THE SCBANTON TRIBUNE MONDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 2G, 1S94. Expe agree rience and Science hat of all NIS THE FIRE INSURANCE, 120 Wyoming Ave. THE SUBURBAN Aro nnl lurnn Ooiccnt Light in nearly all parts uf tlio city. ornci: : Ccmnunwjallh Buildiog. No Oriental opium-scented linen frayed, fretted and worthless, but all returned fit for wear, ironed with care, and all of it there. ACKAWANNA THE bmAUNDRY. 8C8 Penn Avo. A. B. WARM AN. CLEVELAND Norrman HM 111 CO. IF YOU Want Carpets, Draperies, Wall Paper or Window Shades Come to Us. We to K a Full Line of Goods, and Our Prices ire Very 11 Los. iiiisiii'jiif 127 WYOMING AVE. CITY NOTES. Don't forget the Turners' gymnastic ex hibition at the Academy of Music to night. The Rescue mission converts will cele brate the first anniversary of Mr. JIarsh this evening at 8 o'clock. The Scott art sale will bei?ln this even ing at 8 o'clock In the gallery at corner of Adams avenue and Linden street. A special meeting of Division No. 7, Anelent.Order of Hibernians, will bo hold tomorrow evening at the usual hour. Mr. and Mrs. 8. S. Lee, of Marlon street, have feone to Stroudsburg to attend the funeral of Mr. Lee's sister, Mrs. IVck. The Young Men's Christian association glee club will sing for Mr. Schlvereu at the meeting In tho Voting Men's Christian association In Wllkes-liarre next Wed nesday evening. Those who are to participate In the cantata called "A Meeting of All Na tions" will meet this evening at J.' V. Guernsey's music store, on Washington avenue, and not at the church. There will he a mass Tuesday morn ing at 8. o'clock at St. Peter's cathedral at the instance of the Altar society for the repose of the souls of Mrs. Mary Cou ntry and Mrs. Annie O'Hoyle, deceased members. The exchanges at the Scranton Clearing house lust week were as follows: Mon day, $135,379.85; Tuesday, JlCU.2iO.27; Wed nesday, 1117,715.75; Thursday, 158,717.0J; Friday, $131,41)0.30; Saturday, $102,392.19; to tal, $S11,935.43. The programme that will be rendered nt the meeting of the Vesper literary so ciety tonight is as follows: "Sclcntllie Talk," W. W. Resslngor; "Epllomo on Week's News," L. A. Langc; "Ten Mln tites Talk," 11. 8. Smith; oration, J. W. Drowning; three-minute speeches by members, ... The New York, Ontario and Western Railway company announces that on Dec. 17, they will run their annual holiday ex cursion from all stations to New York and return, at ono faro for the round trip, tickets good for five days. This will af ford everybody an opportunity of viewing New York city In holiday attire. The Mecklems will give their delightful concert tonight at the Younsj Men's Chris tian association, they having the second place In the standard course. People who heard them yesterday were delighted, and they will probably have the largest audience of the course. The diagram Is open at the Young Men's Christian asso ciation office all day. Fabst's Milwaukee Beer, cool and spark ling, at Lohniati'i, Spruce street. . 1 Brownies In Fairyland. ' A treat Is In store In the produc tion or "The Brownies in Fairyland," which will be performed by twenty five young Indie and twentv-flve vounir gentleman under the direction of Man ager wosion, or tne xoung Slen'B Chris tian association gymnasium. The cos tumes will be furnished from designs by the Celebrated Palmer Cox, of New York, and will be, probably, the finest selection, In this direction, jeen In Bcranton. The bright and catchy music was especially composed bv Mawim Douglas, and the effect of the choruses ;s beyond description. Do not forget the Bcott art sale at cor. tier of Adams avenue and Linden street at 8 o'clock this evening. Baking Powders BEST. WELSH BAPTIST INIO.V. Scini-.lnnuul .Meeting Held in First Welsh linptist Cliurcli, Tuylor-Iluslncss That lingugccl Attention of the Delegates. Saturday ,ird yor.letiiay were taken up with the semi-annual meeting of the Welsh Baptist union nnd the linptist Young People's union of Northeastern I'cunsylvanla, which was held at the First Welsh Buptlnt church In Taylor. The sessions of the preachers and of the Young People's union were held al ternately. At 10 o'clock Saturday morning a mooting of the latter was called, Hew J. Lloyd, of Parsons, load ing the opening devotional exercises. Hew J. E. Duvles, of Plymouth, Invited all Rtrantvers present to a welcoming participation In the praise services and his wish was accorded a hearty re ciprocation on the part of those who did nut belong to the church. A roll call cf the delegates showed an Increuse over last convention, which was commented upon by Rev. Mr. Du vles as u pleasing Blgn of progress In