The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 28, 1894, Image 1

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United States Battleships Are Being
Frcparctl for Aetion.
In Spite of General Denials I'pon I'urt of
Government Officials It Is Evident
'I'hut I'nclc Sura Is Prepuring
for Any Emergency.
By the ITnlfed Press.
Washington, Nov. 27. As a result of
B conference at Woodley today between
the president and Secretary Gresham,
the cruiser Columbia, which has been
for several weeks at Kingston, Jamaica,
was cabled peremptory orders, to pro
ceed at once to ltluitllelds for the pro
tection of American Interests. All the
officials acquainted with the affair re
fuse to divulge the reason of the hur
ried orders to the Columbia, or to con
firm statements from Panama In re
gard to a refusal of Great Kritaln to
recognize the Niearaguan government.
It was learned, however, on excellent
authority that not only the Columbia,
but the Marblohead, which urlved at
Kingston today, will remain at Blue-fk-lds
continuously this winter and that
the Montgomery may be sent there
from Mobile. In addition the sailing
orders for the San Francisco, which
was to leave Dec. 15 to become the fiag
Bhiu in Huronean waters, have been
withheld and she may be sent Imme
diately to the Gulf of Mexico. Instruc
tions to prepare the Minneapolis for
sea at once have also been sent to
navy department chiefs. 1
Almost a M'ur Scare. y
There seems to be, In fact, almost a
war scare pervading the navy, brought
about by diplomatic rumors to the effect
that Great Britain, which, several
months ago, expressed a willingness to
recognize the full jurisdictional rights
of Nicaragua over the Mosquito coast,
has shown a disposition to resent what
appears to be the practical annexation
of that territory and its complete in
corporation as a portion of Nicaragua.
Not until today was It definitely
learned that Great Itritain had declined
to recognize the legality of the new or
der of things on the Mosquito coast
and that it had notified Nicaragua, al
though such action had been anticipat
ed for several weeks, which accounts
for the fact that the Colombia and
Marblehead wore not long ago brought
It may also explain to some extent
why the Montgomery was sent south
to Mobile ostensibly to test the new de
scriptions of coal. The near approach
of the meeting of congress, it is said,
pfves the president assurance that he
will be supported to the fullest extent
irt preventing foreign interference near
the route of the proposed Inter-oceanic
anal. , .
Hurrls' Skull Is fractured by a
Vicious Animal.
Rpeciul to tho Scranton Tribune.
Forest City, Nov. 27. News was re
ceived In this place today of a peculiar
and fatal accident that happened to
Mrs. Thomas Harris, of Clifford, Mon
day. Mr. Harris was away from home
and upon returning not finding his wife
home he made a search through the
house, and also at several of the neigh
bors, but nothing could be learned of
Mrs. Harris' absence.,
Going to a Held with some of his
neighbors on a search, Mr. Harris and
the others were horrified to find the
lifeless body of Mrs. Harris with her
skull fractured and some bones broken.
Rumors were soon afloat that a foul
murder had been committed. Hut the
real cause of the death soon presented
A vicious old ram that Mr. Harris
owns was seen coming madly ucross the
field and made an attack on Mr. Harris.
The animal was Dually corralled and
blood was discovered on the creature's
head and horns. From all appear
ances it was clearly evident that Mrs.
Harris had been trampled and butted
to death.
Kclcaso of Agnes
lor Is Kccom
By the United Press.
Harrlsburg, Pa., Nov. 27. The board
of pardons was In session over three
hours today and considered many cases,
It was decided to recommend a pardon
In the case of Agnes Flor, alas Agnes
Wolf, of York county, now serving a
term In prison for perjury.
These applications were refused
Hugh Ingham, Allegheny county, lar
oeny; James Lynn, Delaware county
manslaughter; George Straesser, Alle
gheny county, murder; John O'Brien,
Philadelphia, larceny; John Gader and
Joseph Furneny, Lackawanna county,
riot; Philip Hack, Allegheny county,
Rehearlngs were granted Walter 11
McMullen, Philadelphia, forgery, and
Robert B. McKee, Crawford county,
bieaklng Into cars.
