had said at the beginning of his brave career. There was many a poor soul that felt unbefrlended now, and uneompanlonod, with no one to look to for help, spirit ual or mwteriul. And as for Dr. Ash urst's own household, the sorrow of poverty, was added to sorrow itself. The mother and her two children were left jeally puor, John Ashurst always HAD REEJf LOOKING BOOKS." BOATS hoped to leave his family a good sum of money, to buy a comfortable life in surance before he should be taken away, but the necessities of the mo ment always hid the fear of the future. He had lost what money he had by the failure of a bank, and he had never been provident. It was the rainy day of the moment and not of the future with which he concerned himself. Now that the small bills that could be col lected were all paid, many accounts having never been kept at all and still more forgiven it was but a poor de pendence, and the girls were wondering what they could possibly do. One had inherited her father's gift of teaching, and had gathered a little school, but it was more a thing of love than of busi ness, and of late she had taken the dis trict school near at hand, and her poor pay was the mainstay that was left. They had always felt so rich all their lives that they did not know how to feel poor, exactly. In the late years when Dr. Ashurst had been sent for fur and wide, and now and then a large fee came In his way, they had begun to feel like people of fortune. And only the last Thanksgiving day, the fort night before his three days' ilness be gan, what joy they had in making hap piness for many poor households! The old chaise had gone its rounds with a high-heaped mound of benefactions under the buffalo robe;' and this old woman must have this thing to make her happy, and the other something else, for Thanksgiving was still kept in all its glory of nelghborllness and good cheer in Alton, and Christmas ltnelf seemed to be the happier for young people, because their elders and betters made the most of the earlier festival. The doctor's study, where a light was ept to burn so late on winter nights, wag a plain room full of books, with a great desk and some three-cornered chairs which had been old Dr. Ashurst's before they belonged to our friend, whom the elder people still call the young doctor. There was a curious dry odor of drugs and Russia leather bind ings. There was a huge wasp's nest on one bookcase, and a bust of Dante on the other, and a beautiful old engrav ing of Sydenham hanging on the wall. One could not help finding it a charm ing, scholarly sort of a place; there was still a delightful air of sympathy and friendliness, as of a place where people were sure to come to tell their troubles, and sure to go away comforted. It was the day before Thanksgiving, and one of the doctor's daughters, who had oftenest been 'his companion, was sitting there alone. She had been look ing at the books and making a list of some of them, about which one of her fathers friends had written her. He had made a good offer, out of friendli ness, but both Dr. Ashursts had known what good books were, and had left be hind them some volumes of very great value. Of course they must Bell them, and It was a good chance, but Nelly Ashurst loved these particular books, and treasured them all the more, be cause her father and grandfather had treasured them too. She took down the old copy of the Rellglo Medici, and held it for a moment 'then she kissed It and put it up again, .and went over ito the old desk to lay her head on her folded arms and cry. The night before a proposal had come from her mother's Bister in one of the'seaboard towns, that they two should come to her to spend the Winter, leaving the eldest sister, Who was the teaoher, to board some where and go on with her School. : In the summer they could perhaps let their house, for' Alton was near bne of the "BITE DAD REEJf LOOKING AT ""S Tart?, hill towns wihere many people came to pass the summer. "At any rate," the aunt had said kindly, "when you are fairly here, we can talk over plans and do what seems best." She was not a rich woman, and Nelly Ashurst was grateful for such thoughtfulness, but her mother, who had had many illnesses, was only well among these high, dry hills, and she sobbed to herself over the old desk: "This is an end of our home, an end of our home!" There seemed to be nowhere else to look, for the winter at least. Perhaps when summer came they could indeed come back, and find some people who would come to board in the pleasant old house. But their independence and old free ways were assailed; they must do what they could now, and never any more what they wished. Nelly Ashurst mourned with the despair of youth. She could almost feel her father's hand on her shoulder in kindly reproach, but her trouble was all the more bitter, poor girl, because it seemed in some vague way to be a rebuke to him whom she loved and made her hero. She had never felt the weight of pain and care as she felt it now. She thought of her mother's hopeless face. " Nelly, where are you?" said her mother, suddenly, just outside the door, and Nelly dried her eyes in a hurry, and crossed the room to stand before the bookcase In the shadow. "Nelly, dear," said Mrs. Ashurst, coming in. "Here are some letters, and the poor old Dent sisters are coming up the yard to see us think of it, this cold day! I wish