The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 24, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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Nov. 2G, 27 and 28, 1894, at 8.00 p. m.
Srotf Art Galierv.
Corner of Adams Avenue and Linden Street.
Gsmy, Brown' & Co'.s Building, SCR AN TON,, PA.
Nou) on Exhibition Day and Evening;;
Autumn Doings Among Prominent
Leaders of the Season's Gayety.
The Gamut of the Week's Events Sounded
In Short Puragraphs-Guests and Entertainers-Personal
Mention Re
duced to a Compact Compass.
The social movements of the past
week have been characterized by an ab
sence of largo or formal affairs. : With
here and there a small gathering or In
formal tea, social pleasuredom has
been kept from absolute stagnation
but that Is all. It remains to be seen
what Thanksgiving week will bring
forth, but to all appearances the Yale
Princeton foot bull game of next Satur
day will keep many collegians from
spending the holiday In Scranton and
will shorten the stay of those who do
The North Muln Avenue Baptist
church was crowded Thursday evening
upon the occasion of the marriage of
"William Perry to Miss Esther L. Lam
ereaux. Rev. W. G. Watklns, pastor,
performed the ceremony.
The groom was attended by James
Smith, Louis Kelsllng and William
Hodgson. Miss Gertrude Williams.
who made a very pretty maid of honor,
was dressed In lavender crepe and Miss
Jeunette Davles and Miss Carrie Kels.
ling, the bridesmaids, being tastefully
dressed In lavender silk and cream al
batross. The flower girls were Misses
Anna Keisling and Wllmlcna Grlflln.
They were prettily dressed In pink and
light blue silk. Miss A. G. Eppler, who
presided at the organ, played Schu
bert's serenade and the wedding march
during the service.
At the wedding repast over 100
friends responded to the Invitation of
the bride's father, whose residence on
Hollister avenue was crowded with ad
mirers, who Bhowered their congratula
tions on the newly married couple. Mr.
and Mrs. Perry will commence house
keeping Immediately.
At the entertainment to be given
Thanksgiving evening In Mears' hall by
the St. Patrick's Ladles' Catholic Be.
nevolent union. ex-Judge P. P. Smith
will preside, and the following pro.
gramme will be given: Piano solo, Miss
Nellie Curran; duet, Mr. and Miss Jor
dan; recitation, Miss Martha Davis;
vocal solo. Miss Sadie Timlin, of Jer
myn; recitation, Tessle McCoy; duet,
Messrs. Connolly and Feeney; address,
Rev. F. P. McNalley; vocal solo, Miss
Loretto Jennings; banjo solo, Miss Anna
Colllgan; recitation, Miss Nellie
Charles; duet, Mrs. Sullivan and Miss
Llvla Jones; accompanist, Miss Nellie
. Curran. An admission of 25 cents will
be charged.
John II. Fellows, ex-mayor of Scran
ton, and Miss Laura Gray, of Lacey
vllle, were married at the bride's home
Thursday morning. Mr. Fellows left
the city on Tuesday for Laceyville, He
was accompanied by his daughters, Lots
and Nellie Fellows. After the cere
mony Mr. and Mrs. Fellows left for
Philadelphia. On their return they will
reside on Tenth street.
Mrs. L. Marke entertained a number
of her friends to a pink euchre party at
her rooms at the Wyoming Tuesday
evening. The prizes were awarded as
follows: Gentlemen, first prize, Ben
Samter; second prize, J. R. Cohen; con
solation prize, J. Kline. Ladies, first
prize, Mrs. B. Samter; second prize,
Mrs. H. Langfeld; consolation prize,
Mrs. S. Samter. Refreshments were
Members and friends of the Green
Ridge wheelmen enjoyed a delightful
smoker at the club house last evening.
The smoker was the second of the sea
son and others will be given during the
winter. - A vocal quartette, Duettlsts
Howard Davis and William Watklns,
the Plttston Banjo and Guitar club, and
others contributed to the pleasure of
the evening.
The committee having the Bachelor's
ball for next month In charge have
commenced to prepare for this, the
greatest social event of the holidays.
The Frothlngham theater has been se
cured and arrangements are being made
. The Great Blood Purifier and .
Liver Regulator.
200 DAYS' TREATMENT, $1.00
And will Ponitlralr cure all Alienae arising
Rheumatism, Kidney Disorder,
Liver Complaint, Sick and Nerv.
ous Headache, Neuralgia, Dy
pepsla, Fever and Ague, Scrofu
la, Female Complaints, F.rysipe
las, Nervous Affections, Catarrh,
and all Syphilitic Diseases.
Call and Get Circulars,
for a caterer from out of town. It
promises to eclipse any preceding ball.
Thursday was the eleventh annivers
ary of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Connell, of
1021 Vine street, and in honor of the
event a number of friends surprised
them with an Impromptu visit on the
evening of that day. 1 The unexpected
visitors were attired In a variety of old
fashioned and burlesque costumes.
Colonel and Mrs. II. M. Boles and
Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Wllllard are plan
ning together an extended European
trip for the late winter and spring.
