The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 27, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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Toes better work
vthan a hsapinj
cf others.
Norrman & Moore
120 Wyoming Ave.
Arc and Inran
dascent Light in
nearly all parts
ut the city.
No Oriental opiiim-scentcd linen
frayed, fretted and worthless, but all
returned fit for wear, ironed with care,
and all of it there.
DCS Penn Ave. A. B. WARMAN.
i Ruffs and Swoepers for the Ilo'idny
trade "Gold Alcdul" Sweepers ii
twelve fancy woods for Christ uiut (lift
Miss Heath's lecture on Venetian nit.
Intended to be delivered lust evening, was
unavoidably postponed.
"lira, Mary. Morun entered bull yesterday
ror her appearance ut court. Thomas H
Walsh became her bondsman.
Martin Murphy and Annie Puschas
were yesterday discharged from the coun
ty Jail under the Insolvency laws.
Staff Captain Pattle Watklns will de
liver a special address upon evangelistic
lines at the Hescue mission tonight.
Do not forget to attend the free ex
htbltlons given by The Trlbuno in churge
of Professor B. M. Cull on Saturday even
lng, Dec. 1, at 8 o clock.
The clerks In the county commissioners
omee arc getting the registry lists for tho
December registration ready for delivery
to tne registers ot voters.
There has been a big demand for Beats
for Oeorge Dixon at the Academy o
Music on Thanksgiving Day. Checks will
be given out at 8 u. m. Sale commencing
at a a. m.
Court yesterday made an order that the
sheriff pay Into court for distribution the
fund arising from the execution levied by
jviiuniey j. Anon uavis aguinst tne prop
eny or rump J. Leonard.
A meeting of the local branch of tho
Jewish women's council was held at the)
lilnuen Street synagogue lust night, whan
satisfactory progress wns reported. The
attendance was very large.
Ten prisoners, sentenced 'to various
terms ot Imprisonment for -drunkenness
were taken to the county Jail from tho
city ponce station yesterday. The mu
Jorlty of the cases were arrests made on
Special Invitations are Issued to the
meeting of the Woman's Christian Tern
perance union tomorrow afternoon at tho
rooms, 3(0 Spruce street, when Mrs
George Reynolds will conduct un
gelical meeting.
John P. Mannion, of Carbondalo, began
sun against tne laruoiiuulr school dls
trlct yesterday to recover MX) on a note
given to John Nolan for work done for tho
.district. The note was afterward as
signed to Mr. Mannion.
Marriage licenses were granted by the
clerk of the courts yesterday to John
Michaelson and Elizabeth Williams,
Scranton; Ernest Ward and Anna Van
Busklrk, Bald Mount; Harry Hull, Arch
bald, and Elizabeth Kedley, Scranton
Robert Fitzslmmons and Isabella Kldley,
An annual report has recently been Is
sued by the Young Women's Christian
association showing the work accom
pllshed during the past twelve months,
Interesting accounts are given by the
gymnasium committee, summer rest com
mlttee, employment and the many otlio
A new time table went Into effect on th
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western rail
road yesterday. Hereafter train No
will leave New York a t9.30 Instead of 9 p,
m. and arrive here at 2.S0 a-, m. Train No,
IB, between Scranton and Nicholson, has
been taken off and the train for Nicholson
which heretofore left Scranton at 6 p. m,
now departs at 5.15.
An Interesting meeing of the Vesper
Literary Boclety was held last evening nt
the Penn Avenue Baptist church. W. W
Kesslnger gave an interesting talk upon
scientific subject b and was followed by
Professor u A. lounge, who gave an npi
tome of the week's news. With regard to
the new czar ol Kussla, he prophesied.
good monarch with enlightened views and
liberal ideas. Other members contrlb
uted three-minute speeches. Next Mon
day the subject will be, "Resolved, That
knowledge Is. more to be desired than
Pabst'g Milwaukee Beer, cool and spark
ling, fell ivuilllinn , Dyiuve u em.
Inspect the handsome line of holiday
gooug til uaviuuw ciub. ,
Call at Davldow Bros, . ;
iswwm ELECT
School Board Adopts the Decision of
the Investigators.
Odium Is Now Rcmovod from Reynolds
tiros, and tho Supply Comnilttce.
Mtny Teachers Appointed
or Transferred.
