TlIE SCRANTON TRIBUNE FltlDAY- MORNING. NOVEMBER 23, 1894. 'S 115 Wyoming are. Artists' materials, all worts. Denuison's imported tissue arid crepe Papers nud materials for Ubiug same. A full assortment always iu stock. ' Tube colors for oil and China painting. Artirts' colors in bottles, cakes, pans, Canvas, academy board, Hall's gold, Wax material, draugbtmen's materials, Flue stationary for social uses, From Whiting's, Crane's, and other mills, Engraving and printing to order On short notice by expert mechanics See specimens and get our prices. Miscellaneous and gift books, Sets and single rols. Cloth and leather. Our assortment is large and complete. Bibles, every description, size and price. Prayer books, hymnals, music books. NORTON'S. New Btore, 115 Wyoming aro. GOOD BREAD USE THE FLOUR And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TO THE TRADE BY The Weston II Co. IE OF II ' THE GENUINE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS G.B.&CO. . IMPRINTED ON EACH CIGAR Garney, Brown & Co. Mf r's Court House Square. PERMANENT CURE OF RUPTURE AH forms of Hernia a specialty. Well known Scrantoa physicians in charge. SCR ANTON GERMAN RUPTURE CURE CO., Li., 203 Washington Avenue. PERSONAL. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McCawley arrived home after their wedding tour yesterday, Rev. J. J. Feeley, of Wllllumsport, wan In tho city yesterday and culled on Kt. ilev. Bishop u'Hara. ProfeBsor Haydn Evans has accepted the Invitation to adjiidieato at the Christ' mas elsteddofd at Youngstown, O. James Anwyl, of Parsons, visited the city yesterduy and was very enthusiastic lu describing his recent Welsh tour. Secretary Mahy, of the Young Men's Christian association, leaves for krle to day to conduct a week's special services. George Rice has been appointed to suc ceed Kred Barnard us sergeant major of the First battalion, Thirteenth regiment Mr. Barnard . has moved to New l'ork state. " Link cult i buttons. Davldow Pros, DIXMORE DOIXCS, Susan Dodge is visiting friends at Ashley. Fresh oysters received dally at Pal mer's market. G. W. Simpson la very ill at his home on Drinker street. Miss Lizzie Krau8 Is visiting "Waverly and Nicholson friends. Mrs. Martin Bold, of Waverly, visited Dunmore relatives Wednesday. J. M. Ives has moved his family Intu the McCann house on Mill street. Mrs. Amzl Wilcox, of Auburn, Sua quchanna county, Is visiting friends In town. Lee Smith has accepted a position with H. L. Freas at the Dunmore steam grist mill. Extra meetings will commence In the Baptist church Sunday and continue every evening next week. The meet lugs will be conducted by Kev. ,Fred Dreyer. Gold tooth picks at Davldow Bros. Position Wanted. By an accountant (31) capable of taking enure charge of extensive set of books. llrst class office man and business corre xpondent. Highest references as to abll lty, Integrity, etc. Address C. H.NOYKS, ' Blnghamton, N. Y, Gold pens, atj Davldow Bros. Meals for the .Masse. Klegant meals and elegant service. The Hill company, limited. 413 Lackawanna avenue, two doors above Wyoming House will begin' serving tomorrow (Saturday) the finest meals to be had In the city for &i cents. rtoKtf vl n iru hlihv tlntru j j "'n"i j "ru uuujr I iiifn, buby rings, baby rings, baby rliiija. 1 . . . . 1 . 1 ... llw.a Gold button hooks. Davldow Bros, ' Qold glove houki. Davldow Bros. NORTON E 9 A Foe to Dyspepsia l 9 QN OTHER SIDE OF CHANNEL PfWsinn F.vnnf rtf flu Hhv nn the ;- Kest Side of the City Noted. GKAXD CHAPTER INSTITUTED Officers Elected Are from Several Eastern Cities of the Stntc-Seranton the Only Pennsylvania City with a Grand Chapter. The delegates to the Grand Lodge, order of Eastern state, assembled at 10 o'clock yesterday morning, in the Masonic building on North Main ave nue. The delegates comprised tive chapters of Pennsylvania. A. B. Holmes presided. He introduced grand worthy matron of theUrnnd lodge, Mrs. Mary Sneeden, of St. Louis. Mrs. Sneedeli gave the address of welcome. A committee was appointed on cre dentials. The report was accepted. A committee on constitution was appoint ed and worked until 12:30 o'clock, when the meeting was adjourned. Afternoon Session. At 1:30 o'clock the delegates reas sembled, and the committee on consti