All other cases on the list, including
that of Hugh Dempsey, the Homestead
poisoner, were held under advisement or
continued. The next meeting of the
board will be held Dec. 20.
l'onn on Which It Was Found in a Mob's
By the United Press. '
Milford, Ky., Nov. 27. John McCamp
bell, a farmer on Lone mountain, ap.
pealed to Governor Turney for proton
tlon against tho people, who are over
running his land since the discovery
thereon of gold.
Ten thousand people are on his place,
Five- thousand dollars were unearthed
In one day, and so far the yield has
been $50,000.
Armenian Associations Protest Agnlnst
the Apathy of the British.
y me United Press.
London, Nov. 27. At a meeting ot the
Anglo-Armenian association held hero
today a telegram was read from Dr,
Calantnrlents, a Russian physician .
Tlflls, aS follows: -
"I learn that the people of Snssoun
surrendered to on overwhelming Turk
lsh army on condition and; upon the
solemn promise that no harm would be
done to them. After laying down their
at Js the Turkish troops and Kurds
(i I tucked and massacred men, women
and children und pillaged and burned
their homes. The number of killed
must exceed 3.000." A letter was also
received from J. Iskender, an Armenian
merchant of Paris, and president of
the Armenian Society of France, in
which he stated that according to his
advices not less than 12.000 Armenians
were massacred.
The associations adopted resolutions
denouncing the Earl of Kimberly and
the Hritlsh government for their apathy
in the matter.
Indians Killed u Party und Hud a l'inc
By the United Press.
Tucson, Ariz., Nov. 27. R. E. Robin
son, a newspaper correspondent, and
several companions left here some time
ago, going down the Colorado river In a
sloop. They are now belleted to have
been killed by Indians.
Professors McGee and Dunwoodle, of
the Ethnological bureau of the Smith
sonian Institution, have just returned
from a trip tothe Mexican coast, where
the Indians admitted the murder of
Robinson and one of his companions.
No truce of the bodies was found, and
it Is believed that the savages, who eat
their meat raw, made a cantllble feast
of their victims.
.Mr. Wayne Made the Musonlc Sign und
Offered fromOne to l ive Thousand lol
lurs for a Suspension of Sentence.
By tho I'nlted Press.
New York, Nov. 27. Presiding Judge
Robert R. Hudspeth, of the Hudson
county court of common pleas in Jer
sey City, created a sensation this morn
ing when he ascended the bench and
announced to the lawyers and reporters
present that an attempt had been made
to bribe the court. He commanded Ed
ward Wnyno to stand before the bar
and after telling him that he was ac
cused of that crime ordered Constable
Loch to take him over to the Hudson
county jail, where Justice Maes com
mitted him on a complaint of bribery.
He will be held to await the action of the
giand jury, which is now In session.
If indicted and convicted he may be
sentenced to five years Imprisonment
and to pay a fine of $1,800.
Wayne's sou was recently found
guilty of selling policy slips In Jersey
City and Judge Hudspeth sentenced
him to one years' imprisonment. The
sentence had not yet been carried into
effect. This morning when the elder
Wayne appeared at the court house and
asked to see the Judge, the latter was
conferring in the private room with lay
judges, Hoffman and Henry; but when
Wayne made a Masonic sign and asked
for a private audience, the other Judges
left the room. Wayne then said to the
judge: "I am a Mason, judge, and so
are you. I want you to let up oil my
boy. If you will suspend sentence on
him it will be worth all the way from
$1,000 to $j,000."
Well," answered Judgo. Hudspeth,
who wanted a witness to this statement,
I'll have to consult one of the other
judges on this." He called in Judge
Hoffman, and In his presence Wayne re
peated the offer. Then Judge Huds
peth became so angry thnt he struck
Wayne and Immediately ordered his ar-
est. .
Later the judge said publicly that
anybody who attempted to bribe a
judge or court In Hudson county must
uffer the penalty of the law, Mason or
no Mason.
His Kc-Klcction Is Safe Knough, but It
Will Not Be a Wnlkovcr.
By the United Press.
Portland, Ore., Nov. 27. Senator
Dolph will not have clear sailing for re
election to the United States senate.
Already the names of four aspirants
have been put forward and in all proba
bility will be presented to the legisla
They are; Governor-elect W. P. Lord,
Copgnessman Blnger Hermann, C. W.
Fulton, of Astoria, and T. H. Tongue,
of HUlsboro. Senator Dolnh's friends
claim that he is certain'of sixty-five out
of the seventy-two Republican mem
bers of the house. The Populists and
Democrats together have eighteen mem
Secly a Prisoner,
By the United Press.
New York, Nov. 27. It was reported lato
tonight that Samuel C. Seely, the book
keeper who Btole 354,000 from the National
snoo an! Learner uaim, is practicully a
prisoner. He is now in the house of a
friend within a few miles of Jersey City,
it Is said, and final arrangements have
been made for his surrender. Seely hns
prepared for publication a statement
about the defalcation. He is said to be
much broken in heulth and very despond,
Princess Bismarck's Death.
By the United Press.
London, Nov. 27. The Berlin corre.
spomlent of the Dally News says: "Prln
cess Itlxmarck died .of dropsy. The
prince's doctors lnsiHt that he must speed
ily return home on account of his pros
tratlon and sorrow. Prince Illsmarnk's
daughter, the Countess Rantzuu, will
henceforth live with her father,"
Work for Klght Hundred.
By tho United Press. 1
Shamokln, Pa., Nov. 27. The Nellson
shaft tire was extinguished today. Work
will be resumed at the shaft tomorrow,
giving employment to 800 men and boys,
Won the Tight on a Foul.
By the United Press.
mircaio, w. Nov. 27. uardner was
given the fight with Solly Smith on a foul
In the fifth round.
Debs, of the Railway union, wivs he has
no ngni won me recieranon or L,aDor,
The Lehigh Zinck works, at Bethlehem
announce a 10 per cent, reduction for
Dec. 1.
.AH cattle parsing through Canadian
quarantines will be tested with the Koch
lymph for tuberculosis,
E. T. Bolton, an embalninr, of RdVhes.
tcr, N, Y was found dead from morphine,
in his room at a Hi. Loum hotel,
Baltimore business men havo doclded to
push the Nicaragua canal scheme, either
as a government or private enterprise,
Tacoma will not have to repudiate the
city's warrants, as ex-City Treasurer
Hoggs' aecountB are found to be all right.
Recorder-elect Goff has taken the oath
of office In New York, ,und the Lcxow
committee will resume its hearings on
Superintendent of Police Byrnes,
New York, who Is ill with neuralgia, ad.
mils the advisability pf reorganizing his
police force.
They Do Not Care to Have Any Half
Way Business with China.
The British Arc Anxious That the Mikado's
Wur Dogs Should lie Culled Off und
Would Like to Interest I nolo
Sam in the Scheme. '
Ey the United Press.
Washington, Nov. 27. Neither the
Japanese nor the Chinese legation is In
receipt of any Intelligence today bear
ing upon the proposed negotiations for
peace between the respective countries
from which they are accredited. The
Impression still prevails In diplomatic
circles that until a definite understand
ing has been reached there will be no
cessation of warlike movements on the
part of Japan. The Japanese, it is
said, are thoroughly distrustful of China
and the war spirit in their own country
is so strong that the sentiment of the
people is favorable to the entire sub
gutation of the Chinese nation before
receiving overtures of peace upon the
most favorable basis.
The capture of Wel-Hai-Wel, which la
south of Port Arthur, on the Gulf of
Pechlll, will probably be accomplished
within a few days, but Its fall Is not
necessary to the successful march to
Pekln. Wel-Hai-Wel Is the great mili
tary arsenal of China, but It Is not
nearly so strongly fortified nor so im
portant from a strategic standpoint us
Port Arthur. No doubt exists here
in well informed circles that Pekln will
be in the hands of the Japanese within
a fortnight or so, unless the negotia
tions for peace are agreed upon in the
It is still asserted In diplomatic cir
cles that Great liritaln, not satisfied
with the condition of affairs In the east
and with the prospect of the settle
ment of the war on terms favorable to
Japan, continues anxious to Interfere
and forcibly to prevent any further ag
gressions on the part of Japan. The
impression also prevails that Great
Britain has not wholly abandoned her
efforts to secure the co-operation of
the I'nited States In this direction.
1 unutlirulicd Applicants for Position of
lire Doss Not Migible.
By tho United Press.
Harrlsburg, Pa., Nov. 27. A foreign
born applicant for the position of fire
boss, under the act of 181)3, who has been
a resident of this state for fourteen
years, but who has never been natural
ized, Is not competent to receive the
certificate and he caiuiot fully qualify
himself by simply declaring his Inten-
on to become a citizen.
This Is the essence of a decision by
Attorney General Hensel In answer to
an Inquiry from the examining board of
the second bituminous coal district. He
points out that the act of 1893 requires
that applicants for Are boss certificates
'shall be citizens of this common
Hush for Orders Astonishes the Selling
Agents for the Syndicate.
By the United Press.
New York, Nov. 27. A tremendous
ptream of gold is pouring In to the
Bub-treasury. At 5 o'clock this after
noon there had been received from the
Stewart syndicate $27,000,000 of gold for
the day, making $38,000,000 since the
allotment was made yesterday. The
selling agents of the syndicate were as
tonished today at the rush of orders
and the lnpourlng of Inquiries.
Over $4,000,000 of the bonds were sold
at 119 and the price will be advanced
to 119 tomorrow ascsoon as the remain
der of the first $5,000,000 Is placed.
Considerable purchases of the bonds
are made by those desirous of escaping
the payment of the Income tax.
Tho Pool Operator Will He Brought to
This State.
By the United Press.
Harrlsburg, Pa., Nov. 27. Tonight
Governor Paulson granted a requsii?
upon the governor of New York for
George M. Irwlh, the discretionary pool
operator of Pittsburg, who is now in
custody In New York city. It was con
tended at a hearing before tho governor
this afternoon that Irwin was not a
fugitive from Justice; that ha. went to
NeW York for his health; that he fully
Intended to return to Pittsburg and that
the offense was not larceny.
Counsel for the commonwealth
argued that Irwin was n fugitive; that
the case of larceny was clearly made
out and that the discretlonnry pool man
never Intended to return,
International Affair Begins Ot Aludison
Square Garden.
By the United Press.
New York, Nov. 27. TIk rand Inter
national bicycle tournament began In
Madison Square garden at 2 o'clock
this afternoon, it is held under the
auspices of the Metropolitan Associa
tion of Cycling clubs. Preliminary
heats for every evening's programme,
excelling Saturday and Thursday, will
be run off beginning at 2 o'clock p. m.
The heats on Thanksgiving Day will
be run between the races regularly
Fight Deaths from tho Dlscaso Already
, ltcportod.
By the United Press. "
Washington, Nov. 27. Surgeon Gen
eral Wyman, of the Marine hospital ser
vice, has received Information through
the department of state from Consul
General Townes at Rio Janeiro, that
cholera prevails In the slates of Rio
Janeiro and Sao Paulo.
Eight deaths have occurred. The In
fected districts were quarantined.
Ho Is Charged with the Murder of G.
Washington Waterman.
By tho United Press.
Tunkhannock, Pa., Nov. 27. Freder
lck Wall was arrested today for the
murder of George Washington Water
man, ft Nicholson farmer, who was a
witness at court here lust January,
Waterman, while drinking during the
day, displayed a roll of bills. His dead
body was found about midnight with a
crushed skull and his roll of money
was gone.
The arrest was made by William H.
Richmond, a detective, who drank with
Wall and gained his confidence. The
county has offered a reward of $500 for
the capture of the murderer,
Action Will He Taken to Itecovcr .Money
l'.mbczzled by Secly.
By the United Press.
New York, Nov. 27. The president of
the National Shoe and Leather bank
&ald this afternoon that action would
soon be brought against the estate of
the dead lawyer, Frederick Baker, and
tha.t the Investigation made by the bank
officers and Councillor Bishop goes to
show that the bank will be, able to re
cover the greater part of the $354,000
that Baker and Seely embezzled.
Mr. Crane did not hesitate to say that
the bank considered that it would be
able to recover $200,000 of the sum em
Trucks of the Lehigh Valfty Affected by
By the United Tress.
Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Nov. 27. A mine
cave-In took place near Stockton late
last night. The hole, which is a large
one, starts from the surface and ex
tends Into No. 8 mine,, and drops down
almost perpendicularly.
The settling of the earth slightly af
fects the tracks of the Lehigh Valley
railroad branches, and trains are being
run over the west bound side of the
track to get around the dangerous spot.
l ittle Plots to Overthrow tho Hawaiian
Government Spring l'p on All Sides
I.Ike Mushrooms.
By the United Tress. "
San Francisco, Nov, 27. Correspond
ence of the United Press per steamer
Honolulu, Nov. 20. The Hawaiian
government possesses evidence to prove
that the new alleged conspiracy to re
store the Queen Is a somewhat formid
able, but not enough to justify arrests.
No danger of any actual attempt is
now apprehended, it Is not believed
possible that any hostile expedition can
or will be procured at Ran Francisco to
aid the royalists. Any such force from
abroad would no doubt be Bummarlly
deult with by an American warship in
port. What the Hritlsh man-of-war
Hyacinth would d.j Is not clear. It Is
believed that she was detained from her
intended cruise to the South Pacific by
apprehension of trouble here.
The United States steamship York
town arrived yesterday In k'ss than
eight days from SanFranclsco. She Is
expected to sail for Korea on Nov. 22.
It Is hoped that the Bennington may
arrive soon to protect American Inter
ests should any trouble arise.
President Dole, since his return, has
received the British and French com
missioners, who presented the recogni
tion of this republic to the respective
governments and received their ex
Captain knlpc Will He in Place Tomorrow
unJ .Uclbert Will He Sent to Left
By the United Press.
Philadelphia, Nov. 27. It was autlior
Itlvely stated today that Captain
Knlpe would certainly be in his regular
place at left half back in the game
against Harvard. This will send Gel
bert to left end, and thus make the lino
up against Harvard exactly like that of
the Princeton game.
The only other man whose prime
physical condition is doubtful Is right
end Rosengarten, who Is suffering with
a severely strained arm received in the
Cornell game.
No news was received from the eleven
at the Water Gap today excepting the
rather Btartllng Item that Coach George
Woodruff was very ill with intermittent
fever. Woodruff's Illness serves to still
more strongly call attention to the Im
mense physical and mental strain he
has been under this season. The sue
cess of the team Is due In a great meas
ure to his originating such a style of
both offensive and defensive play as
best suited the material offered for
The trouble over officials still con
tinues, neither the referee nor umpire
having been decided on for the Thanks
giving Day game. Originally Alexand
er Moffat, of Princeton, and Paul Da
shlel, of Lehigh, were settled upon for
referee and umpire. Moffat's decisions
in the Yale-Harvard game were bo dis
tasteful to the Harvard officials that
they have absolutely refused to allow
him to net. They have also objected to
Dashlel, though the latter is perfectly
acceptable to Pennsylvania. It is stat
ed on good authority that Laurie Bliss
of Yale, will referee the game.
The Pennsylvania team returns to.
morrow evening from the Water Gap.
The players will go Immediately to the
training house. No, visitors will be nl
lowed to see the players, und the men
will be compelled to retire at once upon
their arrival home.
' Johnson Lowers a Hccord.
By the United Press.
Louisville, Ky.. Nov. 27. -John S. John
son lowered tho one-third of a mile biey
clo record, unpaced to 38 8-5 Beconds at the
Fountain Ferry Truck today in a brisk
Violent Farthiiuuke.
By the United Press.
Vienna, Nov. 27. A brief but violent
rhock of earthquuko was felt In Trent in
the Tyrol, this morning.
- - . i
Two brothers naineu Huntters were
killed near Allentown on. the Lehigh Val
ley road.
After quarreling with his mother-in-law,
Charles Huey, of Reading, blew out
his brains.
Charles M. Lelbensperger, aged G5 years,
of Maiden Creek, fell from a trestle
and was killed.
A boiler explosion at a Bluckwood col
llery -seriously injured Fireman George
Copelund and John Sherlock slightly.
George Shirk, an Inmate of the Lamias.
ter county almshouse, while walking
hls'sleep, fell from a fourth-Btory window
and was killed.
Only four Esherltes wcro left at Mohns
vllle to worBhlp in the church that fell to
them by the supreme court decision, and
they have rented It to th) school board.
Important Meeting of the Coal Sales
Agents in New York.
Agents Recommend That the December
Supply He Limited to 2,500,000 Tons.
Tidewater Kates on Various Sizes
, Are Incrcuscd,
By the United Press.
New York, Nov. 27. The general
rales agents of the Anthracite Coal Pro
ducing and Carrying companies held a
meeting here today. Today's meeting
was an Important one, inasmuch as
the agents practically decided to re
strict the output of anthracite coal dur
ing the coming month. The output
for the month of November was not re-
strioted. The agents recommended that
the output for the month of December
l)e restricted to 2,noo,000, but came to no
final agreement, the matter being re
ferred to the presidents of the companies
for their approval. This tonnage Is
about one-half the output mined during
the present month.
Tidewater prices were advanced, the
prices to apply on December sales: $3.75
for stove; $K.ti0 for egg and chestnut,
und $3.50 for grate or broken.
The representatives discussed at
length the question of a revision of line
or Interior point rates, a matter which
was agitated by the Individual an
thracite operators at their meeting on
Nov. 14.
The discussion lasted until 3.30 o'clock
but no decision was arrived at regard
ing the Important matter, and when the
agents adjourned it was with the under
standing that the unsettled questions
would be formally disposed of at a
special meeting of the representatives
to be called early next week.
All the big producers were represent
ed at the meeting, including those from
the Delaware, Lackawanna and West
ern company, the Delaware and Hud
son Coal company, Lehigh Valley, Le
high and Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Coal company, Philadelphia and Read
ing and Ontario and Western. Repre
sentatives from the Individual Anthra
cite Operators' association were said to
have been present also and to have tak
en an active interest in the proceedings.
A Chicago Lawyer Meets Death ut
Hands of K. C, Hustings.
By the United Press.
Chicago, Nov. 27. E. C. Hastings, n
milkman, who lived at 307 Flourney
street, shot and killed E. P. HUllard, a
lawyer, In the latter's office on the
eighth floor oft he Rookery building
this afternoon. Tho murderer told the
excited crowd which gathered over the
body of Hilllard that the lawyer had
robbed him for ten years and he could
stand it no longer.
When Hnstlngs entered the office of
his victim, there was a brief conversa
tion about a note which Hilllard said he
did not owe Hastings. Then the bullet
was fired Into the neck of the lawyer,
who died in half an hour. Hastings
alinly faced the crowd until tuken to
the Harrison Street Police station.
Milliard leaves a wife and three
O'llura's Disguise IVos Too Much 'of a
By the United Press.
Bradford, Pa., Nov. 27.1 James
O'Hara, a glycerine "shooter," who
skipped to Canada some weeks afro from
this place, and who It is alleged was
short $3,000 In his accounts with the
Bradford Glycerine company, returned
here today, concealing his Identity un
der a black wig and a villainous looking
pair of comic opera whiskers of the
same hue.
Patrolman William Rhone arrested
him as a suspicious character. The of
ficer was pleased and1 fiurprlsed on
reaching police headquarters to discov
er the well known features of O'Hara
under the disguise. O'Hara was locked
up and will be arraigned in court to
A .Man Killed and Muny Windows Shut
tercd In Waterbury.
By the United Press.
Waterbury, Conn., Nov. 27. The mix
ing house of the Waterbury Brass com
pany was blown to pieces this morning
at 7.30 o'clock by the explosion of 100
pounds of- powder. Michael J. Kelley,
the mixer, was blown Into fragments
that were scattered all over the .yard.