At a meeting of the board of control
iast night the report was received of
the special committee appointed to ln-
estlgate charges made against the sup
ply committee and Reynolds Bros., by
H. Withers, of the Withers Paper
The complaint was, In substance, that
Reynolds Bros, had been awarded a
contract to fumLsh school puds at a
cost of $90 above the lowest bid, that
the paper furnished wub of Inferior
quality, und that the supply committee
as aware of the fact. The following
eport which discredits the correctness
f the charges was udopled after being
read by Mr. Barker, chairman; the
other members were Mr. Jennings and
Mr. Hvana:
Itcpoit of Committee.
Your committee appointed Tat the
rtfeulor meeting of the ooard Nov. 12, to
nvestlgate the charges preferred by
W. li. Withers against Reynolds Bros.
u a communication to the board, dated
Oct. 25. concerning puds furnished the
school district, have Investigated the
same, as fat' as time would allow; steno
graphic notes of the testimony and pro
ceedings were taken by B. D. Fellows,
and a full transcript of the same has
been made, which we recommend be
luced on file.
A meeting of the committee was held
Monday evening, Nov. 19, at which all
the members were present. Mr.
Withers und Reynolds Bros, were pres-
nt ut said meeting. Every opportunity
was afforded Mr. Withers to substan
tiate his charges. He was permitted to
question Reynolds Bros, while they pre
sented their side of the case, and Rey
nolds Bios, were also given an oppor-
unlty to question Mr. Withers while
he was before the committee.
Mr. Withers presented no testimony
further than the statements made by
himself before the committee and con
tained In his communication which
would muke good his charges.
On the other hand, Reynolds Bros,
resented sworn affidavit, of the manu
facturers of the paper from which the
pads were made, the Tlcondroga Paper
nd I'u d company ot r;ssex, is. i., to
the effect that the paper wns made of
the requisite weight, viz.: forty pounds
to the ream; also statement or a. a.
Megnrgee, of the 1lrm of Megurgee
Bros., the Jobbers through whom the
rder wus given and the goods deliv
ered, that the pacer wus positively
standard 40-pound paper; also aflidavit
of G. F. Schwenker, foreman of The
Trlbuno bindery, to the effect that the
pp.per put Into the pads made for Rey
nolds Bros, to be furnished the Scran
ton, school district were made from
paper that naa tne iaciory main oi
forty pounds per ream thereon.
From statements anu testimony oi-
fered before this committee, we con-
riinlo that there was no ground for the
charges preferred by Mr. witners
against Reynolds Bros., and we are
quite confident that upon a careful read
ing of the evidence nerewun suomuieu
to the board the unanimous opinion will
prevail that the rinding of the commit
tee was correct.
Wo find from the statement oi air.
Withers that, as he did not furnish a
sample of the 40-pound paper, and as
the supply committee state that they
did not consider his bid, owing to the
fact that he did not furnish such sam
ple, we conclude that they were Justl-
fled In la King sucn ai-uun, mu uioi
the charges tnat au mora was pmu wi
the pads than should have been, wa
Report of Teachers' Committee.
The report of the teachers' committee
which contains a large number oi trans
fers and appointments was adopted.
The report, in part, follows;
That Sarah J. Hughes be appoimeu
aslsstant In No. IK primary B and c;
Mary Shields to No. 24, primary y
grade; Helen Hurlbutt to No. 28, pri
mary C; Margaret uurain, usumiuiu
grammar B ana u, sso. j; auiu.ii r.
Clarke, assistant preparatory and
grammar A, No. 14; Miss Sarah Ruddy
to intermediate u graue, io. oo, uunng
absence of Mlsa RhodeB; Miss Cora
Preston temporarily transferred to as
alut In nrlmarv C grade. No. 26; Miss
Marv Co eman to No. 3( scnooi, bbiu
school to be opened on the first Monday
In December; Miss Frances Connor
from No. 28 annex to assistant in gram
mar A grade. No. 1; Miss Anna Corbet
to primary grade No. 28 annex, vice
Miss Connor transferred; Miss Caveny
nrlncloal of primary B and C grade,
No. IB; Miss Mary Walsh assistant In
primary B and C grade; bubs Mary
Beamish, assistant primary No. 14 an
That the following additional night
school appointments be made: No. f,
Myrtle Watrous; No. 9, Teresa Blewltt;
No. 10, Mary L. Murphy: No. 11, Teresa
Gibbons; No. 13, Hattle Fellows; No. 17,
Mary Riddle; No. 22, B. Norton; No. 29,
Mary Mahon; No. 30, Mary Keenan; No.