tution, of which A. B. Holmes Is chair man, reported favorably. The follow ing Grand lodge olllccrs were elected: Grand worthy matron, Mrs. Annette Gorman, of West Plttston; grand patron, Philip C. Shafer, of Philadel phia; assistant grand matron, Mrs. Pota A. Mills, of Duke's Center; assist ant grand patron, Mrs. A. B. Holmes, of Seranton; grand treasurer, Mrs. ElvanluA. Krear; grand conductor, Mrs. Adele Outtvater, of Susquehanna ; assistant grand conductor, Miss Alice Broadbent, of Seranton. The institution of the Grand lodge then occurred and the newly elected olllcers took their places. The society was Instituted by Mrs. Sneeden. ThH delegates tendered a vote 'jf thanks to the Martha Washington chapter for the many courtesies shown during their stay here. "At the request of Grand Worthy Matron Mr,s. Sneeden the Martha Washington chapter was opened and the work exemplified. It was pronounced satisfactory. They ad Journed to meet In Philadelphia on the third Tuesday In November, 1895. This is the first grand chapter which has been organized in the state and great honor has been conferred upon Seranton and the local order by having their first meeting here. llrlef Notes of Interest. Miss Leah Howell, of North Lincoln avenue, Is ill. Contractor Charles Cooper, of Seran ton street, is in Philadelphia on busi ness. Horace G. Phillips, of Montana, has returned home after a month's visit with his mother on this side. Mr. and Mrs. Keese D. Evans and daughter Bertha, of Iowa, have re turned home from a visit with friends here. The Misses Laura and Nellie Mark- wlck entertained a number of friends at their home on Fourteenth street last evening. A dime entertainment and social will be held at the Sumner Avenue Presby terlan church on Wednesday evening, It will be given under the auspices of two classes from the Sabbath Bchool. Henry P. Davles, of Eynon street, will lecture in the Jackson Street Bap tist church this evening under the aus pices of the Young People's society His subject will be "Yellow Stone Park." The admission will be free. Tlu second team of No. 14 school challenge Dunmore No. 4 Foot Ball team to a game on Gammon's hill grounds tomorrow afternoon at ; o'clock. W. Davis, captain; W. Leit ner, manager. Answer through The Tribune. An interesting meeting ;of Robert Morris lodge, No. f8, Order of American True Ivorites, was held in Clark's hall last evening. A committee consisting of Attorney W. H. Lewis, Evan Will- lams and Dr. B, G. Beddoe, were ap pointed to procure a library. A glee club will be organized for .the social rooms. West Side Iluslness Directory. PHOTOGItAPHGR-Oablnet Photos, $1.40 per uozeii. i ney are lust loverv. C on vince yourself by calling at Burner's flioto rariors, iui and 1U3 South Main avenue. PLUMHIXG-Wllllam D. Griffiths. 113 North Main avenue, does Hrst-class j'lumuing, meant Heat nnd Gas Flttin Satisfaction Is strictly guaranteed. GROCERIES - Revere Standard Java Coltee is unexcelled. The leading conVe oi me uuy, ror sale only at J1', w. ftlu , son & Co. Fine Groceries, , 116 South Allan avenue. SECOND HAND FURNITURE - Cash for anything you have to sell. Furni ture, Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see tho stock of J. C, King, WU and lysi jacason street. WALL PAPER-Oo to Fred Reynolds zuu inui in .Mum uveiiue. eni Hun in. complete line of Wall Paper, paints ana winuow enaueg. just opened with a new biovk. , . : OYSTERS R. E. Davis' market house ueaier in foreign ana Domestic Fruits Oysters served In every style. 310 North Main avenue, next to Clarke's Sterling silver cutlers. Davldow Eros. 1817 Rogers Bros, triple plated forks. JL'.UU a set. Davldow Bros. We have an exquisite line of sliver nap Kin rings, jjuvkiow tiros. XORTH EXP NOTES. New letter boxes have been placed on the square. Ilev. D. M. Kinter expects to preach at Plttston tonight. John Carter has began to build a new house on Price court. Rev. Moses Harvey and wife, of Plains, are visiting their daughter on Deacon street. Work has been commenced on th first story of the new No. 27 school house on Columbia avenue. The F. P. D. V. social club gave very enjoyable social to their friends last evening in O'Malley'B hall under tne direction of Peter Saltry. About thlry couples were present. The