Every window In the south side of the
New England Railway station was
shattered, as well as hundreds of other
windows In the city.
The cause of the accident is unknown,
The loss to the brass company Is light,
ThP report of the explosion was heard
In New Haven, twentylx miles dis
Confidence .Men Dupe a Rich Resident of
By the United Press.
Wheeling, W. Vn Nov. 27. Confi
dence men sold a 32-pound "gold brick"
to a Wheeling man for J4.000., The
brick is on exhibition at the Baiik of
Wheeling, but the bank officials will not
tell whose property It is and the buyer
Is saying nothing. He Is a wealthy
man, and the" loss will not break him.
He drew the money from the Hank of
Wheeling, and being a man of sup
posed discretion, the bank people asked
no questions.
When he returned with his purchase
to deposit for safe keeping there was
an audible smile.
Brnkomun and Passenger Are Injured at
" yuurryvlllo.
By tho United Press.
Columblu, Pa., Nov. 27. Rcnjnmln M
Relneer, a brakeman, was fntally, and
a passenger seriously injured on the
Quarryvllle railroad near Quarryvllle
today1. A mixed train going south was
cut in two and the rear part was being
left down the grade by Relneer. Whlli
crossing Pequa creek trestllng the for
ward car Jumped the track. Relnee
seeing that It was going over the trest
ling leaped and fell a distance of fifty
. Six cars followed and two passengers
who were on a gondola were also car
ried over, but only one of them was in
jured. The accident damaged the trest
llng so badly that traffic cannot be re
sumed for several days. Helneer lives
In Quarryvllle.
Nieliolus Grants Amnesty to Participants
in the Polish Rebellion.
By tho United Press.
St. Petersburg, Nov. 27. The czar's
manifesto to the Russian people, Issued
yesterday contains these words: "Solic
itous for the destinies of our new reign,
we deemed It well not to delay the ful
fillment of our heart's wish, the legacy
sacredly left by our father, now resting
with God, nor to defer the realization
of the joyful expectations of our whole
people that our marriage be hallowed
by the benediction of our parents and
that It be blessed by the sacrament
of the Holy church."
The manifesto contains important
points relating to improvements In the
condition of all connected with hus
bandry. The nobles' and the peasants'
interest on farmers' loans from the
Imperial Agrarian "bank are reduced
from 4'j to 4 per cent., and various
facilities ure conceded for the redemp
tlon of debts. To peasants, certain
debts to the crown and arrears of taxa
tion are remitted. The czar also wholly
remits all arrears of taxes and fines
and mitigates or shortens sentence of
imprisonment, police supervision, and
deportation at hard labor. The prose
cution for treason of offenders who
have remained undiscovered for fifteen
years will be abandoned. The indul
gences to political prisoners will be
decided tin after a report has been sub
mitted to the czar by the minister of the
Interior. Amnesty is granted to the
participants in the Polish rebellion of
18C3, and they will be permitted to re
Bide anywhere In Russia. Their civil
rights, but not their property, will be
Kcports of Vt hat Is Being Done by the
Hoard of Associated Churitics jMudc at
the .Meeting Meld Lust Night.
A meeting of the Board of Associated
Charities was held last evening, when
10. J. Lynott presided. J. R. Cohen, on
behalf of the reception committee, im
ported that everything was arranged
for Dr. Walk's lecture at the Young
Men's Christian Association hall on Fri
An Important report was presented
by the committee on Information, wh
presented the tickets to be distributed
to residents of the city with a view t
decreasing the begging nuisance. The
board urges all citizens to send beg
gars and applicants for assistance to
the oflice of the society, at the same
time giving the' applicant one of the
tickets, with their names written there.
Assistant Treasurer Phillips reported
a balance of 3,6.10 in hand. Mrs. Dug
gan, the agent, submitted a long re
port dealing with thirty-nine cases.
several of which were characterized as
unworthy of assistance.
Lackawanna Hospital OvcrcrowJed.