31, H. L. Morgan, appointed principal,
vice M. B. Keane, resigned; Sarah A.
JoneB to girls' room, No. 31; Alice Car
lyon, No. 8. ,
That the building committee be re
quested to provide additional accom
modations for No. 21 school if found
necessary- '
That at the closing or schools Nov.
28 they will not re-open until Monday,
Dec. 3.
More Trouble About Coul.
A warm discussion was precipitated
during the calls for committee reports
by Mr. Mahon saying the Bupply com
mittee was ready to report In part upon
the bids for furnishing coal to the
schools, and Mr. Bchrlefer's equally
positive assertion that the committee
had been unable to agree, but proposed
to wait until Mr. Jacobs, the commit
tee's chairman, attended a meeting
when his vote would decide the matter.
Mr. Mahon was substantiated by Mr.
O' Boyle, while Mr. Barker vouched for
the truth of Mr. Schrlefer's statement.
After Mr. Mahon had mentioned the
successful bidders In the First, Second
and Third districts, the.committee was
directed by motion to retire and report
forthwith. When the result of their de
liberations was announced the Fourth
district award was lacking and con
flrmatlon of the report was postponed
until the next meeting. They announced
Stephen Short as the successful bidder
for the First district and the Consum
ers' Ice and Coal company for the Sec
ond and Third districts'; the bids In each
case are $1.65 for pea coal and J2.54 for
larger sizes.
Ladles, when out shopping do not forgot
to call on Davldow Bros.
Orange spoons. Triple plate,
get. Davldow Bros.
$2.00 per
Tortoise shell hairpins. Large assort
ment and neat designs. Davldow Bros.
She Says Gcofge Was Forcible.
' Sheriff iFahey. became bondsman In
the: 'sumi of $200' before Alderman
Wright yesterday for the appearance of
Deputy Sheriff Oriswold at court upon
a charge of forcible entry and detainer
preferred by Mrs. Madlgan, of Scott
township. The charge arose out of
sheriff's sale.
Gold pens at Davldow Bros.
. V - .1 .
hut Wo Saw, How It Is Run, and Why
Wc Ever Thought of Going Therc-If It
Cemcs from Coursen You Can Depend
It Is All O. K. '
With all Scranton's hustle-and-get-there
energy. It Is a strange fact that
there Is hardly another city In the Union
of like size and commercial Importance
but can show half a dozen first-class
and perfectly equipped grocery stores
for Scranton's one. A lady who has
recently made her home In this city and
who has seen much of the country,
was the first to call our attention to
Scranton's shortcomings in this respect,
and at first we were at a loss to explain
why this should be bo; but on second
thought the reason Is obvious. Scran
ton and Its environs is a complete net
work of company and other stores, con
nected directly or indirectly with almost
every Important industry In the valley,
and the firm that would butt against
this coercive and Illegal system of se
curing business must have something
unusually meritorious to back it.
The lady referred to above, stated
that Scranton had only one good gro
cery store, and that was E. G. Coursen's
on Lackawanna avenue. We are not
willing to go quite as far as our house
keeping friend In limiting Scranton's
fine grocery stores to one, but we are
willing to admit that Coursen takes the
palm for perfect equipment, a fine line
of goods, ' perfect cleanliness, In every
point, and prices as keen as the keen
est. A Look Through Coursen's Grocery.
Having had this store sighted out as
a model, we took the liberty of drop
ping In there on Wednesday last and
looking over the entire premises, and It
did hot take us long to find out the
points whloh had caught a woman's
sharp, experienced eye and led her to
such a sweeping assertion.
On entering the store the air Is as pure
the closest scrutiny reveals nothing but
,r,M, j, o.,.i ,.i.,..iir,,a
Hnif n fi,-,7n oioi-Ua nr. hiuJ fininir
orders and waiting on customers. A j
B-lance tella vou thee men know I
their business. They are not of the
half clean, slovenly order, common to
most groceries In this section; they are
active, polite, unobstruslve, and yet
closely attentive to every want of their
customer. Perfect system Is apparent
In every movement, and everything
runs like a well-geared machine, the
controller being Mr. Cbursen, who has
few equals as a manager of the forces
under him. Orders given there are
obeyed to the letter, and consequently
disappointment to customers Is a rare
thing Indeed.