we had something I re ally don't know how to be poor at Thanksgiving time," and her voice fal tered. "They shall have a pie, at any rate, and they shall come and sit in here In the dear study they will like that best." "Mother, mother, quick!" said Nelly. "Don't mind them, let them wait a minute. Oh, see here!" and she held a large letter sheet before her mother's eyes. She had turned quite gray and pale. "I thought It was only some cir cular, or something like that it was directed to father. Somebody who lived in Cuba who died last month, has left father and his heirs she could not hold her voice steady "has left father in kind remembrance of most helpful services in time of need $30,000, to be paid at once accord ing to directions. Oh mother, mother!" "Let me see it, dear," said the frail little woman, shaking with excitement and coming back across the room. t'Oh, if your dear father were only here! And how often I have thought that so many people were ungrateful, and he always said that the poor had the best paymaster, or that he only- asked for happiness enough toi get his work done, and was glad of the liberty to use what skill he hadand now this comes, like a gift of his provision, for his girls and me! Why, Nelly, dear, don't cry so!" "TlUere are those two old Dents knocking and knocking could you let them In, mother?"said Nelly, laughing and crying at once. "Oh, what a Thanksgiving we'll have! I wish Sister Lizzie would come. What will she say? Fifty thousand dollars! Why, father said once that he wished he had just that for his old uge and for us, and no more; It would be all" Her mother, a little dazed, had gone to bid the poor old guests a glad wel come. Old Sarah, the dependence of the doctor's household, who Boemed entirely one of themselves, was away that afternoon, and part of the sorrow and uncertainty that was hardest to bear had been in the thouujrht of turn ing her out of her home, If they them Helves must go. Now -the dear old home was going on, and the UMle com forts and helps for many a poor person who was sick and old were to go on, too. -. The mystery of the legacy was never made clear. Nelly vaguely remem bered her father's saying something about a sick, old man, a merchant in Cuba, to whom he lent his thick plaid " MOTHER 1; MOTHER 1 QUICK I" NELLY. SAID in the oars one cold day, and to whom he gave advice; and that was all. The good doctor was always doing such things, but the fuct remained that one heart, fhat seemed at the moment to forget his kindness, had really remem bered, and was grateful for years of health and activity, which he had ceased to expect. Out of his wealth he had made return, not only for himself, but for many another beside. And on Thanksgiving Day, the doc tor's children and his wife took double joy In doing everything and more that they had always loved to do In the old days. They tried to give all the old patients who were sick or sorry, some thing to remind them of their friend, but indeed a life that shines ylth lov and self-forgetfulness Is a true star of light, and cannot be forgotten, no mat ter In what part of our' heaven it may be placed. . TIIE PIONEER COOK. To Juliet Corson, of New York, Belongs This High Honor. . To Miss Juliet Corson, of New York City,- belongs, says the Evening Post, the honor of having established th first cooking-school In the United States, and of originating the Idea of instructing women in domestic affairs In general. It was In 1874 that Miss Cor son began her work,, and In 1875 the Idea was taken up In the west, where a Miss Allen organized a school of household science in the Industrial University at Champaign, III. In 1,877 similar work was begun In the Kansas State Agricul tural college. Other beginnings In the ust and west having the same alms in lew were the establishment (if a erlurse of teaching In scientific cooking in La- soll seminary in 1S77, under the tuition f AIlss I'arloa; the opening of a cook ing-school in Boston in 187J, aria of ono n Chicago in 1881. The Chicago school soon became very popular, and its Instructor, Mrs. Emma t-wing, one of the most able and in teresting teachers of cooking in the country, was invited In 18S2 to establish summer cooking-school at Chautau qua. Later Mrs. Kwing established a School of Domestic Economy" in Iowa Agricultural college. GENU'S AND DOCTORS. . ugene licld Ipholds the Medicine Man and Rcnlly Makes Out a Strung Case. From the Chicago Record. Genius In every age has cheerfully paid the tribute of its reverence and its gratitude to doctors, and we cannot wonder at it when we come to consider that the dealings of the doctor with hu manity are of the most intimate char acter and cover the entire period from oirth to death. , For centuries the doc tor ha3 been riddled with, pleasantries and sarcasms; if. he had not been good and great he would not have been made a target for brilliant savageries; if he hart not been good and great, he would have been swept away long ago by the flood of sharp, but not always sincere. ntlclsm. Priests and physicians have from time immemorial come In for a large share of what we might call sport ive hostility; the world has laughed over these jocularities, yet at the first appearance of spiritual or physical dis quietude the world has sent posthaste for the priest or doctor. This curious perversity is thoroughly understood by the doctors divinitatis and the doctors medlcinae themselves, and It was none other than Dr. Francis Rabelais who embalmed and illustrated it in the im mortal couplet: The devil was Blck, the devil a monk would be; The devil got well the devil a monk was he." We have always thought that In this couplet were most cleverly Illustrated the three essentials to the perfect epi gram as described by Martial: 'Three things must epigrams, like bees, have all; A sting, some honey, and a body small." Good Nattircd Teasing. It Is related that Montaigne used to require of his friends that if ever he fell sick they should not send for a doctor until he got better. It was probably about the time of Moliere that the story about throwing-nwuy-the-medielne-nnd getting-well originated, for when the Grand Louis asked Moliere what he did for his doctor,-the dramatist answered: "Sire, when I m ill I send for him. He comes; we have a chat and enjoy ourselves.-. He prescribes; I don't take it and l am cured." It was probably not until after the evolution of the country editor that the world was apprised. In the very best of faith, that occasionally some neonle 'died without medical assistance." And doubtless there are few of us who have not heard of the man who having' ob tained a prescription for insomnia, ad ministered it to his teething baby and enjoyed an unbroken night's rest. These and similar sarcasms upon the medical profession we enjoy, not because of tlreir truth, for we know well enough that they have very little truth in them, but because, perhaps, there is a teaslug quality in them, and as Victor Hugo has said, teasing Is the malice of good men. , It has been our fortune our good for tune to have an acquaintance with many doctors and we agree with the opinion expressed by the leviathan of English letters when he declared: "I believe every man has found In physl- eluns great liberality and dignity of sen tlment, very prompt effusion of bene tioenee and willingness to exert a lu crative art where there Is no hope of the lucre." what we particularly ad mire the doctor for is what he often achieves outside of his professjon; the avocations of the physician are notably productive of noble results. Many of the most successful journalists In this country have been doctors, and so have been, or are, many of our most charm ing writers upon general and special subjects. In Chicago at the present time there is a practising physician who has made pottery n study and practice, and he has done more, prob ably, than any other man tuwurd per fectlng the glalze of nutlve pottery. Dr, Oliver Wendell Holmes hus done more than simply to udorn and dignify his profession; he has adorned and ttlgni (led American literature. The first mar tyr to the cause of our national liberty was a doctor; the fall of Warren fanned to a blaze the fire of American patriot ism. A Dr. Osborn of Massachusetts wrote years ago a whaling song that bids fair to outlive the giant mammal and its adventuresome pursuit which that song celebrated. How largely is not science indebted to Morton, DeKuy and Barton, and who that has read his poems and his tales has not acknow ledged the literary genius of Wier Mitchell? Akenslde was a doctor, so was Cowley, so was Goldsmith; before the days when these literary physicians flourished Sir Walter was proud, of his fame as the compounder of a cordial, and Sir Kenelm Digby was known afar for his recipe for a sympathetic powder which wrought wonders. We remem ber to have read somewhere that Murat wan a doctor, but we have never been able to confirm this story of his earlier life. Arbuthnot was certainly , one of the greatest In his profession and his literary abilities and his wit were ex ceptionally charming. Alexander Pope acknowledged the debt he-owed to this physician in ministering to his Buffer ings: "Friend of my life, which did you not prolong The world had wanted many 'an Idle 'song." The Doctor in Literature, Again the literary claims of the ipro fesslon are to bo recognized In the poems of James Rodman Drake, and in the ever popular novels of Charles Le ver. It was a doctor, Lestocq, who aid ed Catherine materially In her struggle for the throne;' another doctor, Ham mond, was master to the great Racine; Peter the Great cultivatd an intimacy with Boerhaave; Hans Sloan provided the neucles of the British Museum; Madden's "Infirmities of Genius" and McNlbh's "Philosophy of Drunkenness" are two books that should be in every library. Two other famous books are Dr.. Mlddleton's 'Life of( Cicero',', and Dr. Thomas Browne's "Rellglo' Medici" Quoth the learned Park: "I hold physi cians to be the most enlightened pro fessional persons In the whole circle of human arts and sciences." -' -" But there.! we did not Intend to Bay so much upon this subject.- The doctor re quires no' defense, and If he did he could defend himself. W have fceen led Into this idle, desultory chat about him by our sincere affection for him, for we cer tainly share with all other good folk their admiration and love for this bright, generous, patient, ' self-Bacrl-riclnt friend of humanity. London Pi(Uires , by Richard Willis ntcrcstinfl Kesiimc of the Important - - Events of the Keck. 'KIXCESS AL1X IX DISGUISE. Incidents of the Czarina's Sojourn at an English Wutcriug I'lucc-Stands as Godmother for Twins Results of Incessant Iiulns-Political Talk. ' Special Correspondence of The Tribune. ' London, Nov. 18. The future wife of the czar, Princess Allx. was staying for some time quite shortly at Harrogate, small watering place on our coast, and, of course, she was much watched. She went under an assumed name to avoid publicity, but the truth soon leaked out and the poor girl was -fol lowed about and stared at by rude nonentities in the most disgusting man ner. She appeared a most simple and natural young lady and stopped at a quiet house. A funny thing about her visit -was that all she stipulated was that there should be no children In the house, and, strange to relate, on the very day that the princess entered her apartments the landlady presented her delighted (?) hubby with twins! The poor man was In a dreadful way and felt In duty bound to acquaint the lady with the news. Instead of flying off the princess stayed on and personally stood as godmother to the children, who were named Nicholas and Allx. This Is a rare stroke of good luck for the lund lord and his prolific lady, as the place has already been extensively patron Used, . i The final trial of the murderer Read has- been the sensation of the week Diligent "London letter" readers (and who is not?) will remember that Read shot a young girl after getting her into trouble and1 left her body lying face downward in a pool of water and then decamped. It was shown that, though a married man with n family, he pus sessed several lady loves In different parts of the land. Read has maintained a composed demeanour throughout the trial and Is a smart looking young fel low. But his smartness Is of no avail, as ho is to hang by the neck until he Is dead. . An amount of disgusting and cruel evidence was elicited during the case, and a strange feature of the trial was the evident affection for the pris oner by family and dupes alike. A veritable coward, too, who not only murdered the poor foolish girl, but dis graced his family, robbed his employers and was the means of separating a hus band and wife. The Judge summed up dead against the prisoner and the jury took but little time to come to their unanimous) verdict of guilty. The pris oner protested his Innocence, but would not say where he was at the time of the murder and he left tho court a doomed man. In our last letter we alluded to the translation of Horace by ' Grand Old Man Gladstone; this week it is the turn of the leader of the opposition. Mr, Balfour lias written and published a truly clever and profound book "A De fence of Philosophic Doubt." We Kng- landers are, I think, justly proud of the honorable rivalry that exists between the two old parliamentary champions in the Held of letters. H Is seldom that politicians shine in tho literary world, but these two great statesmen are equally successful In tho scientific and literary studies. Mr. Balfour's book has made a stir not one whit less than the work of Gladstone did last week. England has been visited by heavy and Incessant rains and the result is that many purts of our little island are under water. The city of Bath Is com pletely flooded (the name Is unfortun ate!) and the only means of locomotion Is by boats. The greatest misery pre vails there and the position of the poor er portion of the Inhabitants is serious, la Surrey many cattle and sheep have been drowned and the valleys are deep with water and in many places the rail way traffic is stopped. Around the coast the storms have done very con siderable damage and In many places wiveks and daring rescues have been numerous. The new promenade pier at Dover has been partially destroyed and the Calais-Dover boats have been much delayed. The Thames hus overflowed its banks and whule fields and villages are flooded, even In certain parts o London houses have two feet of water in their basements, and unless the rains soon cease the da magi! and distress will be terrible. One is accustomed to reading strange and sickly accidents and deaths from electricity in the American papers but It is very seldom that fatal accidents occur from the same cause in this coun try. But a strange scene was witnessed In Cannon street In the heart of the city one day recently. A horse drawing a carriage fell down suddenly and the coaohman and friend Jumped down to unharness the animal when they ex petienced a series of severe shocks and were obliged to escape to the pavement Several bystanders endeavored to help, but were all thrown to the ground and two were so seriously injured as to necessitate their removal to a hospital Within a few minutes of tho horse' death several explosions occurred and one of the box covers of the electric light mains was hurled In tho air. Engl neers-soon arrived and found that the causa of the mischief was that a leak ago In a gas pipe had come In contact with nn electric spark. Moral Wea rubbers! The "Masqueraders" has returned to London very much Improved and is In Its present Btate one of the finest play we have seen for many a long day. It Is one of Henry Arthur Jones' and In Its orlglnul form it lacked interest ow ing to the small heroine's part and was but a duel between between the hero and villain. Hut now we have a breathing, Intense and Interesting wo man and the part Is a great one and Is undertaken by a new actress, who Is destined to make no Inconsiderable mark In her profession. The part of Dulcle Lnrondle, tho flirt, the coquette and once light-hearted and then ashamed woman, Is admirably Illlcd by Miss Evelyn Millard. Mr. George Alex ander Is finer -than ever and Herbert Waring is a fine contrast. We are promised another of Jones' plays and we look forward to It, as the writer of "The Middleman" has never disap pointed us yet. Horse racing Is nenring Its exit for the soason' ahd M.- Cannon conies oiit'a little on top of T; Loates as far as win ning mounts-go. During , the recent racing at the Liverpool meeting a hur dle race was declared void, owing to a most singular mistake. In order to facilitate the quick working of the programme, instructions were given to the servants of the cotirso to take away th hurdles' fts the 'gee-gees jumped them. - The clowns removed the hurdles right enough, but commenced the wrong end; the consequence belnc that the uinpers had nothing to Jump toward the end of the race. The owner, of Roland Graeme la distinctly unfortun ate, ns-he hail backed his. horse to win k good round sum,!; ' V -U i Our politicians are still making vigor ous speeches alt-over the country. They are all very much the same; the Liberals say that Ireland shall have home rule and the lords must go. The Conserva tives say home rule shall not come about and tho lords won't go, and the Irishmen go for both parties and then go for each other. And there you are, don't you know. The result of the elec tions in America seem to have found great favor In this country, and Ameri can business Is already looking up. Yankee mines are claiming much more attention, too, owing to ominous reports from the Australian gold fields, where the gold is suld to be playing out. The Swazl warriors are happy now. The queen has given them an audience. The chiefs were delighted at their re ception and at the cordiality of the queen mother," and they were tremen dously Impressed by the brilliant uni forms and arms of the soldiers. They were Introduced by the marquis of Rlpon and duly delivered the loyal mes sage they were the bearers of. After gazing open-mouthed at the royal apart ments, they returned to London In a mystified state. It is gratifying to the South African visitors to have seen the queen and their wondrous narratives must make a profound Impression upon the gentle Swazl when they return. Richard Willis. AS TO TRILBY. It Is a Most Churininz Hook, l ull of Beauty and Grace, but It Is Not True, so at Least Thinks .Mr. Dunn, From the New York Sun. Thoso who have read "Trilby" will re gard us an impertinence any statement of reasons for the great success of the book; to those who have not, let us say brielly that while the story Is drawn out of the same elements of youth and love which in ono shape or another are tho theme of every novelist, but somehow never grow old or tedious, Mr. I)u Maurior has writ ten his tale with such originality, uneon- ventlonality, and eloquence, such rollick ing humor and tender pathos, and de lightful play of every little fancy, all run ning so briskly in exquisite English and with such vivid dramatic picturing, that It is only comparable, In tho mass of trush poured out under -the name of novel wri ting, to tho freshnes and beauty of a spring morning at the end of a dragging winter. Many of those who have read it think that the genius of Thackcry has visibly descended. It is, however, a thor oughly unique story, and once begun it is not put down until it is llnished, by the critic, the schoolgirl, or the man of the world. The discussion about "Trilby" chlely centers about tho book's morality. For tho scene of the story Is laid In the bad fairy lurid known poetically as liohemlu; ind Tribly, tho heroine, is an artist s mod el who earns her living by posing, nude or draped, either in portions or In "the alto gether, and who has, In fact, mostly by reason of her parents' faults and her un fortunate early surroundings, lost the one virtue "which gives its name to all the rest." When the novel was printed ser ially In Harper's Magazine, certuin pas sages were thought by the editor to be a little too strong and were eliminated; but these passages remain undisturbed In the book form of the story. They nre prin cipally those in which Trilby tells frankly of certain incidents In her life, and the author defends the necessities of the ar tist's profession ns regards the use of liv ing models. With those who think these pussages Immoral vc cannot agree, Mr. Du llaiirlcr has treated with candor some facts belonging to the realm of things which are usually understood instead of being talked about, but he has done this with singular manliness and dellcuy, and with entire absence of mawkish or other Improper sentiment. The Impression of Trilby's character left on tho reader Is en tirely that of a noble, generous woman whose life Is not a sin but a tragedy. Not an Immortal Hook. And yet, having given the book and Its author warm and just praise, the multi tude of people upon whone hearts Slis Trilby's divine feet are dancing so merrily, must forglvo the belief In us that the story has little share in the powerful rhyme which outlives marble and the monuments of princes. It Is a strong and bewitching tale, but It Is not great. "Trilby" i a moving piece of sentimentality which, us such things nre apt to be, Is wholly un ion!. It presents a picture of life which Is striking, but false in fact and deslni. It is not great because it is not true. For the sumo reason, unless It Is read wisely, It may prove to ho Immoral; and thoso who are carried away by its fun and ten derness may see its substantial unverlty, if they like, by comparing It with u real masterpieeo such as one of H.ilzac's moid able stories. We are not thinking here of the Improbable share that hypnotism pluys In the story. This is, of course, a more fantasy, though a weird and power ful one. Hut It seems worth while to point out plainly that grlseltes of the Lat in quarter, in Paris or elsewhere, are not Triiliys any more than they are George Ellots or Clnra Hartons, unci that Mr. Du Manner's readable fiction will do harm if It induces any young man to believe that the bright grisette of his acquaintance Is a noble, great-souled creature Uko Mr. Dii Maurlei's heroine. Ilohcmla Not l it to l ive in. Wo are not terribly scared about the matter. If tho reader will keep his eyes open, he will see clearly enough that he Is enjoying n brilliant poetic fallacy, which the author himself does not believe. Why, after all the sermons about "nothing ro chaste ns nudity," was Lllilo Billet! shock ed horribly when lie saw Trilby naked on the posinif pedestal? Why, following this scene, did the great artist, M. Carrel, take Trilby awny Instanter, and try to comfort her, remembering "that he had daughters of his own at home?" And why did Little HUlee's artist companions, former believ ers In nudity, tell Trilby that posing "fo tho altogether" wasn't Just the thing? Wc do not quarrel with the peots, either cf nrose or verse, over tneir rigni to ireai Hohemia with generous license und faii.-i-ful exaggeration. We all of us like to read what they havo written, unci their words of winsome unreasonableness stir recollections sometimes that haunt us like strains of tho plaintive song, which Mr. Du Maurler has made the musical motif of his story. lint in real life tho poets and writers, those of them who amount to any thing, regard liohemia with merely pro fessional affection, and they get nway from thero ns soon as they can. When John Hoylo O'Reilly wrote that he had rather live In Hohemia than in any otnor lnnd. he dldnot mean nt all what he said, although he made a delightful poem about It. He knewvery well, as du Manner knows, that it Is an Interesting place to visit, but there are no more pitiable spec cles In the world than the men who stay there and grow old there; and that in truth. It should be sung about ns the land which was found once and happily lost, us Carcassonne Is tho country which we are nlwavs looking for and never find. Therefore, we advise everybody to read Mr. Du Miuirier's story, and to remember that it is all sentiment, und that It Is not so.' Charming, Impossible Trilby! Woman Suffrage Vindicated. Kate Field. Fifty-five per cent, of the votes In Colo rado was cast by women, and Governor Walte inny well say that "the women did it." . The wives of wprklngmcn have some thing' to say '-now,- and starvation has made thorn realize tho fallacy of theories, Of what avail to make laws favoring a special class If thoso drivo capital out of the state and depreciate values so that poverty becomes the rulo and enterprise is stifled? What Woman Never Docs, From tho Albany Argils. ' . A woman never marries the man she pltlesnor pities the man she nlarries, ' PROFESSIONAL CARDS- Physicians and Surgeons. . PR. G. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to 610 ,,Spruce uruet, Scranton, pa, (Just opposite Court Hqpge Bquare, DR. A. "J. CONNELI OFFICE '801 Washington avenue, cor. Spruce street, ; over Ftancke's drug- store, Residence, 72a Vine Bt, Office hours) 10.3Q to Ifl a, m, and 2 to i and 6.30 to 7,80 p, m, Buu day. t to a p. m. OR, W, E, ALLEN, OFFICE COR, LACK nwanna and Washington aves.) over Leonard's shoo store) oltlce hours, 10 to IS n. rn, and 3 to p, m,: evening at residence, C12 N. Washington ftvtnuo. DR. C. U FRET. PRACTICE LIMITED discuses of the Eye, Ear, Nose end Throat; olllco, 122 Wyoming ave, Resl- DR. L.-M. GATES. 125 WASHINGTON avenue. Office hours. 8 to 0 a. m.. 1,8) to 3 and T to 8 p, m, Raaldonco 803 Mal taon avenue. JOHN L. WENT5S. M. D., OFFICES Q and 63 Commonwealth tutldlne; resi dence 711 Madluon ave.j ohlce hours, 10 to 12, S to 4, 7 to 8: Sundays 3.80 to , evenings at residence. A specially made of diseases of the eye, ear, nose ana throftt nnrt pynecolosy. DR. KAY, JOB PENN AVE. ; 1 to 3 p. m.i call SWC2. DIs. of women, obstetrlce and ttud. dls. of chiL Lawyers. JESSTJPS & HAND. ATTORNEYS AND .Counsellors at law, Commonwealth building, Washington avnnuo. W. H. JESSUP, HORACE H. HAND. . W. H. JESSUP, JR. WIIXARD, WARREN & KNAPP. AT tornrys and Counsellors at Law, Re publican buildlne, Washington ave nue, Scrauton, Pa. PATTERSON WILCOX, ATTOft-noj-a and Counsellors at Law; oillces 6 and 8 Library buildlu?, flora nton, Pa. ROSWELL II. PATTERSON, WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys and Counsellors, Common cealth building. Roora3 19, 20 and 21. W. F. BOYLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Nos. 19 and 20, Burr building, Washing ton avenue. HENRY M. B EELY LAW OFFICES In Price building, 128 Washington ave. FRANK T. OKELL, ATTORNEY-AT-at-Low. Room 5, Coal Exchange.Bcran ton. Pa. JAMES W. OAK FORD, ATTORNEY-at-Law, room3 C3, 64 and 05, Common wealth building. BAMDEL W. EDGAR, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Olllco. 