TILE SCEA1STT0X TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 27, 1894. LADIES' FASHIONABLE COATS An Attractive Collection Fresh from Makers Who are Re nowncd for Their Skill and : Taste Not a Garment in the Entire Assortment is Over Two Weeks Old. For beauty of making, richness of trimming and extreme correct ness of fashion, these stylish gar ments surpass the best we have shown this season. The offerings have been selected with the ut most care and include such cloths as Chinchilla, Beaver, Covert and Kersey. Many of the choicest are lined throughout with silk. A small lot of novelty dress pat terns comprising some very choice and desirable suits, which we offer at extraordinary induce ments. Dress Patteins-$4.90 Dress Patterns 5.98 Dress Patterns- 7.45 Dress Patterns 8.45 Dress Patterns 8.97 Dress Patterns 9.75 $11.00 12.50 21.00 12.75 13.25 were 13.50 GORMAN'S Grand Depot. DR. REEVES 412 Spruce St.. Scranton. Dr. Roovob Is now fully establlHhed at 412 Spruco street, Seranton. He has per formed some wonderful cures and has gained the confidence of the public. He has come to stay and will remain PEIt MANENTLY at his Spruce street parlors He has had long and varied experience In hospital and private practice and treats all acute and chronic diseases of men, wo men and children. He gives advice, service!, and examln.i' tlons FREE OP CHARGE. No one is turned away. He, with hla assistants, treat all dls euses of the nervous system, diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, dyspepsia, rheumatlHm, lost vitality, premature weaxness or decay in uoin sexes, nervous aeniuiy, cniarrn, tumors, cancers, orup tlons, blood poisoning, fits, epilepsy, In discretions and errors of youth, lost maiv hood, eczema, scrofula, St. Vtas' dance, axthma, diseases of the heart, lungs, liver, moneys, Diaauer, stomacn, etc YOUNG MEN POSITIVELY CURED Offer to the Public for Catarrh. Any one suffering with Catarrh who wishes to be permanently, quickly and cheaply cured may receive three months' treatment for only FIVE DOLLARS. The doctor has discovered a specific for this dreaded disease. You can tteat and cure yourself and family with It at home. It never falls to cute. A trial treatment free. OFFICK HOURS-Dally a. m. to 9 p. m.; Sundays, 10 to 12 and 2 to 4. Take elevator In Christian's Hat Store, or stairs. Remember the name and numbor. DR.-:- REEVES, 412 SPRUCE STREET. SCRANTON. QARPETS OilCloths, Linoleums, Curtains, Window Shades and i Wall Paper. 1 AH the Latest Designs. J. Scott Inglis 419 LACKAWANNA AVENUE, four doors abov Wyoming House NOVELTY PATTERNS NEWS OF THIS VICINITY AliCUlULD. Mrs. Edward Craig, a respected and well known resident of the East Side, died on Sunday morning after along ill ness. Mrs. Craig was an old resident of this borough; having come here when the place contained only a few houses. Sho was a klndhearted and hospitable lady who was respected by all who knew her. She la survived by three daughters and two sons. They arc Mrs. John.Healyi, Mary and Surah Craig and John Crnlg, of this place, and another son In the west. Her funeral takes place this morning. Interment will be In the Catholic cemetery. Ths family of Thomas Battle, of Cen ter street, has moved to Carbundale. James Gllgallon, jr., of South Main street, has been promoted to the as sistant superlntendcncy of the business of the Metropolitan Life Insurance company In this district. Ho succeeds M. F. Gilhuol, who bus been made as- slstant superintendent of Carbondale district. Tho fair of St. Thomas' congregation closed on Saturday night until Thanks giving, when It will re-open in the afternoon and evening. The attendance on Saturday was very large and a nigniy interesting entertainment was given. Mr. and Mrs. D. Lawler, Mrs. M. F, McLaughlin and Mrs. P. W. Fadden, of Olyphant, called on friends here last evening. Abrum Howells, of the Ridge, Is on the jury this week. Although the borough election Is nearly three months away, already there Is speculation as to who the can didates for the various offices will be. It Is not likely that the contest will be as interesting this year as It has been In previous years, because there is neither a burgess nor a tax collector to be elected. There are only two council