The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 27, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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IT ""V
ine Oil Paintiilgs
Nov. 26, 27
The Scott Rrl Gallery.
Comer of Adams Avenue and Linden Street.
Garney, Brown & Co'.s Building, SCR ANTON, PA.
Nou) on Exhibition Day and Evening.
and Water Company Against
L. I. and C. Company.
Several Days Will Be Required to Try the
Casc-juda'e II. M." .MeCluro Is
Holding Court in No. 3
This Week.
Court room No. 1 was well filled yes
terday wltli'lriteYe'st'ed listeners' to the
Important assumpsit suit of the Scran
,ton Gas and Water company against
Jthe Lackawanna Iron and Coal com
pany,, which was called for trial before
Judge Gunster. The suit Involves a
sum of 11)1,941.60, claimed as water rent
for the consumption of water by the de
fendants, which, 11, Is alleged, they were
not entitled to according to the terms
of the contract between the Gas and
Water company and the Steel company.
It will be' remembered that last Aug
ust the Steel company brought an In
junction piocteding against the Watar
company, the latter, It is claimed, hav
ing threatened to shut off the water, if
the amount in dispute was not paid.
Both sides came to an amicable ad
justment of the difficulty by an agree
ment to continue the matter. In obey
ance until the suit; which was opened
yesterday; was settled.
No trouble was found In selecting a
Jury, and Attorney Lemuel Amerman
opened for the plaintiff. He was as
sisted In thi case by Attorney I. H.
Hums. W. W. Scranton, president of
the Gas and Water company, sat beside
them. General Manager McKlnney and
Master Mechanic Henry AVehrum, re
presenting the defendant Steel com
pany, occupied seats Inside the bar rail
Just behind the defendant's table. At
torneys Joseph O'Brien, of this city,
John G. Johnston, of Philadelphia; M.
E. Ol instead, of Harrlsburg, and Hamll
ton Wallace, of New York, conducted
the case for the defendant.
On Aug. 31, 1874, a contract was made
by the Water company with the defend-
ts, the latter agreeing to pay $400 a
onth. On Feb. 10, 188a, another con
act was made, a yearly one, and the
rms were that an annual rental of
1,000 was agreed to as the price of
iter supplied, "for steam, lire-
rant, hydraulic, store and dwelling
ses, and for no other purposes."
Testimony of President Scranton.
The testimony of AV. W. Scranton,
who waL on the stand when coui't ad
journed, covers the case. He has been
president of the water company since
INTO. He had been connected with the
Lackawanna Iron and Coal company,
then operating the North works and
blast furnaces, for six years prior to
1S80. In that year he left the employ of
the Iron and Coal company and, with
others, built the Scranton Steel mills,
of which he was general manager, for
seven or eight years, or rather from
the year that the mills were first oper
ated, until the Scranton Steel company
and the Lackawanna Iron and Coal
company became consolidated and
formed the Scranton Iron ' and Steel
company, which took effect In March,
Mr. Scranton discovered soon after
ward when he examined the supply
pipes leading to the mills, that water
was being used contrary to the agree
ment In the contract, that to put In
figures the amount of water consumed
which was not paid for, approximated
from three to four hundred thousand
gallons of water a day. This water
used against the terms of the contract
was used for miscellaneous purposes,
for cooling, condensing, boshes and
He Immediately notified General
Manager E. S. Moffat and simulta
neously sent In a bill of $15,000 at the
rate of $1,500 a year for ten years. The
bills were not paid, nor were subsequent
bills sent in for water consumed by the
Lackawanna Iron and Steel company.
. By. the agreement made in 1881 the
Iron and Coal company consented to
build a reservoir and pump water from
the river to be used in the extra con
sumption for which the water company
is now suing to recover rent.
An Interesting Exhibit.
A miniature facsimile of the water
pipes leading from the. mills to the
reservoir on South Washington avenue
was exhibited In court. It showed the
The Great Blood Purifier ncf
Liver Regulator.
200 DAYS' TREATMENT, $1.00
And will Pwltivslv cure all disease arlalng
Rheumatism, Kidney Disorder,
Liver i.ompiuint, Sick And Nerv
0113 Headache, Neuralgia, Dys
pepsin, Fever und Aeue. Scrof u
la, Femule Cum plaints, Erysipe
las, Nervous Affections, Catarrh,
I and all syphilitic Dlseusos.
Call and Get Circulars.