church work by the young people. What the primary object of the Young People's union is, lies In consolidating the young with the older members of the church. In all Welsh churches It Is Invariably the case that services are conducted In the mother tongue, and so when the children, who are in this coun try being educated In English, grow up they as a rule, forsake the church of their parents und go to a house of wor ship where the services are in English. When the delegates hud all passed In their credentials and the convention was opened for business the question of amending the constitution was taken up and some minor changes were made. Delegates present came from Welsh Baptist unions In the following places: Wilkes-Barre, South Wllkes-Barre, Parsons, Plymouth, Nantlcoke, Pitts ton, Warrior Run, Kingston, Hyde Purk, Olyphant, Providence and Tay lor. The Young People's meeting closed at noon with benediction by Hew Will iam Thomas, pastor of the church where the convention was In progress. Afternoon Meeting. At 2 o'clock In the afternoon the preachers' meetlngconvened, represent ed by thirty delegates from the various churches of the association. Rev. J. Loyd. of Parsons,, was presiding offi cer. Rev. John Skym, of Lansford, Carbon county, was admitted as a member of the union. He presented papers from the Nebraska State union. Rev. Henry Evans, of South Wllkes Barre, was received from the Heading association. Rev. Jacob E. Davis, of Plymouth, read the report of the state meeting held a few months ago at Altooua. Hy unanimous consent Francis Lewis, of Olyphant, David W. Thomas and John M. Evans, of Providence, although not yet ordained to the ministry, were admitted as local preachers and In vested with the privilege of preaching In any church of the Baptist denomina tion, or addressing meetings of the Young People's union, wherever they are called upon. As the present officers of the associa tion were elected to serve until next May, no nominations were made. In May the annual meeting will be held nt Nantlcoke nnd then their successors will be chosen. At 5.30 the preachers' convention adjourned. After supper the Young People's meet ing re-convened and a most Interesting session was held. Rev. Mr. Floyd led the opening devotional exercises, and Introduced afterward Miss Sarah Mere dith, who read a paper on the following subject: "Need of Clood Workers In the Church." The tenor of It was an Impulsive recommendation to urge upon the members the necessity of giving a care to their spiritual life. Miss Maggie Davis, of Hyde Park, sang a solo very charmingly; but the gem of the evening' was the recitation by Miss Martha Davis. Mrs. James Williams, of Plymouth, read a paper on "Does the Christian Road Lie All the Way Smooth." Her toiJIo was well presented. Rttv. Mr. Skym, the newly elected member, closed with a fervent sermon on the duties, of the church to the young- people. Sunday Services. Morning services were begun at 10 o'clock by Rev. Ivor Thomas, pastor of the Taylor Welsh Congregational church. He read from the Scriptures and led In prayer. Rev. Mr. Lloyd, of Parsons, followed with a stirring ser mon on the "Resurrection." Hev. Mr. EVans, of Olyphunt, took as his text the sin of wordllness or covetousness nnd drew the paruble of the rich man who luld up treasures on earth, but neglected the everlasting Jewels of the kingdom of God. In the afternoon at 2 o'clock Rev. Vaughan Richards offered prayer and Rev. Mr. Davis, of Providence, deliv ered the first sermon. The three char acters on the cross were the Inspira tion of Mr. Davis' sermon. Rev. Mr. Evans spoke next on "The Majesty of Qod." This was a most eloquent and Impressive sermon, and after Its con clusion the meeting terminated with congregational singing. Last evening's services wore opened with prayer by Rev, William Thomas, and the first Bermon was delivered by Rev. Mr. Lloyd, of Parsons. His sub Joct was on the love of God for man kind and the efforts made to save Bin nors. ' Rev. Mr. Jones, of Hyde Park. preached the concluding sermon of the meeting, and his eloquence was a wor thy finale to a convention that was noted all through for oratorical efforts. His subject was on perseverance and he spoke In a general way on that text. The meetings were splendidly at tended and much of the success is due to Rev. Mr. Thomas, pastor of the church, through his untiring and en terprlslng preparations. Rev. Mr. Jones yesterday morning occupied the pulpit of the Calvary Baptist church, of Tay lor, and Rev. Mr. Skym, of Lansford, preached th:re in the evening. PROGRESS TOF ITBODISGI i . 