THJ3 ' SCRANTON TRIBUXE-FIUDAY MUILMNG, NOVEMBER 30, 1S91. fh 7ny . , Remember FIRE INSURANCE, 120 Wyoming Ave. THE SUBURBAN Are nnd Incnn dncont in Iiou'ly all part, of the city. orrif.i: : CcmiiMW-'altb Building. No Oriental opium-scented linen frayed, fretted and worthless, but all returned fit for wear, ironed with care, and all of it there. ACKAWANNA THE laaaAUNDRY. 8U8 Penn Ave. A. B. WAR MAN. A GREAT SALE ninu ninnnnr nnnro I Rues ami Sweepers for the Ho'iday trade. "UoM Medal" fcwiepers lit twelve fancy woods tor Christmas (J if is WILLIAMS&McAISULTY 127 WYOMING AVENUE. CITY JNOTES. Registry lists are now ready In the county commissioners' olllee, where as sessors are requested to cull for them to duy and tomorrow. Elks desiring extra Invitations for Sun day evening's Lodge of Sorrow can ob tain them from Secretary W. H. Gould, or Committeemen U. E. Delaney, J. M. Har ris and Alex Dunn, Jr. A chicken and waffle supper held by the Woman's auxiliary society of Calvary Re formed church last night was a great suc cess, and netted a considerable sum to ward the building fund of the church. The greatest crush In the history of Davis' theater visited that house .last night. Every inch of standing room was taken nnd many persons were turned away. Manage Davis advises his pa trons to visit his theater afternoons this week to avoid the rush. At the regular meeting of the Central Prohibition league held this evening at Conservatory hall, several objections to the methods of the Prohibition party wlll be presented and answered. There will be special music rendered by the Voting Men's Christian association Glee club, und a most interesting time Is expected. Street drunkenness was conspicuous by its absence yesterday. In the central city only one arrest was made for over Indulgence in Thanksgiving turkey and trimmings. .The prisoner was a well dressed Hungarian who was so abusive and noisy after his arrest that It was nec essary to chain him to the bars of his cell. . Tho diagram' for the Tableaux IVArt company will be open to holders of tho Young Men's Christian association stand ard course tickets toduy and to ths gen eral public tomorrow. The fact that the Young Men's Christian association is giv ing this entertainment In tho Frothing- ham Instead of their own hall has proven how highly thy estimate tho at tractions of the entertainment. The com pany conslats of twelve beautiful young ladies. Pabst's Milwaukee Beer, cool and spark ling, uf. Lohman's, Spruce street. ELK'S LODGE OF SORROW. Te He Held With Appropriate Ceremony Sunday livening. On Sunday evening tho Elks will hold their annual lodge of sorrow. All the lodges of Elks throughout the country net aside this day to commemorate de parted brothers. A magnificent programme has been arranged for the occasion. Bauer's orchestra of tw ty-flve pieces will dis course chnlep st. ctlons; Miss Louise Natalie, , New York's celebrated so prano, will be the soloist; Miss Tlllle LewlB will recite; the Elks quartette will be heard at their best on this occa sion. Addresses by well known orators will be given. WESTMINSTER HOTEL LEASED Proprietor C.M. Truman Will Bo Sue cccdcd by a ninghatnton Man. Wednesday evening the papers were closed between O. M. Truman and J. C. Vance, of Blnghamton, transferring to the latter the leasehold of the Westmin ster hotel on Wyoming avenue. Mr. Vance assumed control of tho house yesterday. He Is experienced In the business, having been general manager and stew ard at A. P. Mitchell's Watkln's Glen ' All traS; AT 'Bound to Return. ; The housewife 'may be persuaded to try another kind, but if she has used Cleveland's Baking Powder once, she remembers how light and flaky her biscuit were ; how her cake kept moist and ffesh and :;he will return to Cleveland's and stick to it. No baking powder costs so much to make as Cleveland's. No other gives such value. hotel for a number of years. He also acted fur a time as a Hteward at Schoonmakc-r's Elmhurst hotel. In 1S74 he was proprietor of the Bristol House, In the North End and ha sold out, going j to the Ward House In Towanda, which he conducted until 1S70, when that house was destroyed by fire. Mr. Truman leaves toduy for Culum bus und will return in a week to take t steps regarding the prosecution of the Meserves, who recently buncoed him. YOUNG PEOPLE'S ASSEMBLY. Hop ut Sicgel's Last Night the llrst of a Scries. Riegel's dunclng parlors were the scene last night of a very pleasureable hop, the first of a winter series- to be given by the Young People's Assem bly class. The attendance was un usually large. Music was furnished by Professor Haft, pianist; A. Lawrence, cornetlst, and Mr. Sheppard, violinist. Those present were: Misses Delia Davis, Mabel and Ella Os laml, Urare Madison, Hattle Evans, Flora ( Aslln, liarber, Nellie Evans, Cora Het sel, Henson, Maud fox, Nora Eagan, May l.a France, Joseph, Jessie Moore, Mame I-Vnnur, Jennie Wright. Nellie I-'enner, Maize Davis, Mollle Whltbeck, Victoria WatklnH, Schnell, Uechtold, Florence Woodward, Tropp, Green, Ciraco Connolly, Nellio Warner, Lizzie Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis, .Mrs. Le Grand Wright, Mrs. Coon, Mrs. Fcnner and C. A. Becht old, George Sllkman, Pierce Fellows, Fred Tropp. Henry Stanton, Btnnley Jlfklns, Charles Crothamel, J. W. Karcher, Pro fessor L. Lange, George Waldon, George Wettiing, Walter Price, John Paddock, Herbeni t Waters, liuker, 10. P. Bell, H. C. Huak, Leo SchlniptT, C. II. Slvelly, H. J. Hughes, P. H. Zurfleieh, Kay Barber, George Pryor, S. G. Hurkctt, Carbondale; H. W. Klple, John Hwayze, Signer Brandt, John Taylor, E. W. Brady, H. H. Slvelly, Jnme3 Honewell, E. E. Thomas. Fred Beers, J. t. Wild. H. A. Van Horn, J. Aurman Cox, Burt Stona, W. P. Welchel, Henry Atherton nnd Leo Coyne. THANKSGIVING CONCERT. Great Musical Treat nt F.lm Park Church Last Night. Almost 3,000 persons were crowded to gether In the Elm Park church last evening when one of the best selections of vocal and Instrumental music placed before a Seranton audience was ren dered by Professor Carter and the church quartette. Miss Ella Marie Draeger, the con tralto, who has become a favorite In Seranton, sang nn Itnllun song by Mat tel, and an intermezzo by Mascagnl. Professor Carter demonstrated his ability upon the organ in his four selec tions, which were all masterpieces of composition. They were "Pilgrim's Chorus" by Wagner, "Tannhauser March" by Wagner, third overture and wedding march, "Lohengrin," by Wag ner, und "The Storm" by Lemmens. Alfred Wooler received an ovation after his rendition of "My Queen" (Pln sutl), and Richard Thomas, Llew Her bert, was heartily applauded In the bass solo, "The Watcher". (Gelbel.) Miss Lillian Guthrie, the newly ap pointed soprano, sang Professor Rock well's song "Darling Helene," and was well received. Rev. Dr. Pierce presided durlnK the evening. Owing to a defect In the electric sup ply arrangements the last number, a quartette, was not given, as the power was disconnected from the organ. PLEASANT SOCIAL EVENT. Conducted by tho, Dancing Class Last Night. Excelsior hall on Wyoming avenue was the scene of a very pleasant social event last night. It was the first social given this season by the Enterprise Dancing class, and attracted a large number of young people, who spent a very pleasant evening. The dancing was In charge of Profes sor George Taylor, and Miss Nellie Curran furnished music for dancing on the piano. THE JURY HAS AGREED. After Being Out Twenty-seven Hours tho Twelve Men Get Together. The jury In the case of the Seranton Has and Water company against the Lackawanna Iron and Steel company agreed upon Its verdict at 7 o'clock last evening and sealed It. The finding will be brought Into court this morning. The Jury retired at 4 o'clock Wednes day afternoon and the members of It were unable to reconcile their differ ences of Opinion until 7-o'c!ock last even ing after being out twenty-seven hours. EXCURSION TO NEW YORK. Yale Princeton Foot Bull Came. Special excursion tickets via the Dela ware, Lacka'wunna and Western Railroad will be sold for trains leaving Seranton at 1.40. 