. '
and 28, ISM, at S.00 p. m.
' '
pipes of the Lackawanna Iron and Conl
company und those of the' Gas and
Water company. The pipes of the lat
ter were painted white and of. the for
mer blue. Cross sections of pipe show
ing wliere the two had been connected
were painted black. Mr. Scranton ex
plained that this arrangement was a
correct diagram of the pipes as they
actually are. Master Mechanic Nlebell
was put on the stand and testllled that
he was familiar with the pipes and that
the diagram shown In court was cor
rect. He admitted that the connections
were there and that water could at any
time be drawn from the city pipes Into
the reservoir pipes, the latter being ex
pected to feed the channels that were
meant to provide for the extra water to
the' mills.
Before Mr. Scranton was called there
were several workmen who testified to
the way water was used at the different
parts of the mills. Attorney Johnson,
of Philadelphia, who conducted the
cross-examination, supplied the court
with amusement. He had Beveral of
the witnesses tell what kind of water
arid' now' much. ''Was it' Ice water,"
he asked one, "you. saw coming from
the, fii;e-hyd)'ant; or maybe It was fire
water, was It, eh?"
The witnesses who were employes and
not endowed with a great amount of
self-control were sometimes provoklng
ly funny In their answers. Mr. Scran
ton was on the stand at adjournment.
The case Is likely to occupy the whole
Before Judge Archbuld.
In court room No. 2 before Judge
Archbald the first case called was that
of P. M. Molllt and others against J. W.
and Elizabeth Kllpatrlck. It was an
ejectment suit and Uy mutual agree
ment a Jury was drawn and a verdict
rendered for the defendant. .
The next case before Judge'Archbald
was another ejectment suit Involving
the possession of thlrty-Blx acres of land
In Ransom township. James M. Ever
hart Is plaintiff and G. Fi Nesbltt and
G. Mortimer Lewis are defendants. At
torneys W. W. WatBon, ex-Judge Jes
sup, and H. M. Streeter, appeared for
the plalirtlff and Attorneys E. N. Wll
lard and ex-Judge H. A. Knapp for the
defendant. .
In 1882 taxes were assessed against
the thlrty-tflx acres of land, now In the
suit, and the tax thereon was not paid.
The plaintiff came Into possession of the
land through a treasurer's sale, but the
defendants came along and forcibly de
terred him from assuming ownership, as
It Is alleged. The suit is brought to
stat him and the day was taken up with
the introduction of books of assessors
and records of court to prove a title to
the land. This case will take up at
least today and likely tomorrow.
Judge McClure Holding Court.
In the arbitration room, court No. 3,
Judge H. M. McClure presided, and
two cases of trivial character were dis
posed of. An appeal suit with W. S.
Reed as plaintiff and J. S. Miller as de
fendant was closed with very little testi
mony and the Jury returned with a ver
dict In favor of the plaintiff for $1!23.
Another appeal suit of $16 was called
before Judge McClure, that of Gus Zlm
mer, plaintiff, and Frank Passek, de
fendant. Passek admitted that he owed
the plaintiff $4.50, but that amount he
said was counterbalanced 'by thefts of
lumber, etc., from the property. Passek
engaged Zlmnicr to watch the house at
night while It was not tenanted for the
space of nine nights at the rate of 50
cents a night. That is all Passek said
he was bound to pay, Zlmmer said he
was also hired to clean up the place and
altogether he earned $16. The case went
to the Jury at 4 o'clock and that was the
last one for the day.
Other Cases Disposed of.
Other civil cases set down for trial
for this, the Inst week of common pleas
court, were disposed of without trial
yesterday as follows:
Cincinnati Safe and Lock company
vs. 11. M. Dewitt, assumpsit; continued
on application of plaintiff. ;
Flshel Bros. vs. E. Gormanassump
slt; .voluntary non-suit. j
A, L,. Spencer vs. Gustav Krueger
man, appeal; settled off list.
F; 7l. Walker & . Son Vs. W. H.
Withers' Paper oompany, assumpsit;
continued. .
New Te.ntlc Mining company vs. A.
F. Smith and others, administrators,
assumpsit; Judgment by agreement. :
J. E. Maurlcle vs. Ackerman Bros.,
appeal; settled off list.
Harrison Wells vs. H. W. Hull, as
sumpsit; Judgment of $40 by agreement.
Strause, ltotschlld & Co. vs. Dorothea
Honeyager, executrix, assumpsit; set
tled off list.