1 -1 ; - v First Methodist Episcopal Church, of Pechville, Dedicated to God. DESCRIPTION OP THE CHURCH Crowded Congregations Filled the Beau tiful Kdifico Yesterday Speeches De livered by Many Former Pastors. Brief itcsuino of Local Work. Peckvllle was astir yesterday upon the occasion of the dedication of the newly-erected Methodist Episcopal church, which will replace the old church dedicated July 4, 1SCS. That village hus reason to be proud of the latest addition to Its churches, which Is complete In every respect and detail. Tho externnl appearance Is massive without being pretentious, und Internally nothing lias been spared to erect "a worthy temple" and to Insure the comfort of the worshiper. A leading feature Is tho style of the stained-glass windows, each of which has been presented by various friends. The large front window bears the In scription: "Presented by the members of the Junior Epworth League," and represents the Savipr blessing little children. Next to It Is a beautiful window presented by members of the Masonic bodies. On the right hand side are windows of the same style pre sented by Pastor and Mrs. F. P. Doty, and Is slde-by-slde with a window given In meniorlum of Rev. John F. Wilbur, a a nnsT ir. e. church, peckvill-e. Dedicated Yokterday by Presiding Eldor W, L. Thorpa, of HonesdHle District. former pastor of the church. The fam ily of Mrs. Mary A. Mott have also given a window In her memory. She was a faithful and zealous member of tho church. Individual members of the Odd Fellows' order presented a window describing the teachings of their orders Inscribed with their motto: "Friend ship, Love nnd Truth." The Lndles' Aid society Is also represented by their window, which bears their motto: "All Work for the Master Is Sweet." J. W. Peck also contributed a beautiful win dow to the memory of his daughter, the late Miss Lillian Peck. Work of the Young People. Great credit Is due to the Young Peo ple's society, who have borne the great expense of supplying the well-flnlshed oak pews, the electric chandelier, and all the carpeting of the church. The choir Is In a neat alcove erected In the corner of the church behind the pulpit und In front of the entire congregation. E. A. Barber, the contractor, who con tributed the circular window, Is warmly congratulated upon the splendid man ner In which he has completed the build ing. So far the total cost Is $G,8S0, a large portion of which has been paid and the work of organizing a fund nnd making the necessary arrangements was entrusted to a committee compris ing Rev. F. P. Doty, J. D. Peck, J. J. Bell, John English, Henry Chapmun and A. A. Thorpe. The first pastor of the Peckvllle Meth odist church was Rev. David Williams, who has been succeeded by the follow ing ministers: Revs. James O. Wood ruff, Ira T. Walker, Edward II. Hynson, S. F. Wright, Gilbert M. Chamberlain, J. F. Wilbur, Jonas Underwood, W. J. Hill, Francis Gendull, E. P. Elhrldge. Richard Hlorns, J. B. Sweet. W. B. Westlake and the present pastor, Rev. F. P. Doty. Seven members was the size of the congregation thirty years ago; now the church has over 240 members full of zeal and enthusiasm for the good work In which they are engaged and full of loyalty to the mother church. Yesterday's services began at 10.30 a. m., when Rev. B. I. Ives, of Auburn, N. Y., preached to a large congregation. At 2 p. m. the following former pastors delivered addresses, brimful of remi niscences of their old associations with the neighborhood: Rev. F. Oendnll, of Jermyn; Rev. R. Hlorns, of Scranton, and Rev. W. B. Westlake, of Dallas. Rev. B. I. Ives and Rev. W. L. Thorpe, presiding elder of the Honesdale dis trict, also delivered addresses In which they eulogized the work of the members of the church and warmly ndvocated the training of the young to contribute to the work. Church Formally Dedicated. In the evening Presiding Elder Thorpe preached a powerful Bermon, after which he formally dedicated tho church to the worship of God. Special mention should be made of the excellent music provided by the choir under the directorship of George S. Shay, accompanied by the organist, Miss Cora Savage. Miss Heath's Lecture on Art. The last in the series of art lectures will be given by Miss Lea Heath In the Penn Avenue Baptist church this evening. The subject will be "Venice the Beautiful." Miss Heath, during her travels abroad, secured jnuny beau tlful and valuable engravings, among the number being seventy-live choice views of Venice and suroundings, many of them exquisitely tinted. These will be presented for Illustration this even ing.. Gymnastic Exhibition. On Monday evening the different classes of the Scranton Turn Vereln will have a Urand