5.15 nnd 8 a. tn. Buturduy, Dee. 1st, good to return until Dec. 3rd, inclusive, at $4.35 for the round trip. Trl-County C. F.. Meeting. Account meeting of Trl-County Chris- tla Endeavor societies at Carbondale on Friday, Nov. 30th, the Delaware and Hud son Hullway company will sell tickets at the following reduced rates: From Seranton, 68c; Green Ridge, 00c. Providence. 54c: Olyphant, 44c; Peck- ville. 3c: Archbald, 27o. Tickets good going and returning on all regular trams on that day. 7" Sale of 4 Queer People " Nos. 2 and 3 will open on Saturday at 9 a. m. No. 1 will close dn that day. If 'you haven't secured No. ivbe sure and send your orders bef Ire that date. Price, 10c; by mail, 12c. SOCIETIES An Interesting Session of Oratory add I Song at Sheridan Armory. SPLENDID ADDRESSES MADE Speeches hy Attorney T. V. l'owdcrly and John Devoy of Chicago The Lat ter Stands .as an Apologist fo Physical Force. Representatives of Irish and Irtsh Amerlcan societies of Seranton nnd Lackawanna county at large met yes terday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the ar mory of the Sheridan rifles, on Lacka wanna1 avenue, and the session was pro longed until nearly 9 o'clock last even ing. The hours sped along and an In teresting and diversified programme was enacted. Senator-elect James C. Vaughan was presiding officer, and after rapping the meeting to order he delegated illiam ; Dawson to dlHtribute leaflets of song nn(J afterward announced that the ns- semblage should rise and sing the "Star Spangled Baliner."Next was sung "God Save Ireland," and then Mr. Vaughan introduced Captain P. De Lacy us the first speaker. Captain De Lacy cast his eyes around the meeting and complimented the Irishmen and their sons, who had shown such an earnest response to the call for the meeting. He said he under stood the meaning of the meeting nnd all present knew that he was now con nected with a movement organized to perpetuate the memory of a soldier who Is a credit to the Irish race. This gal lant soldier was Philip Sheridan, a son of nn Irishman, but still a man who knew no race, creed or color In his valorous deeds of courage and daring recorded in the history of his devotion to the cause of liberty In the late civil war. Sheridan was one of the best cavalry leaders the world has ever seen, rival ing the world renowned Murat, who served with Napoleon. General Grant, who sometimes made mistakes in se lecting men for political positions, never was known 'to have made a mistake in selecting fighters, and he has proved by the confidence reposed in bheridan that the any emergency no man was equal to tots gave an excellent show, and In re matter how exact-1 spouse to a call gave an additional Ing. . Captain De Lacy hoped that the re sponse with contributions for the erec tion of a statue to Sheridan would meet with an earnestness and liberality that will be a credit to all Irishmen and Irish-Americans. Mr. Powdcrly's Address. When Captain De Lacy had finished a song was announced and William Daw son acquitted himself very capably with a tuneful Irish ballad. Professor M. J. Lovern, the inimitable artist of Irish airs on the flute, next favored the audi ence with a few selections, embellished with variations. Attorney T. V. Pow dely was the next speaker and his ad dress boiled over with Interesting, In structing and amusing thoughts. He had just returned, he said, from a visit to the south, and while there he stood In what was a veritable city of the dead. It was a cemetery, but the bodies were not Interred In the ground. Vaults above the earth are built and Into these the remains of the dead are consigned. A man who was wealthy and had not long before that died was Interred In a crypt or vault of marble that represent ed through quality and workmanship a cost of not less than $35,000. All this in dividual had done to deserve a monu ment like that was his leaving behind a fortune. When Mr. Powderly looked upon that costly mausoleum he thought of General Sheridan, the hero whose life work was on the altur of self sacrifice, and whose deeds are emblazoned on the pages of history. The Bpeaker reflected on the duty owed to the gallant soldier and he urged his hearers to be liberal In their subscriptions for the fund which will defray the expenses of a monument On the court house square. Mr. Powderly drifted away from that thread of his address ahd spoke of what he observed on his visit throughout the south. He closed with a very patriotic appeal to his hearers to unite and be come one, particularly, he said. the two associations of the Ancient Order of Hibernians. Address by Mr. Dcvoy. Thomas M. Dullard, of Wilkes Barre, county commissioner of Luzerne oounty, sang a song, and Chairman Vaughan Introduced John Devoy, of Chicago. Mr. Devoy's address con sumed more than an hour and a half In its delivery nnd It comprehended a moat Interesting history of Irish party struggles for the past thirty-five years. Thanksgiving Day, he said, Is a purely American day, one that originated with the early settlers of New England. Irishmen In America have reason to be thankful because they are American citizens, because- outside of that they have very little to be thankful for un less it be the fact that God made them fighters and they have not given up the old fight yet Ths natlo nolldays of our race, he said, ore t..rf anniversaries of the exe cution of our political martyrs. Our first was Robert Emmett and then the Manchester martyrs, Allen, Larkln and O'Brien, and last, but not least, Charles Stewart Parnell. He died fighting fo the cause of freedom of tho Irish people and helr right to govern themselves without dictation from Englishmen. Mr. Devoy took the middle ground between the physical and moral force men of Ireland. The" Fenian move ment, he said, ended in what looked to be disgrace and defeat, and when it went down without any bloodshed the world laughed In contempt; but al though the leaders were crushed or obliged to fly into exile, the movement was not stamped out. ' . ... .Must Be Booked by force. England Is a natlonoof compromise and she will not listen to argument un til that Is backed by physical force. Without the physical force element no. good would ever have come to Ireland from England. The oppression of the Irish by the English government and the revolutionary and physical force elements of Ire-land are like two poi sons, one antldatlng the effect ofm the other. . ' . Mr. Devoy ended with an eloquent ap peal to the Irish to unite In all their purpose and present a solid nnd un divided front in all their undertakings. The nxt ten minutes were taken up with serving refreshments. Thomas Cooney recited, Michael Sohofleld Bang "The Pretty Maid' Milk ing Her Cow," and A. F. O'.Boyle. wad called upon for remarks, He very elo quently voiced the recommendations of Mr. Devoy toward the unlflcatlng of all Irish societies. F J. Johnson sang "Irish Molly, O," and.M. H. Griffin and Profiissor M. J. Lovetrn also made brief remarks. John Power O'Connor, of the Truth, spoke for the press, and said that the newspapers were always on the side of right no matter whose cause was being- fought. v Chairman Vaughan announced that the next meeting of the societies will be held at the same place on Sunday evening, Dec. 10. A number of out of town Irishmen were In attendance.' PUGILIST GEORGE DIXON. He Attracted Largo Crowds to the Acad cray of Music. Goorge Dixon, the feather-weight col ored pugilist Is not a great actor, but that he Is a strong drawing card with the public was proved by the large crowds that gathered at the Academy of Music yesterday afternoon and even ing to see him spar. A fine specialty company assists Dix on In giving a two and one-half hours entertainment. This company contains many clever people who gave avaude ville entertainment that has seldom been surpassed In thl3 city. At the afternoon performance Dixon boxed with his sparring partner, Jack Lynch, of Philadelphia, and last night he sparred three rounds with Henry Woods, a member of the Excelsior Ath letic club of this olty, who is considered a very clever amateur. He had a little advantage over Dixon In height, but Is not In the same class as the colored boy In the matter of handling his dukes. Dixon had no trouble In landing on Woods whenever he desired and kept him on the run around the ring in a lively manner. Three rounds were fought and during their progress Woods succeeded In landing a few blows on Dixon, but received them all back again with Interest. The bout between Woods and Dixon was followed by a lively two-round sparring exhibition between Dixon and Lynch. A JAY CIRCUS. Amused l.urge Audiences at Davis' Thea ter Yesterday. Davis' theater was inconveniently overcrowded yesterday when Sherman and Morisey's celebrated comedians produced, an excellent programme which was loudly applauded through out. "Tho Emperors of Music," How ard, Russell, Tenny and Telbert, are a complete entertainment within them selves, and were called three times to repeat a portion of their parts. Their comedy musical sketches made the audience roar with merriment and their performance will attract many to the house during the week. The Punchinello Shadow pantomlm- sketch. The whole performance Is ex cellent throughout and concludes with a laughable farce, "A Jay Circus," which Is full of merriment A MORNING WEDDING. Miss Annie McAndrcw Married to Charles Groczlnger hy Kov. P. J. Golden. Miss Annie McAndrew was married to Charles Groezlnger at her home on Wyoming avenue at 7 o'clock yesterday morning by Rev. P. J. Golden, of the cathdral. Miss McAndrew was attended by her sister, and M. J. Higglns accted as groomsman. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Groezlnger left for New York city, Where they will spend their honeymoon. On their re turn they will reside at the Hotel Ter race. DRIVEN FROM HER HOME. Husband Turns Wife and Three Children Out Into the Cold. John Williams, of Edwards court, will spend thirty days in jail, and Edward Ryan paid .a fine of $10 in yesterday' police court for getting roaring drunk Wednesday night and driving Mrs. Williams and her children from her home. Williams' son notified the police of the condition of affairs at his home. When Lieutenant Williams and Patrolman Lowry reached the house Mrs.Vllllams and the children, all scantily clad, were out of doors and shivering in the cold wintry air. The husband and Ryan were found stretched in a bestial stu por in the hallway. Well Merited Success. The phenomenal success of Lewis, Rell ly.& Davles, the Wyoming avenue shoo dealers, is well merited. They always nlm to' give' their customers only, the very best goods the market produces; their. prices are reasonable In the extreme, and with a large corps of competent and obliging clerks, the customers are promptly and satisfactorily taken care of. Just now the firm is displaying its com plete Winter Btock of ladles', gents." and children's shoes, und rare bargains are offered. They invite all to make them visit, and guarantee everything they sell to be Just us recommended or money re funded. Thanksgiving Day. Thursday Nov. 29, their store will be closed In or der to give their clerks an opportunity to give' thanks, but on Friday they will open for business with renewed vigor. An Artistic and Novel Thanksgiving Win dow Display at Goldsmith's Bazaar. No passer-by can fall to be attracted by Itsorlglnality and suggest lveness. The en tire window comprises table linens, nap kins, doylies and towels. As a center piece in bold relief you will behold the proverbial Thanksgiving turkey, made up of the va rioils kinds of table and toilet linens an which Is the conception of their special artist. This great dry goods establishment deserves great credit for Its wonderful window displays, which adds so much to tho attraciveness of a bustling city. Card of. Thanks. ' We hereby return thanks to our neigh bors and friends and employes of tho Fashion tn our late bereavement, sick ness und death of our daughter, Louretta Burke. The Hurke Family. Seranton, Nov. 29, 1894. Uuy tho Weber ' . and get the bed. At Guernsey Bros THANKSCI E. Q. Coursen Importer of Fancy Groceries. 1 Mi' TABLE DEL AC ES TO Impressive. Services at New burg Catholic Church. Price- ERECTED BY FOLISH CITIZENS Building Has Cost $S,000-Dcdlcation Services Conduced by lit. Hev. Bishop O'llura-llo Was Assisted by Many of the Priests of the Diocese. Bishop O'Harn dedicated St. Mary's Polish Catholic church at Prlceburg yesterday. It was a real holiday and business was suspended in that thriv ing and spreading little town. The Po lish citizens celebrated Thanksgiving n honor of the dedication of their house of worship to God by manifestation of praise with music of bands. All the Polish military societies of Prlceburg, Olyphant and Jessup assem bled early at the church, arrayed in their bright uniforms, with flushing swords, and prepared to meet the visit- ng eocieties from Luzerne county. At 10 o'clock a procession was formed and a parade drawn up In line. Th societies and the bands marched thsough the principal streets and re turning to the church filed Inside and took seats. When the congregation had occupied the church, Right Rev. Bishop O'Hura, tho priests of the mass nnd visiting priests marched up the main aisle chanting the Litany of the Saints Rev. P. J. Golden, of the cathedral, led In the chant. Mass was begun by Bishop O'Hara Father T. Klanowskl, of Wllkss-Barre, was celebrant; Father J. L. Shanley, of Dickson, deacon; Father Francis Hadur, sub-deacon, and Father Golden, master of ceremonies. . Other priests in the sanctuary were: Rev. P. J. Murphy, of Olyphant; Rev. H. Gramlewlcz, of Nanticoke; Rev. F. Orwoskl, of Duryea; Rev. Andrew Zychowlcz, of Glen Lyon Rev. Joseph Zlotorwlcz, of Plttston, and Rev. Francis Helcarz,- of Mill Creek. At the elevation.of the host the military societies In the church arose and pre sented arms. Tho Dedicatory Sermon. The ceremony of dedication was ful filled during the mass, after which Father Gramlewlcz preached the dedl catory sermon. He took his text from St. Luke, xlx, 9, "This day Is salvation come to this house." Ho said that sal vation will come to every one of them if they continue in the spirit manifested In their devotion to the church by hav Ing It dedicated to God. He wished that the spirit of grace would be always strong In them and that the Holy Ghost would abide with them forever. Father Gramlewlcz closed with an explanation of the sacrament of confirmation. Rt. RevwBlshop O'Hara then adminis tered the sacrament of confirmation to forty adult members of the parish. The bishop afterward delivered an exhortive sermon. . He congratulated the Polish Catholics of Prlceburg on their rellaious zeal in erecting so handsome an edifice to the worship of God and said that the splendid building was an evidence of the faith that is in them. The church of St. Mary was erected three years ago and cost $8,000. Rev, Bernard Iwanowskl Is the pastor and he Is a young man not yet ju years 01 ) his untiring and unselfish pur- age. To poses the congregation Is indebted for the handsome house of worship. The congregation is one of the most flourish ing In the valley. HE WILL SPEAK TONIGHT. Br. Walk, of Philadelphia, Will Lecture on Associated Charities. An invitation is extended by the Roard of Associated Charities to all persons Interested In the work to nt tend the lecture to be delivered by Dr Walk at the Young Men'3 Christian as sociation concert hall this evening, Admission Is free and selections of vocal nnd instrumental musicwlll be given. Dr. Walk has had great experience In philanthropical and charitable work and his lecture will be interesting and Instructive. For the Valc-Prlnccton Foot Bull Game. The Central Railroad of New Jersey will sell excursion tickets from all stations, Seranton to Penn Haven Junction, in cluding rpper Lehigh and Nanticoko branches, to New York and return at a rate of one fare for tho round trip. Tick ets good to go on trains leaving Seranton at 12.45 and 3.06 p. m Nov. 30, and 8.20 a. m. Dec. 1. Good to return until Dec. 3. $4.35 Yolo and Princeton Gainc-$4.35. The Lehigh v alley Railroad company announce they will sell tickets to New York und return at the rate of $1.35, tick ets good going on trains leaving Seranton via Delaware and Hudson, 12. UO, 2.38 nni 11.38 p. m Nov. 30th, and 6 a. m., Dec. 1st. Qood returning Monday, Dec. 3rd. Tick ets now on sale at city ticket office, 309 Lackawanna avenue. Now Is tho time to exercise. Y. M. C. A. gymnasium. Join the CZARINA BUCKLES THE LATEST FAD. Now Is the Time to Look fjr Your W. W. Berry THE JEWELER, . Has a larger stock of Novelties than ever before. RIGHT IP TO DATE, with everything new 417 Lcc'tawarina Avs TNE OILIBRATIft nn PIANOS In at rntent tti. Moat Popnlir nd Pnrtrrod b, Wirtraomi: Opposlt Columbia Monument, Ineludln ths palnleis sxtractlnf of ttsth by an ntlrely new prooaa 5. C. SNYDER, D. DJ S 135 WYOMING AVE. SPECIAL Doll Display FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY, , NOV. 30. DEC. 1 AND 3. We mention these thrc; days In particular, becottse we sliall devote mare space to DOLLS then than at any other lime during the Holiday trade. This is THE time to" make your selection, because our stock is full now and will be broken up later. . Vc shall show Hie LARGEST VARIETY by far that we have ever offered, and better values for the money. You will miss It If j oil don't tome. C. S.WOOLWORTfi 319 LACKAWANNA AVENUE, Green and Gold Store Front or a II Li I1UUV1U, U 215 LACKAWANNA AVENUE, Is receiving daily all tlie lat est novelties in JEWELRY AND SILVER LINE FOR THE ' HOLIDAY TRADE When in need of something late m the Jewelry line cal and See Rogers' Stock before ...-kino- vnur fim1 cplprrinn mam8 yur nnai Selection. as he can show you the latest and a large assortment to se lect from. do you dread Monday WncriHnv? Can't hhmp umt WaSQay an 1 Dlam! V0U mucn stop airt contusion heat enough to drive you out into the street. Wouldn't it be better to send your whole family wash to us every week ? Special "POUND RATES" to families. Write for these terms. Crop a pojUl-our wagons will call promptly. Eureka. Laoedry 322 .on Ave. Bl HATS AT Dunn's lit r 1 -.11': YOU'LL HAVE TO WALK Many a long mile before you will 018 NEW RAZOR or Needle Toes fof Cud Shoes to equal our new lines Ladies and Gentlemen are the per - of Fall and Winter Footwear. fectlon of the Shoemaker's art ' : ' . They cut their way into favor with WE HAVE EVERY STLYE and qual- every one who sees them. ity that is first-class and desira- . , , ft , r OUR CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT lie Our prices are as low, if not m prQVe attratlve t0 parent9 lower, than you are paying for wij0 are looking for reliable Shoes poorer Shoes. at the lowest possible prices. BANISTER'S, OUR PRICES W ARE LITTLE, HI We refer especially to our Cloak, Millifiery and Men's Furnish ing and Hat Departments, DEPOT : FOR : DR. : JAEGER'S -: WOOLEN : GOODS, M. BROWN'S BEE HIVE, 224 LACKAWANNA AVE. One ofiSc the Greatest Offerings in FURS Alaska Seal Sacques, full skirts, biz sleeves and reviers, $175, worth I250. Astrakhan Sacques, full skirts, biz sleeves and reviers, $85. worth $135. Electric Seal Sacques, full skirts, biz sleeves and reviers, $85, worth J135. Alaska Seal Circular Cape, length 27 inches, $125, worth 1165. Hudson Bay Otter Circular Cape, 30 inches long, $150, worth $225. Hudson Bay Marten, 28 inches long, $65, worth Mink Circular Cape, 30 Inches long, $65, worth $90. Electric Seal Circular Capes, 30 inch es long, $35, worth $o. Wool Seal Circular Capes, 30 inches long, $22, worth J35. Astrakhan Circular Capes, 30 Indies Ion?, $15, worth $25. REMEMBEH, we manufacture all our fur garments. For that reason we can guarantee full satisfaction or money refunded. All mail orders receive prompt atten tion. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. Have your Furs repaired by tha only Practicul Furrier in the city. J. BOLZ, 13S Wyoming Av. The Longest Overcoats In Town SEE1 OUR WINTER UNDERWEAR mm? : 1 Clothiers, HBttera&FumisnGra ll 1 128 WYOMING AVENUE. HI niCO At Greatly U LU V LU Reduced Prices ;o make room for entirely new stock of FALL - AND - WINTER - GOODS Comer of Lackawanna anl Wyoming Avenues. - ACK'AVrP LAND'S I I I A