men, two school directors, three as sessors and the minor" ward officers to be chosen. The terms of Councllmen Caffrey and Swift expire in March and the terms of School Directors Price, Lally and Kielty expire In June. It Is said that Mr. Swift will be a candidate to succeed himself In the council, and it is announced that T. F. O'Horo will also be a candidate for the same office. For school director Mr. Lally and Mr. Kielty may again be candidates and It is hinted that Thomas F. Kelly will also be a candidate for Mr. Lolly's seat and Conrad Kllenbauer for that of Mr. Kielty. So far no one from the First ward has come forward to succeed Mr. Caffrey or Mr. Price. Patrick J. Mc Donnell, of Mount Vernon, may be the Democratic candidate for assessor in the Second ward and John R. McIIale candidate for constable from the same ward. These are all the names thus far mentioned in connection with the different offices to be filled. . Our line of ladles' solid cold band rlnirs for Jl is large and varied. Uuvldow Bros. None but skilled workmen employed at Davldow Bros. Gold glove hooks. Davldow Bros. Our lino of collarettes is large and com plete. Davldow Bros. Sulphur stone rings. Davldow Bros. NEW MILFOKD. It Is reported that a third rail will be laid on the Montrose railroad in order that coal may be brought from the Le high Valley without changing cars. William B. Phlnney and James Ten nant returned Saturday from Montrose, where they have been attending court. The revival meetings now in progress at the Baptist church are proving very interesting and are largely attended. New Milford is to have a dancing school the coming winter. The affair is to open with a grand ball in the near fu ture. A grand musical concert will take place In South Gibson this evening un der the management of Professor Rack lyeft, of Binghamton. While the Jackson Cornet band was practicing one evening last week they were invited Into the Central hotel at that place, where a nice banquet sup per was served by the ladles. The Methudlst people are preparing for a series of revival meetings, to com mence early in December. Isaac Glllepsie i3 recovering from a severe Illness. John Beam has moved his family to Lestershire, N. Y. Union Thanksgiving services will be held in the Presbyterian church at 10.SO a. m. Rev. C. C. Luther will preach.' Richard Hartt Is quite sick. The entertainment by the Guild ot Bethany, which was to have been held nt the opera house last Friday evening, has been postponed to Wednesday even ing, Nov. 28. roiuicians in tnis vicinity express themselves in favor, of electing C. V. Wright, of Susquehanna, to fill the va cancy caused by the death of his brother. Susquehanna County Pomona grange, No. SMtl, will hold Its next session with Brooklyn grange, Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 5 and 6. Our line of ladles' solid cold band rlnirs tor 51 is large aim varied. Davldow Bros Orange spoons. Triple Plate, 52.00 per sot. Davldow Bros. Gold button hooks. Davldow Bros. A household maxim for the busy bar gain seeker,- Davldow Bros. .. i . Anything fa.tfce lino of sulphur goods can be had ut uavUlow liros. EAST STUOUDSBUMJ. The Normal Foot Bull team will play Easton Foot Ball team on the Normal campus Thanksgiving Day. Miss Schoonover spent a few days of Inst week with her parents at Bethle hem. Professor Bible and Professor Paul lectured at Milford Institute last week Miss Edmunds spoke at the institute last week. Professor Kemp gave an Interestin lecture on "The Chivalry of the Twen- Beecham's pills are for bili ousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick headache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appetite, sal low skin, when caused by con stipation; and constipation is the most frequent cause of al of them. Book free; pills 2 sc. At drugstores, or, write B. F. Al len Co., 365 Canal St., New York. tleth Century" In Stroudsburg court house Thursday night. M1s Price is visiting Miss Shaeffer, at the Normal. . A great many Monroe county teach ers, who attended the teacher's insti tute held In Stroudsburg last week, vis ited the Normal. , Mr. Florey, one of last year's students. visited his friends at the Normal, Wed nesday. Professor Park, who has been on the