Coursen's Stock.
If you see Coursen's name on any ar
ticle in the store you need ask no ques
tions; lt'B a guarantee not only of
quaUty, but of the very best quality
that money will buy. For oxample,
take Coursen's "Gem" Flour, or Cour
sen's Family Soap; every housewife
knows that. money will buy no better.
Again, take the epicure who loves the
delicacies of France and other foreign
countries. Coursen has them In abund
ance, his own direct Importations, and
the choicest of the choice brands bear
Coursen's name. Same way In pre
served fruits and' canned goods of all
descriptions, the very best carry the
firm's name and no business man of
ordinary sagacity will lend his name to
anything that Is not A No. 1, and therein
is the secret of Coursen's ever increas
ing popularity.
Magnificent Fixtures.
The fittings throughout the entire
store are solid oak, and no other grocery
store In this city is fitted In like man
ner. Desks, shelving, show cases, cor
nices, counters, etc., are all of the same
material and uniform In design. A
unique feature in the store Is the stock
oannisters and bins, all of which are
air-tight as a drum when closed. They
are made from solid silvered steel
plates, handsomely ornamented, and,
being air-tight, the aroma of flavor of
their contents, as in the case of teas,
coffees, spices, etc., are as perfectly
preserved as If they were kept In her
metically sealed cases.
Another Feature
worth noticing in this model store Is
the scales In use, all of which are set on
perfectly adjusted agate balances and
are the work of the celebrated Henry
Troemen's, of Philadelphia. From the
smallest candy scale to the largest In
general use the balance is so perfect
that a sheet of tissue paper will turn the
balance. By the same maker Is a
unique electric coffee mill of new design.
As they say about the kodak, "You
touch the button and the mill will do
the rest."
In Conclusion
we may state that we wanaerea
through the three flooors which go to
muke up -the store and stock rooms and
we found nothing throughout to change
the opinion of our lady friend that
Coursen's Is by all odds the finest gro
cery In the city, and probably In the
tate, for almost all other fancy grocers
In Pennsylvania depend on wlneB,, 11
quors, etc., for a large portion of their
support, while Coursen Is an exclusive
dealer In groceries, provisions and table
delicacies. Adv.
If you are In need of sldo combs, with
sterling silver trimmings, call at Duvldow
Green Kldge Wheelmen and Their Guests
in Social Session.
Over a hundred members and guests
enjoyed a very up-to-date smoker given
by tho Green Ridge wheelmen In their
club house Friday evening. The friends
of the clubmen Included many of the
well known business and professional
men of the city.
A sumptuous luncheon was served ot
midnight and the following programme
contributed to the pleasure of the
smoker, which was the second of the
series to be continued through the wln--
ter: The Columbian Male quartettte,
Professor Wilson, and Pearl and Rus
sell, of Davis theater, In comedy- spe
Gentlemen, have you seen the new stylo
link cuff buttons that Davldow Bros, have
for sale? "
When your watch needs repairing, re
member that Davldow Bros, employ none
but skilled workmen.
Foot Ball Thanksgiving Day.
There will bo an exciting game of foot
ball at the ball park Thanksgiving af
ternoon between the Boranton and Wy
oming Seminary teams. It will bo the last
game of the series. Game called at 2.30
p. m. Admission, 50 cents.
We nave an elegant line of genuine tor
toise shell hairpins and combs. Davldov
Bros. . ,
18-17 Rogers Bros. . triple plated table
spoons, $1,50 a set. Davldow Bros.
.i i i -
Our miners' friend Is a $1,00 clock. Guar
anteed timekeeper. Davldow' Bros,
Now Is the time to exercise. Join the
, Y. U. C. A, gymnasium.
A Great Company at Davis' Theater for
Three Days.
Davis' theater has a large and excel
lent company during the first three
days of the week and by common con
sent is one of the best vaudeville and
comedy companies which has ever per
formed In the city. There are a larger
number of ladles than is usually found
In companies, all of whom are experts
in the different departments in which
they appear.