. II. II. II
Cards are out announcing the mar
riage of Alderman O. B. Wright, of this
city, to Mrs. C. L. Brlggs, .of Dalton,
next Tuesday.
II II li -
Severul Scrantonlans expect to at
tend the Yale-Princeton foot ball match
on Saturday next In New York.
Attorney Hulslander Is In Philadelphia.
Joseph Plzzarello, of Paris, Is registered
at the Wyoming House.. .
K. C. liechtold, of Plttston, called on
Scranton friends yesterday.
C. F. Mattes and James Blair have re
turned from their trip to Colorado and
the west.
Mrs. L. D. Matlack, of Philadelphia, Is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs, William H.
Dr. Longstreet, of Wyoming avenue,
who has been seriously 111 from typhoid
fever, Is Improving.
John P. Canavan, of New York, for
merly of the Scrunton city treasurer's
office, is In the city. . -:
Artist J. B. Machette, who spent the
past st i turner In the eastern states. Is In
the city fur the winter.
Lieutenant Tate, of the United States
army, and Mrs. Tate are the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Scranton.
Lieutenant Governor L, A. Watres went
to Doylestown yesterday afternoon to at
tend the funeral of Senator Koss.
Professor Haydn Evans has accepted
the Invitation to adjudicate at the Christ
mas eisteddfod at Yoiiiigstown, O.
Miss Clara Simpson, who Is attending
Miss Ely's school In New York, Is expect
ed home soon for a Thanksgiving visit.
Secretary Many, of the Young Men's
Christian association, left for Erie yes
terday to conduct a week's special ser
vices. Miss Anna Hand, who is attending a
school on Brooklyn HelKhts, will be In
Scranton for Thanksgiving day and will
bring a school friend with her.
E. L. Webster, of Klmlra, manager of
agencies for the Wllkes-Barre Building
and Loan association, yesterday mado a
business call on friends In the city.
George Hlce has been appointed to suc
ceed Fred Barnard as sergeant major of
the First battalion, Thirteenth regiment.
Mr., Barnard has moved to New York
C. W. Truman and' Miss Nettle Truman
left for Columbus, 0 yesterday, where
they will spend Borne time at the new
hotel, Mrs. and Miss Truman remaining
In charge of the Westminster.
Attorney M. E. Olmsted, of Harrisburg,
will be here next week as special counsel
for the Lackawanna Iron and Coal Co.
In the suit of the Scranton Gas and
Water company set down for trial.
Judsre HarjM M. McClure, president
judge of Union, Snyder and Mlfllln coun
ties, will be here and help hold court next
week. Judge McClure is the son of Mr.
James McClure, of Qulncy avenue, with
whom he will spend Thanksgiving. Ha Is
the youngest judge in the state.
Among the well known Scrantonlans In
New York during the week were: Fred S.
Godfrey. S. Carlucql, E. Davidson, Mrs.
W. H. Pearce, C. 8. Weston, 8. N. L'al
lender, E. S. Jones, T. E. Jones, J. J. Will-
Isms, Miss G. B. Williams, P. S. Page,
J. J. Burke, A. H. Stone, R. G. Brooks,
Sanmuel Hines, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Will-
lams and Miss Williams. f
Gentlemen, we have solid gold collar
buttons. Davldow Bros.
The.elerk of the courts granted a mar
riage license to William Corrlgan and
Mary Ann McQreevy, of Carbondale.
Charles White entered bail In the sum
of 1500 for the case of aggravated as
sault and battery against him. Isaac
White became his bondsman. Joseph
Fuller, charged with larceny by bailee,
entered bail In the sum of $300. Attor
ney C. H. Soper became his bondsman.
In the case of Jasper Hhoemaker
against the Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western Railroad company, which was
tried before Judge McPherson last sum.
mer, an opinion was filed In Prothono
tary Pryor's office yesterday by the
judge refusing a new -tiial. This dl.
poses of this case unless plaintiffs take
It to the supreme court.' It will be re
membered this was the case when the
plaintiff claimed the railroad company
had destroyed his mill at Dalton by
sparks from Its engines.
Attorney T. H. Duggan will argue In
court today at 10 o'clock the application
for the release of Rocco Dl Halvatore
and Antonio Imbrtato, who are in jail
charged with being accessories to the
murder of Francesco Contort!. The
murdered man's brother has -engaged
Attorneys Taylor and. Lewis to assist
District Attorney ' Keltay In 'opposing
the writ of habeas corpus. The cor
oner's jury did not Implicate the men
and court will probably grant their re.
lease. ' .
Judge Archbald yesterday' ordered
that the acknowledgment of sheriff's
deeds, which, according to.the standing
rules of court, takes place on Thursday,
Nov. 29, will take place on Friday, Nov.
30, on account of Thursday being a legal
Do not leave' the wet weather detain
you, but call at Davldow Bros, and Inspect
their handsome line of holiday goods, ,
May Offer a Reward, , . i.
There's no use talking, those ."Queer
People" are regular rib-ticklers. We're
thinking of offering a reward .for the
1 discovery of one sane youngster, who'
doesn't laugh every time he looks at
'em. Part One will be on sale until
Wednesday, when the sale bf Part Two
will begin. . ." v . . ,
sharp, at
B Jr
Given by E. 15. Sturqes, A. L. Spencer,
George Sturges and Scholars.
Large Audlcnco of Scholars, Parents and
Friends-Principal Burdlck Presided
Over a Well Arranged
Yesterday was observed as a day of
great Importance at No. 28 school, cor
ner of Wyoming avenue and Green
Ridge street, upon the occasion of an
Impressive flag raising. The largo
room was crowded with scholars, par
ents and friends. Professor II. L. Bur
dlck presided, and a well prepared pro
gramme was performed by the pupils.
' Miss Jean Mitchell formally presented
the flag given by E. B. Sturges, A. L.
Bpehcer, George Sturges and scholars,
In brief and appropriate' terms. Ex
President Mitchell responded and made
an Interesting speech which delighted
the scholars.
The following selections were then
rendered by the scholars: Recitations,
Bertha Jenkins and Lou Dimmlck; solo,
Edith Jones; declamation, Albert Kel
low; recitation, Maud Capwell and Jen
nie Millar; boIo, Mamie Niland; recita
tions, Minnie Peck and Minnie White;
declamation, David Bush. Recitations
were also given by Jessie Cavell, Lizzie
Suydam and Eva Dorsey, and various
songs were rendered by the scholars.
Addressed by Colonel Hitchcock. -
Colonel Hitchcock, who called to ad
dress the scholars, expressed his great
Joy to witness the manner in which they
were Imbued with the spirit of patriot-
Ism and said that If It existed in the fu
ture In the same degree, the old flag
would always be safe.
In speaking of his experiences in the
war, Colonel Hitchcock told the chil
dren that they could not understand
what their countrymen had gone
through In saving the old flag. Three
hundred thousand men had been killed
and half a million were wounded and
all to sustain the honor of the flag
which susoended before them that dav.
This had secured- for "Ihom the great
civil and religious liberty of their glorl
ous country and he thanked God for
this blessed state of affairs and prayed
that they would always revere the' old
flag and swear fealty to It forever.
The rooms and stairs were gaily
decorated with the Stars and Stripes
and the exercises were successfully
carried out.
Canary & Lederer'scolOBsalNe.w York
Casino production, "The Passing Show,"
Is announced for the Frothlngham
Monday evening, Dec. 3. The attrac
tion has been In Philadelphia this week
and the following criticism Is offered by
the Philadelphia Press:
Vaudeville certainly held! high carnl
val at the Walnut Street theater last
evening, when Sydney Rosenfeld's suc
cessful extravaganza, "The. Passing
Show," was presented for the first time
In this city to a packed house. Mr.
Rosenfeld's dramatic skit Is made up
of whimsical and laughable burlesque
of the leading contemporary successes
In light and low comedy, melodrama
tragedy and comic as well as grand
opera. The travestleB are often very
clever, and give the prodigious cast of
versatile artists plenty of opportunities
to develop their special talents. The
play has had a great hit at Its recent
Initial production In New York, and the
roars of laughter which greeted the ef
forts of the ladles and gentlemen of the
company last night was evidence that
the popularity of the extravaganza in
this olty was equally well assured.
The .music Is- by Richard Wagner,
Verdi, Qounod, Blset and. others, ar
ranged by Ludwlg Englander, and that
gentleman has also contributed some
very bright original numbers. Oeorge
Schiller, as Frits Ranger, a detective,
as the programme truly reported, ap
peared in many disguises, but was al
ways Oeorge Schiller, which Is to say
that he was always irresistibly funny.
John E. Henshaw carried himself nobly
as a caterer of amusement. Charles J.
Ross was excellent In his travesties of
the tragic and inimitable comlo Imtta.
tlons. Lucy Daly danced and sparkled
through the performance like a ray of
sunshine, and . Vernona Jarboau ap
proved herself a very queen of bur
lesque. It Is impossible to dwell ml'
nutely upon the wealth of talent which
took part in the Innumerable clever in
termezzos. Besides thoso already re.
ferred to, Jessie Carlisle, Madge Les
slng, William Cameron and Ous Plxley
should be Specially mentioned. La Pe
tite Adelaide is a little sylph, while the
dancing of the Casino Pickaninnies and
the Pierrots and Phrynettea was de
llghtfully funny. The costuming and
staging was brilliant, and there was no
flagging In the sparkle and Variety of
the fun from the first scene to the last.
II II 11
Joseph Jefferson produes - "Rip Van
Winkle .at the Frothlngham Thanks
giving matinee and night. In referring
to Mr. Jefferson the following anecdote
is quite appropriate: When Joseph Jef
ferson was a boy of about 9 years old,
his family moved to Chicago, then a
little town, of about 2,000 Inhabitants.
That was in 1838. His. father became,
manager of the theater there and in
that capacity became acquainted with
Abraham Lincoln. A religious revival
took place and the enthusiasts took um
brage at the theater and got the city to
pass a new law enjoining a heavy li
cense against the theater. Abraham
Lincoln, then only a young lawyer,
thourht, that was injustice, and argued
the case before the council with such
ability and humor that the tax was
taken off.
II II II, - -Manager
Davis has secured a leading
company for the first ' three days of
next Week. The popular Ladies' Club
company will play their funny bur
lesque on "In Old Kentucky," in which
will be introduced a real colored plcka
nlnnle band, led by Master Henry Will
lams, the wonderful dancer. The press
notices of the company are above the
average, and among the promises made
are bright comedies, handsome girls,
funny comedians and everything new
Crocker' Set of 900 Pieces Given to Elm
Pork Church.
Over 300 ladles and gentlemen sat
down to a sumptuous spread provided
by the members of the Ladies' Aid so
ciety of the Elm Park church Thursday
night. The large parlor was filled with
tables which were prettily decorated
for the occasion with choice flowers and
A very pleasing feature of the even
ing was an enthusiastic vote of thanks
to Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Woolworth, who
had presented the society with a splen
did set of crockery, comprising about
900 pieces, on each of which was Im
pressed a beautiful sketch of the Elm
Park church. Mr. and Mrs. Woolworth's
generosity was appreciated in a very
marked manner, and the present was
described as most appropriate and use
ful for the society.
Following this a concert was given by
the Epworth league, when excellent ad
dresses were delivered by President G
F. Whlttemore, Rev. R. Hlorns, Pro
fessor W. A. May, Rev. W. H. Pearce
and H. H. Beldleman, all of whom eulo
glzed the meritorious work of the
league. Vocal and Instrumental music
was rendered during the evening and
recitations were delivered. The lecture
room was crowded with a large and en
thuslastlc audience.
Particulars of Their Visit to Curbondale
Last Monday.
Editor of The Tribune:
Scranton German singers will be in-
terested in the following compliment.
ary notice from Tuesday's Carbondale
Affairs that are given by the Germa.
nla Singing society are always happy
ones, and that of last evening when
they entertained Scranton and Hones.
dale singers, who In turn entertained a
large audience with their melodies, was
no exception. Before the opening of
the feast of music the Qermania Sing
Ing society, heuded by the Germanla
band, paraded the principal streets of
the city. The Germanla orchestra
opened the entertainment In the hall
with a well played overture and then
the combined Germanlas and Scranton
Sucngerrunde, under the leadership of
Gustave Schmidt sang "Meln Himmel
auf der Erde," a composition by Pflel
There are some splendid voices In the
two organizations and as they were
brought together by Professor Schmidt
the effect was grand. The phrasing
and shading of the chorus was particu
larly fine. W. D. Evans sang well, as
he always does, the "Watch on the
Rhine," and was encored.
Master Arthur Reese, of Scranton,
lad scarcely nine years of age, executed
a violin solo with the ease, time and
precision worthy of a person of mature
years. A quartette composed of
Messrs. Roeslnger, Rcheck, Engle and
Hellstrom sang ."Die Schwarzen Aug-
en" with much expression. Their voices
blended well. Jean Hoeber, of Scran
ton, a basso of unusual quality, sang
The Pirate" with a gusto and swing
that won for him loud applause. The
Germanlas and Saengerrunde again
sang and this was followed by pleasing
solos by Adolph Schultz, of Scranton,
and Alex F. Volght, of Honesdale.
After the concert a scries of dances
took place that was participated in by
about ISO persons. Among those from
out of town were the following per
sons: Alex. Volgt, Charles Korb, Will
lam Prlefer, Fred Shier, Fred Krantz
and Michael Harman, of Honesdale
Michael Krantz, W. H. Wlldenberger,
William Wolford, August Hempfel,
Relnhardt, Jacob and Fred Straub, of
Forest. City; Gustave Schmidt, Jean
Stoeber. J. Schulz and others from
Great Depth of "Made" Ground In the
Hoar of the City lull.
An Idea of the depth of "false" earth
or "made" ground in the vicinity of the
municipal building is shown In the
tests for the foundation of the addition
soon to be made to that building. ,
A few feet from the sidewalk on Mul
berry street eight feet of earth had to
be removed before safe ground was
reached, and diagonally opposite,
where the southwest corner of the
building will stand, a layer of clay
nearly seventeen feet below the sur
face is the depth on which the structure
will rest. In the middle of Mulberry
street, west of Adams avenue, stumps
were found in a good state of preserva
tion eight feet below the level of th
street,' where the steam heating com
pany recently made excavations for its
John Tobln Was Again Discovered at Ills
Old Tricks.
Patrolman Perry arrested John Tobln
last night In the North End, and a pal
of rubber boots was found in his pos.
session. A driver of McMillan's livery
stable saw Tobln take 'a pair of boots
from the front of Brlght's Shoe store.
Tobln was recognized In his cell by sev
eral persons to whom he tried to sell
the boots. Yesterday Mallcarrlcr
Thomas saw him trying to steal a piece
of dry goods from Atherton's store and
when he shouted Tobln ran away.
He was acquitted at the last term of
criminal court on a technicality. The
charge against him Was stealing a pair
of shoes.
Children Cry for It.
1 . They cry for it but they smile at It
Palmer Cox s "Queer people" cause
smiles rather than tears. Part One will
not be sold after next Wednesday, for
on that day the sale of Part T begin
Just In time for a good, hearty, happy
Thanksgiving. -
Great bargains can be secured this oven
Ing at Freeman's auction sale, corner of
Pen ti avenue and Spruce street. Sale
called at 7.30.
The $40,000 School House
for Columbia avenue has been lot and will
be commenced immediately, mere are
still a few more lots left at a low price.
Arthur Frothlngham,
. Office, Theater Lobby,
When Baby waa sick, w gat her Cujtorle.
Whctt kho ttu Child, ihs cried for Outoria.
When she became Mia, (he clung to Castoiie.
Vhen the had Children, she garetboa Caatorl
Complete Number of All Criminal
Cases Tending in This County.
First Case Is That of Francis Bezck,
Charged with .Murder-Term Will Be
gin on Monday, Dec." 3-1. 1st for
Special Term Also Made.
District Attorney Kelly yesterday fin
ished the criminal trial list for the De
cember term of criminal court and the
special two weeks' term beginning Dec.
The case against Charles A. Wiley
for perjury Is set down for Friday, Dec.
and Is first tc be called.
Monday, Dec. 3.
1. Frances Bezeck. murder: JoseDhine
Cramer, prox.
Luclnda Juckson. burelarv: Bertha
Posner, prox.
3. John Ke ly. nuisance: William
Burke, pros. .
4. John Phillips, a. and b.: Georsre Al
bright, pros.
6. John Phillies, a. and b Peter
Walsh, pros.
8. John Bcroeder. a. and b.: Martin
Sweeney, pros.
7. Thomas Uarrltral. fnlae rirptince-.
Bridget Burke, prox.
8. Xavld Evans, mat. trea.: T. D.
Richards, proa.
v. Joseph Fuller, lar. by bailee: A. D,
Barnes, pros.
10. Charles White, a. and b John
Duggan, pros.
11. Charles White, a. and b J. W.
Clayton, pros.
Vi. Charles White, a, a. and b.: W. T.
Simpson, pros.
id. Judson Rosencrans. m. m.: J. B.
jjesn, pros.
14. Lizzie Stiles, bawdy house, Annie
. Aiann, prox.
15. Michael Wargo, alius Joseph Me
tashka, lar. by bailee; William Moyjher,
10. William Morris, a. and b.; Edwin
Allen, pros.
17. Anthony Farrell, burglary, Martin
Collins, pros.
Tuesday, Dec. 4.
18. Fred Richards, jr., burglary; John
F. Joyce, pros.
ID. Andrew Petalonls, rob.; Michael
Suako, pros. . ,
20. William Fltzpatrk-k and Frank
Meazures, rob.; Frank Smith, pros.
21. George Kcrl, ag. a. and b.; William
Huggerty, pros.
2. Joseph Rudev.'lek, selling liq, on
Sun.; Mary Hurdwatz, prox.
it Bridget McHugh, let. h. for bad
pur.; John Tlerney, pros.
24. Adam Bush, tip. h.; Michael Snee,
25. Abraham Jones, ag. a. and b.
Michael Lyman, pros.
26. John Fowler, ag. a. and b
Davis, pros.
t'-S. John Dulan, a, and b.;
O'Brien, prox.
29. Kate O'Brien, a. and b.
Dulan. pros.
30. Henry Miller, jr., rape; Simon
Acker, -pros.
31. Anthony Duffy, rape; Kate Mar
tin. prox.
32. August Gable and Lena uable,
rape; Perando Andrews, prox
33. Romano Okanovltz, Paul Keclele
vltz and Joseph Redelevltz, rob.; Frank
Welsh, pros.
Wedncsduy, Dec. 5.
34. Thomas Pomphrey, false pretence;
H. Goodman, pros.
35. William Greshka and J. Gudjunas,
ma . mis. : Joseuh Flesher. ptos.
3C. Charles Truse, Adam I'ereanlcK,
Anthony Miller and John Mollskey, a
and b.: George Gedjunas, pros.
37. Joseph Berdochas, josepn i-'ranz
and Jacob Oraboth, mul. mis.; Michael
Mn nip v. Dros.
,as. Plus Suakey. lar. ana rec. j.
Boyd, pros.
3. Benjamin Plottle, mr. anu rec;
Charles Wnstowskey. uros.
40. Djinlel Shea. Patrick Maloney and
Thomas arennan, a. anu u.; juhu jian
nttt tirnx.
41. Paul Blllskl. fel. wound.; Samuel
Dpahnnneck. oros.
42. James Smith, tip. nouse w.
Rfliipr. nros.
43. John Klrby, tip. house; v. juauer,
44. M. L. Langan, lip. nouae
Rphai. nros.
45. J. Pasora. a. ana d.; samuei n
potts, nros.
46. C. W. Brunuage, set. u. u. nccyci,
n N. Rradders. Dros.
47. Thomas Potter, der. D. n. Keeper,
R P Smith. Dros.
48. Robert Jones, def. b. h. keeper,
KMrhnltlH Jpnklns. DTOS.
49. J. Knight, larceny; W. T. Simpson,
50. Louis Mareno, robbery; Bridget
Rodlck, prox.
Thursday, Deo. 0.
r.i. John Moran. Bridget Moran and
Bridept Hennltran. a. and b.; J. Leon
ard Tirntt.
52. James Sheridan, Jr., John Sheri
dan, Patrick Maloy, jr., Timothy
Moran, jr., John Moran, Daniel Morgan,
a. and b.: J. Leonara, pros.
53. Anthony Harmonskl, fel. w.;
Prank Karwoskev. Dros.
54. Albert Bucta, tip. house; Bernard
Davis, pros.
65. Albert Bucta, tip. house; Bernard
Davis. Dros!
66. John Lukan and Mary Lukan, tip.
house: Albert Bucta. Dros.
67. Richard Flynn. a. and b.; S. E,
Derby, pros.
58. Peter McCann, a. and b.; George
Wavman. pros.
69. John Hogan, for. and bas.; Sophia
Kaufman, prox.
60. Samuel Wruble, a. and b.; Will
lam Feldon, pros.
61. Phillip J. Leonard, att. at rape;
Sarah J. Morgan, prox.
62. Charlotte Snyder, a. and b.; Mary
Tracey, prox.
63. Daniel P. Byrne, selling to minors;
Margaret Hull, prox.
64. Anna Flnnen, tip. house; B. Davis,
' Friday, Deo. 7. '
66. Charles A. Wiley, perjury; D. A,
Ryan. pros.
66. Arthur J. Ferguson, for. and bas.;
Ellen McGrall, prox.
67. Michael Costancabage and War.
hack Musback, a. and b.; John Surnak,
68. Henry Burgess, seduction; Mary
Knott, prox.
69. Charles Williams, forgery; Simon
Schultz, pros.
70. Charles Williams, forgery; O. 8.
Brown, pros.
71. Michael Mott, assault; C. P.
Howell, pros.
72. William Stein, a. and b.; Caroline
Stein, prox.
73. William Stein,' mal. tnls.; Caroline
Stein, prox.
74. Fred Young, a. and b.; Mary Flan-
nery, prox.
Saturday, Dee. 8
75. Stephen Knott, surety; Samuel
Middleman, pros.
76. Reese Davis, desertion; Cella
Davis, prox.
77. Jacob Boes, surety; Lena Boes,
78. John Langan, surety; John
O' Boyle, pros.
79. Michael Casey, surety; Ann Cum-
mings, prox.
80. Sarah Stiles, surety; Annie E
Mann, prox.
8L Mrs. John Duffy, surety; Gabery
uincavitcn, pros.
82. Allen Strong, surety; David Mor
gan, pros.
83. Michael Gilgallon, surety; Peter
Estrutn, pros.
84. Joseph Scalti, surety; Rock Val
11 tz, pros,
85. John Healey, surety; Sarah Burke,
86. Anna Goodwin, surety; Cella
Moran, prox.
87. Stanley Rlcko, surety; IMrs. F,
Qoergle, prox, ,,.,.; ,
88. William Peck, surety; David Way-
man, pros.
89. Bryan McManama. surety: Mrs.
W. McManama. nrox.
80. William Moran and Cella Moran,
surety; Anna Goodwin, prox,
1. Cella Motm. WnllamRoche and
Marv Pnoho .,. a nnnHn.i
82. William Koch, suretv: Marv Zlee-
ler, prox.
93. Edward Gensenletles. suretv: Wil
liam Haggerty, pros.
. cnaries White, surety; Edna Stev
ens, prox.
95. Belle McDonald, suretv: Morean
i-awaraa. proa.
9t. Marie Smith, surety; Ella Kane,
97. Kittle Wood, surety; Mary Mont
gomery, prox. ,
98. John Pragan. suretv. Peter Gaur-
lsh, pros. .
99. Russel Wickwlre. suretv: K. W.
Hawker, pros.
100. Louisa Franz, suretv: H. r.olds-
Derger, proB.
Our line of ladles' fob chains are ele
gant. Ask to see them. Davldow Bios.
Some of the Odd Things That Arc Noticed
Among The Tribune's Numerous Ex
Hare Game in the l.ehlgh.
William Guscott, wk- spent Wednes.
day In the "SweltiV succeeded in
shooting a monster t wl. The same
measuring six feet fiom tip to tip of
wings, and will be sent to a taxlderm
1st. Hazleton Standard.
.May Have a Lead Mine.
Francis Moulthrop, of Bridge street,
Lehlghton, says the Advocate, is ex
hibiting a few pieces of metal smelted
by him from ore dug out of a nearby
mountain. He has sent some of the
ore to a Philadelphia assay office for
examination. From a piece of ore as
big tiH an ordinary hen's egg France
took almost a half ounce of metal, which
looks a good bit as If it might be lead.
He claims that the vein of ore cun easi
ly be worked.
A Big Cutch of Fish.
Probably the biggest catch of fish ever
made in the Delaware river was made
at Doyle's Eddy, two miles below Han.
cock, by Alfred Shepnrd, of Walton, and
Robert Shepard and Jt-sule Knight, of
Hancock, says the Susquehanna Tran
script. The catch was wall-eyed pike.
Twenty-five fish were taken, the com
bined weight of which was 110 pounds.
The largest weighed eight and one-half
When Shall We Meet Again?
The old cider mill located between
this place and Great Bend, Is said to
have been the scene of pleasant gath
erlng of belated coon hunters on Tues
day night, says the Susquehanna Trail
script. Views were exchanged as to
the best methods of entrapping game,
hair-breadth escapes were narrated,
and the meeting, the first of a series to
be held, was mutually interesting and
Special Kates to Allcntown.
On Thanksgiving day special
rates will be given by the Central Rail
road of New Jersey to those who wish
to make the trip between this city and
Allentown, and attend the eisteddfod
which will be held at the latter place.
Tickets good to go Nov. 29 and to re.
turn Nov. 29 or 30, will be sold at $1.70
for the round trip. Tickets good on nil
Dally arriving, handsome and exquisite
holiday goods. Duvldow Bros.
A full account of the dedication of
the new Methodist Episcopal church
next Sunday will appear in Monday
morning's Tribune. Order extra copies
through the carriers.
Miss Minerva Hopp, of Scranton, Is
the guest of Mrs. Henry Oberts.
Willie Austin, a driver boy at the
Sturgess shaft, had his head cut and
left shoulder hurt last Thursday by be
ing kicked by a mule.
Mrs. Elmor Kennedy will return to
day after a visit with her parents at
Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Slckler will leave
the first of December to spend the win
ter In Florida. Dr. S. S. Wratson, who
comes here highly recommended, will
attend to Dr. Sickler's practice during
his absence.
Captain and Mrs. Frank D. Simpson
attended the Lamereaux and Perry
wedding at Providence last Thursday
The two-story dwelling house of Mrs.
Catherine Allen was burned down yes
terday morning at 9.15 at Grassy. No
one was In the house at the time that
the fire was discovered and all of the
contents were burned up. There was
an Insurance on the building for $700.
John Kitchner moved yesterday from
Hickory street to Bell Place.
Diamonds? Yes, diamonds by the car
load. We have .the gems? Handsome
quality. Prices lower than ever. Davl
dow Bros.
John Miller, age 35, employed as a
miner In No. E shaft of the Pennsyl
vania Coal company, was'palnfully in
jured by a premature blast yesterday
morning. His injuries are mostly
about the head and face.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Hastle, on Tompkins street, was the
scene of a happy social event Thursday
evening; It being the marriage of the
daughter, Miss Katie, to Jed. A. Hitch.
ner. The ceremony was performed by
Rev. N. G. Parke at 8 o'clock in the
front parlor in the presence of a large
company of friends and relatives of the
young couple, Mr. Hltchner and his
bride will reside at 319 Parker street,
West Plttston.
Several of our local capitalists are
contemplating starting a new bank in
this place. Among the names inter
ested in the move are: K. J. Ross, Jo
seph Longford, William Druri and
Doctor Pierce's
Floasant Pellets.
They're to tiny, so
easily taken, to
ly ana natural
the war the
t no disturb
ance, no unpleas
antness, no W
"re made of
log but re-
and concen
trated vegetable
extracts sngsr-coatod. One o( them at a
dues is a corrective, a regulator, a gentle
When you feel "a touch of biliousness'' or
Indigestion, take one of these little Pellets.
Tbey go right to the spot.
They absolutely and permanently cure
Constipation, Bour Stomach, Dizziness, Rick
or Bilious Headaches, and every derange
ment of tbe liver, stomach, and bowels.
Almoat never does Dr. Rage's Catarrh
Remedy fall to cure the rery worst cases
of chronio Catarrh. You can judge of the
chances of it from tbe makers' offer. They'll
ffwxrantit It in every case.
v-3 ' E
M tion i
NflW f ,1 f A fflT tllA Wfirrt.Ollt
",u 11V1UVUI
Nervous Tissues,
From the Greatest of All Nerve
and Brain Restorers.
Celery Compound
People Well.
Watch the Crowded Streets of An
Large City.
Ey far the finest portrait galleries In
the world are the crowded streets of a
large city.
"What a serious, tired expression on
most every face!" one can't help Baying
to himself. It Is rare that one goes by
that does not wear something of that
strained, worn look; and how many
more pale Hps there are than rosy oneB.
How often the eyes are dull, the flesh
flabby, and the tell-tale line from the
corner of the Hp to the angle of the nose,
drawn painfully deep.
Poor health is unmistakable to the
most casual observer. When the body
Is but poorly filled out with flesh, and a
feeling of languor pervades the system,
plainly there Is something lacking in
the vital, nutritive powers. Impure
blood is keeping the tissues poorly fed
and starvlngly vitalized.
Get the blood pure with Paine's celery
compound and languor and debility will
leave the body. Restore the nervous
energy to the brain and nerve cells and
good spirits and vigor will take the
place of despondency and moodiness.
Backaches, persistent hAdaches, that
general feeling of fatigue, neuralgia,
rheumatism, and heart weakness that
shows Itself In frequent palpitation
are all but various symptoms of a nerv
ous organization badly nourished.
Paine's celery compound promotes the
healthy activity of the organs that
make the blood and keep it pure. The
weak parts of the body are thus en
abled to build themselves up when this
magnilicent nerve and tissue builder Is
employed. The complete recovery and
repair of the diseased organs In this
way goes on rapidly, naturally, and the
happy results are permanent. The ef
fect of the intelligent use of Paine's
celery compound In all wasting and de
bilitating diseases is to check at once
the decline In strength, and to keep the
tissues from further degeneration.
Appointed District Organizer.
Richard Sheridan, of Prospect ave
nue, and a member of Columbus coun
cil, No. 199. Young Men's Institute, was
Thursday appointed and commissioned
district organizer of institutes for
northeastern Pennsylvania. Whenever
new branches are to be organized it will
be Mr. Sheridan's function to Install
the elected officers of the branch.
He was a delegate to the recent na
tional convention of the Atlantic juris
diction held in Louisville. The appoint
ment gives satisfaction to all members
of the Young Men's Institute In this
city. Mr. Sheridan is a popular young
nnn, has made many warm friends
by his amiable dlspositon and deserves
the appointment for his active and
energetic work In his own society.
IT WILL PAY you to take Hood's Sar-
saparllla. With pure blood you need not
fear the grip, pneumonia, diphtheria or
fevers. Hood's Sarparllla will make you
strong and healthy.
HOOD'S PILLS are purely vegetable.
carefully prepared from the best Ingred
ients. 2Sc.
Music Boxes Exclusively.
Best made. Play any desired number of
tunes. Gautschl & Sons, manufacturers,
1030 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won
derful orchestral organs, only $5 and $10.
Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re
paired and Improved with new tunes.
Charms for ladles or gents. Elegant
designs. Davldow Bros.
Moosic Powder Co
Rooms 1 and 2 Commowealth Bld'g,
Lafflln & Rand Powder Co.'
Orange Gun Powder
Electrlo Batteries, Fuses for explod
ing blasts, Safety Fuse and
Repanno Chemical Co.'s Hl0uEiplosi?ei
DSTTEB IHOB CO., Im's. CspMal tl .M&M '
bstrr tJi.50 shob lit tub -world
"AioUarumdUadoUartanti." x
Thte LadUt' Soldi French DongoU Kid Bat
ton Boot deunrad fm nywhtn lo the U.S.,oa
tetel pt 01 tiu, uodot vrar,
or l'oul Mate for tlM.
Uqtula ertry wr the boots
tuld la nil rUtl Mone for
2.W. We nil thli boot
ourMhrae, therefore we fuof
anu wtju, mil ua mar.
and If any ww to not auUflad
we win roiuna u noovj
or Mod anotharpur. upon
oo or ixamnwa both,
widths C, V. ft Ki
lisa IWIVM aan
UMt von.
logua FRCC
Dexter Shoe B7BJKSfir
Spttial fro to litaitrt.
Thli Fmaii
Ramdr curaa
' qnloklr and perma
upntlr all tiurvou
Ammui Bitch aa weak Memorr.
JiOn of Brnla fowiir, llvuilacbt, Wakafulnant,
Mt Tltallty, nliilillromlxtloni. aril dreanm. Im
poiancy and wuntlngdlKiioauad br rontbral
errora, Contain no onlatea, it a
erva tonle nad hi nod bullrfur. Mukaa tbe pale
and puor airong and plump. Katllroarrlad in real
pockat. SU pvrbuxi turftS. Br mall prapald
Willi a wrilion Kaaranwiaiopureor money rorun
itli a written itaaranUietoPtireor monar rof iimied.
Write na (or nrc aaodlaiit bwk, nt aonlod In
Rloln wrapper, wnicu runtnlna teitlmonlala and
nanolal laloranoea. Na aharce for evnanltaw
llona. mwitn uf trntiaifnii.
ttuHt auniita. or aitflrana KF,
hold bf UUr lltvlra
iiaaoDlii Tauele. Ukloaaa). Ill
I ' -.V
f'jm -ai si lin.
t lUJItlf ' )Xm
MAtiMirtM sr i:m i 4 '.sr i -y--hiijBP