sick list for the past few weeks, is im proving. Mr. Graul is able to be about again, after an Illness of a few days. We wish It distinctly understood that we ar selling a stock of unredeemed pledges at a big simrlltce. Davldow Bros. Musical Instruments. Yes, wo have a big line. Davldow Bros. Solid silver and gold belt pins, neat de signs. Davldow Bros. It Is useless for anyone to try and find a nicer assortment of link cuff buttons than Davldow Bros. have. . After dinner tea and Triple pluted silverware. coffee spoons. Davldow Bros. TUNKIIAMSOCK. W. R. Arnts, the genial and popular barber, has been in poor health for some time. He is now undergoing treat ment at the hands of Dr. Lcete, u'. Scranton. Mrs. Calvin Ferris, who ZuZTnten de clintng for a long time, passed away Friday evening. The funeral was hold at 2 p. m. Sunday, Rev. W. M. Ililler officiating. She was a woman of many Christian virtues and held the respect of all those who knew her. ' Almond Cassidy, while painting at the residence of W. H. Harding, fell from a ladder and thrust a rusty null through the palm of his hand. It made a very painful wound and causes him much trouble. Esquire Kutz is in poor health. A special session of court will be held Doc. 6 at 9 a. m., to close up the odds and ends of business preparatory to the retirement of Judge Slttser from the bench. The special missionary service of the Epworth league which was to have been held Thanksgiving evening has been postponed to the Sunday evening following. Charles E. Terry went to Philadelphia Saturday upon business pertaining to the contest upon the judgeship. E. C. .Wasser, whose recent death in Wllkes-Barre is recorded, was well known in this place, having been a partner with J. Selden Swisher in the old skating rink. A 15-year-old daughter of Philip Kunsman, of Tunkhannock township will be burled at Sunnyside cemetery this afternoon. Judge Palmer Jenkins died at about 8 o'clock this morning. Ho had been ailing since election day, nt which time he caught a severe cold resulting in pneumonia. He was 79 years old and served a term as associate Judge within the past six years. The Skinners Eddy Methodists will hold a fair in the old church at that place on Thursday. A chicken pie din ner and the usual bric-a-brac for sale are among the attractions. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Harding, of Gib son, Pa., visited friends here over Sun day. The teacher's institute having been appointed for the week beginning Dec 17 the borough schools will close on tho Friday preceding and not open until Jan. 2. Baby rings, baby rings, baby baby rings, baby rings, baby rings, Davldow Bros. rings. Gold button hooks. Davldow Bros. Gold glove hooks. Davldow Bros. It Is useless for anyone to try and And nicer assortment of link cuff buttons than Davldow Bros. have. Our miners' friend Is a $1 clock. Guar anteed timekeeper. Davldow Bro3. CAUBONDALE. Mrs. Hugh Holand died on Sunday morning at 9 o'clock. Deceased was years of age and is survived by her hus band and two sons. Funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock at St. Rose church. A. S. Rowley, of Scranton, spent Sun day in thi3 city, being called here by the serious illness of his mother. Frank Berry, of Canaan street, will leave this morning for Philadelphia, where lie will reside. Ellas Thomas, employed as night watchman around the Delaware and Hudson company Bhops In this city, fell at an early hour Sunday and broke his collur bone. Mr. Thomas Is 71 years of age. Mrs. Ralph I.lster, of .Washington street, Is In Philadelphia, the guest of her son, Alfred, of that city. Tom Rowley, of Binghamton, called on Carbondale friends Sunday. Alexander Clune, of Canunn street, employed at the Northwest colliery, was badly scalded with steam on Sun day evening while on duty. Mrs. Chaiie3 Rogers, of Spring street, will leave today for White Haven to re side with her daughter, Mrs. Charles Driggs. Mrs. Charles Berry died ut her homo on jjuiuuin street on Sunday after a short Illness of typhoid pneumonia. 1817 rtogeis liros. trlplu knives, 37c. Davldow Bis. plnted butter Our line of luiiles' nolli gold baml rlnirg ror i is iurgo and varied,, Davldow Kro.-;. Vl Uofiers liros. trlbjc plated miffar shells, Sic. UavlUow Bfoa. Sterling silver cutkrs. Davldow Bros. 1847 Rogers Tiros, triple pluted forks, W.W a net. uavldow Ilroa. Mothers' Molhcrs!! Mothers:--; Mrs. Inslow's Soothlns Syrup has been used for over fifty yenrs by mil lions of mothers for their children while teethiiiK, with perfect success. It Boothes the child, softens the kiwis, allays all pain; cures wind colic, und Is the best remedy for diarrhea. Sold by druggists in every pnrt or tne world. Jio sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrua. and take no other kind. Twenty-tive cents a bottle. ! When in need of sporting goods, remem ber Davldow Bros, i None but skilled watchmakers ployed at Davldow Uros. I10NESDALK. Edwin F. Torrey, Jr., passed Sunday at his home here. An industrial school will bo started In the lecture room of Grace church next Saturday afternoon at 2 p. m. This sehool will be for young girls from 16 years tlown to kindergarten children. The art of serving will be the first branch taken upj after which It is hoped other branches will evolve, si'ih as trade school for boya, etc. The it at present will be 5 cents per month to those who can afford to pay, others will be gladly welcomed,, The school is In the hands of competent teachers and Is not sectarian. Young persons of all conditions and creeds will be warm ly received. The first class Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. . .. Boating on the Delaware and Hudson canal Is over for this season, the last boat being loaded Monday morning. If you arc seeking anything in the lino of silverware Jbat would make an appro priate wedding present, call at Davlidow Bros. Sulphur stone necklaces. Davldow Bros. We wish it distinctly understood that we are selling a stock of unredeemed pledges ut a big suerlllcc. Davldow Bros. When your wateli needs repairing, re member that Davldow Bros, employ none but skilled workmen. Gentlemen, have you seen the new style link cuff buttons that Davldow Bros, have for sule OLYPHANT. An Arabian woman, while walking on the Ontario railroad near Pi lceburg last evening, was struck by an engine and inaturitly killed. The body was taken charge of by Undertaker Sweeney and placed in the morgue, where an Inquest will be held today. An envelope -was found on her person addressed to Franclssek Bykrskl, Duryea, box 21, North America. The members of Ihe Young Men's Christian union will play a game of foot ball on the grounds opposite the On tarlo and Western depot Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brown, of Lacka wanna, spent Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs. Mary Cowley, of Delaware street. Miss Gertrude Thomas, who has been visiting at Mrs. John Thomas' for the past three weeks, returned to her home In Scranton yesterday. Misses Mary Carbine and Lizzie Far rell visited friends hi Providence Sun day. J. N. Lilllbiidge is ut Saratoga. Albert Jones, of Plymouth, returned home yesterday after spending a few days at Thomas Patten's. Professor Moran, who has been seri ously ill, Is Improving slowly. We have sterling sliver butter knives and sugar shells. Davldow Bros. Gold tooth picks at Davldow Bros, DUHYEA. Mlss.Kittle Judge spent Sunday with friends at Plttston. Dr. Hlslop, of Plains, was in town yes- terday. Mrs. Corcoran and Miss Nellie Doner, of Plttston, was visiting friends here yesterday. T. F. O' Donnelly, of Parsons, is spend Ing a few days here. Edwin rtee.se, of Nantlcoke, was the guest of Willie Owens, on Sunday. John Chambers, of Nantlcoke, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. James McCarty. , The Ked Men will hold a ball at Urban's hall, on Wednesday night. Gllboy's orchestra will furnish music for dancing. It Is useless for any one to try and find a nicer assortment of link cuff buttons than Davidow Bros. have. We have sterling silver butter knives and sugar shells. Davldow Bros. CURES Biliousness. CURES Biliousness. CURES Biliousness. Direct Proof. Sty wife has been troubled with Liver CompUintand Pal pitation of ths hurt forover a ytar. Her case bfljad ths skill of our bust phyrioisns. After using thren bottlu of your Burdock Blood fitters Mis is almost oiitlrsly well. Ws truly rccommtnu your nsdlolne. Oionoi W, flHAVIX, MontpolUr, Williaca Co., O Regulates the LIVER. 1 BELL LACKAWANNA AVE GIVE 110 BBC There is but one way to do business, that is to give the best value at the lowest ANKRUPT SALE from the Hyde Park Clothing Store is still being contin ued, nobody has any expuse to be without A FIRST-CLASS WINTER OUTFIT. Aiv uuL'um tne stocks iiriro vp raid for it enables ns to sell it nt ridirnlons ly low prices. Opportunities ing Cheap, do not occur otteu tage of : Children's Pauls will be sold for $ .12 Children's Waist Children's Suits, pants and waist, Children's Suits .13 .'.) .(() 4,75 Bo)s' listers, extra value, Men's Wool Suits SALE NOW GOING ON AT BOTH STORES, .114 South Main Avenue,- Hyde Park, and the 11 fSLO Sign of tha Bell. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturer of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY, Genera! Office: SCRANTON, PA. His Enemy Dyspepsia Causes , Much Suffering. Pains and Distress After Eating Re lleved by Hood's Sarsaparllla. "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: " I must praise Hood's Sarsaparllla for the good It lias done me, I was troubled with dys pepsia. I hud severe pains in my heart, and the swelling of my stomach and distress after eat Inn caused me much autlcriitir. I tried different remedies without (retting relief. Finally I de cided to glvo Hood's Hitrsiurilla a trial, being tho llrst one iu tuwu to take it. After taking Sarsaparilla Bve bottles, I felt perfectly well and have enjoyed good health ever since. Many of the towns people have asked me about tho success el Hood's Sarsaimrllla, and I have cheerfully rec ommemled It feeling Indeed icmtefiil fur the icood It has done me. Friends and relatives havo also taken liood's Sarsaparllla Willi good results." jwii.i.ai:i a. nTm.M., airuiesiowu, ra, Hood's Pills cure liver ills, constipation, biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, Indigestion. 1 HUNT i CQNNELL CO., ' MAHUTACTUnERS' AQEHTS FOB TRENTON IRON CO.'S WIRE ROPE. VAN ALEN & CO.'S STEEL NAILS. OXFORD IRON C0.S BERCHANT BAR IRON. REVERE RUBBER CO.'S BELTING, PACKING AND HOSE. FAYERWEATHER & LADEW'S "HOYT'S" LEATHER BELTING. A. B. BONNEVILLE'S "STAR" PORTLAND CEMENT. AMERICAN BOILER C0.S . "ECONOMY" HOT AIR FURNACES. ' GRIFFING IRON CO.'S BUNDY RADIATOR! 434 LACKAWANNA AVE. mr. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL. Coal of the best quality for domestli use, uuu 01 an sizes, ueuvered part of the city at lowest price. in an uraera ten tu my umce NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE. near room, llrat iioor, Third National Lmun, ui weiii uy mini or leiepnono to the tiine. will receive Drcimnt attorn inn Special contracts win be made for the miv auu uc.ivci y ul uucKwneai coal. WM. T. SMITH. THE BELL tin II price. While our OF GOOD CLOTHING at onernr s ftaie. nieiow like this to buy Good Cloth and should be taken advan Men's Overcoats Men's listers (icnuinc Shetland listers Men's l'ea Jackets Men's Fine Dress Suits Men's Dress Pants 82.75 2.00 (I.50 2.75 S.75 10 fli Jl 230 LACKAWANNA AVE. HOOD'S CURES vlEADERS OF I ihe 400402 Lackawanna Avenue. f5 1 u DEPARTMENTS fflZt II EUERY NEW THINGS WHITE AND GOLD. Hanging Four Shelf Book Rack, $3.50. Big Value, $3.50. A Graceful Four Leg Table, $1.90. And Four Fold Screen Frame, all of exceptional values and of latest patterns. FANCY ROCKERS, Plush and Leather Seat, In Bamboo, Oak and BASKETS, TT. ttT. ..1 . ITT. Ladder Chairs, Card Tables. KERR & SIEBECKER 406 AND 408 LACKA. AVE. OUR THANKSGIVING OFFERING Will consist of beiieflttiiiK mankind by offering a GRAND DINING ROOM OUTFIT, consisting of G High Back Carved, Ant. Oak nnish, Chairs, cane scats. 1 Ant. Oak Sideboard, piano polish finish and handsomely , carved, a large bevel mirror in the top. 1 Ant. Oak Extension Table, polish tlnlsli and heavy legs. 12 yards of Carpet, Ingrain. And as much as is raiuircd at 49 cents per yard. Our Thanksgiving price on this outfit will be $32.00. Above will be sold REMEMBER A Cathedral Strike Clock with $50.00 purchases , of over; a 100-plece Dinner sst with $75.00 purchases or over. 1 1 111 .i V - - -r ft iIWNl STORES CllOSED L0I PRICES. Fdir 4 -!; : DRY IN. $3.00 to $25.00 each. White Enamel. 1 1 T" - 1 -l... Pi. on credit, if required WW o THANKS01NINQ DAY. BARCANS