317 Spruce St., Bcranton.Pa, L. A. WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 23 Lackawanna ave., Scranton, Pa. P. P. SMITH, COUNSELLOR AT .LAW. ci rooms, m, tw ana Mi common wealth buildings C. R. PITCHER, ATTORNEY -AT - law, commonwealth building-. Scran, ton. Pa. COMEQYS,J21 SPRUCE STREET. D. n. REPLOGLE. ATTORNEY-LOANS negotlatod on real estate security. 408 ppruce street. D. F. KILLAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, io Wyoming ave., Meranton, Pa. Schools. BOHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Bcranton, Pa., prepares loys and irlrls for college or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at r quest. Opens September 10. REV. THOMA8 M. CANN, V ALTER H. BUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDEUUAil ten and School, 412 Adams avenue. Pu pils received at all times. Next term will open Nov. 19. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT SPECIALTY in porcelain, crown and bridge work, Odontothreupia. Office 101 North Washington avenuo. C. C .LAUBACH. SURGEON DENT- 1st, No. US Wyoming avenue. R. M. STRATTON, OFFICE COAL EX. chaage. Loans, THE P.EPURLIC SAVIXOS AND Loan Association wll loan you money on easier terms nna pay you better on in vestment than any other association Call on S. N. Callender, Dime Bank building Seeds. O. R. CLARK ft CO.. SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 148 Wanhlnirton ave nue; green house, 1260 North Main ava nuo, utore telephone 782. Tea3. GRAND UNION TEA CO., JONES BRC3, Wire Screens. JOS. KU5TTEL. CIS LACKAWANNA avenue. Hcramun, Pa., manufacturer of V lro bereens. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 12.1 end 12? FRANK- lln avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZIEGLER, Proprietor. WESTMINSTER HOTEL. W. G. SCHENCK. Manager, Sixteenth St., one block east of Broad wit. at Union Sauaro. New York. American plan. X3M por day and upward SCR ANTON HOUBE. near D.. L. & W, passenfror depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. Architects. DAVIS A VON 8TORCH. ARCHITECTS Rooms !4, 25 and 26, Commonwealth building, Srranton. E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFFICE rear of COO Washington avenuo. F. L. BROWN, ARCH. B. ARCHITECT, Price building, 120 Washington avenue Bcranton. Miscellaneous. BATTER'S ORCHESTRA -MUSIC FOR balls, ulcnlcs. imrtles. receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms aililress u. J. uauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming avenuo.over Hulbort.s mu sic store. MEGARGEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS' tiuppllos, envelopes, paper baura, twine, Warehouse, 130 Washington avo., Scran. ton, iJa, CABS AND SECOND-HAND CAR rlos fur sale. Also fine cla.-tu Lundau, D. L. FOOTE. AU'T, 1533 Capouse avenue. FRANK P. BROWN CO.. WHOLE sale dealers In Woodwaro, Cordage and Oil cloth, 720 West Lackawanna ava. Powder 'it Rooms 1 and 2 Commowealth Bld'g, MiNINQ and BLASTING POWDER " MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUSH DALE WORKS. Lafllln & Rand Towder Co.V V Orange Gun Powde Electric Batteries, Fubcs for cxplod- ' . Ins blasts, Safety Fuse and Repauno Cbomical Co.'s High Explosive; RAILROAD TIME-TABLES. Central Railroad of New jersey. I uenit;n auu Misquuuuntm Division) 1 Anthracite coal used exclusively, insur. UK cleanliness and comfort. TI.MH TAKLK IN KKKKCT NOV. 18. 183L Trains leave Kcranlnii fur l'ltlHion- Wilkcs-Barre, etc.. at 8.20, 9.15, 11.30 a.m..' l-'.43, U.0O, 3.(6, 5.W, 7.25, 11.05 p.m. Sundays, w u.m., i.w, lu, y.iii u.ni. u For Atlantic City, 8.20 a.m. For Nw York. Newark and Elizabeth. 20 (express) a.m.. 12. -15 iMiirm with But. . fet MU lor car). 3.0 (exm-uss) u.m. Suiw . day, 2.15 p.m. i'or iwauch tlnink, Allentown, lietnie horn, Euston and 1'hlladvlphia, 8.20 a.m., . 12.45, 3.05. 5.00 (exceut l'hlladelohla) D.m. ' iimlay, 2.15 p.m. For L.onir lflr.-mnh (Vonn f!rnv ptn.. at 8.20 a.m., 12.45 p.m. For Rpiifllnu- 1 hflnnn nnrt TTn rHshlirtf. via Allentown, 8.20 a.m., 12.45, 6.00 p.m.. - - .i.i,inr, o.JU tl.II!., J.O y.iii. Returning leave New Vm-lc. font of Lib- rty street, North river, at 9.10 (express) i in., l.io. l.:to 4 an with iti.fr, -t parlor car) p.m. Sunday, 4.30 p.m. JC" i "ouueipnia, Heading Terminal, .00 a.m., 2.00 and 4.30 u.m. Sunday li.27 a.m. Through tiekrts to all nolnts at lowest rates may be had on application In ad- auto iu ma uiKei agent at tne Htaiion. tl. r. HAbUWliN, flon. l.i Airpnt- J. H. OLIIAUSEN, Gen. Supt. DEL AWARD 'AND! HUDSON KAIL- ' ROAD. Commencing Monday, aay, juiy w. an tra ns willarrive sinew Lack-' awanna avenue station as follows: TraiiiB will leave Scran. ton station for Carbondale and in- turmediate points at 2.20, 5.15, 7.00, 8.25 and 10.10 a.m.. 12.00. 2.20. 3.05. o.lu, 6.15, 7.25, D.llt and 11.20 p.m. For l'arview, waymart ana nonesaan at 7.00, 8.25 and 10.10 a.m.,12.00, 2.20 and 6. IS p.m. vqt A many, taratoga, tne AdironuacKi , and Montreal at 5.45 a.m. and 2.20 p.m. ' tor wilKes-Harro and intcrmeulat . bits at 7. 40. 8.45. 9.38 and 10.40 a.m.. 12.05j 1.20, 2.38, 4.00, 5.10, C.05, 9.16 and 11.33 p.m. , Trains will arrive at Scranton station) from Carbondale and intermediate points at 7.40, 8. 10, 9.34 and 10.40 a.m., 12.00, 1.17,2,341 8.40, 4.54, 5.05, 7.46. 9.11 and 11.83 p.m. iTom iionesuaie, waymart anu ar view at 9.34 a.m.. 12.00, 1.17. 3.40. 