The performance opened with on
elaborate and laughable satire on the
atrical life, entitled "Green Room Gos
sip," which was very well received.
Miss Marie Armstrong sang several se
lections and wus accorded an encore.
Coogan and Bacon were splendid In
their comedy sketches. The Lannler
Sisters showed great merit as vocalists
and I.eonl and Everett, the original
Yankee and dude, caused great merri
ment. The performance concluded with
the bulesque, "In Old Kentucky-Rye,"
during which excellent music was ren
dered, and a genuine band of pickanin
nies, Introduced by Henry Williams,
who claims to be the world's champion
colored dancer. His work yesterday
proved that he was a dancer of rare
abilitybeing accorded two calls to re
peat his performance.
Interesting Showing Mude at the Academy
of Music Last Night.
An Interesting exhibition was given at
tho Academy of Music last night by the
members of the different classes of the
Scranton Turn Vereln. The exercises
were under the direction of Professo
Karl Staiber. the physical director of
the Turn Vereln,
The exhibition began with "The Turn
ers' Living Picture" In which Germania
Columbia and Father John occupied a
central position surrounded by athletes
great and small to the number or J00.
There were Interesting drills and ex
erclses In calisthenics by large classes
of little boys and girls ranging in age
from G to 10 years. There work wus
i most creditable for their years. A class
ot girls between 11 and 14 years of age
gave a very pretty wand exercise, and
twelve members of the ludies' class, at-
tired In "bloomers," gave a flag drill and
march that called forth warm applause.
The work of the men's class on the
BDi-lng board and horizontal bar and
with the dumbells was very good. Th
exhibition was a fine exposition of tin
work the Turners are doing in the way
of body building.
TJi Great Healing Power ut Music Hall
Every Afternoon nt 2. 3U O'clock.
No one should miss hearing and see
ing the great "Andrew." Sick, crippled
and deaf people will be cured on the
stage. Canes and crutches will be
thrown away and miraculous cureB will
be performed. "Andrew" has cured
hundreds upon hundreds of people. He
will exhibit this great power and treat
free all who come. Admission to the
hall Is free, and his exhibitions are
worth going miles to see.
He Was a Prominent Resident of the West
William Tyler, of 53S North Sumner
avenue, an old and respected bcranton
resident and one who was especially
prominent for his Christian precept,
died at 10 o'clock yesterday morning.
He suffered from a stroke of apoplexy
on Friday last while on duty as engi
neer ut the Diamond mines. He had
worked In this capacity forv twenty
seven years.
Mr. Tyler was 65 years of age and
had lived in Scranton twenty-nine
years. He was a member of the En
campment of Odd-Fellows, No. 81; SU
urlunLodgeof Odd Fellows, No. 763. His
funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Thurs
day afternoon from his late residence,
services to be held a half hour later In
the Simpson Methodist Episcopal
Mr. Tyler leaves a wife and five child
ren. He lived a pure. Christian life.
Fraycr .Meeting at Sunrise.
At Grace church (Reformed Eplsco
pal) Thursday morning at precisely
o'clock the Young People's Society of
Christian Endeavor of Grace church
will assemble for prayer and praise.
All the members of the Endeavor socle
ties of the city are Invited to participate,
Gospel Hymns No. 5 will be used. ,
1847 Rogers Bios, triple pluted knives
2 a set. Davldow Bros.
Gold tooth picks at Davldow Bros.
It will pay you to Inspect Davldow Bros.
elegant line of holiday goods.
Thanksgiving Entertainment.
Wood's College will give an entertain
ment on Wednesday evening, Nov. 28,
tne college nan. uiu students can get
tickets at the college onlce.
A household maxim for the busy bar
gain seeker. Davldow Bros.
Tortoise shell hairpins. Large assort
ment and neat designs. Davldow Bros.
Headquarters for wedding rings In 14k
and 18k. Davldow Bros.
Attention Everybody.
We want your co-opcratlon by calling
at our store anu securing a package
that world-famous food absolutely free
of charge. Colonial Food stands without
a rival. C. T. MILLER.
Court street and Diamond ave.
Holiday goods
are dally arriving, at
Davldow Bros.
Oyster forks, pretty designs, triple plat
ed ware. Davldow Bros.
Buy the Weber
and get the best. At Guernsey Bros .
We have a large complete lino of double
barrel shotguns. Davldow Bros.
Ctold rings. $1,000. Davldow Bros.
We invite your especial
attention to our lines of
Fancy Groceries that will
be exhibited for Thanks
giving week. A careful
inspection of our- lines
compared with any New
York store will demon
strate that you have a
Fancy Grocery in Scran
ton, second to none.
E. Q. Coursen
Importer of Fancy Groceries.
Company Has an Injunction
Issued to Restrain It.
So Mrs. Abbio J. Sheak, Daughter of the
Discoverer of Curtis Compound, Main-
tains-Declares Company Did Not
Live I'p to Its Contract.
Mrs. Abble J. Sheak, executrix of the
estate of the late Mrs. Juliet Curtis, of
Binghamton, yesterday through At
torneys Wheaton, Darling & Woodward,
of Wllkes-Barre, obtained an Injunction
from Judge Edwards to restrain the
Curtis Manufacturing company, of this
ity, from manufacturing or using the
trade marks of Curtis Cough Compound
nd Curtis Compound Blood, Liver and
Kidney Purifier. The injunction is re
turnable Saturday morning at 1U o'clock
About ten years ago Robert E. Cui
us, of Binghamton, first began the
manufacture of the Curtis Cough Com
pound which met with Buccess and later
e put on the market the kidney and
blood medicine. Curtis died several
years ago and the business was carried
on by his wife until her death on Dec,
1893, when tha.rlp;ht to manufacture
these medicines, It is alleged, became
vested in her daughter, Mrs. Abble J
oiieaK, wnotn sue named us her exe
In the bill of complaint filed yesterday
it is cet forth that on March 12. 1894, Mrs,
Sheak entered Into an agreement with
the Curtis Manufacturing company, t
regularly organized company with head
quarters in this city, setting forth that
,the company had the right to use the
Curtis formulae to manufacture the
medicines and also to make use of the
arlous Curtis trade marks.
It Is alleged that the Curtis company
lolated this contract which Mrs. Sheak
says nullifies that document. Never
theless It is contended that the Curtis
company continues to manufacture and
sell the cough and kidney medicines,
and this Mrs. Sheok wants the courts
to put an end to.
Original Oil Puintlngs of the Scott Collec
tion riclng Sacrificed.
The first night's sale of the Scott
collection of paintings last night at the
corner of Adams avenue and Linden
street, was particularly gratifying to
buyers, but equally as discouraging to
the auction firm. Valuable works of
art were sacrificed among a select as
semblage .of w-ell known people at
prices which did not approach even the
cost of framing.
The sale will be continued this and
tomorrow evenings, when will be of
fered for sale many very choice paint
ings. If last evening's prices is any
criterion, the balance of the collection
will be sold for a song.
Funeral of Charles Raffclt.
Charles Raffelt, of Taylor avenue, was
burled yesterday afternoon In Dunmore
cemetery. Services were under the aus
pices of Camp 242, Patriotic Order,
Sons of America. The pall bearers were
Jacob Mansfield, Harry Hlghfleld,
Charles Westpfahl and Joseph Bau
meister. We have Just received an elegant line of
presents. Duvldow Bros.
Eight-day clocks.
Black walnut or oak.
Davldow Bros.
Special Kates Via. 'he Lehigh Valley It. H.
On account of the second annual meet
ing of tho Lehigh Valley Eisteddfod asso
ciation to be held at Allentown Thanks
giving Day, round trip tickets will be wold
by tho Lehigh Valley Railroad at rate of
$1.70 from Scranton. Tickets good on all
ulns and for return to and Including
Nov. 30. City office. 309 Lacka. ave.
Before Davldow Bros, change their win
dow dlspluy, do not forget to gaze upon It.
We have sterling sliver butter knives
and sugar shells. Davldow Bros.
Make Your Children Happy.
Part one of tl' "Queer People" is
Jrct what the little ones at home will
chuckle over, when you let them see It,
Manicure sets.
Manicure sets.
Davldow Bros.
Davldow Bros.
TYLER. In Scranton, Nov. 26, William
Tyler, of MS North Sumner avenue.
Funeral Thursduy afternoon at 2
o'clock. Services at Simpson Methodist
Episcopal church.
LYNCH.-Nov. 20, 18S1, Mrs. Margaret
Lynch, aged 65 years, at the home of her
' brother, Thomas Hogan, 425 Fourth
street. Funerul Wednesday morning tit
9 o'clock. Interment In Hyde Park
Catholic cemetery.
BURKE. In Scranton, Nov. 20, Miss I.or
etta Butke, daughter of James and ICl
len Btlrke, of 203 North Ninth street,
aged 17 years. Funeral notice later.
Now Is the Time to Look for Your
W.W. Berry
Has a larger stock of Novelties
than ever before. RIGHT IT
TO DATE, with everything new
Lackawanna Ays
x t FnMUt the Moat Popnlir ul rreftmd hf
Loiiuif AnUtl
Wtreroomi: Opposite Columbus Monument,
206 Washington Av. Sornnton.Pa.
Inoludlng the patnleis extracting of
teeth by an entirely new prooeaa.
S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.,
Will not be a success without i
visit at WOOLWORTH'S to sort
up aud till in what cooking uten-t-il
aud tablo furniture you will re
Don't Lose Sight
Of the fact that we are lioudquar
ters on each goods as Itoastinu
J'ans, Basting Bpoons, Pmldlnc
Pairs, ligif Heaters, Oyster Broil
er?, Wood Bowls, Yellow Mixing
Bowls, Saratoga Potato Fryers,
Angel Food Funs, Cake Turners,
Potato beotips, etc., etc.
And Then
For your.Tuble we havo Cut Glas
Halt aud Pepper Shakers, Chiua
Dinner Sets, Tumblers and ( ihisset
or nil kl ds, a well as Knives
Forks aud Spoons.
0,000 Square Feet
Of floor space all on the grouua
floor no elevators, no stairs, the
greatest variety of goods shown in
in any one establishment in North
eastern Pennsylvania.
Green and Gold Store Front.
Is receiving daily all the lat
est novelties in .
When in need of something
late in the Jewelry line call
and sec Rogers' stock before
making your final selection
as he can show you the latest
and a large assortment to se
lect from.
-do you dread Monday
washday? Can't blame you
much slop dirt confusion
heat enough to drive you
out into the street. Wouldn't
it be better to send your whole
family wash to us every week ?
Special " POUND RATES "
to families. Write for these
Crop a postal-our wjffocs will call promptly.
Many a long mile before you will
Cud Shoes to equal our new lines
of Fall aud Winter Footwear.
ity that is first-class and desira
ble Our prices are as low, if not
lower, than you are paying for
poorer Shoes.
We refer especially to our Cloak,
Millinery and Men's Furnish
ing and Hat Departments,
One of
the Greatest
Offerings in
Alaska Seal Sacques, full skirts, big
sleeves and rcviers, $175, '.worth J250.
Astrakhan Sacques, full skirts, big
sleeves and reviers, 85. worth $135.
Electric Seal Sacques, full skirts, big
sleeves and reviers, $85, worth $135.
Alaska Seal Circular Cape, length
27 inches, $125, worth $105.
Hudson Bay Otter Circular Cape, 30
Inches long, $150, worth $225.
Hudson Hay Marten, 28 inches long,
$05, worth ;oo.
Mink Circular Cape, 30 inches long,
$05, worth $90.
Electric Seal Circular Capes, 30 inch
cs long, $35, worth fio.
Wool Seal Circular Capes, 30 inches
long, $22, worth 135.
Astrakhan Circular Capes, 30 indies
long, $15, worth $25.
REMEMBER, manufacture all
our fur garments. For that reason we
can guarantee full satisfaction or
money refunded.
All mail orders receive prompt atten
tion. Scud for illustrated Catalogue.
Have your Furs repaired by the
only Practical Furrier in the city.
Wyoming Av.
In Town
ftlfllfEQ At Greatly
ULUtftu Reduced Prices
v.o make room for entirely
new stock of
01 R NEW RAZOR or Needle Toss for
Ladles and Gentlemen are the per
fection of the Shoemaker's art
They cut their way into favor with
every one who sees them.
. will prove attractive to parents
who are looking for reliable Shoes
at the lowest possible prices.
Corner of Lackawanna ani
Wyoming Avonues.