Eliza Smalle and Walter Smalle vs.
E. J. Ehrgood, ejectment; continued.
W. C. Townscnd vs. B'rank Carluccl &
Bro., assumpsit; continued.
Miner E. Worden vs. Sniffer Bros, as
sumpsit; to be settled.
Before Davldow Bros, change their win
dow display, do not forget to gaze upon it.
Before Davldow Bros, chanee their win
dow display, do not forget to gaze upon It.
Holiday headquarters: Davldow Bros.
Music Boxes Exclusively.
Best made. Play any desired number of
tunes. Oautschl & Solid, manufacturers,
1030 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won
derful orchestral organs, only $3 and $10.
Spoclalty: Old music boxes carefully re
paired and Improved with new tunes.
Holiday presents. Davldow Bros.
Glass cut prices. Davldow Bras.
When Bsfcy was sick, we tn her Cutorhs.
When the was a Child, she cried for Castorla,
When (be became Mis, she clung to Castorla.
When she had Children, (he gave thera Castorla
sharp, at
1 . . .
B. Scott, J r,,
Tomorrow evening "Kentucky" will
be produced at the Frothlngham by a
fine company. One of the exciting fea
tures of the piece Is the realistic stable
and great race scene on the Lexington,
Ky., track. There are other fine scenic
At the Academy of Music ThanksglV'
lng afternoon and evening Georg'
Dixon and a line vaudeville and spec
ialty company will be seen. Dixon
who, is the champion feather weight of
the world, will spar at the evening per.
formance with Harry Woods, the well
known light weight of this city.
There is a fine attraction In store for
theater-goers at the Frothlngham
Thanksgiving afternoon and evening
when that genial veteran, Joseph Jef
ferson, will appear In "Rip Van
Winkle." There Is no better Rip Van
Winkle than Mr. Jefferson and never
has been. It Is his greatest role nnd
with It his name is Inseparably con
nected and will be when the historian of
the future writes the history of , the
American diama of today.
Twenty-two people, one horse and a
car load of scenery are absolutely re
quired to properly portray Manager
Eugene Robinson's new version of that
famous play, "Paul Kauvar." The play
was entirely re-wrltten by the late
Steele Mackaye, 'and Manager Robin
son has Invested It In the same pro
digious manner for which he is bo well
known and promises everything new
from the curtain line to the back wall,
and has selected a company with great
care to interpret the various roles. This
splendid attraction comes to the Acad
emy of Music Friday evening.
Eight-day clocks.
Davldow Bros.
Black walnut or. oak.
Holiday headquarters. Davldow Bros.
Stream 10 by 12 Inches Has Partially
Submerged the Natural Basin.
For several days the flooding of the
Driving park, which is to be made a
winter skating rink and speedway, has
been In progress. A stream" of water
ten by twelve Inches Is being pumped
from the river by the Capouse works
engine and when the flow of water is
stopped the entire park area within the
outer edge of the track will be Inun
dated, excepting the knoll In the north
eastern corner.
Electric wires have been strung about
the park which will be lighted by night
with arc lights located every 250 feet.
The gentlemen interested In this novel
entertaining feature have engaged sev
eral hundred pairs of skates for rental,
and arranged for having the old grand
stand fitted with ladies' and gentle
men's rooms and restaurant.
The space within the outer edge of the
track is a natural basin and will have
to be banked only from a point 100 feet
south of the grandstand to a point 350
feet north. The water yesterday had
filled all the space from the Inner side
of the first turn to the ground occu
pled by the Judges' stand.
We have a nice line of pendants. Beau,
tlful designs. Davldow Bros.
When It is time that you are In need of
money do not forget Davldow Bros, bank
ing establishment.
Now Is the time to seek holiday pres
ents. . Remember Davldow Bros.
Park Made His Escape.
George Park was sentenced yesterday
In court to pay one-half the costs In a
case In which he was the prosecutor
He escaped through the leniency of the
Insolvency laws. Patrick Mangan was
also sentenced to pay costs In a case in
which he prosecuted Patrick Joyce.
" When your lady friends ask you about
fob chains, have them call on Davldow
Wedding rings 14k, 18k.
sizes. Davldow Bros.
All styles. All
Mr. Dattcnburg Admitted to the Dor.
On motion of City Solicitor James H.
Torrey, C. A. Battenberg was yesterday
admitted to practice In the various
courts of Lackawanna, county. Mr.
Battenberg has been Mr. Torrey's as
slstant since the : latter became city
If you are seeking anything In the line
of silverware that would make arf appro
priate wedding present, call at Davldow
Bros. ' ''
Avoid the ruBh. 'Call early and sec our
holiday goods at Davldow Bros.
Hewitt Wants Ills Divorce,
In the" divorce case of William II.
Hewett agalnst'Ella B. Hewett, which
was heard before a jury two weeks ago,
court has granted a rule to show cause
why a decree In divorce shall' not be
made as prayed for. The amount of
alimony to be paid the respondent la
also to be determined. The rule Is re
turnable to argument court.
Now Is the time to seek holiday
ents. Kemember Davldow Bros.
Butter knives at Davldow Bros.
Plllsbury's Flour Mills hnv a capacity
of 17,600 barrels a day. , ,
-THE WAT to reach catarrh Is through
the blood. Hood's Hursaparlllu, by puri
fying the blood, removes the cause of the
disease and permanently cures catarrh.
Take only Hood's.
, HpOD'S PILLS act easily, yet promptly
and effectively, on the liver und bowels.
25c. '....(..,.
1847 Rogers Bros, triple plated sugar
(hell, $te. Davldow Bro(. ,
Manicure sets at Davldow Bros.
have you seen our vases? Call and ask
to see them. Davldow Bros.
VonWcrs Congregation Highly Pleased
with Work of Kev. F. M. Davenport.
A recent Issue of the Yonkers, N. Y
Herald contains' the following editorial
regarding the work In that city of Rev.
F. M. Davenport: V ;
'We are pleased to -note that, the
official board of the Ftt$t Methodist
church at its regular session last even
ing unanimously adopted the following
" 'Invlewofthe acceptability and use
fulness of Rev. F. M. Davenport to our
church during his ministry,. Resolved,
That the official board respectfully ask
the presiding bishop of the next anrfual
conference to return him' to this
"Mr. Davenport's work In Yonkers has
Indeed been of a useful character and
he has proved himself farseelng, reso
lute and Independent. He Is one of the
leading and aggreslve spirits In the
association which has been formed with
the Intention of seeing that existing
excise laws are enforced.
"It Is for the possession of admirable
qualities like these that we are pleased
to see Mr. Davenport's services In Yon
kers recognized by the otliulal board as
being both 'acceptable and useful.' "
Rev. Mr. Davenport Is well known In
Scranton and has a large circle of
warm friends and admirers here. For
several years he was a member of the
faculty of Wyoming seminary, during
which time his eloquent voice was fre
quently heard In Scranton pulpits.
After dinner tea and coffee spoons.
Triple plated silverware. Davldow Bros.
Our line If 1817 Rogers Bros, quadruple
plated castors Is complete. Ask to see
them. Davldow Bros.
Will l)c Kept In Good Condition for Sleigh
By the time snow files, at least by
Dec. 15, the iron bridge over the Roaring
Brook at Nay Aug will be completed
The structure Is now being erected by a
large force of workmen.
To counterbalance past disappoint
ments and the present Inconvenient ap
proach to the boulevard, the company
will make an extra endeavor during the
winter to keep the driveway In a splen
did condition for sleighing. Drifts will
be removed and bare spots covered and
everything possible done to make the
boulevard one of the greatest winter
pleasure drives in the country.
EiKht-day clocks. Black walnut or oak.
Davldow Bros.
Mantel clocks, cathedral gong, half-hour
strike. Guaranteed a perfect timekeeper.
$4.19. Duvldow Bros.
Y. V. C. A. N'otes.
During Thanksgiving week the. gym
naBlum classes at the Young Women's
Christian association will be omitted
but will be resumed at regular hours
under a competent physical director the
first week in December.
This evening the members of
the gymnasium classes and friends will
be addressed by Dr. Anabel Kramer,
who will speak at 8 o'clock on "Colds,
How to Prevent Taking Them and
How to Cure Them." Admission free
to members of the asociatlon; 10 cents
to non-members.
We have thousands of unredeemed
watches for sale. Davldow Bros.
1847 Rogers Bros, triple plated table
spoons, $3.00 a set. Davldow Bros.
Davldow Bors. have received an elegant
line of sulphur stone goods.
Burglars at Work Ag ain.
'3. M. Horan's barber shop under the
May house on Lackawanna avenue was
entered by thieves about 5 o'clock Sun
day afternoon, and during the night a
gang entered the house on the corner
of Franklin avenue and Spruce street
and stole a gold watch, two suits of
clothes and a few smaller articles, the
property of Henry Ounn, a boarder.
When your lady friends ak you about
fob chains, have them call on Davldow
1847 Rogers Bros, triple plated butter
knives, 37c. Davldow Bros.
dentlemen, have you seen the new style
link cuff buttons that Davldow Bros, have
for sale?
184 Rogers Bros, triple plated teaspoons,
$1.50 a set. Davldow Bros.
Death of Mrs. Lynch.
Mrs. Margaret Lynch died at the resi
dence of her brother, Thomas Hogan,
425 Fourth street, yesterday morning.
Mrs Lynch, who was highly respected,
was 65 years of age, and her funeral
will take place tomorrow at 9 a. m. In
terment being made at the Hyde Park
Catholic cemetery.
Hollduy presents at Davldow Bros.
When In need of sporting goods, remem
ber Duvldow Bros.
We wish It distinctly understood that wo
are selling a stock of unredeemed pledges
at a big Bacrlllco. Davldow Bros.
Gilmores Aromatic Wine
A tonic for ladies. If you
are suffering from weakness,
and feel exhausted and ner
vous; are getting thin and all
run down; Gilmore's Aro
matic Wine will bring roses :
to your cheeks and restore
you to flesh and plumpness.
Mothers, use it for your
daughters. It is the best
regulator aud corrector for
ailments peculiar to woman
hood. It promotes digestion,
enriches the blood and gives
lasting strength. Sold by
Matthews Bros., Scranton.
Pfii ,
134 Wyoming
It Receives the Official Endorsement
of Eminent Experts and. a Jury
of Representative Citizen.
The suit brought by Ohio's food com
missioner against a Cincinnati drug
gist for selling Paskola on the ground
that it was nothing but glucose, result
ed in a great victory for Paskola and a
verdict against the state.
During the course of the trial Pro
fessor Shaller, of the University of Cin
cinnati, testified that Paskola was not
glucose, and even If It was, It would
be harmless., He also bore witness to
Its activity as a digestive agent.
Professor William Dlckore, of the
Miami college, testified to the same
facts. So did Professor Schmidt, the
chemist of the board of health; Profes
sor William Hoffman and others.
A practical test was made In court,
showing the digestive action of Pas
kola on eggs and meats of various
kinds, whereas glucose under precisely
the same conditions produced no effect
This test but confirmed the experts'
statements that proved Paskola to be
of great value In Indigestion and wast
ing diseases.
This verdict disposes of the malicious
attack that has been made against Pas
kola by interested rivals, and suits have
now bee brought against the proprie
tors of a well known emulsion of cod
liver oil for having given wide circula
tion to a false formula and other mis
representations regarding It.
The animus of this attack will be the
better understood when it Is stated that
Paskola Is being largely used in the
place of cod liver oil.
Watches that keep railroad time guar
anteed. Davldow 'Bros.
We have an elegant line of genuine
tortoise shell hairpins and combs. Davl
dow Bros.
Tortoise shell hairpins. Large assort
ment and new designs. Davldow Bros.
- Two Pianos Rcplevlncd.
L. B. Powell & Co., yesterday, ob
tained writs of replevin to recover two
pianos. One from E. J. Burke, valued
at $200, and the other from M. R. Kohn
Btamm valued at $150. '
The World Renowned and Old Reliablo
Dr. Campbell's Great Magic Worm
Sugar and Tea.
Every box curranto'd to give satisfaction
or money refunded. Full printed directions
from a child to a grown person. It is purely
vegntable and cannot positively harm tan most
tender Infant. Insist oi bavin); Dr. Camp
bell's; accept no otiior. At all Druggists, Hoc.
South S'-iuktou, Pa, Nov. 10, MM.
Mr, C. W. Campbell-Dear Bir: I havo
even my boy, Freddie. 7 yeare old, some of
r. Campbell's Manic Worm Kugsr and Ten.
and to my surprise this afternoon about 2 ,
o'clock be passed n tapeworm mesKsring .
about X feet in length, head and a l. 1 have ,
It In a bottle and any person wishintr to see
it ran do so by culling at my store. I bud
tried numerous other itmedies recommended
for taking tapeworms, but all tailed. Ia my
estimation Dr. Campbell's is tlio greatest
worm remedy in existence.
Yours virv resnertfully,
FRED HEFFXER, 782 Beech St.
Noto-Th above is what everybody says
after once tiling. Maunfactured by C. W.
Campbell, Lancaster, Pa. Successor to Dr.
John Campbell 3c Son.
Allentown for the Eisteddfod,
Thursday, November 29.
Special excursion tlckti from 8crnnto wil
be sold g od to go ou all tiuins Nov. 'iV, su J 'o.
returu Nov, K9 or 3',
The Finest In the Cltj;
The latest Improved furnish
ings and apparatus for keeping
meat, butter und egs.
223 Wyoming Ave.
Instruments In every (ense of the term
as applied to Pianos.
exceptional in holding their original ful-
01 one. 1
Fifth avenue.
1115 Adams Ave.New Telephone Bdg
All done away with by tho use of HART
MAN'S PAT K NT PAINT, which consists
of ingredients well-known to all. It can be
applied to tin, gulvanlZHd tin, sheet Iron
roofs, also to brick riwelings, which will
frevent absolutely any crumbling, crack
ng or breaking of the brick. It will out
last tinning of any kind by many years,
and It's cost does not exceed one-lifth that
of the cost of tinning. Is sold by the Job
or pound. Contracts taken by
Avenue, Scranton,
.' That i$ the'verdict of the jury of parents whose children
, J V" . have got copies of
which we are now distributing to our readers. His fascinating stories of
GIANTS flflD GOBtilflS, Who perform wonderful feats of strength
and daring, and terrorize whole regions of country, until finally brought
to some untimely end are perfectly entrancing to the little people. Among
is that of the giant thief and marauder, Grim Griffin, who finally caught
a whale and was drawn far out into the ocean and never heard of afterwards.
;' One of the most modest but really great men of the nation writes us
as follows: "In our home are five grandchildren who
remember Palmer Cox in all their prayers, QUEER
PEOPLE' has set them wild with delight. IT IS A
TRIUMPH. It ought to find a place IN A MILLION
flO LilVlJlG PEEt
The world has known no Genius as a Juvenile Artist fo compare with
Palmer Cox, and the Philadelphia Press declares the humor of " Queer
People " almost too good for adults. He command? he highest copyright
of any Juvenile Artist or Author livin?
YOU GET THE BEflEpIT of the price by the 25,000 lots in
this distribution, which is going to run far beyond our expectations.
33 Pages,
Illuminated Covers
EflIiV 15,000 COPIES 1 TfllEfl.
We have doubled our first call for supplies, and intend the children
not only of our readers; but those of their friends as well ; in fact,
THEIf$ flUfiTS
shall be supplied if they come for them. It is only 10 cents copy wc
ask to cover cost.
lw Ntttfv ni nniOMiTiin
Hold Fast 1
; SteulCerf $i? H fin WnAftY j (lt
tcred, Self- M 1 J I J Jf, p
, Sharpening, Jfc$ I ) jll
m -sals m
JhJfl Z&r gomftttffiw fioedi a reliable,
me pure arugo aaouia m bin, - 11 70a wui vuo mi, got
Hr. Psal's LPennvroval Pills
TDey art prompt, bub itiq oariaiu in mm jug uir, . whvi
do tat. eat anywhere, ll.M. Addresi PiL Uoucua C ClSTtUaO, O,
For Saleby JOHN H. PHELPS,
Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa.
sulaL Vft 1 jV Wh .romt mmrtT fornarvflus lmMtrailon and all Darvfl
4' sZTjT v!rHK h(norHTorfausof eitaeriox. sucBa.NirTesfraurUsn.lfall
( Z2SlJ3 5V' V '' fi w Lo" aianheoa, lmpotem'y, Nlrhlly Bnlsitoas.Toutariil Brrony
I ixLJ.1, 'VRKl ''ri Wentcl WorrT,reoMlTeot TobaccoorOplum.whtchlitaatoCoa'
V. 'j2t.;. jl? Sumption and Inanity. WIU ersry i ortler we m a wrtlwn nf
y.' rTrJTz t. ljiiurnrTMfutii1 th monir. Kalfl aft Stl.Qo MFhoLShflna
For (ale by G M. H ABM9, Drurila
. M Complete ii Ikslf,
Also a Full Line of
Scranton, Pa.
monthly. ngalaUng medicfn. On If hamltwt&J
Pharmacist, Cor. Wyoming Avonua and
187 " Avsaue.