Mrs. Duggan reported a case where
application had been made for the ad
mission of a woman to the Lackawanna
hospital, but as It would involve a de-
ention of three months, she could not
be received, owing to the overcrowded
state of the women's wards. It was In
cidentally suggested that the Moses
Taylor hospital authorities should be
approached upon the admission of pa
tients, Inasmuch as it had been in
formally announced that cases would be
ecelved outside the Delaware, Lacka
wanna and Western and Lackawanna
Iron and Steel companies. Out of the
thirty-nine coses reported by Mrs.
Duggan, twenty-six were worthy and
assisted. An application for the posi
tion of assistant to the agent was re
ceived and filed and will be considered
ot the next meeting. A communication
from Dr. Walk, whu Is to lecture for the
benelit of the Associated Charities Fri
day evening In the Young Men's Chris
tian Association building, stated that
the only expense attached to his visit
will be for traveling and other expenses.
A vote of thanks was tendered teach
ers and schAlars of No. 33 school for a
donaitlon of a large quantity of provi
sions which will be distributed among
the needy poor.
The matter of maintaining an employ
ment bureau in connection with the
regular work of the association was re
ferred to the secretary and agent with
Instructions to report at the next meet
After tendering a vote of thanks to
the trustees of the Albright Librarian
building for the use of the library hall
for the recent annual meeting, the ses
slon adjourned.
Interesting Discussions Upon Police Work
nt the State Couvcntlon.
By the United Press.
Philadelphia, Nov. 27. The second
day's session of the Pennsylvania
branch of the National Chiefs of Police
union, which Is being held in the lieu
tenants' room In the city hall, was de
voted to the transaction of routine
An executive committee was then ap
pointed to consider the need of the de
partments and devise means by which
Improvements can be made for the de
tection and suppression of crime. The
committee consists of Chiefs Tlllnrd, of
Attoonn; Simpson, of Scranton; Roden
bauch. of Norrlstown; Lehr, of Mc-
Keesport. and Mlckle, ot Allentown.
Chief Bngshaw made a motion, which
was pussed, that a bill be prepared and
presented to the legislature, asking
thnt tho police force in Pennsylvania
be made independent of polities.
Decision Against the Trainmen,
By the United Press.
Philadelphia, Nov. 27. Judge Dallas
filed an opinion today In the United States
circuit court dismissing the petitions of
Levi Hicks and other members of the
Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen who
brought suit to compel tho receivers of
tho Phlludulphla and Reading Railroad
company to retain them In their employ
Suit for $211,000 PaimiKcs.
By the United Press.
HarrlBburg, Nov. 27. A suit for $20,000
damages has been brought against Cpor
W. Cumbler, a wealthy citizen of High
solre. by the brother of Kmma J. Bmith
a K-lrl of 18. who Is alleged to have been
criminally aaulted by Cuniblor, at his
Fair; decidedly cooler; northwest winds
It being our intention not to carry
over a piece ot Dress Goods tuat wo
can turn into cash, we make the fol
lowing quotations,
0XE LOT fine all wool mixed Suit
ings, former price, S5.00.
This Week's Price $2.50 a Suit,
0XE LOT extra line Silk and Wool
Scotch Suitings. Special price for
This Week $3.25 a Suit.
j .
0XE LOT 5-5-ich Covert Cloth, ex
tra quality. Former prices,
This Week 75c
AXOTIIEIt LOT, the last of the sea'
son, of our special Foreign Cash
mere in 40 and 40-inch. The price
This Week Will Be 35e. and 45c
Interesting prices on Fine Lilac!
Dress Goods.
See our Yelvctina Cords for Dress
and Coat Sleeves; also in Cream for
Babies' Cloaks.
Fine German 50-inch Seal Flush,
510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave.
We will bare wet weather. To
Trill furnish you with SHOES for wet
weather. It will be a healthful invest
in ent.
114 Wyoming Avenus,
HAVE just returned
from New York buying
Holiday Goods. We are
receiving them daily.
to call anil see our fine line o(
Jewelry and Novelties, whethef
you buy or not. . ,
N. B. Lock at our show windows 09
you pass. '