rails have been laid to Wood street on the extension of the Hyde Park line to Providence over Main ave nue. The poles have been spread all along the line and are being put in po sit ion. The Ladles' Aid society of the An bury Methodist Episcopal church offered a large number of fancy and useful ar tides for sale yesterday afternoon and evening at the residence of E. E. Teal on Sanderson avenue. The articles had been made by the different members of the society and given for this purpose, The sale was n charge of Mrs. E. E, Teal, who was assisted by T. J. Snow den, Miss Elsie A. Reynolds and Miss E. F. Hughes. Refreshments were served "by Mrs. E. B. Reynolds, Mrs. P. Wright and Mrs. Henry Seiner. The sale was very well attended and a nice sum was realized from it for the bene' fit of the church. . , We have thousands of unredeemed watches for sale. Davldow Bros. -,. VICTORY FOR PASKOLA. It Receives the Official Endorsement or Eminent Experts and a Jury -. of Representative Citizens. The cult brought by Ohio's food com missioner against a Cincinnati drug gist for selling Paskola on the ground that it was nothing but glucose, result ed In a great victory for Paskola and a erdlct against the state. During the course of the trial Pro fessor Shaller, of the University of Cin cinnati, testified that Paskola was not glucose, and even If It was, it would be harmless. He also bore witness to its activity us a digestive agent. Professor William Dickore, of the Miami college, testified to the same facts. So did Professor Schmidt, the hemlst of the hoard of heulth; Profes sor William Hoffman and others. A practical test was made In court, showing tho digestive action of Pas kola on eggs and meats of various kinds, w hrereas glucose under precise ly the same conditions produced no ef fect whatever. This test but confirmed the experts statements and proved Paskola to be of great value in indigestion and wast ing diseases. This verdict disposes of the malicious attack that has been made against Pas kola by interested rivals, and suits have now been brought against the proprie tors of a well known emulsion of cod liver oil for having given wide circula tion to a false formula and other mls- epresentations regarding It. The animus of this attack will be the better understood when It is stated that Paskola Is being largely used in the place of cod liver oil. Avoid tho rush, full i.nrlv holiday goods at Davldow Bros. Manicure sets at Davldow Bros. Y. M. C. A. STANDARD COURSE. Artists Who Will Take Part in the Second Kntcrtninment. The Meclilems, of New York, and Miss Carrie Louise Ray, of Boston, give the second number of the Young Men s Christian association standard course on Monday evening. The harp anu saxophone recotals of Mr. and Mrs. Mechlem have been very popular in New York social events. The combina tion of instruments forms an enter tainment both rare and attractive. Miss Ray, of Boston, is the leading young lady elocutionist announced- by the Redpath bureau, and It was only by making early application that her ser vices for tills concert were assured. Sugar shells at Davldow Bros. Butter knives at Davldow Bros. A Hundred Years Old. Mrs. Bridget McGee died last eve ning at S o'clock at the residence of her son, Patrick McGee, on Mineral street. Mrs. McGee had lived to be over 100 years of age and was very active until a short time before her death. She had a wide circle of friends and was one of Scran ton's earliest settlers. She leaves one son, Patrick McGee and a daughter, Mrs. Patrick Thomas. Funeral will take place Saturday morning at 9:'.!0 o'clock from the residence of her son, CIS Mineral street. Services will be held at the cathedral. Colonial Breakfast Food. Delicious. Try It. Coarsen. 