Gymnastic exhibition at the Acad emy of Music. The ladles, active turners, girls and boys' classes will take part In this exhibition, which will consist of Flag, Wand and Dumbbell Drills, Club Bwlnglnff, Pyramids, Marches, Tumbling, Exercises on Horizontal and Parallel Bars, Horse, etc. This exhibition will un doubtedly be the grandest of Its kind that has ever been held In this part of the stale. Profossor Carl Btalber and the commltteee have Invited the school board and the superintendent of the schools to the exhibition. The Turners have the best system of physical culture or body build ing In the world and are trying to Intro duce their system in the public schools of the United States. It will be a grand light to see the zuo scnoiars in their pic tureique groupings with calcium light et feet. The Turn Voreln Is giving this ex hlbltion by special request of number of people who saw thorn at tho Turn fest that was held her tail August. - Now Is the time to exercise. Join tho Y, M, C. A. gymnasium. 1 AVE RE BENT OX MURDER. Polaader Narrowly F.scapcd Death from Loss or Blood and a rtoatlng-llo Was a Witness Against Ills Assaulter, Who Was Recently Acquitted of Murder. With his head battered and bruised, his chest and body discolored from kicks and blows and blood flowing In a stream from a severed artery In his forehead In this condition a Polander lay in a back room of a Penn avenue saloon yesterday afternoon when he was reached by Dr. Budaslll, of the Lackawanna hospital, und Dr. Connell. A deliberate attempt at murder had been made nt 4 o'clock In the afternoon and the chief criminal had slipped through the fingers of the police. Charles Bluck, or Kamyel, is the In jured man, and will recover from the beating he received. His assaulters were Andrew Smith and Joseph Ke turlsky. Smith only three months ago Late last night Smith and Keturlsky were arrested on a warrant Is sued by Alderman Horan. Yes terday's episode was the result of a long endeavor by Smith to get even with Black, who was a prominent wit ness for the commonwealth In the trial and gave damaging testimony against Smith. Of the trouble between himself and Smith and the culminating brawl of yesterday Black talked with a Tribune reporter In the hospital. According to his story Smith has many times threat ened to kill Black because of the hit ter's testimony In court. Black and a friend entered the Polskl hotel on Penn avenue after attending church, and In the saloon met Smith and several com- ?fK,;:,u if panlons. Smith finally succeeded in creating a quarrel, and In the fight which followed Bluck was floored with several blows upon the head with beer glusses. One of the glasses became broken and severed the temporal artery In Black's forehead. Smith and his friends gave the senseless body several parting kicks nnd blows and escaped. The two policemen, who later re sponded, had evidently never beard of "First aid to the Injured" nor the way to catch criminals. One notified the hospital officials of the ease, while the other watched tha blood flow In a steady stream from Black's forehead without attempting to compress the severed artery. The surgeons, upon their arrival, stopped the flow of blood During the evening Black was pro nounced out of danger. PARKIIUKST IN SCRANTON. Rev. Warren G. Partridge Has Something or .Municipal Reform to Suggest. A large congregation attended the Penn Avenue church yesterday morn ing to hear a special sermon by the pastor, Rev. Warren G. Partridge, who based his remarks upon Psalm 31.21., "Blessed Be the Lord, for He Hath Showed Me His Marvellous Kindness in a Strontj City," and said that patriot ism and religion were blended in the text where David was speaking of Jeru salem as an Impregnable and lasting city. During his discourse he spoke of bcranton s growth, and present proml nence, the city's strength In situation and resource, and as the metropolis of the anthracite coal region. After de scribing Scranton as strong In religious organizations and In Christian men and women, he said: "We should make Scranton a stronger city In righteous ness. There ought not to be 203 licensed rum-shops In the city, and only churches, almost four times as many licensed drinking places as there are churches, and It is claimed that through public Indifference, there are nearly as many unlicensed tippling shops as the licensed places. We need a Dr. Park hurst In every church. "We require an organized body of patriotic citizens who, without regard to nationality, creed or political party, would fearlessly Investigate municipal reform. We ought to have In Scranton something similar to the committee of seventy In New Y'ork city." In the evening the church was packed when Mr. Partridge preached an up- proprlate sermon to the members of Company D, of the Thirteenth regi ment, who attended In uniform. Foot Ball Thanksgiving Duy. There will bo nn exciting game of foot ball at the ball park ThankHglvIng tir ternoon between the Scranton and Wy omlnir Seminary teams. It will be the last game of the series. Game culled at 2.30 p. m. AdmlBslon, w) cents. Attention KvcrvbtiJv. TT n.rmt vmiH rvfi.ciTwiro t Inn hv on 1 1 i ii ir at our otore and securing a puckagc f that world-fumous food absolutely free of charge. Colonial Food stands without a rival. C. T. MILLER, Court street and Diamond ave. Buy the Wcbcr and get the best. At Guernsey Bros TO THE LADIES We invite your especial attention to our lines of Fancy Groceries that will be exhibited for. Thanks giving week. A careful inspection of. . our lines compared with any New York store will: demon strate that you', have ' a Fancy Grocery in Scran ton, second to none. . E. Q. Coursen ,'..,, importer of Fancy Grocerfa Jk J lOFSCRANTON fillDERERJSJ CUSTODY Foul Slayer of a Pcllow Italian Is Captured in Porest City. i B0SCHIX0 WILL X0T TALK He and Imbriano, a Detained Witness, May Bo Found to Bo Brothers -A Murder for Which Someone i Should Swing. Guls3epe, or "Joe," Buschino, who has been quite clearly proven the murderer of Francisco Confortl on "Bunker Hill," Dunmore, two weVks ago, was captured In Forest City Saturday and la now In tho county Jail, where are also held Tony Imbriano, an accessory, and Rocco Salvatorl, who Is held as a witness In default of $1,000 bull. Boschlno takes his arrest very calmly and wears much the same demeanor as that which characterized Imbriano since the nlght of the shooting. In fact the two men have a startling similarity In face, form and gesture. One who had seen the two but casually would find it extremely difficult to distinguish one from the other upon a second meet ing. Considering that so many Italians under aliases and Incognito ure In this country it would not be surprising If Boschlno, the murderer, and Im briano, the accessory, are brothers and that behind the killing of the un fortunate. Confortl, who was a good man, there Is a feud of long standing. All the chief actors In the murder knew each other from boyhood In Italy. Would Not He Interviewed. Boschlno would not respond to a Tribune reporter's attempted interview yesterday. He pleaded an Ignorance of the English tongue notwithstanding the fact that he has been here several years und Is known to speak the lan guage quite distinctly. The same si lence applies to Imbriano, and in this connection It Is a rather striking fact that the friends of RoHchino and Im briano ure not the friends of little Sal vatorl, the detained witness, who Is 111 but talks freely. Additional significance Is given this observation when Is recalled the In quest testimony of the murdered man's wife and others. Mrs. Confortl testi fied that hard feelings had existed be tween her husband and Boschlno, and from other witnesses It was learned that Salvatorl told several of them Im mediately after the shooting that Im briano, as well ns Boschlno, had killed Confortl. Altogether It Is a peculiar case which, from available facts, point that the as sassination was wilful and premedi tated, that Boschlno Is the chief crimi nal and that Imbriano had a deep con cern In the foul act. If properly In vestigated It may be found Hint the pair are brothers by blood as well as In crime. ' Salvatorl Is Neglected. Influential Italians divide their at tention between Boschlnonnd Imbriano, while little Salvatorl Is neglected, ex cept for the occasional visits of the dead Confortl's friends. Many other straws show how the wind of one of the most foul murders ever perpeiirated In Lackawanna coun ty blows and to a casual observer If some one, or two, is not hung, either the Insufficiency of the law or inability of officials will be very much In evi dence. VVIIXIAMS' SCRANTON DIREC TORY. Below will be found tho contents of a postal card received by me, which substantiates the charge I make against Taylor, that while he led me to believe he was working for me, he was getting orders for a directory of his own. The business and professional men of Scran ton, who are noted for their Integrity and fair dealing, will not, - I know, sustain J. J. Taylor In his underhand efforts to rob me of the Scranton Direct ory, which I have published for the past eight years to the entire satisfac tion of tho public. We can guard agalnBt burglars, but are not prepared for such treachery, as this postal card shows to have been perpetrated on me. J. E. WILLIAMS, Publisher Scranton Directory. Scranton, Nov. 14, 18W. Mr. J. E. Williams: Deur Sir Do you wish me to write to you nnd report each day's bus! ness. If so send stamps. There is a his tory of Scranton being gotten up by some one and It makes it a Utile hard to secure orders. Would like to hear from you. Yours respectfully. Adv.) J. JAMICa TAYLOR, Make Your Children Happy. Part one of tr-e "Queer People" is Ji t-t what the little ono3 at home will chuckle over, when you let them see It Remember the Scott sale of paintings ut 8 o'clock at corner of Adams uvenue and Linden street on Court House Square. CZARINA BUCKLES THE LATEST FAD. Now Is the Time to Look for Your W. W. Berry THE JEWELER, Has . a larger stock of Novelties than ever before. RIGHT IP TO DATE, with everything new 417 Lackawanna Ave THE CRLIBRATIO n 1 PIANOS In t FrMUt Hit Itmt l'opniar ud rnforrtd bj Uadiiig AriUtl Wtrtroomi ! Of polite Columbus Monument, rn Washington Aw. Soranton.P. Xnoludlng the painless extracting of teeth by an entirely new prooeaa, S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.t 139 WYOMING AVE. I mm YOUR THANKSC1V1HCDINNER III Will uot be a success without a visit at WOOLWORTH'S to sort up and nit In what cooking uteu-t-il and table furniture you will re quire. Don't Lose Sight Of the fact that we are lieadquar tcrs on such goods as Roasting Tans, Hasting Spoons, Pudding Pans, Egg Beaters, Oyster Broil ers, Wood Bowls, Yellow Mixing Bowls, Saratoga Potato Fryers, Angel Food Pans, Cake Turners, Potato Scoops, etc., etc. And Then For your Table we have Cut Glass Bait and Pepper Shakers, Chiua Dinner Sets, Tumblers and Glasses of all ki'ds, us well as Kuives, Forks and Spoous. 6,000 Square Feet Of floor space all on the ground tloor no elevators, no stairs, the greatest variety of goods shown in in any one establishment in North eastern Pennsylvania. C, S. W00LW0RTH 319 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Green and Gold Store Front. flijRtl or 215 LACKAWANNA AVENUE, . Is receiving daily all the lat est novelties in JEWELRY AND SILVER LINE FOR THE HOLIDAY TRADE When in need of something: late in the Jewelry line call and see Rogers' stock before making yonr final selection, as he can show you the latest and a large assortment to se lect from. do vou dread Mondav washday? Can't blame you much slop diTt confusion heat enough to drive you out into the street. Wouldn't it be better to send your whole family wash to us every week ? Special "POUND RATES" to families. Write for these terms. Crop a poatal-our wagons will call promptly. Emireka' Laoedry 32a Washington Ave. Bl HATS AT Dunn's mm m mm mm YOU'LL HAVE TO WALK Many a long mile before you will find Shoes to equal our new lines of Fall and Winter Footwear. WE HAVE EVERY STLYE and qual ity that is first-class and desira ble Our prices are as low, if not lower, than you are paying for poorer Shoes. BANISTER'S, OURPRICES ARE LITTLE, BUT OH We refer especially to our Cloak, Millinery; and Men's Furnish ing and Hat Departments, DEPOT : FOR :- DR. : JAEGER'S : WOOLEN GOODS. M. BROWN'S BEE HIVE, V 224 LACKAWANNA AVE. FORS the Greatest Offerings in Alaska Seal Sacuues, full skirts, bU sleeves and revlers, $175, worth 50. Astrakhan Sacqttes, full skirts, biz sleeves and rcviers, $85. worth 1135. Electric Seal Sacqtics, full skirts, bk sleeves and rcviers, $85, worth 5135. Alaska Seal Circular Cape, length 27 inches, $125, worth $105. Hudson Bay Otter Circular Cape, 30 inches long; $150, worth 5225. Hudson Bay Marten, 28 Inches long, $05, worth fi)o. Mink Circular Cape, 30 inches long, $(15, worth ?oo. Electric Seal Circular Capes, 30 inch es long, $35, worth fo. Wool Seal Circular Capes, 30 inches long, $'2'2, worth J35. aoes kiAstraUaa C15,' REMEMBER, we manufacture all our fur garments. For that reason we can guarantee full satisfaction or money refunded. All mail orders receive prompt atten tion. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. Have your Furs repaired by the only Practical Furrier in the city. J. BOLZ, Wyoming Av. The' Longest Overcoats In Town SEE OUR WINTER UNDERWEAR 128 WYOMING AVENUE. 01 nir0 At Greatly U LU V LO Reduced Prices to make room for entirely new stock of FALL - AND WINTER GOODS Ol'R NEW RAZOR or Needle Toes for Ladies and Gentlemen are the per fection of the Shoemaker's art They cut their way into favor with . every one who sees them. 01R CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT will prove attractive to parents who are looking for reliable Shoes at the lowest possible prices. Corner of Lackawanna and Wyoming Aiennes. One of CiothierB. Heltera FurnialTEra IH