6.55 and 7.45 p.m. Prom Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, etc.l at 4.54 and 11.33 p.m. ' From Wllkes-ltarro nnd intermcdlat points at 2.15, 8.04, 10.05 and 1.05 a.m., 1.1U 2.14, 3.39, 6.10, C.08, 7.20, 9.03 and 11.18 p.m. , Nov. 18, 1804. Train lenves Scrnnton for Philadelphia and New York via. D. & H. R. R. at ".45 a.m., 12.03, 2..1H and 11.38 p.m., via I)., L. He W. K. R., (i.00, 8.0J. 11.20 am., and 1.30 p.m Leave Scranton for Plttstnn and WilkflS- Barre, via I)., L. & W. R. II.. G.00..8.0S, 11.29 a.m., 3.0O, G.07, 8.00 p.m. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha zleton, Pottsvlllc and all points on tho ueaver .ucnuow anu i'ottsvuie urancnes, , via E, & W. V. IX. R 0.40 a.m., via D. & If. K. R. at 7.43 a.m., 12.00, 2.38, 4.00 p.m., via 1)., L. : W. R. It., (i.oo. 8.08. 11.20 a.m., 1.30, 3.50 p.m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, HarrlshurK and all Intermediate joints via D. & H. It. It., 7.45 a.m., 12.0v :.-J8, 4.00, ll.:,i).m.. via D.. L. & W. R. Ii.. i.UO, C.08, 11.20 a.m., 1.311 p.m. Leave Scranton for Tunkhunnoek, To- wandu, Klmlia, Ithaca, Cuneva and all ntermedUite uolnts via D. & H. H. R.. 8.13, a.m., J2.00 and 11.30 p.m., via D L. & W., K. K., s.os, a.m.. 1.30 p.m. Leave Hcraiuon lor Kociiester. nuitaio. NiuKUiu Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all points west via 1). r H. R. It.. 8.45 a.m., I2.0j, it.ia, 11.38 p.m., via 1)., L. & v. it. K. mil Pittston Junction. 8.08. 9.53 a.m.. 1.30. j.Oo p.m., via E. & W. V. R. It., 3.41 p.m. r or r.imira anu tne west via Miiamunea, via D. H. K. K.. 8.45 a.m.. 12.05. 6.05 p.m.. via D., L. & W. R. R 8.08, 9.55 a.m., 1.30, ami 6.07 p.m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. v. hair ears on all trains between L. & 11. Junction or AVIlkes-Harre and New- York.r - Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspension Urt.lHO KULLiiN H. wiltvuk. aen. aimt. CHA8.S.LEH, den. Pass. Ast., Plilla., Pa. ,. W. NONNK.MACHEU, As;;t. Ueu. Tass. Agt., South Bethlehem, Pa. 1 Del., Lack, and Western. Trains 1eavo Scranton as follows: Ex press for New York and all points East, 1.40, 2.0o, 5.13, 8.00 and 9.05 a.m.; 12.05 and 3.0J p.m. Express for Easton, Trenton, Philadel phia and the south, 0.15, 8.00 and 9.55 a.m., 12.00 and 3.00 p.m. Washington and way stations, j.iw p.m. Tobyhanna accommodation, 6.10 p.m. Express for BiiiKhumtun, Oswego, El mlra, Corning, Hath, Dansvllle, Mount Mori-Is and liuffnlo, 12.10. 2.S5 a.m. and 1.24 p.m., making close connections at Buf- , falo to all, points in tho West , Northwest and Southwest. Hath accommodation, 9 a.m. Hliutliuintoii and way stations, 12.37 p.m. Nicholson accommodation, ut 5.15 p.m. Hliigliaintou and Elmira Express, 6.05 p.m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego I'tica and Riehlluld Springs, 2.30 a.m. and I 21 p.m. Ithaca, 2.33 and Bath 9 a.m. and 1.24 p.m. For Northumberland, Pittston, Wilkes-, i'.ane, Plymouth, Bloomsburg und Dan ville, making close connections at North-- linilMM'HUlll lor iiiiuiimi'ui i, iimiwimii,, Bnltlmore, Washington and the South. Northumberland and intermediate sta tleiis. (i.u.'i. 9.05 a.m. and 1.S0 and 6.07 p.m. ' NaliticoUe und Intel-mediate stations, S.08 and 11.20 a.m. Plymouth and inter mediate stations, 3.50 and 8.52 p.m. Pullman parlor und sleeping coaches on all express trains For detailed information, pocket time tables, etc., apply to M. 1,. Smith, city ticket otlice, 328 Lackawanna avenue, of depot ticket ollice. SCRANTON IHVI8IGJ7. , In Effoct Sept. ICth, 1801. th Hound. South Bound. - V JT a t Mr-Vf '205 2031301 i02 04 iiOtt ?B UjB Etations W I 9 U gfi U (TWlns Dan. J I J' J y. H Except Huntlay) ;fl " J - p Ml Arrive Leave AM , . .... 7C.. . NY Franklin St .... 740 .... .... 710 .... West 4'.'nil Hi IX' 7 00.... Weehawken .... 810..,. P u P III Arrivi) Leave A MP M .... Xao 1 i: .... UaTieock Juuu. 0 00 S 05 .... 610 100 .... Hancock 0 00 211 .... 758 150 Htarlijrla 018 .... 7 51 1J40 .... Preston Park 0 Si 231 .... ' 74.-) 1J40 .... Como 03J 241 .... , 731 la--i .... Povntt'llo 040 250 .... 7 SI lit 1H .... Dflniont 045 251 .... til 12 IW .... TleasaiitML 0"5 30U .... 710 fll.VJ ... Uniondnlo Alls 300 .... 708 11 40 A M Koi-setfity 7W H9,' 6 11 1184 1 13 Carbondale 7 24 3 St 5 31 64S C1130 OK' White llriiltfO 7 27f3 3s!537 CO 43 fit mi Maytleld fi S3 13.44,(5 44 641 11 23 WO'I JeritiTii 731 ; 3 45 B45 0 3.'. 11 18 855 Archibald 7 40 3 M 5 51 , OS-.' 11113 851 Winton 743 351 5 51 , 0 211 1111 8. Vl Peckville 7 4H 3 50 5 59 625 1107 B4I Olvpliant 752 401 004 0 21 11 (V 8 41 lUckson 7 54 4 07 007 0 10 11 03 8 3.1 Throop 75 410 810 011 11 00 8 3'i Provlileuee 8 (XI 414 014 ' (0 18 111157 8 33 Park Place 8 02 (117 919- 6 10 10 55 8 30 Scranton 805 420 0 20 P m A ma M Leave Arrive A wp mp ii , All trains run dnily except Sunday, f. sin'nitlea that trains stop on signal for pu senera. Secure rate via Ontario & Western befors purchnsliiK tickets nml tuivo money. Day and -Night Kipress to tho West. J. C. Anderson, 01 en. Vans. Agt, T. Flltcroft, Piv, Pass, Agl, Sciantou, Pa. Erie and .Wyoming Valley. Truins leav Scranton for New York' nii'l Intermediate points on the Kilo rail road nt 6.35 a.m, and 324 p.m. Also for, Honcsdrde, Haw ley and local points at 6.35. 9,40 a.m., and 8.24 p.m. All the above re through trains to am) from llonesdale. Trains leave for Wilkes-Uarrc at .40 a. m." and J. 41 p.m, " "" 1