3847 Rogers Bros, triple plated butter knives, 37c. Davldow Bros. Our line of laillea' solid gold band rings for $1 is lurge and varied. Davldow Bros. 1817 Rogers Bros, triple plated sugar shells, 37c. Davldow Bros. Scrunton's Business Interests. THE TRIBUNE will soon publish a care fully complied and clas.sllled list of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional Interests of Seran ton and vicinity. Tha edition will be bound In book form, beautifully lllustra- ed with photogravure views of our pub lic buildings, business blocks, streets. etc., together with portraits of leading citizens. No similar work has ever given an equal representation of Scranton'j many Industries. -It will be an Invaluable exposition of our business resources. Sent to persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will attract new com ers and be an unequalled advertisPment of the city. The circulation Is on a plan that cannot fail of good results to those concerned as well as the city at large. Representatives of THE TRIBUNE will call upon THOSE WHOSE NAMES are DESIRED In this edition and explain its nature more fully, Those desiring views of their residences In this edition will please leave notice at tho office. We have a large and complete line of double-barrel shotguns. Davldow Bros. Gold rings, J1.00. Davldow Bros. If you are In need of side combs, with sterling silver trimmings, call at Davl dow Bros. TunaKiif w'a T?!mii ITIlla hnva a nnna.Mtv of 17,500 Carrels a day. It Is useless for any one to try and find a nicer assortment ot iiiik curt uuitons than Davldow Bros. have. We have sterling silver butter knives and sugar shells. Davldow Bros. Sulphur stone necklaces.. Davldow Bros GREATEST lunuuniii OF THE SEASON. Trimmed and Unlrimmed Hals, Walking Hats, Sailor Hats, Chil dren's Hats, Children's Caps, It will pay you to buy cither to day or tomorrow. HASLACHER'S -: MILLINERY H. LANGFELD, SUCCESSOR. ' 324 Lacka. Ave. School Books and Supplies. Blank and Miscellaneous Books, rhotogranh and Scrap Albums, Teacher and Family BJbles, "Pic tures for Wedding Gifts, Gold Pens, Fine Stationery and Writ ing Tablets, ,. . , . - Mil I INFHY 1 llUUlllUlll PRATT - STATIONARY ' STORE 312 Lackawanna Avenua. - NEWS OF THEJOUTH SIDE Resolution for Opening a Gutter on Fittston Avenue. v MUD TO A DEI'TH Or T0 FEET Strange Disappearance of John Sbafcr, of ' Plttston Avenue Personal .Men tion and Notes of Interest. Councilman Illckey, of the Nine teenth ward, introduced a resolution at the common council meeting last night which provided for the opening of the gutter on the east side of Plttston ave nue between Maple and Beech streets. The street commissioner is authorized to do the work. The resolution Is a step In the proper direction und will 1111 a long felt want. The mud that used to be almost two feet deep on the street will be a thing of the past If the gutter Is opened and a passage made for the surface water that flows down the side streets toward PitUton avenue. Disappearance of John Suhufcr. John Schafer, of Plttston avenue, boarding with Richard Zulager, has not been seen since Tuesday and his friends are not sure whether he 13 a victim of foul play or that his absence is volun tary. What Is peculiar about the case is that he was known to have In his possession $16 which he received at the Seranton Savings and Trust De posit bank, on Lackawanna avenue, having had a pension check of that amount cashed. All efforts to locate Mr. Schafer have been unavailing. He left home with the Intention of returning and If he had any secret resolve to go nway he did not betray it. He boarded with Mrs. Zulager for the past twelve years, was unmarried and about 55 years of age. and it is the common belief that he met with foul play. Shorter 1'urugraphs. Thomas Dlsken, Jr., of Mlnooka, is seriously ill of typhoid pneumonia. Ills recovery Is In doubt. St. Mary's Dramatic club will hold an entertainment at their hall on Thanks giving eve. Miss Tessie Gibbons has been added to the corps of night school teacher ut No. 11 school. Miss Maggie Hanselrmiu. of Prospect avenue," has accepted a position at ull Lackawanna avenue. Louis Dunn, of Pittsburg, Is visiting friends on this side. Patrick Best, of Prospect avenue, sus tained a severe Injury on the right arm at the Axle works yesterday. An Iron bur, falling from a distance of ten feet, struck him and the injury was tiuite painful. He will be forced to remain Idle for about a week. I am prepared to receive a limited num ber of piano pupils. For tonus, etc., nd uruss Richard F. Lindsay, ' 812 Mulberry street. Or at Powell's Music Store. 1817 Rogers Bros, triple plated knives, $2 a set. Davldow Bros. Call at Davldow Bros. HolldJyJpr'aciits at Davldow Bros. STAR GAZERS. Dream of unknown worlds, but . thrifty nieu and women make the most they can of this world, and take advan tage of every opportunity that offers for a real bar gain. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE Frcemon, the Jeweler, is going out of business, his store is fur rent, his fixtures for sale, anil Ins stock is now being realized on at private sale. Your price, if within the bounds of reason, will buy anything you want C..W. FREEMAN, CORNER PENN ANO SPRUCE. BARGAINS i 4 LADIES', BOYS' Hosiery AND MEN'S Underwear o A new assortment of Stamp ed Lineus open Saturday. 415 Lackawanna Avenue. "A HANDFIL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUSEFUL OF SHAME." V KEEP LOI R II01SE CLEAN WITH SAPOLIO BUY YOUR WHITE CHINA NOW. WE HAVE a large line of choice French for decorating. Those intending to do such work for holiday gifts should make their purchases now, as all our import orders are iu. We have a number of new shapes and decorations in dinner and toilet sets that are handsome for little money. Onyx Top Tables, Piano, Banquet and Princess Lamps. China Hall WEICHEL & MILLAR ) 1I6 WYOMING AVENUE. fT Because the Children Wear Out lots of shoes, but drop in and look at our "Oil Dongola" shoes for nrissea and children, Shoes Are Cheaper Thau Medicine And when tho children are rearing out shoes it's pretty sure they dou't need medicine Then Again Our Shoes Are Cheaper Than Others Those ''Oil DoilgOlas" arc the kind that Lave good soles, throw off water and srive you about half more service lor your money than you usually get. Lace or Button. Ladies Shoes in the same quality. YOUR SHOE MAN, 410 Spruce Street. I Is the price of the neatest and best suit, full suit, mind you, ot Underwear you would want to put on. Of course we have some cheap er or lower in price and some higher. Our winter Gloves arc of every kind, and you're sure to be suited Then our Hat stock is very in tercsting to the ordinary man Winter Caps are in and if you drive much you want one. Drop into either store and look THE I, HATTER 112 SPRUCE AND 205 LACK. AVE. IN sr. Oh pi nti net ull ol d Blankets Comforts 11 EEFERS. LARGE VARIETY, GOOD We want to show you MEN'S STRICTLY WOOLEN ....... Colors, Grey, Black MARTIN & Custom Tailors flflE' FASHION 1 308 Lackawanna Ave. GREAT REVELATION H PIES, MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Felt Hats, worth 49c, for - 25c Velvet Hats trimmed with Jet and Tips, worth $5.00, for - $2.98 Frosted Egrets worth 39c., for 15c CLOAK DEPARTMENT New and desirable goods in Jackets, Plush and Cloth Capes, Fur Capes, etc., arriving daily and are sold at the Lowest Cash Prices. g CHAINS FOR Something nice for ft Christmas some dear Mend's liair. E. M.HETZEL, FUR WILL FLY When you go hunting for rabbits If you get one of our guns that we ure selling it cut prices, the finest lot of guns at the lowest prlres ever offered in the city. Think of it, a first-cUsu )iammerlcs3 sua for iJu.uO. CLARENCE H. FLOREY, Y M.C.A. BUILDING. , o : s UR showing at $15 is a grand one, including all the fit and fashionable fabrics in strictly tailor-made garments with a style and finish about them which no tailor can improve upon. Not only is the price quoted about half what a tailor would charge for the same quality of Suit or Overcoat, but there is also from $3 to $5 more value in them than $15 will buy in any other store. PENN CLOTHING 137 AND 139 Complete Outfitters. STYLES AND LOW PRICES. our ALL and Oxford Mixed. DELANY, and Clothiers, WYOMING AVE. CHRISTMAS FIE Gift. Chains made out of your own or i,eave oraere as cany u puusiuio. 230 Lacka. Ave, EW STORE, 133 FRANKLIN AVE. We are now clolns; a general Druff, Paint and Ull bUKlnt-ss at the above location, during the erection of our atoro building recently destroyed by fire. IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. OVR TELEPHONIC CAM,, NO. !23. All orders promptly tilled und delivered ta any part of the city. 133 FRANKLIN AVENUE. jj.-i SEI1S, Mil l I N Goes as far in buying a fine Dress Suit or Overcoat this sea son as $20 did last. We name this price because it is one that many like to pay; you certainly know by this time that we've proportionate values at $8 AND SHOE HOUSE PENN AVENUE. S. L. GALLEN,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers